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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 27, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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to make it easier for her son, mason. she put a piece of frozen celery to help relieve his pain. let's see what his reaction was. >> not great. there's nothing out with his tongue. >> yeah. >> let us all here watching this . >> i know we're like, what's happening? >> oh, no. my. >> mine was a waffle. frozen waffle for today. a little better because then it had, like, the little. your spit was just, like kept in the little waffle. >> oh, yeah. yeah. >> innovative, right. contained. >> your mom was smart. and she also played the marimba. marimba? look it up >> michael: good morning america for our viewers in the west. the urgent investigation into the catastrophic bridge collapse. search for answers. what happened in the final minutes before that cargo ship, the size of the chrysler
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building, slammed into the key bridge? this morning, authorities hailing the dispatchers as heroes. plus the national impact as baltimore looks to rebuild. >> the next months will be challenging and difficult. >> michael: the governor of maryland, head of the national transportation board mayor and pete buttigieg all join us this morning. we are live on the scene. >> eva: abortion rights back in the hands of the supreme court. hundreds demonstrate outside the court as it considers whether to roll back access to the abortion pill mifepristone. what the justices said, and when they will decide. >> rebecca: $30 billion deal. the settlement over swipe fees with visa and mastercard, and what it means for your next shopping trip. >> eva: sean diddy combs responding to the raid on his homes, as we learn new details about what federal agents seized
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and the investigation into alleged sex trafficking. >> michael: flag on the play? >> horse collar. >> michael: reaction to the nfl rolling out new rule, trying to tackle safety and what former players like j.j. watt are saying about it. >> rebecca: easter basket alert. chocolate prices flying, with four days until the holiday, how you can still find sweet savings. ♪ >> michael: were you meant to win the lottery? where the billion dollar megamillions ticket was finally sold. and these fans in times square hit the jackpot over night. shakira shakira with a surprise concert. ♪ we're not lying. >> announcer: live in times square, this is "good morning america." >> michael: good morning america.
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it is good to be with eva and rebecca on this busy morning. we do want to get right to our top story. the very latest on the key bridge collapse in baltimore, and the big question. what went wrong with that massive cargo ship? transportation secretary pete buttigieg is standing by. but first gio benitez starts us off from the scene. gio, the coast guard has ended its search and rescue mission? >> reporter: yeah, michael, that's right. this is now officially a recovery mission. it's gonna be an incredibly challenging one. just look over my shoulder here and you can see that collapsed bridge. there is so much heavy steel there. now families are heart broken this morning. this morning an iconic part of the baltimore sky line gone in an instant. the search and rescue mission at the collapsed francis scott key bridge turning into a recovery mission. authorities say the 47 degree water and unpredictable currents are just too treacherous for the six missing workers to have survived. officials searching for the
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cause of why that cargo ship, the size of the chrysler building, lost power and slammed into the francis scott key bridge causing its catastrophic collapse. >> the next months are going to be challenging and difficult. >> reporter: here's what we know. the container ship dolly left the pier at 1 a.m. tuesday. just before 1:30 a.m. a may day call from the ship seeking emergency assistance. >> halt all traffic on the key bridge. there's a ship approaching that just lost their steering. they got to get that under control. we got to stop all traffic. >> reporter: video shows the ship's lights going out twice as it approaches the bridge. crews on board reporting power issues and loss of propulsion, apparently losing steering control. dark smoke seen billowing. the last car crosses the bridge at 1:28 a.m. then roughly 30 seconds later the collision and collapse. >> the whole bridge just fell down. call everybody. the whole bridge just collapsed. >> reporter: search and rescue efforts beginning immediately.
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the search under way by air and sea for 18 hours. >> from the onset we moved all those resources in, with teams from various state, local and county agencies. we're doing our very best in some very difficult times and conditions. >> reporter: an eight-person construction crew was filling pot holes on the 1.6 mile long bridge when it collapsed. their vehicle seen here. two were rescued shortly after. one running to safety, the other swimming to shore. now released from the hospital. officials saying the six others are now presumed dead. >> six of our workers lost their lives. one was seriously injured. this tragic event was completely unforeseen and was not something that we ever could imagine would happen. our company is in mourning over the loss of these fine people. >> reporter: and now authorities calling the quick work of the dispatchers and officers heroic. >> they undoubtedly saved numerous lives. >> we just looked up and it was happening. >> reporter: witnesses capturing the moment of impact.
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>> yo! >> reporter: having just driven across the bridge, for what they didn't realize would be their last time. >> i was in a lot of shock. i just was in a lot of disbelief. it was unfathomable. >> like something out of a movie. my stomach just sank. >> reporter: meanwhile, president biden is pledging the full support of the federal government, saying he will move heaven and earth to rebuild this bridge that means so much to this community. rebecca? >> rebecca: we are thinking of those families and that community. okay, gio, thank you. the francis scott key bridge played a vital role in transportation and commerce. the impact of its collapse will be far reaching. we're going to elizabeth schulze. she's at the port of baltimore. good morning, elizabeth. >> reporter: good morning, rebecca. more than $80 billion in cargo passes through this port every year. now logistics companies are finding other ways to move these massive containers. shipping in and out of the court
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is suspended indefinitely. cruise ships that were supposed to leave from here are rerouting to virginia instead. one major industry to watch is auto. this is the busiest port in the u.s. for car imports and exports. gm, ford and stellantis tell us they are already diverting shipments to other locations. shipping activity is expected to pick up at other major ports like in new york, new jersey, philadelphia and virginia. that could result in longer delivery times, but economists tell me they're hopeful those delays could last for days and not weeks. the other ripple effect is on the 30,000 drivers who use the key bridge every day. trucks rely on this corridor and are now going to have to find other route, which could increase their cost or delivery times. the bottom line is this is a snag in the supply chain that could take time to unravel as the wreckage is cleared and as that rebuilding effort begins. michael? >> michael: it's gonna take a while for that, elizabeth. thank you very much. joining us is transportation secretary pete buttigieg.
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secretary buttigieg, thank you for joining us. at this point in the investigation, what do you believe went wrong with the ship? >> i can't speculate on that. the national transportation safety board, the ntsb handles the investigation. they are independent by design. i did see the chair there, and her team is already hard at work. of course, my first thoughts are with the families that were impacted yesterday, still hoping against hope their loved ones would be rescued alive. now they are dealing with news that it's just unthinkable. and the other thing that was really extraordinary yesterday to see on the ground was the work of first responders. we're talking about divers, law enforcement, coast guard, so many people working to respond to the scene, working tirelessly. and there's no question, as tragic as this situation is, that it might have been much worse if it weren't for their
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action. the closure of the bridge when every second mattered when they got that may day call, the work that was done to immediately rescue the two people who were rescued. just unbelievable work. now the longer work begins of getting that bridge back up and that port back open. and every day counts on that as well because the implications for our supply chain and for so many people's commutes. >> michael: so much is affected. our hearts and thoughts are with the families and victims of this tragedy. without a doubt. do you know what? we're learning that an inspection of the ship last year found some kind of issue with its propulsion system. do you think that could have been a factor? >> again, i can't weigh in or speculate on anything related to the investigation. what i do know is that the force of this ship is almost unimaginable. this is a vessel that was about 100,000 tons carrying its load. so 200 million pounds went into
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this bridge all at once which is why you had that almost instant catastrophic result. >> michael: there are questions being raised as to why this bridge was so vulnerable to a collision. some engineers say it would have been benefitted from what's called a fender system. do you think something like that would have helped? >> well, that's something else that the investigation will be helpful on. again, it is difficult to overstate the level of physical force that hit this bridge all at once. i was there. i saw this ship. it is about as long as the bridge itself. and it went straight into that key supporting beam. what i will say though is that as times have changed, as bridge designs have been modernized, each generation of bridges is more resilient than the last. one of the reasons we put such a focus on roads and bridges in president biden's infrastructure plan is to make sure that we have the strongest possible infrastructure.
