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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 6, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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>> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- lionel richie. sandra huller. and music from shaed. with cleto and the cletones. and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome, thank you. oh, very nice. thank you. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for joining us on the aftermath of valentine's. on another day of bigly courtroom drama for our former president. the orange one this morning, don trump was back in the warm embrace of the american judicial system, the only place that truly loves and appreciates him. he had cases going in both new york and georgia today. simultaneously. this is his version of uniting the country. criminal trials in the north and the south. [ laughter ] trump unsuccessfully tried to get his trial in new york dismissed today, while he is also trying to get the prosecutor in georgia dismissed. it's a regular "dismiss america pageant." [ laughter ] it didn't work out in new york.
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the judge set a date and it's really, finally happening, an actual criminal trial against donald trump will begin march 25th. [ cheers and applause ] this one is for the least-serious of trump's many indictments. he is accused of violating campaign finance laws by using donated funds to make hush money payments to women who say they had sex with him. he was too cheap to pay the hush money himself. [ laughter ] he's so dumb. between the $130,000 to stormy daniels and the $150,000 to karen mcdougal, no one in history has ever paid this much for 35 combined seconds of sex. [ laughter ] [ applause ] trump is presenting an interesting defense on this one, he's claiming that paying women to be quiet is not a crime. it's basically a porking ticket. [ laughter ] >> it's not a crime. we're here for something that is not a crime. literally, legal experts, legal
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scholars said they don't understand it, there's no crime. and there was no crime here at all. virtually every legal scholar says they don't understand it, there's no crime. even if he was guilty of something, there's no crime. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: right. even if he was guilty of a crime, for instance, there's no crime. "your honor if there's anything i'm guilty of it's loving too much." [ laughter ] and then tomorrow in new york the judge is expected to rule in trump's $370 million civil fraud case. let me tell you something. if he has to pay $370 million, we are about to see an explosion unlike any we've ever witnessed before. i would love to be a fly dodging ketchup bottles on the wall for that moment. [ laughter ] i really would, i cannot -- if this trial has taught us anything, it's that donald trump definitely doesn't have $370 million. [ laughter ] it might be time to fire up a new round of digital trading cards. [ laughter ] trump's lawyers keep arguing in multiple courtrooms that their client can't possibly be tried
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for these crimes because he's too busy running for president. which is quite a defense. you know, anyone can run for president. all you have to be is born here and over 35. if harvey weinstein decided to run for president, you think he could say "sorry, too busy for the trials." [ laughter ] "i'm putting signs on lawns, okay?" [ laughter ] phony soprano was in charleston, south carolina, last night where he took some time to boast about his golf game and complain about chubby photos. >> did you see the picture of me, the horrible picture with the stomach out to here? so what i do is i put up today a picture of me actually -- what i actually look like hitting a ball, smashing the frickin' ball. and you'll see quite -- i wouldn't say slim. i wouldn't say slim, but not bad. but the ball does go far. i would say it goes about nine times further than biden can hit it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, you know. in that case, you've got my vote
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if you can hit a ball nine times further. what picture is he even talking about? this is one of those things where he is pissed off about something no one else even knows about. [ laughter ] so, then we look it up and i still don't know which picture it is. is it this picture of him? is it this one? is it this one? i don't know, there's so many, i don't can't know which fattyshack i'm not supposed to look at. [ laughter ] and, by the way, that "not bad" picture of him "smashing" a ball? he never posted it somehow, he wasn't able to locate that one. trump is digging deep this time trying to work all the angles. he loves pushing the joe biden is too old to be president narrative. but it blows up in his face, because he has a lot of senior moments himself. he thought obama was still president the other day. he confused nikki haley with nancy pelosi. which is embarrassing, so now his claim is he does that on purpose. >> when i say that obama is the
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president of our country, they go, he doesn't know! it's biden. he doesn't know. so it's very hard to be sarcastic. when i interpose -- because i'm not a nikki fan and i'm not a pelosi fan. and when i purposely interpose names, they said, he didn't know pelosi from nikki. from tricky nikki, tricky dicky. he didn't know. [ laughter ] i interpose and they make a big deal out of it. i said, no, no, i think they both stink. >> jimmy: oh, i see. you were interposing. you were being sarcastic. now how do you explain the fact that you don't know the definition of the word "interpose"? i love when he kind of learns a new word. i was interposed, i interposed! [ laughter ] meanwhile, over at the white house, president biden, they interpose that he isn't too sharp but he's crushing it with the granddad jokes right now. >> what are you giving up for lent?
