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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  February 12, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm PST

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hi, i'm beth troutman. get ready for the best videos of the day, right this minute. tourists travel to a rare glacier bridge when suddenly -- >> the whole thing collapses. >> oh! >> the story behind nature's crowd pleaser. it's sky dive mania with one guy who passes out midair and one girl who -- >> pulls it off like a boss. >> why this video blew our mind. russian cops try to search a driver. >> watch what he pulls out. >> the sneak attack thaturne into a shoot-out.
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plus the tuesday buzzword for your shot at an ipad mini. >> want to go into the woodeds. >> you might need -- >> the strap and crap. >> how do you use it when going like a guy's not an option. >> what do you have to do. >> like you're a catcher. a group of visitors went to the glacier in the padagonia region of argentina. it was captured a couple weeks ago but recently unloadeded to live science. if you notice this glacier is forming a bridge. >> is that rare for a glacier to form an ice bridge like that? >> it connects to an arm of one of the lakes in argentina making it extremely rare that it could form that bridge. so these guys are just there watching in awe. admiring the view. keep watching. all of a sudden the glacier starts to move. it bits and pieces start to fall.
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>> oh, boy. it ruptures and -- >> oh. the whole bridge collapsed. >> the whole thing collapses into this arm of the lake. >> isn't that spectacular? >> and to be there when that happens. that's -- boy. how are you in the right place at the right time. you would have to sit there with a video camera forever. >> that's awesome. >> that thing collapses. like the glacier did something, just chunks of ice falling into the water. >> it's massive and this has been here thousands of years. >> how crazy if you are lucky enough to see a rare ice bridge on a glacier and on top of it you watch the ice bridge then collapse into the water. you got two sky dives and two different reactions. the first one, tandem jump. the guy in the back talking to the guy in the front. the guy in the front, watch what
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he does. >> oh, my gosh. >> the typical oh, my gosh, look what's going on. and then -- >> oh. >> i think we have somebody who passed out. >> oh, no. >> and watch the guy who's the instructor that's holding him. >> are you all right? >> >> he's like are you all right, bro? he finally gets him to come to. . >> he's okay but for a few minutes there, the guy conducting the tandem jump was like, are you all right, bro? >> imagine that wakeup. you wake up to that. >> like one of those bad dreams you feel like you're falling but this time when you wake up you actually are falling. >> wake up, man. >> are you all right? >> yeah. >> i said i have two sky dives, two different reactions. now this girl, she pulls it off like a boss. >> oh! >> what?
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>> yeah. >> i was sky diving over the weekend. i have known for two weeks and kept it a secret. hard to believe. >> you went sky diving. >> i did. watch what i did. there's me. >> oh gayle! >> that's craziness. >> wow. >> i want to see your face. you won't see my face. >> there's the smile. there's gayle's smile. what did this feel like? what did this feel like, gayle? >> why aren't you screaming? >> you know what i thought? it's so cold. >> i got to say you look like a pro out there. >> yeah. >> like it wasn't your first time, giving a thumb's up to the camera. >> i have to do it again. . rainy nights in the streets of russia turned into a deadly
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night for a pair of cops. check out what happens here. the cops are following a car. they make the stop. you see one guy immediately get right out of the car. the officer walks up to him. they see him shake hands. seems to be a cordial meeting. they pop the trunk, they look inside. don't seem to find anything illegal or anything that frightens the officers or gives them any reason to take defense. and then at this point of the video, you see one officer at the back of the car. two of the men in the vehicle outside. the officer talking to one of the twice. he begins to pat around him like he's looking for something in his pocket. watch what he pulls out. >> oh. turns into a shoot-out withes the officers. the car drives off, one of the suspects with the gun down the street and jumps into that car. and they take off. it sounds like the two officers returned fire, but sadly one of the cops was killed and another one was critically injured in the shoot-out. >> it doesn't look like the
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police had any reason to suspect these guys were going to pull a weapon. >> you're right. if you watched, there's the gun. if you freeze the video it looks like the cop looks down and notices as he's cocking the weapon. >> i don't know if the rules are different there than here, but that's why you always tell people to stay in the car when you're the officers. >> right now these two suspects are still outstanding in russia. >> wonder what these guys had to run from. we're just a little while away from our tuesday ipad mini giveaway. >> you need tuesday's buzzword and have to be 18 or older to enter. >> tuesday's buzzword in a little bit. >> good luck, everybody. a beautiful day for snowboarding in switzerland. look at the powder. according to reports, the night before this video was shot, they got nearly 20 inches of fresh snow. this snowboarder has his camera strapped to his helmet. he gets himself into a little bit of trouble. you can see him looking, where
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he might need to go. he's gauging the path, thinking between these trees might be the best place. he didn't quite pick -- >> oh. >> the right place. avoided one fall. but then -- >> oh, no. oh, no. >> doesn't avoid a crevice between rocks. >> this looks like 127 hours. >> he's seriously between a rock and a hard place. >> yes, he is. >> with his snowboard still strapped to his feet. >> any idea how deep he is. >> a poster of this video calls it a small crevice. he is still able to see the sky above him. now he's trying to figure out how he's going to get out. we watched this process. >> oh, look how much -- wait, is that deeper? >> he uld have gone deeper. he didn't go deeper into the crevice. >> i'm afraid if he takes the snowboard off he'll sink into the snow. the snowboard is probably
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keeping him on top of the snow, right? >> he ends up using the snowboard brilliantly. it becomes the thing that helps him get out. watch. because there was so much snow, he uses his snowboard to give him climbing surface area. >> cool. >> he wedges the snowboard and uses it almost to pull himself out. >> oh. >> he climbs his way out according to a report, he didn't suffer any injuries. we eventually see other skiers who were skiing on the marked path come over, like where did this dude come from. are you okay? he seems to be just fine, straps the snowboard back on and continues about his day. >> oh, man. . dude, decides to go for a dip in the hotel lobby fish tank. >> fully clothed with his shoes on. >> watch him swim with the fish, next. and venus angelic goes all
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psychedelic. >> my mind is all like a pretzel. >> what is going on? >> see all her funky moves on "right this minute."