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right now, for the first time, we are putting forward a dedicated federal round of funding specifically for making sure that our infrastructure is more resilient. we're doing a seismic retrofit to the golden gate bridge to help it withstand earthquakes. making sure there are seismic provisions in the i 5 area. pacific northwest. we are at work to make sure our infrastructure for the future is better prepared for any kind of threat. really what we saw yesterday was just unimaginable in terms of the proportion of that ship, the size of the nimitz aircraft carrier going directly into the key support beam of that bridge. >> michael: seems like yesterday was a major wakeup call for all of us. secretary buttigieg, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> michael: i appreciate you. eva? >> eva: we turn now to the supreme court and the high stakes battle over the abortion pill mifepristone. at the center of this case, questions about restricting access to the drug. rachel scott is at the court. good morning, rachel.
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>> reporter: eva, good morning to you. this is the first major test of abortion rights since the supreme court overturned roe versus wade. some of the conservative justices who supported that decision seemed spectacle of trying to further restrict access to the abortion pill. hundreds of protesters demonstrating in front of the supreme court. as the justices consider will to roll back access to the abortion pill mifepristone used in more than half of abortions in the u.s. >> some women could be forced to undergo more invasive surgical abortions. others might not be able to access the drug at all. >> reporter: a group of doctors against abortion rights argued the fda's decision to expand access to the drug is unlawful, and says doctors opposed to abortion. they could be forced to provide emergency care to women suffering from complications to the pill. >> these are life threatening situations in which the choice for a doctor is either to scrub
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out and try to find someone else or to treat the woman. >> reporter: most of the justices seem deeply skeptical of the effort to further restrict the drug. >> seems like a prime example of turning what could be a small lawsuit into a nationwide legislative assembly on an fda rule or any other federal government action. >> this is the only time any court has restricted access to an fda approved drug by second guessing fda's expert judgment about the conditions required to assure that drug's safe use. >> reporter: the only two justices who seemed inclined to side with the anti-abortion doctors clarence thomas and samuel alito. >> is there anybody who can sue and get a judicial ruling on whether what the fda did was lawful? maybe what they did was perfectly lawful. shouldn't somebody be able to challenge that in court? >> reporter: the network of clinics provides abortions in 17 states.
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she said the stakes are high. >> we know that better than 50% of people who choose to have an abortion are choosing to use medication. if we take that away it will significantly decrease the access for women in this country. >> reporter: what's on the line here is access to the abortion pill without multiple doctors appointments. that's still ten weeks of pregnancy. supreme court expected to enter their decision by june. >> michael: lot on the line there, rachel scott. thank you for that. we're going to turn to former president trump. shares of his social media company soared. adding billions to his net worth. he was hit with a partial gag order by a judge in a hush money case. aaron katersky is here with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. donald trump is less than three weeks from going on trial for alleged felonies. he's free to criticize the prosecutor and the judge, but others attached to the case are off limits. this morning donald trump is under a partial gag order, prohibited from making public statements about witnesses, court staff and jurors in his upcoming trial over a hush
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payment to a porn actress. >> this is a democratic judge. they're all trying to damage trump as much as possible. >> reporter: he has attacked the manhattan district attorney alvin bragg and likely witnesses like michael cohen. the judge calling those remarks threatening. inflammatory. denegrating and deciding the risk of harm is paramount. trump is having better luck on the stock market where shares of his social media company went up 16% on their first day of trading on the nasdaq. >> this company is now valued about 1,000 times its annual revenue. it doesn't make any business sense from where we stand today. >> reporter: on paper trump's stake is worth billions though he can't cash out for six months. >> this is sort of a cold stock. it becomes an icon that's sort of just a stand in for a person or an idea. >> reporter: for trump the timing couldn't come better. he now has eight days to post a reduced but still hefty $175 million bond to cover his civil fraud judgment.
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to raise money faster, he's selling bibles. >> all americans need a bible in their home. i have many. it's my favorite book. lot of people's favorite book. >> reporter: trump has at various points said his favorite books are his own. but after hawking everything from sneakers to steak, he's offering the $59.99 god bless the usa bible. it includes tech of the constitution and declaration of independence. >> i'm proud to endorse and encourage you to get this bible. we must make america pray again. >> reporter: this is a licensing deal trump is going to get royalties meaning some of the proceeds of this bible go toward his pocket. >> rebecca: aaron, thank you. we appreciate it. we turn to the $30 billion deal to settle a decades old lawsuit against mastercard and visa. they've agreed to lower so-called swipe fees for merchants. stephanie ramos joins us. stephanie, this could have an impact on what consumers pay, too. >> reporter: it could. visa and mastercard are settling
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a 20 year lawsuit. the companies have agreed to lower the rates they charge merchants, known as interchange feeing or swipe fees, and are agreeing not to raise them for five years. interchange fees are basically the fee retailers pay when a customer swipes a credit card. it is set by card companies. most of the time that fee is passed on to us. but with this latest settlement the savings retailers will see will also likely be passed down to us. credit and debit card swipe fees have more than doubled over the past decades and soared to $172 billion in 2023. that is up from $160 billion in 2022. that's according to a report. they are most merchants highest operating costs after labor and are too much to absorb driving up prices paid by the average family by more than $1,000 a year. visa says these were meaningful concessions. mastercard said the agreement brings some closure to a longstanding dispute by
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delivering certainty to business owners. eva, before you go to your local deli, swipe your card for that $3 bagel, the settlement the subject to final approval in court. >> rebecca: thanks, stephanie. >> eva: overnight breaking news. jack pot. someone is waking up a billionaire this morning. one, only one winning ticket for 1.13 megabillions dollar lottery was sold in new jersey. if you missed out, which is literally all the rest of us, you can always try for tonight's $865 million powerball jack pot. not quite as much. still a lot of money. >> michael: still a lot of money. one ticket? what are the chances that one person -- >> eva: i told my husband we should have bought a ticket in new jersey. >> michael: you don't have a chance if you don't play. all right. coming up, we hear from maryland's governor on the key bridge collapse. >> rebecca: sean diddy combs responding to the raid of his houses as we learn more about what federal agents seized. but first back to you, ginger.
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>> ginger: waking up in raleigh, north carolina. they're preparing for a rainy 24 hours. not the entire time but certainly going to be getting it. they're right about average for this time of year, but a flood watch popped just southeast of you and up into virginia. parts of florida as well. coastal mid-atlantic. we'll be watching this through thursday night. your local weather in 30 seconds.
