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tv   ABC7 News 600AM  ABC  April 10, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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now at six stanford stunner the cardinal legendary women's basketball coach set to announce
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her retirement months after becoming the sport's all time winningest coach. >> thousands of state farm customers are set to get hit hard by california's insurance crisis. homeowners looking for advice as their policies are on the verge of not being renewed. >> and great news for our favorite tiger cub. of course, we're talking about lily now on her new home, and you got to check in on her, make sure she's thriving. what up girl? >> honestly, the most beautiful animal i've ever seen. good morning. on this wednesday, april 10th. >> yes, a lot to get to this morning. we're going to start the check of our forecast with drew. >> yeah it says spring but it feels a lot more like summer and a lot of areas later today. it's going to be very nice. a live look from sutro tower. we have clear skies up above here, but we are dealing with some areas of fog along the coast and in the north bay. temperature wise, we're starting out upper 40s, lower 50s right now, so some areas you do need that light jacket. but later on today in most cities it's shorts and t
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shirts kind of weather 40s and 50s. right now in the north bay. live doppler seven. flip it over to visibility mode. you can see that patchy fog right now in santa rosa and in half moon bay, but elsewhere we do have clear skies this morning. here's how the day shapes up. we warm very fast today. by lunchtime, temperatures already above average. you'll feel that mild air pretty quick this morning and then the afternoon. it is warm for april. some cities close to 15 degrees above average or sunrise here very shortly at 6:41 a.m. look at highs today. 75 in oakland, but 82 in san jose, 81 in antioch. the city going to 7179 that high in santa rosa and napa. hi, amanda. >> hi, drew. a few traffic updates at the top of the hour. the metering lights are on. let's take you live to the bay bridge toll plaza from here to the city. it'll take you about 12 minutes to make that trip, and we want to get straight to that three car crash we've been talking about in vallejo. westbound 80 at georgia street. two lanes are blocked. it's only three lanes in that area. specifically speeds are down to
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seven miles per hour. uh- from here probably take highway 29 to get around. back to you at the desk. thank you. >> amanda, the history making head coach of stanford's women's basketball team, calling it a career the school announced last night. tara vanderveer will be retiring after 38 seasons leading the cardinals. she's the all time winningest coach in college basketball history. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez joining us live in studio with the surprising announcement. >> gloria, good morning. kumasi. tara vanderveer has spent 38 of her 45 year coaching career at stanford. she's scheduled to speak publicly about her decision at a news conference this afternoon. vanderveer won national championships with the cardinal in 1990, 1992 and 2021. the 70 year old is leaving as the all time winningest winningest coach in college basketball history. male or female, with 1216 victories and only 271 losses. warriors
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steve kerr commented on her retirement. >> i love tara, she's amazing, and we've connected quite a bit in the bay, she's come to our practices. i've seen her down on their campus, i have so much respect and admiration for her. and, my initial reaction is, i'm thrilled for her. she can go water ski, and she loves to water ski. i know, so congrats on an amazing career. >> and vanderveer said in a statement that basketball has given her so much throughout life that she hopes she's been able to give a little back. vanderveer led team usa to a gold medal at the olympics in 1996, and has guided many of her players to the wnba. her last day is on may eighth, and long time assistant kate pay is in talks to take over as the head coach. live in the studio, gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. thank you gloria. >> now to a story. you'll see
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only on abc seven, a well known donut shop in oakland has been robbed for a fourth time in just one year. here's the surveillance video shows thieves ripping out the cash register at colonial donuts. last month, the owner says she's says that since the robbery started, they installed a service window that is cashless. they use it instead of the front door during overnight hours, but this latest robbery happened at 6 a.m. during a shift change. >> got customers telling us like, can you please stay open? we really need you. you're you know, you're such a important institution in oakland. but it's hard. i won't lie, being a small business owner in oakland right now is very, very tough. >> oakland city council member nikki fortunato bass says that she is working with police, business owners and community members on public safety measures. she also says the city is working to find a location on grand avenue to add a police resource office, while police in the south bay are asking for your help to identify a person
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who may have set fires on the san jose state campus. >> so look at this image. this is a person that they're trying to find both of these fires were set in men's bathrooms at the martin luther king junior library one on monday night, the other on easter. it's not clear if the suspect is a student. >> he personally, i sometimes don't feel safe because i have some experience with homeless myself where they come up to me and they just just invaded my privacy to. so i think that, you know, they should do a better job of just restricting people. >> sdsu crime data shows at least ten arrests made in the mlk, mlk library in just the past month, and those arrests ranged from things like vandalism to possession of weapons. we're learning new details in the suspicious death of a man in east palo alto. we first told you about the story yesterday morning. now, police say that death is being investigated as a homicide. this is the second homicide in east palo alto this year. a man died a month after being stabbed on
