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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  December 22, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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firefighters battled extremely dangerous conditions in a san francisco neighborhood. >> it started near alamo square and spread to other buildings forcing hundreds to flee and leaving at least two people with minor injuries. >> nbc's bay area has been joining us and joins us with the latest. jean, what do you have? >> the good news is firefighters say everyone is accounted for. they're searching for missing pets. the fire started in the victorian on golden gate and quickly spread to two more buildings. luckily, neighbors warned each other to get out. flames shoot through the roof and thick black smoke blankets san francisco near alamo square. a fire that started in a victorian on golden gate quickly spread to two other buildings. the fast-moving fire created chaos for people inside. >> a lot of people were running frantic. a lot of them carrying animals.
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>> i went first to the emergency escape just like a stairwell there. and that was all involved in -- already on fire. i went out -- i just went out the front door. >> a lon the way, he was making sure his neighbors knew to get out. >> we were hollering, hitting the buzzers on all the units to make sure that people, trying to get people out. >> somebody buzzed my unit and a voice i didn't recognize and said fire, fire. >> richard rein heart took the warning serious. >> grabbed my cat, banged on 200, 02, 204 and 2030. saw the smoke starting to come in. >> a neighbor gave him some shoes and called tenants. he knew one man was not accounted for. >> we had a gentleman asleep in his apartment and his partner called him. we got him out of there. he had to come down out of his unit out of the fire escape. >> it took 150 firefighters to
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get a handle on the fire. when this got too dangerous, fire crews pulled out and started attack from the outside making sure the entire block didn't go up. around the corner, heavy smoke led to the evacuation of an assisted living complex. dozens of people may need help finding a place to stay over the holiday weekend. firefighters say fire investigators will be back out tomorrow at daylight. they say right now, the buildings are too unstable to take a good look around. reporting live in san francisco, jean he will i. >> thank you very much, jean. fire crews put out a blaze near dozens of homes. the fire started there before 2:00 near highway 37. that blaze spread some 15 acres. luckily, only grass and brush were reported to have burned. no homes in any way were damaged. new tonight at 6:00, though, thou shalt not steal, especially at christmastime.
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and especially from nuns. but apparently, someone did just that. a federal grand jury charged a woman with embezzling, $100,000 from catholic nuns. 65-year-old linda gomez faces 17 counts of fraud after allegedly using a credit card belonging to the sister of the holy name's convent gomez lived at since 1987. the woman is accused of buying product on-line between march of 2008 and may of 2010. gomez allegedly returned many of the items for up to $47,000 in cash. the indictment also accuses gomez of buying $53,000 worth of product. gomez is now scheduled to appear in court january 10th. it's a days of deja vu at some hospitals. no remedy on hand forks the second time in three months, local nurses hit the picket line after contract talks have failed. jody hernandez has been making the rounds monitoring east bay's hospitals impacted by this. she joins us in oakland.
