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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 19, 2024 11:35pm-12:38am PDT

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before you turn in, we have a suggestion. we're wrapping up the first day of spring with the change of seasons comes warmer weather. obviously. eventually flowers and bloom and a whole bunch of holidays to keep track of. so we made it easy with a list of all of the big dates from easter to passover to mother's day, and some information about all of them. that story is one of the top things people are clicking on right now on our website. it's up for you on the top news sidebar at abc seven >> all right. thank you so much for watching tonight. >> i'm ama daetz i'm dan ashley for sandhya patel larry biel. all of us. we appreciate your time right now on jimmy kimmel, doctor dre, snoop dogg and 56. >> have a great night everyone. >> lou: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- we celebrate "dre day" with guests dr. dre, snoop dogg and curtis "50 cent" jackson. with cleto and the cletones.
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and now, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you very much. hi, there. hi. very nice. hi, everybody. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for the applause i need to stay alive. it's very kind. [ cheers and applause ] today is the first day of spring, everybody. today is the first day of spring. outside, the flowers are in bloom. inside, snoop dogg is lighting those flowers and smoking them. [ laughter ] we have a big show tonight. this afternoon, just outside our studio, dr. dre got a star on the hollywood walk of fame. [ cheers and applause ] that is literal street cred.
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tonight, dr. and his friends snoop dogg and 50 cent are here to celebrate. [ cheers and applause ] there are cele-dre-tions going on all around the world. in london, the pubs are full of revelers. [ laughter ] there are fans flood is the streets of buenos aires. in sydney, australia, fireworks are lighting the sky. [ laughter ] india is celebrating with a parade of elephants. in beijing, men are so excited they are punching themselves in the tender parts. in florida, they're doing what they do in florida. [ laughter ] the celebrations have even reached north korea! [ laughter ] where they are sipping on jong and juice. [ cheers and applause ] and here we are, celebrating in person. the world-class wrecking crew will be with us shortly. today was the first day of the
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ncaa college basketball tournament. this is that magical time of year, when the co-worker who knows the least about sports wins $900 in your march madness pool. [ laughter ] the top seeds are uconn, houston, purdue, and oppenheimer. [ laughter ] gonzaga is playing in their 25th consecutive tournament. [ cheers and applause ] which is very impressive. particularly when you consider that it's a totally made-up university from a noon-existent place. [ laughter ] those of you who watch the show regularly know that this is the time of year when i question the existence of "gonzaga university." [ laughter ] this is my kate middleton. okay? [ laughter ] and then after the tournament, we go into the nba finals and right into the summer olympics, which are going to be very different this time around. now that the pandemic is behind us, officials running the olympic village in paris have lifted the intimacy ban that was put in place for athletes in 2021. they are planning to distribute 300,000 condoms. there are 14,250 athletes staying in the olympic villages. 300,000 condoms works out to
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about 21 condoms per athlete, which -- [ laughter ] you know, if you're having that much sex during the olympics, you're probably going to miss the olympics. [ laughter ] but not only is this the plan, it's a mandate. even the olympic rings are getting a makeover. this is the new logo. [ laughter ] i have to say, i like it. that's a very paris thing to do. every once in a while, the french need to remind the world that being horny is their thing. [ laughter ] the only bad thing about sex during the olympics is when you finish and your partner holds up a score. [ laughter ] meanwhile, here in the increasingly less united states, there were primaries in five states today. florida, illinois, kansas, ohio, and arizona. biden and trump will be the nominees for each party, there's no question about that. the only question really is how much of this we can take. trump went on a swamp creature named sebastian gorka's web show yesterday to make this compelling pitch to jewish voters. >> any jewish person that votes for democrats hates their
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religion. they hate everything about israel. and they should be ashamed of themselves. >> jimmy: that's also the opening line of the speech he'll be giving at his granddaughter's bat mitzvah. [ laughter ] do you think he even knows what "ashamed" is? i mean, he's never experienced it. how much do you think he even knows about israel? he probably thinks the capital is baba ghanoush. [ laughter ] he thinks the gaza strip is a gentleman's club. [ laughter ] he doesn't care about anyone but himself. this is what he posted on instagram. "a great honor to have won both the club championship and the senior club championship this week at trump international!" then posted this video. >> jimmy: and then he billed them for the hats.
