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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  March 15, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box! >> now abc seven mornings live >> treat the tenderloin as if. oh, you want to sell drugs? you can do it in the tenderloin. but don't do it in cow hollow. >> residents and businesses fed up with conditions in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood, the province's premier breed is a city faces a new lawsuit to clean up the streets going way too fast. >> i feel like i'm slamming on my brakes every two seconds. >> if you're a bicyclist or a scooter or anything, and the cars like, do not want you on the road like i understand it. >> but you know, the city's already expensive. >> if you speed in san francisco, the ticket may soon be in the mail. what we are
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learning about the timeline to add speed cameras in each of the city's districts. >> a rare and stunning rebuke by the highest ranking jewish official in the us government, senate majority leader chuck schumer, criticizing prime minister benjamin netanyahu, calling for elections in israel and the traffic alert. >> if you're going to be in the east bay this weekend, roadwork closing a chunk of interstate 680. what you need to know before you hit the road. >> it is friday, march 15th. good morning to you. >> yes. at least is here with us today. >> good morning. >> you guys remember the ides of march in latin class? march 15th. >> there was no latin class at perry hall high school, but a brutus stabbed caesar. >> oh, yeah. anyway, wow. >> pie day. >> what a way to start our friday, march 15th. >> and i remember my latin teacher saying the ides of march. okay. they're here. yeah, a gusty start to your friday once again with our wind advisory. high pressure off shore, low pressure to the south and east of us. and we're looking at these winds keeping
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us pretty windy right on through the early afternoon. north winds to 35 miles an hour gusting to 55. but look at the temperature 61 san francisco sfo, 62. in san jose with 57 in novato. so with all of that, wind numbers are mild, 17 degrees warmer in santa rosa, five degrees milder over in hayward, and the current wind gusts to 24 miles an hour. san jose 32 miles an hour, half moon bay and santa rosa, and the upper elevations. look at this. 54 mile an hour wind gusts along the east foothills. so very gusty out there. and a look from our emeryville camera. a lot of sunshine. the winds will ease. not till about three 4:00. so we'll begin to look at the afternoon. much calmer with 70s inland around the bay and mid and upper 60s at our coast. good morning gloria. >> sounds beautiful. thank you lisa. well, this morning traffic is looking pretty good. pretty light on this friday as we normally see. not too much traffic volume out there. so this is a live look at our emeryville camera. you can see there are some commuters but
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really not too bad compared to what we normally see this time of the morning. and pretty much traffic is moving smoothly as you work your way towards the bay bridge toll plaza. and looking at your drive times for this morning from tracy to castro valley, 37 minutes. highway 85 to the san jose airport 11 minutes and highway one in san francisco, nine minutes. reggie aqui. thanks, gloria. >> and speaking of traffic, a major freeway closure this weekend in the east bay. caltrans is shutting down southbound 680 in pleasanton between the 680 and 580 connector and highway 84. that closure goes all the way until monday morning. abc seven news reporter ryan curry in pleasanton with more information. ryan >> yeah. reggie. good morning. this was supposed to happen a couple months ago, but it kept getting delayed due to the rain. no rain in the forecast this weekend, which means now this project can go further and proceed. here's what it's going to look like. starting 9 p.m. tonight, the road will be closed from the 580 junction down to koopman road. it's about nine miles that will be closed. if you're going to the south bay
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from the east bay, 880 is going to be the best detour. if you're coming from the east. such as tracy, highway 84 will connect you back to southbound 680. past the closures, caltrans says this is part of a repaving effort to improve 680. they will work to repair the deteriorating roads in that section, making it safer for drivers, they said this will get this was supposed to get done on mlk day weekend, but again the rain stopped them. it's a big closure. so caltrans is asking people to be prepared. >> we understand that this closure is going to impact the traveling public, and we are grateful to the traveling public for your patience. and one thing about it is we are rehabilitating dilapidated pavement. i think folks are very aware of the state of things on southbound 680, and how much of an improvement this is going to be. >> now, caltrans did mention this is being done a full year
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ahead of schedule and closing it during the weekend, they said, prevents them from doing it during the nighttime, nighttime closures. they say that would have had to have gone for about several months. so if also if you're going to the dublin saint patrick's day festival this weekend, just know that those closures, they're not going to impact you. everything that's going to be closed is happening south of the city, so you should have no problems enjoying those festivities in dublin. and yes, they will reopen monday morning before the commute. we're live here in pleasanton. ryan curry, abc seven news. >> thank you. ryan cameras to catch speeding drivers are coming to san francisco and now we know where sfmta is planning to put them. so there will be a total of 33 across all 11 districts in the city. each district will get at least two cameras. all right. on this map you can see the proposed locations marked with the red pins. once the cameras go up, the cameras will be snapping photos of your car. if you are driving 11 miles an hour or more over the speed limit and the lowest fine is $50, the fines
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increase if you're going faster. there's mixed reaction from pedestrian bikers and drivers. >> i'm totally down for the speed cameras. i think the drivers are a little psycho on the street like i understand it, but you know, the city's already expensive. >> it's just. >> and you feel like this is just milking us for money. >> yeah, milking us for money. >> sfmta says the fines will go toward traffic improvement around the city. the cameras are expected to go up by early 2025. if you want to see if there will be cameras in your neighborhood, we posted the full list of the intersections. just go to abc seven >> the san francisco exodus we talked about for so long appears to be over. new census data shows people are coming back. take a look at this graphic from the census bureau. that huge dip in population happened during the early part of the pandemic. we all saw that. but you can see now that the numbers are going back up. the city's population