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jody, the management says the nurses are already well-paid and the pay raises have to stop. what's the nurses' response? >> reporter: they say that is not the case at all. now, nurses say that their first strike failed to get the results that they wanted so they are back out here again. their action is kind of winding up right now. there are still a few nurses holding the line. nurses say this is the last place they wanted to be before the christmas holiday but they have no choice. >> it's really sad to be here. i don't feel very good about it. >> registered nurses say they'd much rather be home with their family during the holidays. instead, they're camped out on the picket line to keep benefits intact. >> it's sad that after all these years we have to fight so hard for something that we have
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earned throughout. we had things in place, now we have to be here this time of year. >> for the second time in three months hundreds of nurses are on strike. they've walked off the job at eight hospitals across the bay area. >> the continued proposed over a hundred take aways to sick leave, to our benefitsment taking charge nurses out of the bargaining unit which would affect patient care negatively. >> but sutter says its nurses are among the highest paid in the country. with the current economy, they say it's time to rein in nurses' compensation. >> we're not trying to decrease their pay. we're trying to slow down the increase of that and to look at how can we structure your benefits package in a way that's negotiable, a way that it's still great benefits, but is more consistent with what everybody else x people like our housekeepers. >> administration is going to take cuts in their retirement
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and in their pay, then they would have a right possibly to say you can get a cut. but they're not doing that. they're making millions and millions of dollars and we are not. >> they're hoping their time on the picket line pays off. they say that would be the best holiday gift they could ask for. >> it would be a beautiful christmas present. we get a contract. we get what we have. we don't want anything else. we just want to keep, maintain what we have. >> reporter: again, this is the second one-day strike in just the last three months. now, sutter tells us that once again, they have hired hundreds of replacement workers. so despite the strike, they say their hospitals are fully functional. reporting live in oakland, i'm jody hernandez, nbc bay area news. witnesses reported hearing eight gunshots and an explosion before police found a man shot inside a burning car. oakland police responded to the
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scene near 46 and west street this morning at 10:30. the unknown gunman opened fire on the man before the driver slammed into two parked cars. firefighters responded. extinguished the car and found the 23-year-old shooting victim, who is in critical condition. police officers are going door to door throughout the nearby community hoping to find a witness to lead them to the gunman. >> there's more fight in the home run king. barry bonds is appealing his felony obstruction con vic. his lawyers entered the appeal late last night asking the ninth u.s. circuit court of appeal to toss out his con vic. bond was sentenced last friday to 30 days of house arrest, two years of probation and a $4,000 fine. bonds was convicted of giving evasive answers to a grand jury several years ago. it could take as long as 18 months for a decision. those power outages at candlestick park monday night were a stark reminder of why the 49ers want to move to a new
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stadium. perhaps in sn at that clara. an ak at this vis group wants them to stay where they are. they intend to collect 6,000 voter signatures for a ballot measure to reject that $1 billion contract to develop the stadium. last week the city council unanimously approved $850 million loan commitment with the 49ers. in june of last year, some 60% of voters approved a measure to build the stadium. however, this group contends that voters weren't given all the facts about what it would cost taxpayers in the end. not long ago, he was a prince in the silicon valley. fortunes change fast around here. the big boss at netflix is getting a pay cut. let's bring in scott bud man. is this a real cut in pay or a pr move? >> it's real. real shares of stock, raj. the cut may seem harsh but they would find it hard to explain a
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raise. ceo reed hastings sees his $3 million stock option grant shrink to $1.5 million. the shares plummeting by 75% largely because of management snaf snafus. hastings' salary according to the company will stay steady at $500,000 a year. very few of us seeing anywhere near that kind of money. but on the positive side, jobless claims are falling. weekly unemployment claims released today falling to the lowest level since april of 2008. now, whether or not you have a job you're probably counting on christmas presents arriving by christmas. that's not the case for some shoppers who found out they're faced with last minute electronic scrambling. >> all those gadgets just waiting for your tree, but if you ordered them from the best buy website, your gifts may not be home by christmas. the retail giant admitting that because of high demand, it won't be able to fill all of your on-line orders.
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>> here to save the day. >> here's last minute shopping help. san francisco's startup, a company that turns gift cards into digital files. you can send anyone a gift of just about anything anywhere. we ask giftly ceo tim bent lip how his company can solve best buy's problem. >> you can go on and actually give them the gift that would work at best buy and you can spell it out on a personal note and attach an image to say i couldn't get you the ipad. here is giftly that works at best buy or the apple store and put a nice picture on there. >> as more of us shop on-line, big companies like best buy have to upgrade their supply chain or else risk backlash from customers. for giftly, a much smaller company it's an opportunity to spread the gospel of the gift card. >> because you avoid the hassle of needing to run out to the store. you don't need to be concerned about things not being shipped
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on time. and it provides just a much easier way to get your holiday shopping done. >> easier and perhaps most importantly, guaranteed to arrive on time. best buy declined our invitation to comment on camera about the story but says it will offer affected customers gift cards. >> be careful with the gift cards. >> tough time for best buy right now. still ahead at 6:00, an unlikely honor for the late steve jobs. also ahead, delicious, inside the see's candy factory. we'll show you how they pump out the sweet treats you'll be eating or have eaten this holiday season. i'm george kid yam a. a disabled woman is hoping for a christmas miracle. she's hoping the thief who stole her power wheelchair returns it to her. the grinch and ace accessory caught in the act. police arresting two men who set their sights on the official state christmas tree. good evening.
