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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  March 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. [cough] honey... honey. nyquil severe honey. powerful cold and flu relief with a dreamy honey taste nyquil honey, tire. well, it was definitely a tire from a united plane. video posted to the youtube account
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cali planes clearly shows it falling off as a plane takes off from san francisco international airport. good evening. thanks for joining us. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm karina nova. this happened at around 1130 this morning as the plane took off for osaka, japan. there were nearly 250 people on board. united says the plane actually lost part of its landing gear. some of the debris landed in a nearby employee parking lot. >> yeah, the falling tire slammed onto a car, as seen in this video. we'll show you here. part of a fence also damaged and the back of at least one car. looks like it got crushed as well. sfo says no one was hurt, so that's the most important thing. of course, this is what the conversation sounded like between the plane's crew and air traffic control as they discussed what happened at takeoff. listen to this. >> you know the 35 north. i'll just called to the tower, called them, said, they think it might have been you. >> they're not sure, but she might have lost a wheel on takeoff. >> and oakland united 35. yeah, we're going to. we're talking with company and they're trying to determine if the issue if it
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was indeed our, tire. we don't have any indications here on board that it was, but for right now, we're going to continue at 35 saying probably said someone on the ground reported tiktok they think they saw something come off the aircraft. >> they weren't 100% sure if it was a tire or something else. >> again, it was a tire. the plane made an emergency landing about two hours later at los angeles international airport. it came in safely and no one was hurt. >> all right, let's show you where this happened. we know the flight took off from runway 28, right? or two? eight are. as the plane lifted off the ground, the tire just fell off, as you saw clearly in vio, as it plummeted to the ground. it hit several viclein sfo's employee parking lot before bouncing over a fence and landing in the herts rental car lot near the endth runway. >> an sfo worker shared aouple of photos with us showing the tire in the parking lot right that tire weweighs 265 pounds, o it could have been devastating
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if it had fallen in a crowded area or if somebody was down there. in this photo, you can see a crowof concerned investigators just starting to gather. this is a really good perspective for just how big that tire is. >> it's huge really. that tire has now been removed from the parking lot. in this video, you can see a white truck driving away with the tire in the back. we have not been told where investigators took that tire. >> abc seven news reporter tara campbell is live at san francisco international airport now, and she joins us. >> tara, what are you hearing about what happened today and the reaction to it? >> yeah, well, dan and karina, we're just outside the hertz rental parking lot where that massive tire landed. and then bounced from after falling off of the plane that plane was headed to japan. of course, having to divert to lax where passengers are still waiting. >> what's been frustrating is getting off and seeing the actual level of damage that was done, and united's statement being how proud they are of
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everybody. whereas a wheel fell off an airplane. that's a massive deal. that's and we're about to get on the same type of airplane and fly again, the, the faith in the aviation industry is dwindling >> flight 35 took off from sfo this morning at about 1130. and video, video, video shows the exact moment that tire fell this video, courtesy of the cali plane's youtube by some miracle, the tire didn't hit any people. but look at the damage to a fence and some of the cars in the parking lot. we are able to get up close and as you can see, at least one window is taken right out, mirrors taken off of the side of the cars, and massive damage to that fence. now, a witness sent abc7 news a video as police got to the scene . >> hey, are you going to literally just happened? there are so many police here now. it's crazy. so these two cars and they found some of the
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landing gear over there. they think it was a united 777. now also spoke with a couple of people here on the ground. >> one sfo worker and one security guard who works in this parking lot itself. >> it is pretty scary to think about, i feel like i might have got hit too, if i were doing my, you know, my car count during that time, but maybe something called pienta call. yeah, it's not mine. yeah. so i'm glad i didn't. nothing happened to me or anybody, but, yeah, it's scary, you know? >> thanks, scott. everybody is safe. but just the vehicle. >> again, the incident forced the plane to divert to lax, where it safely landed around 130 this afternoon. now that passenger that i spoke with, who you just heard from, he said he's not sure when they're eventually going to get onto a plane to japan, but he is not
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feeling so confident about getting on another flight after that incident. now we'll be working to bring you more details on abc seven news at 8:00. dan and karina. >> all right, tara, thank you for that update. east bay congressmember mark desaulnier, who serves on an aviation subcommittee in the house, reacted to today's news. he says it's just the latest incident to prove there's much more work to be done on aviation safety overall, there's pressure on the industry and they're cutting corners. >> in my view, whether it's maintenance, whether it's production, whether it's overworking the pilots and uh- the air traffic controllers. so we're we're pushing back hard here in congress and myself on the committee saying this is an acceptable your, your your risk to the flying public is not acceptable. >> congress member desaulnier says the committee is working on the faa reauthorization right now and is making sure the agency will respond to some of
