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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  May 21, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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now a five dramatic video of a fiery crash overnight. we are live on the scene and we're working to confirm details right now. >> and a business tried playing loud music to get an encampment to go away, but now that encampment is filing a lawsuit. >> more details this morning about speeding cameras being put in all over the bay area. the fines you could face in one city. good morning to you. it's tuesday, may 21st. >> start the check of our forecast with drew. all right. >> we're getting ready for the warmest day of the week today. so we'll have temperatures well above average later on this
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afternoon. this morning, the only place that is reporting fog right now is half moon bay. everybody else is seeing clear skies out there. and our exploratorium camera is confirming that this morning we are cloud free over the city. temperatures right now in our coolest spots were in the 40s to begin in sonoma, napa at 48, low to mid 50s. currently around the bay shoreline. so if you're out over the next 2 to 3 hours, the light jacket is needed. but those temperatures warm fast today. so looking at the coast we have a little bit of cloud cover right now. giving way to sunshine. temperatures are mild in the low 60s today, but around the bay shoreline it's going to be a mild morning leading to a warm afternoon. you see those temperatures rise pretty quickly throughout the next couple of hours. by the afternoon we're into the mid 70s for daytime highs under full sunshine, even warmer than that. inland we have clear skies out there right now. we'll have sunshine 70s by 10 a.m. inland. our warmest air is going into the mid and upper 80s for daytime highs. let's check in with amanda, see what's going
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on this tuesday. >> yeah. drew, we want to start your morning off with a look at drive times. you can see from tracy to dublin 40 minutes. it'll take you 17 minutes to get from san rafael into the city. and then 14 minutes from antioch to concord. and i've got some breaking news i want to let you know about over here at the live desk. we're learning one person has died after extreme turbulence on a singapore airlines flight overnight. the airline sent this tweet just a little bit ago, saying the flight from london to singapore had to divert to bangkok, thailand. several other peop were injured. it appears the plane may have plummeted for several minutes, according to flight data reviewed by the associated press. and there was bad weather. there were 221 people and 18 crew members on board. we'll keep tracking this throughout the morning. back to you at the desk. >> a really scary crash in fremont overnight. this car burst into flames after crashing into a tree. fremont police have not confirmed if there are any injuries. and now a live look at the scene. you can see a much
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clearer view of what happened to this car. a section of fremont boulevard is closed right now between thornton avenue and bond way, and we will let you know as soon as we get information. but this is certainly a terrible sight there. this morning. >> happening today. the future of california's gig economy goes to the state supreme court. justices are being asked to decide the fate of a voter approved law classifying uber and lyft drivers as contractors, instead of employees. abc seven news reporter gloria rodriguez is following the case, and gloria, the outcome could impact more than a million people here in california. >> it could kumasi and it could also change how companies like uber and lyft operate. this is all about making sure that about whether making gig workers contractors is constitutional. and today the california supreme court justices will hear arguments on whether proposition 22 is constitutional. voters passed the ballot measure back in 2020, among other things, it stripped workers compensation coverage for on the job injuries
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and illnesses. labor groups think this is unconstitutional because workman's comp was once codified by the legislature, prop 22 supporters say another century old law gives the last word to the people. uber and lyft have both previously threatened to leave cities and states that classify drivers as employees, and there will be a rally outside the california supreme court building in san francisco at 1230 this afternoon. more than 200 workers are expected to rally. the state supreme court is due to rule on the case within three months. live in the studio gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> gloria, thank you. the owners of the two farms where seven people died in a mass shooting last year, owe more than half $1 million for how they treated their workers. the shooting last january shed light on the plight of farm workers in half moon bay, the labor department says the farm owners will pay workers more than $450,000 in back wages and damages. the owners also owe
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$70,000 in civil penalties related to housing conditions. the suspect in the shooting has pleaded not guilty. >> we're following the story to find out what went wrong behind the wheel. when a family of four was killed by a driver last month, reuters reports. federal regulators are now investigating a deadly crash in the east bay. all four members of the george family, including their two children, dropped, died in a crash in pleasanton last month. the ev they were driving and crashed into a large oak tree and it caught fire. records from the national highway traffic safety administration show. someone filed a complaint about steering problems on a vinfast car, sharing details that matched the pleasanton crash, reuters reports. nhtsa is now investigating the crash. pleasanton police have been looking into whether speed played a role. we reached out to vinfast but did not hear back in the north bay, a tactic we've seen before a business blaring loud music to try and get unhoused people to leave the
