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tv   This Week With George Stephanopoulos  ABC  March 25, 2024 12:00am-1:01am PDT

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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> announcer: "this week" with george stephanopoulos starts right now. >> jonathan: terror in russia.
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over 100 killed in an attack on a concert hall near moscow. isis-k claiming responsibility. this morning, martha raddatz with the very latest, and senator marco rubio, vice chair of the senate intelligence committee, joins us live. crash crunch. >> we have a lot of cash and we have a great company, but they want to take it away. >> jonathan: the former president scrambles to obtain a half a billion dollar bond by tomorrow as the new york attorney general moves to seize his assets. >> we are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to new yorkers. >> jonathan: how will trump come up with the cash, and what does it mean for his business and his campaign? the latest reporting from aaron katersky and our expert panel. dysfunction. >> democracy's messy. it's particularly messy right now. >> jonathan: congress passes a $1.2 trillion spending bill to avert a shutdown as hard-right
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republicans threaten mutiny against the speaker again. >> the clock has started. it's time for our conference to choose a new speaker. >> jonathan: with more members of congress calling it quits, our powerhouse round table talks about the future of the gop. and -- >> do you believe that netanyahu is an obstacle to peace? >> jonathan: rachel scott is one-on-one with vice president kamala harris, an abc news exclusive. >> jonathan: good morning. welcome to "this week." it's a high-stakes week for former president trump as he races to meet a deadline of tomorrow to put up nearly a half a billion dollar bond or face the seizure of some of his prized assets by the new york attorney general. this while he appeals the fraud verdict against him, his eldest sons, and the trump organization. meanwhile here in washington, more chaos on capitol hill as
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yet another republican speaker is fighting to keep his job. his transgression in the eyes of some of his colleagues, striking a deal with democrats to keep the government from shutting down. we'll get to all that this morning, but we begin with the horrific news out of russia where the terrorist group isis-k has claimed responsibility for an attack that has taken over 130 lives at a popular concert hall near moscow. this same terror group also claimed responsibility for the attack that killed 13 american service members in afghanistan in august of 2021, and another attack in iran earlier this year that killed nearly 100. american intelligence officials tell us that the united states warned russia that they had received information that isis-k was plotting an attack in moscow. it was a warning considered so serious that the u.s. embassy put out a security alert on march 7th saying that it was
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monitoring reports that extremists had imminent plans attack large gatherings including concerts. vladimir putin spoke out about the attack this weekend and appeared to suggest with absolutely no evidence that ukraine was somehow involved. all of this is raising concerns about what isis-k may do next. we begin this morning with "this week" co-anchor martha raddatz, but we do have to warn you some of the images are disturbing. >> martha: this morning, the smoldering aftermath of one of the deadliest terror attacks in russia's recent history. at one of the largest concert and shopping complexes in the country. four isis terrorists armed with automatic weapons, slaughtering at least 130 men, women, and children, and injuring hundreds more. two of the men taken into custody by the russians shown on state tv, but not independently verified. the armed men making their way into the concert hall, killing
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anyone in the way. the audience inside just arriving for a rock concert when they heard the gunfire people shocked, screaming, rushing to get out, trying to hide under the seats. all the while hearing the relentless, terrifying burst of automatic weapons fired. this concert eyewitness saying the terrorists were not shooting at the ceiling, not into the air, but shooting directly into the crowd of people. another witness saying when the shooting was over, the isis gunman hurled molotov cocktails inside the complex. within minutes, black smoke and flames pouring from the facility, trapping many inside and caving in the russian president vladimir putin addressing the nation saturday not ever mentioning isis, instead blaming ukraine for the attack with no evidence.
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claiming the four gunmen were heading towards ukraine when they were caught. this despite isis taking credit for the attack and the u.s. confirming it was the islamic terror group responsible. >> jonathan: and martha raddatz joins us now. so martha, let's begin with putin's claim that they apprehended these suspects as they were headed towards ukraine. there is nothing tying this attack to ukraine. >> martha: absolutely nothing tying it to ukraine, and he said they were apprehended going in the direction towards ukraine, which is hundreds and hundreds of miles away. so that is not exactly a great escape plan for whoever did this. >> jonathan: and what do we know about isis-k, and why would they attack russia? >> martha: i think that's the first question i had as well, jon. why, who, what are they doing? isis-k is just a branch, an affiliate of isis. it's all the bad guys. they do not like russia. they want revenge.
