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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  December 1, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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we are learning more about an incident at the occupy camp. if it was not nailed down you need to keep an eye on it as the wind blue through the bay area . good evening, this is bay area news at 7:00, i'm gasia mikaelian. a driver lost his life today, we are live at a mcdonald's parking lot to tell us why the police detained the stranded driver and why he may be facing criminal charges. >> reporter: this parking lot is where a man died this morning. you can see the skid marks by this pick up truck. >> reporter: the mcdonald's
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restaurant is where the gruesome scene unfolded. >> when i walked by earlier there was a body here earlier and the crime scene people were kind of working on it. >> the body was a man, who the police say, simply stopped to help someone in need. it was the owner of an rv with a dead battery. >> somehow during the starting of the vehicle the vehicle going to go into motion and struck this individual. there is some evidence out there to indicate he may of gone underneath the vehicle and ultmatly resulted in his death. >> reporter: to make matters worse the rv driver took off without helping the man who stopped to help him. >> reporter: we were able to locate the vehicle in 30 to 40 minutes at the time of the investigation. it was still close by in the area. and the suspect was contacted. about people in this area say that driver has been living in his rv for six months and this woman works in a restaurant to eat. >> we noticed his rv was parked and he had come around and we
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let him know we do not open until 11:00. he said, okay. and walked over towards 7/11. >> reporter: acting, she said, as if nothing was wrong. the police identify him as 52- year-old michael will better. he is facing -- wilbert. he is facing charges. the victim is 70-year-old rudy gonzalez, from fairfield. back to you. new at 7:00, oakland police has found there that there is an arrest at a shooting at the occupy encampment. the suspect's name was not released but he was taken into custody in kentucky. it happened outside of a coffee shop near the plaza. the police say the victim, 25- year-old foster, had been a regular at the occupy camp. shortly after the shooting oakland city leaders ordered
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that the camp be shutdown. the police in alabama say oakland raiders linebacker, mcexplain, held a gun to a manny's head during a fight yesterday. they arrested him on machine assault and fire -- misdemeanor charges and firearms charmes. jackson says as far as he knows mcexplain will play sunday against the miami dolphins. a northern california priest sits in jail tonight charged with two counts of molestation. that-year-old father orjida turned himself in to the police. he works at churches in the redding area. he is accused of abusing a 14- year-old. the sacramento diocese is cooperating with the investigation. high winds ripped through the bay area last night and throughout this day leaving a trail of debris. sal tells us what came down when the winds came up. >> the high winds brought down power lines, causing this fire at his abandoned building
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overnight. the winds knocked down fences and even rolled over christmassy trees at this -- christmas trees at this lot. many said they watched nervously as the winds damaged almost anything that was not firmly bolted down. >> i looked out here and my table was down. >> reporter: the high winds brought down a tree branch on the b.a.r.t tracks. all train service was stopped for more than an hour before the tree was removed. >> they were saying it was a branch or something off of the tree. i gas is what happened. it fell on the track. there will be a delay for 10 minutes. it was longer than that. >> the train service was eventually restored after noon. a lot of people were delayed. today's high winds whistled,the berkeley marina where one boat owner called it a major wind event. as the wind died down many came to watch and admire the views they left behind. one person said today was windier than usual. >> it is coming up and down.
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it will settle down for five minutes and then two to three minutes it will pick up and blow things all over the place. >> reporter: many say they have been nervously watching trees and power lines and saying they will be happy when the high winds die down. in berkeley, ktvu channel 2 news. >> as of joust an hour ago pg&e says customers are without power. a 50 foot tree limb damaged the power lined and smashed. >> a fence. it fell within 50 feet of a home. another fell on power lines. that prompted the authorities to chose that road while the tree was removed. people all across california are cleaning up from the high winds. a tree crashed into three homes in los angeles. meanwhile in pasadena, downed trees damaged 200 homes. winds were so fierce there that the city closed schools and libraries. 300,000 homes across southern california are without power
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tonight because of the downs power lines. it is not just in california gusts reached 102 miles an hour in utah. lake tahoe the high winds meant one thing today, surf's up. take a look at the pictures of the people surfing at lake tahoe. strong gusty winds whipped up the waves that brought surfers to the waves. the water temperature there was 45 degrees today. the water was a bit warmer here in the bay area for children that were in trouble on their boat this afternoon. the wind and the rescue, coming up in less than 10 minutes. san francisco plan's department released the environmental impact report for america's cup today. the final version has more than 200 comments and responses to previous editions. on december 15th the city's planning commission will review and certify the report. building along the waterfront can not begin until that certification is complete. san francisco police, today, move in on the occupy san francisco protesters but then treated quickly. we will give you a live look at