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area. >> this time, the people living in the encampment aren't going away. in fact, they're now suing to stop the music. abc seven news reporter tim johns has a story and an interview. you'll see only on abc seven. >> for bruce gaylord the past weekend was anything but ideal. the first night i got to bed at 1 a.m. >> the second night, i got no sleep during the night, and the third night, sunday night, i had no no way to get any sleep. >> gaylord lives at this homeless encampment in san rafael. and the reason he says he can't sleep is this machine who are trespassing. >> please leave the area. this area is under video surveillance and you have been recorded. >> it's set up right next door at the east bay tire company. in addition to the security warnings, it also plays classical music from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. on monday morning. gaylord filed a lawsuit against the company to get them to stop with the noise. >> they could place the device
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someplace else. in my opinion, east bay tires assistant manager robbie darrow says the company started using the machine on friday away and try and deter some of the incidents that he says spill over from the encampment towards the shop on a regular basis. >> every morning we're out here picking up garbage and glass and, you know, just different things. and so it's been hard. >> the company says they've seen everything from illegal drug use to prostitution happening at the encampment. during our visit, darrow even showing us a window cracked by a bullet. he says was fired towards the store. east bay tire says the music and the security system is not about driving the folks who live in these encampments out of here, though, they tell us it's actually about keeping their employees safe. >> we have guys get here at 530 in the morning. they're all by themselves. we do 24 hour roadside service, so technicians show up in the middle of the night to grab a tire. it's three in the morning. >> they're alone to gaylord, though. the machine is dehumanizing away. he says to punish people who are experiencing some of the worst times of their lives. that's why
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he says he's determined to see the lawsuit through. >> i'm just a person that has uh- affective disorder, mental illness, and as you can see, i'm in a wheelchair. >> the east bay tire company says it will turn off the music while the lawsuit plays out in san rafael. tim johns, abc seven news. >> resign or be fired. that's the demand from some san francisco business owners about the city's director of transportation. they claim jeffrey tumlin and sfmta did not take merchants opinions into account when making decisions about city streets and changes to them. so now they've started a petition asking mayor london breed to replace tumlin. the group behind the petition is a group that represents merchants along valencia street. in the mission, merchants have been fighting to get the city to remove a controversial center bike lane that they say is killing their businesses. their petition also claims mismanagement, with other projects that tumlin has
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approved. >> merchants from hayes valley, they contact us and, you know, they see us on the news and they know that we're fighting to remove this bike lane, and they made a mess out of hayes valley as well. >> sfmta responded to the petition saying in part, the authors of this petition suggest that pedestrian and bicyclist safety and thriving commercial corridors are mutually exclusive. we do not agree. >> 508 this morning to san jose. we begin with a live look. outside. we have clear skies. you can see the airport far off in the background. current temperature. right now we're coming in at 52 degrees with plenty of stars up above. again, the only area reporting cloud cover right now is half moon bay. everybody else is fog free. light winds right now coming in at seven miles per hour. so let's look at the travel forecast la new york no problems traveling to those major hubs. we'll find pretty clear skies skies even in chicago. but late tonight in chicago will likely be dealing with some severe
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weather past 9 p.m. just be aware of that. denver today is in and out of the shower. some thunderstorms very likely there. atlanta is looking a okay seattle. we'll have some rain this morning in honolulu are looking great at 83 degrees. so take a look at the big headline. a warming trend is underway. today is the warmest day of the week. we'll have sunny skies and our warmest areas getting close to 90 degrees across the board. it's going to be warm. future weather showing you we are cloud free at 9 a.m. we're finding temperatures already into the 60s by noon lunchtime. if you can grab the meal outside, i would do it. it looks lovely in the 70s, but we continue to warm into the afternoon. by 4 p.m. those temperatures are above average for this time of the year, so the warmest day of the week today, pollen count remains high. we'll hit a mild 70 in the city, 76 in oakland, 82 in san jose, 88 in fairfield. quite warm in the north bay, napa and santa rosa coming in in the mid 80s. now the next three days looking lovely, but we are trending cooler by the end of the week, which means the weekend for the holiday we'll
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find temperatures below average. we'll preview that reggie coming up in about eight minutes. >> drew. thank you. it's the word drivers dread tolls. and we have details on a new one coming to a freeway near you. >> our electric ferry is coming to a bay near you. the funding that could lead to big changes on the water. >> and does anyone want to hang out with steph curry, specifically steph curry? details on what the superstar is up to this weekend and a live look outside right now at 510.