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[ laughter ] he's now won the club championship, senior championship, and the super senior championship. it's amazing how often you win when you own the club. [ laughter ] and also cheat at golf. [ laughter ] and lying "lie-ger woods" is hitting the links, fox news is focused on joe biden's shoes. >> great for stability. the president does have a history of stumbling. >> president biden's rocking new sneakers. maximum support lifestyle sneakers, that is. and that is causing even more concern over his fitness to serve another term in the white house. >> jimmy: is it, though? is it really? [ laughter ] remember when hillary clinton was running and they said she was too weak to open a pickle jar? these people -- if joe biden paid $130,000 to silence a porn star, they'd be focused on how shaky the handwriting was on the check. [ laughter ] donald trump, meanwhile, his first of what will be many
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criminal trials is the stormy daniels hush money case in new york. the judge yesterday ruled that both stormy and trump's former lawyer michael cohen are allowed to testify. which means there's a very good chance the court stenographer will have to type the words "mushroom penis." [ laughter ] it'll be fun to see them all together again. this is the closest he's going to get to an australia cast reunion. [ laughter ] trump is bringing back all the worst best people. remember paul manafort? his former campaign manager who was convicted of multiple felonies? the guy who gave polling data to russian intelligence. then got pardoned by trump. trump reportedly wants manafort to help oversee the republican national convention. which i'm surprised he can do because when manafort was being sentences, he claimed he had too many medical problems to go to prison. but i guess he magically healed up. and who better to run your election campaign than a man who isn't allowed to vote in the election? [ laughter ] donald trump took a brief break from complaining about the financial judgments against him to weigh in on kate middleton.
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he says the altered photo kate middleton posted isn't a big deal because everyone doctors their photos. you know what? for the first time this century, i agree with donald trump. [ laughter ] it really isn't a big deal. i don't know why people are going nuts. this week in the united states, there have been more google searches for kate middleton than for joe biden or donald trump. we finally did it, we made america kate again. [ laughter ] kate, or someone who looks kind of like her, was spotted grocery shopping over the weekend with either prince william or someone who resembles prince william. kate hasn't been seen in public since she had surgery back in january, which of course led to all sorts of rumors about her whereabouts and well-being. everyone is putting together clues to find the princess like an international game of zelda. [ laughter ] i bet there's a simple explanation. maybe she got a bad perm and is waiting for her hair to grow out. [ laughter ] this shows you how different it is in the uk. kate goes missing for a few weeks and the whole country goes berserk. meanwhile, we haven't seen melania since 2021. [ laughter ]
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[ cheers and applause ] they're not speculating that the palace, that buckingham palace, is working on a top-secret plan for kate to return to public life. i don't know why that would have to be a secret. it's times like these i'm grateful that our royal family is the kardashians. [ laughter ] they don't do anything top secret. they put every bit of everything on hulu for anyone to see it whenever they want, and i appreciate. [ laughter ] as i mentioned earlier, our show tonight is dedicated to a local music legend named dr. dre. [ cheers and applause ] much beloved. dre is a renaissance man. he is a producer, a rapper, a headphone magnate, and coming this fall to abc, he's about to start saving lives too. ♪ >> doctor in the house! help! >> what seems to be the problem? [ cheers ]
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>> i've never seen anything like this. >> what the [ bleep ] is this? this man has no penis. >> what? i have a penis. >> not according to what i'm looking at. [ laughter ] dr. brotus? take a look at this. [ cheers ] >> i can't see [ bleep ]. >> try using this. [ laughter ] >> ah. there it is. >> let me have a look. >> i think we're going to need a specialist. dr. jackson? [ cheers ] >> what do you think? >> sorry. >> you guys got to see this. >> holy mackerel. >> all right, guys. i'm going to need you to talk me through this.