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grew by about 1200 people from july of 2022 to july of 2023. that's 0.15. so it's not huge, but it's there, the public policy institute of california tells abc seven news. part of that has to do with jobs, employers are being a little bit fussier in some cases about people showing up in person at least a few days a week. >> and i think that's drawing people back to california because the dynamic and high paying jobs, especially in the bay area, are still here. >> real estate experts say the city needs to build more affordable housing for people to stay. >> new details now. in a sto we first told you about yesterday, right here on abc seven mornings, people living and working in san francisco's tenderloin are suing the city over conditions on the street. abc seven news reporter luz pena took a closer look at the problem and has mayor london breed's response. >> san francisco woke up to a lawsuit by five residents and
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two businesses in the tenderloin , the city's drug market hotspot, that are at their wits end because the city has treated their neighborhood as a containment zone for narcotics activity and all the problems associated with that. matthew davis represents the tenderloin residents who want to remain anonymous. in their complaint, one of the plaintiffs, a mother of two, documented being threatened with knives and hammers outside her home. these photos, showing a glimpse of their daily lives every day at all hours. >> people are dealing drugs and using drugs in front of their apartment building. there are encampments. people are lighting bonfires. their sidewalks are filthy with all types of problems, from used syringes to human waste. >> the phoenix and best western hotels documented inaccessible sidewalks for guests and drug use throughout the area. the phoenix hotel decided not to renew their lease next year. >> the business is down so much because of the conditions around their hotel, randy shaw, director of the tenderloin housing clinic
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lawsuit leads to change in the area. >> we hope we get our constitutional rights protected, which has not been the case, and the people should not treat the tenderloin as if, oh, you want to sell drugs, you can do it in the tenderloin, but don't do it in cow hollow in response to the lawsuit, in a statement, the city attorney's office said in part the city is making efforts to reduce crime, disrupt open air drug markets and address homelessness all while complying with the preliminary injunction issued in the coalition on homelessness case. >> the mayor said they're seeing improvements in the tenderloin at un plaza in the daytime, but at night it's still an issue and we're going to continue to do everything we can to work as aggressively as we can to focus our resources and attention. >> on the tenderloin. >> we met melvin jr in the neighborhood. he has lived in the tenderloin for 20 years, and was glad to hear that a group of residents are suing the city. he doesn't feel safe in the area anymore either. >> it's horrible now. just yesterday, someone pulled a knife on me while i was walking
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home from work for no apparent reason at all in san francisco. >> luz pena, abc seven news the case against protesters arrested for shutting down the bay bridge in november has been dismissed. >> but instead, protesters accepted what's called a diversion agreement, although each have to do five hours of community service and the group as a whole will pay about $4,500 in restitution, 78 people have been charged for shutting down the bridge during the apec conference. they were calling for a ceasefire in israel. senate majority leader chuck schumer is facing criticism this morning for a stunning rebuke of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the senate floor yesterday, he called for a new election in israel, possibly to replace netanyahu with a new leader. >> i believe in his heart he has his highest priority is, as is the security of israel. however, i also believe prime minister netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take the precedence over the
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best interests of israel. >> he called netanyahu an obstacle to peace as israel continues to bombard gaza amid a growing humanitarian crisis. schumer is the highest ranking elected jewish official in the us. minority leader mitch mcconnell called his speech unprecedented and foreign interference. netanyahu's party responded with a statement, saying in part, israel is an independent and proud democracy that elected prime minister netanyahu not a banana republic. contrary to schumer's words, the israeli public supports a complete victory over hamas. >> good morning to you. friday morning, waking up to those gusty winds once again, you can see how high pressure is pushing the fog and the cloud cover well offshore that offshore flow with us. another day today and we're looking at temperatures quite mild. how about that 56 in danville, 61 in san francisco. but the winds from napa santa rosa, the east foothills are
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very very gusty again. so that's why we have that wind advisory throughout 11:00 throughout the delta and the carquinez strait until 5:00 this afternoon. so today, gusty winds continue. tomorrow, another spring like afternoon, less wind. and then we'll look for a little patchy fog to arrive over the weekend. still warm right through wednesday. and then things are going to change by the time we get to next thursday. here are the wind gusts. you can see 6:00 this morning. they continue through 11:00. in fact, they get even a little stronger. calistoga napa 36 to 44 miles an hour. and you can see they'll begin to dial back in the south bay earlier and then throughout the later afternoon. so keep that in mind. you've certainly heard them the past couple of days, and maybe some things rolling down the street as well. the garbage can, maybe highs today in the low 70s out there, a lot of sunshine. beautiful afternoon. the accuweather seven day forecast, less wind. saint patrick's day, very nice. some morning fog and you'll notice cooler and maybe some rain by the end of this time frame. next
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thursday. back to you. >> thanks. lisa and lisa just mentioned saint patrick's day. it is this weekend and the city is ready to celebrate the plans for this weekend's san francisco festivities. >> and oakland police saying it is making progress when it comes to reducing crime citywide for one type of robbery is on the rise. the recommendation to protect yourself, an ad campaign launched in miami telling rowdy spring breakers to stay away. >> but another nearby florida city says its doors for says its doors are open for party it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out.
