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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  February 12, 2013 12:35am-1:35am PST

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and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you! welcome, everybody. thank you so much. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon." today, pope benedict surprised everyone and announced that he is stepping down at the end of the month. or as god put it, "well, at least he gave me two weeks notice." [ laughter ] yep, pope benedict is resigning. and you know what that means. hillary in 2013? we can make it work, people. the pope said he plans to enjoy his privacy and quietly embrace his golden years. just kidding. he's going on "dancing with the stars." [ laughter ] there's actually been an outpouring of support from the pope's followers on twitter.
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but the most surprising thing was the twitter exchange he had with the dalai lama. take a look. first, the dalai lama tweeted at the pope, "geez, you ran out of steam quick. i've been dalai lama for 55 years. #cantstopwontstop." [ laughter ] very interesting. >> steve: rude. >> jimmy: then, the pope tweeted, "i guess being the pope is a lot harder than just wearing a bed sheet all day. #getarealjob." >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: yeah. then the dalai lama wrote back, "at least i don't wear a torpedo on my head. #yourhatisdumb." then the pope responded, "come on, son, you know my hat is dope. don't hate the player. hate the game. #jealousmuch?" then the dalai lama said, "yeah, so cool. just like your square car. #youthesquare. #weaksauce. #poser." >> steve: wow.
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>> jimmy: weak sauce. >> steve: weak sauce. >> jimmy: then the pope said, "ouch." to which the dalai lama said, "sorry, bro. went too far. truce?" then the pope replied, "truce." then the dalai lama said, "oh, b-t-dubs, you look like a chess piece. #checkmate. #dropthemic. #lamaout." ♪ drop the mic. last night was the grammy awards, and gotye won record of the year. yep. parents were like, "who's gotye?" while kids were like, "what's a record?" [ laughter ] and get this. kanye west won three grammys last night, even though he wasn't at the show. luckily, taylor swift accepted them on his behalf. very nice. and finally, tomorrow, president obama will give his annual state of the union address. if you're not familiar, state of the union is where the president faces congress and asked them to work together to fix america's problems, and congress says no.
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[ laughter ] we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots, everybody! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, guys. welcome! [ drum roll ] you guys, we won a grammy last night! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ so happy! how cool is that? i was freaking out. i've got to thank all the artists that appeared on this record. bruce springsteen, justin timberlake, dave matthews, big & rich, eddie vedder, paul mccartney. and i got to thank the roots for playing all of the music. [ cheers and applause ] and, of course, i want to thank all the fans. this is such an honor. thank you so much. i'm so excited.
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we have a great show tonight. from the upcoming pixar movie -- oh, we love this guy. the movie's called "monsters university." the very funny, the very talented john goodman is here. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: oh! he's the best! >> jimmy: in, like, every oscar winning movie in the world. "argo." plus, this guy is the star of the new york knicks. carmelo anthony is back on the show! melo. and we have music from country music superstar gary allan tonight. it's gonna be a good show. he sounds great. guys, as you know, president obama's state of the union address is tomorrow night. and everyone's looking forward to it. and, believe it or not, we actually got a sneak peek at the speech. it's really moving. especially for john boehner, who sits right behind obama the entire time. boehner can be a pretty emotional guy. he's known for crying all the time. and this speech is no exception. take a look. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thank you.
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thank you. thank you. people of america, the state of our union is strong. we have made great strides this year. we've got the middle class back on its feet. delivered help to those who need it most. struggling families, senior citizens, single mothers. and together, we have grown as a nation. from infancy to adulthood. we've grown up. not unlike that clydesdale from the budweiser super bowl commercial. [ laughter ] did you see -- did you see that ad? there's a farmer who raises this clydesdale. [ laughter ] from birth.