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i'm jeff -- winds topped 38 miles per hour in oakland. we're tracking what's left of temperatures in the low 60eezeni tocot ughre omofre mieeze warn tonicot ng ungp. [ male announcer ] this december, we're thanking our customers
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with $2 subs -- get the regular 6" cold cut combo or meatball marinara. just $2 each! just 2 bucks! are you kidding me? there's no competition. male announcer ] prices and participation may vary. subway. eat fresh.
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tonight pg and e is giving the public a report card of sort. the utility says it is making progress fulfilling safety recommendations from federal investigators. the president of the utility says it's modernizing operations as recommended by the ntsb. they're operating 1600 miles of pipelines at the maximum allowable pressure using an updated emergency response plan and implementing data management systems to keep track of its records. the explosion in san bruno last year which prompted the changes killed eight people, injured dozens of others and destroyed almost 40 homes.
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more officers will be on the streets of south san francisco tonight because today is the one-year anniversary of a still unsolved gang killing which left three young men dead. the victims including gone zal owe avalos, omar cortez and hector flores. police are worried about a possible increased violence in south city related to the anniversary. officers will focus on the downtown area where the slayings occurred at 8th lane and linden avenue. candlelight vigil for a san francisco officer who sacrificed his life five years ago. the officer was shot? the sunset district by a man who had escaped from a state correctional work camp. he was a 4 1/2 year veteran of the police department. tonight at 7:00 police will lead a walk through the sunset neighborhood and start their vigil at 8:00. the event is open to the public. retired law enforcement
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workers do not want to lay down their weapons. the statewide lobbying group for police officers said today that they will pursue legislation next year that would allow officers to keep assault weapons even after they retire. peace officers can own assault weapons that are illegal for most civilians to buy even for off duty use. california ghana loug the practice a decade ago. the law says they must give up the weapons. this comes on the heels of a federal investigation of possible illegal sales to civilians. california law enforcement agencies are now being investigated. well, two grinches are charged with stealing ornaments off the state capitol christmas tree. the two men were arrested and booked in the sag men toe county jail. what did they do? >> they were pulling the over-sized ornaments off the fir tree over the weekend.
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several glass ornaments were broken including one hand-painted by special education students. garbage is expensive, especially in fremont. residents will pay more for garbage and recycling. the city council voted unanimously to raise the rates by 8% to 10%. that's about $2 a month more than they're usually paying depending on the service you use. the city estimates the new rates will raise $335,000 more each year. it will pay for litter removal, street sweeping and environmental services. the new rates go into effect january 1st and will last for two years. a major meltdown at the courthouse today. the computers crashed cutting off telephones, case management and software and the juror finding program. the glitch was discovered just before 10:00 this morning. court clerks had to revert to the old-fashioned way. had to write notes by hand and all e-mail and phone commu communications were lost.