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february 8th last year. east palo alto had zero murders. >> tackling homelessness is a critical part of building a better bay area, a scathing new audit says california isn't tracking whether the billions that we are spending are actually paying off. the state has spent more than $24 billion on homelessness over the last five years. but the audit says we aren't gathering data to figure out whether it's worked. the report singled out san jose for failing to track whether its programs are cost effective. and this is more than a money problem. the audit says it's stopping us from finding better solutions is just validates everything that advocates have been saying for a long time. >> we've been saying, where's the responsibility? where's the accountability? and we were right. >> the lawmaker behind the audit hopes to create a framework for the state to collect better data . in san jose, leaders approve new homelessness policies. they say will require significant investment. this will force encampments away from schools
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and limit where rvs can be parked in the city. the city council passed the ordinances unanimously yesterday. one of them would create a 150 foot no encampment zone for tents around schools. it would also allow the city to tow oversize vehicles near schools, whether or not they pose a public safety risk. the mayor says the goal is to make schools safer. opponents say this will only force more unhoused people onto the streets. >> our seven on your side team has been all over california's growing insurance crisis, and now the state's largest home insurer, state farm, says a new wave of non-renewals is about to hit parts of the bay area really hard this summer. every local county will be impacted, but the hardest hit will be contra costa county, with more than 3800 non-renewals in santa cruz county, at least 3100 policies are going to be dropped. there 2200 policies in sonoma county now, many of those are in zip codes that have high fire risk.
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insurance advocates say they are being flooded with calls from homeowners facing non-renewals looking for advice. >> what we recommend is that first, people connect with a broker, a good broker who has access to many more policies. >> state farm says the changes are necessary now, writing in a statement, quote, state farm general takes seriously our responsibility to maintain adequate claims, paying capacity for our customers and to comply with applicable financial solvency laws. >> end quote, serious new allegations being made against boeing. a new whistleblower claiming major issues with one of the company's most popular planes that could cause it to break apart. amanda. the faa has launched an investigation and congress is now getting involved. >> yeah, reggie aqui congress is now demanding boeing ceo come to testify on capitol hill next week for a hearing where the whistleblower is set to testify. the new allegations by the
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boeing engineer are very serious . sam salarpur claims parts of the fuselage are not fastened together correctly, and it could cause the fuselage to break apart. salarpur claims the issue is that pieces of the fuselage are manufactured by different companies and they don't fit together properly. however, he has not provided any documented evidence to back up his claims. >> i'm doing this not because i want boeing to fail, but because i want. i want it to succeed and prevent the crashes from happening. >> sandhya patel lawyers claim he faced retaliation after raising his concerns with the aircraft's safety. boeing has responded to the accusations, saying in part, these claims about the structural integrity of the 787 are inaccurate, but the issues raised have been subject to rigorous engineering examination under faa oversight. in 2021 and 2022, boeing slowed production and stopped delivering 787 because of these
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concerns. it later said it addressed the issue and the faa signed off. back to you, drew. >> amanda. we'll look at the travel forecast and it's really quiet across many of our major hubs today. you can see no huge issues when it comes to any severe weather. we do have one area in the south around the louisiana, alabama and mississippi that there is some severe weather, but for the most part, we're looking good to go. if you're flying today outside this morning, we are seeing a nice little sunrise coming up from the mount tam cam and that sun is going to be with us all day long, and it's going to feel a little bit like summer in some of our cities today. looking at forecast highs today, 70s and 80s, average this time of the year is typically in the 60s. so some areas approaching 15 degrees above average. later on this afternoon, the only problem tree pollen. it continues to run high if not very high. oak, pine, juniper and cedar. that's
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the problem right now. you can probably hear in my throat currently. so allergies sufferers, we're not getting any relief with this warm pattern ahead. here's future weather showing you. we warm up nicely throughout the morning and then to the afternoon. soon we'll see widespread 70s and 80s today with those sunny conditions. today is the warmest day of the week. we still keep some of that warm weather tomorrow, but by friday it is much cooler. clouds roll in ahead, a chances of rain friday night and those showers do linger into the weekend. we'll talk about the weekend forecast kumasi coming up in just a few minutes. >> thank you drew. still to come, the giants trying to set the record straight about their mascot the team ensuring fans that lucille is okay. >> plus a strange sight in the bay. many of you may have seen a home being towed across the water. we will get into that.