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feeds it, takes care of it, loves it. [ laughter ] then eventually, the horse grows up. one day, budweiser truck just comes in, takes him away. [ laughter ] and now, the farmer, he's all alone. he picks up the dusty old saddle, which has been left behind as a stark reminder of all that he's lost. and he remembers. he remembers the good times. which are all gone forever. [ laughter ] cut to three years later. he's drinking beer at the breakfast table. picks up the paper, sees budweiser clydesdales are coming
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to town. so he goes to see the horse. to see the horse that he raised. but the horse can't see him. [ laughter ] no, he's become famous now. forgotten about where he came from. the horse is -- the horse has moved -- the horse has moved on. [ laughter ] but then -- then -- just when you think -- just when you think the parade is over and the farmer's in his car, looks in the rearview mirror and there's the horse. there's the horse racing toward him. in a frantic -- in a frantic gallop. [ laughter ] and they reunite.
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they embrace. the horse nuzzles the man's face as if to say thank you. [ laughter ] i love you. i haven't forgotten you. and i never will. [ laughter ] and all the while, stevie nicks is singing that song, "landslide," in the background. ♪ well i've been afraid of changing 'cause i built my life around you ♪ >> that farmer -- that farmer, he builds his life around that clydesdale. ♪ children get older
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i'm getting older too ♪ >> you know -- you know, we're all getting older. it's 2013. think about it. 1998, that was 15 years ago. the tv show "friends" -- the tv show "friends" is on nick at nite. not "andy griffith." not "i love lucy." "friends." [ laughter ] you know, there are kids driving cars that weren't even alive when monica and chandler first hooked up. and courteney cox, she's on a show called "cougar town." she plays an old cougar now.
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you know, speaking of cougars -- speaking of a "cougar town," could you imagine? could you imagine a whole town full of cougars? [ laughter ] now, i don't mean the women. i mean the animal. and then -- and then -- and then imagine that there's a farmer who raises them all up from birth. just little tiny -- little baby cougars. basically kittens. [ laughter ] and the cougars -- the cougars get old. you know, the budweiser truck just comes in and takes them all away. all away. [ laughter and applause ] and that farmer, you know, the farmer -- he's sad. you know, heartbroken. he goes back to the barn. what does he see? yep. he sees a little old baby cougar.
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little runt of the litter. and he got left behind. he's sitting there. he's in need of love. the farmer feeds it milk from a bottle and puts a little lime on his head so the lime looks like a helmet. [ laughter ] and he makes that little cougar -- he makes that little cougar cuddle up with a little piglet. [ laughter ] he just looks so damn cute. you know, and he takes a picture and he posts it on facebook with the caption "i can haz valentine?" [ laughter ] and he gets 10,000 -- he gets 10,000 likes. and your mom, she sees it, and she forwards it to you. and that's the first time that you've heard from that woman in 17 years. [ laughter ]
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[ wailing ] and the subject line of the e-mail is "your father is dan marino." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so in conclusion, god bless you. and god bless america. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very -- very moving. great speech. we'll be right back with "late night iphone apps." come on back. ♪ people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain.
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but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer. [ whirring ] [ creaking ] [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, what's next? [ zapping ] [ clang ] this is the next level of performance. the next level of innovation. the next rx. the f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection. the f sport. i played a round of in the last five hours? then i read a book while teaching myself
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that's why we let you file your simple federal return for free. it's free to prepare, print, e-file and you can even chat with a tax expert. get the federal free edition at for valentine's day? ♪ ♪ this valentine's day give him what he really wants. you! with k-y yours + mine and get a $25 gift card from ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, you guys. thank you for tuning in. hey, does anyone here have an iphone? [ cheers ] my favorite thing about the iphone is all the apps. and here at "late night," we got a sneak peek at some of the new iphone apps that have yet to be released. you guys want to see them? [ cheers and applause ] the first one -- a couple of them are just upgrades on existing apps. you've probably heard of the app called i am t-pain. that's where you say something into your phone and it autotunes your voice to make you sound like t-pain. well, this app is pretty similar, here. it's called i am pee wee. and basically you say something into your phone, and this app makes it sound like pee wee herman. let's try it.