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and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities.
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>> your voice. your vote. the biden-harris ticket is out in full force on the campaign trail , visiting every battleground state after last week's state of the union address. but it is a different scene for former president donald trump. gloria is at the live desk with the stark contrast between the two presidential nominees. >> gloria, good morning. >> kumasi president biden is traveling to several swing states that are critical to this year's general election, and donald trump is fighting to dismiss the four cases that he faces this year. president biden was in michigan yesterday to meet with supporters. it's a
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state that he won in 2020 by less than 1% of voters. vice president kamala harris toured a health clinic in minnesota that offers abortion services. this marked the first time a president or vice president has ever done so. democrats are aware that voters have moved to protect abortion rights in all six states, where it has appeared on the ballot since roe v wade was overturned. >> how dare these elected leaders believe they are in a better position to tell women what they need to tell women what is in their best interest? >> meanwhile, donald trump spent yesterday in court his lawyers tried to convince a federal judge to throw out his federal classified documents case on grounds that the charges were unconstitutionally vague. trump has denied any wrongdoing. in new york, the da's office is offering to delay trump's criminal hush money trial, set to start in two weeks. they say
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they just received thousands of pages of documents from the justice department, and they want to give trump's legal team time to review them. kumasi >> thank you, gloria. the future of major league baseball in oakland beyond this year is still up in the air. yesterday, the a's and city officials met for the second time in a month trying to work out a lease extension at the coliseum. the team's deal expires at the end of this season, and at this point, the a's have no place to play until their plan moved to vegas in 2028, and there are still plenty of questions about that. the two sides described the meeting as productive. without giving any specifics, they will be meeting again next month. the registrar of voters in alameda county says it will have to manually verify the signatures to determine if an effort to recall district attorney pamela price can move forward. about 73,000 signatures are needed. organizers claim to have collected more than 123,000. now, if things check out after that manual count, the
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effort will go to the county board of supervisors to set a special election. >> the owner of a hugely popular west oakland barbecue spot says he will not be reopening his restaurant after it was burglarized and gutted by a fire. matt horne says after deep reflection and prayer with his family, they've made the difficult decision not to reopen. horne barbecue at the mandela parkway location. he says the decision stems from a multitude of challenges beyond last november's fire, including vandalism, what he calls the continuous theft and crime in the area. and speaking of that, put your valuables and your trunk or under your seat, even if you are still in the car. that's the recommendation from oakland police to avoid crimes like the smash and grab last month, opd says it's seeing an increase in people smashing out the passenger window of cars while the driver is still inside an oakland security guard says he's seen this happen many times . >> people are getting desperate. so i mean, unfortunately with no
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police chief, they take advantage of the opportunity of no police being out there. and yeah, unfortunately, you know, we got to live in terror. >> well, that is quite the statement. robberies are up 27% over the last 12 months compared to the annual average over the last three years. opd says it is investigating the trend and is deploying additional officers to areas seeing a surge in these types of crimes. >> sunday is saint patrick's day, but the celebration in san francisco starts tomorrow with the city's annual saint patrick's day parade. we got a preview from the man who's going to be leading all of the fun. the parade grand marshal tom hunt. >> we're having a big celebration in the civic civic center plaza, where we have irish music and dancing and, good food available. a lot of activities for children and adults. >> okaunt. >> tell it, he's just like his
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accent, i do. >> that's fine and that's fine. >> it's lovely. it's just like he can lead. >> he is goi to lead this parade. he sure is. and i truste 173rd year of san francisco's parade. it starts tomorrow at 110 a.m. at market and second. it goes all the way to city hall . and lisa, police say it's going to be lovely because in my mind, it's going to be lovely. >> it is going to be lovely. >> kumasi yes, we're looking at temperatures once again above average. we should be in the low to mid 60s this time of year and despite the wind yesterday we were in the low 70s. many neighborhoods up in the north bay. but the winds will ease for the parade. and right now that offshore flow certainly bringing the gusts with us through the overnight hours, 32 mile an hour wind gusts, napa and santa rosa look at concord down through san jose and upper elevations even windier. so looking at that 54 mile an hour wind gusts, east foothills, 44. they're up in the north bay, marin county. so current numbers are certainly
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mild. and we're looking at that wind advisory through 11:00. and all the highlighted areas here and the upper elevations. it is certainly going to be fierce once again today. right on through the early afternoon. it is 62 san jose right now, 60 in san rafael, very mild due to all that mixing out there. 59 concord livermore, one of the cooler spots at 56 in the south bay today. look for mid 70s in san jose, 73 in cupertino along the peninsula. beautiful day, upper 60s. pacifica 72 for you. palo alto 71 downtown. we should see low 60s out there 72 petaluma and vallejo with 73. in oakland, fremont, you head inland. we're looking at more low 70s today from san ramon. brentwood at 73, the accuweather seven day forecast, a string of sunny days, low clouds and fog. we'll return patchy over the weekend and then looking at maybe some rain as we get into late next wednesday. but spring arrives next tuesday. gloria
