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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  April 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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a recall. this is a wake up call both for the elected and also for the voters. >> there it is. alameda county
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district attorney pamela price is headed for a recall election. that's after the county registrar of voters certified the signatures to trigger that recall. good evening. thank you for joining us. i'm dan ashley, and i am ama daetz. >> and now the board of supervisors will be the ones to decide when a special election will be held. >> this has been going on for months. the district attorney trying desperately to avoid this recall election. the votes are the signatures were contested, but it looks like we're heading that way. we're going to have that story for you in just a moment. but first, we'll move on to our other top story. >> that's right. and we're talking about those pro-palestinian protesters who shut down the golden gate bridge for hours yesterday. they will not be charged with a crime, at least not yet. >> yeah. the protests turned the golden gate bridge into a parking lot for hours, trapping frustrated drivers. the chp arrested 26 people on suspicion of several misdemeanors and a felony conspiracy charge. san francisco's district attorney had until 4 p.m. today to bring charges, but da brooke jenkins says she needs more time and
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more evidence. >> we must make sure that public safety is observed in san francisco, and that is what we are committed to doing. but at this time, we have to wait for this investigation to be completed before we can make the necessary charging decisions. >> and there is no word yet on whether the da in alameda county will charge the people arrested during the 8-80 protests in oakland yesterday. just look at the lengths that they went to extend the protest captured in new body cam video from the chp. protesters chained their arms inside concrete filled barrels. the chp had to use jackhammers to free them in the south bay, google employees are protesting the war in gaza in front of and inside the company's offices. >> protesters in sunnyvale tell us they will be arrested at 530 if they don't leave google's office. abc seven news south bay reporter dustin dorsey spoke with protesters today.
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>> working at google may be seen as a dream career for many, but software engineer iman jassim has moral disagreements with the company involving the war in gaza. now she and other employees are standing up for what they believe is right. no matter the cost. >> i would not like to lose my job, but i think it is impossible for me to continue coming into work every week without acknowledging and loudly condemning project nimbus and any support for the israeli government. >> google, google, you can't hide. we charge you with genocide across the country from new york to sunnyvale, googlers are fighting back a group of employees even occupied google cloud ceo thomas curran's office. >> they shared letters from fellow workers during a live stream, speaking out against the harassment, mistreatment and censorship of palestinian, arab and muslim googlers. >> i am not proud to work for google. i am ashamed to work for google, and the only reason i am still working for google is because of my fellow workers at no tech for apartheid, organizing against nimbus and
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against tech complicit in genocide. >> among the organizers demands is a stop to the billion dollar google cloud ai contract with the israeli government, named project nimbus. nimbus troc nimbus. the cloud services from nimbus include facial recognition, object tracking, and other custom technology from google and amazon web services. employees believe the services from project nimbus are fueling the first ai powered genocide in gaza. >> project nimbus it is clear to me that google values money over people's lives. >> we've already had some googlers resign, citing that project nimbus was the main concern for their uh- their poor mental health, and was the reason why they had to leave google. >> hashem understands why some choose to leave, but she hopes to remain employed. so she and this group can continue to fight so all employees can feel safe once again. no more time for genocide. we reached out to google about the protest, but did not receive a response. back in sunnyvale, dustin dorsey, abc
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seven news. >> tonight in congress, the pressure is on to pass critical aid to israel and ukraine, especially after iran's attack on israel this weekend, with the us promising to help israel defend itself. but there's growing tension among house republicans about how to handle an aid package. months ago, the senate passed a $95 billion bill with aid for israel, ukraine and taiwan. conservative republican republicans stalled it in the house because of objections to the ukraine peace. now, house speaker mike johnson is bringing forward separate aid bills, one for each country that has two republicans now trying to force johnson out of his leadership position. >> i am not resigning, and it is it is, in my view, an absurd notion that someone would bring a vacate motion. >> meanwhile, israel is promising to strike back against iran's unprecedented attack this weekend. the biden administration and other world leaders are urging restraint, with the president saying he won't participate in a direct attack on iran. >> san francisco mayor london breed is busy on the other side