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leo has now been elevated to a sigalert. this is a three car crash westbound 80 at georgia street. it's only blocking one lane at this hour, but speeds are still down to six miles per hour. this is commute traffic. commute direction, i should say. traffic is stopped from highway 37, u.s. highway 29 to get around it and expect a 37 minute delay. back to you. kumasi thank you. >> amanda. all right. take a look at this unusual sight in san francisco bay yesterday. yes, a two story houseboat floating on the water. sky seven
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captured video of it being towed to its new home in san rafael. the boat's original home is docked town marina in redwood city. after a long legal battle, dozens of houseboats had to move. apparently it took this one two days to make it up the bay. the post office branch near the embarcadero in san francisco may soon be named after late california senator dianne feinstein. senators alex padilla and laphonza butler plan to introduce a bill authorizing the name change. padilla issued a statement calling feinstein a towering figure in the history of our state and our nation. so the branch is located on stewart street, the ground floor of the rincon center. it was developed during feinstein's tenure as san francisco mayor. the giants beloved mascot, lucille clearing up an early season mystery that's been swirling at oracle park. so who's been absent from a few of the giants games
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recently and said the team had an inflatable version of the mascot just bouncing around the ballpark so people wanted to know what was going on. where is the real lucille? well, we got a response on twitter yesterday. lucille says he's not being replaced, and the inflatable stand in is just a little something extra to entertain fans, the team told sfgate. the blow up will allow for some additional stunts and performance opportunities that are not possible in the normal costume. now fans did see the regular loo out at the game last night. okay, thank you. got to put eyes on you. a rescued tiger cub with severe bone disease at the oakland zoo has been moved to a permanent home. we're talking about our friend lily. she's now at paws wildlife sanctuary in galt, which is a small town just south of sacramento. zoo officials say lily's move is bittersweet, but
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they are happy she has a trustworthy and expansive new home. they also say that they are proud to have been able to nurse her back to health over the past month and a half. the oakland zoo rescued lily from a private facility back in february. >> it's a nice little update. >> i'm glad for her. >> she's thriving. >> she went through some things. >> i like how people were pressed about lucille. what is going on? >> don't mess with mascots. listen i don't want an inflatable. the real thing. >> wait. and i'm also a little confused about this because i think there is a person in the inflatable, but it's just not as no. yeah, i get it right. but that is lucille inside the inflatable. i think. >> right. we need get the eye team on this. >> i don't want to ruin the magic, but ruin, ruin it. >> ruin, ruin it. >> i think lucille's friend is in there and is in the lucille that we know are okay. >> is that okay? we'll have to.
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we'll have to do more digging and let people know some things. you know, maybe just keep the magic in the air, you know? okay, let's not see how the sausage is made. if you are going to the giants game today. i mean, first pitch temperature near 70 degrees. so it is going to be a nice day at oracle park. look at the highs across the region. warm sunshine. today is the warmest day of the week at keep x uh- expressing get outside because it is going to be a very nice afternoon. widespread 80s from cupertino to morgan hill. gilroy at 83 along the peninsula 70 for san mateo, near 80, in redwood city today, 78 in los altos along the coast, a little cooler, but still very pleasant in the mid 60s for pacifica, half moon bay, downtown south city will get into the low 70s, cooler along the coast with the sunset richmond in the upper 60s. that onshore flow in the north bay. it's a warm one nearly 15 degrees above average. 82 in cloverdale, 78 in novato, 79 in both vallejo and napa, the east bay. it's a lovely day today. it's warm for this time of the year. 76, san leandro, 75, in
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oakland, 79, in fremont and inland. it's a day where you can wear a t shirt and shirt, shorts because we have temperatures in the upper 70s, lower 80s out there, which is well above where we should be this time of the year across the entire state. we're underneath this warm area of high pressure 80s for the central valley near 80, in la palm springs. it is getting hot in the desert, 94 degrees with sunshine later on today, back here at home tonight we'll dip into the 40s for overnight lows, which is pretty typical for this time of the year. future track temperatures can't get out today. tomorrow is going to be nice as well. maybe 1 or 2 degrees cooler, but we are dramatically cooler here on friday and that comes with the return of clouds and some showers. future weather on friday. you'll notice not only the cooler air, the increase in clouds, and then at night on friday, rain starts to return from north to south and those showers are on and off through the weekend. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. feeling like summer today with warm temperatures tomorrow. much cooler here to our friday with
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that friday night chance of a shower. a level one storm over the weekend with cooler air, and then we'll warm up dry out early next week guys. >> thanks, jrue. now we turn to ginger zee live with a look at what's happening on gma this morning. >> good morning ginger. >> hey reggie kumasi nice to be with everyone. so the latest first on the abortion ban in arizona upholding a law dating back 160 years that almost entirely outlaws the procedure. what it will mean for women and for voters in november. and an incredible story. sorority sisters leaping into action to save a mother and two children when their car went in the water. we've got an exclusive with the five young women and a reunion you don't want to miss. plus, kirsten dunst is here live and we've got our series, comfort food america taking over houston for some down home down home cooking. yes, it made me hungry. >> i used to live in houston, so i'm familiar with what they do there. ninfa's on navigation is the place to do food. get your mexican food. oh drop a name, friend. >> okay, drop that. i love that
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but they're also probably talking about like, barbecue. >> check it out next time. >> soul food. >> yeah i think yep yep they've got it all. >> there's just a huge city. >> yeah it is enormous. it goes on and on and on. and you know if beyonce could do it, then if she was raised on that then eat whatever she ate. everything's fine. yeah, that's what i figured. okay. we'll see you at you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments. if you have an eye infection, eye pain or redness, or allergies to eylea hd, don't use. eye injections like eyla hd may cause eye infection, separation of the retina, or rare but severe swelling of blood vessels in the eye. an increase in eye pressure has been seen.