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>> to the left, to the left. you've got to grab it, squeeze it. >> i'm trying. >> put it in there. there you go, there you go, there you go. [ laughter ] >> i think i found it. >> [ bleep ] look like a piece of bubble gum. >> juicy fruit. [ laughter ] >> could you put that back? i came in for a colonoscopy. i don't know what's going on here. maybe i'll come back later? like tomorrow or something? >> relax, nephew, relax, relax. here. for the next episode. [ laughter ] >> wait, what's that? turn that up. ♪ >> can i have the cart, please? >> more smoke! ♪ >> clear! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> after an all-new "e.m." >> there will be will be one shot. >> one shot? i been shot nine times. >> that's a weird flex, but whatever. >> only on abc, mother [ bleep ]. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, thank you, dr. mcdre-my. we've got a great show for you tonight. we'll be back with dr. dre, snoop and 50 cent.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, there, welcome back. it is dre day here in hollywood and all around the world. snoop dogg and 50 cent are here to help us celebrate. tomorrow night, we'll be joined by jerrod carmichael and janelle james, with music from chicano batman. guillermo, bass bad news for you, snoop is mad at you. >> guillermo: why? >> jimmy: why do you think? >> guillermo: i didn't go -- [ laughter ] i went, they told me he was busy. >> jimmy: you know what he was busy doing? >> guillermo: they told me he
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was in the restroom. >> jimmy: oh, okay, all right. so it's his fault. >> guillermo: it's his fault. >> jimmy: i think you're off the hook. >> guillermo: i was ready, i'm ready. >> jimmy: our first guest tonight is one of the most innovative, successful, and influential people in the history of popular music. he's got so many grammys, they named one after him, and today, he was immortalized with a star on the hollywood walk of fame. please say hello to dr. dre. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you for coming. look at you. you really are 6'1", 225 of pure chocolate. [ laughter ] >> you know what, i don't want that right now, stop playing. by the way, just for my -- just a disclaimer. >> jimmy: okay. >> that skit was jimmy's idea. [ laughter ]
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just so everybody knows, okay? >> jimmy: congratulations, by the way. >> thank you. >> jimmy: did you ever imagine you'd have a star on the hollywood walk of fame? >> no, i didn't. that was not in my mental rolodex at all. >> jimmy: when you were a kid did you come to hold and look at those stars? >> i didn't see hollywood until i was 16, i think. >> jimmy: you never maud it over here? >> no, nothing north of wilshire. >> jimmy: when you're 16, you got here. what were you up there then? >> i'd rather not say. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. they had to shut down -- >> it was a lot of fun, let me put that it way. >> jimmy: they had to shut the whole boulevard down, there were so many people to see you today. did you imagine that was going to happen? >> no, no i didn't. l.a. showed up. >> jimmy: they really did show up. [ cheers and applause ] >> it was fantastic. that was fantastic. i didn't expect it to be that many people out there to represent. but that was great. >> jimmy: is it weird for you when the cops are there and they're like, "dr. dre!"
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[ laughter ] >> sometimes that's weird. >> jimmy: a little strange. do you get surprised by people who are fans, you size them up, "this can't possibly be." >> this happens sometimes. there was one time think -- i can't remember where i was. i was at a hotel in a lobby. a group of nuns came by. [ laughter ] yes. they were like, "dr. dre!" i'm like, get the f -- [ laughter ] right? i'm like, "how do you know my music? "well, we deal with a lot of kids, they love your music." i took pictures with i think six nuns. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's great. >> that actually happened. >> jimmy: that's pretty good. you have worked with so many -- you've launched so many careers, worked with so many people. nwa, snoop dogg, 50 cent, eminem, anderson paak, mary j. bli blige, warren g., g union it in, mc scat cat -- [ laughter ] wait a minute. that may have been an error.