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from the tent city that is set up for almost two months now at san francisco's justin harmon plaza. we showed you them there on the right side. there they are opposite of them a crowd of protesters and, i am assuming, onlookers as well. back to the herman camp, the police put up barricades earlier today. they put them up at around 4:30. half an hour after the barricades went up they ended uptaking them down. but then just before 5:00 and then 30 minutes ago, actually, occupiers removed more of them and that is what we are showing you right now. all of the action happened after the group was told to vacate. in santa cruz today, protesters took over abandoned banks. they are getting in and out of the building through a door and on the roof. people inside say they have nowhere else to tkpwofplt the
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police say they don't want a confrontation with the demonstrators and have no plans to make the group leave. for more occupy coverage, including san francisco mayor talking about his plans for the embarcadero camp. click on the link when you get to the top of the home page investigators, today, found that the san francisco fire department committed a number of violations during a fire that killed two firefighters. that fire on berkeley way last june took the lives of the firefighters. today, they fined the fire department $21,000 and cited these violations, the lack of an employer injury program and a break down in communication among firefighters and the fact that the battalion chief is home alone and the failure to keep two firefighters outside as a back up. the red cross is helping 27 people who live in a fire-
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damaged apartment building find a place to stay tonight. the fire started early this morning on the top floor of the 3-story building on 24th street in the mission district. two people are in critical condition. strong winds made firefighters jobs more difficult. it took them an hour to get control of the fire. residents scrambled out to safety. >> we, together, figured out there was a fire. it took us a bit of time. woke up everyone up and went outside. called 911 at which point someone from upstairs came down and could not breathe. >> san francisco fire investigators are looking into the cause of the fire. residents told ktvu news it may have been caused by a faulty water heater. >> today, the sheriff told ktvu news that several hundred marijuana plants were remove friday a home after an overnight fire. firsts responded to the home -- firefighters responded to the home at 1:00. illegal wiring, connecting to the grow operations sparked names in the basement of the home. no arrests have been made.
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>> highway 4 is back open following a fatal crash. it happened just after 12:00 noon in tracyy near the river bridge. the big rig and pick up truck ended up in a ditch. both men inside of it outside. the two vehicles sideswiped the vehicle when the driver of the pick up truck passed the long line of trucks. the name of the two men have not been released. b.a.r.t approved a new policy allowing cell phones, allowing police to turn off cell phone service in train stations but only under serpb certain serbg circumstances. the policy comes after a controversial decision back in august that cut off cell phone service to prevent plans b.a.r.t protest. b.a.r.t directors plan a new site t. is at snell street
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in b.a.r.t station. the plan calls for one00 housing units on what is now a 1.3 acre parking lot. there is a study to see if it is ceasable. >> i am very -- feasible. >> i am very disappointed. >> what the police to do with former police officer meserley. now, occupy protesters are in the streets. we will have a live update, coming up [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation,
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. gusty winds blew over a boat. the the current helped push the children to shore. all had life vests and none needed medical attention. it turns out a stack of calenders led to a bomb square this past tuesday in san jose. that was the sound as police blew up a suspicion suspicious package. a jury ruled today that former b.a.r.t police officer and four other officers did not use excessive force on a b.a.r.t passenger in 2008. meserley broke down and cried when the verdict was read. >> i guess he let his emotions
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go. >> this was a hardship for him. he and four other b.a.r.t cops, accused of beating up a 43-year- old and arresting him on trumped up charges after he ramped at him about car thefts. >> reporter: his story did not convince a federal jury. they deliberated for five hours before they determined he was the aggressor. he was seeking $1 million damages. >> i hope people are going to fight the way that i did. >> reporter:y he believes that if video existed as it did in the shooting death ofs on scar grant several weeks -- of oscar grant several weeks later the outcome would be different. they need to request video wherever a case is made. grant's relatives sympathize with him. >> i did not think that he would get justice because i have not seen a black man get justice when it comes to the
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police. >> after his break down in court left the talking to b.a.r.t's attorney. >> he would like to move on with his life. he knows hey has things that he has to deal with that were created on the night of the tragedy. >> it ain't over. >> okay. >> reporter: corothers is vowing to be a community organizers for police justice. ph is not over for meserley, either. he still faces a lawsuit from the other young men that were on the platform the night that oscar grant died. we are following developing news in san francisco where the police are keeping a close eye on occupy protesters. we are giving you a live look at 101 california, this is california and market. this is at the herman plaza. at this point the police are putting up new barricades to
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wall off occupy protesters. we don't see a lot of police in this picture as a narrow picture. we understand there is someone with a loudspeaker talking to the crowd. the responses and signs they are waving. it is part of what the protesters have been engaging in for two months. what is happening here at california and market coming on the heals of the city ultimatum where the public works director came out to the plaza yesterday and said you have to be out of here by noon today. obviously it is at least seven hours passed that deadline. we have not seen the police move in. this picture shows us a line of police there along market but they are just standing there at this point. so, earlier today we saw police put in barricades that were removed. there has been no force removal from justicein herman plaza. for weeks now the mayor and the police chief have been saying it is time for that camp to go. we have crews covering the developing story and we will