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russia sides with the taliban in afghanistan which is where isis-k is from, and they also think they have mistreated muslims, any way the kind of muslims that isis-k likes. >> jonathan: what is this warning that the u.s. says they gave russians ahead of time? it's oddly specific. they seemed to have really good intelligence that something was going to happen, but we've also heard from the russian ambassador of the united states denying there was a tip-off given. what's the truth here? what's going on? >> martha: u.s. officials say they are adamant about this, and as you know, jon, it was a public warning that something would happen in russia, a very specific warning in a concert hall, they thought. this came out on march 7th. the united states did what's called duty to warn. they did this to iran a couple of years ago when there was a terrorist attack there as well. >> jonathan: by isis-k as well. >> martha: exactly. it's a duty to warn.
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the russian ambassador saying they didn't get it. putin putin pooh-poohed all of this at the time. >> jonathan: thank you. an exclusive interview weighed in on putin's suggestion of a possible ukraine connection to the attack. >> vladimir putin is already trying to link this to ukraine and say that ukraine is responsible. does the u.s. have any evidence to back that up? >> no, and first let me start by saying what has happened in an act of terrorism and the number of people who have been killed is obviously a tragedy and we should all send our condolences to those families. no. there is no, whatsoever, any evidence, and, in fact, what we know to be the case is that isis-k is actually by all accounts, responsible for what happened. >> jonathan: we'll have more of rachel's interview with the vice president later in the program. now i am joined by republican senator marco rubio of florida, the vice chair of the senate intelligence
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committee. senator rubio, thank you for being here. let's start with what happened in russia. first of all, no doubt that this was isis-k? >> yeah. they've claimed responsibility. they were warned this was going to happen. isis-k, is largely the afghan wing of isis. it's reconstituted itself as we warned would happen when we had this disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan, one of the reasons why we didn't want to withdraw precipitously because you gave them operating space to reorganize themselves, and since that time, they've attacked inside afghanistan. they're responsible for the loss of 13 americans and service people right outside the gate of the airport. they conducted an attack inside of iran not too long ago, and now this one in russia. they'll do it here in the homeland, and i think we should be very concerned as the fbi director confirmed to me that there is a wing -- there is a trafficking network out there that specializes in moving people. they do it for profit, moving people and migrants around the world, including people across our southern border who have
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links to isis. i think common sense tells you if they run a trafficking network of people, they would most certainly use it to move operatives into the united states. i'm not claiming there is an imminent threat to the u.s., but the border situation and that system network is a threat to the network. this they could do what they did in moscow, in a heartbeat, they would do it. >> jonathan: there are two adversaries, iran, russia, and the united states, in what seem to be pretty sophisticated or at least deadly, effective attacks. how concerned are you that they are kind of in the growth industry here? >> if you think back to the end of 2020 under the trump administration, isis was basically out of business. they were down to less than a thousand fighters or so forth, and they've reconstituted themselves, and we're no longer there to conduct regular strikes and they can operate openly no matter how much the taliban wants to take them on. they can't. they don't have the ability to do it and they've found a place to operate from. they need real estate and land and places where they can
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organize and do external plotting. it's easier for them to get into iran and russia and do these things, but their aspirations go beyond russia and iran. they would love to do what they did in moscow here inside the united states, and it's something we have to be very vigilant about when we have a border in which 9 million people have come across in the last three years. >> jonathan: let me turn to the war in gaza. as you know, members of the israeli war cabinet are here in washington starting today meeting with senior national security officials in the white house. i know you have been harshly critical of president biden's approach to this, and also what senator schumer had to say. how concerned are you that support for israel, which has long been the ultimately bipartisan issue, has become or is becoming a partisan issue? >> i continue to do everything that i can from my end to keep it from becoming that. i'll be frank. i think the president is worried about losing minnesota and michigan. he's getting a lot of pressure from the pro-hamas wing of the democratic party, a lot of
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activists and people like that, you know, he's getting heckled at speeches. he's hearing a lot of complaints and so i think he's trying to have it both ways, still stick with israel to some extent, but also do things that signal to these people and try to appease them. i saw yesterday, secretary blinken was overseas. protesters outside of his hotel. i saw at the state of the union where these pro-hamas people were try to get to the state of the union. they have 90,000 israelis displaced in their own country because of hezbollah, and who will move back to any of kibbut kibbut kibbut kibbutzim? they have to finish this job, and this fighting can end tomorrow. you want a ceasefire, it's simple. hamas, just surrender. no one is calling for them to lay down their arms. that would end the conflict. that would end the conflict immediately. >> jonathan: i want to play you something trump said this week about democrats and israel.