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? -but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... i know... faster wifi and savings? ...i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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after his shocking death in a helicopter crash, a man of the country's supreme leader has announced five days of mourning. now reggie, funeral ceremonies will be held for iranian president raisi through thursday. >> overnight, thousands of mourners filled the streets, some carrying posters. but outside of iran, his death is viewed in a different light. many considered raisi a brutal tyrant who most recently oversaw missile and drone attacks against israel. just last month. >> we have been quite clear that ebrahim raisi was a brutal
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participant in the repression of the iranian people. for nearly four decades, he was involved in numerous horrific human rights abuses. that said, we regret any loss of life. >> funerals are also being held for the others killed in that crash in gators have still not revealed what may have caused the helicopter to go down. back to you, the desk kumasi. >> thanks, amanda. an important reminder to let somebody know what you're hiking plans are and oakland man is safe this morning after he got lost in the wilderness for more than two days, he left friday planning to hike the ohlone trail from sunol regional wilderness to del valle and livermore. he was reported missing saturday evening when he didn't show up for his ride. 100 people helped to search for him. then, as san francisco water district employee ended up finding him way off the trail yesterday. >> all things considered, he seems to be doing pretty good. the dog is doing pretty good as well. >> it is. you're assuming he got
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off the trail and got lost? yes >> it looks like, he probably went the wrong direction instead of going to del valle and wound up at the san antonio reservoir, medics took him to the hospital as a precaution. >> should oakland allow more aggressive police chases. that is the question before the city council today. council members are considering a resolution to have the police commission analyze the current rules and recommend changes by mid september. some city leaders think changing the rules to align with national best practices could help police address crime. oakland has not updated its police pursuit policies since 2014. the current rules are quite restrictive and only allow for pursuits in specific circumstances. >> making our streets safer for everyone is a part of building a better bay area. local leaders believe installing speed cameras is part of the solution. san jose has received $8.5 million in federal grant money to install 33 cameras at snap. photos of speeders then send you a ticket. the fines start at $50
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for drivers speeding at least 11mph over the limit. then it goes up to $100 for 60 miles an hour over and $200 for 26mph over. >> the goal of these cameras is really to change behavior. the first six months that they're up, they will simply automatically issue a warning via the mail. after that six month period, people who were speeding in areas where these cameras are deployed will get a ticket in the mail. >> san francisco and oakland are also installing speed cameras. all three cities are participating in a pilot program created through assembly bill 645. >> if you're heading to target today, your bill might be a little bit lower. the company is dropping prices on 1500 items, and it plans to cut prices on around 5000 items by the summer. the first round of prices took took effect yesterday. price cuts, i should say it took effect yesterday. target says the lower prices will save shoppers millions of dollars on household staples and everyday items, from milk and fresh fruit
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to diapers and pet food. the goal is to get people who cut back because of inflation to start spending again. >> i love to shop, but i've been holding back even my kids are proud of me. i haven't been shopping like i usually do because it's too expensive. >> other major retailers, including ikea, have been reducing prices in recent months in an attempt to attract consumers to stores. >> your trip to tahoe from the bay area could be a little quicker. if you're willing t pay for it soon. a toll lane projecon i0 in yolo county is one step closer to becoming reality. the california transportation comssiohas approved105 million for the first phase of i it would add one toll lane in each dictio of i-80 from davis to west sacramento. officials s the goal here is to ease congestion and improve travel times. no word yet on how much drirs will have to pay to use the new lanes once that project is complete, though, caltrans, caltrans is expected to begin construction in the fall.
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>> angel island ferries are going green after tiburon was awarded a $24 million grant. to make that happen, the marin ij reports. the money is coming from the california air resources board. it will allow the angel island tiburon ferry company to convert its three boats to fully electric vehicles . the plan also includes expanding the dock for charging equipment and installing solar panels. a state is requiring all the state, i should say, is requiring all short distance ferries be emissions free by the end of 2025. chef curry with the pot at bottlerock this weekend. >> yes, the warriors player is getting on stage to cook up something good with acclaimed chefs in napa valley. the culinary stage at the festival will be getting some attention, with steph curry being there, along with stars like cameron diaz, bradley cooper, neil patrick harris, the chefs joining them for the demonstrations include good eats host alton brown, bizarre food star andrew zimmern. is that how
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you say it? bottlerock starts this friday with headliners stevie nicks and megan thee stallion. >> oh, that's very cool. >> that's fun. right? >> did you see that? was that there when you went last year? >> yeah, who was there last year? it was keanu, i think. >> oh right on. >> okay. it was one of the stars who was there. i did, i watched it, i want to say, what are you gonna make? i can't remember, okay. but it is it does add another layer of excitement because you just saw, you know, a headliner and you walk over and get a snack and then there's like, a major star cooking with a major chef. yeah. >> it's fun. >> that's neat. and it doesn't happen at other festivals. so i really like that festival. i'm not going this year, but i really like it. if you're going have a great time, the weather is going to be nice, right? but not like super warm. >> yeah, in napa it'll be around 70 degrees. that's perfect. actually, i think so too. yeah. you'll have that morning fog. the warmest day is today, so it'll feel a lot more like summer this afternoon compared