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give you the full update coming up on the 10:00 news on ktvu. moving to the economy watch now. the number of people applying for unemployment benefits increased for the second straight week. the labor department says 6,000 additional people filed for benefits pushing the 4-week average to $396,000. two weeks ago it was at a seven month low. new applications need to go below the 375,000 mark to put a dent in the 9% unemployment rate. the u.s. stock markets followed yesterday's monster gains with a whimper. they finished down 26 points. analystsed a pull back was expected after the dow gained 496. the dow gained six points today. the skate park opened today. it is on bell street t. took six months to build. passing the two-year effort for the community to bring a skate
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part to the community. the closest parks were redlow city. hundreds of people gathered today to commemorate the 23rd annual world aids day. our health and science editor tells us that many of the advancements in treating the disease came from right here in the bay area. some of the pioneers were on hand today. >> called paint the castro red. 15% of today's business proceeds here goes to fight aids. the motto, "do something". >> i have lost friends, quite a few friends. i am starting to tear up. >> at the national aids memorial grove. >> ernest summers. a solemn read are of more names. >> steven scott gasney. >> today, hope is strengthening there may come a time when there are no more names to the list of those who died of aids. >> it is one of the greatest
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accomplishments in medicine. aids workers who gathered for a 20th anniversary portrait. as news today hiv infected people live as long as uninfected if they take the immediates. workers were hailed by former president clinton. >> more people are living and living well because of the things that you have done. >> sad but extremely hopeful time. >>ics 600 people -- 600 people gathered in for support. >> we are still losing too many from hiv and aids. >> reporter: activists say a quarter million americans who are hiv positive do not know it. nationwide testing must become like it is in san francisco, routine. health and science editor, ktvu channel 2 news. beer drinkers everywhere may be raising a glass for one
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ever the best known boy bands ever. how a catchy tune from the '90s can turn the group hansen into big time brewers. mark tamiyo lets us know about a change in our weather, just ahead [ female announcer ] at jcpenney, we're giving you a big thank you this friday & saturday. save an extra 20% off all your holiday gifts when you use your jcpenney rewards credit card. don't have a card, you still get an extra 15% off. no exclusions! doors open extra early saturday. go to to see everything on sale. jcpenney. so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room.
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[ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
7:23 pm
a big thank you this friday & saturday. save an extra 20% off all your holiday gifts when you use your jcpenney rewards credit card. don't have a card, you still get an extra 15% off. no exclusions! doors open extra early saturday. go to to see everything on sale. jcpenney.
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. san francisco airport is celebrating becoming the first airport in the countriry to have a terminal certified lead goal. it was renovated and reopened this year and earned the distinction. they recognize buildings that are green in design, construction and operation. it is home to american and virgin america. we are feeling the winds you were talking about yesterday. >> yes. they wrapped up 24 hours ago but still a bit of a gust. they have been trending down. that trend will continue as we head into your friday. right now on the maps, you can not see now, we put in some of the buoys and you notice there is a bit of a breeze. the buoy, winds out of the north. going 30 miles an hour across the bridges. the rich land bridge and dunnbarton bridge. stronger wents out this for tonight. and also into your friday morning as well. for tonight, mostly chore skies, gusty winds, tomorrow, more sunshine. a bit of a breeze and then the
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weekend dry pattern with chilly mornings out there as we head out on saturday morning. here is a look at the wind gusts for the 7:00 hour. you will notice san jose, gusting to 35 miles an hour. fairfield at 30 and the north bay, santa rose a gusts up to 22 miles an hour. overnight lows, it will be chilly. you can see 30s showing up in santa rosa and napa. hayward, and san jose, upper 30s and 39 degrees. this has been the weather pattern developing over the past few days. high pressure developing over in the pacific and the area of low pressure heading out to our south and east. the difference in pressure generated a strong wind. that low is scooting out to the east and as a result we will begin a scale back on the winds for tomorrow. a bit of a breeze out there. a few gusts approaching 20 to 25 miles an hour. plenty of sunshine in the forecast. a dry weather pattern over the next five days and possibly beyond the next five days as well. here is the overnight lows,
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showing you the chilly numbers out there. 30s and 40s for your friday morning at 6:00. as we put into motion the forecast model, notice the temperatures back up. the grown contour that links up with today's highs but bring them down a few degrees from this afternoon. most areas by 3:00 will be in the 60s to 65. quite a few 60s. santa rose a69, san jose tops out at 65. here is a look ahead. your e tended forecast, the weekend, always in view. gasia? >> mark, thank you. one of america's bubblegum bands in the '90s is blue brewing up a new plan for world domination. [music] >> reporter: if you lived through it you probably remember the band "hansen" and their single. now they are marketing a new
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beer as hm ops. they may of slipped,your brain but they are still recording their songs together. that is our report, i'm gasia mikaelian, thanks for justing channel 2 news. our news continues on ktvu channel 2 [ male announcer ] citibank's new app for ipad
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[ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house. whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state.


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