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take a look. >> any jewish person that votes for democrats hates their religion. they hate everything about israel, and they should be ashamed of themselves because israel will be destroyed. >> jonathan: i assume you don't agree with that. >> look. i think there's an argument -- there's a difference between being, you know, pro-israel, and there are people, you know, being your religion and being pro-israel are two separate things, and maybe there are people who are pro-israel but don't like netanyahu, and what have you, but my view is consistent. if you are claiming or are on the side of anyone who wants israel to stop in my view, given the realities of the world, if you want israel to stop, that means hamas will continue to be able to threaten will hezbollah. this is not a fight over land or a territorial dispute. this is an existential battle. this could lead to the
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destruction of the jewish state and that is something that i think is untenable, and i hope people will reconsider that are out there arguing that israel should somehow stop. >> jonathan: you are possibly under consideration to be donald trump's running mate. i don't put a lot of stock in this reporting right now. we're early, but you said it would be an honor to be offered a spot on this ticket. really? >> i think anyone who is offered the opportunity to serve as vice president should be honored by the opportunity to do it if you are in public service. i'm in the senate because i want to evserve the country. i've also been clear. i've never talked to donald trump or talked to anybody on his team or family or inner circle about vice president. that's the decision he's going to make. he's got plenty of really good people to pick from. >> jonathan: look what happened to the last guy. i mean, a mob stormed the capitol, literally calling to hang mike pence. trump defended those chants of hang mike pence. >> i will tell you this, that when donald trump was president of the united states, it was safer, more prosperous. he had relations for example, in
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a part of the world i care about called the western hemisphere that were very strong and we had a lot of good things. i think the country was a place when he was president, and i would love to see him return to the white house compared to the guy who's there, joe biden, whost been a disaster economically. every single day we wake up to a new crisis, a new conflict. everything has gone on fire since the time joe biden took over. afghanistan's gone down, and new the philippines and the chinese are on the verge, not mentioning the threats to taiwan and we have haiti in our hemisphere. we wake up every day, terrorist attacks and 9 million people across the border. >> jonathan: you're not suggesting that's all happening because of biden. >> absolutely, i am. absolutely i'm suggesting it's happening because of biden. he's president and his weakness -- >> jonathan: because of biden, russia invaded ukraine? >> absolutely. absolutely. putin is sitting there saying, these guys can't even stand up to the taliban and they have to fly people off these wings.
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now's the time to do. >> jonathan: trump's the one saying -- suggesting that there should be a deal that effectively gives putin what he wants in ukraine, but can we -- >> that's not true. what he said is he wants the conflict to end which is striking to me, why wouldn't people want peace? there is going to be a negotiation. russia's not going to take all of ukraine, and ukraine's not going to push russia back to where it was in 2014. i want ukraine to have the upper hand in any negotiation. >> jonathan: can we take a quick trip down memory lane? this was you in 2016. >> what we are dealing with here, my friends, is a con artist. he is a con artist. first of all, he runs on this idea that he is fighting for the little guy, but he has spent his entire career sticking it to the little guy. if you're thinking of voting for donald trump, friends do not let friends vote for con artists. >> it was a campaign. >> jonathan: i could have gone on. >> why didn't you play the clip
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of kamala harris saying biden was a segregationist? >> jonathan: i could play it. >> you didn't play it now. >> jonathan: that was then. i'm talking about where we are right now. donald trump is making the case, and he's going to do it before the supreme court that the president of the united states should have absolute immunity, should effectively be above the law for virtually anything that a president does while in office. you don't agree with that, do you? >> i don't think that on the case of immunity, there's two separate issues here. one, is can the president do anything? can he go out and basically kill one of the members of the staff inside the white house? that's an absurd outcome and that's a common crime, but i think there's a legitimate issue here that we need to talk about writ large, especially after what we've seen in the last three years is do we want to live in a country where opponents of a president can extort them, can have leverage over them during their entire presidency and say, once you're out of office, we're going to prosecute you and charge you for
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this crime and that crime? >> jonathan: he's saying absolute immunity. >> we'll see. this goes before the supreme court. there are going to be oral arguments. >> jonathan: i'm saying a guy that wants to run for president. >> he's not representing himself at the supreme court. lawyers will make that argument, but we're living in a country where basically if you are president, you have to think to yourself, i've got to be careful what i do as president, not even legal or illegal, but on policy because if i upset the wrong people -- >> jonathan: you should be careful not to break the law as president. >> you look at these prosecutions that are coming about. you've got the clear partisan in new york who's basically prosecuting the president over loans, something that's never been done to anybody before. the banks -- >> jonathan: it's been done -- >> they're saying we're not relying on what the president's statements are. we do our own internal investigation to see if the properties are worth what they're worth, and you've got a judgment on them. that's one example of trying to pru bankrupt him and jail him. >> jonathan: you don't think the people who attacked the capitol are absolute patriots? >> i think the people who went into the capitol and committed crimes of violence are different