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there's an uncommon risk of heart attack or stroke associated with blood clots. the most common side effects were blurred vision, cataract, corneal injury, and eye floaters. and there's still so much to see. if you are on eylea or a similar type of treatment, ask your retina specialist about eylea hd today, for the potential for fewer injections.
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hi. hey. nice to meet you. (♪) you're so amazing. (♪)
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consumer reports says the sodium levels in the kits range from 460 to 740mg per serving. well, what does that mean? it means it's more than a quarter of a child's daily recommended limit. consumer reports also found lead in the kits. lead can be found in the soil in which crops are grown and can't be avoided. the cdc says there is not a safe level of lead for children in san francisco, a group of middle schoolers are building a better bay area by bringing awareness to topics that matter most to them. one concern they have is cyberbullying. the children's day school seventh graders are currently planning an event they call soup for change. groups of students pick different social justice issues. they research a related organization, and then
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they partner with them on a project. the seventh grade families come together to listen to the kids present their work, and the students sell the soup to them as a fundraiser. one group chose to focus on mental illness and cyberbullying. >> i've experienced cyber bullying before, and it's not something that's good for you. talking to therapists and stuff really helps your mental health. >> what's your message to social media companies? >> the tech companies need to hear this and regulate their apps more, because i've seen really horrible stuff on the internet that shouldn't be seen by anybody, let alone people our age. >> there soup for change project will be putting up fliers across the city with qr codes that will lead people to the san francisco mental health association worm line next at 630. how the federal government is aiming to expand mental health care access in hispanic or latino communities in the bay area. then chp says it's taken more than 42 pounds of fentanyl off
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the streets of san francisco. that's enough to kill the city's entire population almost 12 times over. we'll get to all that. but first, here's drew. >> hey, reggie, we're looking at that morning drive. it is very pleasant out there. we have temperatures starting out in the 40s and 50s, but watch how we climb oh so quickly. it's going to feel like summer today in the 70s and 80s. more news
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rex, an abortion law that predates a women's right to vote and even predates arizona as a state. now, even some of the gop are criticizing it as going too far. >> then cruz set to return to the roads in one city months after their cars got yanked from the streets after an incident in san francisco and a whale trapped in a net off the peninsula. >> the urgent rush to free it. >> good morning everybody. it's wednesday, april 10th. >> all those stories are coming up. but first we have meteorologist drew tuma. yes. >> and it feels a lot more like summer in areas today than it does spring. it's the warmest day of the week. coming our way this afternoon. a live look from the tam cam. we do have mainly clear skies, a couple of fingers of fog out there along the marin
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and sonoma county coastline. right now. we'll switch it on over to visibility mode. and we do have some reduced numbers in santa rosa and petaluma. some fog right now, dropping visibility as low as a quarter of a mile. but elsewhere we are doing just fine. temperatures right now, mid 40s, low 50s. that light jacket, certainly your best accessory early on this morning, but you can pretty much get rid of it by 9 a.m. because temperatures are going to take off very quickly today. here's how the day shapes up. it's a sunny day. we're already into the 60s and 70s by lunchtime, and then the afternoon. this is warm for april. some areas about 15 degrees above average. our warmest areas going into the 80s later on this afternoon. 82 in san jose today, 81 in concord, 79 in napa, 75 in oakland. the city feels warm today at 71 santa cruz, looking lovely at 77 degrees. hi, amanda. hi, drew. >> a sigalert to get to over in vallejo. this is westbound 80 commute direction a three car crash is blocking one lane at
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georgia street. speeds are now down to five miles per hour. traffic is backed up from highway 37. an alternate route is highway 29, but you should expect a 47 minute delay and then over to dublin. a multi-car crash on westbound 580 before doherty road is blocking three lanes. there. traffic is backed up from fallon road. expected 27 minute delay there. here at 631. we'll get back to the headlines. >> amanda. thank you. developing this morning from arizona where the supreme court upheld a 160 year old abortion ban. >> so this is now one of the strictest in the country, with very few exceptions. abc news reporter christiane cordero joining us live from washington, christiane. >> good morning, kumasi. and, reggie, you know, this is a near-total abortion ban with protecting the life of the mother as the only exception. it's significantly more strict than arizona's previous 15 week ban. the reaction in the hours since has proved what's at stake, both for the political battleground state and the
