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tv   Nightline  ABC  March 7, 2024 12:37am-1:07am PST

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♪ this is tonight. >> we find the defendant, hannah gutierrez, guilty. >> byron: convicted. hannah gutierrez, armorer on the movie "rust," found quilty for
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the on-set shooting death of a cinematographer, the same charge faced by alec baldwin. criminalizing hard drugs. >> take a look around downtown portland, the drug-addicted people sitting there out of it. >> byron: decriminalizing small amounts of drugs like 10 that nil, crack, and heroin, giving addicts help. >> we have access to shelter beds and detox and outpatient treatment. >> byron: why critics are calling it a disaster. the boy band wars are over. >> the '90s are back with a vengeance. >> byron: joey fatone and a.j. mclean, members of the backstreet boys and nsync, now touring together. ♪ i want it that way ♪ >> byron: the "i want it that way" singer and the "it's gonna be me" dancer now older, wiser, and teaming up. >> tonight on "nightline"! yay!
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>> we find the defendant, hannah gutierrez, guilty of involuntary manslaughter as charged in count one. >> byron: tonight, a stunning verdict. the jury finding hannah gutierrez, armorer on the set of "rust," guilty of one count of involuntary man slaught on the 2021 on-set shooting that killed cinematographer what huchens. the prosecution calling 33 witnesses, directing director joel sues zarks also shot and injured during the on-set accident. >> it felt like somebody had taken a baseball bat to my shoulder. >> byron: video from the scene showing a clearly emotional gutierrez interacting with officers. >> just relax, just relax. >> i'm so scared. >> just relax. >> byron: during the trial, the prosecution painting the picture of an irresponsible armorer who didn't make sure to keep live rounds from dummies. >> did you testify that you saw
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ms. gutierrez provide actors with weapons without conducting a safety check? >> that is correct. >> byron: while the defense called a gutierrez a scapegoat for a mismanaged production. she now faces up to 18 months in prison. while alec baldwin's trial is scheduled for july. we turn now to portland, oregon, battling the epidemic of drug addiction and homelessness with a compassionate but controversial approach. here's abc's ashan singh. >> we are going to walk through downtown and offer some information and resources. hey, man, good to see you. all right, all right. good to see you out here. the best thing we can do is make a human connection with the people needing services. >> reporter: portland, oregon, is in the midst of a state of emergency. overdoses and open drug use are
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on the upswing. >> hey, brian, nice to meet you. >> reporter: rico mejia, who's in recovery from the addiction, is trying to offer those living on the streets an off-ramp. >> would you like some water or anything? would you maybe like to come down to the center for some resources, like a shower? we have access to shelter beds and detox and outpatient treatment. >> reporter: couples like the one rico is trying to help are a common sight in portland these days. while homelessness has plagued the state for years, the open drug use, present no matter where you are in the city, is drawing new ire amongst the historically progressive community. >> i guess you just don't see as many police stopping people on the sidewalks for using drugs. >> you can give them the free resources, you can not put them in prison which is great, but ultimately they're not doing anything in a sense to change the behavior. >> reporter: residents say it's all because of a state law decriminalizing small amounts of all hard drugs, from fentanyl to meth to crack, that went into
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effect in oregon in early 2021. in what was perceived as a revolutionary approach to addressing the addiction crisis, the ballot initiative, measure 110, was voted in by 58%. the first of its kind law aimed to transform drug use, even in public, from a crime to a behavioral health issue. >> it's gone from property crimes to stolen cars, and for the last year or so, year and a half, predominantly fentanyl, basically it's become our full-time job. >> there's no magic wand that is going to somehow solve the drug driest crisis. it just doesn't exist. >> reporter: oregonians are thinking twice as public drug use has risen. residents asking, was decriminalization a massive mistake? did they open the floodgates too quickly? >> if you're interested in detox, there's not much beds available but there is today. >> reporter: back with rico and the outreach team, the couple accepts an offer for help. >> we're going to take them down there and bring them to our
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clothing closet. she said it was very cold last night. yeah, we're kind of excited she's going to walk back in, accept, receive some help. >> reporter: this outreach possible thanks to over $400 million in measure 110 funding for services like rehabilitation. nudging people towards help is not always easy. >> she went to her friend's apartment to get her purse. >> reporter: shortly after the woman left, she sent word she would not be accepting assistance right now. in turn, her partner declined the outreach as well. does it ever feel discouraging? >> no. i believe we made a good human connection. we left a flyer. they both agreed to come down and see us a little later. >> reporter: officer david baer patrols the streets of downtown portland. >> it is not a crime to use drugs in public in oregon. >> reporter: what do you do? >> we offer the chance to talk to an outreach worker. you'll get a $100 citation for possession of a controlled