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i mean, that -- >> that's a tremendous amount of work. >> jimmy: that's a lot of work, that's quite a list. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: i would imagine the answer to this is yes, but do artists from other genres often approach you and ask you to work with them? >> yes, all the time. but you know, my love is with hip-hop. it really depends on the relationship. if i meet somebody that we, you know, we click, what have you, then i'll go in the studio and get down. >> jimmy: even if it's not your type of music? like if it was -- let's say dolly parton wanted to -- >> i love dolly parton. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's something you would consider? >> yes. absolutely. "jolene" is one of my favorite songs. >> jimmy: oh, there you go. >> yes. >> jimmy: you could produce anybody, right? it's not about what the music is, it's -- >> absolutely, i could do that. but hip-hop is my love. >> jimmy: it's your love. when you make a song with an artist, you -- the artist comes in. do they come in with a whole --
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a lot of time, i think dolly parton will write all her songs, she'll show up, she has the song all kind of ready to go, and they record it. you, though, lay the -- set the table, right? you really are much more involved in the song than most producers? >> well, usually the track is laid out. every now and then, an artist comes in with the lyrics first, and that has only happened a couple of times in my drear. one time was eminem, a song called "forgot about dre." [ cheers and applause ] yes, yes. >> jimmy: nothing comes out when they move their lips, right? >> eminem wrote that he had the entire song written before the track. we had to make the track work with his lyrics. he wrote that entire song. >> jimmy: is it true that you don't like the artist to write the lyrics down on paper? >> no, that's not true. that happens. i mean, these days. it just feels -- a little bit borg, as a producer, to sit in the studio and wait for an artist to go away.
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go in another room and write the lyrics while you're sitting there waiting. i like it to be a collaborative effort. once the track is done, we're collaborating with the lyrics and that's how -- how i prefer it. >> jimmy: in the movies, sometimes in television, producers don't do anything. [ laughter ] >> i'm learning that now. >> jimmy: they do nothing, yeah. >> you know. >> jimmy: their name is on the thing. >> "executive producer" in the movies, it means absolutely nothing. i'm starting to learn that. >> jimmy: yeah. you, i know, listen to a lot of music. going through old records. do you go to yard sales? where do you get all your records? >> i used to. pawnshops and what have you to find different sounds for music. back in the day i had, say, one or two keyboards to make an entire album. i had to figure out ways to make the sounds different. so i would go in pawnshops and find guitar pedals and what have you to
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this one particular keyboard sound different. >> jimmy: do you still do that? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the next episode, a huge, huge hit. this is where you got the music track? >> yeah. >> jimmy: this album. you go to a pawnshop and this is h1n1 you take home? [ laughter ] >> you know what i collect records. i been collecting albums -- >> jimmy: not this one. [ laughter ] >> that was a part of it. international records. milo stiff rin and all these types -- >> >> jimmy: this guy was on "ncis." >> i didn't know that. >> jimmy: he was, yeah. >> it happened to be a song that was in one of my crates, you know, and it worked out. >> jimmy: you went through every track on this album and found that. >> yes. >> jimmy: you're like," that's great." you never looked at the cover and said, "man, maybe not"? [ laughter ] >> no, no. to be honest with you, i sampled this song before i knew who the artist was. >> jimmy: did you ever meet this guy? >> no, i never met him,