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these problems. >> now. stay with abc seven news for continuing coverage of this incident at sfo today. we'll have much more on our special edition of abc seven news at 8 p.m. and any time you wish on abc seven in the east bay, we're also following a developing story where a few lanes of interstate 580 and san leandro remain closed this evening as part of a police investigation. >> this is the scene from sky seven near 150th avenue. police say a man died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the car near the center median. he was wanted by pleasanton police in connection to a deadly shooting that was reported on saginaw circle around 11:00 this morning. abc seven news reporter anser hassan spoke to investigator and joins us live with the latest on sir. what are they telling you? >> karina. good evening. pleasanton police have not released a lot of details about this victim, but we do know that the woman was shot and killed by a man who may have been her
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boyfriend. you can see it still very much an active crime scene. police found the man's body in his car in san leandro from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. a few hours ago. police say it all started around 11 a.m. they received 911 calls from this apartment complex with reports of gunshots. when police arrived, operations captain kurt schlehuber says they found the woman in her apartment who was shot multiple times. he says neighbors were able to give them a description of the suspect's getaway car, which police spotted and followed to san leandro. he says the car came, quote, disabled on i-580 when they approached the car, they found the man had fatally shot himself. >> we believe the person responsible for this crime was the suspect that that is deceased, so there is no current concern or or danger to the public, and we just need to think about the families of the victim right now. and, while we complete this investigation,
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i-80 in san leandro was shut down in both directions at one point during this investigation. >> police say the woman may have children. we don't know if they were in the house at the time of the shooting or their ages. >> my wife works for the school district, so of course it whenever a child's uh- something traumatic like this happens to a child's family, then the whole school system, all the kids, friends, the whole community is affected by it. >> police say they still don't know what led to the shooting. they're asking anyone with information to contact pleasanton police reporting live anser hassan abc seven news. >> all right, andrew, thanks very much. happening tonight, the state of the union address and president biden is taking the opportunity to promote his vision for a second time in office and to warn of the dangers of a donald trump alternative. biden will lay out what he calls project 2025,
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which includes eight areas he aims to address. each will deliberately draw contrasts with trump's views. >> for america, we must be clear democracy is on the ballot. your freedom is on the ballot. >> biden plans to tout his accomplishments, including his bipartisan infrastructure bill, which targeted prescription drug prices, and his fight for reproductive rights like access to abortion and ivf. he will also call to be tougher on immigration rules and for more aid to ukraine. >> the state of the union will begin in less than an hour, and some local lawmakers will be closely watching to see what he says about the ai revolution and what it means for the bay area. abc seven news reporter zach fuentes is live in the south bay bureau with more on that. zach >> yeah, karina. the challenge for biden and lawmakers is figuring out a way to regulate artificial intelligence and bring in better privacy protections, but still also encourage growth and development, which for silicon
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valley, we know is key. i got to speak with congresswoman anna eshoo and experts about what they're hoping to hear from the president tonight. artificial intelligence continues to grow faster than the legislation lawmakers are creating to regulate it. >> they already have an executive order. you know, that, which is great. they already have the, you know, the chip act, which is will help with the technology. we have the bill of rights for ai. so but we need now to have it all in one form of this is the policy of the government. >> lawmakers have been at work. bay area congresswoman anna eshoo has coauthored the create ai act. the bipartisan bill would establish a national resource for ai researchers from diverse backgrounds to use not just those from giant tech companies. >> we don't make the effort to bring in all sectors, it's going to leave america behind. >> congresswoman eshoo will be at the president's state of the union address thursday. her guest, doctor fei-fei li, co-director of the stanford human-centered ai institute. i don't know what the president is going to say, but if he's going
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to, talk about artificial intelligence, it will come from, the knowledge of what, stanford university and its human centered, ai instead is doing. >> doctor li says the institute has worked to keep the u.s. a leader in the space of ai, particularly in keeping a healthy ecosystem of ai development, research and education, one where it's not only workers in large tech companies thriving in ai development, but the public sector, too, like nonprofits and academic communities, especially in the past two years, what is really clear is that the private sector world is accelerating really rapidly with the ai in terms of large amount of resource data, large models, and the public sector is being left behind. so doctor li says any powerful technology can be a double edged sword. she and her colleagues at stanford are still encouraged by the possibilities of ai. >> every few hundred years or
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now, it seems to be accelerating humanity. discover or invent a new tool that truly changes life. and ai is one of the. >> now, the house speaker and minority leader put together a task force on artificial intelligence just a couple of weeks ago, and congresswoman eshoo was appointed to it. she tells me that they hope to have recommendations for guardrails relating to ai by the end of the year. but of course, everybody is going to be looking to what the president says tonight live in the south bay. zach fuentes, abc seven news. >> zach, thank you. and you can watch president biden's state of the union speech live right here on abc seven. coverage begins at 6 p.m. you can also watch the republican response and then abc seven news at eight.