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than someone who walked through an open door. they should have prioritized and -- >> jonathan: these are not absolute patriots. >> if you attack a police officer or go into the capitol, no. there are people who have been charged in some cases, egregiously charged for simply walking in. they didn't attack anybody. why didn't they do that for the people who set those fires in portland? >> jonathan: thank you for coming on this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> jonathan: up next, with a deadline looming tomorrow, can donald trump come up with some of the cash, or will he lose his properties? we'll be back with the guy who literally wrote the book on trump's finances. we're back in two minutes. a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized then you'll need time, resources... and caffeine. if this sounds daunting then use watsonx code assistant ai designed to multiply developer productivity
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there was no fraud. the banks all got their money. if i weren't running, none of this stuff would have ever happened. none of these lawsuits would have ever happened. >> jonathan: that was former president trump responding to new york attorney general letitia james last month after the multimillion dollar judgment against trump, his eldest sons, and the trump organization for fraud. with interest added, trump now owes $464 million by tomorrow or he faces the seizure of some of his prized properties. so does he have the cash? abc's senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky has the latest from new york. aaron, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, jon. former president trump is due here in court for a hearing tomorrow in his criminal case, accusing him of falsifying business records to conceal a sex scandal from voters in 2016. the prosecutors from the manhattan district attorney's office are expected to ask the judge to move forward putting trump on trial next month with
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no further delay, but as you say, he faces a much more urgent legal threat, the possible seizure of his assets if he can't come up with hundreds of millions of dollars, due now in less than 24 hours. if donald trump doesn't come up with the $464 million bond by tomorrow, new york attorney general letitia james is prepared to begin seizing some of his prized asset. >> we have great prop tis. we have the mona lisas of properties. >> reporter: trump overvalued his real estate and exaggerated his net worth. he's asking the appeals court to pause the judgment or accept a smaller bond. >> we have a lot of cash and great company, but they want to take it away or at least take the cash element away. billions of dollars in value, billions of dollars in properties. >> reporter: the new york attorney general registered the court's judgment in westchester county, a sign she may be eyeing his briar cliff man nor golf club and his estate known as
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seven springs, and his apartment in trump tower. the potential seizure is something james told me last month she would do to make sure trump pays. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek, you know, judgment enforcement mechanisms in court and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. >> reporter: but trump's lawyers argue he's facing insurmountable difficulties. he say more than 30 underwriters refused to accept real estate as collateral. >> they want you to put up money before the appeal. if you sell a property or do something, and then you win the appeal, you don't have the prope property. >> reporter: his lawyers calling the bond of such enormous magnitude, an impossibility. he claims to have the money, but he wants to spend it elsewhere. i currently have almost $500 million in cash, a substantial amount of which i
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intended to use in my campaign. trump hasn't offered any proof he has $500 million in cash and he hasn't put any of his own money into his campaign since 2016. there is a new potential source of cash. investors voted to take trump's social media company public. the stake is $3 billion, but that's on paper. trump can't turn it into cash bef for six months. >> reporter: and ultimately, there's a question about how much truth social is actually worth. it brought in a few million dollars in revenue, but lost tens of millions in the first nine months of last year. jon? >> jonathan: doesn't exactly sound like a $3 billion or $5 billion company. so aaron, walk us through this. how exactly will this play out tomorrow? >> reporter: you know, we know more about how it's not going to play out. the attorney general, jon, is not going to be showing up at trump tower with padlocks for the doors or stickers for the windows that say, seized, but
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she could start to identify accounts to freeze or move to file liens on certain properties, or she may ultimately opt to wait a bit, allow the appeals court to decide whether trump deserves any kind of a reprieve. seizing assets is a slow process, and as you know, jon, trump is likely to fight every step of the way. >> jonathan: no question about that. all right. aaron, thank you for joining us. let's bring in our expert panel, new york university law professor melissa murray, co-author of "the trump indictments," and "new york times" investigative reporter russ buettner, co-author of "lucky loser: how donald trump squandered fortune and created the illusion of success." that's how this fall. russ, can you help me understand this? they said trump couldn't come up with more than $100 million, and then on friday trump himself