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>> eva: an alert for the easter bunny. we'll be right back. ns all alon♪ ♪ it takes greg and lydia, and josie on the phone. ♪ ♪ it's grammy getting checked on in her favorite chair. ♪ ♪ or dolling herself up to go ♪ ♪ handle all of her care. ♪ ♪ with doctors to nurses ♪ ♪ and all the people in between ♪ ♪ healthier happens in more ways ♪ ♪ than ray's ever seen. ♪ ♪ healthier happens together. ♪ hi. hey. nice to meet you. (♪)
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meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel, and we'd just remodel the bathrooms last month. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. so you're like a guru now? oh here it comes— join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower. what's next. (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue that we would make the healthiest foods possible... ...with the finest natural ingredients and real meat first. and that's our promise to you and your dog or cat. because when you love them like family you want to feed them like family. >> always live. abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc. seven mornings happening today. oakland residents will officially meet their new police chief. mayor shengtao is set to introduce floyd mitchell at city hall this
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afternoon. mitchell most recently served as police chief in lubbock, texas. his start date has not been announced, but he is expected to begin his new role in late april or early may. oakland has been without a police chief for more than a year. amanda, how's traffic this morning? >> well, reggie, we're going to start in sonoma county. that crash at highway 37 and highway 121 that we were telling you about, it was a head on collision involving three vehicles. it has been cleared from the intersection. know that there are still residual delays, especially on eastbound 37. then to the richmond-san rafael bridge camera. a lot of congestion approaching the toll plaza. back to you. >> thanks, amanda. we're going to check in with
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some rain. here's live doppler seven along with satellite. satellite clearly showing you our cold front that will swing through here later on this evening. it's a level one storm today with briefly heavy rain later on tonight. a little bit of a breeze from time to time, but not all that windy. here's a look at rain chances. they do ramp up later on today. the best chance of finding rain in your neighborhood between about 7 p.m. and 11 p.m, as that front moves through here, take the umbrella with you if you'll be out all day today as that rain arrives later on upper 50s to the mid 60s for your daytime highs. reggie. >> thanks drew for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching gma. >> it took 138 iterations to refine the tiguan chassis, but it also took 189 pizzas and 52 all nighters. the meticulously refined tiguan get 0% apr financing, or a $2,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 tiguan during the volkswagen 75th anniversary sales event. >> are you ready for ultra
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>> next. guard plus helps you protect your dog from fleas, ticks, heartworm disease, and more all in one delicious monthly soft shoe. use with caution and dogs with a history of seizures or neurologic disorders. nexgard plus the one you want for one and done protection. are you looking for? >> are you looking? get a look. get a look, get a look, get a look, get a look. are you looking? are you looking. get a look, get a look, get a look, get a look, get a look. >> feeling claritin clear is >> feeling claritin clear is like she has allergies. yeah. >> michael: welcome back to gma. this morning the city of baltimore facing a challenging road ahead to rebuild, as we search for answers after that cargo ship, the size of the chrysler building, slammed into the key bridge. earlier this morning i spoke with maryland governor wes
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moore. governor moore, thank you so much for joining us. we know those six workers who are still missing and presumed to have lost their lives in this tragedy. what can you tell us about them? >> i had a chance to speak with their families yesterday and spend time with their families. we prayed together. i prayed for them. the things that they shared most about who they were, they talked about who they were as family people. i mean, these were sons and fathers and brothers. and the piece that i know the families were praying for were just completely focused right now as we've now transitioned to a recovery mission. we want to let them know we will use all resources to bring them a sense of closure and peace. >> michael: our hearts are with those families. the ship reportedly suffered a power outage. do you have any new information on what could have caused that? >> we're still looking into what caused the power outage. we're going through a full and
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thorough investigation as to what caused, the power outage and also the lack of steering ability, which led the ship to go into the bridge which ended up with the collapse of the bridge. we still have information that we have to uncover. the thing that we do know though is that with a ship of that size, moving at that kind of clip, it was going to be difficult for that type of bridge to be able to sustain. a larger look at infrastructure as a whole is going to be imperative in all this. >> michael: we know the call went out to halt traffic just before impact. can you tell us more about the efforts of the police and the other first responders who saved lives? >> these first responders are absolute heroes because the actions that they did, they saved lives that night. the ability to move so quickly, to help shut down traffic that was getting on that bridge. had we had more vehicles that were going over the bridge at the time of that collapse, we would have seen a catastrophic incident become even more
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catastrophic. those people who moved quickly, literally changed the entire dynamic of what that night could have been. >> michael: sure did. really did. the port is a major shipping route for cars and trucks. what is the timeline to remove the wreckage and get ships moving through the port again? >> you're absolutely right. when we talk about the impact of this port, this is not just a massive impact for baltimore, maryland. this has enormous national implications. this port imports more cars and vehicles than any other port in this country. we're talking about over 51 million tons of foreign cargo, the largest port inside the entire country. this has huge national implications until we can get this bridge back up and going. we know we have to move on a quick timeline, with a sense of coordination and communication and compassion. especially when it comes to bringing closure to these families. but we have got to come to completion.
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we have got to get this done. and that is the commitment that we're making to the people of this region and to the people of this city. >> michael: you spoke of a timeline. do you know how long it will take to rebuild the bridge? >> it's gonna take time. you know, we're talking about a port right now that still has mangled wreckage that we still have to sort through. that still is an unsafe situation. and, by the way, we still have human lives that were lost. we still have a sense of completion that we need to provide to the families. this is complicated. it is difficult. but we still have to be able to move with a sense of urgency and we are going to get it done. but this is going to take time. this is not days, weeks nor even months. this is going to take time. >> michael: governor wes moore, thank you very much for taking your time to be with us this morning. thank you. >> thank you. god bless you. >> michael: you, too. as you saw the governor say there, the quick response by the police officers, first responders who shut the bridge down. stopped something that could have been a lot worse than what
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it is. i know in june of last year i-95 collapsed. by november of that year they had it rebuilt. i think this will be a little more difficult, take a little more time. >> rebecca: a lot to sort through, and also hearts going out to those families and the lives lost there, michael. those victims. >> michael: yeah. vp we turn to the latest on sean diddy combs, responding after two of his homes were raided by federal agents. this as we learn more about what they seized. victor oquendo is there at the house in los angeles. good morning, victor. >> reporter: good morning, eva. sean diddy combs denying all the allegations against him. his attorney calling the raids at his home here in los angeles and miami an unprecedented ambush and gross overuse of military level force. this morning sean diddy combs firing back. ♪ amid the firestorm of sex trafficking allegation, authorities raiding his homes in los angeles and miami. the rapper now on the defense.
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his attorney calling it a witch hunt telling abc news there was a gross overuse of military force as search warrants were executed as mr. combs' residences. those search warrants executed by dozens of homeland security investigators. they seized multiple electronic devices. agents descending on his home in fatigues briefly detaining two of combs' adult sons, seen here wearing handcuffs. his attorney saying there is no excuse for the excessive show of force and hostility exhibited by authorities or the way his children and employees were treated. >> the next step force law enforcement are either one of two things. either one, execute another search warrant and collect more evidence against sean combs and others in his circle or, two, present the evidence they have to a grand jury and see if they can secure an indictment. >> reporter: new photos show combs was at this executive airport in miami with his three high school age children prepping for spring break. the same day seen pacing outside
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the airport. as the raids were unfolding, a known combs associate was being arrested on an outstanding warrant for cocaine possession. paul seen in this civil complaint, referred to as combs mule for drugs and guns. the searches reportedly aimed to gather evidence to corroborate accounts from several women who spoke to federal prosecutors. ♪ the 54-year-old who has gone by many names since establishing bad boy records in 1993, is the subject of multiple civil lawsuits. one of those suits, from music producer rodney lil rod jones who worked on combs' beloved album, accusing him of sexual assault and suing him for $30 million saying he groped, harassed and threatened him. combs has denied all allegations against him. his attorneys saying mr. combs is innocent and will continue to fight every day to clear his name. combs' legal trouble started in november when his ex filed a
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lawsuit alleging abuse for $30 million. they ended up settling for an undisclosed amount and diddy did not admit to any wrongdoing. rebecca? >> rebecca: thank you. we turn to several major rule changes in the nfl. designed to increase action and keep players safe. trevor ault is here with details. good morning, trevor. >> reporter: lot of people for the fir is the time are hearing about a hip drop tackle. it's a technique that even some professional football players say they had never heard of. we're going to show it to you. league officials say this is an especially dangerous play, to the point they have now banned it, along with seriously overhauling the kickoff. this morning the nfl rolling out new rules change, aiming to protect player safety, though some players say they're out of bounds. league owners voting unanimously to ban at what's known as a hip drop tackle, like the one seen here, where a player wraps up the runner and drops their weight on to the runners legs. >> see jimmy ward kind of
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dropped. >> reporter: last year there were 230 of these types of tackles, leading to 15 players missing playing time from injury. that's at least 20 times the rate of typical tackles. >> this is elimination of a swivel technique. the runner is purely defenseless. >> reporter: but the nfl players association and many current and former stars say the rule goes too far. j.j. watt tweeting just fast forward to the belts with flags on them. but another rule change may be even more radical. positioning on kickoffs will be drastically different. the old way looked like this. >> ball in the air! >> reporter: the new way will look like this, with only the kicker and returner being able to move until the ball is caught. the goal, reducing violent high speed collisions and increasing exciting play. >> what the league is hoping to accomplish is that the kickoff becomes more part of the game and the league believes it will actually be a safer play. >> reporter: and the change to kickoffs is just a one year
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trial for now. it's possible next year it could go back or tweaked even further as part of that delicate balance to try to reduce the risks but also keeping football football. >> michael: good luck. part of it -- the kickoff is such a big part of the excitement. that kind of changes. i understand with the safety. the tackling one is difficult to me. i don't quite understand how you're going to call that or not call that. i don't think there's a definitive way to do it. horse collar, yeah. this one, tough. >> especially when players are like, i don't know what this tackle is. >> michael: i'm glad i don't play any more so i can't get fined. >> me, too. [ laughter ] >> michael: we retired at the right time. [ laughter ] >> that's right. >> rebecca: trevor, thank you. coming up next, with four days until easter, prices are spiking on a holiday staple. what the peep? lara has some ways to save just ahead. all good. ♪ we're building a better postal service.
