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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  March 28, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> david: tonight, the chilling video inside that nashville school. the police takedown of the shooter. surveillance showing the suspect audrey hale shooting into that school firing through glass doors, stalking the halls armed with two assault-style rifles and a handgun. tonight, hear video showing officers racing into the school the moment they confront audrey hale on the second floor. two officers opening fire and new reporting here, what police have revealed about the suspect getting help for an emotional disorder and the seven guns legally purchased from five different gun stores. alex perez in nashville and pierre thomas rachel scott in washington. also tonight, breaking news here
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involving former president trump, a judge now ordering former vice president mike pence to testify about his conversations with the former president leading up to january 6th. what this now means and jon karl is here. fema on the ground in mississippi. the scope of the need staggering. now they're estimating at least 2,000 homes were destroyed. witt johnson in mississippi. tonight, we're also tracking a new system that could now set up the same severe storm risk across that region again this week. chief meteorologist ginger is timing it out for us tonight. the horrific images this evening, the massive and deadly fire breaking out in a migrant facility just over the u.s. border with mexico and the staggering number coming in. at least 40 people killed. the major turn tonight in the famous murder case from the serial podcast after addnon syed's conviction was overturned. what's happened now? and a very rare sight in the sky tonight. the planets lining up. how many of them? we'll show you right here.
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>> good evening. we're just back from mississippi tonight witnessing the awful devastation firsthand. the 21 lives taken. tonight, that region now bracing unbelievably for more severe storms and tornadoes possible and we'll carefully time it out here in a moment. but we do begin tonight with the chilling video from inside that nashville school. police body camera video of them storming into the school searching for that shooter, eventually finding the 28-year-old suspect, the former student on the second floor of the covenant school. audrey hale had seven weapons purchased at five different stores all legally. tonight, the newly-released body cam video. images from surveillance video showing audrey hale stalking the empty hallways after shooting through a glass door of the school. officers searching for the
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shooter climbing the stairs, finding that suspect and then taking the shooter down. tonight, hear some of the stories of the lives taken including 9-year-old emily dieckhaus, classmate hallie scruggs whose father was a pastor at the school and the school's principal katherine koonce. we're learning more tonight about the suspect audrey hale, former suspect at the school who left writings behind and texted a friend shortly before the attack. what the text said as we also learned the suspect was in the care of a doctor for what the family told authorities was an emotional disorder. alex perez leading us off tonight from nashville. >> let's go! >> reporter: tonight, the heart-stopping body camera footage -- >> metro police! [sirens] >> reporter: police charging into covenant school under attack by an active shooter. >> one down. >> keep pushing. >> run. run. run. >> reporter: running toward the gunfire! [gunfire] to stop a massacre.
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[gunfire] metropolitan nashville police department say the former student and suspect, audrey hale, pulled up to this small christian school around 10:00 a.m. monday on a planned, calculated mission to kill. this surveillance video released by police shows hale firing through glass side doors, beginning the deadly assault, killing custodian mike hill and then stalking the hallways heavily armed. the 911 call coming in at 10:13. >> they got a shooter at a school. >> reporter: first responders were racing to the scene -- [sirens] -- hale moving up to the second floor firing multiple shots from these windows striking police cruisers. the tactical team preparing to go in. >> they just said they heard gunshots down there. it's upstairs. there are a bunch of kids. >> let's go! [sirens] >> reporter: the alarm blari blaring. >> let's go. >> reporter: students cubby holes lining the hallways. >> let's go. >> reporter: their artwork hanging on the walls.
