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tv   NBC11 News The Bay Area at 6  NBC  July 20, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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byron williams is facing numerous charges, including four counts of attempted murder of a peace officer for a gun battle with chp officers that played out along 580 early sunday morning. now people with two organizations are shaking to find out that the bullets were meant for them. we have this report from san francisco with more on williams' violent plan. tracey? >> reporter: well, tom, the shackles that byron williams wore in court today were a far cry from the way he looked on sunday, clad in body armor and packing ining an arsenal of gun ammunition and police say he was headed to the tides organization here to presidio and the american civil liberties union in downtown san francisco, and they said he had homicidal intention. now, this is 45-year-old byron williams' latest mug shot. police say he's already a two-strik two-striker, and after this latest incident could spend rest
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of his life in jail. williams of groveland was pulled over early sunday morning by the chp for weaving in and out of traffic. police say he exchanged 150 rounds of gunfire with officers before surrendering. now they say they know what he was planning. oakland police say he was headed to the tides organization, a non-profit group here at the presidio as well as the aclu in downtown san francisco to open fire on the people inside. >> we have learned through the course of our investigation and evidence collected at scene and his statements that on saturday night he was going to san francisco to an organization called tides and the aclu for the sole purpose to kill people. >> anybody who appears to engage in behaviors of this kind i think is in obvious mental distress. >> reporter: head of tides told us that it was startling to learn from police that williams
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had singled out the organization. now, williams is known by some to be a man consumed by anti-government sentiment, and people who know him say that his mother also had a stockpile of weapons at their home in groveland. today was his first appearance before an oakland judge but certainly not his last. live in san francisco, tracy grant, nbc bay area news. >> thanks. arson 101. berkeley police are trying to figure out who is responsible for setting a string of fires on and near the uc berkeley campus. 13 fires have been reported since friday. ten of them in berkeley and three of them right on the uc campus. the most recent was put out just before 4:00 this morning in front of sam's market on telegraph. police say surveillance video from in front of the store are -- they are looking at it trying to figure out who the arsonist might be. well, if you ride ac transit buses prepare yourself for longer wait times for at least
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the next ten days. a judge today failed to rule on whether the transit system could impose a contract on its workers. the judge scheduled a full hearing for july 30th on the driver's request for an injunction that blocked the cost-cutting contract in effect now. the old contract expired at the end of june. talks between the union and ac transit stalled. to make sure things kept running ac transit imposed a new contract on drivers that went into effect yesterday morning. since then about, 20% of the staff has been calling in sick. the marin county coroner's office has identified the teen who died yesterday when he fell from a cliff near muir beach. he is 17-year-old andrew leonard hicks jr. from westville, pennsylvania. hicks was walking with his family with the trail near the beach overlook when he fell off the cliff. when rescuers reached the young man, they could not revive him. there's been speculation that the boy was distracted while talking on a cell phone. his parents say that was not the
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case. investigators are trying to figure out what caused a small plane crash near mt. pleasant, south carolina, to killed a bay area native. 29-year-old dustin reason was trying to land yesterday when witnesses say his plane stalled and crashed in a swampy area about 100 yards from the runway. the man was a san jose state university grad with a ba in aviation. he ran a business that ferried plans to europe. he was on his way to holland to deliver a plane when he crashed. first it was the marijuana sales tax, and now the superstore. the city of oakland is poised for another first. the oakland city council will consider a plan to license four large-scale medical marijuana production facilities where pot would be grown, packaged and proce processed. if approved, oakland would become the first city in the nation to approve wholesale pot cultivation. supporters say it could generate millions of dollars for the city and create lots of jobs, but they also say it may drive some small growers out of business.