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>> you guys. >> jimmy: you know what? you ask for malarkey, you get malarkey. [ laughter ] now let the man enjoy his mall walk in peace. one thing americans don't appear to be giving up for lent is this idea that taylor swift is part of a very complicated conspiracy to re-elect joe biden. according to a new poll from monmouth university, almost one in five americans believe that taylor swift was created to be some kind of government psy-op to sway the outcome of this election. let me tell you something, if taylor swift is some kind of puppet in a psy-op operation, someone at the cia is one hell of a songwriter. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] according to this poll, 1 in 5 americans. i feel like 1 in 5 americans believe pretty much everything. 1 in 5 americans believed there were microchips in vaccines. 1 in 5 americans believe qanon. 1 in 5 americans believed obama wasn't born here.
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4 out of 5 dentists recommend sugarless gum for their patients who chew gum. [ laughter ] you know what that means? 1 out of 5 dentists don't. [ laughter ] but there are crazy people out there spreading this stuff to other crazy people. one of them is a woman named ann vandersteel. a right-wing podcast dingbat who coincidentally looks like if you left taylor swift in a hot car all weekend with the windows up? [ laughter ] she's convinced that taylor swift and travis kelce are agents of pfizer who do the deep state's bidding and i guess play football and make music on the side. i don't know. [ laughter ] ann tweeted right after the super bowl that the score is proof. she wrote, "score last night? 25-22 = 47. yep, that is the f-u to all of us. swifty and her beard are pfizer's beotches and will be deployed to get biden re-elected, or whomever the cabal decides needs to be the next meat puppet." if you don't speak qanon, they're obsessed with the number
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47 because that's the number the next president will be. except that biden is the 46th president, and if travis and taylor successfully use their magic vaccination powers to get him re-elected, he won't be the 47th president. he will still be the 46th president. [ laughter ] [ applause ] that's how it works. that's why there have been 59 elections, but only 46 presidents. what she should be focused on is is 59 minus 46 equals 13. taylor swift's favorite number is 13! she was born on the 13th. she turned 13 on friday the 13th. and the 13th letter of the alphabet is m! which is the first letter of the word "moron." [ laughter ] [ applause ] what a stupid time to be alive. no one is feeling dumber today than tucker carlson. mr. moscow is cheerleading in russia.
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visiting their supermarkets, their subways. he went there last week to interview vladimir putin. you know who wasn't impressed? vladimir putin. putin said, "i was expecting hard questions, and he didn't ask me any hard questions." i think he was the only one expecting hard questions. putin was expecting to eat tucker for lunch. turned out he was more an hors d'oeuvre. an amuse douche, if you will. [ laughter ] it's very funny to me that vladimir putin, one of the most evil and anti-american people alive, finally met tucker carlson who has been kissing his ass so long they had to have a squeegee on hand to keep it dry. and putin's takeaway was, "this guy sucks." [ laughter ] putin said in an interview, later in the interview, he said he hopes joe biden beats donald trump. he said biden is better for russia, because he is more predictable. he also said he would absolutely hate it if we all changed our passwords to "password." [ laughter ] so don't do that. we can't trust russia, no matter what tucker carlson said. according to republicans on the house intelligence committee, russia wants to put a nuclear
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weapon in space. which i can't believe i'm saying this, but sounds like a job for the space force! [ laughter ] they say a nuke would not be to use against people, but rather, to take out the satellites that control our internet and whatnot. in other words, they're going to hit us where it really hurts, right in the porn. [ laughter ] this wouldn't happen under a president trump! he'd build a space wall, and make jupiter pay for it. [ laughter ] do the russians really need nuclear weapons to disrupt our satellite connections? i can't even get espn when it rains. [ laughter ] but don't worry, congress is handling it. as you know, yesterday was valentine's day. i got a text from guillermo last night. at 11:17, he sent me a text that said what? >> guillermo: "done." >> jimmy: done. what does that mean? >> guillermo: that i made sweet love to my wife. >> jimmy: you did? [ cheers and applause ] >> guillermo: yeah! and i was thinking of you, and i
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sent you a text, yeah! >> jimmy: at 11:15 he texted, "i'm going in." [ laughter ] good for you, good for you. >> guillermo: thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: yes, congratulations. there's a lot of pressure on valentine's day for men and women. so we went down to the farmer's market here in l.a. this morning to conduct a poll. here's what we asked -- >> what are your names? >> janesha. >> d.j. >> where are you from? >> cleveland, ohio. >> wonderful. did you guys do it last night? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now we have to guess all together. do we think they did it last night? what do you think? yes or no? all yeses? let's find out. >> man. no. >> no. >> no, no, we was drunk. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: not quite drunk enough, i guess. all right. let's meet another couple. >> hi, guys, what are your names? >> i'm wendy. >> i'm jin. >> where are you from? >> malaysia. >> let me ask you, did you do it last night?
