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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  April 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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from here in tel aviv, the war cabinet meeting again in israel tonight. and now israel says it will respond, after iran's first ever direct attack on israel. and in the u.s. tonight, the first ever criminal trial involving a former president begins. and what's happened already in donald trump's trial? trump arriving for his criminal trial in new york, charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up an
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alleged hush money payment to stormy daniels, to hide their alleged affair from voters before the election. tonight, potential jurors in that courtroom and what they were asked right in front of donald trump. here in israel tonight, that war cabinet meeting, israel now saying there will be a response, after the aerial assault from iran. more than 300 missiles and drones in the middle of the night sent from iran. for the first time, a direct attack by iran on israel. matt gutman here in israel tonight. what the israeli military is now signaling. what could be coming and when. mary bruce at the white house, what president biden has warned about any retaliation against iran, that the u.s. will not be apart of it. and martha raddatz on the scope of this iranian attack, and what the u.s. did to help defend israel. back in the u.s. tonight, in syracuse, new york, a police officer and deputy killed. the suspect refusing to pull over during an attempted traffic stop. authorities then tracking a suspect to the home.
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the armorer in the "rust" movie shooting. her job was to make sure the weapons used on set were secure. tonight, she's been sentenced. what the judge said. tonight, the grim discovery in the search for two missing moms. they were going to pick up one of the mother's children from a birthday party. what's now been discovered. the images in the u.s. causing outrage tonight. the two vandals seen destroying an ancient rock formation. tens of millions of years in the making. and boston strong tonight. the remarkable images coming in from the boston marathon. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "abc world news tonight" with david muir, reporting tonight from tel aviv, israel. >> david: good evening tonight from tel aviv. we are here tonight as the world now waits for israel's response, after the first ever direct attack by iran on israel. more than 300 missiles and drones in the middle of the night. the u.s. helping to defend israel from that iranian attack. tonight, the israeli war cabinet
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meeting again into the evening, and now israel saying there will be a response. and, of course, the history also made tonight back in the u.s. the other major story. for the first time ever, a criminal trial involving a former president. donald trump arriving in court, facing 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up an alleged hush money payment to stormy daniels to hide their alleged affair from voters before the 2016 election. trump in the courtroom today as the first 96 potential jurors filed in. the judge asking them if they could be fair and impartial, and with donald trump right there watching, more than half of them raising their hands to say they could not be impartial. they were led from the room, and the jurors who did remain, they were asked pages of questions in front of trump. jury selection could take weeks. our senior investigative correspondent aaron katersky leading us off tonight at the courthouse. >> reporter: tonight, donald trump walking into the courtroom on the 15th floor of new york state supreme court in lower
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manhattan, the first president in u.s. history to stand trial as a criminal defendant. >> nothing like this has ever happened before. there's never been anything like it. this is an outrage that this case was brought. >> reporter: trump faces 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a hush payment to porn star stormy daniels to keep her alleged affair secret from voters during the 2016 campaign. in court, the former president sitting stern-faced as jury selection began. the task? picking 12 jurors and six alternates to pass judgment on one of the most famous men on the planet. trump flicking his eyes toward the first 96 potential jurors as they filed in. one woman giggling, hand over her mouth, eyebrows raised as she recognized him. judge juan merchan explaining, "a fair juror is a person who has no bias or prejudice in favor of or against a party or witness." with trump watching from the defense table, more than half the potential jurors then raised their hand, signaling they could not be fair and impartial, an unusually high number. those people immediately excused.
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one of them heard in the hallway saying, "i just couldn't do it." about a dozen other people were excused for other reasons. the ones that were left were then called to the jury box to answer one-by-one a seven-page questionnaire screening for bias. trump following along, holding the questionnaire in his hand. the judge excused one woman who answered yes to a question about whether she had strong opinions about trump that would interfere with her ability to be fair. a man who works at a bookstore said, "i believe that nobody is above the law, whether it be a former president, a sitting president, or a janitor." the judge allowed him to remain in the jury pool. but by the end of the day, not a single juror had been seated. >> it's a scam. it's a political witch hunt. it continues, and it continues forever. >> reporter: judge merchan today making some other key decisions in the case. one of them, about the "access hollywood" tape, where trump bragged about groping women. >> when you're a star, they let you do it. >> reporter: the judge ruling prosecutors could quote from the tape, but they could not play it in court. he also ruled jurors can hear
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from former playboy model karen mcdougal, who claims "the national enquirer" paid her for a story of an alleged affair with trump, only to bury it, a practice known as catch and kill. she will likely be a witness for the prosecution, as will stormy daniels herself. trump denies having affairs with both women. >> david: so, let's bring in aaron katersky, live with us from new york tonight outside the courthouse. aaron, we know that people in the u.s. have such strong opinions, one way or the other, involving donald trump. you have to wonder how long it's going to take to try to seat a jury in this case. and as i understand it, aaron, both prosecutors and defense, donald trump's attorneys, will be allowed to eliminate a certain number of potential jurors here? >> reporter: they will, david, but first, the judge is making some initial cuts based on the responses to those jury questionnaires. then, the lawyers get to question the remaining potential jurors one on one. each side can cut up to ten people for almost any reason.