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people who live there. this morning, front and center on the state's leading newspaper, abortion ban is law. >> the near total civil war era ban that continues to hang over our heads only serves to create more chaos for women and doctors in our state. >> the state supreme court upheld the 1864 era law that bans abortion from the moment of conception, with the only exception being to protect the life of the mother. the law was enacted before arizona became a state, and decades before women had the right to vote. arizona congressman juan psychomancy, a republican who previously voted to restrict abortion access, called the ruling a disaster for women and providers. and kari lake, a trump ally running for senate in arizona, said the ruling is out of step with arizonans, a shift from two years ago when she praised a near total ban. it comes one day after former president trump said the issue should be left up to the states and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. >> in this case, the law of the
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state. >> president biden calls the arizona ruling extreme and dangerous. abortion rights have won in all six states where they have been on the ballot, including in conservative states like kansas, kentucky and ohio. the need for reproductive health care and abortion care doesn't go away in a state where it's made illegal under the arizona ban, doctors who perform abortions could face up to five years in prison. but in its ruling tuesday, the state's high court delayed enforcement, allowing for legal challenges as arizona's planned parenthood says they'll continue to provide abortions until their legal teams advise they no longer can. any enforcement of the arizona law is likely weeks away due to the court allowing legal challenges. if it holds. arizona's current attorney general, a democrat, vows not to enforce it. reggie aqui kumasi back to you. >> new at six a federal judge has denied a new trial for the man who attacked paul pelosi with a hammer. david depape was found guilty of assault and
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attempted kidnaping in federal court last year, according to his court documents. his motion for a new trial was filed earlier this month. he was supposed to be sentenced this month, but a judge rescheduled that hearing for may 22nd. the pap is facing up to 50 years in prison and also facing state charges. >> now to the latest developments in israel and hamas and a new interview with univision. president biden calls israel's latest approach in gaza a mistake. amanda, the president, is now also calling for a cease fire without attaching to it a deal to free israeli hostages. >> now, reggie, the president is calling for a cease fire for the next 6 to 8 weeks so that food and medicine can get into gaza. more aid is making its way into impacted parts of gaza. after prime minister netanyahu agreed to allow humanitarian aid trucks into the area, the u.s. says it is closely monitoring the new israeli conflict resolution unit to verify that it operates as intended and to ensure humanitarian workers can do their jobs as safely as possible. meanwhile, vice president kamala harris met with
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families of americans being held hostage by hamas yesterday. one of those hostages is hirsh goldberg pollen from berkeley, who was captured by hamas at the nova music festival on october 7th. his parents described their meeting with the vp as very productive. hirsch's parents shared more about their efforts to reunite with their son right here on abc's nightline, 184 days is just way too many. >> and on day 40 something, some reporter said to us what if it gets to day 100? what will you do? and we thought, that's crazy. there's no way this saga is going to get into 100 days. so to be on day 184 is just it's enough. we need to bring these hostages home. talks are underway in gaza for an immediate cease fire, but israel says it plans to soon carry out its offensive into rafah. >> a state department spokesperson, matthew miller, says the u.s. has not been briefed on the date israel will
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invade rafah. also new from the region this morning, israel's foreign minister is threatening military action against iran if the islamic republic launched an attack from its territory against israel. the threat comes after a number of iranian generals were killed in a blast at the iranian consulate in syria earlier this month. iran's supreme leader is promising to retaliate against israel over the attack. back to you at the desk. thank you. >> amanda. a group of state lawmakers have announced a package of bills aimed at decreasing retail crime. the package includes seven measures, and lawmakers expect to add about five more now. one key component would expand tools for police to arrest people for shoplifting. the legislation would also add railroad police to fight cargo theft, propose bill also includes guidelines for keeping repeat offenders in custody. lawmakers did not say when they'd be voting on the bills. >> enough fentanyl to kill san francisco's population nearly 12 times over. that's how much of the deadly drug the chp says
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it's taken off the streets since it started patrolling nearly a year ago. the 42 pounds of fentanyl was recovered over time within a ten block radius of the tenderloin. governor newsom's office directed the chp to patrol the san francisco neighborhood after drug deaths soared. the neighborhood merchants association says this effort to reduce crime is working. >> if anything, it's showing people that, hey, it's not kind of a free for all anymore. i think we need to maintain our current intensity and probably even go further, because things have improved vastly in the tenderloin, it doesn't mean we're in a good spot, and it doesn't mean we're where we're at, where we're supposed to be. but we are definitely headed in the right direction. >> since last may, the chp has also issued more than 6000 citations, leading to almost 500 arrests. they've also recovered 15 crime linked guns. >> the federal government is working to expand mental health care access in hispanic and latino communities. health and human services secretary xavier