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to our average highs. here's a live look at our okay camera right now we have clear skies up above. a lot of folks may be traveling later this week for the holiday weekend. if you are staying here at home, here's the outlook right now for the weekend. we will find our morning marine layer returning in the mornings, especially saturday and sunday morning. that will lead to afternoon sunshine, but that marine layer is going to give us some cooler afternoons. in fact, temperatures likely trending below average for the holiday weekend. we'll have cool conditions along the coast. quite cloudy there. we'll have mild sunshine inland. we'll take a look at the numbers in one second. here's a look at your weather wellness today. good to moderate air quality. pollen levels are unchanged from yesterday. moderate to high. your uv index is a seven out of an 11. wear that sunscreen because that sun will be out all day long today. sunrise at 555 this morning. we warm quickly and it's going to be a day where it feels a lot more like summer than spring. so the warmest day of the week is today, 70s and 80s in the south bay, 82 in san
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jose, lovely and santa cruz coming in at 75 degrees with sunshine. it's mild along the coast for the peninsula, half moon bay, pacifica mid 60s, but 80 for redwood city 78. the high in mountain view, sunshine across the entire city today. no fog today 70. downtown mid 60s for the sunset. richmond district 65 for daly city. the north bay. it's warm 84, in santa rosa, the same in sonoma. 80 in san rafael. stinson beach, full sunshine closing in on 70 today. nice day along the coast in the east bay. mid to upper 70s, if not 80, in castro valley, 76 in oakland we'll go to 79. in fremont and inland it's warm mid and upper 80s under full sunshine. the evening planner shows you we remain fog free. we'll have a nice evening ahead with mild conditions even through 9 p.m. we're hovering around 60 degrees overnight. tonight we'll have mainly clear skies. we'll turn chilly in our valleys with overnight lows in our coolest spots in the 40s. accuweather seven day warmest day of the week today. then we'll start to trend cooler by the end of the week. friday our marine layer returns and that leads to those cooler temperatures over the weekend. but 60s and 70s away from the
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coast through the holiday early next week, guys. >> thank you drew. coming up, the seven things to know this morning and take a look at this new mural just unveiled in san francisco. >> a local student created it and we'll share more details next. >> a live look outside right now. beautiful start to our
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this fiery crash overnight. police haven't released any information about what happened or if anyone was hurt. number two, the california supreme court will hear a case today that could transform the gig economy. >> the justices will hear arguments on the constitutionality of prop 22, the ballot initiative sponsored by uber and lyft, was approved by voters in 2020, classifying drivers as contractors instead of employees. >> number three, the judge in donald trump's hush money trial has told attorneys to prepare their closing arguments for next week. trump is not expected to take the stand. >> number four uc santa cruz will hold classes fully remote for the next two days. that announcement comes after grad student workers went on strike
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yesterday over the university system's crackdown on pro-palestinian protests. >> and number five, today is the warmest day of the week. we'll get those temperatures in the 70s and 80s feeling a bit more like summer than spring. your pollen count does remain high, though, and number six, your usual morning slowdown on the altamont pass. >> slow traffic starts at 11th street on westbound 205 to north flynn road on westbound five. speeds are down to nine miles per hour. >> number seven, apple says it is fixing a bug in ios that was causing old photos to show up in users library. sometimes they were pictures you probably deleted years ago. apple says you should update to the latest software to fix the issue. >> san francisco's olympic club has hosted the world's best golfers in the past, but yesterday it played host to a unique golf clinic. about 30 athletes with physical disabilities got lessons on putting, chipping and driving. the challenge athletes foundation provided some converted golf carts to let
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those in wheelchairs stand up and swing. >> and instead of just saying that we've been in bed for the last week and a half, we can say, you know, we've been golfing and surfing and, you know, riding the bike and doing all the things that adaptive sports help us achieve. >> the challenge athletes foundation has been around for 30 years. in that time, it's raised $178 million offering grants to 48,000 athletes with disabilities. >> a new mural captures the rich history and legacy of the san francisco fire department. the artwork was unveiled at the department's headquarters on second street. carmen sang, a student at academy of art university, created it. >> it was a great experience. i am honored to be able to design a huge mural like this is one of my first murals that this big and leading a team of artists is really great. >> to have a piece of history like this on the wall is incredible, and i think it's just amazing that carmen, who's
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22 years old, did this like, wow, all right, carmen, the mural is 21ft tall. >> it offers visitors a window into the fire department of the late 1800s. it's designed to be a visual welcome into the oldest standing firehouse owned by the department. coming up, the concern and warnings coming from federal officials when it comes to drinking water. >> but first, this
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♪ heatin' up the kitchen ♪ ♪ we got somethin different ♪ ♪ spreadin' good vibes all day ♪ ♪ todos a la mesa ♪ ♪ que buena la mezcla ♪ ♪ it don't get no better ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ lovin' this land everyday ♪ ♪ norte a sur lo puedes ver ♪ ♪ nada se puede comparar ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado...yeah ♪
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more details about a fire at tesla's fremont factory that forced evacuations. >> and we're just days away from the start of pride month, and schools in martinez are clearing up confusion when it comes to flying the pride flag. >> new information about the rescue. we showed you yesterday we're finding out how heroic this effort really was.