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>> michael: back now with an easter basket alert. it could be pricier to fill it this year. lara is here. say it ain't so. >> lara: unfortunately it is so. it is so, everybody. we are going into this easter facing the largest cocoa supply deficit in 60 years which is causing prices for your favorite treats to go through the roof. >> what are you doing? >> making chocolate, of course. how do you like it? dark, white, nutty, absolutely insane?
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>> lara: with easter days away, just like wonka, cocoa prices are going up, up, up. >> who in their right mind wants this? >> lara: the cost of cocoa has tripled the past year and is up 129% so far this year alone. >> there's a number of things that have led to very high prices. chief among them is a rather large drop year on year in cocoa production in west africa, which is by far the largest producer. >> lara: it's not just cocoa prices. sugar is up more than 12% from last year. easter is the third most popular occasion for americans to buy chocolate, after halloween and winter holidays. >> what's your favorite part of the kit kat bar? >> lara: hershey is offering additional sizes of some treats like their kit kat lemon crisp bar. how can consumers hop into savings this spring? >> shop the day before easter. they will begin to discount
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easter candy. the candy more branded for easter will be higher priced. the candy that's not might be discounted. >> lara: hershey's says its top easter brands are reese's and cadbury. both of course are chocolate. experts say with prices like these, the cocoa industry could soon experience shrinkflation where your favorite chocolates may get smaller while others might use less cocoa in the actual product. >> rebecca: a smaller chocolate? how much smaller can it get? [ laughter ] >> lara: don't touch our chocolate. >> rebecca: please, don't. >> michael: get extra flowers and less chocolate. >> eva: i don't want flowers. i want chocolate. >> michael: an extra egg. it's easter. i don't know. trying to help out here. >> rebecca: as long as it's chocolate. [ laughter ] >> michael: thank you, lara. coming up next our play of the day. you don't want to miss it. we'll be right back.
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>> lara: back now with our play of the day. a times square takeover from shakira. earlier this week she hinted on social media that she had a big surprise in store for new yorkers. last night she delivered in a big way, performing some of her biggest hits right outside our doors in times square. the free show wasn't announced until after 5 p.m. fans figured it out and flocked, creating a scene straight out of new year's eve.
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take a look at this. ♪ she didn't disappoint. shakira singing several hits from her brand new spanish album on top of the bill board stage. an estimated crowd of 40,000 fans figured it out in that short order. >> michael: wish i would have known. 5 p.m. i'm already getting ready for bed. [ laughter ] >> lara: it looked great. also great coming up in pop news, we're celebrating diva week. you do not want to miss it. very special week. big fitness energy for all. ming! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant... that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that.
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>> ginger: prepping for a wet start to the holiday weekend in southern california. two storms. one will hit the bay area midweek. saturday heavy from santa bash to los angeles. your local news and weather, a new honda civic and join the club at your norcal honda dealer. >> turn your backyard into a relaxing retreat with living spaces where our fresh, inspiring variety of outdoor collections will help you create an oasis at home. whether you
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want to experience serenity on a cozy day bed, soak up good vibes on inviting lounges, or celebrate special occasions around an alfresco dining table, we have every patio piece you need. best of all, free shipping as soon as next day means you can enj your personal paradise as soon as tomorrow. embrace the outdoors only with living spaces. >> living spaces. >> the epic 9-1-1 episode that left you hanging. continues thursday. >> bobby and athena's cruise ship is missing. let's go. we're flying into a hurricane. >> 9-1-1 thursday, eight. always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc seven mornings. here's traffic with amanda. reggie. >> traffic is heavy on the san mateo bridge, especially approaching the toll plaza westbound 92 is sluggish across the span. then we'll take you to san rafael. plenty of delays slowing down traffic on southbound 101 from novato to
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san rafael. >> hey, amanda, here's the golden gate bridge. you can see those clouds moving in from the north. they will soon bring us some rain later on this afternoon. here's the reason why. live doppler seven, along with satellite showing you a cold front is moving onshore over the next couple of hours and it will bring us a level one light system for some spotty showers early on, giving way to briefly heavy rain later on this evening between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. that's likely. find a brief downpour in your neighborhood. in fact, rainfall chances show that very nicely, ramping up quickly this afternoon before peaking this evening. highs today, upper 50s to the mid 60s with that rain coming back later on. reggie thanks for streaming us on the abc seven bay area app. >> abc seven at seven continues. everybody else is watching. good morning america >> charged with style, the fully electric audi q4 e-tron.
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sea is truly a storybook kind of place. book hotel specials now at carmel, california .com. >> when the truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case, i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could have made. >> call the barnes firm now and find out what your case could be worth. 8 million. >> charged with style, the fully electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >> track the rain with >> michael: good morning america. it's 8 a.m. search for answers. what happened in the final minutes before that massive cargo ship slammed into the francis scott key bridge. >> the next months will be challenging and difficult. >> michael: as baltimore looks
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to rebuild. >> eva: bruce springsteen returning to his glory days. the rock legend back on stage after a health scare. why he feared he would never sing again. plus is the bear's jeremy allen white in talks to play the boss? >> rebecca: should popular weight loss drugs be used to avoid putting on unhealthy pounds? what you need to know about advocating for yourself. >> eva: we're putting hard sided suit cases through the school of hard knocks. and putting them through the paces. we tried before you buy. >> three minutes 40 seconds. ♪ it's a beautiful life ♪ >> michael: the million dollar decorators are back with easy upgrades to your home for spring to make it look like a million bucks. and they're saying -- >> good morning america! >> announcer: live in times square, this is gma.
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>> michael: good morning america. thank you for joining us on this wednesday morning. >> eva: those million dollar decorators are more popular than ever. kathryn and martyn will show us ways to bring glorious things into your home. that's coming up. the accents just make sure homes seem more fancy. it is a beautiful life when they're around. first top stories breaking at 8. starting with the very latest on the key bridge collapse. earlier i spoke with jennifer homendy chair woman of the ntsb. take a look. jennifer, thanks so much for joining us. so the ship here appeared to lose power before the crash. have you confirmed that? >> we still have to confirm that. we do have a download from the voyage data recorder that we've sent back to our lab to evaluate the data and begin to construct a timeline of events which we hope to have later today. >> rebecca: can you tell us anything more about what went wrong here?