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that it's closing its post
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street store later this month. the outdoor retailer was founded in san francisco back in 1964, and late this afternoon, the chronicle reports that zara is closing its union square store on post street as well. today's announcement comes a week after macy's confirmed it's closing its flagship store in union square. since the start of 2023, more than three dozen downtown san francisco retailers have closed or announced plans to close. >> well, despite that disappointing news, san francisco mayor london breed came out strong today for the state of the city address. she's fresh off a few wins on election day. abc seven news reporter suzanne fonda is in the newsroom with a closer look. suzanne dan mayor london breed says she's tired of the negativity and the city's successes are not a fluke. >> breed says she's sending a strong message to critics. san francisco is not wearing the shackles of your negativity any longer. breed hopes her critics will hear her message loud and clear that san francisco is making a strong recovery during the state of the city today,
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mayor london breed highlighted her administration's big wins on public safety. breed talked about the crime rate being the lowest in ten years. she says that's thanks to bait cars shutting down drug markets in the tenderloin and soma, and cracking down on auto break-ins. >> we doubled the number of drug arrests in 2023. retail theft and car break ins plummeted. >> breed says voters passing measure e will help in a number of ways. >> we will be installing new public safety cameras in high crime areas, deploying drones for auto theft, car break ins and other crimes. >> on the issue of drug addiction and fentanyl use, breed thanks voters for passing measure f if we can provide cash assistance to more than 5000 people, then we can screen recipients for substance use disorder and get them into treatment on homelessness, breed says since she's been mayor, the city has helped more than 15,000 people out of homelessness. >> we did it by increasing our shelter capacity by 66. >> breed says just last year,
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the city helped more than 1500 people into shelter from encampments. >> the number of tents on our streets are down by 37% this past six months. >> and when it comes to downtown recovery, the mayor says the city is recruiting new businesses. breed says. i alone is projected to add 12,000,000ft■!s of office spacen 2030. breed also introduced a new effort. >> so our new initiative, 30 by 30. 30,000 more residents and students downtown by 2030. >> breed says laws already remove and reduce fees and barriers for office conversion, and they paved the way for more housing and more people to move downtown. >> we are a city on the rise. we are a dragon taking flight. now let's soar, san francisco. let's soar. >> and mayor breed faces a tough reelection battle. her opponents say her administration has failed to deal with drug crimes, vandalism and theft. but breed says she has several victories with measures in the primary
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election. and she says san francisco will host the super bowl in 2026. fifa world cup in 2026 and the nba all star game next year. live in the newsroom. suzanne fawn, abc seven news. >> very good. all right, suzanne, thanks very much. is your power babt to go up again? w time to protect your vehicle from winter's wrath. of course, the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too. you need weathertech. laser measured floorliners and cargo liner will shield the carpeting from sand and snow. for your interior, there's seat protector and sunshade. plus, mud flaps and bumpstep for the exterior. while the new impactliner, with shock absorbing rings, safeguards your truck bed from costly damage. order american made products at
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public utilities commission voted unanimously once again to allow p-g-and-e's to raise rates. this comes after a rate increase just went into effect on january 1st. abc seven news reporter lena howland talked with customers who were just fed up with rising bills. i've no rate hike in outburst at the california public utilities commission meeting from a number of p-g-and-e's customers fed up with bills that won't stop rising criminal profiteering. >> that's what it is. it's criminal profiteering at the expense of the people. >> after hours of public