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: what about this couple from malaysia? did they do it? do they know the term "do it" in malaysia? i don't know. audience? you say? we are mixed. let's find out. >> what do you mean, do it last night? >> do it, like -- let me show you. [ laughter ] >> oh, no. >> no? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and a new menu item at dunkin' was born. who is our next lucky couple? >> what are your names? >> leno. >> maida. >> where are you from? >> connecticut. >> did you guys do it last night? >> jimmy: did leno and maida make valentine's love last night? we say? survey says yes. >> well, buddy, with a hot wife like this? you gotta. you know what i mean? [ cheers and applause ] >> that's a yes? >> i think so. >> i got a little something for you.
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you guys don't want to have a 30-year-old. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. shall we do one more? okay, here we go. >> hi, guys, what are your names? >> heather capes. >> jody capes. >> this your daughter? >> i'm sam capes. >> wonderful. let me ask you two, did you do it last night? [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: before we vote, take another look at their faces here. mom, there's dad, and daughter. [ laughter ] all right, what do you think? did they do it last night? let's find out. here we go. >> absolutely not. because we were sleeping in the same hotel room as our daughter. >> unfortunately not. >> how are you doing over there? >> uncomfortable. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that might be the last family vacation for quite some time.
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we've got a good show for you tonight. oscar nominee sandra huller is here with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] we have music from shaed. and we'll be right back with lionel richie. so stick around! so. you like your job? i love it. what i do is really important. you give eye exams. i give ... fresh starts. better vision, healthy eyes ... everybody wants that. that they do. and they don't want to spend more money than they have to. true. but good eye health? that's priceless. “hero doc saves vision!” (laugh) well, i- “hero owl saves money!” ... sure. great eye exams from great doctors at a great price. better eye health ... from america's best. [traffic noise] [text message] let's ace this thing! ♪ ♪
11:51 pm
i got you coffee. oh my god, what? you literally read my mind. got you, girl. wanna know how i get this glow?! i get ready with new olay indulgent moisture body wash. it smells amazing and gives my skin over the top moisture! from dull to visibly glowing in 14 days! ♪ see the difference with olay. who says you can't go for bold without going broke... get the brands you want, the prices you want, whenever you want. tj maxx where you can always afford to be you to the maxx. people who come to cricket stay with cricket. i volunteer at a bunny rescue, and with cricket my bill is consistent and i have unlimited data, so i can do what i love. unlimited data for unlimited cuteness. smile, you're on cricket! ok, with me. ♪laalaalaalaalaa.♪ ♪loolooloolooloo.♪ [piano key sounds] sniffs [shake] [crash]
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oooops. froot loops. find the loopy side! (♪) [water spraying] this is ludicrous. ludicrous! alright, who called for ludacris? sorry, we meant this is ludicrous. oh you don't tell ludacris what's ludicrous, ludacris tells you what's ludicrous. okay. [faucet further breaks] oh, that is ludicrous. you don't need me for this, hang on. ♪like a good neighbor, state farm is there.♪ good thing you have state farm. just file a claim on the app, or call us. guess i can go. don't you mean roll out? no i don't. like a good neighbor, state farm is there.