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said he has almost $500 million in cash. what's the truth? what does he have? >> the truth is always a moving target with donald trump's cash. as near as i can figure out, he had some windfalls over the last couple of years. he sold a money-losing operation, the hotel in washington, d.c. his gain on that sale before taxes was about $125 million, and he also benefitted from a refinancing of a property in which he has a passive investment that brought him a windfall of about $185 million. there's some extra cash he might have had in there, so i would guess last year he had $350 million, but usually what we see is this cash dwindles over time because he has money-losing operations. this is really a steep hill for him to climb to meet that $450 million figure. >> jonathan: omoney-losing operations and legal bills. let me ask you, melissa, as a lawyer, what does it mean when your client is saying one thing,
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and the legal team is saying the opposite? i mean, his legal team said he could only come up with $100 million. >> well, i think there's a big difference if your client also happens to be running for president and a big part of his appeal to his base is his financial acumen and his success as a businessman. the two are definitely not in alignment here and it's clear that the lawyers understand that this may be a more financially scra strapped time for the former president, but on the campaign trail, he's trying to project the illusion of success. >> jonathan: and he had tried to go to the full court of appeals to prevent this step to make it so he wouldn't have to put all this up while he appeals the overall case. is there any chance he gets a last-minute reprieve on this, and they knock it down? >> it could be the case that the intermediary public court says yes, or he could appeal to the public court of appeals. he's vowed to appeal this all the way to the united states supreme court on the view this
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judgment is excessive and punitive, and he may get some relief, but again, it's an almost $500 million judgment. it's going to be quite significant even if it is reduced somewhat. >> jonathan: and what do think of the overall prospects of that appeal? the judgment does to the naked eye, look excessive, nearly half a billion dollars. is it? >> it's hard to say. again, the point that the judge made in this judgment was that donald trump had overstated the value of many of his assets and in doing so, had defrauded the real estate market. donald trump says that this was a victimless crime. there's no real victim here and it's just sort of semantics and real estate fluctuates and speculation and speculative values are part of the deal, but again, it depends on the nature of the panel. it depends on how the court views this. it does seem that the judge was sending an unappointed message here, but this is two-pointed and that's the question.
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>> jonathan: help me understand another thing. the truth social which is now going to be merged with this public company beyond the stock exchange. so he's got on paper, $3 billion on that, but you've heard aaron say that the company had $3.4 million in revenue the first nine months of last year against a much higher amount of expenses. i mean, what is that company actually worth? how is it valued at $3 trillion plus? >> it's remarkable. this was sort of -- it's called a blank check company where there's one company that says it's going to raise money and merge you with another company that's not divulged. they didn't handle that just right, but it created a tremendous amount of interest for people who didn't know what it was going to result in, and so there's been extra value on it as it's sort of led up to
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this big merger bu, but it is a remarkable thing that this company that lost $50 million last year and has the revenue of a successful shoe store will somehow be worth billions and billions of dollars, right? donald trump can't sell that stock for at least six months unless he has some special permission from the board. if he does do that, just imagine the impact that would have on that stock, that it would just literally collapse, and if he sold enough to do it. he can't get his hands on it quickly without really extraordinary sort of permission from that board again, and i think what may happen here is that at some point, investors may along look back to the last he had a company, which was casinos, and the investors in those companies lost tens of hundreds of millions of dollars and donald trump gained and the stock had a steady decline throughout his tenure there, and that's kind of what this looks like in the making here, that there's not much of a company there. they don't have a great business plan. there's not been a lot of
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interest in it and it's hard to imagine that within six months or a year, that valuation on a publicly traded stock is going to stay at the same level. >> jonathan: and melissa, we're almost out of time, but quickly there's also been speck lulatio that trump could get money from billionaires that would put up the money, or foreign sources, saudis or whatever. could he do that? is that legal? would it have to be disclosed? >> i think he would have to definitely disclose those assets. there are requirements around federal law around foreign intermediaries. this is an issue going into the campaign. it's going to be considered campaign contributions in some respects and you would have to think about those different legalities. i think it is much more difficult here. i think the easiest option facing donald trump is the prospect of bankruptcy, but again, that's an unappealing prospect for someone who professes to be a successful businessman on the campaign trail. >> jonathan: it wouldn't be on brand, but it wouldn't be new. melissa murray, and russ
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buettner, thank you both for joining us. up next, abc's rachel scott goes one-on-one with vice president kamala harris. we're back in a moment. when your unpredictable adventures... (gasp) you need weathertech. [hot dog splat.] laser measured floorliners front and rear. [drink slurp and splat.] (scream) seat protector to save the seats. [honk!] they're all yours! we're here! hey, i knew you were comin'... so i weatherteched the car! can we get ice cream? we can now. kid proof your vehicle with american made products at ma, ma, ma— ( clears throat ) for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?)
