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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  December 15, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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>> a story that captured hearts across the bay area. a loyal giants fan beaten nearly to death outside on dodgers stadium on opening day. since then bryan stow and his family have endured many obstacles. tonight we get to hear from him. nancy snyderman spoke exclusive to stow as he continues his recovery at undisclowed location in san jose. >> when i visited bryan almost nine months after the attack, he was able to hold a very simple conversation. >> hi. i'm nancy. >> hello. >> ho are you? >> fine. >> i've heard so much about it. >> oh, yeah. >> you're just as handsome as your sister said you are. >> now, you can see the full interview with bryan on "rock center" this monday night at 10:00. dr. nancy schneider will have more on his recovery and more on violence among fans in
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professional sports. we'll have more tonight at 11:00. in the meantime there is a new delay in the case against the two men charged with beat pg stow. they will moved the hearing to january. the two suspects pleaded not guilty to the charges in august. prosecutors say their case is made on incriminating statements made by sanchez and norwood. it alleges sanchez was involved in attacks on two other people at dodgeratta s oumdin opening day. new at 6:00 a contra costa county jewish center will close its doors tomorrow leaving hundreds of people with nowhere to go. the j.c.c. sent e-mails to staff and members yesterday blaming financial issues for its sudden closure. traci grant is live in walnut creek, and people have to be scrambling to figure out what to do. >> jessica, people coming in and out of this jcc tonight are
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having trouble believing this place is going to shut down tomorrow with so little notice and right before hanukkah. they're all wondering what's going to happen to the displaced staff and to the families who use the center, but they're also wondering how such dramatic financial woes could have been taking place here without anyone mentioning it. >> instantly, we thought we have 48 hours to secure a position for a children at another school, and most of the other preschools are filled. we have prepaid. >> reporter: brittany said her brain started to spin last night when she oepd an e-mail from the center informing her when the doors close friday night it will be permanent. all operations run by the jcc will cease, including the preschool that her son was attended for the last three years, a along with 75 other children. >> we should have been made aware of a financial situation. if there's a cash shortfall, we could have addressed it.
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>> reporter: families say it's used by members of all religious faiths and ages including an adult day program for senior suffering from alzheimer's, parkinson's and all other forms of dementia. >> we hope our program, that maybe other aus spis will take us over. >> stephanie said staff and parents spent the last 24 hours reaching out to other places in the area. >> we may not all be together. >> administrators refuse to answer questions from reporters or anyone else, and some say they need answers immediately. >> financial issues overnight? i don't know. >> we're hearing lots of rumors it was known for a long time, and that we have been kept in the dark. >> reporter: there was a meeting late this afternoon with preschool teachers, and they say they didn't really get anything out of it. they say that the administrators didn't really answer any
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questions. they asked them about rumors that the center was anywhere from half a million dollars to $750,000 in the hole here, and they couldn't get that confirmed. the administrators told them that they had been approaching some parents to he denature money, but the teachers say they have yet to run across one parent who says they actually heard from them. live in walnut creek, traci grant, "nbc bay area news." they've taunted police with their tags on freeways, all over san jose. tonight investigators say they've taken a prolific graffiti game off streets. we're live on sixth street in san jose which is a popular spot with taggers. damian. >> reporter: the city does a good job keeping this wall clean behind me on sixth street. it's very popular, as you mentioned, with taggers. now with dozens of arrests, police hope this kind of vandalism decreases. it's on highway sound walls, on
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city streets. graffiti is about anywhere tackers can put their monikers. they put a face of the people behind the spray cans. >> we have a crew that freed predominantly harm erg the freeways and entire city. >> if a five-month operation they arrested 50 up suspected taggers. they say six of them alone are responsible for more than $50,000 if damage across the south bay. all six are suspected gang members. >> the gentleman in the back that belonged to the crew, hysu, are considered a criminal street gang. we do have the case involving the gang-related issue. >> reporter: if convicted the suspects have to pay for the damage police say they caused. >> absolutely. restitution is what we require and that's part of any resolution.