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becerra visited la clinica de la raza in oakland yesterday. patients shared personal stories during a roundtable event there. it's part of a nationwide tour highlighting the biden administration's push for more resources. >> we think that what we can do is show that everyone can have access to the care that they need, because health care is not a commodity. there are fabulous centers of health care that are waiting to connect with you and they're waiting to help you get back on your feet. >> la clinica ceo says they're expanding to another location and will soon be able to serve more people. >> happening today, stanford's history making basketball coach tara vanderveer is calling it a career. she is the winningest winningest coach in college basketball history. men or women? abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez joins us with more on the big announcement and what comes next for the card. good morning reggie. >> tara vanderveer's last day will be on may 8th on the 39th anniversary of her original
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hire. the 70 year old is leaving as the all time winningest. i keep having a hard time with that word to reggie coach in college basketball history, male or female with 1216 victories and only 271 losses. vanderveer won national championships with the cardinal in 1990, 1992 and in 2021, and she said in a statement, the joy for me was in the journey of each season. seeing a group of young women work hard for each other and form an unbreakable bond. in january, abc seven anchor kristen sze asked when she might consider retirement. here's her answer. >> the r word that i would use is a regroup and recruit and just, you know, really work really hard to have have each player on our team have a great experience, you know, probably there's only one really happy coach after every year. but, i love working at stanford. i love
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working with our team, and we're really excited about the young players that we have and our recruits. and the future looks really bright. so i don't know. they might have to take me out in a wheelchair. >> and we are hoping to learn more today about why she is retiring now. a press conference is planned for 1:00 this afternoon at stanford. vanderveer will continue to work with stanford and the athletics department in an advisory capacity. long time assistant is in talks to take over as head coach. so just an amazing career and vanderveer also led team usa to a gold medal at the olympics in 1996 and has guided many of her players to the wnba. live in the studio gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> gloria. thank you. still to come. stamps are about to cost you more. the price increase to help the postal service from losing money. >> and a live look right now at the big board at the new york stock exchange. we are down
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significantly right now by about 510 points. we'll have another update on the markets next. >> ben, spring is nearly well, spring is here. spring is here. >> been here. >> it's been here. i know okay. on the super bloom is back. do we mean summer is nearly here i don't know. who knows? what is time, drew? what are seasons? >> also, it feels like summer. >> what is the sun? what's the moon? >> it was a lot going on. yes it is spring. officially the season, but it feels a lot more like summer later on today. the reason why. live doppler seven. along with satellite. you can see high pressure just sitting off the coast. and that is supplying us with the warm air and the sunshine today, looking at highs versus average in the first column. our forecast today going into the 70s and 80s for daytime highs. typically this time of year will be in the 60s. so some areas close to 51 degrees above average later on this afternoon. one of the only issues we do have underneath this warm pattern. pollen. tree pollen now running high to very
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high oak, pine, juniper and cedar. those are your top allergens. future weather. by 11 a.m. 60s and 70s already, that's above average. if we just stopped right there and then we head into the afternoon and we see 70s and 80s on the board. it's a nice afternoon at oracle park, a first pitch temperature near 70 degrees with a light breeze doesn't get that much better at oracle park. ninth inning, we're dipping to about 67. the three day forecast looking at summerlike conditions today. still warm tomorrow. and then it all changes. we go downhill fast on friday with showers returninfor the weekend. we'll preview that
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the coast of daly city. people spotted this whale yesterday with its tail trapped in a net and a buoy that's trailing behind. amanda, this is awful. it turns out this whale has been in trouble now for weeks. >> yeah, reggie, the national oceanic atmospheric administration, or noaa, first spotted the whale already tangled off the coast of orange county at the end of march, when their team approached it to try and untangle the whale, it became aggressive and they had to stop, but they attached a tracking device to keep an eye on it as it swam north to its way to feeding grounds in