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hi, my name is jimmy. >> hi, my name is jimmy, ha-ha! >> jimmy: cool. let me try this again. and the oscar goes to "silver linings playbook." >> and the oscar goes to "silver linings playbook!" >> jimmy: pretty useful app. all right, let's check out some of the other new apps on the ole pop-up screen, here. >> steve: you've got to hook up that thing. >> jimmy: hook up the phone. >> steve: there you go. >> jimmy: barely hooked in. >> steve: that's a lot of apps. >> jimmy: why even try? >> steve: it's blue teeth. >> jimmy: blue teeth. okay, here we go. you guys have all heard of instagram, right? well, this app is interesting. it's called prince-tagram. it's just like instagram, except it changes your photo to make it look like a prince album cover. let me try it right now. take a picture of myself. [ shutter click ] >> steve: shouldn't blink. >> jimmy: because clearly, i just took that. yeah.
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so there i am. i'm not even trying. >> steve: that's a great picture. that doesn't even help the humor, that picture. >> jimmy: no, it has nothing to do with any of it. it has nothing to do with any of it. there i am. now, all you do -- it's very simple. all you do is you press -- god, that's an awful photo. all you do is press the prince-tagram filter button right here. here you go. there you go. let me try it on you, higgins. >> steve: okay. >> jimmy: all right, take a picture of you there. [ shutter click ] perfect. let's add the prince-tagram filter. [ shutter click ] [ laughter ] you did good, man. let's see -- yeah. >> steve: there we go. >> jimmy: fantastic. let's go back to the home screen here. this next one is interesting. it's called axl rose relaxation tapes. finally, you can be lulled to sleep to the soothing sounds of guns 'n' roses frontman axl rose. now, we've shown you this one before, but they just came out with a bunch of new tracks for it. let's see what we got here.
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here's one. "wind chimes." ♪ ♪ take a listen to the wind chimes they're on my front porch maybe the back ♪ ♪ wind be banging those metal rods it's the wind chimes ♪ take a nap ♪ >> jimmy: wow, so soothing. >> steve: soothing. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: take a nap. >> steve: love it. >> jimmy: the next app is fun. it's like a game. it's called reiser shock. basically, how it works is you tap the screen, and this app simulates comedian paul reiser getting shocked with a little electrical charge. let's try it. [ electrical charge ] let me try it again. [ electrical charge ] [ laughter ] i wonder what happens if you just hold your finger on the screen. [ electrical charge ] ♪ yeah! cool! shocked reiser!
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this next app is cool. it's a game called emoji charades. you guys know emojis? they're those little emoticons that people text to each other. they have faces and animals and different foods. it's really fun. how this game works is it sends you a series of emoji and you have to guess what they symbolize. let's play. okay. i see a music note, a microphone and a fist. fist pumping? maybe it's "jersey shore"? [ ding ] chris brown. oh. [ audience ohs ] [ laughter ] fun game. >> steve: that's fun. >> jimmy: fun game. let's play one more. >> steve: let's do one more. >> jimmy: let's play one more here. okay, a football, a dolphin and a baby. i give up. [ ding ] it was dan marino. okay. you guys were right. let's get back to the home screen. next app here is called guilty pleasure. how it works is, you point your phone at someone, and this app tells you what their guilty pleasure is.
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let's try it on that couple in the audience there. i'll try it on her first. [ shutter click ] all right. let me see what her guilty pleasure -- >> steve: it made her outside in front of a window. >> jimmy: she's outside her house. let's see what her guilty pleasure is. she likes the song "tubthumping" by chumbawamba. that's not so bad. i like that song. all right. >> steve: they love each other. >> jimmy: let's try it on this guy right there. let's try you, sir. [ shutter click ] is it a rainforest? >> steve: what is it? cambodia? uh oh! oh, no. >> jimmy: let's see his guilty pleasure. likes to take milk baths and let the cat dry him off. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: oh. awful. >> jimmy: weird. stop cutting to him. [ laughter ] >> oh!