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the outage could delay some trials but jurors are being asked to report for jury dut tomorrow morning as scheduled. windy weather toppled a 50-foot tree down south. no real damage. but the roots tower through a gas pipeline. >> we smelled it before. but as i walked down, i could see that there was a fissure about that big. when the wind blew, it grew. >> crews immediately shut off the gas and evacuated the neighborhood in case of any problems with the leak. windy conditions will continue through tomorrow afternoon before it calms down for the christmas holiday weekend. we had windy conditions here as well. let's check in with our chief meteorologist, jeff ranieri. >> good evening guys. we're seeing the winds die down. avenue which look at the top wind gusts. 38 miles per hour in oakland. napa, 35 miles per hour. in the east bay, also winds
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gusting from 20 to 25 miles per hour. liver more was one of the top wind gusts with 25 miles per hour. that wind was a drying wind out of the north. it increased the fire danger. made it very difficult for firefighters in and throughout san francisco battling that four alarm fire earlier today. and also warm temperatures up close to 70 degrees in santa rosa. 56 in -- we topped out at 70 in santa cruz. it takes a shift in the wind and we can get numbers going up above average like today. now with the winds calming off, we're starting to see numbers dropping off. right now, 59 currently in concorde. we are setting ourselves up with a cold night. the winds are starting to lee relax across most of the viewing area. that has set us in for a freeze warning. in fact, already tracking 40-degree temperatures near h
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petaluma. bring in the pets and protect the sensitive plants. in the trivalley, also looking at numbers dropping into the low 50s and winds going down below ten miles per hour. we'll also see widespread isolated 20s here tonight and this goes for the south bay, including san jose, campbell, down to morgan hill and gilroy as well. this could be one of the most -- the most widespread coldest nights we've seen in the past two, two and a half month at this point. plenty of widespread 30s and the interior sections into san jose. by the noon hour, still cold. expecting 48 in concord and 52 in san mateo. for saturday morning, it is also going to stay cold. with no big changes in the atmosphere, we're going to see this pattern repeat itself throughout the next two to three days. travel delays in albuquerque due to snow. also in new york, washington and atlanta with a rather warm system that's mainly spreading rainfall at this point. we'll have more on your seven
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day forecast on when some showers could actually make it to the bay area. i know it's kind of unbelievable. but we have it in the forecast eventually. >> that's what we need. still ahead at 6:00, apple's next prototype. in a matter of days, the tech giant will begin working on its latest project. he'll be able to watch it unfold. also ahead, off the tracks. california's high-speed rail line was supposed to bring a million jobs to california. but now state leaders are being accused of misleading the feds. >> a holiday homecoming. a star baseball player, one of the best on the planet, fulfilling some wishes right here at home in the bay area.e i
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he makes millions of dollars in new york city, but valet hoe is where his heart is. he comes home when he's not working. his work, pitching for the
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yankees. >> a group of children scrambled along the pavement of their play area at the youth and family services. it's hard to believe this same area was a weed patch. >> we've had several donors over the years try to come in and mow it down at least mow the weeds down. >> cc sabathia knows something about mowing, that is mowing down batters. >> it's veneer and dear to my heart. i feel obligated to do whatever i can to help out the community. >> as a holiday gift, hiss foundation transformed the weed patch into a playground and filled the new playroom with toys. >> we also have toy boxes. we never had those before. actually, outside toys, which we've never had before. >> the banl star and his wife amber have visited the center which provides addiction and mental health services to low-income families. >> it's very emotional.
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we're just so glad and so thankful to be here and give back. >> it's part of their annual christmas caravan where they spend a week in their hometown spreading holiday cheer. >> generations. it feels good to come home and relax and be with family. >> it helps people feel better about themselves. there are people that still care. >> it's slowly climbing out of a financial turmoil that left the city bankrupt. even now, everything helps. >> it's a hard time. it's a hard time and to have somebody give back like they are is awesome. >> as the kids picked out christmas gifts provided by sabathia, there was a message only someone who came from here delivered. >> i came from the same situation they came from and the same place. coming from here, you know, you can make it. >> joe rosato, jr. bay area news. the real holiday spirit there. wrapping presents can be fun for lots of people. but for others, it can really be
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difficult. for one yuba city woman, she's learning not to take it for granted. emily became the first person to undergo a hand transplant. she lost the of use of her right hand when it was crushed in a car accident in 2006. today she's slowly getting used to that hand and she demonstrated it by showing us that she can wrap presents. it's the first time she's wr apped a gift in five years. >> it's still a work from n. progress. i can't move the fingers individually. but i can tie my shoes easier, hold a hair drier and brush my hair at the same time. i can hold a cup with it. i'm able to make christmas ornaments. i can do little things now. >> there you see it. once emily's hand and nerve endings heal completely, doctors predict she'll be able to give
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back to 60, maybe even 80% mobility in her right hand. very nice to see. >> wonderful. still ahead tonight at 6:00 shall mounting concern in iraq after a string of bombings less than a week after u.s. forces pulled out of the country. plus, a stalemate appears to be over. the controversial payroll tax cut fight. i'm in constant pain now. whereas before, when i could use the other chair i wasn't. i didn't have to use my legs. she's searching for a holiday miracle. a thief leaves a disabled south in desperate need. we'll have her story next. [ female announcer ] help i need a holiday party idea.