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forecasterseasons. myrtle are these names? see, we left it up to the people. >> and this is what we get. you get to pick the names of annie, the cal falcons for chicks. >> i see what's happening. those are the ramona names. remember the ramona books? who asked for that? i didn't even like the ramona books when i when i read them the first time around. i mean, give me beverly. clearly cleary, but i don't need ramona. >> i was in ramona. well, a lot of you are. good morning everybody. it is tuesday, may 21st. >> wait, are you telling me that kindergartner picked those? is that what you're saying? like an actual kindergarten? well, let me drag a kindergartner today. this is what i always do. this is why i should hold my tongue. drew. >> some sweet child was like, i think these names are perfect. and then here we have 530 grand dreams. name them. name name
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name name name them and they're naming them. and reggie's not approving of them. but did he name them? he did not. so he's just going to. >> i came up with names. >> here's a look at the south beach camera this morning. we have clear skies out there, our sunrise coming in about 20 minutes and today is the warmest day of the week. the only area right now that is reporting any cloud cover is half moon bay. everybody else is seeing clear skies. we have our typical chilly spots right now, starting out in the 40s around the bay shoreline, low and mid 50s. your jacket you'll need it maybe for the next two hours or so. and then temperatures do warm very fast. this morning along the coast we have that cloud cover giving way to sunshine. temperatures a few degrees warmer today we'll go into the low 60s for daytime highs now around the bay shoreline. we have clear skies out there. temperatures warm quickly already feeling mild by 10 a.m. and then later on this afternoon we'll go into the mid 70s for daytime highs. even warmer inland. today we have clear skies already into the low 70s by 10 a.m. and then later on
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this afternoon we'll get into the mid and upper 80s. if not flirting with 90 degrees in our warmest cities. let's see how that commute is going on this tuesday. good morning amanda. >> good morning drew. yeah we are going to take you live to fremont boulevard. this is the aftermath of that fiery crash that happened hours ago. this is on fremont boulevard between thornton avenue and peralta boulevard. fremont pd is asking people to avoid that area as closures are expected for several hours back to the desk. >> thanks, amanda. the fate of a 2020 voter approved ballot initiative sponsored by uber and lyft is now in the hands of the california supreme court. it classifies their drivers as contractors instead of employees . but is it actually constitutional? abc7 news reporter gloria rodriguez is following the case. gloria. the outcome could have a big impact on gig workers across the state. >> it could. reggie more than 200 workers are expected to rally outside the california supreme court building in san francisco today. this, as a court, hears a legal challenge to proposition 22, which voters passed in 2020. some argue the
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ballot measure strips workers compensation coverage for on the job injuries and illnesses, and today, justices will hear arguments on whether prop 22 is constitutional. the ballot measure makes gig workers, contractors. labor groups think this is unconstitutional because workman's comp was once codified by the legislature, prop 22 supporters say another century old law gives the last word to the people. uber and lyft have both previously threatened to leave cities and states that classify drivers as employees. the rally today starts at 1230 this afternoon, the state supreme court is due to rule on the case within three months. live in the studio gloria rodriguez, abc seven news. >> thank you, gloria. investigators say a fire at tesla's factory in fremont started inside an oven at that facility. our sky seven was flying overhead, giving you the bird's eye view of firefighters. quick response on the roof. the fire broke out at about 5:00 yesterday afternoon, and just a
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while after that it put out quite a bit of smoke. you could see it for miles, but it dissipated pretty quickly. the building was safely evacuated and there were no reports of any injuries. >> we're learning more about how bad this massive fire at a san jose home depot in 2022 could have been, while an arson suspect still sits in jail. home depot is now on the hook for major violations, and says they've been cooperating with prosecutors. here's abc seven news. south bay reporter laura martinez has that. >> a fire that destroyed a home depot in san jose revealed dangerous public safety conditions. on monday, the santa clara district attorney's office announced the hardware giant will pay $1.3 million for fire code violations at several locations. this payment comes after investigators looked into the arson that happened at the blossom hill location in april of 2022. philip hurst took this cell phone video.
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>> crazy. so much fire and smoke . and by the time i walked back up, you know, you couldn't even see the ceiling anymore because it was so covered with smoke. >> rick garcia said he was shopping in the back of the store. >> i don't hear anything in my like. like for a split second, even though i saw the flames, i'm like, am i imagining that? no there's an actual fire. >> according to the da's office, the store's automatic sprinkler system was disabled and high piles of pallets blocked. responding firefighters from gaining easy access. and it wasn't just this location. 13 other home depot stores across santa clara county had been issued fire code violations. >> it doesn't surprise me to a certain degree. you know, i understand if there's one minor violation and you fix it, but it's another thing to have multiple violations over multiple locations for long periods of time. that's neglect, in my opinion. >> i'm really glad that we have rules to make sure that we're safe. but i also realize that look, there are a lot of rules and to be in 100% compliance
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with anything is super tough. >> san jose fire was able to protect nearby homes and most businesses. the fire leveled the 98,000 square foot store, causing an estimated $17 million in inventory loss. >> they spent a lot of time bringing their other facilities or other stores, i should say, into compliance and also then revamping what they needed to take care of internally to make sure that this type of situation didn't happen again. the arson case against dylan j. >> cruz is still pending in san jose. lauren martinez, abc seven news schools and martinez will once again fly the pride flag this june after a vote by the school board cleared up some confusion. >> last year was the first time that martinez held a pride festival celebrating the lgbtq plus community. the school board had also voted last year to display pride flags at the district offices and on campuses during school days in the month of june. apparently, the language of that bill wasn't quite clear, so the board voted unanimously to tweak it.