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>> jonathan: vice president call la harris visited marjory stoneman douglas high school in florida, six years after one of the country's worst school shootings. that's where our rachel scott caught up with her. she began by asking the vice president about israel's military offensive in gaza. >> leader schumer was very blunt in his remarks on the senate floor. he called netanyahu an obstacle to peace. he's calling for new elections in israel. the president called that a good speech. what did he mean by that? does the administration believe there needs to be new elections
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in israel? >> well, i will not speak for senator schumer, but we are very clear that that is on the israeli people to make a decision on whether they will have an election and who they will elect. that's for them to say. >> do you believe that netanyahu is an obstacle to peace? >> i believe that we have got to continue to enforce what we know to be and should be the priorities in terms of what is happening in gaza. we have been very clear that far too many innocent palestinians have been killed. we have been very clear that israel and the israeli people and palestinians are entitled to an equal amount of security and dignity, and frankly we have been very focused on also getting the hostages out and getting aid in. >> netanyahu appears to just be flatout ignoring president bi biden's warning about an offensive in rafah. is that a red line for your
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administration? >> we have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in rafah would be a huge mistake. let me tell you something. i have been studied the maps. there's nowhere for those folks to go, and we're looking at about 1.5 million people in rafah who were there because they were told to go there, most of them, and so we have been very clear that it would be a mistake to move into rafah with any type of military operation. >> a mistake, but would there be consequences if he does move forward? >> we'll take it one step at a time, but we have been very clear on that perspective of whether or not that should happen. >> are you ruling out there would be consequences? >> i am ruling out nothing. >> i want to ask you about the border. did you watch that border video down in el paso, and does that send a message to americans that the border is secure?
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>> we are very clear, and i think most americans are clear that we have a broken immigration system and we need to fix it. members of the united states senate, those considered to be very conservative with others came to a bipartisan resolution, but they're refusing to put it up for a vote, and in large part, because we know the former president would prefer to run on a problem instead of fix a problem. >> as of right now, is that executive action on the border still on the table? could we see that? >> that does not absolve the fact that the real fix is going to be when congress acts. >> it's still on the table though. >> yeah, for consideration. >> i do want to ask you also about tiktok. we know that bill cleared the house. you have expressed national security concerns over tiktok. so has the president. why does your campaign then have a tiktok account when you're encouraging americans to follow it? >> so let's start with this. we do not intend to ban tiktok. that is not at all the goal or
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the purpose of this conversation. we need to deal with the owner, and we have national security concerns about the owner of tiktok, but we have no intention to ban tiktok. in fact, what it serves, if it's an income generator for many people, what it does in terms of allowing people to share information in a free way and a way that allows people to have discourse is very important, but we have concerns about the national security implications of the owner of tiktok, and that has been our position in terms of what i think we need to do to address those concerns. >> the ban could happen if its chinese parent company does not sell the app. should your campaign stay on tiktok with those national security concerns that you're voicing? >> well, we'll address that when we come to it, but right now we are concerned about the owner of tiktok, and the national security implications we do not intend to ban tiktok, and we understand its purpose and its utility, and the enjoyment that it gives a lot of folks. >> jonathan: up next, a now former congressman who was so frustrated with dysfunction on
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capitol hill that he just resigned. he joins the powerhouse round table. we'll be right back. detect this: living with hiv, robert learned he can stay undetectable with fewer medicines. that's why he switched to dovato. dovato is a complete hiv treatment for some adults. no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: marnina learned that most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. if you have hepatitis b, don't stop dovato without talking to your doctor. don't take dovato if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking dofetilide. this can cause serious or life-threatening side effects. if you have a rash or allergic reaction symptoms, stop dovato and get medical help right away. serious or life-threatening lactic acid buildup and liver problems can occur. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, or if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. dovato may harm an unborn baby. most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this:
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idiotic, but it actually does not do anything to advance the conservative movement, and, in fact, it undermines the country and our majority. >> jonathan: that was republican mike lawler responding to marjorie taylor greene's threat to oust mike johnson. let's bring in the powerhouse round table. former dnc chair donna brazile, former rnc chair and trump white house chief of staff, reince priebus, former -- now former colorado congressman ken buck who just left office on friday, and "washington post" congressional reporter mariana sotomayor. congressman, let me start with you. >> sure. >> jonathan: you left congress as of friday just as that was all going down. i guess that didn't cause you to rethink your decision? >> not at all. no rear-view mirror. happy to move on. dysfunctional place. >> jonathan: you must have been pretty intensely frustrated no not only not run again, but to leave early. you're not alone. mike gallagher said he's leaving too. >> yeah.
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well, since this congress started, there have been efforts to impeach the secretary of state, the secretary of defense, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, the president, the attorney general, the fbi director, and, in fact, did impeach the director of -- secretary of homeland security. serious problems with setting priorities. we have a very tragic circumstance in ukraine. we have spiraling debt, all kinds of out-of-control problems, and we focus on messaging bills that get us nowhere. >> jonathan: is there anything you disagree with, that you just said, donna? >> first of all, i want to thank the congressman for his service. we talked in the green room. i was a capitol hill staffer and came to washington, d.c. as an intern. i respect the fact that he has served his constituents in his state, and he's absolutely right. there's chaos. there's so much division. congress is on record, this
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118th of being the least productive in our lifetime. so i agree that things need to change, but that bill that was passed and i guess you supported it, right? it was a compromise. no one. >> jonathan: he voted against it. >> it was a compromise. i'm not going to take back my word. it was a compromise. no one got what they wanted. the american people get to see their government work for a change. >> jonathan: reince, how do republicans run on this? you had control of the house and look. >> i mean, first of all, i'm a fan of ken buck's, and i think we need more ken bucks. >> jonathan: now you have one less. >> here's the deal and it's happening all over the country. 435 house seats, and only 20 are in play. what that means is that they're almost all really, really democrat or really, really republican. now second problem, division is pure profit. unity's a loser, and clicks and money, it all works together.
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the two top grossing probably members of the house or the senate is aoc and marjorie taylor greene because division is pure profit, and there is no real majority. there's no real majority. i mean, you have eight or ten people that run around the capitol and cause chaos for the speaker, and last thing, the speaker rules just create a very weak speaker. that rule. all of that together create this is chaos. >> martha: -- >> jonathan: mariana, it was extraordinary to see mike johnson do something that would normally be totally ordinary. the republicans don't control much right now. he got some wins. there were some losses obviously. how real is the threat to his speakership? >> well, it could become more real. i think when republicans and democrats come back to the house next month, they're now going to be facing the question of helping ukraine, israel, the indo-pacific, possibly
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addressing the border. that has been the big question, and congresswoman greene has said earlier this year, she would move that motion to vacate threat against johnson if he puts a ukraine bill on the floor. that is going to happen. >> jonathan: he seems like he's going to do it, right? >> right. >> jonathan: he sounds like b biden frankly on the importance of coming to ukraine's support, you know, aid on this and the threat of putin. >> absolutely, and that is part of mike johnson being an institutionalist. he does respect the house trying to function, and here's the thing. if marjorie taylor greene does move this resolution in a privileged manner, meaning the house must vote on it, you know, i have been hearing from some republicans, far-right republicans including some within the freedom caucus who say they don't want to support it simply because they don't like marjorie taylor greene, but if that question is posed to them, they're going to have to consider because they are very upset with johnson just for compromising with the reality of
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a democratic senate and a democratic president in the white house. >> jonathan: and the margin now with you gone, congressman buck, with mike gallagher announcing he'll be gone effective in a couple of weeks. you're down -- you can only afford to lose one member on any given bill. i mean, the republican majority seems to be evaporating. >> it is evaporating, but the reality is also that there's very few votes that are decided by one or two members, and so other than the mayorkas impeachment, i can't think of a vote that went one way or the other because of one member. they have to be bipartisan at this point. >> jonathan: are we effectively looking at a coalition? if this motion to vacate goes through, democrats, donna, are saying they're not going to allow marjorie taylor greene to rip up the house again. they're going to basically support johnson. >> yeah. i mean, why should democrats bail out the republicans unless democrat s can get something ou the deal? give democrats some power