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>> jimmy: doesn't look like he's having fun at all. all right, let's go back to the home screen here. this last app is interesting. it's called -- it's just called stalker. i don't know how it works. let's just try it. congrats. you now have a stalker. that's weird. i doubt that's true. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i guess it works. i don't know. that's all the "new iphone apps." we'll be right back with john goodman, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ female announcer ] mcdonald's dollar menu.
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home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love. and other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪
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on mcdonald's dollar menu. notice breaking, falling stop playing around! hold on with fall fight! from garnier fructis. this is dual action performance. fortifying formulas with biotin and fruit vitamins. a stimulating scalp massage with caffeine. fall fight fights breaking... falling... it's proven! you save up to 1500 strands, each month! get stronger, fuller looking hair. fructis fall fight! a hairline fracture to the mandible and contusions to the metacarpus. what do you see? um, i see a duck. be more specific. i see the aflac duck. i see the aflac duck out of work and not making any money. i see him moving in with his parents and selling bootleg dvds out of the back of a van. dude, that's your life. remember, aflac will give him cash to help cover his rent, car payments and keep everything as normal as possible. i see lunch. [ monitor beeping ] let's move on. [ male announcer ] find out what a hospital stay could really cost you at
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my first guest is an emmy and golden globe winning actor who has starred in over 50 movies. his new movie, "monsters university," opens in theaters on june 21st. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome john goodman. ♪ he did the mash he did the monster mash the monster mash ♪ ♪ he did the monster mash he did the mash it was a graveyard smash ♪ ♪ he did the mash he did the monster mash he did the mash ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: john goodman! >> hi, roots! >> jimmy: welcome. >> my daughter's favorite band. >> jimmy: is it? >> yeah. >> jimmy: well, they're the greatest. you can't beat theoots. you can't beat them at all. [ cheers and applause ] i mean, they're the greatest. thank you for finally making it to the show. >> yeah. >> jimmy: we've been trying to get you. >> i was supposed to come and
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then the tragedy of hurricane sandy kept me out of town. >> jimmy: yeah. and then we had a crazy snowstorm, too. so, you almost didn't make it to this one. >> yeah, i took a greyhound, and then he had to turn it around. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: welcome. thank you for doing that stalker bit, too. >> oh, thank you. >> jimmy: very nice. you play very a creepy stalker. >> yeah, i was kind of excited. [ laughter ] i got one of those things for katy perry, and we're gonna see how it goes. >> jimmy: yeah, oh, perfect. yeah, absolutely. [ laughter ] >> she's neat. >> jimmy: she's neat. yeah, she certainly is. [ laughter ] she's neat. john, you used to live in new york city. >> i did. i lived right down the street on ninth avenue and 51st. moved here in 1975. my brother gave me a couple bucks, so i moved on up. >> jimmy: yeah, and you certainly did. you used to give some of that money to -- you moved on. that's why. you did. well, look, you're john goodman. >> to hell's kitchen. >> jimmy: you got your start in hell's kitchen. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but didn't you used to hang out -- what was that cafe? >> the cafe central. i gave a lot of that money to bruce willis. >> jimmy: yeah. >> bruce willis was the world's
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best bartender. he bartended several venues around the city, and people would follow him just 'cause he was so great. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, he was the prince of bartender. >> jimmy: so he just made a drink better than anyone? >> better than anyone. and, you know, give him a couple bucks and he'd buy you one back. he'd be entertaining three or four people at the same time. buying them drinks, twirling the bottles around, doing all that stuff. >> jimmy: like "cocktail"? he was like the movie? >> yeah. he was -- yeah. >> jimmy: he's coming on thursday. maybe we'll see if he can make us a drink or something. >> yeah, get him -- [ light laughter ] get him to give you a pour, see if he can still do it. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly, right? >> yeah, he may have lost a couple of steps, the old-timer. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm gonna tell him. >> yeah? >> jimmy: did you struggle for a while in new york? >> no, i was just scared all the time. much like i am now. [ light laughter ] but i got -- i was up here for a couple months, and i got a dinner theater job. so i worked out of town a lot. and i was doing my first love, musical theater. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. were you singing and dancing? >> yeah, singing -- not dancing.