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jodi hernandez is live in oakland with more for us. >> reporter: jess characters i'll te -- jessica, this has created a huge buzz. the city council is set to plan on the proposal tonight and people within the medical marijuana community are divided on this. many see it as a battle between the walmarts of weeds and the mom and pop style pot producers. >> you need to check in with everything single day. >> reporter: karen buxton compares growing cannabis with growing children. >> you take care of the plant, nurture them, talk to them and play music for them. >> reporter: but buxton fear he and other small-scale cannabis cultivators could be forced out of his business. while he grows in his garage, others want to set up costco-sized cannabis gardens in warehouses like this. the oakland city council is set to vote on a plan to allow four mega marijuana factory farms to
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set up shop in oakland. >> we invision a 57,000 square foot growth facility here that would be divided between cloning, mothering, vegetative states and flowering for cannabis. >> reporter: medical marijuana entrepreneur has a big plan if the city gives him a green light. he says mainstreaming marijuana cultivation will not only generate millions in tax revenue, it will be safer than what's taking place now. >> we don't know is that they are actually meeting electrical codes, if they are creating safety hazards, that there's been a lot of hostile takeovers and home invasions. >> would you bring us to the goodies? >> reporter: buxton sells the products of his small operation to harborside health center and says what he produces is top quality. that can't be matched by a mega producer. >> my fear is that mega growers will flood the market with cheap marijuana and will lower the prices for everybody and make it harder for people to make a
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living doing this. >> reporter: we're told hundreds interested in opening one of the mega marijuana factories if the council approves the plan tonight, including television personality montel williams. city councilwoman rebecca kaplan tells me that williams has contacted her personally to express his interest and his support for the plan. she said that he suffers from ms and is an open medical marijuana user. reporting live in oakland, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> while they mull that over in oakland, $48 million of pot was destroyed in sonoma county today. the theories of garden raids raided nearly 25,000 plants. several growing operations were found on the northwest slope of mt. st. helena. the area has become a hot spot for growers for the past several years because it's so remote and hard to get to. agents are catching on and now they canvas that area in helicopters. no one was arrested during the raids. protesters who took over the second floor of a vacant san
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francisco building were forcibly removed by police today. five people were arrested fortress passing overnight in the building at corner of 20th and the mission streets. the protest was organized by a group called direct action to stop the cuts. that's a housing and human rights advocacy group. it began with a march against potential budget cuts that could affect the city's poor, and it ended with protesters when handcuffs. >> people have been in the house last night, finally located the owner of the building. the owner of the building wanted them vacated and signed a citizens arrest for them. once he signed that, we gave him warnings, you know, please come out. they didn't come out and did it in a building and we made five arrests. >> it is unclear tonight whether those squatters will be charged. well, another california baby has died tonight of whooping cough. it's the latest victim. he's in los angeles county bringing the total to six babies that have died from whooping cough in the state this year. all of them were too young to be
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immunized. california has recorded some 1,500 cases of whooping cough through july 13th. that's five times more than over the same period last year. health kashls aofficials are wa people of child bearing age and seniors to get immunized again. nancy pelosi may be washington but protesters still marched outside of her office in san francisco today. >> 25 million. >> demonstrators held a protest and a die-in, that's what they called it, calling on the speaker of the house to solve the issues with the aids drug assistance program. demonstrators say $25 million re-allocated by the federal government to help the aids program in all 50 states is just not enough money. since pelosi represents one of the constituencies hardest hit by the hiv and aids epidemic, protesters say she needs to do more to help. >> pelosi has not said one word about hiv or aids. she claims to be working on health care reform, but there's
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nothing in health care reform that would include people with hiv and aids. >> today's protest comes days after the president announced a new plan to fight aids and allotted $30 million to go towards new hiv/aids strategy. coming up tonight at 6:00, cleaning your house. it could actually be dangerous to your health. coming up, the health hazards being linked to household cleaning products. and turning up the heat. the proposal to farm workers that could lead to a major change in the industry. i'm scott budman. apple tells us how many it sold and a 49er acts out his favorite video game. business and tech after the break. and a new complaint about smart meters. protesters say they are a radiation threat. . and good evening. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranni ranniery. more cooling today. temperatures ten degrees below average in our inland spots. got more spring a comin ygr way, and we'll tell y you about ala 70fes just a w.