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>> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back. tonight, she's an oscar nominee for best actress who stars in two best picture nominees, "anatomy of a fall" and "the zone of interest." sandra huller is with us. [ cheers and applause ] then later a trio from washington d.c. their new song is called "everybody knows i'm high." music from shaed. [ cheers and applause ] we've got a good lineup next week. next week -- selena gomez, paul giamatti, jeff goldblum, colman domingo, jenny slate, tyler james williams. the cast of "oppenheimer." cillian murphy, emily blunt, and robert downey jr. will be here. we'll have music from lukas nelson and the promise of the real, chromeo and the beaches. please join us for all of that. last night, all over the planet, millions, if not billions, of humans made vigorous love to the sounds of our first guest's music. he returns to "american idol"
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sunday night here on abc and his incredible documentary about "we are the world" called "the greatest night in pop" is on netflix now. please welcome, my endless love, lionel richie. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, you tricked me. lionel, what did a man whose name is synonymous with romance, the man who wrote the words "first love," "you're every breath that i take, every step i make" -- which is wrong, you don't make steps, you take steps. >> no, you don't make steps. >> jimmy: you never make steps. >> yes, yes, yes. >> jimmy: what did you do last night for valentine's day?
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>> i had a very sexy dinner. >> jimmy: oh. >> with a couple of couples, as we say. >> jimmy: oh. >> we all sat there for a moment, kind of looked around the room, and said, looking at our significant others, "guys, we're pretty lucky." >> jimmy: oh, that's very sweet. [ applause ] >> to be honest with you, right after that, went to bed. [ laughter ] "all night long" is out. [ laughter ] just thought i'd throw that in. >> jimmy: "all night short," i think, yeah. what song gets you in the mood? is there something? not your own songs. >> no, no, no. >> jimmy: is there one? >> you know what it is? anything that does not have a singer. >> jimmy: oh, you like instrumental? >> i mean, give me a little jazz. >> jimmy: hard-core german techno music? [ laughter ]
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>> i got to talk to you about this after the show. no, no. it's got to be moody, it's got to be, you know, sexy. the way to get sexy is, don't sing. >> jimmy: okay. >> otherwise, you'll stop and start, in my case, listening to the lyrics, evaluating the vocals and who's playing in the band. >> jimmy: right. >> right? i just want to hear maybe a little harp, maybe a little guitar, and that's it, babes. >> jimmy: i had one of the greatest experiences of my life. you know -- well, you know i love you. i got to sit between you and another man i love very dearly, huey lewis, at the premiere of this documentary. which this song, you know, for me, and i -- when i was a teenager, i graduated high school in 1985, the year this song came out. >> you didn't have to say it out loud, but okay. [ laughter ] that's disgusting. >> jimmy: the fact is that this was, at the time, probably the biggest event of my young life. >> i know, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: to be able to sit between you guys and hear the
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comments -- >> right. >> jimmy: while this documentary that i've been dying to see is on, was an unbelievable experience. >> first of all, i didn't want you to miss it. that's why i said, you've got to be here. >> jimmy: yeah. >> to be sitting next to huey and myself. huey was so funny. >> jimmy: very funny. >> if you know him in the documentary, he's a nervous wreck throughout the entire documentary. >> jimmy: yeah. >> why? because he didn't know it, but he came, and we told him at the very last minute, "prince is not coming, you're taking prince's part." he had a nervous breakdown. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he did, he was nervous, yeah. >> he did. now the documentary's out. he's sitting down there next to you. he looks over at me and says, "i don't think we're going to make it." i said, "huey, that's 39 years ago, you're going to be all right." [ laughter and applause ] "we're going to make it!" >> jimmy: i learned a lot. did you learn anything you didn't know, hearing other people talk about that taping, that shooting? >> i didn't realize we were in
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such trouble. and i mean that. i really mean that. >> jimmy: you were -- i think we should set the scene. you'd just hosted the american music awards. not a couple of days earlier, that night. >> that night. >> jimmy: you got in the car after hosting this show, you go to this event. you're up till 7:00 in the morning. >> yeah. >> jimmy: right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: was cocaine involved? [ laughter ] was that the -- >> i would say roscoe's chicken and waffles. yeah. works the same way. works the same way. >> jimmy: there was chicken and waffles, i like that. i like that tina turner was like, "where's my fish burger?" >> and had a song she made up about it. ♪ fish burger ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: al jarreau was three sheets to the wind, which makes it so much funnier. waylon jennings walked out in the middle of it because stevie wonder suggested, and i'm sure this drove you nuts, "why don't we do a verse in swahili?" try to teach everyone to sing in swahili? >> first of all, in ethiopia, they don't speak swahili. >> jimmy: that was the other -- >> any kind of suggestion of