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mmm... pillsbury crescent wrapped brie just unroll, wrap the brie and bake. it's so easy. now this might even impress aunt martha.
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pillsbury crescent wrapped brie. holiday ideas made easy. in 15 minutes, [ female announcer ] you call that bread? you can serve some warmth with your bread. and some flavor with your bread. and some layers with your bread. if you're serving bread honey, then serve it. grands! dinner ideas made easy. it's a heartless act and right before the holidays. someone stealing the wheelchair of a santa clara woman effectively also stealing her freedom. >> tonight, she needs help to return to the life she once knew. here's the story.
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>> the battery cover is all that's left of kathy joe swift's jazzy ride wheelchair. >> i'm in shock. i'm just in shock. i didn't think anybody could be that low. steal somebody's wheelchair. >> the prized possession was taken from this corner of her apartment parking lot. >> my roommate came out. my roommate came and the part to the battery cover and the tarp was stolen. she wondered why i would do something like that because i'd never do something like that. she investigated and found out that the chair was gone. >> the $4,000 jazzy pride gave her the ability to move around easier to do simpler rands, going to the corner store and walking her dog. now it's difficult for her to leave her apartment. the standard wheelchair simply doesn't cut it. >> if you don't have the power chair, you're flying off the curbs and everything. they're high sloped and it's hard to maneuver this chair. >> her standard wheelchair is tearing up her hand and is hard on her body.
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>> i'm in constant pain. before, when i could the other chair i wasn't. i didn't have to use my legs. >> she's afraid someone will steal her standard wheelchair, every day she has to pull it up the stairs to her second floor apartment. she wonders how someone could be so heartless and cruel. >> it shows me that they must have really been desperate to do something like that. because i wouldn't think of doing anything like that. >> all swift wants this christmas is her life back, her jazzy pride wheelchair an the freedom that comes with it. in santa clara, nbc. a compromise made thousands of miles away will keep hundreds of dollars in your pocket, at least for now. house republicans pressured by their own party an the democrats have finally caved in. they agreed to president obama's demands for a two-month extension of tax cuts for all workers. nbc bay area's vicky wynn has
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the new details. >> house republicans felt the pressure all day from cash strapped americans on internet, mitch mcconnell and the white house wanting to extend the payroll tax cut another two months. finally they gave in. speaker john boehner hopes the agreement can be approved before christmas. >> key parts of this agreement are that on january 1st, no american worker will see an increase in their taxes. >> earlier in the day, president obama was joined by several frustrated american workers who had written in to the white house expressing displeasure over yet another washington standoff. >> does this place become so dysfunctional even when people agree to things we can't do it. >> republicans were pressuring their colleagues to agree to the deal. house republicans wanted a 12-month agreement but time was running out. >> i think our members waged a good fight. we were able to come to an agreement. we were able to fix what came out of the senate.
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>> the house bill is just slightly different than the senate bill in that small businesses are protected from costly new reporting requirements. but both bills ensure that 160 million americans won't face a tax increase come january 1st. nbc, bay area news. tonight, more funny math associated with the high-speed rail plan. that's the accusation. backers of the bullet train initially said the project would create a million jobs. according to the mercury news, calculations only 20,000 to 60,000 jobs will be generated over 22 years of the project. the newspaper story claims state officials confuse jobs with job years so that each year a construction worker was on the project, another job was added. protesters at one of the last remaining occupy camps have been completely removed as of tonight. occupy berkeley is now shut down.
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this altercation last night, video taken by protesters posted on you-tube showing a confrontation between berkeley police and some of those last remaining occupiers. police ordered them to leave by 10:00 last night after receiving calls about violent incidents happening inside the camp. it had grown to 100 tents in the last few weeks. >> poverty is violent. these are thins that happen on the street all the time. unfortunately, these things kind of got concentrated here and that's a good point. we would have appreciated the police not ignoring this place up until today. >> protesters say they have a right to peaceful assembly and that they will be back. while you chase what matters as the bank slogan goes, a bank robber is chasing your money. police are looking for this man in the surveillance photo. he's linked to bank robberies in as many weeks.