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>> we've seen all the reports and heard the reports about power losses and striking the bridge at the time when a number of workers were on the bridge. it's still something we need to confirm, make sure that we're looking at all the evidence and the data to begin to construct that timeline so we know exactly what occurred when. >> rebecca: well before this incident and of course after. and speaking of that bridge, it was apparently rated as fair during the last inspection. what can you tell us about that? >> yeah. overall our records from federal highway shows that it was rated as satisfactory overall. so we aren't looking at the structure today. we will be boarding the vessel at some point today to begin to look at the devastation really, and then look through the vessel itself.
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as far as that bridge, it was rated -- the information we have is that it was rated as satisfactory. but we'll have to take a look at the condition of the bridge itself. >> rebecca: do we know how long ago that rating was given? >> may of last year by federal highway administration. >> rebecca: engineers said it did not appear to have pier protection to withstand a ship of this size. is that common? >> so we have conducted a number of bridge investigations going back to 1967. and including bridge strikes. so that is something that we will look at as part of this investigation. to see what sort of protection there was around the piers. and to make sure that the infrastructure could withstand any sort of strike. but that will take sometime and will be in the course of this investigation. >> rebecca: so many people want those answers today. okay, jennifer homendy, thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me.
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>> rebecca: we appreciate her commentary there. this has to be getting to the bottom of what happened here, but also make sure it doesn't happen again to another bridge. >> michael: like a wakeup call, like we said earlier. we're going to turn to the supreme court and the high stakes battle over a widely used abortion pill. let's go back to rachel scott at the court with details. good morning again, rachel. >> reporter: good morning. this is the first major test of abortion right since the supreme court overturned roe versus wade. at the center, access to the abortion pill mifepristone which is used in more than half of abortions in the united states. over the last several years the fda has expanded access to the drug, allowing it to be prescribed by mail. also allowing it to be used until ten weeks into a pregnancy. a group of doctors who oppose abortion rights insist the fda unlawfully loosened those restrictions. they also argued during these oral arguments that a doctor who opposes access to this pill could be put in a difficult
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situation if they suddenly have to provide emergency care. well, a majority of the justices on this bench appear to reject that argument. they do seem poised to reject any further limitations on the abortion pill mifepristone. the bottom line, this is now in the hands of the supreme court, with a decision expected in june, michael. >> michael: all right. thank you very much, rachel. >> eva: coming up on gma, our morning menu. bruce springsteen back on tour after his health scare. why he was afraid he would never be able to sing again. >> rebecca: great to see him back. also ahead, could weight loss drugs be used to prevent potentially unhealthy weight gain and some other health issues? dr. ashton's here to break it down. >> michael: becky worley puts carry on suit cases to the test on the track. and lara is with two special guests. >> lara: i am living my best life. kathryn and martyn are decorators to the stars. they are with us, with you, with easy upgrades that will spring
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up your home, your look, and for a lot less than a million bucks. million dollar decorators are here on gma. ready to dish. ♪ ♪ i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪
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[laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. (bill) we made a promise to our boy blue because breathing that we would make theul, healthiest foods possible... ...with the finest natural ingredients and real meat first. and that's our promise to you and your dog or cat. because when you love them like family you want to feed them like family. wow. that's good. almond breeze? you like the almond breeze i got you... that's sooo interesting. what's happening, dad? with delicious taste and 50% more calcium. blue diamond almond breeze. don't just milk it. almond milk it.
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8:10 am
every march, jersey mike's turns money from subs into charitable it. and march 27th is jersey mike's annual day of giving where 100% of sales from every sub are given back to the community. and to kick off all that giving, peter gave me an apron. i'm honored. looking good, danny. we've got subs to make, though. oh, now i know why you gave me the apron. join us this wednesday march 27th, for jersey mike's day of giving. be a sub above. hey. nice to meet you.
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(♪) you're so amazing. (♪) >> michael: pretty flowers there. back with our gma cover story. bruce springsteen and the health battle that had made him think his glory days had passed him by, leaving him to think he wouldn't ever sing again. our erielle reshef is back with the story. good morning, erielle. >> reporter: good morning, michael. bruce springsteen said he was terrified he wouldn't sing again. after treatment, the boss is back in business. ♪
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>> reporter: this morning rock legend bruce springsteen opening up about his recent health struggles. >> i literally couldn't sing at all. >> reporter: the 74-year-old super star roaring back to the stage just last week in phoenix. after postponing his world tour in september as he battled peptic ulcer disease which causes sores or ulcers in the lining of the stomach or small intestine. the boss reviewing on e. street radio, he feared the condition might force him to stop singing. >> one of the problems is i couldn't sing. >> yeah. >> you sing with your diaphragm. my diaphragm was hurting so badly that when i went to make the effort to sing, it was killing me. >> reporter: springsteen says his inability to sing lasted two to three months. >> during the course of it, before people told me you're
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going to be okay, you aor thinking, hey, am i going to sing again? ♪ >> reporter: gastroenterologist dr. balsori said the singer's difficulty using hi diaphragm is very likely related to peptic ulcer disease. >> you think about the diaphragm separating the abdominal cavity from the chest cavity, he may have difficulty just taking large deep breaths and belting out those lyrics. >> at the end of the day i found some great doctors. they straightened me out. i can't do anything but thank them all. >> reporter: but now the boss is back. ♪ so good to see him up there. springsteen credits his recovery to his doctors. his world tour is set to hit 17 countries in 52 dates.
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audiences once again dancing in the dark. take a look at this side by side. deadline is reporting emmy award winning actor jeremy allen white from "the bear" is in talks to play the boss in an upcoming biopic called "deliver me from nowhere." the film is set to tell the tell of springsteen's lesser known 1982 album nebraska. he actually wrote it in his bedroom in new jersey and recorded it on a tape recorder. it was the precursor to "born in the usa." if the deal goes through, and still an if, deadline said that production will start after season 4 of "the bear" concludes in the fall. so we still get "the bear." we still get "the bear." >> lara: don't touch that bear. that's great. great casting. i hope it happens. well done. well done. >> thank you. >> michael: all right. we're going to you, rebecca. >> rebecca: okay. we're still singing over here. we're turning to our
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series shouting from silence and a look at the break through medications like ozempic with dramatic results happening for so many, should they be considered to prevent unhealthy weigh gain? and what's the best way to advocate for yourself when it comes to asking for them? dr. jen ashton join us with more. so you are board certified in obesity medicine. you have a degree in nutrition. is this the next frontier? >> first of all, to be crystal clear, there's no data on this. we're talking about this use of class of medications for prevention of weight gain. remember, it was first fda approved to help manage type 2 diabetes. then fda approved to help manage the conditions of overweight and obesity. will we start to see a different utility, a different use? can it be off label use in different dosing regimens? lower dose, intermittent instead of once a week. every other week? we don't know. right now a lot of obesity
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medicine experts thinking about this on the horizon. you haven't even heard about it yet. again, no official clinical trial data at all. but it is possible because we know that mid life weight gain is almost a universal phenomenon. >> rebecca: you're a doctor. you're having these conversations regularly with patients as well. what kind of questions should people be asking? >> i think so think like a doctor you have to ask yourself four questions, whether it's these medications or any medication. you have to ask, what's the risk of taking these drugs? what's the risk of not taking these drug? what's the benefit of taking these drugs? and what's the benefit of not taking these drugs? and sometimes when you ask those question, you can even put actual numbers in the answer. and that will help you decide if the risk is for you. >> rebecca: you are always helping us, dr. jen. you have a new free news letter that starts today. >> it's launching today. i'm super excited about it. >> yeah! >> thank you.