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ever stay in one of those hotels that has the really, really nice fish tank in the middle of the lobby. it's pretty. ever think about swimming in it? >> gross. >> this guy jumps directly into this huge fish tank in the middle of a radisson in jersey. not new jersey. in jersey the u.k. does a couple goofy moves. fully clothed with his shoes on. pulls himself up. of course management people come up and say -- >> why are you doing that for? get out. >> the fish are probably like, are you serious? we're already in a tank. give us a break. >> they have nowhere to go. >> as soon as he jumps in you see the fish scoot to the one side. whoever is watching him is trying to encourage him with the fish. >> swim, turn that way. >> he just runs off. i don't know if security catches
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up with him, gets in trouble for this. >> what a weird thing to want to do. you're soaking wet. i hope this was his hotel so he could go up to the room and change and shower all the fish water off himself. >> i guess you mark that off your bucket list. going to the bathroom in the woods, not fun for anyone. so that's why i invented this bad boy. >> that's laura. she invented the strap and crap. patent pending. >> helps you lessen the chance of messing your pants seriously. >> i think this is genius. >> what is this? >> to use simply wrap the strap and crap around your waist and a tree that will support your waist. strap to the loop on the open end. adjust the strap size as necessary and pull down your pants, lean back into the strap and do your business. >> this is the prototype. she has a couple straps, worked with some engineers and basically she said -- >> stop. >> this is a strap that -- >> stop the madness. this is insane. >> no, but it's -- she's genius.
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>> why not just squat over a fallen tree or a stump? >> can i demonstrate how to poo in the woods? >> she had evidence that said a lot of people don't do it because of the fact that they have to have a bathroom. >> right here. >> seriously. >> like this. >> like you're playing -- like you're a catcher. >> there's no side stream. get your -- ready to go. >> should you want to buy the strap and crap. >> the strap and crap is mold, mill do and abrayion resistance and loops allow you to add accessories like toilet paper and hand sanitizer. additional uses include securing other gear and leashing your dog. >> after you take a crap you put it on your dog's neck and take him for a walk. >> you don't crap on the strap. you use it to hold your body up. >> squat over the snow. it's free. >> do what i just did.
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trust me. >> we've not had her on the show in a while but venus angelic has a new video out called the popcorn club mix. venus became an on-line sensation because of her ability to transform herself into a real life doll. >> venus always interesting. >> i feel like this one is getting real interesting. >> what is going on? >> it's making my mind hurt. >> i actually think i do need ibuprofen or something now. >> i need a nap. >> nap after this part. >> what? that looked like she was sein through her brain and making her eyes go crazy. >> this is like a weird kind of scary dream. because none of it makes sense. it's kind of like a dream. and then you see her in front of the green screen at the end.
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>> drops her camera. >> i did like some of her moves though. >> all her moves are to popcorn by hot butter. >> she kept her brown locks. she hasn't gone back to the baby doll blonde. >> doesn't look like a doll so much in this one. >> he's known for pranking people on the streets and this time -- >> he's working for -- >> i represent pull up your pants agency. >> see if the dudes pull them up or realize he's pulling their leg. >> can you pull them up a little higher, man. seriously, be i don't want to give you a $300 ticket. a little higher. >> we're giving you tuesday's buzzword for your shot at winning an ipad mini, next.