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>> reporter: gonzalez knows about the power of the spray can, only his moniker is art. the graphic designer at top-notch customs said taggers could turn their graffiti into art. >> the kids what they're doing nowada nowadays, they could tha to another level and work at a shop or art supply shop and do it. put the artwork on a canvas or something. >> instead he sees it on the walls around his shop, something he hopes will stop now that police say they cost those who are mostly responsible. and let me throw some numbers at you. police identified 80 taggers in this entire operation. they arrested 50 of them in total damage they've caused, they say, $100,000. you heard the d.a. they will pay for that damage. we're live in downtown san jose, "nbc bay area news." >> thank you, damian. palo alto police are on the
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lookout for a bicycle bandit. this is a sketch of the suspect. we spoke with police tonight who say this man approached a woman walking while on their bike on saturday morning and demanded money. she refused and he took off. 15 minutes later he tried to snatch an ipod from a 14-year-old boy but he kept the ipod and ran. he ditched the bike and stole another bicycle. the incidents happened within blocks of each other. i 31-year-old paroled felon tonight is charged with being an accessory death of a man near "occupy oakland" last month. mcdaniel is charged with kidnapping and robbery in a separate attack in oakland after that killing. he's being held without bail. a san francisco judge denied a request to reduce bail for the girlfriend of a suspect in a hit and run. she tried to repair the suv her boyfriend used to ram into a firefighter on thanksgiving day.
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she's been charged as an accessory in the crime. that left albert bartol with a traumatic brain injury. he pleaded not guilty to an attempted murder charge for hitting him with a black mazda. it happened after a fight between the two men at jake in the box restaurant on thanksgiving day. an update on saturday night. a fuel spill at uc berkeley sickened two auto workers and dum dumped hundreds of gallons of diesel fuel in the creek. they felt sick from their stomach after inhaling fumes from strawberry creek. it got poured out a malfunctions generator and was pumped into the creek that flows into the san francisco bay. environmental agencies dropping absorbing booming into the bay and the creek in hopes of soaking up the fuel. governor jerry brown was characteristically blunt today
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at the opening of a global warming conference calling skeptics a well-funded cult. he was with the top climate issue with the u.n. who praised california's efforts to reduce greenhouse gases. brown vowed to continue to invest in green energy and he's not worried about the ability to cope with the rising sea level. >> in the pacific, it's only a foot or so above sea level, i'd be worried, but not in california. >> reporter: what's the difference in california? >> we have an abundance of good scientists, progressive businesses, a halfway decent government, and a lot of money. >> brown says right now california doesn't have nuch tax money, but when it comes time to protect the state from rising water, the money will be found. california does have a trillion dollar economy which he says is growing every year. it did take seven hours of pleading for better schools, but tonight parent got what they
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wanted. the santa clara board of education approved 20 new rocket ship charter schools. they'll be phased in and located within eight school districts throughout the county's poorest communities. the program is controversial because the rocket shipboard is appointed and not elected and understand accountable under the state education system. it means it's not aeffectsed that much by state budget cuts. the charter skol program has big donors. they're urged to close because of low standardized test scores. ten schools are set to shut down. among those are leadership high in san francisco and west county community high in richmond. the charter school association says it can't achieve the credibility it needs that the schools will pour academic records continue to operate. still ahead here at 6:00, for the first time debris from the japanese tsunami washing up on the west kwocoast.
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where it was found and when more debris could be hitting our shores. 41 babies in santa clara county have died from unsafe sleeping practices. we talk with one mom about the tragic death of her 3-month-old baby. pg&e prepares to do something it hasn't done since the san bruno explosion. the changes coming to pipelines in the area. >> good evening. a few showers this morning and cloudy and cool for a lot of the day. right now we have temperatures close to the 40s after topping out at 53 degrees. we'll talk about the cold temperatures tonight and we'll let you know if it will stay clear like wn fro cisc yforou ir san francisco for yourndkeee w in just a few minutes.