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it's called ajenda with a j. j-e-n. i have been working on it for a long time. it is free directly to your inbox. you can go to my instagram to sign up. it's helping people with the topics of peri menopause, menopause and weight management nutrition which is what i'm board certified in, dominating the health headlines today. people have access to information. they don't oftentimes have the insight or analysis to interpret that information. that's what i'm trying to do with ajenda. >> rebecca: it's clever, smart, it's free. you can go to instagram to get it. time for pop news with lara. >> lara: now everybody can do what we do every day. say, hey, jen -- [ laughter ] you're all very very lucky to have jen. pop news. it's a great day, everybody. we're going to start by talking timothee. he has become the clooney of his generation. we told you this 28-year-old super star has already broken john travolta's record for
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blockbusters with dune part two and wonka. less than eight months apart. guys, both of those movies have made more than $550 million already. and counting. now he is not just a multiyear monster deal with warner brothers to star in and produce several new movies. because of his star power in hollywood, chalamet was able to write in that he can still make movies at other studios if he wants. warner brothers just gets first dibs on new projects. they are paying dearly for the privilege. the co-ceo's saying we not only admire his craft but his dedication to give 100% of his time and attention to every project that he makes. >> michael: it shows. i mean, one of the nicest guy, too. >> lara: we love having him. we keep doing stories hoping he's getting the message. [ laughter ] pretty cool. >> ginger: i love that.
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that's great. >> lara: pretty cool. congratulations to you. come see us. also this morning we are in the midst of a newly coined and very unofficial holiday. starting this past monday, march 25, the world gets to celebrate some of our favorite singers and their birthdays that fall one after the other. it began with the queen of soul, aretha franklin whose birthday was march 25. that's monday. yesterday diana ross turned the big 80. our favorite diva butterfly mariah carey celebrates her 55th birthday today. or as she likes to say, her yearly anniversary. happy birthday, mariah. and then, oh, wait. there was also another diva who had a birthday yesterday. do we have that shot? control room? our very own diva. no? darn it. there it is. there we go! celebrating our own diva week with our very own diva. tomorrow lady gaga's birthday. last but certainly not least our darling diva celine dion.
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her birthday is saturday. can you believe all of these divas were born in the same week? unbelievable. maybe beyonce didn't want to feel left out. her birthday is in september but her highly anticipated album cowboy carter drops friday. what a week. a perfect week for those divas. and for all of us, really. happy birthday to you all past and present. i love that. >> ginger: that's astrology working. all aries. >> lara: whatever that means. [ laughter ] delicious double-header as we head into baseball season. mcdonald's announcing that starting later this year customers will be able to buy krispy kreme donuts at locations around the country. oh my goodness. thank you so much. we've got a preview right there for you. everyone is so happy. this is what your morning could look like. a krispy kreme donut and mcdonald's coffee.
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both mcd's and krispy kreme announcing the chocolate ice with sprinkles and chocolate icing with cream filling are the flavors heading over to mcdonald's. amazing, guys. just to let you know that is happening soon at possibly a mcd's near you. finally, i wanted to rush ahead to our last story. i want you to meet a very special pooch from philadelphia. her name is ginger zee. yeah, i said it. she's gorgeous, lovable. she's up for adoption. this ginger is a 6-year-old german shepherd who loves getting hugs. she's super affectionate. she was brought into the shelter in philly earlier this month by an elderly couple who couldn't care for her any longer. now our sweet ginger needs us to help her find a new home. the shelter tells us lots of dogs come in with the name ginger, so they added z because they say their ginger is as sweet as ours. she is available right now for fostering or adoption. please contact that team in philly.
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have you met her? >> ginger: i have not met her. i have met lots of dogs named ginger. i remember like even our neighbor had a dog named ginger. i'd be like, what, what do you want? >> lara: ginger, sit! >> michael: is there room for another ginger zee in your house? that's the question. >> lara: that's pop news, everybody. >> ginger: how fortunate i get to sit by the queen of pop while we talk about our diva. >> lara: and rescue. and donuts. i mean -- [ laughter ] >> ginger: thank you, lara. all right. let's talk weather, real quick. it's cold up in minnesota. they've had accidents. they've had almost a foot of snow in the twin cities. 15 inches in march which was way more than they had the entire winter. they're trying to catch out, but they're still in a major deficit. that's the big picture. now let's get a check closer to home.
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now to try before you buy. this morning we are getting ready for spring and summer get aways with travel worthy suit cases. becky worley join us from the san francisco airport, trying three popular carry-ones. good morning, becky. >> good morning. the hot roller board suit case is the away bag. but this cost $325. so is it that different from the samsonite or the amazon at 62? in this shopable segment, we try
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before you buy. carry-on luggage takes a beating, but is there one hard sided suit case that's so much better than another? >> a carry-on bag is so important. for me, i want something sturdy, durable and something that looks good. >> reporter: the it bag is by away called the carry-on flex for $325. but how does it stack up to other budget options? the samsonite free form carry-on for $149 or the amazon basics 20 inch hard type at $62.99. to find out, we've come here to the stanford track where, in full travel attire, i'll be performing the roller board tag along. the overhead bin mandates our first event. the lightest is the samsonite. it comes in at a lean 6.5 pounds unloaded.
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this, however, is fully loaded. the away weighs 8.1 pounds. and the amazon basics is 7.3 pounds. next the quarter mile power walk. serious sport, you know? one foot on the ground at all times. first the away bag. three minutes 40 seconds. woo. i got to do this two more times? then the amazon. three minutes and 40 seconds. and the samsonite. 336. teeny bit easier to push, but basically all three were the same. but i'm really curious how the budget bags do in the real world. we've asked travel expert
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nicky kelvin from the points guy to take the amazon basics bag and the samsonite on a trip to europe. >> i'm flying from new york's jfk to frankfurt using my amazon basics hardside spinner right from the start. >> he is wowed. light, sturdy. >> you can extend it if you've got lots of stuff. wheels nicely. it spins nicely. >> as for fitting in the overhead bin, this bag fits very comfortably. next, the samsonite carry on flying from berlin to london. >> i felt like there was a little bit more space, especially if you open up this expandable zip. >> he felt the inside just wasn't as streamlined as handle. >> creates an area inside where you can't really get your stuff. >> and what about the overhead bin? >> no problems at all. >> so his pick for his next trip. >> both bags were nice and sturdy and durable. overall, though, for the budget, that amazon bag is a winner. >> i actually like all of these bags. they're shoppable on our website and i took the samsonite
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recently on a seven day trip because it's about 20% bigger than these other bags. they all have the expansion zippers, and i packed it to the gills, was worried it might break. and that's something we should talk about. lifetime warranty on the away bag. a ten year warranty on the samsonite, and aneear warranty on the amazon. guys. good to know. thanks, becky, and we'll be right back. big trauma coming into the back lot. >> jaws of life are on the way. >> you can get me out of this right? >> you told her that you stopped doing research, but you're still doing it. tell me why you're actually here. going always live? >> abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven morning is going to look at traffic now with amanda. >> hi, kumasi. let's start in mountain view where a two car crash is blocking two lanes
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there. this is southbound 85 before central expressway. you can see traffic is down to nine miles per hour. the chp is on scene. expect delays from 101 kumasi. >> thank you. amanda. meteorologist joe tuma has your accuweather forecast after the break. >> it took 138 iterations to refine the tiguan chassis, but it also took 189 pizzas and 52 all nighters. the meticulously refined tig one get 0% apr financing, or a $2,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 tig one. during the volkswagen 75th anniversary sales event. >> listening to people that drink, bigelow tea is so important to my family because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do. hi guys! so what are you guys drinking? >> constant comment when i'm drinking bigelow tea. >> it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. that's what a cup of tea is. >> a moment for you. someone you love. oh it tastes really great. >> yes. it was always bigelow tea. wow. >> that's what my family hopes
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for. >> cheers. cheers. >> after my car accident, i wondered what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. >> when that car hit my motorcycle, insurance wasn't fair, so i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could have made at the barnes firm. >> our injury attorneys work hard to get you the best result possible. call us now and find out what your case could be worth. you might be surprised. the barnes burn injury attorneys call one 808 million. >> bet you didn't see that. but if you were an atlas and could detect things in 0.0 two seconds, you would have the atlas with front assist, get 1.9% apr financing, or a $3,000 customer bonus on a new 2024 atlas or atlas cross sport. during the volkswagen 75th anniversary event. >> hey bay area live with kelly and marcus coming up, we'll chat with maya rudolph about the brand new season of loot. >> plus ted mcginley from the baxters is here. >> that's at nine on abc seven. >> we'll see you guys very
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shortly. here's live. look at the bay bridge camera. we do have partly to mostly cloudy skies out there. and what we're going to find is that rain is on its way this afternoon and this evening. here's live doppler seven along with satellite. you can see that front that is moving onshore as we speak. that rain comes here later this afternoon and this evening. it's a level one, a light storm on the abc seven storm impact scale. but at night tonight, it will turn briefly heavy. here's your rain cnces. they're low this morning. anthen they really ramp upater on tonight. between seven and 11 p.m. that's your best chance of finding rain in your neighborhood. kumasi >> thank you. drew. >> announcer: welcome back to gma live from times square. >> michael: welcome back, everybody. tomorrow tory johnson will be here with deals and steals. all about self-care and at least 50% off.