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the targets? a chase bank on international boulevard and a wells fargo location on mountain boulevard. if you recognize this suspect, you can cash in. oakland police are offering a thousand dollars reward leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspect. international headlines now. american troops pulled out and almost immediately increased violence in iraq is what we're seeing. some of the worst violence in months. at least 69 people were killed and hundreds more injured. the attacks were coordinated and struck as people were heding to work. homes were left smoldering while roadside bombs left communities devastated. the question now? will american troops be sent back? >> the week long hearing from a man who allegedly orchestrated the biggest national security leak in u.s. history over tonight. defense attorneys to for bradley manning are blaming the u.s. military for overreaching and not following rules. the government wants the court marshall for releasing private
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military documents to wikileaks. he faces 82 charges. the they have until january 16th to decide whether manning should be court-martialed or not. another setback for the birth movement. a federal judge in -- challenging president obama's u.s. citizenship and eligibility to serve as commander in chief. the appeals court said none of the challengers had legal standing. they claim he was born in kenya and the hawaii certificate that proves his birth is on u.s. soil is a fake. at least one of the challengers says he will take the case to the supreme court. topping our healthwatch tonight. time to check your medicine cabinets. johnson & johnson issuing a recall of motrin. pills manufactured between february of 2009 and july of this year may not dissolve properly as they get closer to
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their three-year expiration date. the pills are still technically safe for consumption, but aren't as effective much the company is recalling about 12 million bottles x but only from retailers. not from consumer. the recall is the sixth of its kind in the past two years. still ahead, do you love see's candy in yum, yum, yum. we're going to take you behind the scenes in the bay area to show you how all those sweet confections are made. plenty of it in the newsroom right now. our own bobry dell on assignment. he get the best assignment around here. he's in the north pole and has an exclusive interview. good evening, i'm jeff ranieri. updated numbers showing temperatures dropping into the 40s in santa rosa, napa and fairfield, also in liver more. and for tonight, we're talking about one of the coldest widespread nights possibly. of course, not only of winter but of all of fall. we'll have more on that and our frzeeeningaromin cup in g just a few minute. ju
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the stage is set for apple to begin building a new store in pa low alto. the city issued a building permit for the new prototype store which will be a block away from the existing downtown palo alto location. con struck on the two-story, 15,000 square foot building will begin any day now. it will feature curved glass roof to allow plenty of natural light and a large open design. the existing store, which is apple's first store in northern california, is expected to close once the new store is ready to open. this store is just a few miles from steve jobs' home.
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speaking of jobs, late ceo being honored for a grammy for his contribution to the world of music. specifically, the grammys trustee award which honors nonperformance kont bu contributions in the field of music. it revolutionized the way we listen to music. he passed away in october of pancreatic cancer. we told you about the lady in santa clara who had her wheelchair stolen. we have gotten several offers in the last few minutes to provide a power wheelchair to that woman who had hers stolen over the weekend. our viewers and thanks to their generosity continue to amaze. we'll update you at 11:o 0. >> we have the kindest, every time we ask to help with toy drives or something that happens bad to people. you always respond. you're so generous. >> just in the last few minutes. we'll update you on that. >> very kind. you have to deliver good weather for all those nice generous
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people. >> we're going to be on a good stride. i think you'll like what's coming our way. that christmas vacation is of utmost importance. we'll talk more about your travel holiday forecast in a few minute. coming up in sport, the oakland a's had one allstar last season. today they decided to trade him for prospects. say good to gonzalez. find out where he'll play next season andld got in return. l we'le d gold got in return. we'll be right back. d
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ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes at see's candy shop? our photographer was like a kid in a candy store as he got up close to see the see's chocolate factory tour. it's in san francisco and receives annual sales between thanksgiving and christmas. behind the nuts and the chews and the creams and the truffles, what are some of the favorites of the candy maker? probably something you've never heard of. >> ginger, we cook up, cook it up in sugar. let it drain and cut it in dark chocolate. ginger with dark chocolate. real nice with a cup of coffee. >> while the most popular box of chocolates this time of year is the assorted.