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the review is in, and now pg&e can restore the pressure in three gas pipelines on the
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peninsula. the california public utilities commission will allow the utility to restore pressure to customers in san francisco and san mateo who need gas in the wintertime. they reduced the pressure by 21% after the san bruno explosion last year. pressure will be restored on monday to three pipelines and the project should be completed the following day. >> right now san francisco's planning commission is discussing the future of the america's cup. the yacht race is september for 2013 with early races next year. the environmental impact is standing in the way. >> it's touted as the world's biggest sports event, the america's cup yacht race will transform san francisco's waterfront in over a year. even before the first shovel turns, the race must get out of city hall. >> we knew we would be
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challenging it. >> the yacht race, san francisco's planning commission must certify the event's massive environmental impact report. it covers everything from traffic congestion to the health of the bay. >> you think about water quality, how we protect the bay from all the people coming, and also the air quality in terms of emissions from the boats, emissions to do with construction. >> once the report is approved, it clears the way for other city approvals, but with preliminary yacht races set for 2012, planning commissioner michael anto antonini says the city is racing time. >> it's important that the questions answered and impacts thoroughly analyzed, this has been done in a timely manner. >> reporter: the city is anxious to break dwroun grouground on a key work along the embarcadero.
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>> we submitted a letter to the planning commission asking them to delay certification because there needs to be more public review time. >> reporter: bay keeper wants that time to review documents listing whob responsible for cleaning up impacted areas. the group promises an appeal if the report is approved tonight. >> we want to make sure in the long term there's people respecting the bay and the bay is cleaner when the race is started. >> reporter: tomorrow the port commission takes up key portions of the america's cup plan with a promise of many more meters before a shovel ever hits the ground. joe ris so the toe jr., "nbc bay area news." the city of oakland is offering free parking now. parking meters are are free the next two saturdays, perfect for that last-minute christmas shopping. it's to support local merchants. drivers have limits to how long they can park, though. the city is launching a new five-minute grace period that give us more time to beat the
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meter maid. dreams of a white christmas turning into a nightmare for tahoe. the holidays are right around the corner, and the weather conditions have people asking where's the snow? we'll show you video from cal trans camera in trucky. normally there's snow there. just a light dusting this time, but not enough. nbc bay area has more on the conditions. >> this is not the picture the owner of donner's ski ranch painted in his mind this lass in december. an employee painting instead of skiers skiing. >> we're desperate. >> reporter: there's to little snow this resort has yet to make money this winter. >> reporter: how many days have you been open this year so far? >> none. >> reporter: it says it's been nearly 8 months since he got his gear out to sell chains. >> we're nervous. we're starting to get nervous. >> reporter: the reason for concern about so little snow and
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so little crowds is that it is just ten days until the christmas to new year's holiday week, a week that is traditionally one of the biggest money makers of the entire year. >> we lose or christmas business, we're losing, you know, 35%, 40% at least. >> that could make-or-break a business pretty much. >> it's that big of a week? >> it's huge. >> reporter: with stakes as high as that and pictures as dry as this, the donner ski employee is doing a snow dance hoping it changes soon. >> that's the stam snow dance i've seen jeff do, too. >> oh. >> check it out. >> jeff, you've been saying there's not enough snow. you're right. now you make me feel bad because i like it dry. >> you like it dry. they want the snow, and unfortunately that long-term pattern doesn't look good for them. >> we need a white christmas. >> we need it for all the kids and santa and for many things.