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that's caring right there. now to you, lara. hey, lara. >> lara: michael, hi. everybody listen up. we are decorating because why wouldn't you with these two? the million dollar decorators are in the house. the hit show is getting a whole new audience on netflix right now. i adored every episode. so many people in the studio did. so great to have two of its stars. so great to have kathryn ireland and martyn lawrence here. they are going to upgrade spaces for spring for you. plus everything that you see is shopable so you can find all of the items that you see as we redo these looks to make your space look like a million dollar upgrade, darling. all right. dahling. not only on our website. so between the two of you, you have designed interiors. i'm going to name drop. hope you don't mind. huge celebs. steve martin, drew barrymore, cher and rupaul. who's got who? who did who? >> rupaul, cher, elton john. just a few.
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>> steve martin. >> just a few. >> dan akroyd. >> lara: it's a treat to be able to get you because your time is money, darling. also, very hard to get you because you're writing books. both of you have new books out right now. what is the name of your book? >> "a life in design 30 years." >> lara: amazing. we peeked at it in the back. it's great eye candy. you both have different styles. the name of your book, martyn? >> "star style" darling. of course. >> lara: of course. how would you describe your style? >> million dollar. [ laughter ] >> lara: say no more. say no more. you guys have some solutions for common problems. one of our writers was nice enough to share with us a design problem that she's got. we have a little video, so take a look. >> cool. >> we have a work space in our living room so we'd like to it
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be functional but also look nice. right now we are missing something. it's not a place i enjoy working either. what can we do to make it more fun and functional? >> lara: start the clock. we are decorating. i know you have very different styles. start with you, martyn. what would you do? >> fun. it's all about creating a wonderful space with texture. i add wallpaper to give -- >> lara: even if it's a small space? >> smaller, go bigger, stronger, bigger. texture, texture, texture. beautiful textured lamp. fun textured accessories. of course, don't have an office chair. have a sexy chair. find something kind of -- hello. get something vintage and cool looking. >> lara: did you say vintage? >> vintage. we love a little vintage. a tray. a tray is a wonderful thing to have. you can keep everything tidy, but at night you can, lara, turn that moment into something a little more playful.
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suddenly our desk becomes ready for a party. cheers. >> lara: office by day, party by night. really simple. kathryn, martyn is going for the sexy bar look. for emily, what would you recommend doing? >> i'm all about comfort. i would suggest having a comfortable chair, like this one here. i want to have an organizational trolley. my thing is, i have got so much in my head at all times. i need calm space. i need the tranquility. i need something that you can literally do that to. >> lara: that's what you were saying off camera. the trolley enables it to be a desk area, a work area for emily an her husband, but that it can get rolled away. >> i like to bring color in. seasonal flowers, things that will just brighten up a space. whether it's during the day or at night. and then, of course,
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inspiration. you know? i have a little board with a saying of the day. of course, my greatest love, my grand daughter. >> lara: you agree on this. instead of having piles on your desk, get a cork board and put your ideas up on the board. >> exactly. >> lara: great. emily, i hope that helped you. now let's talk about gallery walls. it's a fun way to create memory, to create an art space. you don't need a lot of money, correct? >> exactly. you can see here on my art wall, we've got a real mix of fun things. i like to add a little bit of everything that you love. for me i'm a big photography collector. so i love a little bit of photography. >> lara: you mixed in your sketch. >> got a great sketch, some really cool oil, some really fun sort of art pieces. >> lara: and the basket gives
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you texture which i know you're all about texture. >> extra's extra. i love it. >> we're right on point. >> make the trend fun. >> lara: i feel like i am in one of our episodes and i'm dying. [ laughter ] >> add a mirror. add sparkle that you wouldn't normally think would go with the art. it changes the vibe, gives it personality. >> lara: i have a trick. when i want to do a gallery wall, i'll cover it in graph tape. that's one thing that i do. one thing i don't do well is placing. i make a lot of mistakes. >> we have the best trick. lay it out on the floor first. plenty of space. and then lay all the pieces on your floor. you can move them around. get a vibe. then with the blue tape you space it out on the wall. you get the perfect look. >> you just wing it? >> lara: i wing it every time.
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>> which is why our walls are better. [ laughter ] >> lara: all right. thank you for this gallery wall tip. amazing. everything is shopable. kathryn, let's talk about a spring spruceup. we do have a video here on this little question about how to spruce up for spring. >> i have been cozy in my apartment all winter. but it's starting to get warmer. time for a room refresher. do you have any ideas on how i can make that happen? please, please let me know. >> lara: kathryn, take it away. >> okay. well, what i like to do is change out my pillows. get rid of all these ones. they're winter. they're winter. do you know what? there's always one that you can keep because you never know. depending on budget. but really, these are so wonderful. you can keep the inserts and just get new covers. >> lara: so lighten up the
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pillows. >> yeah. lighten them up. >> lara: store the winter ones away. go out and shop for another color. texture. >> find a great cotton throw. that will just sort of bring it all together. you can have real fun with this. immediately we have something different going on. one other great tip is, look here. this is just a piece of trim. that, to me, is a genius thing. easy to do. >> lara: that's fun. you can tape on the velcro. that's fun. i have never heard of that. >> that is an up grade. so cool. you really elevate something by doing that. >> lara: big box couch then add that and suddenly you've got something unique. >> totally. totally. >> lara: your styles are so unique, elevated. so lovely. >> so different. >> lara: i just want you to stay. [ laughter ] thank you both so much. please do check out both of their new books. they're just fantastic.
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and shop all of their ideas on good morning million dollar decorators, everybody. you can check out martyn's book, called star style. kathryn's book celebrating 30 years of design. coming up the young game changer who's making a big, big difference. stay with us on "good morning america."
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(gasp) you need weathertech. [hot dog splat.] laser measured floorliners front and rear. [drink slurp and splat.] (scream) seat protector to save the seats. [honk!] they're all yours! we're here! hey, i knew you were comin'... so i weatherteched the car! can we get ice cream? we can now.
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kid proof your vehicle with american made products at >> michael: back now with our game changer series introducing you to the next generation of
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women making a difference in the world. this morning the 23-year-old on a mission to save lives and a medical device she created. this is 23-year-old hannah herbst. when she's not training for marathon, she's trying to save lives. >> it's important to be a game changer because we can equip people to solve problems. >> press inflate. >> michael: she created this fda rated medical device. >> accessibility is a problem for minimally trained people. we thought how can we solve this problem with a simple solution? >> michael: that's when she developed auto tq. an automated version of a tourniquet, a device used to stop the flow of blood from a severely bleeding extremity. she first thought of idea in 2018. after learning a top cause of preventible deaths after trauma is uncontrolled bleeding. >> traumatic situations are inherently very stressful for everyone involved.