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unfortunately. >> jimmy: he's passed away, so it's not going to happen. >> [ bleep ]. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you also sometimes will create sounds that instruments don't make. >> yes. >> jimmy: so -- like they do in the movies kind of, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what are some sounds you've crated? >> we used to have to bring trash cans and boxes and just different things that would make sounds, a snare drum, a kick drum. that was just part of the creative process at that time. which, to be honest with you, was much more fun. >> jimmy: yeah. >> now you can just turn the computer, you can find all the things that took us hours to find. you could find that in 2 seconds. >> jimmy: you bring in a trash can and bang on the trash can? >> sometimes, yes. >> jimmy: would you ever record like a children's album? like redo "baby shark" or something like that? [ laughter ] >> not "baby shark" but a children's album, maybe. >> jimmy: you would? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that would be something else. >> yeah, the parents might be a little bit upset about it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. you'd have to put a sticker on
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it for sure. all right. are you ready for this? because it can be kind of like "this is your life." you remember that old show? >> let's go. >> jimmy: we bring out characters from your life? >> let's go. >> jimmy: let's take a break. dr. dre is here, snoop dogg is here, 50 cent is here. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be back with snoop after this. >> lou: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by allstate. save money and protect yourself from mayhem with allstate. no two bodies are the same. some pads, never got that message.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: congratulations, a star on the hollywood walk of fame. we're back with dr. dre. our next guest and dre go together like gin and juice. they teamed up to make some of the biggest hip-hop hits of all time. please say hello to the doggfather, snap doggie dog. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome, welcome, snoop. >> what up, jim? >> jimmy: good to see you. happy dre day to you. >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: were you excited to see dre get a star on the hollywood walk of fame? >> so excited. i'm dre's biggest fan. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i feel like the three of us don't spend enough time
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together. [ laughter ] by the way, snoop, you and gee yair mow made up? >> he came on tv and lied on me. [ laughter ] i wasn't in the bathroom. what i did, i sent the apb out on him, brought him backstage and got him right, now he's lit-lit. >> guillermo: we're good, yeah, we're good. >> jimmy: so the story goes, correct me in i have any of this wrong. snoop had a friend, warren g., who happened to be your stepbro stepbrother. >> yes. >> jimmy: he put you guys together? >> yes. >> jimmy: do you remember that day? >> yeah. the story was, i was at a bachelor party. and my stepbrother, warren g., popped this tape in, "listen to this." it was snoop's voice. and i said, "can we meet? can we meet in the studio?" long story short, i think two days later or something like that, snoop came in the studio. snoop had no idea about stock structure, anything like that. he just came in rapping. >> jimmy: do you get that a lot, where people bring a tape for
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you to listen at a social gathering, "oh, boy, here we go." >> all the time. but you know, yeah. i've never found an artist from a demo tape other than snoop and eminem. >> jimmy: really? [ cheers and applause ] other than snoop and eminem? >> yeah. >> jimmy: so then -- you guys made "the chronic." [ cheers and applause ] and whose idea was that? i'm unclear on what the answer to this is. whose idea was the title "the chronic"? >> okay. [ laughter ] that's a good question. okay. my first time smoking weed -- [ laughter ] i was in the car in my driveway. i think we were halfway through the album. it was a female. i'm not going to say her name. >> jimmy: was it former first lady barbara bush? [ laughter ] >> no. no, no. no, jimmy. >> jimmy: all right. >> it wasn't that.
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i'm trying to keep it -- you know. >> jimmy: okay. >> it's my first time smoking weed, you know. i asked what it was, that's what she told me, and boom, here we. >> reporter: she said, this is called the chronic? >> that's it. >> jimmy: snoop, i've heard you say you came up with "the chronic"? >> let me tell you my story. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. were you in the back seat? [ laughter ] >> no, no, no, no. my and my homies was in long beach. it was a white guy that used to come through the apartments and bring us bud. and he had hydroponic. but we smoked it. and started saying "hydrochronic." and flipped it. that's when we started saying, "oh, this weed is bomb, it's the chronic." and dre's album was so was only right to call it "the kro chronic." it was the bombest 9 on the street. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: okay. >> which story do you believe?