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i was an actor who moved. a singer who moved. [ laughter ] and then, you know, i started doing -- i got lucky, really lucky, and started doing commercials. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i didn't realize how lucky i was at the time. i was like, "oh, i'm doing commercials." >> jimmy: yeah, but that's considered not cool. >> yeah, but thank god. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: paid the rent, man. >> thank you. >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely. actually, we have one from 1980. this is a foot locker commercial. here's john goodman. >> oh, no. >> can i help you? >> maybe. you see, i'm into running, tennis and basketball. soccer, baseball, racquetball, hurdling and i need shoes. now, i want to look at adidas, brooks, tiger, puma, nike, converse, k swiss, tree torn, saucony, new balance, superga, mider, diadora and pony. >> what size? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah. look at the hair on that guy. look at the hair you had, man. >> and i still didn't get any girls.
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>> jimmy: you're a good looking dude. that's awesome. >> yeah, that's a shame what happened. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no. >> after the accident, jimmy. >> jimmy: after the -- yeah. you were one of the first humans to hear about "saturday night live." >> i was in studio 8h in 1975. there was a game show called "jackpot." a friend of mine was on it. and in between setups, don pardo would announce that there was gonna be a brand new comedy show, late night, with george carlin and the muppets. it was gonna be a live show. i said, "hey, muppets. that's for me!" >> jimmy: muppets were heavy in "snl"'s first couple years. >> yeah, it was "saturday night live." >> jimmy: that's crazy. >> and then, i was such a freak about "saturday night live" that i actually stalked -- every time i got a chance, i'd go through 30 rock and just try to see, like, michael or donahue or gilda or anybody, you know? >> jimmy: you got to meet michael donahue? >> no, i never did. but i watched them. i just kinda watched them. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: stalking? he's neat. >> but yeah, i just loved the show that much. it was so crazy. >> jimmy: then you went on to host 12 times.
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and you're one of the best hosts ever. [ cheers and applause ] >> well, thanks. actually, somebody told me that i was around in your first show. you and maya. >> jimmy: yeah. >> isn't that weird? >> jimmy: that was my first show. >> wow. >> jimmy: yeah, i'll never forget it. it was with alec baldwin. and alec baldwin said, "what is your name?" i said, "jimmy fallon." he goes, "all right, jimmy fallon, i'm gonna say your name more than anyone's ever said your name on television." and so he added it into the sketch. >> "well, jimmy fallon." >> jimmy: yeah, he goes -- "how you doing? whoa, thank you jimmy fallon." >> "i'm jimmy fallon." >> jimmy: yeah. and to this day, my parents love alec baldwin. [ light laughter ] >> hey, who doesn't? >> jimmy: yeah, he took care of me. yeah. >> alec baldwin. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: leading the crowd. >> you guys don't have to do that. >> jimmy: yeah, i know, they -- hey, the oscars are coming up. i want to congratulate you. last year you were in "the artist." that won an oscar. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and this year, up for best picture. "argo." >> "argo," yeah. >> jimmy: congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] >> it's great.