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martinez unified will keep flying the pride flag on campuses every june from here on out. >> uc santa cruz will hold classes fully remote for the next two days. this announcement comes after graduate student workers went on strike yesterday over the university system's crackdown on pro-palestinian protests. among their demands is amnesty for members facing discipline related to the protest. the uc system says the strike, which is planned all across campuses, across all campuses, violates the union contract. officials are asking the state to issue a cease and desist order. >> you may remember this video from yesterday on abc seven mornings. we showed you a rescue on the sonoma county coast after a car suddenly veers off of highway one and tumbles hundreds of feet down a cliff. now we're getting more details about this rescue. deputies say they were called to the crash site early sunday morning near the jewell gulch area, south of fort ross. the emergency system in the person's vehicle set an automatic alert to 911, and the
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dispatcher on the other end could sense something was very wrong. >> if you can hear me, we've got help coming. but if you can hear me, can you say something? >> that dispatcher spoke with us, saying she stayed on the line for nearly an hour after she heard only his breathing. from there, the sonoma county sheriff's office took over flying a helicopter. but given the thick terrain, it took them an hour just to spot the car. >> all i could see was a guy's hand. he was wearing green clothing, so he blended right in with all the all the brush. larry is saying a phantom, a phantom like point, and he's pointing. >> and i put larry right over, over the top of him. and from 100ft above, i still cannot see the person. that's how buried he was in there. and camouflage. >> he was he was about 350ft down from the car. >> oh, wow. >> a tree is what stopped the
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car from rolling farther down the cliff. the driver was rushed to the hospital and is expected to be okay. >> a warning from the environmental protection agency. cyber attacks against water utilities are on the rise. the epa issued an enforcement alert warning agencies to take immediate action to protect the nation's drinking water. according to the alert, nearly 70% of utilities are not meeting standards to prevent cyber threats, many having outdated facilities and weak passwords. the advisory follows a string of recent cyber attacks claimed by russian speaking hackers. >> your voice, your vote the 2024 election is still months away, but already us health and human services secretary xavier becerra could be looking at future opportunities in 2026. politico reported last month that becerra is considering a return to california to run for governor in two years. the speculation came after an appearance at manny's in san francisco, where the stanford
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grad said he missed his home state. now, during a news conference in fresno this morning, becerra was asked about the rumored run. i should say yesterday morning, he didn't say yes, but he also didn't say no. >> you know what i can say there is i am thrilled that the president gave me a chance to be secretary of the department of health and human services. it's not something everyone gets to do. only 24 others have had a chance to do it. i'm going to do it as well as i can. and then chatting with the boss, uh- i'll see what i do after that, but i am thrilled to get to do this right now, and i'm not going to give it up until we're done. >> current governor gavin newsom is facing term limits, so he can't run in 2026. there's already a crowded list of contenders to succeed him, including lieutenant governor eleni kounalakis, state senator toni atkins and state superintendent tony thurman. >> this morning, a big push to strengthen ties between the bay area and china. mayors from across the region on a mission together and a man. it's all
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about bringing new business opportunities home with them. >> yeah, kumasi we're learning the goal is about finding and developing new business relationships. >> we knew over the weekend, the mayor of antioch was headed to china. now we're learning this is part of a larger trip that includes five other bay area mayors. they're there with palo alto based nonprofit china silicon valley, which was founded in 2012 to improve business between the region and china. antioch mayor lamar hernandez thorpe says the group met with government officials in hong kong on their first day. we spoke with thorpe over the weekend before he left. >> we're not competing for, you know, just small mom and pop shops. we're also competing for, businesses that traditionally have not been out here in east county. and so that's why this trip is so important. >> in the days ahead, the group will focus on cultural exchange and economic growth opportunities. this is the first trip china's silicon valley has organized since the pandemic. back to you. kumasi
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>> thanks, amanda. it's scarlett johansson versus san francisco based openai. an update after she says chatgpt ripped off her voice. >> but first to check on the weather with drew. >> hey, good morning. we'll take you to santa cruz live. look at the coast where we do have partly cloudy skies today and tomorrow are going to be nice days along the coast. in fact, we'll take you to the beach forecast, showing you from bodega bay to ocean beach, half moon bay and santa cruz. we will have a lot of sunshine this afternoon, and it will be warm in the 60s and 70s. high tide today is at 11 a.m. and again at 10 p.m. tomorrow. it's equally as nice looking. maybe a few degrees cooler because today is the warmest day of the week. here's future weather showing you as we go hour by hour. it is sunny out there this morning. later on we'll have temperatures in the 60s by 9 a.m. by noon. if you can grab lunch outside, it's a nice day to do it with full sunshine. it feels mild in the 70s and then will warm even more later on today. our warmest cities well into the 80s, if not