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believe it or not, as busy as it is now, this is not the busiest time of the year. >> i don't believe that. >> that distinction belongs to easter because of of the chocolate eggs. >> wow. santa is fueled up by see's candy. we know that for sure. santa's workshop is kicking things into overdrive today as santa's helpers put the finishing touches on the christmas gifts. >> very busy indeed. bob rye dell is there to check out how things are going for santa. >> north pole. population 2,226. 25 of whom don't even come close to minimum height requirements. >> who you calling short? >> then there's the not so tiny reindeer. and one very large ball of jelly that happens to belong to the town's most famous resident. santa claus was gracious enough to take time out of his extremely busy schedule to give
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us an extended one-on-one sit down interview. >> santa, are you ready for christmas eve? >> yes, i am. >> all right. thanks. >> merry christmas. >> you too. >> you can see why he's so busy. 150,000 wish lists have poured into the north pole post office this month alone. >> most kids want a bicycle. i don't know where you'd ride it in the north pole today. >> that's on top of the 2,000 to 3,000 live requests from kids who sit on his lap each and every day. >> what do you want for christmas? >> an alarm clock. >> wow. >> a justin bieber watch. that's nice. what would you like, sweetheart? >> a typewriter. >> my first type wiet writer. i didn't know kids knew what they were. >> santa tells us that eye touches and ipads and barbie and legos are on the popular request list from the kids this year. in you're wondering about the temp, it's warmer this year. we're a couple of degrees above
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zero. a couple degrees warmer and we'd be out here in speedos. here in north pole, alaska, nbc news. >> that's a gift i don't need. >> how does bob get this assignment every year. we send him to the north pole. >> he's the bff with santa. jeff ranieri, help us here. >> it's going to be getting cold close to what they had in the north pole thermometer. but definitely not at the freezing or zero here across the bay area. so today it didn't warm up into the north bay with 58 in liver more, 60 in fairfield. 63 in san jose. as we look at the current nup, we're starting to see things drop off kbikly. 45 in napa. 46 in santa rosa. with the winds calming, these temperatures having an easy time dropping off. we have a widespread freeze warning tonight with isolated 20s and some calming winds coming into the forecast for friday and also some dry holiday travel. so freeze warning here.
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not only for the north bay tonight but also for the east bay. also for the south bay. we've already started to see the winds relax below ten miles per hour. isolated 20s and in -- under the trivalley, you're under a freeze warning where we could have isolated 20s. the same for the south bay. morgan hill and into gilroy. already temperatures in the low 50s right now. let's take you outside. the satellite loop, what we have is two different storm systems winding up. we won't get rainfall from this. we desperately need it across the bay area. it's going to nudge into the right spot and continue to keep us dry throughout the holiday forecast and clear for tonight. 60-degree temperatures inland for friday. if you're getting on the roads and heading out friday, it will be dry not only here but into southern california. we'll see that continue into saturday and also for your christmas on sunday. tonight, the coldest levels in santa rosa with 25.