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i mean, we -- i knew it was a good film, but i didn't expect all these awards to come up. and i'm so happy for ben because he was so well prepared. he's such a good director, and a great guy. we had a great cast. >> jimmy: i mean, did you expect it to win awards? >> no, you don't think about that when you're doing a movie. it's like, "what can i do to win an oscar?" >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. >> i'll grow a beard. >> jimmy: that's what everyone -- i'll grow a mustache. >> i'll grow a beard and lose the use of my right arm. >> jimmy: and then you win the oscar then. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so, let's talk about these other movies. you have two other movies coming out. >> yeah. there's one called "inside llewyn davis," by the coen brothers, which i saw the other night. that's gonna be pretty cool. "monsters university." the prequel to "monsters, inc." >> jimmy: with pixar, which is a smash hit. >> yeah, pixar, which they're insanely good. >> jimmy: they are the best. >> very funny. billy crystal's in it. it's about -- mike and sulley, my character, meet at college doing some fraternity pranks. [ light laughter ]
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monsters, fraternities, they're not that far apart. >> jimmy: that's pretty good. yeah, exactly, they are very close. and also, "hangover 3." >> yeah, that's pretty cool. >> jimmy: can you tell me a little bit about that one, or no? >> yeah. it's the usual "hangover" guys. zach and bradley, ed helms, justin bartha. and they are the nicest guys to work with. and they're all insanely funny. especially zach. >> jimmy: he's great. >> i mean, he's a genius, but he's the sweetest genius you'll ever see in your life. just a nice guy. >> jimmy: he really is. >> and i play a guy who likes to kill people and dress in track clothes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i would go see it right there, just knowing that. i would go see that. [ applause ] >> yeah. it's different from the first two. and it's insanely funny. it's gonna be a good movie. >> jimmy: you're awesome for coming on. i want to show everyone a sneak peek. we're getting an exclusive right here. john goodman and billy crystal in "monsters university," new pixar movie. check it out. >> okay, i'll lift the bed. you grab the pig. ready? >> what? no. no. >> one, two, three!
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♪ >> careful. he's a biter. [ screaming ] ♪ [ pig squealing ] >> whoa! [ laughs ] that was awesome. what am i doing? james p. sullivan. >> mike wazowski. listen, it was quite delightful meeting you and whatever that is. but if you don't mind, i have to study my scaring. >> you don't need to study scaring. you just do it. >> really? i think there's a little more to it than that. but, hey, thanks for stopping by. [ pig grunting ] >> let go of my -- ♪ >> my hat! >> my pig! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: they know how to do it, man. >> they're chasing a pig. they're chasing a pig. >> jimmy: john goodman, everybody. "monsters university" opens in theaters on june 21st. carmelo anthony joins us next. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ liquid plumr double impact ...
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... double impact?! ... sfx: doorbell i'm here to snake the drain. i'm here to flush the pipe. vo: liquid plumr double impact has twice the drain clearing power with a plumber's snake to grab deep clogs and a powerful gel to finish off the rest, baby. liquid plumr double impact. there's nothing like our grilled lobster and lobster tacos. the bar harbor bake is really worth trying. [ male announcer ] get more during red lobster's lobsterfest. with the year's largest selection of mouth-watering lobster entrees. like our delicious lobster lover's dream, featuring two kinds of succulent lobster tails. or our savory, new grilled maine lobster and lobster tacos. it's back, but not for long. [ woman ] our guests go crazy for lobsterfest. my favorite entree is the lobster lover's dream. what's yours? come celebrate lobsterfest and sea food differently.
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in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo
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and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight's next guest
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is an ncaa champion, a two-time olympic gold medalist and will star in his sixth nba all-star game this weekend. halfway through the season, his new york knickerbockers are in first place in the atlantic division. please welcome back to the show carmelo anthony! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: melo! >> what's going on? >> jimmy: we love you, buddy. thank you for coming back. >> i'm back. >> jimmy: congrats on everything. you know, i was doing some research on you. and can you believe -- >> good research? >> jimmy: good research. it's all good stuff. you know me. 10 years ago, you were in syracuse. you won the championship. >> yep. >> jimmy: that's been 10 years already. doesn't it seem like yesterday? >> i feel like i just did it. >> jimmy: you do, right? look at you here. >> i watch the games, and it's -- look at that. [ scattered cheers ] >> jimmy: how exciting. that was a big moment for you, right? >> that was probably one of the biggest moments of my life, my
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career. >> jimmy: i mean, you look back on that, is that your -- would you say that's your moment? >> that's where it all started for me. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know, i sit back and i look at that. and i watch the old footage, the old games. >> jimmy: do you really? >> yeah, absolutely. >> jimmy: oh, i love that, man. watching the old footage. >> i mean, i watch games now. the syracuse games, and i feel like i'm still there. >> jimmy: really? and they're actually retiring your jersey. >> yep. 10 years, 10 years. >> jimmy: that's so nice. congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] i mean, you deserve it. you're amazing. whole family going down? >> yeah. i'm bringing the whole family down there. my son definitely needs to be there and see the whole university atmosphere 'cause he will be going to college. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: it's one of those choices. >> no, he don't have a choice. >> jimmy: he doesn't have a choice. no, he's got to go to college. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: it was a big deal for me, too, to go to college because my parents didn't go to college. they wanted us -- me and my sister -- but i wasn't smart. [ laughter ] so it was really tough for me to get into college. so i want to thank the college of saint rose for accepting me.