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>> metro police! >> reporter: fellow officers clearing the small bathroom. >> small bathroom clear. >> reporter: down the hall checking every door, rifles drawn. [sirens] through another entrance, officer michael colazzo running through the school -- >> i'm with you. >> reporter: -- racing up to the second floor. officers hearing the gunfire. [gunfire] >> it's upstairs. sounds like it's upstairs. >> reporter: they encounter audrey hale in this common area. both engelbert and colazzo fire. it's 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after that first call. [gunfire] >> there's multiple victims down inside the school. shooter is down now as well. >> reporter: authorities say without the bravery of those officers, the situation could have been much worse. >> they heard gunfire and immediately ran to that. >> reporter: tonight, investigators asking why
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28-year-old audrey hale targetd covenant school killing three innocent children and three adult staff members. police say hale's parents said hale was being treated for an emotional disorder and was under a doctor's care. investigators discovering hale had collected an arsenal, seven guns from five local stores all legally bought including these two assault-style rifles and this 9mm handgun used in the attack. searching hale's home and car, authorities also finding detailed maps of the campus and writings hale, a former student of covenant school, left behind. but so far, the exact motive remains a mystery. >> we have no evidence that individuals were specifically targeted. this school, this church building was a target. >> reporter: hale who graduated from nashville's noce college of art and design in 2022 seen in this video talking about growing as an artist.
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>> it's been hard but it's also been an amazing experience. >> reporter: paige patton, one of hale's former basketball teammates, is sharing chilling, direct messages she says hale sent her the morning of the shooting. hale allegedly writing, "one day this will make more sense. i've left more than enough evidence behind." patton says she tried to get hale help but that was only minutes before the shooting. >> my heart is just -- it's just -- i'm speechless. >> reporter: we saw the devastating images, small children in their uniforms outside moving singe-file, hand-in-hand. this young girl terrified in tears, hand pressed against a school bus window. today at the white house a frustrated president biden said he's done everything he can through executive action saying congress must act. >> congress has to act. the majority of the american people think having assault weapons is bizarre. crazy idea. they're against that.
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and so i think that congress needs to be passing sault weapon -- assault weapon bans. the last time we banned assault weapons, violence went down. >> what do you do? >> so i can't do anything except plead with the congress to act reasonably! >> reporter: and tonight in nashville, a growing memorial to honor the victims of this senseless shooting. mike hill, 61, the school's custodian. cynthia peak, 61, a substitute teacher. >> reporter: katherine koonce, 60 years beloved head of the school. and the children... william kinney, third grader eflin dieckhaus. her family saying we cannot believe this has happened. eflin was a shining light in this -- eflin was a shining light in this world and hallie scruggs, the pastor's daughter. chad scruggs calling hallie such a gift. all of them are just nine years old. >> these are the faces i want us
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to remember from all of this. alex, what more can you learn from police about a possible motive here? the fbi police still going through all of those writings? >> well, david, yeah, authorities say they discovered writings mentioning possibly several other targets. authorities say they believe there could have been more victims even outside of the school had those officers not acted as quickly as they did. david? >> david: all right, alex perez tonight leading us off. alex, thank you. you heard alex's report there, the suspect bought seven guns by five different stores legally by the assailant who was under a doctor's care. the police were pressed if there were any laws in place that might have been missed that could have alerted authorities earlier and here's what he said? >> had it been reported she was suicidal or going to kill someone and had been made known us to, then we would have tried to get those weapons, but as it stands, we had absolutely no
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idea actually who this person was, that she even existed. >> david: the guns purchased legally in this case and no law requiring authorities be alerted about anything here. >> david, the police chief says no one alerted his department about the shooter who had no criminal record which meant all seven guns bought by the killer were bought legally but, david, there were so many red flags. the shooter was under doctor's care for a mental health disorder. a situation concerning enough hale's parents didn't believe hale should have access to guns but somehow in the parents' home, the shooter was hiding an arsenal of seven guns. all the more frustrating, the killer allegedly told a friend minutes before the attack about a suicide mission. again, the system failed innocent victims especially those defenseless children, david. >> >> david: pierre, one more question on this. thank you, pierre. we heard from president biden today. we know he's calling on congress to act. let's bring in rachel scott live on the hill tonight. rachel, lawmakers were pressed