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the judge has set aside two weeks for all of this, and once the testimony gets under way, the trial could last six weeks. >> david: and, of course, aaron, all of this playing out while donald trump is the republican presidential nominee. there's a campaign underway. there are multiple other cases, also, he faces. and trump today asked the judge for permission to attend arguments in the federal case, those arguments at the supreme court next week over presidential immunity and whether it covers him. but the judge denying trump's request? >> reporter: he did, david. the judge said, it's a big deal to argue before the u.s. supreme court, but the judge saying, being a criminal defendant on trial in new york is also a big deal. he wants him here. this kind of conflict, david, was bound to happen. trump's courthouse appearances now fully woven into his political strategy. and david, his campaign is winding from one courtroom to another. david? >> david: aaron katersky leading us off tonight. aaron, thank you. we're going to turn now to developments right here in israel, after iran's first ever direct attack on israel. late today, israel's top military chief saying iran will face consequences.
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israel's war cabinet meeting for a second day in a row, right into the evening here, revealing no decision tonight about how or when they will respond. the world watching as iran attacked with more than 300 missiles and drones. american officials stunned by the size and the sweeping assault. 99% of them blocked or brought down with, of course, help from the u.s. but the white house making it clear tonight that if israel decides to strike back at iran, they will do it alone. the u.s. will not take part. matt gutman right here in tel aviv with us. >> reporter: tonight, here in israel, the war cabinet meeting behind closed doors for a second day in row. israel tonight making it clear there will be a response to the first ever direct assault from iran on israel. 300 missiles and drones targeting israel. 99% of those missiles and drones blocked, taken out of the sky with the help of the u.s. late today, israel's top military chief vowing they will respond to iran.
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>> iran will face the consequences for its actions. we will choose our response accordingly. >> reporter: and tonight, the white house and other world leaders urging extreme caution, warning israel to be extraordinarily careful with whatever decision it makes. the u.s. warning israel it will not participate in any israeli counterstrike on iran. president biden today saying the u.s. is committed to israel's security, and commended the u.s. efforts to help protect israel from iran's attack. >> together with our partners, we defeated that attack. >> reporter: it was just before midnight sunday, under the cover of darkness, the iranian assault beginning to unfold. for the roughly 15 minutes that followed, total uncertainty. then, as the scope of this was revealed, israeli and u.s. officials stunned by the sheer scale of the iranian attack. a swarm of nearly 200 drones and cruise missiles, followed by the launch of about 130 bus-sized ballistic missiles, timed to
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confuse israel's defenses. fighter jets from the u.s., france, england, and israel taking out the vast majority of drones and cruise missiles. ballistic missiles seen here streaking over jerusalem blasted out of the sky by israel's aerial defense system, including the arrow high altitude anti-missile systems. israel saying it knocked out 99% of those threats. the pentagon saying the u.s. destroying about 80 drones and six ballistic missiles. video circulating online, verified by abc news, showing one of the very few iranian missiles that hit their target, causing minor damage to an israeli air force base. the idf saying this video shows troops recovering parts of an iranian ballistic missile from the dead sea. the sole casualty, a 7-year-old girl severely wounded by shrapnel. she survived and is now recovering in hospital. >> we've been training for this for years. we understood that iran is the negative player of the region. >> reporter: it's not quite over? >> of course not. iran is involved in everything negative. >> reporter: the white house calling iran's attack a "spectacular and embarrassing
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failure." and tonight, the white house avoiding weighing in on any possible israeli response now coming. >> i'm not going to get into hypotheticals. you're asking me to get ahead of, as far as i know, a decision that the war cabinet hasn't even made. >> reporter: and in tehran today, a massive rally in support of the attack on israel. iranian leaders signaling they don't want an escalation, saying that after their assault, they consider the matter closed. but tonight, iran warning israel if it takes additional action, iran will respond within seconds. >> david: so, let's bring in matt gutman, right here on the ground in israel with us tonight. and matt, as you know, the war cabinet meeting again this evening into the night. israel making it clear it will respond now. so, what have you learned tonight? what could an israeli response look like here? >> reporter: david, israeli officials telling me that there are multiple options, ranging from a targeted strike on an iranian commander in a third country to a direct strike on iran. and it seems that the military