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anything other than english is a violations of rules. waylon's a good ol' boy. [ speaking foreign language ] waylon, "i'm out of here." ain't going to happen. >> jimmy: good-bye. >> good-bye, you'll see him walk right out of that side door. >> jimmy: stevie wonder is funny. really genuinely funny. there are some moments in this documentary, like, this guy is great. >> i take it that you really enjoyed this. >> jimmy: i loved it. >> stevie is the only person in the world that, you know, you'll get the signals. hear the signals. for example, in the signals, tonight, 46 artists, creative artists, the one thing you never say is, "i'm not sure about this, what do you think?" we have 46 creative artists in the room. >> jimmy: right, they need a leader. >> you got to be serious. even if you don't know the
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answer, do it this way till you figure it out. stevie walks in and says, "i think we need to do something in the language --" [ speaking in a non-english language ] >> jimmy: is it possible he didn't know anyone else was there? [ laughter ] you've got to consider everything. >> you know, in this day and age, i'm not going to touch that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: stevie at one point -- bob dylan was having a lot of trouble figuring out how to sing his line. and stevie did the greatest thing. he sang, as bob dylan, to bob dylan. then bob dylan sang, because he is bob dylan, as bob dylan, what stevie sang to him. >> the greatest line ever was, bob is over at the microphone, and stevie's at the piano. so i walked over to bob and said, "i think you need to go see stevie, i think he's got it."
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stevie said, "bob, it's a choice we're making, we're saving our own lives." and bob said, "yeah." [ laughter ] went right back over and nailed it. >> jimmy: there's a couple of things i want to ask you about. everybody keeps asking me because they know i know you, they want to know -- i love dan aykroyd, and he was in "the blues brothers." why was dan aykroyd in "we are the world"? people want to know the answer. >> we needed a vibe. >> jimmy: okay. good answer. >> i mean, what i'm saying, we needed a vibe. at that time dan -- by the way, he's a ghostbuster. this is dan. >> jimmy: right. >> this is "saturday night live" dan. it's just cool. >> jimmy: i'm for it, by the way. >> okay. >> jimmy: not against it. eddie murphy told me he was invited to be a part of it, and he said no. then wishes he hadn't said no. >> he missed it. >> jimmy: the other thing was, at the beginning you guys talk about cyndi lauper and madonna. we know cyndi lauper was in this thing. who should we invite, cyndi lauper or madonna? why did it have to be cyndi lauper or madonna? >> probably one of the most interesting questions in the
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world. because we had only a half a line to sing. let me say this now. a half a line. so we had to have voices that people knew right away. and so for whatever reason -- by the way, we didn't know whether cyndi was coming. because at the show i said, "are you coming?" she said, "i spoke to my boyfriend, and he says he doesn't think it's a hit." and i said, "don't miss the session." >> jimmy: you gave good advice. >> she showed and up killed it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> but the point was, you have to have an identifiable voice. whatever reason, it was just cyndi had that -- that was it. >> jimmy: you couldn't have both of them? >> you know, it's hard -- >> jimmy: you guys made a mistake. >> you know, i'm going to say this now on national and international television. you're right. >> jimmy: you're right, we made a mistake. [ applause ] i want to show something real quick. you did an impersonation of
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stevie impersonating bob that was very good. but your really great impersonation is of michael jackson. >> oh, no, what did you do? >> i see some albums falling over. and i hear heeeh, heehhh -- what the heck, what is that? i look over my shoulder. there's the biggest freaking snake. and michael's going, "there he is, lionel, oh my god." he lost the snake in the room. "he came us when he heard us singing, lionel. he wanted to meet you, he wants to say hello to you." that's not what i -- got to get out of here quick. i am screaming. this is the end. i saw this horror movie, and it's not good for the brother. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so michael lost his snake? >> and by the way -- [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: we found him! lionel richie is here with us. >> jimmy: we found him! lionel richie is here with us. ♪ you know, we talked about everything. his hopes, his dreams, his fears... ...even his secrets. -not a lot of people know this, but the gecko is actually left-handed. -you can see it by the way he holds the microphone when he comes to the podium. -he made it easy with only his left hand. what hand he chooses to use as his dominant hand — that's his business and no one else's. -on one hand it's so helpful to find the right coverage with geico. on the other hand, who cares? [chuckles] well, i care. from cars to home to jewelry, it's easy to geico.