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today on the hallways of the capitol including the congressman who represents that part of nashville. >> congressman andy came under fierce criticism for this holiday card he sent out showing his family holdin firearms. today, he was pressed about that photo by reporters and also whether he believes congress should take any furthe action on gun reform. >> why would i regret a photograph with my family exercising my rights to bear arms? >> any congressional action you could take at this point after this mass shooting? >> no, i think that this -- again, we don't want to jump to any conclusions. there's still a lot more information about this case that hasn't been let out to the public and i think ultimately, i think what this does is highlight some of the mental health issues, the mental health crisis we have in this country. >> in a statement, he says his family is deeply devastated by this tragedy but he did not call on congress to act. weeks after the uvalde school massacre, congress did pass the most significant bipartisan gun safety legislation in decades enhancing background checks,
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provides millions for school security and for mental health but republicans made it clear an assault weapons ban is completely off the table and now speaker kevin mccarthy repeatedly ignored our questions today about this shooting. david, there had been 130 mass shootings alone this year. gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children under the age of 18. david? >> david: rachel scott reporting live from the capitol tonight. thank you, rachel. we turn to the other news now and the major development involving former president trump tonight and the special counsel investigation. a judge now ordering former vice president mike pence to testify before a grand jury. here's our chief washington correspondent jonathan karl tonight. >> reporter: both mike pence and donald trump had argued that the former vice president should not be compelled to testify about the events leading up to the january 6th attack. the federal judge rejected both arguments. the judge's order makes it far more likely that pence will testify under oath about trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. pence recently told me he would
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testify if the court so ordered. >> we're going to respect the decisions of the court. it may take us all the way to the highest court in the land, but i promise you, we'll respect the decisions of the court. >> reporter: pence is a central figure in the january 6th investigation. trump pressured him to use his role as the presiding officer in congress that day to overturn joe biden's election victory and when he refused, some in the pro-trump mob that attacked the capitol called for his execut execution. in an interview with me, trump seemed to justify those chants. >> you heard those chants. that was terrible. >> he could have -- a lot of people are very angry. >> reporter: pence first expressed his anger towards trump about his action that has day. in an interview with david when pressed about the tweet, he sent while watching the attack on the capitol from the white house offering a hint of what he might say in front of the grand jury. you knew you were at the capitol and lawmakers were at the capitol. what do you make of that?
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>> well, president's words were wreckless and his actions were reckless. the president's words that day at the rally endangered me and my family and everyone there at the capitol hill. >> reporter: two federal judges rejected trump's attempt to exert executive privilege to block special testimony in the special counsel's investigations. david, that sets up not just pence being compelled to testify but several of trump's top advisers as well. >> david: this is significant mike pence will now talk to the grand jury. >> reporter: big defeat for trump's legal team. thank you. staggering 21 tornadoes, 21 the number now confirmed across the region in the deep south. a new system will bring the threat of more tornadoes this week to the same region. witt johnson on the ground in mississippi tonight. >> reporter: tonight, some 2,000 homes are damaged or destroyed in the wake of that
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tornado outbreak, and here in the small town of rolling fork, mississippi, survivors and volunteers already working to rebuild facing a harsh reality, the long road to recovery will take years. >> this is the inside of a massive water tower that snapped in half and then spilled all over the ground here. you can get a sense of the damage from above and the monumental tasks required to rebuild this town. >> reporter: joe ray rode out the storm in her hallway. >> that was the front porch. >> this is the front porch right here? >> i think maybe this was the front porch. >> reporter: her roof ripped off, now mangled in her front yard. >> so you're still living here? is that the bed that you've made? >> yes! i have places that i could go, but i have my cat and she can't go, so i'm staying with her. >> you would rather be here? >> i would, because this is my home. >> reporter: jo telling me she's thankful for the volunteers that flocked to her town bringing food and much-needed supplies. marty graham and his friends here from louisiana preparing
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meals. >> we are just everyday folks that want to help. >> reporter: the tornado outbreak claiming more than 20 lives across multiple states, in alabama, friends and family remembering kenneth cooper who died after storms crushed his trailer home. and, david, fema officials tell me they are worried about the survivors who don't want to leave their damaged homes. they are urging people to come forward. there are resources available. david? >> david: so many of those families probably telling you the same thing, witt, they just don't feel like asking for help. they're proud people and we understand that. witt johnson there again tonight. thank you. as i mentioned, we're tracking a new system that could set up the very same severe storm risk, the potential for more tornadoes in that same region. let's get straight to meteorologist ginger live in california. look at that live image tonight. you can see the storm is hitting already in a very familiar track all over again. >> yes, it is! the towering, an incredible