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please, thank you guys. so much. [ applause ] the knicks. you guys are killing it this year! >> we trying to. we trying. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: congratulations. it's awesome. >> thank you, thank you. it's good -- it's good to have the energy back in new york. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know, new york, they been missing that for a minute, so it's good that we can bring the fans back, engage with the fans. >> jimmy: what's -- what changed? what's the difference? >> jason kidd! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: an australian man just yelled jason kidd, yeah. very interesting. [ laughter ] did you hear that? we have a big australian following. [ laughter ] >> i see that. >> jimmy: we fly them in. >> obviously jason kidd does, too. >> jimmy: yeah, jason kidd -- yeah, exactly. yeah. >> but just the way that, you know, we put the team together. you know, putting the right group of guys in there. younger guys, older guys, veterans -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> guys that you don't really have to teach the game of basketball. they've been through it so much. they've been through the ins and
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outs, through the ropes. and they know what it takes. >> jimmy: yeah. >> that's key. >> jimmy: how about the all-star game? are you psyched about that, or -- >> i'm excited about it. i get excited -- >> jimmy: you do? you like that? >> i mean, it's not really a break for me because we have to participate and do so much stuff, but for the fans. and to have all the all-stars there, all the celebrities, that whole weekend, it's a big deal. >> jimmy: it feels fun. this is your sixth one? >> sixth. >> jimmy: and you're throwing a party this year with diddy. >> i know, right? >> jimmy: oh, no. [ laughter ] i'm gonna tell you right now, don't do it. >> that's gonna be interesting. >> jimmy: are you sure -- you're not gonna -- >> and it's the night before the game. >> jimmy: no! melo, don't do this, man. you can't do this. i'm telling you right now, don't do it. you can get out of it. >> we gon make it do what it do. >> jimmy: do what it do. i want to talk about your sneakers, my friend. you tweeted out this photo of you at the savoy in london. reading "the financial times," having tea with a butler. so, what is it? explain this. >> i was having tea time in london. >> jimmy: tea time.
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>> tea time with melo in london. >> jimmy: do you like having tea? >> i love tea. i'm a big tea drinker. >> jimmy: you are? >> big tea drinker. >> jimmy: but that's hilarious, though. what made you pose for this photo? >> when i was going to london i had this vision, like i wanna be, you know, at the savoy hotel reading "the financial times." the butler. like, you know, just that london vibe. >> jimmy: have you read "the financial times?" >> yeah, that day right there. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: so you were in london. you were working on your new sneaker? >> yeah. we were doing a collaboration with dave white, the artist. so he's gonna be designing -- actually, the m-9s. >> jimmy: the m-9s. and you brought a pair? >> i brought a pair. for you. >> jimmy: for me? >> yeah, for you. >> jimmy: thank you. we're gonna unveil them right now. >> please do. >> jimmy: here we go. [ drum roll ] quest, you see these yet? >> questlove: nu-uh. >> we gotta get these to quest, too. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: looks awesome. look at this guy, man.
