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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  March 18, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT

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hi, everybody, it's time for the best stories of the day and the stories behind them right this minute. >> you start a war and you take it back. >> a university professor let some protesters have it. then you see this happen. how getting all worked up might keep him from working there. nch cops chase a guy who's out of control and drove right through a check opponent. see who then drove right into him. snowmobile buddies enjoy a friendly race. >> i don't see any rear view
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mirrors. >> why this guy sure could have used one. then a couple befriends a girl on a tree. so they're playing with it and see what happens when the squirrel plays back. >> you're looking at adjunct law professor james olmstead, he's all happening at a y. student protest. it was basically a mock border check in that was organized by students against imperialism. >> if you want this country back, start a booep war and take it back. >> that's not how we have to do things. >> you can hear his speech and his behavior, they both seem to be aggressive. >> do something.
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>> is this just the professor's way of making a teaching moment? is he being confrontational for the purpose of the argument? >> he's not only verbally confrontational. but he also gets physically confrontation. >> are you photographing this? >> yes, i am photographing you because you're being aggressive. >> now we have another angle of this same incident. that's a moment where you see him take the phone -- that brief moment of his aggression towards her, that kind of changing it all. >> the university has changes his teaching aseen m he will not return as anned a jujt law professor. olmstead was actually arrested in lieu of custody for second-degree theft. people are wonderering if they
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he will ever have a job at the yooirt again. >> i think everybody needs to learn how to disagree without being disagreeable. dash cam video from a patrol car in north carolina of a high speed car chase that started driver drove right through a check opponent. they didn't slow down and the deputies got in their car and started driving. you see the driver driving erratically, swerving. they chase him for a while, but the deputies use the pittman nooufr to make this guy lose control of their car. they dump kurie's car a couple of times. and this is the time you see them pull that pittman nooufr.
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the deputy smashes his car into the subpoena's car. he takes off running into the woods, but he was letter arrested by deputies. >> they did arrest him and charged him with possession and intent to sell or distribute cocaine. and a w d.c. i including other charges. >> so he was driving under the influence and also carrying drugs in his car. >> deputies reportedly seized 4.3 grams of cocaine, 4 grams of marijuana and $230 in his car. >> no wonder he was trying to get away. this video went viral big-time, but even if we have seen it, it's definitely worth another look. there's at least one jack wagon
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on this planet who had learn his lesson. it's a tourist -- the guy is interacting with a young kid here, and then this guy walks up poking the street performer, moving his hat, patting him on the ears, just being a street jerk. give him a wet willie. na's a lean crossing, and seconds later he teaches them a lesson. oh! >> he punched hem in the face. >> he got him in the nose, i won't if he broke his nose. >> he went right back to being mr. statue after his quick right snapped him in the mouth. >> we did find a bunch of comments about this.
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one commenter saying, hey, i was there, i saw the guy walk away with a bloody mouth and pretty much reacted like nothing happened. >> when you get punched by a staff chew street performer, it is your fault. that was just quick street justice stlifred. it may seem like nobody's around, but the cameras all rolling, it's logitech busting time. the first one, fedex worker just drops off a package or two at this moment in a very nice neighborhood and watch this vehicle pull-up, which many users are saying is a porsche, person gets out, takes package number one and then takes package number two, rite over
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the fence, back in the car, and takes off. i'm willing to believe this not -- >> what we did see was the license plate on that car, so hopefully they were able to zoom in and get it. >> here we have some logitec camera with some krukaticonstru workers -- because of the clarify of the vehicle he was able to see what the thieves looked like. he called 911, they were prosecuted. and the guy ended up getting re-warded for the missing items. next we go to boca raton florida, this surveillance video with a guy snooping around
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inside, he these cameras were installed three hours before. >> are you serious? >> so these are just the three of the finalist videos for the month of moech. to see the rest of them and to vote, you can go to lrkogi -- >> it's a slip n slide. and move over double rainbow man, now it's all about frog boy. the commentary is pretty outrageous. we have dot the story behind this riveting
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>> so these are just the three outrageous. here we go again, we'll let you know about a bonus video on our site. >> this is hilarious, this is a french commercial, the mom
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sitting beside her child, the dad comes in and says emma, use a tablet instead 0 post it notes. and there's a surprise ending. >> emma gets the last laugh. to see what we're talking about head to the web site. >> sometimes you can save it, sometimes you can lose it. let's start with this trucker, a person is driving on the icie road, this is the first time we have a video inside a vehicle before it loses control. >> oh, wow! >> is it going to happen? i mean this fwi is still trying to correct this thing. the and finally -- >> oh, he comes out of it. >> he was able to correct after all that fish tailing, he was able to correct and didn't crash into anything. >> do you get a bonus for that?