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it won't happen in the long-term xraft unfortunately. you can head to san jose and mission in the park. they make it snow there. 8 hundredths here, and we had showers this morning, a little snow across the sierra but not enough as we saw in that story and also that live cram to really do anything up there. overall when it comes to rainfall this year, we're at an inch and a half to three and three-quarters here throughout parts of the north bay. we des freightly need this rainfall. this time last year we had numbers double what we're currently seeing. that puts san francisco at 51% of normal, oakland at 56 and san jose at 41% of normal at this time. we need a lot of catching up to do, and right now the pattern is showing it dry the next 48 hours but possibly the next 7 to 14 days. today after the showers moved in it cleared out with sunshine, 46 in los gatos, and shielded from any warming and 53 in
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san francisco. outside right now in the city by the bay currently 49 degrees. we're finding dry conditions for the bay area and if you head up to lake tahoe and you may encounter winds as it goes to higher elevations. tonight it's about the clearing, and woe don't defend with any of that because yet again we find high pressure building offshore and it's well off to the north into your upcoming weekend. as far as temperatures go, it's another cold one out here with the skies clearing. no clouds on to blanket us over tonight. and by the morning hours more upper 30s to near 40 degrees. by 11:00 tomorrow we're still looking at potential 40s for the peninsula and also for the interior sections.
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saturday morning, numbers get colder. we look at plendy of would it spread mid-30s to start off on your weekend. we have more in the seven-day forecast for the what the first day of winter is going to be looking like. ladies. >> we'll cheblg with you in a few minutes. still ahead at 6:00, he knows santa claus. the unusual rescue in northern california and a team with serious complaexplaining to do. ringing in the holiday. a salvation army bell ringer trying to set a world record. are you thinking about upgrading your cell phone? we found a machine that will give you cash for the one you amrry now. ming up, how they work and where you can find them. [ male announcer ] steak combos,
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featured now at sizzler! tri-tip sirloin with fried shrimp, malibu chicken, or grilled shrimp. starting at just $9.99. sizzler.
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this is a stock offering with lots and lots. >> we have one due tomorrow morning. scott budman is here.
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scott, video games can be very lucrative. >> yeah, they can be, janelle, and they have been for san francisco game maker zynga and starting tomorrow morning you can own a piece of the money. they priced the ipo at $10 a share. if it goes as planned it will be the biggest tech ipo since google. they pulled in a billion dollars by selling shares of the company. facebook calls this time line. this video is from when they showed off time line which puts your entire facebook out there chronological. it goes live for everyone, so you have week to delete ex boys and embarrassing photos. good news from the employment front when it comes to the jobless rate. the lower the number the better, and today we saw a drop in the number of people filing for jobless benefits. applications falling to the
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lowest level in three and a half years. here is a machine that makes you want to shop. it's good for the environment, good for your image, and good for the economy. >> okay. so you're thinking of upgrading your cell phone, but you're short on cash. before you raid this machine, you might want to try this one. >> i love finding a new home for old devices. >> it's the eco-atm and it might convince you to buy a new phone. >> in my eyes it's a small stimulus package here. >> stimulus as in cold cash, which is what the atm will give you for your phone. you put the phone in and take the money out. >> you put your phone in there and it identifies it. we have technology that figures out what it is. then we test it electronically, look at the outside, figure out the physical condition, and then we offer to buy it from you on the spot. >> eco-atm resells the phone or recycles the parts. you help your wallet and the environment, because if you
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collected the 1 billion cell phones tossed into landfills each year you could fill freight trains 20 miles along. >> those average $10 to $15 apiece. that's 10 to $15 billion worth of cell phones in the urz that decay into zero value. we waste that every year. >> it's a machine using technology to cut back on waste while just maybe convincing you to do a little more shopping. eco-atm let us you donate to the charity of your choice. touch the screen to spell out the charity and how much of your cash you want to donate. the atms are at newark mall and they're at oak ridge and valley fair malls with more to come. >> it's a fashion forward reuseable bag. san jose city leaders strutted their staff at the mall today.