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good morning. >> yes. so far it's looking like a pretty quiet commute. not too many vehicles out there on the road this morning. a lot lighter on this friday. this is a live look from your bay bridge camera and you can see traffic is moving nicely today. keep in mind there is a wind advisory on the bay bridge, so always important to keep both hands on the steering wheel, but especially when it's so windy the way it is today and from the toll plaza to san francisco, it will only take you about six minutes right now. and looking at mass transit, if you take bart, caltrain or ace, good news. everything is running on time today. kumasi reggie. >> thank you. gloria. coming up, the seven things to know this morning a tennis tournament temporarily postponed because of bees. >> how one professional
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if i told someone, it would only get worse. i'm scared to be alone. scared for what's waiting for me around every corner. i can't stand up for myself. these are the stories of kids that were bullied. 1 in 5 have experienced this in school. so the nfl's working to give them the tools to create healthier relationships. we've helped more than 2 million students. together, we can help even more at (crowd cheers) sore throat got your tongue?
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mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season. [♪] looking for a moisturizer that does more than just moisturize? try olay regenerist for 10 benefits in every jar. olay visibly firms, lifts, and smooths wrinkles, by penetrating the skin, to boost regeneration at the surface cellular level. try olay. >> it is 523. and here are the seven things to know this morning. number one, a major freeway closure in the east bay. caltrans is shutting down southbound 680 in pleasanton all weekend for repaving. it's happening between the six 8580 connector and highway 84. the closure starts tonight at 9 p.m. 680 is not expected to reopen until 4 a.m. monday morning. >> number two oakland police are warning of a rise in smash and
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grabs happening while people are in their cars. the suspects smashed the passenger side window and then take whatever they can. opd says the best thing to do is to put your valuables in your trunk or under your seat number three they are now two people offering to buy tiktok. >> former treasury secretary steven mnuchin and shark tank's kevin o'leary both say they're interested. it's coming just days after the house passed a bill that could ban the app. here in the u.s. >> number four target is changing their self checkout policy. now you can only be in that line if you have ten or fewer items. these express self checkout lanes begin operating sunday at thousands of stores across the country. >> number five wind advisory remains in effect until 11:00. north winds 20 to 30 miles an hour with gusts to over 55. in the hills. >> and number six, a live look at our richmond-san rafael bridge camera. and look at that. hardly any cars out there on the road this morning. really light traffic. what we see on fridays. we'll keep monitoring it for you throughout the morning. >> and number seven taylor
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swifts eras tour movie is now available on disney. it includes four extra songs that were not available in the theatrical or the home video releases. disney is the parent company of abc seven, a swarm of thousands of bees forced play to be suspended at the indian wells open in southern california yesterday. >> the bees actually stung the second round. the second ranked player in the world, carlos alcaraz, on the head as they swarm the camera above the court officials called a man who runs a bee removal service to get them away from the court. >> i think he's done it before. >> i think he might be right, but there is a spot of camp that is obviously very popular with bees. >> oh, honey, i just had to to the misery of all of that punnery that man was able to vacuum up the bees, which allowed the match to resume. >> alcaraz went on to easily beat his opponent so this man
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got stung by a bee in the head, kept playing and won. yeah, well, have you ever been stung in the face? no. absolutely not. it feels like nature's insult. >> i would say that it is. it is popular cities in florida are having a hot and cold relationship with spring break. while some are telling partiers to stay away, fort lauderdale is welcoming the fun seeking crowds . >> fort lauderdale has always been a welcome place for spring breakers. in fact, this week we've seen really large numbers of kids from various colleges around the country. we have a very good crowd that comes here. >> now it's a different story in miami beach. authorities there are preparing for what it says it's going to be the wildest party week yet. here's abc news reporter rhiannon ally with today's gma first look in this morning's gma first look. >> florida officials bracing for spring break chaos this weekend is really yes, it's historically been been our toughest weekend after years of spring breakers
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wreaking havoc on this small island, officials are looking to curb the chaos with arguably the toughest restrictions yet, including dui checkpoints, $100 parking bag checks, $500 towing fees and now all parking garages will be closed to visitors. more than a dozen drones will be patrolling overhead. 140 plus state troopers and even the coast guard deploying to help local police. >> we need to talk. >> it all started with a now viral ad with more than 200 million views and counting. until then, we're breaking up with you. leaders say the crackdown is working, and we'll have the very latest live from florida coming up at 7 a.m. with your
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now with a sweet new twist - cinnamon sugar churro. dunk, bite and savor them any time of day. or all day! it's totally up to you. only for a limited time. welcome to jack in the box!