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those people are happy 'cause they're gonna have a good time, and they've got extra money in their pocket. those are happy passengers. how much does it cost for those snacks again? nothing. at southwest airlines, when we have a sale, it's a sale. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has flights starting at $49 one-way. book now only at [ rand ] how can you not want to get on the plane? come on and get on the plane. we're saving you money. now that's a plane full of happy. [ employees ] grab your bag. it's on. [ ding ]
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. huge numbers from silicon valley giant apple tonight, and the stock, it's moving. nbc bay area's business and tech reporter scott budman is here. scott, something besides phone troubles to talk about tonight. they like it. >> reporter: the talk here and on wall street is about phone sales. 8.4 million iphones to be precise, a 61% jump from last year. add in 3.3 million ipads and 3.5 million mac sales, and you've got another big quarter for a. all in all, net income jumping 78%. apple shares moving higher by about 3% after hours. on the dotcom side, yahoo!'s numbers not as inspiring to investors. to be sure the sunny vale company saw its quart earth
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profits rise largely because of advertising. yahoo! shares down by 6% in extended action. all in all another good day for the markets. early losses turned around and a late real boosted the dow by 75 points. silicon valley stocks like google and oracle lifted the nasdaq. all right. more fun. let's play some games. this is san francisco 49er linebacker patrick willis showing off at the headquarters of electronic art. willis running for a new video game calling nfl training camp. it's one of many upcoming games. ea gave us a sneak preview of this afternoon coming to a console or phone near you. it's unbelievable. i mean, i remember when i was playing games as a little kid from mario to playing madden to the guys, cartoon characters, barely moving and now they look so real. everything is unbelievable. >> we're trying to catch up with the technology. they just keep making the
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technology better and better and better, and gamers are -- game developers are just chasing that. there's a few systems out there. they say we haven't even touched the deep end of the pool on something like the playstation 3 and that's been out for three, four years. there's so much we can do on there that we haven't even explored yet. >> the games will be rolled out by ea through the rest of the year. we'll show them to you as they become available. tomorrow, can you catch new games saturday night on tech now. >> they will soon be drafting those characters they are so real. >> thank you. >> more controversial over smart meters tonight but this time it's not about their accuracy. it's about radio weebs. teens turning green is calling for a moratorium on the meters until there's scientific proof that radio frequency radiation emitted by the smart meters has no impact on human health. the group rallied outside the california public utilities
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building on van ness. >> in my mind this is one of the biggest health impacts we're experienced on earth. we're being told by the feds that smart meters are going in every house and building all over the country. >> reporter: studies by the world health organization and fcc have concluded that smart meters are safe and emit radio frequencies lower than radio and tvs. months after she attempted to pass through massive insurance rate increases the president of anthem blue cross in california says today she is leaving her job. she tried to raise anthem's rates by an average of 25% in february. the move drew public outrage, even a rebuke from president obama. anthem backed down. that was in april. but later the company announced rate increases of 14%. she says she's going into health care consulting. well, a huge the pro of land formerly known as the oakland army base is one step closer to becoming a major job source for the city. we're talking over 400 acres of
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land located between the nimitz freeway and the toll plaza. a report live from headquarters with a story of how one community group wants to make sure those jobs stay in oakland. >> reporter: well, jessica, the group calls itself revive oakland. they held a rally outside the port of oakland, and it seems like their efforts paid off. shirley burnel is retired, but she is taking time out to rally in front of the port of oakland to encourage developers to focus on jobs for oakland youth. >> we've got a lot of young people who are standing around with nothing to do because there are no jobs. >> reporter: burnel has her eyes set on the former oakland army base. 400 acres of land decommissioned back in 1994. the federal base reuse authority returned the property to the city of oakland and the port of oakland in 2006. she worked there in the 1970s. >> a lot of people are out of
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work, and people are struggling, so with the revitalization of this base it will put a lot of people back to work. it will revive the neighborhood. >> reporter: but reviving that space is not easy. the famous wayans brothers tried it back in 2006. they ran into money problems. councilwoman nancy nadell is not surprised. >> the soil is not stable, and a great deal of soil has to be added to it in order to stabilize it for development, so those things are costly and time-consuming. >> reporter: not to mention toxic cleanup for the site. the california capital group, headed by phil takami, and the amb property corporation, entered into an exclusive agreement with the city and the port after that. it's a $570 million project that includes office and transportation space that could create 8,000 jobs over time. revive oakland wants to make sure those jobs are offered to the people of oakland first. >> that would include things like ensuring that there's real