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alaska. once the whale became more tired out, the team was planning to try and untangle it again, but the device stopped working and they lost track of the whale. then it was spotted again yesterday at thornton state beach in daly city. we wanted to give you a live look, but right now we can't find that whale. we know that people are still looking for them. researchers from the marine mammal center and noaa are trying to get more information about the situation. >> it's really wrapped and caught on that tail. and it's not going to be an easy task to get it off. it is relatively urgent in the in the fact that if we don't remove the gear and the whale can't get it off itself, it's most likely going to die from it. >> noaa says they hope to know more about when might be the best time to approach the whale, to try and get it the net off again. they're asking people to keep an eye out for it and report any sightings of the whale back to you at the desk. reggie. >> okay, amanda. thank you. and unprecedented silicon valley congressional race. taking another unexpected turn. two people are now asking for a recount of the primary results
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that ended in a tie. the request came in just before the deadline last night. former san jose mayor sam liccardo secured a spot in november's runoff to represent district 16. so we're not talking about him. we're talking about this second place where assemblyman evan low and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian came in with the exact number of votes, which means that all three will appear on november's ballot. or will they? you see if a recount comes up with different results, then we have a different situation. it's unclear whether the people who asked for the recount have ties to any of these campaigns. the plot thickens as cruz says it will be resuming service in arizona. >> the autonomous taxi service plans to restart manual driving, with a goal of resuming driverless operations in phoenix and then expanding that to other cities. cruz says for now, it will return to the road with human driven vehicles without the autonomous systems engaged.
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cruz posits operations nationwide. last november, when california regulators ordered it to stop its driverless taxi service in san francisco after a series of traffic incidents. they include a cruz vehicle dragging a pedestrian 20ft after that person was hit by another car. if the warriors end up playing the lakers in the play-in game, they hope it goes as well as things did last night. the doves hit a season high 26 three pointers in a 134 120 win in los angeles golden state still in 10th place, so that means they would have to win two road games to make the playoffs. but with the win last night, the warriors are just a half game behind the lakers and the kings. the warriors have three regular season games left. the play in games are next week. >> now for your morning money report. get ready to pay more for stamps. the us postal service wants to increase prices on its first class forever stamps by $0.05. that makes them
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$0.73. postcard prices are also set to increase by $0.03 for domestic and $0.10 for international. while the postal service is struggling financially, it's expected to lose more than $6 billion just this year. the latest inflation report shows the consumer price index was at 3.5% in march. that's up from 3.2 in february. the report shows the price of gas, rent, car insurance all contributed to the higher number. that will all likely give pause to the fed as it weighs when and by how much to cut interest rates this year. taking a live look at the new york stock exchange as trading gets underway right now, we are significantly down this morning, about 530 points. >> everything is coming up. wild flowers in the bay area this week because it's super bloom season. poppies are popping up in the east bay along with lavender. experts say it won't rival last year's super bloom, but it will be a pretty spectacular season. and that's thanks in part to a lot of rain.
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>> we're seeing a lot of blooms start kind of a little bit later again this year, which is honestly a little bit better too, because we're noticing the blooms to be longer lasting, which is nice. >> there are several good places to see wildflowers within driving distance, including table mountain near chico, sugarloaf state park in sonoma county, and skyline ridge preserve on the peninsula. but you cannot pick the flowers. please don't forget that. just go and enjoy. >> they are quite beautiful. that orange color pops just does something. oh, is that why options pop? pop take only memories. >> only leave only footprints. >> namaste. very, very. >> yes, i saw it on a bathroom wall once and it's stay with you a successori. >> it left an imprint. here's the exploratorium camera. that sun is up here, but we'll flip this camera over to santa cruz
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and you can see it's pretty cloudy. oh, our friends there. hey, reggie. kumasi, look who's back. oh, he's back. i know if anybody knows this person we have been trying to get in contact with them. we'd love to interview them. >> and he's wearing shorts today or bermudas as my mom would call them. >> it is. oh, there you go, sir. enjoying a nice cloudy day along the coast. but we will get sunshine everywhere. that marine layer burns off. it feels like summer today, the south bay. we're going into the 80s today. it's going to feel like summer along the peninsula, cooler along the coast in the 60s. but you hop over to redwood city. we're near 8077, in mountain view, downtown today, 71 cooler along the coast with an onshore flow. 60s for richmond sunset as well. in the north bay, it is quite warm 70s and 80s. today it is going to be about 15 degrees above average. warm in the east bay, 75. in oakland, 78. union city, union city near 80. in castro valley and inland, we're seeing upper 70s to lower 80s for daytime highs overnight