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of the world, in the middle of a week long visit to china. breed spent the last two days in southern china meeting with government officials and business leaders there. the trip is meant to bring business and tourism to san francisco, along with boosting cultural ties. leaders from sfo joined the mayor for meetings with executives at shenzhen airlines, trying to get the airline to start service to san francisco. >> the lockdown at one of two san francisco jails will end tomorrow, as investigations continue into recent attacks inside those jails, the sheriff's office says seven staff members and nine deputies have been injured since late march in san francisco county jails, two and three over the past week, as i mentioned, we've had a number of deputies go out on injuries that include punches to the head, face and neck. >> being spit at and kicked in, the head slammed against walls, which result in the injuries of bone fractures, dislocated shoulders and bloody eye sockets . >> the sheriff tells us one of the main reasons for this uptick
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in violence is the lack of sufficient space to spread out prisoners. another main factor he says, is the large number of violent offenders who are remaining in custody for longer periods of time. >> all right, back now to our top story on the recall of alameda county district attorney pamela price. now, the board of supervisors will decide when a special election will be held. abc seven news reporter lena howland for the first time in alameda county history, a district attorney is facing a recall election. >> this is the first time for us all, a group that calls itself safe or save alameda for everyone has been on the ground collecting signatures countywide since october to recall district attorney pamela price. >> of the more than 123,000 signatures they collected and turned in last month. the registrar of voters says nearly 75,000 were valid, which is about 1000 more than what was required to force a recall election. >> i cried for kevin because she
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can leave this office. she can leave this office, she can continue her career elsewhere. but kevin can never get out of the grave. he can never be with his family again. >> it's welcome news to virginia nishida, wife of retired police officer and tv news guard kevin nishida, who was shot and killed while protecting a crew in oakland more than two years ago. >> we, the voters, have the right to hire you, but we are also the people who can fire you. >> but the group wants voters to decide if price should keep her job in a special election and not wait until the november general election. alameda county board of supervisors president nate miley says supervisors are still waiting to be briefed by county counsel to determine next steps, but he confirms supervisors will be discussing the timing of the recall election at their next meeting two weeks from now on april 30th. we're not sure if this will take place as a special election or will occur in at the november general election.
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>> we still don't know that just yet. >> jim sutton, the attorney representing pamela price, pointed out the more than 48,000 signatures that were invalid and said the signatures are determined to be valid, were not certified in time. and it's something the aclu of northern california opposes to a recall effort should be viewed as part of the broader conservative nationwide strategy to roll back criminal justice reforms that have been aimed at interrupting the cycles of mass incarceration of black and brown people in oakland. lena howland, abc seven news. >> still ahead, an uncertain future for rv residents living near san francisco's lake merced. the notices they just received and what they're hoping the city will do. >> plus, an update on that south bay house the size of a hotel room that was listed for $1.7 million. what we're learning from the listing agent whe
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parking will only be allowed for up to four hours. today. some of those rv residents rallied outside city hall, hoping for a different option. abc seven news reporter luz pena has been following this story for months, and she joins us live from the newsroom. hi, luce. >> that's right. yes, ama san francisco's department of homelessness and supportive housing said they have been in contact with rv residents near lake merced for years. at least 36 have permitted housing now, but community advocates project there are at least 40 families who still need help before any enforcement. a new notice is looming over rv residents who live on winston drive in san francisco. >> it's just horrible what they're doing, you know? >> the sfmta posted warnings saying enforcement will begin soon of a four hour parking limit. mark is hiding his identity because he says his family doesn't know he's
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homeless. >> you need to work two jobs to afford the housing, and it's very hard sometimes. one job is so tiring already. >> jamillette calderon lives in an rv with her kids. she broke down talking about the notice that is keeping her up at night. when they ask him, where am i going to go? it's difficult. why do we want housing? these residents are among the group who rallied outside of san francisco city hall, asking for the city to give them more time. community advocates are concerned that this enforcement will lead to rv residents losing their vehicles from parking tickets and ending up in tents on sidewalks. >> they won't be able to leave their jobs or leave their schools halfway through the day to move their cars. and so what it will lead to is tickets and tickets. until they're either in deep in debt or they go somewhere else. >> in a statement, the city's homelessness and supportive housing department said in part, unfortunately, as we've moved people out of the area and into housing, new households have taken their parking spaces in