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oh hey, jack. going up? actually, no, justine... my famous 2 tacos are still just 99¢ when you order on the jack app or online. could you press 6, please? i'm going up. get my famous 2 tacos for just 99¢. only on the jack app or online. ♪ >> now abc seven mornings live. >> right now at 530 tiktok buyers coming forward. but is it
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even for sale? the uncertainty lingering around one of america's most popular social media apps. >> so in my head, i'm freaking out because this is a big deal. >> oh, a bay area mother going to file her taxes but finds out someone has beat her to it. the warning for everybody and what to do if something like this happens to you. >> traffic could get ugly for drivers in the east bay this weekend, the major highway closure that'll last until monday. >> good morning everybody. happy friday. it's march 15th. >> we have a nice forecast for you. hi, lisa. >> hi there. good morning to you. it is going to be beautiful today once we get these winds to settle down. starting out with our wind advisory all throughout the bay area but particularly in the hills right now. current wind gusts anywhere from 32 miles an hour. in the north bay. you can see along the coast and the south bay, gusty over 20 miles. an hour. upper elevations 43 miles an hour. big rock in marin county and still looking at over 54 miles an hour, over 50 miles an hour. the east foothills. so that's why our
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wind advisory, lasting through 11:00. it is 61, in san francisco. so all of that air moving around, making for a very mild start out there. 51 in fremont, looking at upper 50s vallejo, 54 calistoga. so it's not going to take much to climb into the 70s today with all that sunshine. so numbers are 17 degrees milder up in the north bay. we will get the winds to back off as we go through the afternoon. so as we head through the morning hours, a quick warm up into the low 60s, 11:00 and with a lot of sunshine, we'll reach the low 70. in san jose, this is at about 230, but still the winds will begin to ease in the south bay first, and then a nice mild late afternoon and a nice weekend ahead. gloria, that sounds nice. >> thank you. lisa. yeah, our traffic volume is a lot lighter on this friday with those remote workers who work from home on fridays. so you look here from tracy to dublin. is will only take you about 34 minutes right now. a lot less time than it usually does this time of the morning from dublin to mission
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boulevard south 16 minutes and from 101 to cupertino 16 minutes. as well. and taking a live look at our san mateo-hayward bridge camera, both southbound and actually eastbound and westbound 92 are moving at the limit, guys. >> thank you. gloria so if you're in the east bay this weekend, there is a traffic alert that you need to know about starting tonight, a stretch of interstate 680 will be closed. it's not reopening until monday morning. abc seven news reporter ryan curry live in pleasanton with why it's closing. ryan >> yeah. kumasi. good morning. it's open right now. traffic moving steadily. but in just over 20, 12 hours from now, it will be shut down. they will start closing off the roadway while caltrans begins a major repavement project that they say has been long and long in the making. overdue. they've had to delay it a couple months, but now it is set for later on this weekend. so yes, you got to be mindful. here's what it's going to look like. the road will be closed from the 580 junction down to koopman road. if you're
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going to the south bay from the east bay, 880 is going to be the best detour. if you're coming from the east, such as tracy, highway 84 will connect you back to southbound 680 past where all the closures are. this is part of a repavement project that caltrans says is doing so to make 680 safer for drivers making the road better. this was originally planned for the mlk holiday weekend, but because of the rain, they couldn't do it. they pushed it back then to february, but the rain also forced them to push it back. no rain in the forecast this weekend, which means they now can proceed with the project this weekend. >> closure shrinks an entire three months of nighttime closures into one weekend, and by doing the weekend closures this way, we have moved our schedule ahead a whole year. so instead of 2025, by spring of this year, folks will be enjoying a much smoother ride on i-680 in the area. >> now, caltrans asks that you
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really plan your route. if you need to get to the south bay, give yourself extra time. that's always good advice. when these things are happening, the roads will be reopened on monday before that morning commute, but for the weekend, you just got to be mindful of all of these closures. but good news though, if you're going to dublin for the saint patrick's day festivities is that won't impact you all the off ramps going into dublin, those will not be closed at anything happening just south of that that's going to be closed. you got to be mindful of that for now. reporting live in pleasanton ryan curry, abc seven news. >> ryan, thank you. this morning. potential buyers are coming forward to get tiktok if it ends up for sale. it comes after the house passed a bill that could ban the social media app here in the us. glory at the live desk with more on who is lining up to make this potential purchase. >> yeah, well, just days after the house passed, that bill that could ban tiktok in the u.s. unless its chinese owner sells the app, potential buyers are coming forward. analysts say that the video sharing platform could fetch a price of more than $100 billion. the former