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training opportunities for oaklanders if this project happens so that people can be ready to go and get in and oaklanders have a first shot to get the jobs when they do come. >> reporter: so the port voted to extend the exclusive contract, a ground breaking date has not been set. reporting live in oakland, i'm joel herd, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, sheryl. the support for same-sex marriage in california is on the wane, apparently. a new field poll shows 51% of californians allow same-sex couples to marry. 42% are opposed, and the numbers are worse. people given a between same-sex marriage civil unions or no marriage at all in, that case only 44% of people are in favor of same-sex marriage. 34% favor civil unions. only 19% believe there should be no legal recognition of gay couples. all right. let's talk about the weather. outside a little cooler than we expect, but really very nice. >> yeah, you know, about 10 to 15 degrees off the mark here in
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california. you know, a lot of people getting married in the summer. some pretty good weather. typically get some hot weather with plenty of 90s, but that heat is staying away. though with the heat we still have a red flag fire warning. up here at lake tahoe, another example it doesn't always take hot temperatures to get high fire areas. today's temperatures, again, a huge spread. 60 in san francisco to 83 in los skatos, 90s in the almandon valley. 87 in concord. let's get a look outside. some of the best eyes always our sky camera network here, and can you see it's fogged in across the bay. 63 right now in oakland. no san francisco city skyline in view there. and down in the city shrouded by the clouds with temperature of 63, winds westley at 16 miles
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per hour. it is clear in the pacific, high pressure is out here which typical warms us up this time of year, but it is so far away from the california coastline, we're really devoid of any of these impacts from high pressure, so that will keep the fog pattern in place, and then we also have some cooler air aloft that is keeping the temperatures down. starting off with the low to mid-50s tomorrow by the noon hour. on wednesday, low to mid-70s from the east bay to the south bay. tomorrow morning starting off upper 50s inland and patchy fog. doing any traveling, we want to highlight just two of these delays we're finding from denver. you're looking at traveling delays and also headed to st. louis or have a connection flight there and also in washington, d.c. following some storms. more in our cooling seven-day forecast coming up. >> all right, jeff. thank you. and still ahead tonight at 6:00, the fifth grader who caught president obama's attention. the letters she wrote about a real life issue and the response from the commander in chief. >> also ahead, what is your doctor really saying about you? research on whether it's a good
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idea to read your doctor's notes. and keeping downtown clean and friendly. we'll introduce you to the unique crew helping make sanndt sidewalk on up. advantage topical solution treats dogs...
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( barking )
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but destroys fleas. age, a yve teri fo advantage, the flea specialist for gentle, but effective, flea control. have you noticed cleaner streets and sidewalks in downtown san jose? well, a crew spends mornings and nights putting the sparkle into downtown with the locals footing the bill. nbc bay area's damian trujillo spent the day with the team from groundworks. >> reporter: no matter the hour, no matter the mess, you'll always find the groundworks team working with zest. >> this area gets extremely busy at nighttime, and people obviously -- >> reporter: do what they want. >> -- do what they want and the sidewalks sometimes are not the great theest and it's great that they are here to clean it up and
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help our store. >> reporter: cindy flores pay $650 a year for the service and condo owners pay for the property tax assessment and they might get a safety ambassador. >> how is your day going. >> reporter: to direct visitors to her job. >> just go out and help people, especially people not from downtown san jose and want to see what's going on in san jose. >> i think it's great because the more cleaner safer people will come you have businesses. people will feel safe. >> reporter: safety ambassadors also alert police when they see taggers in action and they encourage the homeless to kindly find another spot. >> we tell them to move. by the third time they don't move, we call 311, and we tell them that this person is loitering on this building and they will send a police officer down. >> reporter: a service designed to get people to shop and visit the downtown. well, six california
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counties will soon be receiving checks from sears, including ve rig here in the bay area. a judge ordered the parent company of sears and kmart to pay the counties $1.1 billion. the suit was filed after a california inspector found that price scanners at store registers were charging more than the lowest advertised price. kmart was also accused of charging customers more than the state redemption value for recyclables. the money will be split between several counties. sears will be required to use additional audit and price accuracy procedures. governor schwarzenegger has appointed a well-known actor, as she prefers to be called, to a state panel. he has nominated actor geena davis to serve on the state's commission for the status of women. the non-partisan panel advocates for women and girls in areas such as education and access to health care. davis is the founder of the geena davis institute on gender and the media and a partner with
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the united nations development fund for women. if the state senate confirms her appoi appointment, davis will serve on thpanel for four years. well, still ahead tonight, lindsay lohan locked up. we'll show you her day in court as she surrendered to start her jail sentence. plus, the new estimate on how many days lindsay will actually serve. also ahead, "playboy." the new website considered safe for work. and a glimmer of hope for the unemployed. action on capitol hill that could lead to an extension of unemployment benefits. also, the governor faced with major decision involving farm workers.l anchthges in pay that they are pushing for.