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the area. this has led to a whole new group of households who will be impacted by the change in parking regulations, and now we're after the group rallied. sfmta's board of directors listened to public comment on the parking restrictions. some residents pleaded for a safe parking site. >> i live with my son and i work, and he also works in no tengo suficiente dinero para pagar un apartamento. we don't have the funds to pay for an apartment. >> christine evans, commissioner for the san francisco homelessness oversight commission, said they're working with the city to provide options for these families. >> have been asking for, you know, a real focused attention on trying to establish additional safe parking locations. >> as many waited for an intervention, sfmta's director gave insight into what the agency is planning in the coming weeks. >> we will not be doing any enforcement of these new signs until after the paving program is complete and after we give h'sh the opportunity to do
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additional rounds of outreach, sfmta will begin to put up the official signs for the upcoming parking enforcement on monday, but it won't be enforced until this summer. >> in the newsroom, luz pena, abc seven news. >> all right, lewis, thanks very much. also by the lake park merced is at risk of defaulting on its $1.8 billion mortgage, according to the chronicle. they have a loan due in december, but their occupancy rate is low. therefore, so is their cash flow. maximus real estate partners requested to transfer the mortgage to a special servicing, which can lead ultimately to foreclosure. the neighborhood still has plans to expand housing on site, but permits are not yet approved. a tiny home in cupertino, no bigger than a studio apartment, just sold, apparently well over its $1.7 million asking price. >> the expensive listing for the 384 square foot house went viral . sign of the bay area's wild housing market, the listing
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agent says they received eight offers on the home on carmen road, and the sale is now pending for over asking. the new buyers get more than a small house. they also get the 7800 square foot lot it sits on. wow. >> all right. coming up vandals now hitting the jewel of oakland. more specifically, its necklace of lights. the damage to the historic lake merritt street lamps that the city is now i was like shaking you know, . when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case o. as soon as i got a hold of my . because of jacoby and meyers, it a medical bill or things like . if i know of any accident, i'm .
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merit. as of last week, ten of the ornate poles were brought down by fallen trees or vandals. a section of the lights that hang from the poles went missing as well, and that's not all. vandals also broke into and ripped out the contents of 34 of the boxes that hold the wiring for the poles. the poles being installed are temporary until the permanent ones arrive from the vendor. >> san francisco is a step closer to installing 33 speed cameras around the city. this
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afternoon, the municipal transportation agency board of directors unanimously approved the locations for those cameras. they're expected to be installed as soon as next year. the cameras are part of a statewide pilot program that will ticket drivers who exceed the speed limit by at least 11mph. >> all right. a really nice day today. things have changed in the weather department. >> yeah, i sped myself right outside. sandy, i don't blame you. you know what it was a good day to be outside, dan. >> and let's take a look at the 24 hour temperature change we are running higher in terms of numbers compared to yesterday. ten degrees warmer in livermore, up seven in san jose. oakland six, 11 degrees warmer in novato in santa rosa. you're up as well. look at the temperatures. it's so nice. inland areas are in the 70s, 60s right around oakland, san francisco, half moon bay. you have enough of a breeze in the 50s right now, but it was a warmer day thanks to high pressure. the dominant force here.
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to keep the storm track to our north, but not strong enough to keep the clouds away. so you have probably been noticing there are a lot of high clouds out there. you can see them on live doppler seven. you can see them from our tower cameras. i don't think they're bothering anyone. they're harmless. beautiful views from around the bay area. and here's that view from our east bay hills. camera overnight tonight, partly to mostly cloudy skies. tomorrow warmer spring weather coming your way. and for the rest of the week, the dry pattern continues, but you will notice some changes. so let's talk about the temperatures this evening. six, 15, 50s to 70s. still pretty mild outside. the high clouds will come and go later on this evening. we'll continue to see the comfortable weather. and then as we head towards tomorrow at noontime, numbers will be in the 60s and 70. this is a good time to be outside as we head into the early afternoon in the upper 70s to low 80s for our inland valleys, 60s coastside just a nice spring pattern that we're in, 40s and 50s out the door. tomorrow morning we will go with partly to mostly cloudy skies tomorrow afternoon. the warming trend continues 81 degrees in
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san jose, 79 in the south bay and milpitas on the peninsula, 76 in san mateo, mid 60s coast side, downtown san francisco. so 70 degrees. so well above average for this time of year. and in the north bay you're looking at 80. in calistoga, 76, san rafael, 79. in santa rosa, it's a mix of sun and high clouds, mid 70s oakland, berkeley, san leandro, fremont, 78 degrees inland areas, concord 7980, in antioch, 79, in livermore 78 degrees in fairfield. if you like what you saw today, you're really going to enjoy the weather the next few days. the accuweather seven day forecast calling for the warming to continue tomorrow. low 80s inland, mid 60s coast. the warmth will hold inland thursday, but not along the coast and bay temperatures will begin to drop and by friday all areas are coming down. temperatures do rebound over the weekend for a change, we're going to bring you sunshine for your outdoor activities, but cooler weather as we start to see fog early next week. ama and dan and the sea breeze returning. >> all right. sounds good.