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, i'm going to say any story -- >> right. >> jimmy: any story that involves smoking weed is questionable just to start with. >> right. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: who in the hell knows, it could have come from somewhere else for all we know. then dre wanted to record a demo of "nothing but a g thing." you were unavailable at that time. you were indisposed, correct? >> i was incarcerated. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you were incarcerated. what were you incarcerated for? >> i was on probation. and -- i had a toothache at the time. one of my family members was the pill lady, so i went to go see her, she gave me a pill. when i went to go take a had a dirty hess. >> jimmy: medical marijuana what is you got -- >> no. [ laughter ] the pill that i took for my tooth was codeine, and i didn't have a prescription. at that time i didn't want to give up my auntie. "i don't know where i got it from." >> jimmy: i would have sent my
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aunt right to jail, right to jail. [ laughter ] >> that's a lot of info. >> jimmy: wow. so then you recorded the demo over the phone from jail? >> no, no, no, no. >> snoop doesn't remember that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh. >> what'd i do? >> you record -- i remember you being in jail. you know, i told you this story. [ laughter ] i know he doesn't remember. >> i don't remember calling you from the jail, cuz, give me the story. >> yeah. i taped the verse. >> no. >> i taped the [ bleep ] headphone to the mic. >> i spit it? >> yeah. >> damn. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> that was -- yes. that was the first demo of "nothing but a g thing." >> damn, [ bleep ] was dope. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: one of the nice things about hydroponic is you can relive moments from your life
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over and over and over again. [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: that's how you used your one phone call is recording that? [ laughter ] did you guys ever strongly disagree when you're in the studio? >> oh, yes. >> yeah, yeah. >> this ain't always peanut butter and jelly. [ laughter ] it's sometimes chicken and cornbread and mixes. [ laughter ] it's a the thing is this. i allowed dr. dre to drive, which means i do give him control, and i don't have a problem getting in the passenger seat and becoming snoop doggy dogg and letting my mentor lead the way. >> jimmy: i see, all right. [ cheers and applause ] but you're also saying that from time to time, the dog will bite? >> no. the dog sits in the passenger seat, and he adjusts the music. [ laughter ] but he never grabs the steering wheel. >> jimmy: i hear you guys are working on something right now, is that true? >> yes, absolutely. [ cheers and applause ] >> okay, let me take from it here.
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let me take from it here. as long as we've been knowing each other, it's -- okay. the first album i've done with snoop was in 1993. and it's the only album i've ever produced on snoop, right? 30 years ago. so now, believe it or not, we're getting together again, and we're almost done with the album. the first album was called "doggy style." so we decided to flip it. call this one "missionary." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: i love it. >> jimmy favorite position, jimmy been in missionary 30 years. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's good. i like that. when will it come out, do you know? >> oh, it's going to come out. >> jimmy: i know, but when? >> that's when you asked that question, i'm glad you asked it. dr. dre will begin mixing in mid-april. >> jimmy: does dr. dre know that?
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[ laughter ] >> i'll ask him. >> jimmy: ask him. why did it take you guys -- this has to be the weed, that it took you 30 years to come out with "gin and juice"? this seems like this should have been out a long time ago, yes? >> let me tell you, this is the part of the show that is going to love. >> jimmy: i spotted him in the audience. >> he's been waiting for this part of the show. >> jimmy: jimmy, you drink this? what's your favorite flavor? the passionfruit? >> we ain't got but one up here, we're going to have to share it, what's going on? >> jimmy: we've known each other. >> give me that melon. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: let's have some gin and juice. i've always wanted to have gin and juice with you goes. a toast to jimmy ivy as well. be right back with dre, snoop, and 50 cent!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: yeah. more than 20 years ago, our next guest made a visit to dr. dre to make one of the most popular hip-hop albums ever. please welcome the multi-talented and multi-tattooed curtis "50 cent" jackson. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? 50, thank you for being here, it's very good to see you. >> i feel good to be here, man. >> jimmy: it's great to have you here. we were talking with snoop, talking about you were on our second-ever show. >> yeah. technically, jimmy is happening because of you, correct?
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>> jimmy: that's right. >> i didn't think about it that way. >> the first show, i came and made it hot again, and jimmy blew up. >> jimmy: born in the aftermath. >> that is a good point. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you joke around a lot, but what does dr. dre mean to you? >> oh, man. >> that question, really? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know what i'd like to get some tears going. [ laughter ] >> no, this is -- dre is like a complete inspiration for me. like, i've been listening to his music before it was even a serious idea for me to get next to him. and then when i got to the studio, even that first record, it was four days but it was like -- i think we did eight joints -- >> no, seven days. let me tell you the story. [ laughter ] let me interrupt it for a second, just for a second. so i did the "get rich or die trying." it was supposed to be me producing half of the album, eminem producing the other half. i was in studio with 50 seven days for my entire half of the album. he came in there went crazy. writing, put up another one.