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piles of snow right by me here tell you they've had nearly 60 feet in this part of the northern sierra. it's been an incredible season. more is coming. the pattern is super active, david. you're looking at the radar where we've seen gusts up to 40-50 miles per hour. that's impacted travel. that'll slide through los angeles tonight. eventually t gets east. on friday, damaging winds and tornadoes possible from chicago to shreveport. david? >> david: thank you, ginger. we're going to turn now to the horrific images, the deadly fire across the u.s. bordner mexico in a migrant detention center not far from el paso. at least 40 people killed. maria villarreal at the border with that story tonight. >> reporter: tonight, mexican authorities investigating a massive fire in a migrant facility near the border that left at least 40 dead. disturbing surveillance video being investigated by authorities appearing to show men locked inside a ciudad juarez detention center as the room fills with smoke. mexican president andrés manuel lópez obrador says they believe
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that the fire was ignited monday night by some of the migrants who feared deportation saying the men propped mass metroses against the shelter door and set them on fire -- mattresses against the shelter door and set them on fire. obrador adding they didn't imagine it would cause this terrible misfortune. mylar blankets covering the dead, others seriously hurt. tonight, many still waiting for answers. >> yesterday at 12:00 is the last time he heard from his brother. >> reporter: david, people outside that building are desperate for answers but the government said it could be at least a week before they release anything on the victims or the investigation. david? >> david: maria villarreal on the border for us tonight. thank you. when we come back tonight, the major turn this evening from the major murder case from the podcast. adnan syed's conviction was overturned. what happened tonight and news here on philadelphia's water as
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to prison or his conviction could be overturned. >> when we come back, late word on the water in philadelphia. i've never been healthier. shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach.
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neuriva: think bigger. >> david: tonight, philadelphia officials a short time ago declaring the city's drinking water safe following the chemical spill near the delaware river them say no contaminants were found in the water at any point and they say no need now for bottled water. when we come back tonight, the very rare sight in the sky tonight all lined up. who are positive for acetylcholine receptor antibodies, it may feel like the world is moving without you. but the picture is changing, with vyvgart. in a clinical trial, participants achieved improved daily abilities with vyvgart added to their current treatment. and vyvgart helped clinical trial participants achieve reduced muscle weakness. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. in a clinical study, the most common infections were urinary tract and respiratory tract infections.
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adults with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, and joint pain. i want to be able to keep my plans. that's why i chose to get vaccinated with prevnar 20®. because just one dose can help protect me from pneumococcal pneumonia. ask your doctor or pharmacist about getting vaccinated with prevnar 20® today. david before we go, look to the sky tonight. five planets will appear lined up, a rare planetary parade, mercury, venus, mars, jupiter and uranus. look to the western horizon just after sunset, visible for about the next two weeks. the next time
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>> here we go again, another storm nothing rained. >> along the coast it was a similar scene, waves raging, the wind whipping. >> in some places the ground just couldn't take anymore water, causing road slides on some major roadways. abc 7 news that 6:00 starts right now. announcer: building a better bay area -- moving forward, finding solutions. this is abc 7 news. >> i don't know, we are down here on vacation. >> people are just taking things in stride as another tuesday storm socks the bay area. dan: we have a team of reporters on this latest storm from the north bay to the east bay to the coast as well.
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than it was earlier in the day, but we still have some wet weather to track. let's get you into the lab doppler seven and talk about where we are seeing the rain. it is light to moderate intensity, right around the south bay, heading into san felipe a road. you still need the rain gear there. we also have some showers around brentwood, discovery bay, into barb and it is steady across that region and some showers have just developed once again over the north bay around inverness. so norm national mechanic, flood advisory still going, as the streams are running high, flooding continues in the roadway as water continues to run off and we will continue to see some flooding. we will track this level 1 storm, it's a light system right now. what i want to show you is the front going through monterey bay right now. what we are seeing is the secondary part of the system,
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that low pressure system is going to start the coast as it heads


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