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a throwback to the '70s at the state capitol today. chanting farm workers jousting with growers. caught in the middle, the governor. nbc's kevin riggs explains this time the conflict is about
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overtime pay in the fields. >> reporter: united farm worker members from across the state flooded the capitol hallway marching on the governor's office. >> lord, on the day i called for help you answered me. >> reporter: using prayer, catholic clergy and political theater to urge the governor's signature on an historic bill requiring overtime after eight hours in the field. >> farm workers i think across the board very much want to be treated like other workers. >> reporter: for decades, farm workers have been entitled to overtime after a ten-hour day. the governor is non-committal on changing that to eight hours. >> you guys are aware he has a long record on this and hopefully that goes into consideration of the bill. >> reporter: measures test up a confrontation with growers who would likely adjust schedules to avoid the new ot rules. >> maybe additional people will be put on, certainly additional crews and that will cost the farm workers some work hours and interfere with their income. >> reporter: the ufw believes that threat is exaggerated. >> to me it doesn't make a lot
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of business sense to take out that group of workers that already knows the crop, that's already doing the good work for that particular employer or else they wouldn't be working there. >> reporter: antonio vargas believes it would be difficult but the change is worth it. >> as farm workers we are the people who work the hardest, and we deserve the same rights. >> reporter: in sacramento, kevin riggs, neighbors bay area news. with the u.s. senate voting to extend unemployment benefits today, california's long-term unemployed will be getting checks again soon. the measure is expected to sail through congress and be signed by president obama as early as thursday. that is good news for 400,000 californians whose benefits began running out seven weeks ago. >> as we've been keeping track of these people, we should be able to respond pretty quickly. checks as early as next week for some people and then following pretty quickly there after for others.
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california's unemployment rate has edged lower for three straight months but still stands at 12.3%, the third highest state unemployment rate in the nation. president obama confronted uk prime minister david cameron today. the president wants information about how the libyan convicted of downing pan am flight 103 in 1988 was freed last year allegedly after bp intervened. president obama and british prime minister david cameron mostly agreed about lockerbie. pan am flight 103 crashed in that scottish town in 1988, blown up by terrorists killing 270, most of them americans. the obama administration today formally demanded the uk review why convicted terrorist abdelbaset al megrahi was freed by scotland last summer. the president was polite. >> we welcome any additional information. >> reporter: cameron said no need to formally investigate. >> i don't need an inquiry to
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tell me what was a bad decision. it was a bad decision. >> and what about bp? a year before it made headlines for the oil leak, did bp lobby scotland for the terrorist released to land lucrative libyan oil leases? cameron wants to know. >> it's a matter for bp to answer. >> but he said the oil giant could not release al megrahi. >> that wasn't a decision taken by bp. it was a decision taken by the scottish government. >> the bottom line is that we all disagreed with it. it was a bad desgligs on other issues such as afghanistan, cameron said britain is still in, approving the obama plan, and on the oil disaster bp must cap the well, he said, clean the gulf and compensate the victims, but cameron said bp does not mean bp's role in pushing for a terrorist release. while capping that oil leak in the gulf is not the only
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concern for bp. while some progress is being made to permanently seal the well, now there's word of a smaller leak that's forming. more on the very latest on these concerns. lisa? >> jess, here it is, three months to the day when this environmental disaster began and scientists are still trying to figure out how to end this crisis. now, bp says the containment cap is working so far, but there are new concerns about how that fractured well is holding up. you're looking live at the well deep below the gulf of mexico. the cap is holding the oil back, at least for now. bp and government engineers are watching closely to see whether that well will hold tight or rupture under all that pressure, and that could cause an even bigger disaster. and now there's word that at least five leaks discovered around the well machinery. thad allen is the government's point man in this recovery effort. the retired coast guard admiral describes the new leaks as small drips, but there's also evidence