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fairfield, 27. 26 in livermore. 31 in san jose. when you think about this month overall, we've had about 14 days now with temperatures below 32 degrees. at least into parts of the north bay. so it definitely could go down as one of the coldest falls that we've had here on record. meanwhile, expected airport delays, washington, atlanta, snow and albuquerque will be delaying planes on the tarmac. tomorrow, 62 in gilroy. 62 in morgan hill. 58 in dublin and 57 in livermore. it's dry. it's a lot less windy for tomorrow. it will definitely see pretty spectacular weather as we head through the end of december. 59 in a rin da. 59 in concord and 59 in fairfield. temperatures in the low 60s throughout the north bay. morning time at nbc bay and the seven day forecast, it stays dry through christmas on sunday. as we head into wednesday, we
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just have a few showers in the forecast. but not a major storm system. so right now, i'm hearing from santa and all of his helpers they're going to have no problem coming in christmas eve. >> good visibility. it's not an issue. >> yes. >> thanks jeff. let's get to sports. now the xfinity sports desk. on bay area news. >> we would never trade henry wofford. there was a big trade today. henry? >> i feel good now, raj. thanks for saying a that. jessica didn't second that mowing. >> it's a given with me. >> that's good to hear. the oak lapped a's have traded their only allstar from the 2011 season. fan favorite gee owe gonzalez has been traded for four prospect. three pitchers and a catcher. gio was 16-12 last season with a
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3.12 e.r.a. the 26-year-old struck out 197 batters. the a's will receive three of the nationals top ten prospect and two of the pitchers. lefty tommy malone and brad peacock. have a shot at making the a's team by opening day next year. niners star linebacker patrick willis returned to practice. he's missed three games with a hamstring injury. willis will be a game time decision for saturday's game against the seattle seahawks. final things with the stanford cardinal basketball team. they're 10-1 and the guys feel like they can shoot with anyone in the nation. big man jack trotter is not the star of the team and he won't blow you away with his athletic ability. but the senior definitely has charis charisma. our scott reese shows us why the center is the big man on campus. >> ladies and gentlemen, the president of the sanford senior
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clas class. >> he's presidential. >> somebody from the team, jack would be the president. >> he has a presidential air about him. >> it's rare fieed air. 6'9", he has five inches on the tallest u.s. presidents. neared abe lincoln, nor lyndon johnson served his country while taking 20 units and playing a pac-12 hoop schedule. >> i've gotten good at time management and balancing what needs to be balanced to get things done. >> i think his work ethic speaks for itself. what he's done academically as well as on the court. i've been able to balance both of those at a high level says a lot about him. >> disciplined and working as a team and leadership skills. i think that's really directly carried over into what i do as senior class president, working with my co-presidents and then also the cabinet that we have formed to help us out. >> add to that list the value of
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perseverance. trotter turned down scholarship offers from lesser programs to walk on here at stanford. two years later, he was the cardinals starting center. as he attempts the ultimate in multitasking, he relies more than ever on his teammates in the unique manner which can only come from teammate. >> they give me a hard time sometimes. in spain, it was always he will presidente. they thought they were clever. >> if you don't know jack, he seems like a sarcastic jerk sometimes. >> he's blunt and effective. you can tell he gets things done. he's always on time. he's very sharp about everything he does. >> you get along with jack. that's just it. you get along with him. there's no way around it. like everybody who encounters jack loves him. >> jack trotter on top of everything all the time and so confident in what he does on and off the court. he's an inspiration to me, i guess. >> i think they think it's cool deep down inside. it's been fun. >> the support certainly doesn't end there. there's plenty on the homefront
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which just might be the root of jack's political aspirations. >> my dad actually is an elected official in the town that i'm from. he was mayor. now he's town council member. >> he does have the ability to lead. he certainly was a successful member of the slate at stanford in getting elected. whether he wants to take it any further than that, who knows? if this is what he wants to do, he wants to not only be successful in business but also give back in terms of public service, i'm pretty confident that that's something he's perfectly capable of doing. >> to be honest, i don't see politics in my immediate future. who knows down the road what will happen. >> an admission that would make honest abe awfully proud. scott reese, nbc bay area sports. thank you, scott. you got it. jack trotter for president in 2024. we'll talk to you later tonight with butler/stanford highlights. thank you, henry. el president e for sports coverage, you can watch sports
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central on comcast sports bay area at 10:30. back in a moment.
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coming up tonight at 11:00, a new approach to fighting crime in the south bay. police announcing they'll no longer respond to one particular type of crime and now some wore that i could leave the door wide open for the bad guys. the family plans to fight back and how you can too. tonight at 11:00 after prime suspect on bay area news. thanks for watching this evening. have a great night ahead. we hope to see you back here at 11:00. bye bye. [ monica ] i'm away on a movie shoot
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and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. cut. cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things. good thing i've got the citi simplicity card.


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