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you can take that video back to your bsz and say, i deserve a raise. >> what do you think is going to happen in this bike race, will he recover? see that there, he's wobbling back and forth. he's trying to get ahead of the crowd in seconds. >> oh! right on the face. >> oh, geez, right from the start. rite on his face. that's -- i feel bad laughing, but that is funny. that is not funny. >> it was like two minutes into the race, he didn't even make it like a 16th of a mile. nothing worse than showing up at her vacation spot and the place is not what you expected. >> okay, here we are, we're up at the lake already, and already this is the worst vaca i have
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ever had. first of all it's disgusting and there wasn't even a beach like it showed in the the brochure. and look at all these frogs. gabriel, what are you doing? >> it's a ton of frogs, they're tiny and everywhere. >> there shouldn't be as many frogs, i think it's a -- >> we did find out that travis g is somewhat of a comedian. the commentary is pretty outrageous and because after that, it's going viral. >> i just paid it and this is disgusting and gabriel, next time we're going to cabo. >> they're babies that came out of the water. >> they used to be tadpoles and they just came out of the water. >> there's the many frogs, look
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how long his tail is, gabriel. i like how he keeps say thag it's gabriel's nault. >> they haven't -- the voice hasn't deepened yet. >> it will now because we have th that. >> if you watch our show enough, you're probably looking at this and saying, ah, the branch video. he was riding his snowmobile an his buddy comes up alongside and passes him. so he thinks this is a great opportunity to get some awesome footage of some side by side driving. he lays on the throttle and goes to catch up. a good time to raise your buddy.
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you've got this whole valley to yourself. this video is a couple of months old but it's still trending because of this? >> what he doing? he uft crashed right into his friend. >> i don't see any rear view mirrors on this video. iould be wrong, but thehad no i bearing in on him and crash. >> was the guy in the bottom -- >> curtis is laying in the snow, kind of off his sled, doesn't look too good, but pops up and curtis is just fine. you know these guys are buddies. >> i wanted to get some footage on the go. i'm sorry man. it's typical canadian niceness. >> you got to watch out for the guy --
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>> yeah, i know, sorry. this time we have got an antelope that's a little skon fused. it sounds like grow're in their bathroom. and some freaky breathing water. >> i am very confused. >> see all the videos and decide real or
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you know what's great about
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the video? you can go to our website and if you like a video you can upload it on your computer. his video is about jelly. not edible. >> have been suspect squirrel. >> jellie just jump frad the free to the dude. >> nellie and curtis -- take off to freedom. jellie loves her. >> jellie say high. i'm in the market for a pet squirrel. jellie could change everyone into a squirrel lover. >> you know how you do that? put a couple of things in your pocket. >> wheat things and things like that. >> i want to go visit curtis and jennifer and hang out with jellie. >> it's a peanut and jellie eats
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peanuts the same way i do, the whole thing, showing off. >> let's check in with the mack man himself with some really big videos. >> let's do it. i have one thing to do all day on monday is this show. >> let's just dive right into our first video. >> all night long. >> i would have the say that guy drives that truck like a ball. >> is that a flooded street or a river that guy's driving through? >> i have a feeling this might be in russia. i want to say it real because i want it to be real. >> what do you say max? >> i think you boys are right, i wonder if he knew he was going to go through this. >> i think he's done this the whole time. video number two. sounds like nick. this is such a terrible job of
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dubbing. itis fake, it sounds like they're in their bathroom. >> how can you tell? there's so many goat yelling videos these days, goats can do it, frogs can do it, annal lopes can do it. i did a little research so let's check out this video of antelope noises. >> no, no, no. >> they're just pictures. that's obviously the sound that antelopes make in the wild. >> i tried, but if you guys say it's not, then there's nothing i can do about it. >> no. video number three. are they creating a stalactite or a stalagmite? >> he's building a stalagmite.
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where does this video come from, isn't it growing too fast, though? >> it's a gel. >> wait a minute, if it wasa cold in that house, wouldn't the ipfreezing? >> now he's grabbing it. >> i'm going to say real for no other reason than i can't explain it. >> i'm going to go real too. >> no real reason not to believe. >> i'm going to go with real because i just think it's cool. >> i don't have any inside info on this, i have never been able to do it and it looks real to me. this one it's all won i can, the angles are all over the place. >> i'm worried about this person's pipes. it's a printer that doesn't print paper, it prints body parts. we're talking about the intricate human bed part. >> we're actually going to design a part to fit in that defect.
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>> find out how this new 3-d.c.
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when you're a filmmaker you can use any opportunity to tell a story with your films. the direct for came to washington to teach the culinary students how to it's sculpt.
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he came out and started filming this beautiful presentation of the ice sculptor. >> why are culinary students learning about ice sculpting? >> because sometimes they use these ice skull sures -- >> it keeping the shrimp cool. skpl when you're a pro, you don't really need a stencil, you just need a heart. >> can we print the human body. >> prirnt? like a little 3-d printer. >> we're going to take for example a ct scan of this patient's jaw and the defect and we're actually going to design a
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part to fit into that defect. >> we're not talking what we're like up the inside, we're talking about the intricate human body parts. to tell us more about this 3-d printer, we're going to bring in our 3-d tech printer. >> hey, zack. pretty cool, what are we exactly talking about here. >> right now we can print materials, it's not something you can just put on your face. you still have to have some scaffold. >> we can replace muscle tissue that might be torn in your bodies? >> we're a long time away from actually being able to print cells. the professor in this video says we're only about 10 to 15 years aw away. >> you have another joke type -- >> spring loaded front -- you
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don't even need a ramp. >> it has a compression ving in the front that allows it to act just like a scooter. and it has a back real axle so you get smoother rides and softer landings. and this is a kick start project? >> you can actually buy these for as little as $89. >> i think jump x, it could have had a better name. >> the
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