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of a small leak at the base of the containment stack and possible seepage from the ocean floor nearly two miles from the wellhead. now the coast guard is going to be part of the recovery effort, at least until the end of the year. bp is moving forward with plans to permanently seal the well, and that chapter could begin by the end of this month. live in the newsroom, lisa kim, nbc bay area news. >> the supreme court nominee elena kagan got a nod of support today. the vote, 13-6. senator lindsey graham of south carolina was the lone republican to vote for obama's nominee. more republicans are expected to back kagan in the full senate where democrats have more than enough votes to confirm her. kagan could be confirmed as early as next week. she will be the fourth female justice once confirmed. changes in the president's mortgage aid program. more than 40% of the 1.3 million
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homeowners seeking help from the program have dropped out since march. a majoror reason for that, banks were not initially required to collect proof of income. when that changed, many troubled homeowners were disqualified or dropped out. 30% of homeowners who started the program have received permanent loan modifications and are making payments on time. secretary of state hillary clinton joined leaders from around the world today in kabul for a one-day conference on the future of afghanistan. president hamid karzai told the group that he's determined that his soldiers and police will be responsible for all military and law enforcement operations by 2014 which is also the end of the term of his office. as for mrs. clinton, she reiterated her commitment to afghan women meeting separately with them. >> we want to continue to support afghanistan, the afghan people and particularly women rand women's interests and
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rights. >> mrs. clinton says she will not let karzai, the u.s., nato or anyone else make deals with the taliban that will cut women out of having a legal role in their society. and coming up at 6:00, cleaning up your home. it could prove dangerous. the new study on cleaning products and your health. and the schoolyard issue that prompted a fifth grader to write a letter to the president. how the commander in chief responded. good evening. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. big cooling again today. temperatures well below average. 70s are going to be coming back. we'll let you know how long this cooldown with some spring air will be lasting coming up. i'm done withllhese looists
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anomd ivg all ceover i want one list. for one store. [ female announcer ] at safeway, you get it all. great quality and great prices.
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so you just need a safeway list. [ male announcer ] with thousands of everyday low prices you'll save all over the store. [ female announcer ] with club card specials like breyers ice cream just $1.99 and safeway hot dog or hamburger buns only 89 cents. [ male announcer ] quality and low prices. so there's one stop for everything. [ female announcer ] at safeway, that's our promise. that's ingredients for life.
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lindsay lohan tonight is expected to serve only two weeks of her three-month jail sentence. the sheriff's department says that's because the jail is overcrowded. the 24-year-old actress seemed composed today, even smiling slightly for her newest mug shot. last week she cried when she was sentenced. today the judge order all cameras turned off at lohan was handcuffed and led off to a holding cell. she will spend her time behind bars in a solitary cell away from other inmates. >> lindsay is complying with judge revel's orders. she's completed the alcohol program and gone into custody and asks for your prayers and support, and she stepped up. she's accepted responsibility. >> lohan will be confined to an all women's jail in linwood in the same isolation unit where paris hilton was incarcerated. well, going through in vitro fertilization can be financially and emotionally draining for couples, and if it's not
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successful the first time, they often don't want to try again. would they feel differently if there was a way to predict the success rate of the next round of ivf? stanford researchers say they have a model for women who have gone through one round of in vitro fertilization. researchers say they used detailed information on a woman's age, hormone levels and the quality of her eggs to come up with a computer model for a more accurate prediction, and they plan to offer the program to other medical institutions on a commercial basis. a major setback for a blockbuster cancer drug, avastin, an fda panel recommended that the government remove its endorsement of the drug for breast cancer trial research. research suggested that avastin might delay the cancer's progression, but follow-up studies failed to support that claim. panelists say they are worried the drug could do more harm than good because of serious side effects. avast well, there's a new study out that shows that cleaning the
