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tv   Bay Area News at 7  KICU  December 12, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm PST

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area news at 7. a live update on what the protesters are doing and how the police are responding. helped to spark a selloff. turn off the juice after a group of homeowners with the smart meters. >> complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is bay area news at 7:00. it is monday december 12th. this is heather holmes and this is bay area news at 7:00. continuing coverage tonight of the occupy protesters day long effort to block oakland. they marched earlier this evening. for the past hour or so, i've
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been outside port. shore man's union said the evening shift told to stay home. usually they're at work, but shippers made the decision to not call in workers. a similar disruption happened during this morning's shift. there were sporadic interruptions. this is the top story at 7:00. we have several crews following developments while chambers has been marching with the protesters, but we begin with noelle walker. >> reporter: heather, they came here at about 5:30 this evening. the march here at 55 and 56. a sweep of how many people are here. for a while, it's like an occupy dance party. they had music playing, there was a band, there was a d.j., everybody was dancing in the
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streets. they have decisions to make. among them is whether or not they will stay here and occupy this area in order to close down the 3:00 a.m. shift. they said they're doing that in part because of actions at other occupy port protests across the country. they named los angeles and san diego in particular. they would extend the protests presumably at their general assembly. they're voting on that very thing right now. we were at the staging area earlier today at the department. the protest in the morning went by and large very peacefully. we talked to the police chief who said there were two arrests. >> this was done in order to
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keep the operational. >> reporter: we saw them gear up and get ready with their riot gear ready. they were here for a couple of hours and then dumped in and then left in the direction we saw them staging. i have to say, i haven't seen a law enforcement presence down in the area where i have been for the past couple of hours at all. again, things are very peaceful here. they have blocked the street completely and for all intents and purposes closed down the port. the shoreman not to come in for the shift earlier today. they were saying they had done that for the long shoreman knowing the protesters were going this way and a victory
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for them. paul chambers marched with them. he has more from his vantage point. paul? >> reporter: there's a joyous thing going on here behind me. they're playing drums. there was a bigger crowd here before. we marked under two miles down here to first 55 and 56. there was another group that came up earlier. they came from frank ogawa plaza. marched two miles down here. if you look behind here, there are four trucks stopped here right now. basically, the people who marched here take responsibility for that. you heard noelle discuss that in her piece also. there's a group extending out. it's been really peaceful, but the march down here, they were talking about they were closing down the port. they were also talking about a march for education and to end
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wars. they basically wanted to do it together. we have a war veteran who suffered a head injury during a police occupy encampment. he was leaving the charge with the people, you can see they're basically out here all night. many people were here earlier. they basically marched down here from two different areas and frank ogawa plaza. they say they plan to be down here for several hours. we found there's another occupy march on wednesday. they're basically going to march from lei knee college. out here live, they're having a good time. basically, a joyous time. to problems whatsoever. allowed to cars to get out of the area. everything is safe and sound. live in oakland, paul chambers,
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ktvu news. >> our crews have been following developments since 4:30. we were at the station when the first group of protesters left. they marched to the port and blockaded two terminals. they did not officially support the blockade, and workers did not cross the protest line. >> some people are continuing this today, but the question is this. if you want change, there has to be some inconvenience. >> by 11:00 a.m., they said they were only there to disrupt the morning shift. one man in the port said a one day shutdown can take two weeks to recover from. another concern is the protest impacting the port's image. shipping companies are not
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obligated to use oakland and may choose another. they tried to keep disruption to a minimum. they said all shipping terminals remain in operation there. in long view, washington, they were sent home with safety concerns. police in portland arrested two demonstrators on weapons charges. in port bay isn't keeping demonstrators at home. outside of bank of america and wells fargo bank in downtown san jose. arrested for camping at city hall. in exchange, they must agree not to camp there for two years. doing a live at ktvu news, one organizer is not too keen on accepting the deal. >> we should not take it.