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the idea is making a tourniquet with one button. >> michael: that's just how it worked. the device is operated by pushing this button. while it inflate, verbal prompts walk you through next steps in caring for the injured. >> get medical help immediately. >> michael: while it's made for anyone to use, some medical professionals like sara franklin, an orthopedic surgeon, dr. smiley, who serve as advisers to auto tq, are also recognizing the device's potential. >> when you apply a tourniquet if you don't practice it on a regular basis, it is a skill people use. to have something an average person can apply with minimal to no training at all is a huge answer to saving trauma victims. >> i am an upper extremity surgeon. i use this device in my everyday practice. our limitation with surgery is bleeding. hannah's device has certainly put a stop to that. >> michael: with over 2,000 in use, the tourniquet continues to
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be a crucial life saving tool. >> i hope to see this in a variety of settings. anywhere you see a first aid kit i think auto tq should be right there next to it. >> hannah is a game changer. she is giving us a device everyone can use, and it will save lives. >> this device particularly with time, she could revolutionize in office procedures. >> stay informed to safety. >> michael: this is being integrated in all the gainesville florida emergency vehicles in the next few weeks. hannah hopes it can be integrated to all emergency vehicles around the country in the future. what an amazing thing. finding an issue and coming up with a solution. not only a tourniquet but it instructs you and talks you through the next step. lot of people may freeze up if they don't get instructions. brilliant all the way through. great job by hannah. >> eva: total game changer. >> michael: without a doubt. just like ginger zee. >> ginger: i love seeing that.
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we've got big news. if you are a disney bundle subscriber, it is easier than ever to access your favorite hulu titles like "the bear." and "only murders in the building." you can do it right from your disney + app. take a look. >> now hulu on disney + your favorites are in one place. >> let's take roll call. meredith? >> here. >> ricky? >> here. >> my aunt loves you. okay. who else? bruno? >> me don't talk about bruno. >> of course. how could i forget? just how big is this hulu and disney + colab? >> hulu on disney +. sign up now. plans starting at $9.99 a month. >> ginger: there's no need to switch back to hulu when you are finished binging. all your favorites right there in one place. let's get a check now closer to ho
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>> ginger: coming up, lauren daigle performs live. stay with us.
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but his vision dimmed with age. he had amd. i didn't know it then, but it can progress to ga, an advanced form of the disease. his struggle with vision loss from amd made me want to help you see warning signs of ga, like: hazy or blurred vision, so it's hard to see fine details, colors that appear dull or washed out, or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to hi. hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪)
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>> eva: we are back with our gma concert series. joining us lauren daigle. she's getting ready to perform her single "be okay." but first we're going to chat for just a second. the song you're going to sing for us is really personal. this is a self-titled album. explain this. >> i love this song so much. i wrote it with someone ellie holcomb who is absolutely beautiful. i remember whenever we arrived in california to write. she had a story that was so moving about a little girl who was going through a really hard transition.
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asked a bunch of questions. i think sometimes in life when little kids ask question, it makes you stop and think and breathe. this was our response to a lot of the questions that she was asking. >> eva: to be okay. >> everything is going to be okay, regardless of what happens in life. at the end we're going to take that last breath and breathe in the light. that's what was so important to me about this message. >> eva: such a beautiful message. you're on tour. what's it like being out there? >> i love it. we've had so much fun. i am a high energy person. i like to have fun. i like to run around on stage. i like to bring a little of new orleans everywhere i go. to have a moment like that, where i get to share the culture and the music that i love and the people that i love with the audience and get to see their lives impacted every single night. there's nothing like it. >> eva: we are going to get to experience that right now. without further ado, here to perform "be okay" lauren, take
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it away. >> thank you. ♪ you're gonna be okay you're, you're gonna be okay ♪ ♪ 'cause the sun will keep on risin' in that old familiar way and every little thing is gonna be okay ♪ ♪ you're gonna alright my darling you're gonna be
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alright ♪ ♪ 'cause the stars will keep on shining through the darkest night and you can know you're gonna be alright ♪ ♪ so lift your eyes to the hills remember where your help comes from, lift your eyes to the hills you'll never face a valley alone ♪ ♪ 'cause even when your heart is breaking and you've gone and lost your way oh you're gonna be okay ♪ ♪ ♪ you're gonna be okay
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i know that you're gonna be okay ♪ ♪ there's not a care in this whole world can take that truth away, you're gonna be okay ♪ ♪ you're gonna be alright oh darling you're gonna be alright ♪ ♪ at the end of all our prayers when we're beckoned light love will meet you there you're gonna be alright ♪ ♪ the end of all our prayers slt beginning of new life
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i know that you're you're gonna be alright ♪ >> announcer: "gma's" concert series is sponsored by norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc.
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mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? (box thuds) (water boils) (packet tears) (tea bag clanks) (water pours) - listening to people that drink bigelow tea is so important to my family, because making that perfect cup, it's the reason we do what we do hi, guys! - hi! - hey! - so what are you guys drinking? - constant comment. - when i'm drinking bigelow tea, it's just a moment for me. it's just me time. - that's what a cup of tea is. - it is. - a moment for you, someone you love. - aw! (customer sighs) - it tastes really great. - yes! it was always bigelow tea - wow! that's what my family hopes for. cheers. - cheers. (bright upbeat music)
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next. cheers. - next.. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. got junk is here to help. we'll help you get your space back with garage clean up starting at just $197. call one 800. got junk? the one and only sheryl
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crow live i want to do is have some fun. let's have some fun. friday morning on gma's concert series sponsored by planet fitness. >> we've got a big thank you to lauren daigle for that beautiful performance. >> tugged at our heartstrings. that was just spectacular. hey, we hope you have a great day. >> what would you do if you found hundreds of dollars in a store? are you taking them? >> what? >> for money? would you step in like her? you can't do that. >> it's okay. it's. what would you do? we did the right thing. >> what would you do sunday night? all new on abc monday afternoon, april 8th. >> i'm looking all eyes to the sky for a total solar eclipse. >> a breathtaking celestial event. abc news, together with national geographic, with abc's david muir and linsey davis reporting. watch it all on abc news live. national geographic channel, nat geo wild. disney, hulu and live on abc. eclipse
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the relief of the all new tempur-pedic adapt mattress. starting at $47 per month. get the best prices for your next day delivery and in-home setup at mancini sleep world, so if you're happy and you know it, throw your hands up and show it. >> if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. and if you love the life you're living, go ahead and dive right in and shake it. shaking like you mean it. do a little dance. show me what you got 0000000. if you're happy and you know it. clap your hands. >> find your happiness in san diego. >> always live abc seven news starts right now. >> good morning everyone. i'm kumasi aaron from abc seven mornings. here's a look at traffic. hi, amanda. hi, kumasi. >> we're going to keep our attention on this two car crash blocking two lanes. this is in mountain view, southbound 85 before central expressway uh. the chp is on scene and you
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should expect delays from 101. this is again southbound 85. >> amanda, let's go to the bay bridge. show you that from our exploratorium camera. the clouds are moving in as we speak. we'll take a look at temperatures. right now, we're at 54 currently in the city with those clouds. live doppler seven. that's our storm system. a cold front is moving onshore. the clouds are arriving first, and then we'll track the showers later today. it's a level one with briefly heavy rain later on tonight. looking at this rain chances between 7 and 11 p.m, your best chance of finding wet weather in your neighborhood. kumasi >> thank you drew. now it's time for live with kelly and mark, and we'll be at 11 fo ♪ ♪ >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and mark!" today, from the comedy series "loot," maya rudolph.


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