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now i'm going to take you to grandma's room. this is her bedroom. this is her bed. >> wow, what's her name? >> adelaide mary foster. for years, she tried to teach me how to read music.
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>> yeah. >> but she was a classical pianist. >> oh, wow. >> took it very seriously. >> and played the notes on the paper. >> on the paper. i found out, if you can't play other folks' songs, you write your own. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is lionel richie, katy perry, and luke bryant on "american idol" in lionel's hometown of tuskegee, alabama, the house where you grew up. >> the original house. with everything damn near in it. >> jimmy: is it a museum now? >> no, i live there. well, my kids walk around, "dad lives in a museum" because i collect everything. there's commodore this, lionel richie that. >> jimmy: i love that. there should an lionelland. you should have your own dollywood. there should be the whole deal. [ cheers and applause ] >> probably the best part is everyone has to wear an afro to come in. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i like that. >> that would be really good. >> jimmy: they dedicated a hello park. >> i'm building a hello park for the university and the city,
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because we have so much history. tuskegee airmen. booker t. washington. george washington carver. the whole essence of it. the commodores. the whole thing. so i decided, let's build a park there, hello park, a destination for everyone to come and see. >> jimmy: i like that. speaking of the afro. maybe the shrubs could be shaped like your commodores hair during that time. >> you know, jimmy, somewhere in here, this is the wrong conversation. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: magic johnson was here. >> oh my god. >> jimmy: i think like a month -- couple of months ago. and he was telling me -- he was talking about going to see the commodores. and how you guys would have these "miss brickhouse" contests. >> oh, can we talk about that? >> jimmy: yes, we can. yes. magic already talked about it. >> did he really? >> jimmy: he said a similar thing to you, oooh. >> right, yeah. >> jimmy: we found -- this is -- hand to god, this is a real item. >> no. >> jimmy: this is the real application to become miss brickhouse. okay? "ladies, here's your chance to be miss 1977 brickhouse.
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if you're the lucky winner, you can win a limousine ride to the commodores show, you'll be special guests of the commodores at dinner, the show, and the miss brickhouse party after the show." >> oh, no. oh, no. >> jimmy: what was that party like? >> can't talk about that, boy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "that's not all, ladies. you can also win a gift certificate to the clothing store of your choice." now, listen to this, "if you win the local miss 1977 brickhouse, you'll be eligible to enter the national miss brickhouse." >> oh, oh, oh. >> jimmy: "the winner will have a chance to play a lead role in billy dee williams' new movie. fill out this application." look at this application. wow. >> now let me say this to you. >> jimmy: yes, go ahead. >> in this day and age -- >> jimmy: this is 1977. >> in this day and age, this is called exhibit "a." [ laughter ] exhibit "a," ladies and gentlemen. did he do it? exhibit "a."
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: some of the questions are great. why are you vying for the title of miss brickhouse? >> oh my god. >> jimmy: if you win, what constructive things do you think you could accomplish? >> oh! oh! >> jimmy: what are your measurements? >> oh! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what is your favorite sport, and why? and what is your zodiac sign? >> by the way, by the way, let me comment on that. >> jimmy: yes, go ahead. >> back in the day, you didn't have to worry about remembering names. so what's her name? she's aries. what's her name? aquarius. >> jimmy: yes, wise. >> who are you, lionel? gemini. in other words, you didn't have to worry that much. except when you went back to find your wallet back at the end of the party and you said, i put my things right over there. where's all my stuff? do you realize, what was the girl's names? miss aries and gemini and miss brickhouse. [ laughter ] we'll never find them again. >> jimmy: you're saying you were robbed by these women? >> not robbed.