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approaching 90 degrees for daytime high. so it feels a little bit more like summer out there today than spring 76 for a high in oakland, 70. in the city, we have sunshine across the entire city today we're fog free, 82 in san jose, 84 in santa rosa, 86 the high in concord. a bit of a breeze later on this afternoon, that onshore wind about 15 to 20mph. that'll peak around 4 p.m. across the state. we do have morning marine layer clouds in southern california. it is a bit cooler in l.a. at 69 degrees. it's warm in the valleys in the 80s from bakersfield to sacramento, south lake tahoe. it's mild today with sunshine, a high of 62 degrees. looking at the next three days it is going to be sunny, but temperatures will be trending cooler by the end of the week. we'll let you know what that
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the bay bridge toll plaza. you can see things are really filling in. it's going to take you about 46 minutes to get from highway four into the city. but the good news is, after the metering lights, nothing is in your way. kumasi thanks. >> wendy's is introducing a $3 breakfast deal just days after mcdonald's introduced its $5 value meal, abc news reporter andrew dymburt has the details in today's gma first look. >> in this morning's gma first look, fast food price wars at wendy's, you can get english muffin and seasoned potatoes for just three bucks. wendy's now offering a $3 english muffin deal, which includes seasoned potatoes and your choice of a bacon or sausage, egg and cheese english muffin sandwich. the meal less than the average cup of coffee, $3, is generally a good deal for breakfast these days, but i think the real thing to note is it's a great deal for consumers at the drive through. >> it's an even better deal for wendy's. >> this as mcdonald's announced their own limited time, $5 value meal deal just last week.
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responding to tough feedback about rising prices online. so i went to mcdonald's today and i still spent $6 on a bacon quarter pounder. >> y'all not supposed to be expensive. >> and coming up at 7 a.m, we'll have much more on whether these price drops are a sign of things to come, or just a short term fix with your gma first look. i'm andrew dymburt, abc news, new york. >> federal investigators have made an arrest in what is believed to be one of the first cases involving. i used to create child sex abuse material. the suspect is a 42 year old man taken into custody in wisconsin. he's charged with using a text to image ai model to create thousands of images of young children. investigators say the man then sent some of those images to a 15 year old boy through instagram dms. the department of justice credited instagram for flagging the illegal content and reporting it . >> now to the fight between openai and a hollywood starlet over the voice of the future of ai, openai is pulling the voice
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of chatgpt after actress scarlett johansson brought in an attorney saying the voice is mimicking her. >> hey, chatgpt. i'm mark, how are you? >> oh, mark, i'm doing great. thanks for asking. how about you? >> well, the company says the voice dubbed sky was recorded last summer in san francisco, and then it first rolled out in the fall. scarlett johansson claims openai ceo sam altman contacted her around that same time, asking her to voice the system. she says she declined and then was shocked when the demo release last week. she thinks it sounds like her. in a statement, johansson said in part, quote, i was shocked, angered and in disbelief that mr. altman would pursue a voice that sounded so eerily similar to mine that my closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference. end quote. openai denies that voice has a
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connection to the actress, the company wrote in a blog post. quote sky's voice is not an imitation of scarlett johansson, but belongs to a different professional actress using her own natural speaking voice. the voice is on pause as openai rolls out its new gpt four model to a group of seniors in the bay area is honoring the traditions of the hawaiian islands. >> this aapi heritage month through hula. >> yes, at the san ramon acosta acosta senior and community center, students immersed themselves in pacific island culture. desiree elder. elder teaches hula to all ages, but her most unique class is probably the 55 and over class hula dancing gives him an opportunity to move their bodies and exercise. they also create friendships in the class, immerses them in culture. >> they also learn about basic hula dance traditions. because there are a lot of traditions that go with dancing hula, how to stand, how to, you know, put your costume on, how to take it off. so there are a lot of
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different aspects of the hawaiian culture that get brought into just classes. basic instructional classes. >> elder says learning about hawaiian culture and hula is especially impactful during aapi heritage month. >> the monterey bay aquarium acknowledges not everyone can afford to go. tickets start at nearly $45 for kids ages five and up, so starting next week, it will begin offering free admission to low income families. this includes anyone who receives federal food assistance benefits. all you have to do is show your ebt card at the door. the aquarium issued a statement saying that it wants to make sure everybody has access to the joy and wonder that the ocean provides the free admission program starts monday, may 27th. >> voting is underway to name the four falcon chicks living on cal's campus. you can vote for the names in groups. okay, so look at the group. group one aurora, eclipse, solstice and equinox. group two alder.