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treasury secretary is among those gathering investors. shark tank's kevin o'leary is also throwing his hat in the ring, but it is unclear if the senate will even take up the house bill . senators from both parties agree that tiktok poses a significant national security concern because of its chinese owner, but senate majority leader chuck schumer has not yet indicated if he will take up the bill. tiktok ceo insists the app keeps americans data on servers in the u.s. he says the bill that passed the house will hurt millions of people who make their living on the app. >> it's passing the law. this is a ban on the app in this country is going to impact 170 million americans who use our app. it's going to impact 7 million small businesses. >> even if the senate passes the bill and lists, say the chinese government would need to approve the sale, and they would likely withhold much of the app's underlying technology. president biden has said if the bill makes it to his desk, that he will
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sign it kumasi. >> thank you, gloria. the idea for a four day workweek has been making headlines for a while now, but now senator bernie sanders is getting on board. he's just proposed a law in congress that would mandate a 32 hour workweek with no loss of pay. >> we have not changed the fair labor standards act. this was in 1940. we came up with a 40 hour workweek. 1940. who is going to deny that the economy has not fundamentally and radically changed over that period of time ? so to suggest that we have to maintain what we put in place 84 years ago does not make a lot of sense to me. >> california senator laphonza butler has joined sanders in supporting this bill, which would gradually reduce the standard workweek from 40 to 32 hours over four years. you may remember that uk study looked into this idea. it found a shorter workweek, created happier and more productive employees. >> school board members have
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halted their plan to shut down an east san jose middle school during a school board meeting last night, officials put a pause on cutting grades six through eight of aptitude community academy at goss. many upset parents spoke at the meeting, saying the closure will hurt the school and the community it serves. >> the district only explains to us that our children are just a number. as parents, we know that our children are not only numbers there tomorrow, the future alum rock union school district superintendent says the school is unsustainable. >> it has a very low enrollment currently, and so if we don't do anything right now in 3 to 4 years, we will be considering closing the entire school. >> the school board and city staff now have 60 days to come up with a revised budget or alternative plan, a new grant up for grabs for performing arts organizations in san jose. >> the city has been heavily
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impacted by the high spirits of live music, dance and theater. abc seven south bay reporter lauren martinez gives us a look behind the scenes of two local stages, taking action to build a better bay area. >> okay, good. that way we're throwing all the way. okay, run that again really quick. >> there is power in performing arts. city lights theater company has been open for 41 years in san jose. >> this is the backstage area. this is the green room where the actors hang out when they're not on stage. >> executive artistic director lisa mallette has been with the company for more than 20 years. >> i think we have to get them back once and they're going to remember how great it is to be with other human beings. >> she's seen the theater weather, two recessions, a pandemic and now most recently in early morning break in on sunday. >> this is where they really thought they'd scored big and, you know, grabbed some of the electronics that we had for the show, mallette said. >> theater companies, large and small, are struggling, whether that's from a lack of funders or people filling seats.
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>> i never binge watch anything before the pandemic, and now i'm like, oh yeah, i can see why this is fun. but nothing can replace being with other human beings in a space. >> this month, the san jose downtown association launched an arts grant marketing program where $25,000 grants can go towards different arts organizations. here in downtown, everything helps. >> everything helps, and it's not always cash in hand. >> randall king is one of the original founders of san jose stage, which opened in 1982. king says theater is coming back , but it's not the same. >> it feels like it did when vhs hit and we thought, how are we going to ever survive this? and i think the future of theater is going to be people are going to come to feel something visceral, real. >> i mean, nobody needs to know numbers, do they? >> this is rehearsal for the play hangmen by martin mcdonagh that runs in april. live theater is the most special form of performing arts in san jose. lauren martinez onions, abc
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seven news against onions and cookies and cookies if girls onion cookies, i know, right? >> think about it. oh, samoas. >> if girl scout cookie season pass you by, it's over. >> all right. is it? oh well, it's not over because it's extending. >> because i just saw something the other day. >> yeah, they were out on the streets last weekend for sure. okay. >> so you got another week. cookies are available for the next nine days ending on march 24th. so that just seems like normal. i feel like i thought it was going to be going until i studied it next month. let it give us another month. anyway, let's talk about this cheated out of your tax refund. coming up, the one thing that helped the bay area mom from losing thousands of dollars to a thief, plus the record six elderly sisters are now attempting to claim, let's call them seniors.