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substance. a treatment card, so you call that number for a health screening. >> reporter: the phone number has become a symbol of the law's shortcomings. three years, over 7,600 drug violations, only 200 calls to the number have been made. >> we're out here every day. we write the same tickets. some people, multiple times a day. >> reporter: the surge in open drug use has given way to concern from oregon's residents. the down up to of its most populated city has remained barren long after covid lockdown ended, increasingly dotted with homeless encampments. an emerson poll found 64% of oregonians supported rolling back part of the law. 56% wanted a total repeal. a sentiment many republicans and oregon's capital like kevin share. >> the voters were misled about what path we were going down. it's our job to get us back on the right path. right now, if a police officer goes into a park at 3:00 in the afternoon and there's kids playing on the playground,
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someone's lying on the sidewalk, obviously under the effect of some hard drug, the officer can stand there and write a $100 citation and hand them a phone number and say, have a nice day. >> reporter: democrat kate lieber is the majority leader of oregon's state senate and one of 110's original supporters. in your mind, was 110 a mistake? >> no, i'm not -- i don't -- i don't think i'd go so far as to say 110 was a mistake. there are pieces of it that need refinement. ballot measure 110 has significantly addressed access to treatment, and i think that was something that was sorely needed. >> reporter: last week, lieber led the charge in rolling parts of measure 110 back in oregon's statehouse. the governor is expected to sign the new bill into law, which would mean that starting september 1st, police must either directly place drug users with treatment providers or bring them in front of a judge, where they will be put on probation. repeat offenders receive longer probation sentences and
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eventually may have to serve up to 180 days in jail. even though the law took hold in february 2021, oregon didn't begin disbursing funds until may 2022. so far, $264 million has gone to 233 providers. this clinic, named recovery works, has received over $3 million. and in turn helped dan hood manage to stay sober for about nine months. >> i felt great. ready to move on with my life. >> reporter: for dan, drug use got serious in high school on the football team. >> i remember popping a couple of oxys before practice one day. it makes you feel like you're unstoppable, the hits don't hurt as bad. >> reporter: as he got older, dan found himself trapped. >> i was using heroin and meth every day. i started doing fentanyl all day. just to stay well, feel like i could do something, go to work. just to get out of bed, really. and then i was smoking crack
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here and there. >> reporter: what's the road to recovery been like for you? >> it's been bumpy for sure. i've been to jail a few times. >> reporter: oregon's road to overhauling drug policy has proven bumpy, too. this is two to three years into an overhaul. what do you say to people saying, we're reacting too quickly? >> we need time for the system to work. we fundamentally haven't figured out to have the behavioral health system and the criminal justice system really talk to each other. i fundamentally believe by criminalizing addiction, we are keeping people in a spiral, a downward spiral. and yet i do think that sometimes, people need motivations to get into treatment in a way that the criminal justice system offers. >> reporter: everyone we seem to have talked to, they're advocating for patients. three years and a massive undertaking. what do you say? >> walk around downtown portland
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and look at the drug-addicted people sitting there, out of it, don't tell me that this program has succeeded. because we are sliding down. >> reporter: for someone like dan, things are looking up. today he's on the job hunt at this measure 110-funded agency. >> i've applied to probably over eight places this past week. when i see someone out on the street and suffering still, i just wish that they could find the help that they need. it's an example of what i don't want to do or be like anymore. >> byron: our thanks to ashan. when we come back, a.j. mcclain and joey fatone, '90s boy band royaltity. their groups backstreet boys and nsync rivals for air play and chart are the position. now those two members sharing the stage. type 2 diabetes?
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is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box!
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actually, no, justine... my famous 2 tacos are still just 99¢ when you order on the jack app or online. could you press 6, please? i'm going up. get my famous 2 tacos for just 99¢. only on the jack app or online. ♪ ♪ >> byron: welcome back. boy bands were the hottest offering of '90s pop. in sync and the backstreet boys were the groups fans couldn't get enough of. so it's no surprise a.j. mclean and joey fatone have fans packing their shows, singing along to every song. here's abc's stephanie ramos. ♪ tell me why ain't nothing but a heartache ♪ ♪ tell me why ain't nothing a mistake ♪ ♪ tell me why i never want to
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hear you say ♪ ♪ i want it that way ♪ >> reporter: oh my goodness, that just happened! these two famous boy banders and myself in sweet harmony. ♪ joey fatone of nsync, known for chat-toppers like "it's gonna be me" and a.j. mclean of the backstreet boys behind their own hits like "the call." ♪ let me tell you about the story about the call ♪ >> reporter: answering a new call, joining forces for a tour featuring both their bands' beloved beats and new music, too. how did this tour come about? >> he asked me, "would you be interested in maybe doing something, just you and i?" so the first one we did was in tampa. and sold it out. then we did it again. and it worked again. >> reporter: now after 30 years, fans don't have to pick sides. >> i mean, look.