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tonight we'll dip into the 40s under mainly clear skies. and if you can't get outside today, tomorrow is just as nice. maybe 1 or 2 degrees cooler and then everything comes crashing down on friday. it is significantly cooler here. and by the weekend we are stuck in the low and mid 50s. that does come with rain back in the forecast. here's future weather. this is friday night. low pressure begins to bring us some showers after sunset on friday. then this low just spins over us on saturday for on and off showers sunday morning we have some lingering showers and then sunday afternoon and sunday evening that low pressure will pull away. here's the accuweather seven day forecast. feeling like summer today. still warm tomorrow. dramatically cooler here on friday. a level one light storm over the weekend with showers and then we dry out. warm up early next week. amanda drew two major traffic alerts to get to this morning. >> sue separate sig alerts one in vallejo, the other in dublin. we'll take you to vallejo first, a three car crash at westbound
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80 at georgia street. this is commute direction one lane. the left lane is being blocked because of a three car crash. traffic is backed up from highway 37. an alternate route is highway 29. expect a 33 minute delay. there then to dublin. that crash, a multi-car crash on westbound 580, has been elevated to a sigalert. this is before doherty road and it's blocking two lanes there. it's backed up from fallon road. you can exit at fallon road and then use dublin boulevard to get around that crash. it's a 32 minute delay. >> thank you amanda a massive food haul inside downtown san francisco's ikea store is opening tomorrow. salou hall will have 11 places that you can go eat and drink. you can get noodles, algerian skewers, vegan tacos, soft serve, a bakery. they have three bars indian fusion chain curry up, curry up. now i should say will be one of the vendors. you can get the chicken tikka masala burritos and everything. bagel, naan
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this is i you. it's going to be cool. you have all sorts of options. yeah. the food hall opens tomorrow morning at 1130. and just so you have a heads up, it will be open wednesday through sunday. i would like to go to this. >> me too. i was looking at the menu items. it's a lot of vegetarian and vegan options. some of the options are from ikea. a lot of them are local restaurants. i hope people support it. >> me too. >> and also the ikea is cool. i went in there, i got a lamp. i like it, i like it, it was easy. i took it on to bart and i rode it back. >> that's the design of it. that is what are supposed to do. >> i am i am the customer for this. yes, it's small. you can find what you need quickly. the people are nice and then you can sit there and enjoy all the food. and i had a clean bathroom and you know how rare that is in today's economy. >> okay, up next, seven things you need to know today.
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>> you can watch all of our newscast live and on demand through the abc seven bay area connected tv app. look at these waves today. i bet a lot
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number one, the winningest coach in ncaa history. retiring tara vanderveer has led stanford's basketball team for 38 seasons with women's basketball team took over. she took stanford to 14 final fours and three national championships. >> number two, the chp says it's taken 42 pounds of fentanyl off the streets around san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood since it began patrolling the area last year. the patrols are part of the governor's effort to reduce crime. >> number three, congress has called boeing's ceo to testify next week after allegations from a new whistleblower. the boeing employee detailed safety concerns involving the manufacturing and assembly of 787 dreamliners. >> number four, this morning, we'll learn who will be the next leader of uc berkeley. the university of california board
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of regents will appoint a new chancellor during a meeting in la. the current chancellor is retiring at the end of the school year at number five. >> get ready for the warmest day of the week. a live look from our pier 39 camera. the sea lions there. we do have coastal clouds out there this morning. a little bit of fog in parts of the north bay from santa rosa to petaluma, even half moon bay right now dealing with that cloud cover. but we will get sunshine even along the coast today with these daytime highs warm for april. some areas close to 15 degrees above average. widespread 70s and 80s today 71 in the city, 75. in oakland we'll go to 82. in san jose, 81 in concord, a very nice high of 79 degrees in napa, number six, a sig alert in dublin, a multi-car crash on westbound 580. >> this is before doherty road, two lanes are blocked. stop traffic is backed up from airway boulevard. you should expect a 22 minute delay here. >> this right here. number
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seven. a scary sight in florida, a home. okay. a homeowner was shocked to find this eight foot alligator in the kitchen. she said you all. she was watching tv in the living room and heard the door rattle, the front door rattled. by the time she got to the door, she saw this alligator in her house. look, can you pop it back up? it is huge. she called fish and wildlife. they took the animal away. not. not on your carpet in the hallway. >> my dog >> robin: good morning america. another state now bracing for one of the strictest abortion bans in the country. abortion rights showdown. new fallout after arizona's state supreme court revived a


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