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we're not camping, we're occupying. >> union groups joined in the evening protest, the demonstration in san jose was peaceful and did not cause any problems. >> soaring health care costs. the surprise gift she received from one anonymous supporter. you can view the latest video by clinking the link at the top of two credit agencies came out against the latest plan to erase your debt crisis. both fit and moody say the plan divided by the european union has little impact. it will hurt its bottom line for the third quarter, but a lack of hard drives is backing up the supply change for pcs.
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expect the fourth quarter revenues to be below a previously $15.2 billion. on wall street, the dow lost 162 points with bank stocks leading lower. nasdaq fell 34. both managed to finish off their lowes. two separate incidents happened in the mission on 24th street. the second happened early wednesday morning. both victims were attacked from behind as they were walking. the women were sexually assaulted and then robbed. >> i just heard that they were pretty violent really early in the morning. >> this is one that has taken some notoriety. >> the man they're looking for
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is describeed as african american. killing a publicist, this man was sentenced. gaygary pleaded guilty. her loss is unbearable. she also criticized the justice system after he previously served time for attempted murder. about 90 minutes ago, authorities in los angeles confirmed the death of a rampage. an update on that coming up in just five minutes. a meeting began about an hour ago to inform parents about the arrest of a teacher on sex charges.
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walnut creek police arrested him last friday. he is still in jail tonight held on $975,000 bail. carried on a yearlong sexual relationship with a girl between 14 and 15 years old. a live look now at what's happening at the port of oakland. an update is just ahead. some concerned residents are removing these controversial devices without permission and now the utilities is taking action. it is cold tonight and you will see fog in the valley. which valleys have the best shot at it. [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation,
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so i used my citi thank you card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates.
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we're following developing news now at the port of oakland. take a look at these live pictures. there's a massive crowd near port 55. trucks have been blocking them from entering the fort. the union told the 7:00 evening shift workers to stay home. now here's the view from news chopper 2 this evening. not in the area with the crowd. it could continue throughout the night. we'll have the latest on this developing situation at the port of oakland on the 10:00 news. the supreme court announced today it will decide on that controversial arizona immigration law. the law requires police to check a person's immigration status while they are enforcing other laws. a jan brewer asked to look at its
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constitutionality. she said confident the court will up hold the law. a pivotal in the future of iraq. along with the role the united states will play in that country. the unknown soldier with paying tribute to the soldiers in iraq. a key white house meeting when they return from iraq and go home at the end of the year. >> reporter: the pictures of these troops in iraq have been so familiar since 2003 and now they're about to become history. >> after about 9 years, the war in iraq ends this month. >> president obama shared the stage with nuri almaraki with a normal nation. now nearly all the 6000 who remain will be home by december 31st. the reunions are happening all
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across the country. >> it feels great to be back with my family and friends. >> reporter: there are questions about what fills the void. protesters outside the white house worried violence could increase when u.s. troops leave. analysts fear iran could increase influence. >> i have absolutely no doubt that these decisions are being made based on what prime minister malaki believes is best for iraq, not based on considerations of what iran could like to see. >> there will be no military bases. more than 400 u.s. troops died. they have a moral obligation to build a future worthy of their sacrifice. in washington, i'm emily
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schmidt. in hollywood has chid. this video was taken on friday. it shows a gunman firing at passing cars on a street. 40-year-old john rather berry died of a head wound. he worked with michael jackson to the spice girls. the ferris wheel had a box that fell loose and took a landing on the carriage below. the safety inspections are supposed to happen daily and they check at least once a year. broke spending fuel into a berkeley creek passed a test
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last week. the crews spent the day vacuuming diesel. the state is investigating why the generator malfunctioned saturday with three quarters of it went into strawberry creek and some even made it into san francisco bay. homeowners removed their smart meters due to health concerns. pgne is in the removal of the devices. 75-year-old has been concerned about it since last week. >> if we do not hear from you, we'll have to discontinue your electric service. >> lindsey and a dozen others returned their smart meter to pgne last week. after hiring an electrician and replacing it with an analog
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meter. >> sleeplessness, anxiety. >> other neighbors haven't had any problems with the device. >> santa cruz is on the forefront of environmental concerns. on the other hand, sometimes i wonder if it's just too much. >> reporter: pgne said the smart meters are safe and unlawful and unsafe to disconnect the device. >> it could result in electrocution. only pgne employees are qualified to work on the equipment. >> reporter: after meeting with them this afternoon, has a way to keep the power on. >> they said they would come out and install. i don't want anything else. >> reporter: they said it could come as soon as january to opt
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out of smart meters. ktvu, channel 2 news. a south bay family received a generous gift from an anonymous donor. inside was a cashier's check for $10,000. the family has been demonstrating in front claiming she was misdiagnosed. when vargas wanted to try a different, kaiser denied and made her pay out of pocket. >> i want kaiser to know there is hope and they should pay for that. >> in the letter, kaiser called the treatment unproven and unreliable. the $10,000 will help cover the medical bills. another live update on the massive demonstration at the port of oakland.