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just -- souvenirs. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i see, souvenirs. katy perry announced on the show on monday that she was leaving "american idol." she told me she hadn't told you yet. is that true? >> who? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: were you mad at katy? >> no. >> jimmy: for announcing it on air before talking to you about it? >> i'm not mad. it just made me run off the road. when i heard about it. my phone blew up. the point was, no, we didn't know about it, but it makes sense. in other words, the reason i love coming on the show with you, the reason i'm doing "american idol," is because i have 400 years of stories and a life in the music business. i have things that i've done. and so when katy says, i want to go and create some stories, remember -- >> jimmy: she should have a mr. brickhouse contest at her concerts. >> don't do it, katy. don't do it. [ laughter ] but the point is, is that you have to take time and be an artist. >> jimmy: who would you like to replace katy on the show? do you have any ideas? is it true rachel maddow is
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being considered? [ laughter ] >> they're keeping tight-lipped. i don't even know. but i'm telling you -- >> jimmy: maybe whittle it down to madonna and cyndi lauper and pick madonna at the end. [ laughter and applause ] >> wow, wow. madonna, if you're listening. >> jimmy: completing the circle. lionel richie, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] "american idol" returns sunday on abc and "the greatest night in pop" is on netflix now. we'll be back with sandra in pop" is on netflix now. we'll be back with sandra huller.te. and i'm all out of whack. automated voice: please insert your parking ticket. it's going to take a lot more than a little ticket to get out of here. and if you have cut rate car insurance, this could leave you all bent out of shape. no...ahhh! so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... me. uh, someone! that's broken to pal... hahaha. automated voice: please insert your parking ticket.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: we are back. music from shaed is on the way. our next guest stars in two movies with a total of ten oscar nominations, including a best actress nod for her performance in "anatomy of a fall." >> looking for a stranger walks in, killing him while you were sleeping right above, is not a good strategy. samuel had no enemies. that makes -- >> stop, stop. i did not kill him.
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>> that's not the point. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "anatomy of a fall" and "the zone of interest" are in theaters now. please welcome sandra huller. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ great to have you here. i have to say -- first of all, did i butcher your last name? will you help me with your last name? >> it's perfect. i'm not just saying that. >> jimmy: perfect, okay, thank you. you are an unbelievably great actor. i mean, really. [ cheers and applause ] my wife and i, we watched you, we're like, holy moly, you are something else. how did you find out about your oscar nomination? i assume you were here. >> i almost missed it. i wanted to watch it. watch the stream. and i had to bring away a lot of trash from my house, because things are piling up sometimes. but it's really busy.
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so i went to a place where i could bring it, and i almost missed it. i literally arrived in the minute -- >> jimmy: you were taking out the garbage? [ laughter ] >> taking out the garbage. >> jimmy: it couldn't wait? >> no, it couldn't. >> jimmy: how bad was this garbage? >> a lot of paper, things i couldn't do in the normal thing in the house, i had to go somewhere. >> jimmy: are you a very tidy person? >> some say so, some say no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: will this be your first time at the oscars? >> no, it's the second time. we'd been there i think seven years ago. >> jimmy: did you have fun at that show? >> i had a lot of fun. i was surprised everybody was going in and out all the time. there were a lot of breaks, as you know. >> jimmy: taking out the garbage. [ laughter ] >> yeah, that's right. you meet there. it will be fun. then i decided to stay outside. in the smoking area. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: you smoke. you learned -- boy, this surprised me too. you learned to speak french for "anatomy of a fall," which is -- i mean, people, a lot of people learn to drive a race car or something. but learning to speak another language for a movie is a real commitment. >> yes, it is. but it started a bit earlier, because i had some free time. i didn't have to take out the garbage. [ laughter ] i had some time off. i decided i wanted to do something with my life, and i started to learn french. that was way before the french offers came. so it was kind of a send-out thing to everybody. they reacted in that way. >> jimmy: where in germany are you from? >> i'm from thuringia, the middle part of germany, the former gdr. the green heart of germany, we call it. >> jimmy: the green heart. why is it called the green heart? >> there's a lot of forest going on. >> jimmy: it's the forest, okay, that's interesting. did you get -- would you get american television shows and i assume movies for sure when you were growing up there? >> yeah, a lot. when i came home from school, i did my homework, and then we watched, my brother and i, all
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sorts of series. from "dallas," "knight rider," "macgyver." you know, all the -- >> jimmy: "knight rider," yeah. did david hasselhoff inspire you to become an actor? [ laughter ] >> no, he didn't. >> jimmy: we found a photograph from a play you did. do i have that? oh, yeah. we have it right here. >> i can't wait. >> jimmy: there it is. [ laughter ] now, this is -- what play is this? [ laughter ] >> you know, jimmy -- it's 14 years ago. >> jimmy: you've got to wear that to the oscars. [ laughter ] >> yeah, underneath. secretly, okay. no, it's 14 years ago. it was before social media. 14 years ago, if somebody would have told me i would sit here in this chair, i probably wouldn't have done this. no, it was a piece about elizabeth i.