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they want to remind the public about the impact plastic bags have on our environment. >> when plastic bags enter the environment they smother the wetland vegetation and endamage wildlife and they create blight in our recreational areas and those are important to the local economy as are wetlands. they create a problem environmental as well as economic. >> starting january 1st the city of san jose will no longer offer plastic bags in all retail businesses, and you must bring your own bag if you don't want to be charged at least 10 cents for a recycled paper bag. still aahead at 6:00, beating the odds. she's among one of the smallest babies born. why today proved to be a milestone in her little life. also coming up, on the run. a manhunt continues tonight in southern california for a rape suspect from the bay area. for the first time debris from that japanese tsunami is washing up on the west coast. the longest military mission since vietnam is ending, and
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4,000 u.s. troops are getting ready to come home. i'm vicky nguyen, and i'll have more on the mission's closing ceremony today in baghdad. we're back in two minutes.
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it's a heart-breaking story of loss. like many new moms she wanted to be close to her newborn sons, but investigators say the decision to share her bed with her baby may have cost him his life. >> marianne favro is here to tell us about the alarming increase in preventible deaths of babies. >> since 2005 41 babies have died as a result of unsafe sleeping practices. tonight a mother is speaking out hoping sharing her heartache will prevent other parents from making the same deadly mistake.
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>> this is one of my favorites. >> cash captured her heart. >> he just lit up with joy. >> she wanted to be with him every second, which is why she slept with him in her bed, until one night that decision turned out to be deadly. >> i went to sleep the night before with him, woke up around 1:30 to feed him and that was the last time i heard him. >> while there was no evidence, it showed her son died from unsafe sleeping practices by sharing a bed with his parents. cash was 3 months old when he died. sadly his story is not as rare as you might think. since 2005 41 babies have died from unsafe sleeping practices. >> there's two primary instances. one is where infants are bed-sharing either with an adult or older child, maybe neeven a large pet. the second instance is when infants are laid down on an
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unsafe sleeping surface such as a couch and they become entrapped between pillows or between a mattress and wall. >> today the health department launched a campaign to remind parents not to share a bed with their infants, no matter how convenient it might be. babies should be put to sleep alone on their crib on their bab with only light bedding, if anything. bedding like this is cute, but doctors say it should stay out of the crib because it could suffocate a baby. >> karma is expecting another boy, but she misses cash and her dreams of watching him take his first steps. for this grieving mom her first step is to make sure other parents don't share her heart break. >> every day i feel guilty. >> the medical examiner says these are preventible deaths, and they're much more common then death from sids. she says bed sharing deaths rarely involve parents drinking or using drugs.
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>> thanks, maryann. parents of one of the smallest babies to survive hope for a very happy new year with baby melinda. doctors treating the 3 1/2-month-old girl say she may be well enough to go home by new year's day. she was born premature at 24 weeks. at birth the newborn weighed 9 1/2 ounces and could fit in the palm of her doctor's hand. today she's doing well inside the neonatal tens intensive care. >> i knew she was going to survive. >> her chance of living was like 1%. out of that percent we got her, and it's a miracle. >> this won't happen every day. i want you to be sure this is once-in-a-lifetime, maybe twice in a lifetime as a practicing neonate gist. >> they're not sure it will affect her development. an ominous image is making
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news in washington state and it could be a sign of what's about to happen in parts of california. what makes the gray, big oval item newsworthy is it's believed to be the first piece of debris from japan's tsunami. experts predict masses of debris won't make landfall for another year. they say some items like this float can catch the wind and move three times faster. they're working to line up japanese translates and equipment that measures radiation. a registered sex offender wanted in the violent rape of a woman in oakley continues to allude capture in southern california. the sheriff's office says steven paul clark fled the bay area following that attack on saturday night. the 45-year-old man has a prior rape conviction and is considered armed and dangerous. clark's cell phone registered a ping in san diego county yesterday, and when police encountered the suspect at a