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plus, some celebrations you just have to see. why one crowd responded with a holiday arsenal. it could be a chilly night in the bay area. we'll figure out when the fog will roll in. state farm. this is jessica.
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hey, jessica, jerry neumann with a policy question. jerry, how are you doing? fine, i just got a little fender bender.
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oh, jerry, i'm so sorry. i would love to help but remember, you dropped us last month. yeah, you know it's funny. it only took 15 minutes to sign up for that new auto insurance company but it's taken a lot longer to hear back. is your car up a pole again? [ crying ] i miss you, jessica! jerry, are you crying? no, i just, i bit my tongue. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. text save to 7-8836. well, some of us got a little bit of rain, i should
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say, a little, little bit. it's been a long time since we had any rain. >> yeah, and it looks like there's not any significant rain needed. we need the rain and you'll see drops today. barely picked up on the rain gauges. this is a close-up shot of the napa area. it's about 33 degrees. this area, low lying outside of the north side of town. you'll see some valley fog. the ground is a little bit wet. overnight, it will get a bit chilly. the weather system is spinning and going down the coast. the rain and the clouds are following with it. in the next three hours, it will be mostly clear out there. see if it goes to the. 40 in
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fair field. temperatures easily in the upper 30s and some 20s. moisture at the surface, so fog is a possibility in the late night. the forecast santa rosa. fair field, 31. the story here, really, down right cold. when you get going tomorrow morning and going to the delta or even to sacramento, fog can be a real issue. so be careful with that as you travel. 995, 905. that will be a problem. fog in wednesday morning as well. forecast highs for tomorrow, a little bit warmer. today was marked with clouds and some sprinkles, as heather pointed out. temperatures, mid 50s. maybe a couple of low 60s. no major rain in the forecast.
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50 and 57. they're up a few degrees. and your five day forecast with the bay area weekend, there's a sprinkle in there heather as you look at thursday but that's about it. thank you, bill. we are following the scene outside of oakland. our reporters at the scene tell us most are at the general assembly. members who were scheduled to begin work at 7:00 this evening to stay home. multiple crews at the scene on ktvu, channel 2 news. teddy bear at the hockey game? that's right. fans stomped out about 4500 on
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saturday. it is a holiday tradition and all the toys will be collected and given to children. that's all. thank you so much for trusting ktvu, channel 2 news. tonight's 10:00 on ktvu channel 2. [ male announcer ] for andy, tracking his spending with citibank
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is as easy as... making breakfast. omelet? sure. scrambled eggs. [ male announcer ] actually, it's easier. citi financial tools. easier banking. standard at citibank. so, open your eyes and check out your new living room! [ gasps ] honey, the tv's over there! yep, we got you the new at&t u-verse wireless receiver so you can put your tv pretty much anywhere you want. and that stand... anywhere? like, we can put it over there? and that coffee... or we could t it on the patio for watching the game with the guys. or in the kitchen? but, these curtains are... i can't believe you moved the tv. it's like a whole new living room. it actually is a whole new living room. [ male announcer ] the new wireless receiver, only from at&t. now get u-verse with dvr at the lowest price ever. at&t.
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