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>> yeah, i eliminated elderly from my vocabulary. >> i'm gonna keep it out of my mouth even though i just said >> now. i like the word elder. >> you likelder? >> like an elder that's honoringokay >> these elders, i still like seniors. okay, okay, lisa, get me out of this. >> always transition to the weather to get out of anything. right? so the weather is, you know, still going to be gusty out there. high pressure and low pressure, tugging it out. and once that low pressure heads out, the battle between the pressure gradients will ease up. throughout this afternoon. so we still have that wind advisory through 11:00 this morning, the carquinez strait and the delta through 5:00 with all of the winds. look at those mild temperatures. 62 for you this morning in hayward, 61 in san francisco could have the windows open. 56 in danville and up in the north bay. it may be mild, but those winds over 30 miles an hour. there's a roof camera. so
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gusty winds continued. today. they'll begin to ease throughout the later afternoon for your saturday springlike again, a beautiful day. we're not talking about any wind, just a return to some of the low clouds and fog over the weekend and then we'll look for the temperatures to eventually come back to average. but as for the day to day, look at the purples and the reds here. 11:00 still quite gusty. this is when the wind advisory expires and you'll notice first in the south bay they begin to ease up and then later on in the north bay. so we have many uh- mild days ahead. this is sunday with 60 to 70s and we'll be looking at a return to the rain. so it's not over yet. i'll detail that for you when abc,
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>> it is now 545. oh, this would make me mad. imagine filing your tax return and finding out
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someone else already claimed your refund. that is exactly what happened to a rohnert park mother who was told that somebody used her identity to claim almost $9,000 in her name. abc seven news anchor karina nova has this report from seven on your side. >> it's very creepy, let alone, you know, the steam's already coming out of my ears. >> brianna rooney was about to e-file her tax returns last week when she found out somebody had beat her to it. >> breanna rooney claimed two dependents refund amount 8900 and some change. >> brianna said she was finishing her taxes at h&r block when that message came up on the computer screen. a return had already been filed in her name. >> you know, in my head, i'm freaking out because this is a big deal. >> h&r block said it would investigate, but no answers. brianna called the irs yes, there has been a return filed in your name with your social 100. >> everything in the file is like they were, you know, immediately i start asking her, like, what's the account number?
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where is the refund going? and she's like, ma'am, we legally cannot give you any of that information. thankfully, brianna had an irs pin number which the thief could not supply, and so the irs blocked any payment to the scammer, said, hold on, person who are you? verify yourself and they didn't verify, so they didn't get it. they would have got the refund. they'd be out shopping with nine grand of my money. >> still, brianna must submit this affidavit to prove her identity and file a long form tax return. even then, she was told it could take up to two years to get her tax refund. about $6,000 on hold. what's worse, the irs would not say what information the thief knew about her and her two children. >> that's what freaks me out the most. my new baby and my 12 year old. like they're young. their information is out there. >> the irs has been using more fraud filters to deter theft. it flagged more than 1 million suspicious tax returns last year. as you find out about identity theft within the federal tax system, you want to
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let the irs know immediately. >> or if you get a letter from the agency and find out that way reactively, you want to respond to that immediately. >> if you think you may be a victim of tax id theft, log on to slash identity theft central. you'll find information on what to do for seven on your side. karina nova, abc seven news. >> and just a reminder seven on your side is hosting a tax chat. it starts at 3:00 today to get answers to your tax questions by a real tax professional. good abc seven click seven on your side and you can still submit your questions. >> six sisters living in the midwest believe they are world record holders for a very specific record, i am 88 years, 240 days young. >> i am 90 years 238 days young. i am 93. i am 97. i am old, 101 years and 30 days young
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. >> oh my goodness. so these ladies with the numbered t shirts are the overall sisters. as you heard them say it, their ages range from 88 to 101. they recently submitted an application to become the guinness record holders for the longest living set of six siblings. >> wait a second, what happened to sister five? because they all got t shirts and sister five has a pinned. >> you know, sometimes it does not come on time, sometimes you put things in the wash and it does not come out the same way you put it in that might be true there. so sometimes it doesn't fit. >> somebody tells me she said, no, i want to wear this sweater, i want to see more video of them . >> don't tell her anything. >> they have some really good jeans. >> they are. >> they're beautiful. >> although my sister, four, is holding a newspaper, they were probably in the paper. >> questions, maybe that's it. yeah no, i do have questions.