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rest stop in oceanside last night he jumped a fence and vanished near camp pendleton. >> the search for steven clark is ongoing. we are in contact with agencies in southern california. in fact, some of our detectives will head to san diego tomorrow morning to see if they can develop some new leads in this case. >> if you have any information about clark or his contacts near san diego or in the area, call police immediately. a gilroy man is behind bars tonight following a six-hour standoff with police. they began searching for this 36-year-old who was wanted on parole violations and other warrants. they spotted him near a home on wellburn avenue. he came out of the house and skrer surrendered at 10:30 last night. california's high-speed rail
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project could be derailed due to a lack of federal funding now. concerns were raised at a house panel hearing today, and the biggest question? why the projected cost for the rail project has more than doubled to nearly $100 billion. today proponents argued that construction would create 100,000 jobses over the next five years. some republican lawmakers say it's difficult to raise the tens of billions of dollars needed to complete the 800-mile line. the billionaire behind the festival is honored by the san francisco parks and recreation commission. the 77-year-old started the popular festival in the park in 2001. he was unable to attend today's dedication. he's been in and out of the hospital over the past several months because of an indisclosed illness. he's known for leading efforts for pension reform and supporting public education. he graduated from san francisco's lowell high school. still ahead at 6:00, ringing
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in a record. this salvation army bell ringer with very big dreams. a very unusual rescue in northern california involving a teenager and a chimney. and good evening. i'm jeff ranieri. temperatures in the 50s from north bay downth to the south b topping out at 54 in san jose after a few showers. right now we clear out with already 43 in napa. we'll talk more about tonight and your weekend forecast, which is looking pretty good in just a few minutes. california should be proud.
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we were the first to ban smoking on airplanes. the first to have smoke-free bars and restaurants. all while saving over $86 billion in health care costs... and over a million lives. we've done a good job. but even if you were born today, you'd still grow up in a world where tobacco kills more people... than aids, drugs, alcohol, murder and car crashes... combined. we have a lot more work to do.
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nine years ago these images were the beginning of the war in iraq, and tonight the u.s.
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marked a much quieter exit of the military command in the region. >> with very little fanfare and a small ceremony in the outskirts of baghdad the u.s. marked the end there. troops leave the country by the end of the year with just 200 soldiers remaining as part of a diplomatic mission. >> vicky nguyen is live in the newsroom with details on the ceremony and how troops are ready to come home. vicky. >> over the next two weeks 400,000 u.s. troops come home many are on the longest layover in their lives waiting in kuwait for the last flight home before they set foot back on u.s. soil. with the casing of the colors the american military command in iraq is officially closed. nearly 4500 u.s. soldiers and some 100,000 iraqis have lost their lives since the u.s.-led invasion in 2003. >> no words, no ceremony can
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provide full tribute to the sacrifices that have brought this day to pass. >> defense secretary leon panetta. >> you will leave with great pride, lasting pride, secure in knowing that your sacrifice has helped the iraqi people begin a new chapter in history. free from tyranny and full of hope for prosperity and peace, particularly for this country's future generations. >> reporter: most troops have made it south to kuwait where they repacked. after years of fighting they're not used to carrying tiny bottles of liquid when they travel. the troops wait looking forward to seeing loved ones half a world away. >> they're tired of me gone all the time. it will be nice to get home. >> staff sergeant michael
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stephens served four tours in iraq in a war zone. he lost a finger in combat. some of his friends didn't make it. >> what push med to keep going was knowing that i wasn't going to give up. my friends, obviously, took the ultimate sacrifice. i wasn't going to turn around and say, you know, i'm done, because they wouldn't have done it. >> stevens plans to surprise his four children by being home for christmas after missing so many. it is the final leg of a journey that's lasted nearly nine years, but soon america's biggest military mission since vietnam will end. it was not all celebratory today. many in iraq viewed their future with uncertainty and concern. they worry about the political turmoil there and say iraq is not prepared for threats from neighboring countries, namely iran. live in the newsroom, vicky nguyen "nbc bay area news."