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and there had been a rumor that she was a man, because people couldn't believe that somebody could be so powerful and be a woman at the same time. and she never was married, when i recall it right. so we made a scene out of it. >> jimmy: i see. >> if she would have been a man. >> jimmy: oh, boy, was she a man. [ laughter ] she was really a man. what is it like -- what is the live theater like in germany? is it similar to new york, broadway? are the audiences different? >> oh, yeah, the audience is very honest in some places. [ laughter ] sometimes likes to leave when they feel like, oh, i think that's just enough. [ laughter ] for example, i don't know how they do it here. do people leave the theater? >> jimmy: not really, no. >> they're so nice. >> jimmy: it has to be very -- i don't know if it's nice. i don't know if we're nicer. it would be frowned on to get up and leave. >> yeah, i think that's really impolite. i would never do it. when i watch a play, i stay to the end no matter if i like it or not. i could discuss it later. >> jimmy: you learn that from hasselhoff, probably.
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[ laughter ] >> they have old doors, so when people leave, you can definitely hear it. they make this really old-school noise, creak. it's really hard. >> jimmy: that must be horrible. >> horrible. sometimes we stop and wait till they're all gone. then we continue. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> monologues sometimes. >> jimmy: wow, wow. although now that i'm thinking about it, you did hang out in the lobby during the oscars. who was hosting that year that you were there? was it me? >> it could -- it was the year of the -- of the thing with "moonlight" and "la la land." >> jimmy: that was me! [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> i saw everything, jimmy. i saw it. >> jimmy: we're going to grease the doors up real good this year. [ laughter ] so i don't have to hear that sound. >> that's embarrassing. sorry. >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. by the way, you must see these films. "anatomy of a fall" and "the zone of interest." they are in theaters now. sandra huller. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with shaed.
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>> jimmy: thanks to lionel richie and sandra huller. apologies to matt damon. "nightline"is next, but first, with the song "everybody knows i'm high," shaed! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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♪ high high sun's burning up the city of angels ♪ ♪ i'm seeing stars in the blue sky a smile's creeping ♪ ♪ on your face i'm terrified everybody knows i'm high ♪ ♪ stuck on the wrong coast i'm missing you back home 100 degrees but ♪ ♪ i'm freezing i think they know everybody knows i'm ♪ ♪ high high when i'm left to ♪ ♪ my owndevices i'm homesick and
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♪ high high ♪ ♪ ♪ when i'm left to my own devices ♪ ♪ i'm homesick and paranoid ♪ ♪ i miss laughing at the little things like our tongues ♪ ♪ in the mirror out here everybody knows i'm high ♪ ♪ stuck on the wrong coast i'm missing you back home 100 degrees but i'm freezing i think they know everybody knows i'm ♪ ♪ high high i'm high ♪
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\w insert notes ♪ the white rabbit staring from the corner is telling me i'm late for tea ♪ ♪ they wanna pull me back under the ceiling but i'm never leaving everybody knows i'm high ♪ ♪ stuck on the wrong coast i'm missing you back home 100 degrees but i'm freezing i think they know ♪ ♪ everybody knows i'm high high ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ this is tonight. >> we find the defendant, hannah gutierrez, guilty. >> byron: convicted. hannah gutierrez, armorer on the movie "rust," fou


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