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house could increase the chance of breast cancer in women. the journal "environmental health" says women who use the most household cleaning products had double the rate of breast cancer than those who used fewer cleaners. researchers say many pesticides, household cleaners and air fresheners contain ingredients known to trigger breast cancer in animals. the american cleaning institute calls the study questionable and says it overreaches in its conclusions. keeping the lines of communication open. a new pilot program will help patients and doctors stay on the same page. open notes will allow about 25,000 patients access to the notes that doctors have made in their medical records. the program will be tested for a year in massachusetts, pennsylvania and washington. after that, it will be evaluated for wider use. some doctors are concerned that patients will misrepresent the information they read in the notes or that doctors might not write what they really think in an effort to spare the patient's feelings. west philadelphia fifth
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grader who was tired of being bullied did not go to her teacher or to her principal. she aimed a little bit higher. she sent her complaint to the white house. the girl was fed up with being a victim at not one but two different schools, so she put her thoughts down on paper and mailed them to president obama. >> she said to me i wrote the president about being bullied. i said you wrote who? >> he said dear student, your letter demonstrates a desire to change the culture of your classroom as well as your community. together we will survive to make this a reality. >> wow, i was just happy. >> i guess so. the girl says she was inspired to start her own group called no child should be bill bullied, and her mom is very proud. >> she needs to show up at that school with that letter showing it to everybody. >> exactly right. you bet. >> smack people on the head with it. >> a good project. get some troubles in court here. >> the raiders former quarterback jamarcus russell has
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seen better days but still wearing raiders colors and making his plea to a court in his hometown of mobile, alabama. his lawyers saying the real story will soon emerge. meanwhile the niners patrick will is running drills before training camp but not at team headquarters, and the warriors get bad news that's quickly upgraded to a little bit better. now to the best, this weather, jeff. >> oh, yes. weave got some good news. take a look here in san jose. plenty of sunshine, and we'll tell you about those below average temperatures and how long this spring weather is going to be lasting coming up.
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well, that fog bank off the coast is sure having an impact around here. >> temperatures cropping all over the place. we're looking at a 15-degree drop from our averages for some of our inland locations in the east bay today. many of you getting a break on the ac, and, you know, with this cool, we thought we'd take a look at some of the hots we've had so far actually pre-summer, before we flipped over on the calendar. we had san francisco at 87 degrees. that on june 12th. oakland also hitting 90 on june 12th and then late season -- late-month warming there in san jose with 92 degrees, but that's it so far. in fact, there are some indications that in san jose we're on track for one of the coolest summers we have had potentially here in decades. and here's proof of more of this
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cooling today. 60 in redwood city and 60 in san francisco. we had the fog and it's supposed to be cool throughout the year in san francisco. it's about eight to nine degrees before where should be. 70 fremont and 64 in san rafael to 75 in santa rosa. cooler than average temperatures throughout the central vale and sacramento and for the sierra, but it doesn't take those hot temperatures to get a red flag firing warning which we have outside of lake tahoe. wind and low humidity helping to fire that off. meanwhile right now, temperatures dropping everywhere. 69 in santa rosa and 56 in san francisco. 58 all the way down here to santa cruz and 68 in gilroy. this past weekend you had 80s and 90s at this hour across portions of the south bay. fog going to stay in place, drizzle at coastline meaning wednesday plenty of 70s coming back to play, and we are looking at a little bit of warming in our seven-day forecast.