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comment, the cpuc unanimously approved another p-g-and-e's rate hike that will take effect next month. p-g-and-e's says it will amount to about $3.65 for the average electric customer. cpuc commissioners had no public discussion before the vote. i think that is disrespectful to customers and that the commissioners owe it to the customers to explain their vote, mark toney, executive director of turn the utility reform network, points out that the increase is on top of the hike that already went into effect on january 1st, which averaged around $38 a month per customer. this is despite the utility reporting last year's profits surged to more than $2.2 billion, a jump of almost 25. >> it doesn't make any sense for p-g-and-e's to keep crying poor when the fact is they are more profitable than they've ever
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been, p-g-and-e's said. >> this decision authorizes a temporary rate change to start recouping a portion of the money that was spent for wildfire mitigation and delivering key safety, compliance and modernization investments for our energy system. they're looking to recover a maximum of $516 million, which has already been spent on upgrades like undergrounding power lines. people united will never be defeated, which is why the coalition to stop the p-g-and-e's rate hikes are calling for a rollback. >> you know, passing rate increases like this will mean more evictions. it will mean more suffering for people in san francisco. >> lena howland abc seven news. >> all right, time now to get a check on the weather. it was nice to see the sun today, dan. it was wonderful to see the sun really had a great day. >> a fairly mild two. abc seven news meteorologist sandyha patel is here. keep it coming, sandy. any chance of that? >> i will, you know what,
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karina? dan? dan has been asking for sunshine for weeks now, so we're going to try to please him. all right, look at these live views from our tower cameras. no matter what direction you look, you've got bright, sunny skies. but as you all know, didn't start out that way. we had fog this morning that did clear out as we look at satellite and radar. live doppler seven. high pressure is taking control of our weather, which is why we are in for another dry day tomorrow. that system that brought us the rain has moved on into the southwest right now. locally, we do have quiet weather, temperatures are in the 50s and the 60s. there's still a few degrees behind where they should be for most areas, but that will be changing up two degrees in novato, san francisco running seven degrees warmer in livermore, and a beautiful view from our mount tam cam tomorrow. sunshine and milder weather. this weekend we're going to have cooler conditions and periods of showers. it's not a weekend washout mid to late next week. we are looking at spring like warmth getting back into the picture. so let's go hour by hour tonight. if you are stepping out at 9:00, definitely
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grab the jacket. temperatures are going to drop under clear skies, 40s 50s. by tomorrow morning we'll even see some 30s showing up at noontime. it's going to be soaked in sunshine with many 50s and 60s, and in the early afternoon, those temperatures will get up into the mid and upper 60s for our warmest spots. so first thing tomorrow morning, 38, in santa rosa, 46 san francisco, mid 40s oakland out towards the inland east bay 38 in livermore, 43 in san jose. tomorrow afternoon you want it nice and mild or warm? how about 68? in san jose, 64. oakland 62, san francisco 65. in san rafael, 66 degrees in santa rosa and 65 in concord. now we're going to fast forward to the weekend. if you have saturday plans, rain moves into the picture at 8 a.m. in the north bay. by 11 a.m, it's slicing through the central portion of the bay and then it falls apart. so by the time it reaches the inland east bay and the south bay, noteft of it, and it will be reflected in the rainfall projections. so you will notice up to 2/10 of an inch in ukiah, only a few
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hundredths around san jose and mountain view. and some areas may not measure accuweather seven day forecast. it is going to be milder tomorrow with plenty of sun a level one for saturday with those scattered showers on oscar sunday. don't forget spring forward one hour by the afternoon evening. we are talking about wet breezy conditions. monday we have some showers moving into the picture in the early part of the day, and then another level one on tuesday. look at the warmth 70s in the accuweather seven day forecast. dan and karina by thursday you got yr suhine for a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks?
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♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel. all of us, we appreciate your time. >> i'm dan ashley and i'm
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♪ >> david: tonight, the high-stakes speech just a short time from now for president biden. also, the united flight. what came off the plane after takeoff. and the images just in tonight. the national guard now deployed on the new york city subways.


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