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thanks, sandhya. >> all right. a dog trained to help save lives showed off its skills today in san francisco. bernie is a disaster rescue canine who's not afraid of heights. the fire department today put on this first of its kind training, demonstration, search dogs will be deployed, sometimes by helicopter, to remote locations and look for victims after a disaster. the firefighter who works with barney says it's a true partnership. >> the big thing that i've learned with this is that my relaxation relays down to him, you know? and so, yeah, so everything that i do trickles down the leash is what we say, you know. and so as long as i stay relaxed, he knows that we're okay. i wonder if i could get snowball to do that. >> barney. barney is one of four rescue disaster search canines at the fire department. that's awesome. >> yeah. all right, well, coming up, it is a do or die game for the warriors. sports anchor chris alvarez is in sacramento with the latest ahead of tonight's play in game against the kings. >> this is abc 724 seven.
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>> in san francisco, live at levi's stadium in san jose. >> live in oakland. yeah. you're watching abc seven news live anytime, anywhere. >> we are we are, we are, we are, we are, we are where you are. >> never miss a moment of the news that matters to you. download our abc seven bay area streaming app. join us and start watching
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more with our abc seven bay area streaming tv app. just search abc seven bay area and download it. >> all right, just a couple of hours. it's win or go home when the warriors and the kings face off for the nba play in tournament game, abc seven sports anchor chris alvarez has a preview of tonight's elimination game from sacramento. >> all is calm here in sacramento, but in two hours this place is going to be loud. warriors and kings and elimination game in the nba play in tournament. now the regular season. both teams had identical records, but due to tiebreakers we're here in sacramento. and in fact three out of the four regular season games were decided by one single point. >> you want to do everything you can to prepare to win the game, and obviously you do that in seven game series as well. but
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tonight the stakes are a little higher and we understand that. and you know, i never played in the ncaa tournament. so this one and done format is kind of making up for it for me. so i'm excited for the challenge. >> you have to control what you can control. and i think we're in a good position there. however, it ends up, it won't be because of a lack of effort if we don't get it done in games like this, we can't make too many mistakes. >> and, you know, we kind of battle tested in close games, you know, like you said, wasn't always good. so we kind of learn from those mistakes and hopefully it carries over and we're able to execute down the stretch. >> now, if the warriors were to lose tonight's game, there is a possibility that could be klay thompson's final game in a warriors uniform. he was asked about that possibility at shoot around. he said he doesn't let that kind of thing creep into his mind. none of those guys can because right now all they need to do is win and try and move on to friday. well, they'll face either the lakers of the pelicans, the loser of that game. the words will have to travel to. but first things first. got to get out of sacramento with a win. much more
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coming up tonight at six from sacramento. let's send it back to you. >> all right. thank you so much chris. two bay area soccer teams square off tonight in the country's oldest ongoing national soccer competition. the oakland roots professional team takes on the upstart el farolito club in the third round of the long running tournament. now the el farolito, named after the bay area's taqueria chain, is the talk of the local soccer universe right now, all thanks to recent victories over professional teams. since the team is made up of guys with day jobs like construction, uber eats, engineers, and college students instead of professional soccer players. tonight's match begins at 730 at cal state east bay. >> that adds even more interest. doesn't it fun? we still have more news ahead for you. >> yeah. abc seven news anchor dion lim is here with a look at the stories coming up at 530. >> dion yeah, dan and i imagine a 300 mile hiking trail through the bay area that started as an idea for decades ago. we're getting our first taste of what it could look like and how your family could one day enjoy it. plus a whale of a tale, how a bay area program designed to protect the blue whale here is
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having an impact in saving animals across the country. those stories and much more. at 530 on abc seven news bay area streaming tv, dan and fantastic. >> thanks, dia. >> and you can download the abc seven app or just head to abc seven to join dion in two minutes. >> and if you're watching us here on tv world news tonight with david muir is next for sandhya patel. all of us. we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley, i'm ama daetz. >> we'll see you again at six.
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♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ >> david: tonight, several breaking stories as we come on the air. multiple reported tornadoes. the severe storms across several states at this hour. tonight, we have also just learned seven jurors have now been selected in donald trump's criminal case. those seven jurors now in place for trump's trial, including a


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