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so we're used to getting the marine layer this time of the year. that's really not out of the ordinary at all. at about 2,000 feet, that's staying put, but what we're noting here is actually some cooler air that's getting pulled down in the atmosphere to northern california. so we've got the water vapor up. dry air in the mid-levels here across oregon and northern california. not doing much at all. take a look at this as this loops around. a little bit of a kink right there, and that's actually some energy in the atmosphere that's helping to drop down this cooler air in the jet stream. you can see the jet stream kinking, and that once again is helping to drop those temperatures. whole science lesson today. mild conditions expected for wednesday and also thursday's forecast. widespread 70s tomorrow, and we're looking at a little bit of warming there in the seven-day forecast. as for tonight, 54 in livermore and 56 in gilroy and 57 expected in san francisco with patchy fog from the coast inland. all right. warmest temperatures here in the south bay and 81 in morgan hill and 80 in evergreen and then a few miles to dublin, mid-70s
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tomorrow. 78 in san jose and 67 in san mateo, 63 in richmond and over to oakland, we're also going with the 60s tomorrow with 76 in san ramon and a wide array of conditions for the north bay. go ten miles, go ten minutes and get something different. morning time on the weather channel on cable, and yet again we're putting it on simmer. told the temperatures to simmer down this past weekend and they did so. >> that means they should be going up. >> not the way i cook. >> all right. >> thanks, jeff. >> simmering in court for jamarcus. >> tough being jamarcus, from top pick to bottoming out. former raiders quarterback jamarcus russell is 24 years old and might not make his way back into the nfl. right now he's trying not to serve jail time. part that have starts with the not guilty plea he made in his hometown of alabama today having been charged with felony drug
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possession, that being codeine syrup used to make what's known as the purple drink. he did not have a trips. up to ten people were in russell's house when he was arrested and once the evidence is known, he will be exonerated. now the same year that raiders -- the raiders drafted russell, the top pick, 2007, the niners took a guy ten spots later, he doesn't have his initials embroidered into a sports coast but patrick willis, a perennial pro bowler and top flight destroyer in the niners linebacking corps. hanging out in redwood city checking out a new game called nfl training camp. his own training camp is days away and after an over-season knee injury he's ready to go and really looking forward to the season ahead here. >> people said opportunities are always around and great opportunities come -- come every so often, and i feel like this year is one of those rare
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opportunities that we've got to take advantage of it. >> and it's just around the corner. a week from tomorrow, the raiders begin their camp in napa and then a few days later the niners open their camp at team headquarters in santa clara. now the warriors, perhaps the first thing that new owner should do when he takes over is go into the block room on burn some sage or hold a seance. the top pick lost for six months after a wrist injury and newly acquired david lee injuring the middle finger on his right hand. in a practice with team usa in las vegas he went up to block a shot, jammed it into the backboard and looked down to see it bent sideways and the warriors tell us he's on his way back to l.a. to see a hand specialist and then will be heading right back to vegas to rejoin team usa. college football, one of cal's top recruits in the past class, oakland native chris martin has decided to transfer before even playing a game for the bears. meanwhile, at usc, they are
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giving back the heisman, part of distancing themselves from the reggie bush scandal. not just cleaning house. they are cleaning out the trophy closet. bush though will keep his version of the trophy. but, you know, other changes. mike garrett, a former heisman winner himself is stepping down as athletic director make way for former trojan quarterback pat haven to take on the role of leading usc forward. another departure, and canned quite call this surprising, chicago cubs manager lou piniella saying he's going to retire at the end of the season. he's in the fourth and final year of his contract with the cubs who still to have day have gone 102 years without a world series title. piniella, you'll recall, won the world series as the manager when his reds swept the a's. tonight the a's host the boston red sox at the coliseum while in l.a. it's giants/dodgers game two. lincecum versus kershaw and manny ramirez is actually back on the dl. france today, lance armstrong making one last charge. >> lance armstrong is over in
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about four or five days, so, you know. >> this just not has been lance armstrong's tour did you france. armstrong made a final strong sprint to the finish line and finished in sixth place after the 16th stage. alberto contadore as the overall year. tiger woods has dropped into a tie with kobe bryant as the favorite sports star in america, this according to a harris interactive poll where they look for the favorite american sports star. woods had held that position alone since 2006, but kobe right there with him. >> kobe made a comeback. >> he did. >> right back in it. >> so there is hope, all right. >> thank you. >> back with the newaybo ayboy"we >> that's a segue. >> can't wait . .
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. t.e.
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spots. an exclusive tonight at 11:00. the ten most hot selling neighborhoods in america. plus, caught on tape. a san francisco police officer forcing a handcuffed woman on to the pavement with her baby in a strolly just feet away. what happened before this and
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what is the sspd saying about in? plus a week of workout in one shot. the one-day workout tonight at 11:00 on the all new "america's got talent." >> the founder of the "playboy" empire, hugh heffner, was released a new website called the smokingjacket. the website was very slow on this first day and while the content is not x rated it is racy, especially the language, according to people who have seen it. bottom line, if you're at work, you might be better offt stickig with solitaire. >> like during the ncaa tournament. >> that's exactly right. >> watching all of you. >> good night, everybody. >> we're watching. >> don't forget to watch at 11:00.
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