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writing, put up the entire one. we got the entire thing done in seven days, at least my half. that's what happened. >> it was. i felt we was done in four. [ laughter ] you know what i mean? because he had ideas and things that -- he's very meticulous, he wants it to be perfect. you got to -- you know, "say this like this." i'm like, okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. eminem introduced you? >> yeah, yeah. i mean, if -- i know em to get to him. >> jimmy: you took less money to work with dr. dre than you could have received from others? >> i got a lot of money, though -- >> that's not true. [ laughter ] >> they gave me a lot of money. >> jimmy: how much money did he give you? >> made a million dollars. >> jimmy: a million dollars? >> oubd in the neighborhood that's a lot of money. >> jimmy: that is a lot. what did you do with the million when you got it? >> jimmy, jimmy, stop asking the man what he did with his money, man. [ laughter ] [ bleep ]. >> the first thing i did, i got my grandmother a car. >> jimmy: that's -- all right, that's good, that's good, nice.
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[ applause ] >> i had opportunity, like i had smaller amounts of money before, like when i got it, it burnt a hole in me. and it never got a chance to do nothing that really affected anything. >> jimmy: did dre give you advice? "listen, here's how you should handle your money, here's what you should, should not do"? >> he didn't. [ laughter ] >> i did not. >> he didn't tell me -- it was like, "you'll be all right." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you guys -- you played the super bowl together. that was quite a show. [ cheers and applause ] this photograph is not upside down, you were upside down. that looks unpleasant. >> jimmy, i was like 30 pounds heavier at that point, too. i was not ready for that. [ laughter ] i was playing an institutionalized guy on abc.
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it was as big as possible. he wasn't supposed to be like 50 cent. >> jimmy: uh-huh? >> i gained a little weight. then i decided i was going to come in, i wanted to have an intro like the music videos. i was upside down. and i really didn't think that out. [ laughter ] because we had hare for like seven days i was upside down. i'm like, did i fall on my head? risk versus reward? what do i get? [ laughter ] everybody else was coming in, snoop doing his thing. [ laughter ] >> 50 crazy, i don't know what made you want to go upside down. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i've been there many times. "oh, this turned out to be a bad idea." >> it was one of those things. my weight shifted the other way, so it made me feel a lot bigger than i was. [ laughter ] i just wasn't -- that combination, that could have went a little different. >> jimmy: we got a little bit of news about the album that's coming out. "missionary." are you on the album? >> i got one with snoop. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> yes, yes, yes. >> jimmy: oh, really? wow. >> i'll tell you thousand that works. >> jimmy: tell me how it works. >> i get a text message from dre, a text from em, almost simultaneously. oh-oh. stop what you're doing, i don't care if you're producing a television show, i don't care what you're doing, stop and figure out how to get this done right now, it's that urgent. i went and wrote my part -- because to me, that's what it feels like. >> jimmy: right. >> because of those other people, don't mean the same thing to me. >> jimmy: uh-huh, right, sure. >> when i get it done, i send it back, i get the fire emojis back. [ laughter ] >> i usually do something for him, it's different. he'll go like this. he won't even say, "i like that one." ill he'll go like this. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so you're telling me dr. dre uses emojis?