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. welcome back to the show, everybody. don't forget to check out you can see today's videos and more all day long. well, guys, i have bad news. our favorite prankster, vitali, has a new job now, working for puypa. >> puypa? >> today i represent puypa. pull up your pants agency. i'm going to go around and tell people to pull up their pants. >> he's not pranking people anymore. he's working for puypa. >> see what kind of reactions we're going to get. >> for what? >> wearing your pants too low. >> those are low. >> these two dudes believe him. >> let me see. let me scan it. hold on. >> he has a scanner to figure out the level. >> could you bring it up a little bit higher. >> yeah. >> do the thing. >> yeah. >> we didn't know. >> they're probably vacationing
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these guys, they have no idea, so when this guy comes up they have no reason not to believe him. >> there are people on vacation like you mentioned. >> on vacation, get on probation and come back on violation, be know what i'm saying? would you mind pulling up those pants for me. >> i've never heard of that. >> look it up when you get home. >> a lot of people pull the pants up. they listen to him. >> that goes to prove if you look like you know what you're talking about and act like you know what you're talking about, people believe you. >> this one guy, he tells him he's violating the rules an gets him to hike up his pants but really gets him to hike it up to the point he's grand father level. >> a little higher. >> just can you pull them up a little higher. that's all i'm asking. >> a little higher. >> by the end the pants are almost up to this dude's armpit. >> he does break it to the people they're being pranked on the youtube channel. another good one to check out the entire thing head to and click on the best of rtm. >> pull up your pants!
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look at the positives from the snowstorm over the weekend. i see videos of dogs playing in the snow. ♪ >> let's start with scooter. he's like, okay. oh. i -- >> come on, bud. are you stuck? >> i'm stuck. >> at first he was excited and then he realized this is kind of difficult. >> almost like a dolphin. >> like a dolphin in the water. >> he starts his engine again and then like let me get on the steps and then he runs back out. >> he's scaring the birds away. >> i thought they flew south for the winter. i'm throwing that out there. that's not the only cute animal in the snow. >> this shows us the power of friendship and the power of being the big dog on campus. >> go get it. go get your frisbee. go get it. >> so bentley wants his frisbee. he's barking at it. then comes the other dog. so chase, a labrador retriever
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goes and moves it so bentley can pick it up. >> i thought the lab was going to take the frisbee and start playing with it, but the lab got the frisbee for the dog. >> this shows the power of friendship. >> it really does. >> and clearly bentley just didn't want to mess up that very fashionable coat that he's wearing. >> go get it. good boy. . hey, everybody. it's time for our tuesday ipad mini giveaway. >> you need tuesday's buzzword and don't forget you have to be 18 or older to enter. >> when we give you tuesday's buzzword head over to our facebook page if you're using a mobile phone or tablet go to t first pton our fon the link. >> let's do this thing. the tuesday buzzword is albatross. get over to and click on the win an ipad mini button. >> enter tuesday's buzzword which is albatross, that's albatro-l-b-a-t-r-o-s-s for you chance to win an ipad mini.
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good luck you guys. when the slopes are just a bit too chilly, here's an idea. >> light the slope on fire. >> why you should not try this
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it's a good thing when things bounce in your favor. wait until you see what happened to ana olson. we first saw this video on yahoo! sports. she tosses up a prayer. definitely not enough to make it to the hoop.
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look at that. >> bounce in. does that count? >> it does count. it bounced in. you see it kind of rattled around up there, but no, it, in fact, does count. doesn't matter if it bounces or not. i imagine three-pointer. >> i was going to say, is it a three-point, even though you're inside the three-point line on the other side of the court. >> and you can hear the crowd go wild. >> best day ever on the basketball court. can you ever top that moment if you're a basketball player? you can't. >> this is like something you see when we show those trick shot individuals all the time. this is in a game. she pulled a trick shot in the real game. congrats to ann. >> well done, ana. >> this video was shot during a mardi gras celebration in new orleans. right in the front we see joel and right in front of him we see his girlfriend megan, celebrating mardi gras, having a really good time. there's a marching band going
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right in front of them. ♪ right behind the marching band, is a frog float. on that float are some of joel's friends and they're holding a very special sign. the sign for megan that says "megan, will you marry me"? >> oh! >> well done, joel. >> i guess joel was feeling a little froggy. >> gets down on one knee, brings the ring out and asks her. >> everybody is cheering, all those people around him are family and friends and they're very excited too. and they kept saying to everyone around them, she said yes. >> that's great. and, and like, you know, the sign says it all. you really can't flub your words at this point. >> the greatest thing about this
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video, she got down on one knee too. >> she got all weak in the knees over that. she couldn't stand anymore. pulling stunts out of the snow can be a little chilly. the best way to warm up while you're having fun is to light the slope on fire. >> you can't do that. >> yeah you can. these guys did. they took a couple old christmas trees sitting there drying out, fired them up and pulled their trick up and over the flaming christmas tree. look at that. in slow motion. it looks spectacular. there's a custom-made song that goes with this song that was done by scott and brando. ♪ >> nobody burned. i can't say nobody gets hurt because one guy actually did get hurt. kind of bad he broke his femur. >> santa was there. >> overall it was okay. i like the slow mo shot where
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the flames look like an inferno. >> you can see the heat signature coming off the trees too. i love the guy in the tank top and that's it. >> he's wearing jeans. can't wear jeans through the snow. it hurts. >> tank top and that's it. >> the fact that he rolled off the ramp. >> love it when they come up off the jump. the snow shooting off the top. >> those are christmas trees drying up anyway. >> they didn't burn trees for nothing. they made a good individual with -- good video with it. >> but i don't coone fire. >> we know. >> that's it for "right this kus we'll see you tomorrow. so... [ gasps ]
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these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one.


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