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here is adamant that it has to reassert deterrence to signal iran that this cannot happen again. but i'm told that every move is being carefully calibrated, not to squander this defensive coalition that the u.s. built to protect israel. david? >> david: matt gutman with us here in tel aviv. matt, thank you. and in speaking about this direct iranian attack on israel, president biden today saying, "together with our partners, we defeated iran's attack." let's bring in our chief white house correspondent mary bruce tonight, because mary, the white house also with a warning to israel about any retaliation against iran, saying, essentially, if you retaliate, you will retaliate alone. >> reporter: that's the message tonight, david. look, the white house is making it clear that what comes next, how israel responds, is ultimately up to them. but the administration is also urging restraint. they are trying to do everything they can to prevent this from spiraling into a wider war. so, the message from the white house tonight is that this was a win for israel, a major military success. you heard the president there declaring that they defeated
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iran. and as prime minister netanyahu weighs his next move here, the president has directly urged him to think carefully, strategically, about the risk of escalation. so, while the president is underscoring america's ironclad defense of israel, the white house has also made clear and said the u.s. will not participate in any retaliatory counterstrikes against iran. david? >> david: all right, mary bruce live at the white house. mary, thank you. and of course, the pentagon expressing surprise at the scope of the iranian attack and relief at how well the defenses held. let's bring in our chief global affairs correspondent tonight, martha raddatz. and martha, from your reporting, you've learned more about what the u.s. did to help defend israel? >> reporter: yes, david. the coordination was extraordinary. you had dozens of u.s. and israeli fighter jets in the air. the u.s. fighters alone shooting down those 80 armed drones with heat-seeking missiles. there were refueling tankers in the air, ships at sea launching anti-ballistic missiles, all the while, tracking more than 300 drones and missiles launched by
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iran and its proxies. so many moving parts, and yet they still managed to stop those missiles and drones and not shoot each other down. but despite that success, as mary said, the pentagon will not be involved in assisting with any israeli attack on iran, not aerial refueling, nothing. a senior u.s. official warning that israel is intent on responding, adding that the world may think this is over, it is not. david? >> david: hey, martha, i know you've been talking to your sources on this, how surprised were they at the scope, the size of this iranian attack, and the fact that it was a direct attack on israel? >> reporter: well, the u.s. had thought there would be just about a dozen ballistic missiles launched. but the head of central command updated that, saying they expected more than 100. one of the officials who heard the update saying he was so shocked, his hands were trembling when he wrote that number down. david? >> david: martha raddatz with us here tonight. martha, thank you. we do have one more point on this tonight. as we've reported here, this was
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the first time iran attacked israel directly, rather than through its proxies. those militia groups it supports across the region here, and right across the border, of course, in lebanon. that's where we find our foreign correspondent james longman tonight, and james, i know there's concern there and across the region about whether israel will attack the proxies in response, or will israel do what iran did here and attack iran directly? >> reporter: yeah, david. this region is bracing for israel's response. the question is, where might they strike, and how extensive could it be? could they strike inside iran, or could they strike here in lebanon and on iran's most important ally, hezbollah? could there be an incursion, push hezbollah away from the border with israel? what is clear is that all of iran's proxies in this region have been emboldened. and while arab governments are calling for restraint, there is real fury on the street here about the situation in gaza. people might not want all-out war, but they do see iran as the only regional power that is
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taking the fight to israel. and just tonight, an iranian official saying that if there is a strike inside iran, their response won't be in hours or in days, it will be in seconds. david? >> david: james longman reporting from lebanon tonight. james, mary, martha, and matt, our thanks to all of you reporting on this for us this evening. we turn back to the news in the u.s. tonight, and in syracuse, new york, a police officer and deputy have been killed. a suspect refusing to pull over during an attempted traffic stop. authorities then tracking the suspect to the home. here's abc's stephanie ramos now. >> reporter: tonight, in syracuse, new york, shock and outrage after two law enforcement officers were killed in a shootout. >> this is our worst nightmare come true. >> reporter: around 7:00 p.m. yesterday, authorities say syracuse police officers attempted to stop a suspicious vehicle, but the driver sped away from the area. the officers tracking the car and locating it at a home in the town of celina, calling for