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[ laughter ] that's something i never imagined. >> well -- >> jimmy: tell me about the text chain. who's on the text chain? >> it was two -- me and dre. >> jimmy: you guys, when something happens that you think is funny, let's say a famous hip-hop artist finds himself in a very embarrassing situation, like you guys immediately start texting each other about that? >> that's 50 and snoop. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah? >> i'll be watching instagram all time. i'll see it and i'll repost what he just did. >> jimmy: i know you lik that kind of stuff, lyeah. [ laughter ] . we'll be right back with dre, snoop, and 50 cent. ♪ which you do you want to be today? at tj maxx, you can afford to turn your closet into a place of endless expression.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: we are back with dr. dre, snoop dogg, and 50 cent, it is "dre day." i feel like we're really just now getting loose here. i feel like "the view." i feel very much like whoopi right now. [ laughter ] this is something that you posted on instagram earlier. "i don't have to be distracted, i'm practicing abstinence." from what, exactly? [ laughter ] >> jimmy, i'm focused. my life is better. things are a little clearer. people might say," happy wife, happy life." >> jimmy: they say that. >> we look like happy hostages. [ laughter ]
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special restraints now and i'm not focused on that -- >> jimmy: how long have you been -- is this one of those things, like when snoop said he was quitting smoking, abstinence? [ laughter ] is this like snoop's [ bleep ] abstinence? or this is real abstinence? >> this is real abstinence. i'm trying to -- i'm trying to make it to lent. >> jimmy: really? how long has it been? >> it's been -- wow. two months? >> jimmy: so easter sunday, look out? [ laughter ] >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i've been working out. more. >> jimmy: oh, more? >> yeah, i've been working out more. you know, the guys in jail, i hope they're practicing. >> jimmy: sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. all right. i don't believe that this abstinence is actually happening. >> i don't believe it either, do you believe it? [ laughter ] >> no, it's -- it's real, guys. i feel like my friends don't even believe in me now. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what about eminem? he was here a little bit earlier. he headed back home. is he on this album with you
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guys? >> is he on this album? >> i could get him to do it. >> jimmy: you could get him to do it. >> let me explain something to you. eminem is working on his own album which is coming out this year. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, he is? >> yes. and i -- and i actually talked to him, and he said it was okay for me to make that announcementment right here on this show. >> jimmy: oh, wow, nice. [ cheers and applause ] >> so he has an album coming out. i've got songs on it. and it's fire. i'm actually going to hear the entire album for the first time tomorrow. and he holds his music close to his chest. so i haven't heard anything. haven't even heard everything complete that i've done. i'm going to hear it, and he's putting out an album this year. >> jimmy: you actually haven't heard -- i know you typically are very careful with your stuff. >> yeah, hands-on. there's things that i have to mix that i've done, but i get a chance to hear the album in its entirety. >> jimmy: can i ask you guys,
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when you're sitting there -- snoop, curtis -- you're sitting there, you're playing something for dre for the first time. what are you looking for reaction-wise? >> i'm watching. i just like to -- like i'm not paying attention, i'm just watching him the whole time. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: snoop, are you doing the same thing? >> i'm nervous, guy. >> jimmy: you're nervous. [ laughter ] dre, are you aware and are you giving pretend extra enthusiasm because you know that they're watching you the whole time? >> jimmy, this is my first time hearing this. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it is? >> no, i must. >> jimmy: you understand that. >> i'm doing my thing. >> he's being totally honest. >> i am brutally honest. >> you're garbage, he's going to tell you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: have you had that situation? >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: you have. >> isn't that what you want? >> yes. >> you want somebody in your -- >> i just decided i'm not using him no more. >> jimmy: really? >> i didn't get the response i wanted from it. i was like, no, that ain't -- i able going to risk it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> sometimes he'll play a record, he like it, he'll be playing stuff, it will be his
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records. [ laughter ] >> jimmy, i will wait. >> that's funny. >> i wail wait till i come to the studio again. "yo, what happened to that album you had?" >> that's funny. >> "that one, the one you had that was playing, put it on the side, get that." i wanted that when you played it the first time. now that you're not playing it, i know that it's -- it's in the "i could possibly get it" section. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we learned about "missionary," the first album from you guys in 30 years. [ cheers and applause ] we learned that you're part of this. we learned about a new memorandum them album. i had a lot of fun. we should go camping to iing tor something, the four of us. >> you started making us do skits about your penis. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: right. >> you don't know what this does to my image. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we'll find out tomorrow, we'll read it. one more break, we'll be right back.
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eminem. i want to apologize to matt damon. most of all, i want to thank you, dr. dre, for being here, that was so much fun. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i really appreciate you sitting and talking. >> thanks for having me. [ cheers and applause ] this has been a lot of fun. >> jimmy: dr. dre, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] "nightline" is next. thanks for watching, good night! ♪ this is "nightline." >> byron: tonight, invisible threat? >> this lady here, she has


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