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how fun is that? you get to have your own sneaker. >> with michael jordan, too. >> jimmy: with michael jordan, too. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: i mean, is he everyone's idol that plays basketball? >> oh, of course. i would hope so. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, right? greatest ever to play. >> without a doubt. >> jimmy: without a doubt. >> not even a question. >> jimmy: i once kissed him on the lips. [ laughter ] >> that's too much information. >> jimmy: no, no, i know it is. it was the weirdest thing ever. because -- it was weird for both -- [ laughter ] we were at a charity event. derek jeter has a charity event, we were -- and i went to say -- oh, it's so weird, man. so embarrassing. 'cause i just met him. i don't know, and he's really tall. and so, it was very loud. so he went to come in to say how you doing, but it was loud to whisper, and i just kind of moved my head in to him. [ laughter ] and our lips touched. >> and what did he do? >> jimmy: we didn't talk about it ever again. [ sad tuba ] [ laughter ] [ scattered applause ] awkward silence. he kind of just was like, "okay, like, that happened." >> one of them weird moments. >> jimmy: and he probably -- yeah. he just erased it out of his mind. well, i'm not gonna ever do that with you.
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i'm gonna shake your hand. >> please don't. no, no, absolutely. >> jimmy: carmelo anthony. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the nba all-star game is this sunday night at 8:00 p.m. on tnt. carmelo's my man. gary allan performs after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ break the news gently. we need to leave our contract plan for net10 wireless. what? says who? change can be difficult. i love my phone. yeah, she loves her phone. you could keep your phone and number. but for half of what we pay now. half? i don't love our family plan. it doesn't mean i don't love you. welcome to the next generation of family plans. fifty dollars the first line, 40 dollars each new line with unlimited everything. visit [ male announcer ] it's a whole new februany at subway! enjoy favorites like the turkey breast as $5 footlongs. and hearty subs like the steak & cheese
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest just reached number one on the billboard chart with his ninth album, "set you free." tonight, he's here to perform the song, "every storm runs out of rain," which just became his fifth number one country single. please welcome gary allan! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ so you're standing in the middle of the thunder and lightning ♪ ♪ i know you're feeling like you just can't win but you're trying ♪ ♪ it's hard to keep on keepin' on, when you're being pushed around ♪
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♪ don't even know which way is up you just keep spinning down 'round, down ♪ ♪ every storm runs runs out of rain just like every dark night turns into day ♪ ♪ every heartache will fade away just like every storm runs runs out of rain ♪ ♪ ♪ so hold your head up and tell yourself that there's something more walked out that door ♪ ♪ go find a new rose don't be afraid of the thorns 'cause we all have thorns ♪ ♪ put your feet up to the edge put your face in the wind ♪
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♪ and when you fall back down keep on rememberin' ♪ ♪ every storm runs runs out of rain ♪ just like every dark night turns into day ♪ every heartache will fade away ♪ just like every storm runs runs out of rain ♪ ♪ ♪ it's gonna run out of pain it's gonna run out of sting it's gonna leave you alone
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it's gonna set you free ♪ ♪ set you free ♪ every storm runs runs out of rain just like every dark night turns into day ♪ ♪ every heartache will fade away just like every storm runs runs out of rain ♪ ♪ it's gonna set you free it's gonna run out of pain it's gonna set you free ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very, very much. >> thanks for having me. >> jimmy: gary allan. come on! check out his album, "set you free." and see him live wednesday in san antonio, texas. we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to john goodman, carmelo anthony, gary allan! thank you, guys. [ cheers and applause ] and the greatest band in late night, the roots over there! stay tuned for "carson daly." thank you for watching. have a great night. hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye!
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captions paid for by nbc-universal television captions by vitac ♪ >> carson: hey, it's "last call." i'm your host, carson daly. our backdrop tonight is this fine red o resturant. this is mister rick bayless' spot here on melrose in l.a., and it's going to be the perfect backdrop for tonight. we've got "silver and light" photographer ian ruhter in our "spotlight" tonight. more on that in a bit. plus, superhumanoids will make their tv debut from the el rey.


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