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>> that makes me happy though. awesome >> get that. and they really look alike. >> they do. >> strong family resemblance. >> yeah. very cute. all right. we're setting up for a really nice weekend. the wind has been kind of annoying, don't you think? we are still under that wind advisory through 11:00. and here are the surface winds. you can see from the south bay gusting to 24 miles an hour. half moon bay, 30 miles an hour up through napa and santa rosa. so not much has changed overnight. the upper elevations are still upwards of 30 to 45, and we've had 50 mile an hour wind gusts the east foothills. so these will eventually come down after the noon hour. and then we'll have a much cooler night tonight as the winds allow the temperatures to drop off. 62 hayward, san jose, 61 san francisco. so with all of that wind and that atmosphere mix throughout the last 12 to 24 hours, we have not dropped just the upper 50s out there. if we fast forward into next thursday, spring is tuesday looking for some showers late wednesday into
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thursday. rain not over yet, so maybe a quarter of an inch here. san francisco more than that in the north bay, but this is really far out. but you can just plan on dry, sunny and mild the next several days through the middle of next week. 75 in san jose. look for 73 in redwood city, upper 60s on the peninsula and the coast here, 69 in the sunset, 72 petaluma. sonoma. just a gorgeous day out there by the afternoon. not as windy. 72 san leandro, but starting out pretty gusty here. 72 in concord and livermore, the accuweather 70 forecast the changes arrive after saint patrick's day a gorgeous weekend, slightly cooler, even some low clouds and fog over the weekend. so cooler at the coast and then by the middle of next week, we could get back into some spring showers. hey gloria. >> good morning lisa. good morning to everyone so far. the commute is looking really good this morning. check out our map here. of the roads in the bay area you'll see mostly green which is always good to see. we do have a minor backup though in
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oakland, and that's because there's a downed tree. this is on eastbound 580 before golf links road, and right now at least two lanes are blocked because of this. and we're told that multiple cars have hit the tree and there's a backup from keller avenue. so right now speeds are about 11mph in that area. and taking a live look at our san rafael camera, things are looking pretty good here. highway 101 is an easy ride going toward santa rosa or sausalito. >> guys, thanks so much. new at six. another issue in the skies. the flight that landed at sfo with a leak and smoke coming from the landing gear. >> first, a royal rule of trust now broken. the new measures being taken after kate middleton's family
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>> it is 554. more fallout this morning from the royal family photo scandal. the head of afp, a french international news agency. now says kensington palace is no longer a trusted source. afp typically works closely with the palace. it is one of several agencies that killed the photo showing kate middleton with her kids. because of the extensive alterations made to it. the image was shared on mother's day in britain as rumors about kate's health were intensifying and an instagram post, she ended up apologizing for altering the photo. the afp, the manager at afp, says they will be more vigilant about kensington palace content. >> the father of a michigan school shooter has been convicted. a jury found james crumbley guilty on all four counts of involuntary manslaughter. prosecutors argued he bought an improperly stored the gun his son would use to
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kill four students in 2020. >> you're obligated to use ordinary and reasonable care and you owe a duty to other other kids in that school and in the community, and you're required to exercise ordinary care. these are it's an egregious set of facts, an egregious set of facts . >> the defense argued crumbley had no way of knowing his son's plans. crumbley's wife was convicted of the same charges last month, becoming the first parent in the u.s. ever convicted for their child's role in a mass school shooting. their son, ethan, pleaded guilty and will serve a life sentence, finding the answer to crime. 30 years ago, california adopted the three strikes law. but are longer prison sentences the answer to the recent spike in crime? >> we can just say, let's just lock them up. but it doesn't work. >> our prisons aren't overcrowded, but our streets sure are
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>> a new abc seven news originals video struck by justice, it looks back at the kidnaping and murder of petaluma's polly klaas and the tough on crime era that followed . did it make us safer, and if so, at what cost? struck by justice, the impact of polly klaas is now streaming on the abc seven news app. >> all right, while we are in this windy pattern, we have several sunny days to look forward to, so we're just going to bask in the calm and warm days ahead. this is sunday with 60s and 70s. we're taking you into monday even milder with mid 70s inland. maybe some fog along the coast but still quite mild. and look at tuesday. little change we'll talk about when the changes arrive in a few minutes. >> thanks, lisa. ahead at 6:00. a change you'll see at all target stores starting this weekend, and the budget issues that could cause closures for several schools in oakland and san francisco, and the
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concerning explanation for a mid-air scary incident earlier this week that left 50 people then we are looking for you. we are the peace corps. with volunteers in more than 60 countries. living together. working together. transforming lives. together. join us.
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cool the pain so i can get back on the court. now at six, a big construction project, months in the making, part of a major east bay highway closed the entire weekend, will have the workarounds coming up. >> then the crackdown on speeders that's co s


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