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backup from the onondaga county sheriff's office. >> when they were inspecting the vehicle, they heard what sounded like a gun being manipulated, so they took cover. we had one officer go down in the rear yard, and then our officer was taken out by the suspect. that officer, however, did return fire, along with other officers, and mortally wounded the suspect. >> reporter: officer michael jensen and deputy lieutenant michael hoosock rushed to the hospital in critical condition. both later dying from their injuries. fellow officers heartbroken, standing in salute, remembering the fallen as heroes. the suspect also killed. today, the county district attorney identifying him as 33-year-old christopher r. murphy. david, authorities say they're still reviewing evidence from the scene. the new york attorney general is also investigating. david? >> david: stephanie ramos tonight. stephanie, thank you. meantime, the armorer in the "rust" movie shooting was sentenced today for involuntary
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manslaughter in santa fe, new mexico. hannah gutierrez receiving the maximum of 18 months in prison for the deadly shooting of cinematographer halyna hutchins in 2021. the judge criticizing her for a lack of remorse, telling her, quote, you alone turned a safe weapon into a lethal weapon. actor alec baldwin, who was holding the gun when it was fired, has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter. when we come back here tonight, the grim discovery in the search for two missing moms. disappearing on the way to pick up one of the mother's children for a birthday party. what's now been discovered. and two men seen destroying an ancient rock formation in the u.s. you'll see the images tonight. and authorities want your help. some migraine attacks catch you off guard, but for me a stressful day can trigger migraine attacks too. that's why my go to is nurtec odt. it's the only migraine medication that can treat and prevent my attacks all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. now i'm in control. with nurtec odt i can treat a migraine attack
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ask your doctor about breztri. toni tonight, a potential turning point in the search for two missing mothers from kansas. authorities are now trying to identify two bodies that have been recovered in rural texas. veronica butler and jilian kelley disappearing last month on the way to pick up butler's children for a birthday party. their car was found in texas county, oklahoma. police finding blood at the scene. authorities in oklahoma arresting four people, including the children's grandmother. when we come back here on the broadcast tonight, the images causing outrage this evening, the two men seen destroying an ancient rock formation in the u.s. and authorities tonight need your help. ced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene.
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screaming in the background. authorities asking for the public's help tonight identifying the men. they could face federal charges. when we come back here tonight, the spectacular finish this evening at the boston marathon. at the boston marathon. ( ♪ ) ( whale calling ) during its first year, a humpback calf and its mother are almost inseparable. she lifts her calf to its first breath of air, and then protects it on their long journey. one of the most important things you can do is help the next generation. protect the ones you love with pacific life's trusted financial solutions. talk to a financial professional about life insurance and retirement income with pacific life. breathing claritin clear is like... is he? claritin clear? yeah. fast relief of your worst allergy symptoms,
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finally tonight here, the finally tonight here, the finish line in boston is always a magical thing. the 128th boston marathon, the oldest marathon in the u.s. ethiopia's sisay lemma with the fastest time, 2:06.17. kenya's hellen obiri, the fastest woman. her daughter waiting at the finish line with a kiss. switzerland's marcel hug and
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eden rainbow-cooper winning in the wheelchair divisions. boston police officers helping a runner complete the last block of the marathon. and today's grand marshal, former new england patriot rob gronkowski. always loved covering the marathon during my time in boston. i'll see you right back here tomorrow night. good night. that driver clearly voicing the frustration that many felt stuck for miles in traffic that lasted for hours. traffic was blocked all around the bay area, both northbound and southbound sides of 8-80 and oakland into different places, plus the entire golden gate bridge. 38 protesters were arrested on more than a half dozen charges, including false imprisonment for putting thousands of drivers in gridlock with no way out. good evening. i'm ama daetz and i'm diane lim. we covered these
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protests live for hours because of the big impact they had. the first target was northbound 880 at fifth avenue in oakland, just after 6 a.m. protesters chained themselves to 55 gallon drums filled with cement. the chp had to jackhammer those apart and didn't get all lanes open until 1 p.m. it took about four hours to open the golden gate bridge. here's the moment that those cars finally got moving. protesters used chains and pipes to secure themselves to cars that they had parked across all three southbound lanes, attempting to block or shut down a freeway or a state highway to protest is unlawful. >> it's dangerous, and it prevents motorists from safely reaching their destinations, the chp says it got all lanes of southbound 880, reopened at 1 p.m, but some drivers crossed the median to get out of the gridlock. >> 300 people walked up the seventh street on ramp onto the freeway around 8 a.m. and happening now. another protest, this time