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the '90s are back with a vengeance. >> reporter: a.j. was first on the scene when the backstreet boys burst on the charts with "quit playing games with my heart" in 1997. ♪ quit playing games with my heart ♪ >> reporter: and joey was close behind with nsync's "i want you back" later that year. ♪ and i want you back ♪ >> reporter: nsync and back street battled it out through the early 2000s on trl in mall cd shops and arenas across america. after nsync disbanded in 2002, joey stayed in the spotlight on broadway and in the "my big fat greek wedding films." a.j. and the backstreet boys kept touring and had a vegas residency. both say fans can now hear all their songs in one night. >> the best of both worlds, on stage together, is something special. you come to one show and come to
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another, you'll probably see two completely different shows. it's a truly one-of-a-kind show every single night. >> reporter: they've said bye bye bye to old beef. you got through the boy band wars. was it ever really a war? >> no. >> reporter: that's what everybody was saying, it's the boy band wars. >> yes, yes! watch "anchorman" when they had the brass knuckles fighting the different anchormen? that was us. >> there never was -- i've known joey since he used to work at universal. there might have been a couple of times where if one group turned down something, the other group would do it, or vice verse. our old managers were like -- not to say they were pitting us against each other, but that friendly competition, "they did this, maybe you should do that." ♪ and that makes you larger than life ♪ >> reporter: these two know better than anyone what it's like to be larger than life. >> he can relate or i can relate to him. it's interesting, oh, man, i'm frustrated about a, b, c, d.
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i'm like, it happened to me once. that's a bond no one's ever going to understand. >> i went through highs and lows. three stints in rehab. struggled with alcohol and drugs for over 25 years. i'm now going to be three years sober. it's a different world for me to you. i never felt good enough. >> reporter: despite having the fame? >> now i understand what that meant. it is a job. a.j. is a backstreet boy. that is a persona. alex is me. that is who i am. and he kind of got shoved down for too long. ♪ stuck in your static ♪ >> reporter: alexander james, now putting out his own electric sound. >> i recorded probably 30 songs. and i've been working on this record for the better part of two years. i had a lot to say. and a lot of the songs are very personal. and i cannot wait for the world to hear it. >> reporter: all that matters to these pop fans is the music. but we got to see the guys out of their element, serving up a one-of-a-kind fan experience.
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>> usually when we're on the road, meet and greet, it's picture, go. picture, go. these are people that have been supporting you from day one. so it's great to give back even something like making dumplings, which we did poorly. >> horribly. >> reporter: how does it feel to have this fan base 30 years later? >> the fans are still there. they're not going anywhere. and it's such a blessing. we combined had the best bands in the world. >> back in the day it was always, are we going to be number one? no, we're going on tour to celebrate in that sense, let's have some fun. ♪ everybody rock your body ♪ >> reporter: and i couldn't help but ask if we'd ever see everybody on one stage. is there a chance that we could see a boy band collaboration, cross-over? both bands together? >> never say never. i think if it was ever something that would happen, we all
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collectively would do it for our fans. but is it right now the second? probably not. everybody's doing their own thing. but never say never. ♪ back street's back all right ♪ >> byron: that looked like fun. our thanks to stephanie. when we return, breaking news tonight from alabama. what the state just did to help news tonight from alabama. what the state just did to help families undergoing ivf. if you're living with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin... ...and show it off. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses.
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1:03 am
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1:04 am
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♪ >> byron: finally tonight, what hopeful parents to be in alabama have been waiting for. governor kay ivey tonight signing legislation protecting ivf providers from liability, putting an end to the state's fertility limbo after the state supreme court's controversial ruling that a frozen embryo should be considered a child. that decision sparked huge outcry and a rally at the statehouse. doctors at one of the state's largest clinics told abc news they plan to resume treatments as soon as the bill becomes law. and that's "nightline" for this evening. catch full episodes on hulu. we'll see you right back


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