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because democrats have been providing the vote. hakeem jeffries like nancy pelosi has done an amazing job of keeping the democratic caucus together despite the fact that we have some hot shots and some other ones, but at this hour, i think the democrats should do what they have been doing best which is to fight for the american people and let all of this pettiness go by the wayside. >> the voters there aren't paying attention to this stuff. they're not paying attention to whether ken buck resigned or mike gallagher resigned or -- in this chaos. what they see is chaos and they see it. they see it. >> jonathan: it's down to 10%. >> it's been like that for as long as i can remember. >> jonathan: it's historically low now. >> what's missing is leadership. what's missing is the president of the united states saying, look. the border's a disaster. i mean, kamala harris just ad admitted it's a total train wreck. do something about it. strike a deal. not throw langford out there with schumer and run around for a month. stand here and say, i'm going to bring back remain in mexico. i'm going to help build this
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wall. i'm going to put people across the border that commit a felony. they're never going to cross and i want ukraine funding and i want to take care of what's happening in israel. that's not -- that doesn't exist. >> the president has tried to lead. the president has tried to lead. the chaos is causing a lot of angst among the american people. congress is as popular as a root canal. that shouldn't stop congress from addressing the problem instead of facing the american people. you cannot just sit back and say, i want to throw rocks because it will get across the goal line. you've got to lead and the president has been leading on the border. >> jonathan: we've got to take a quick break. when we come back, big news this week on the third party front.
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it smells amazing and gives my skin over the top moisture! from dull to visibly glowing in 14 days! ♪ see the difference with olay. >> jonathan: we're back with the round table. i want to ask you about the no labels movement. there has been so much discussion about their plans to get a, you know, a bipartisan, third-party ticket, but it seems like they're having a hard time finding a candidate? what's going on? >> yeah. there was this movement, and speculation of, you know, who are they going to get? they haven't been able to do it yet, and here's the problem with that. because they have been rejected by so many different politicians, whether it's from the right or the left, they're now facing a deadline of just when a candidate can actually be on the ballot. so actually be competitive, they have to have a candidate to just be able to keith comcompete acr
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many -- >> jonathan: to even allow them in the race. >> exactly. >> jonathan: donna, democrat were worried about no labels. maybe you're more worried about cornell west or jill what about a kennedy jr.? >> if you, you know, don't make the deadline, don't have the appropriate number of signatures, of course, you have citizens in those states that will -- >> jonathan: this is the dnc. this isn't citizens in those states. >> let me just speak up for the dnc if this is their effort. 2000, 2016, we slept through those third party candidates and look at the results, whether it's the 537 in florida that ralph nader competed in or jill stein in 2016 in michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania. so yes. focus on these third-party candidates because they could
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draw from mr. biden. >> jonathan: what do you think? you've expressed frustration with republicans. you are a republican. is there an appeal >> i think there's a great appeal. i hear from all kinds of constituents, not just in color colorado, but across the country, that these are the two worst presidential candidates in modern history and there is a great frustration and appetite for a third-party candidate. do they stand a chance? absolutely not, but can they draw away from some of the candidates depending on which side of the spectrum they come from? absolutely. >> jonathan: reince? >> it's a deadly situation for democrats because in 2016, trump got 46%. in 2020, he got 47%. he is locked in at those numbers, and any introduction of a third party, jill stein's now on the ballot in wisconsin -- >> jonathan: bobby kennedy's going to announce his running mate on tuesday. >> right. so the trump vote's locked. you've got a president, you know, 25% right track and now
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you're going to introduce people to other options? >> jonathan: we are out of time. we'll be right back. it's your time to cache in... so don'just pla.. stay at northern california's premier casino resort. book your getaway now...
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>> jonathan: thank you for sharing part of your sunday with us. check out "world news tonight," and have a great day.
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