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here at home president obama says there's no reason for the government to shut down this weekend. congressional leaders were more optimistic today that a budget deal could be reached. democrats want to extend the payroll tax cut, which is why the president stood with workers who need payroll taxes kept low. to do that the white house wants a tax on millionaires to make up for lower payroll taxes on the middle class. without a spending deal by friday or a temporary stop gap measure, much of the government would shut down saturday. firefighters -- are we doing that teen stuck in the chimney story? >> that's in a little bit. >> let's talk about jeff stuck in the weather. >> yeah. >> talk about our forecast. >> i'm always stuck in the weather center, ladies. >> 24/7. >> all the time. let's take a live look right now outside of downtown san jose, and clear skies after a few showers this morning. we'll let you know how low the numbers will go tonight and if any rain will be returning in just a few minutes. every man has his day in
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court. tomorrow the home run king has to step up to the plate to hear what the judge has to say. barry bonds is facing time in prison. find out why his lawyers say it would be wrong to put bonds behind bars. at progressive, you can bundle your home and auto policies and save. don't worry, tiny people. flo is a gentle giant. bundle home and auto at
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keeping up your holiday spirit can be a challenge
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sometimes, unless you're a certain person in san francisco. salvation army bell ringer captain butch soriano is trying to set a world record for continuous bell ringing. he has 17 years of experience, and he has a good shot at the title. he's up against bell ringers at 23 other cities all trying to break the record. >> if i can break the record, that's great. i like the challenge to see who can last the longest. i know a couple individuals from different parts of the country ringing as well. i'm going to see if i can last as long as they can, and also promote what the salvation army is doing. >> okay. did you notice, butch soriano didn't stop ringing the bell while he was talking with us. he get a 10-minute break every four hours. it helps programs from at-risk youth to housing support for seniors. >> go, butch, g.
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firefighters are talking about one of the weirde esest rescues they made. a 20-year-old man was stuck in a chimney, and he's not exactly santa. fire crews had to attach a pulley to a fire engine ladder and apply soapy water around him to get him free. initially the report came in as someone was cleaning the chimney, and then a relative told fire crews the young man was trying to avoid curfew. not the smartest way to get back in the home. if so, he was probably in that chimney for a few hours. no wonder he didn't want to talk after his rescue. >> there are easier ways to sneak in and out of the house. >> go through a window. >> let's check in with jeff ranieri now. >> i'm going to transition through that. we did have a few showers this morning, about a tenth of an inch to a trace of an inch, and we did see clearing and warming today. close to 60 in stant at that rosa, 51 in livermore and los gatos at 46 and 56 in santa
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cruz. right in and out the radar is clear and that storm is pushed off towards the south and we find the coldest levels in the north bay with 43 napa, and almost 46 out in the east bay. in no time we'll be back into the 30s with no cloud cover tonight to insulate us. also areas of patchy fog look to develop throughout the north bay and friday as that system continues to move into southern california. it will create a few areas of wind mainly for the hilltops. we could see a gust of 15, 20 miles per hour, not a big deal. the satellite raid car is high offshore. that continues to move straight off to the south. we're not going to worry about that for the bay area tonight and tomorrow. look at this storm track that's very impressive. it's that same old problem. it heads into canada but well up into the gulf of alaska as we're 2 to 3 inches below for the rainfall season. yet again, another weaker storm system in the books here, and that will dissipate towards the south. high pressure builds offshore and it will keep it dry saturday
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and sunday into the weekend. the only hitch we have here is some morning fog that will develop, but we get plenty of sunshine by the afternoon. let's get started on friday morning. it's cold out here but not as cold as it was to start of the week and 38 in los gatos. get your numbers for tomorrow on your friday. tgif. 57 in san jose, 58 in evergreen and numbers close to 60 in dublin and livermore. we see numbers from 56 to san francisco to close to 60 in redwood city. and plenty of those upper 50s back here for interior sections from san ramone to pittsburgh. for the north bay, 60 in santa rosa and 60 in sonoma. morning time at nbc bay and you can see in the seven-day forecast we are dry all the way through the next seven days. winter begins pacific time next wednesday.