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madrone. aster. myrtle group three ramona, henry, beezus, and ralph. and number four pam, lucky. taranta and sunny. all the names were suggested by kindergartners. the winning names will be announced thursday. and this is where we just don't say a thing. yeah, because you know what, kids, you said? >> you said pam. >> i said, pam, it's not pam. >> did you say pam the funkstress? >> no, i just said, pam, i think that you have to add in the funkstress part because that's what gets my vote. that's what you're voting for. >> pam. the funkstress lucky taranta and sunny. i have no idea what that's in reference to. i assume it must be cartoon you. >> you have kids looking at you? i don't know, maybe bing bong, their imaginary friends. >> perhaps we never. i that does not ring a bell to me. >> i'm going with group two. it's giving me, older names, which i think are funny when you talk about young chicks. alder,
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madrone, aster and myrtle. yeah, like aster. myrtle. you like myrtle, just please not henry and beezus and ralph and ramona. >> that's the one's gonna win, though, you know, it's always gonna be that one. and then you'll have to say their names. >> everyone's gonna be like, listen, i heard mr. reggie this morning. you are definitely making it, beezus. >> mr. reggie beezus drew this morning. let's take you to the sfo camera. it is clear up above right now. we are going to have a lot of sunshine today. today is the warmest day of the week. but heading into the holiday weekend, we are going to see some changes, both visibly and physically. you'll notice over the holiday weekend our morning marine layer is going to return, especially on saturday and sunday. that means we'll start out with overcast skies giving way to bright sunshine in the afternoon, but that means our afternoons will be trending cooler. in fact, temperatures likely below average for much of the holiday weekend. we'll have a cool coast that remains pretty cloudy throughout the weekend, but mild sunshine inland. we'll show you daytime highs in one
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second on the seven day weather. wellness today. good to moderate air quality. pollen levels unchanged from yesterday. moderate to high with grasses and trees the main offenders uv index is seven out of an 11. so looking at the day planner today, our sun's almost up here. that occurs at 555 this morning. our sun set at 818. it's just a warm day with full sunshine. today's the warmest day of the week. so highs in the microclimates starting in the south bay, 83 in los gatos, 80 in santa clara, santa cruz. nice and sunny and mild at 75 degrees along the peninsula, warm in redwood city at 8079. los altos, 78, in mountain view, along the coast. we have a little bit of cloud cover this morning that will break down for sunshine pretty quickly and mild highs in the 60s. we have sunshine across the entire city today. 71 south san francisco, daly city at 65 downtown will hit 70. in the north bay. it's a warm one. 84 in cloverdale, 82 in novato, 80 in san rafael, 83, in napa, the east bay. it's bright today and it's mild. 76 oakland 77, hayward, 80. in castro valley
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and inland were in the mid and upper 80s, if not close to 90 degrees, and our warmest spots for daytime highs overnight tonight. just a little bit of patchy fog around half moon bay. otherwise, we have clear skies and numbers in the 40s and 50. accuweather seven day shows you the warmest day of the week is today. we keep it sunny and mild through thursday. our fog returns here on friday and that ushers in some cooler weather. so saturday and sunday we'll have morning clouds, the afternoon sunshine a bit below average with our temperatures and a minor warm up for the holiday on monday guys. >> thanks, drew. new at six. getting the green light. how soon neuralink could implant its revolutionary brain chip in a second patient first though. >> oh how times have changed the problem businesses are facing when it comes to handling outdoor park
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he is now requiring owners to pay a fee if they want to keep their parklet seating private. if businesses want to avoid the fee, they can either dismantle the parklets or open them up for anyone, even if they aren't a customer. >> next on abc seven mornings at six. severe turbulence on a singapore airlines flight claims a life. what we are learning right now and back here at home calls for resignation from local business owners. >> the petition that's aimed at one particular city leader in san francisco, and the future of california's gig economy, now in the hands of the state supreme court. >> the possible impact for people who work for uber and lyft you can make the stars align. because when we come together, hope and joy will shine. help us make every wish come true. ♪ ♪
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now at six, we are live on the scene of a fiery crash overnight. we're working to confirm details coming through our newsroom right now, and a business tried playing loud music to get an encampment to go away. >> instead, the encampment is filing a lawsuit and more details this morning about speeding cameras being put up in all areas of the bay area. >> the fines you could face in one city. >> good morning. it is tuesday, may 21st. >> we're going to start the check of our forecast with drew. yeah it's going to feel warm today. >> a lot more like summer than spring out there today is the warmest day of the week. that sun u


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