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we don't care about those east coasters. i converted this for the pacific and temperatures close to 60 degrees and i'm forecasting tonight in the newsroom, lots of full stomachs. it's our holiday party tonight. >> that's why we're in red. >> you look some great. i forgot somehow the tie. >> you look handsympthandsome. >> i need to get in the holiday colors. >> we'll get into the holiday spirit in ten minutes. we'll turn it over to sports. now the xfinity sports desk on "nbc bay area news." >> boy, it's judgment day tomorrow for bonds. >> oh, man. you know, he's keeping his fingers crossed, janelle and jessica. barry bonds will be sentence odd one count of obstructing justice for providing evasive testimony to a federal grand jury. of course, this is stemming from his 2003 testimony to a grand jury investigating the balco steroid scandal. prosecutors are pushing for
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bonds to go to prison for 15 months. bonds' lawyer argue for probation citing a clean, criminal record. bonds faced three other charges, but last april the jury deadlocked on perjury charges at that bonds lied to a grand jury about the use of performance-enhancing drugs. also it's hard to complain when your team is tied for the second-best record in the nfl. jim harbaugh wants to see the niners offense do more in the red zone. 49ers have the informant's lowest percentage of red zone drives ending with a touchdown. going forward, if the n niners e within 20 yards of the end zone, coach is counting on a touchdown. >> no question, need to get better down there. you know, and part of that is just getting comfortable with reps, and we have to execute better, too. we've left a the lot of food on the table, so to speak, so
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obviously there's room for improvement and we all need to improve. >> to the raiders receiver denarius moore practiced for the second straight day. but mcfadden and tyrone jones mixed practice. the black and silver realized it's crunch time. >> we have to win the next three weeks. >> our guys are doing a really good job of communicating now, and obviously i think there's a sense of urgency in that area. i think our guys understand sometimes if things don't come out the way they may, you have to make that adjustment as a football player and make the next step. the sharks are struggling like a fish out of water. tonight they open a six-game home stand with a game against the colorado avalanche.
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we join the tank with a preview before the game. >> the head coach shows one word, trust, as the theme for his team. after losing seven of the last nine, it has become very amicable. >> right now is a prime example of it. when it's not going well and you're in the trenches, you have to trust each other and know that each individual is bringing it day in and day out. >> it's hard and frustrating. you got to, first of all, look in the mirror and be a better player individually and if everybody does that, we'll be better. you have to rely on your teammates and coaches and control -- you can't control the work ethic. that's got to be there. >> now more than ever. when things don't go the way you want them to, you have to trust your teammates to get ut out of it. we have a group that trusts one another. >> they're currently eighth in the western conference standings. that would be good enough for a playoff spot, but the sharks
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centerman said that's not close to where his team wants to be. at hp pavilion, brody brazil, nbc bay area sports. >> thank you, brody. finally, here's a story that makes you scratch your head. sam hurd, a receiver for the chicago bears, recently signed a three-year contract worth more than $5 million in the off-season. it seems that wasn't his only source of income. hurd was arrested for allegedly trying to purchase and distribute large amounts of cocaine and marijuana. the investigation continues on that. jessica, i want to have an answer from you. be honest with me. why didn't you invite me to your holiday party? this is just wrong. >> you are welcome to come. >> i just got invited yesterday myself. >> i didn't know we were having one. >> oh, right. okay. >> next time, henry. >> i'll remember that one. i'm your biggest fan. come on now. >> cheers to you, henry. thanks so much. for a full half hour of bay area
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sports coverage watch it tonight at 10:30. >> we'll be right back.
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tonight at 11:00, the first entinterview with brian stow. also his family talks about the long road to his recovery and they tell us what brian won't let them do and bha he said when his daughter handed him an early christmas present. that's after "prime suspect" on "nbc bay area news." >> that's it for us for now. see you back here at 11:00.
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good night.
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