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tv   Today  NBC  March 2, 2013 2:05am-3:00am PST

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you'll enjoy yourself. you'll laugh. there's good music. >> very funny. the gentleman now in it along with such a great cast, rivera and greg edelman, so many tony nominations, is a friend named andrew who was in "scandalous." he's going to be our singer next week. >> oh, good. >> on everyone has a story. >> go see it this weekend if you get a chance. >> so you guys knew we were in l.a. for a couple of weeks back there. >> yeah, we heard from them. >> we heard from you. but what you might not have known is, we weren't just doing our show. >> we were very busy. >> we were very busy. we ran to a lot of other shows, didn't we? >> like seven of them. >> seven other shows. we hung out with ellen and steve harvey, kelly osbourne, juliana rancic. joan rivers. >> every single one of them couldn't wait until we left l.a. let's watch. >> obviously, i need my cohosts for the hour. >> joining us now from the "today" show is -- >> kathie lee gifford. >> i didn't show up to the "today" show one morning. i lied. i didn't even lie, though.
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i e-mailed them and said i can't go. they decided to say that i was sick. >> you're lying again! >> kathie lee is off the chain. >> hoda is, too. hoda is more funny than anyone i know. >> which one would be the first to take off her bikini top? on a public beach? >> definitely not me. >> there's no room on a public beach for mine. >> they are held up by cranes right now, and there would be no room for anyone else on the beach. >> you got some juice boxes. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> you know it's good when it says "fine red table wine." >> i got you a little something for your show. >> you did? >> come on out. >> that's not going to fit hoda's head. >> no. >> oh, my god. no! no! no! [ cheers ] >> i am a lot of fun at parties. here's the thing.
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>> you certainly are. >> i really, really -- thank you, kyle, for that who put that together. i freaked you out. christine was in the dressing room going -- oh, my gosh! it was grape juice, everybody, okay? i'm clearing it up. >> we were disappointed. but i got you. and ellen, too. ellen was, like, what? oh, my god. and that's what it was. it was grape juice. >> during all of that time we were out there, there was a common stream everywhere we went of questioning about a certain thing. take a look. >> i promise you, hoda. i will set you up. >> we're trying to find you a boyfriend. >> hoda, any takers? >> chewy is not available for hoda. she needs someone a little more her size. >> what about you now? >> single gal coming out here. yeah, baby. hoda! >> if you could find me someone exactly like blake shelton. >> blake shelton.
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>> when you're with blake shelton, it is hot in here. ♪ i've never loved someone the way that i love you ♪ >> if you're like blake shelton, what's your e-mail address? >> kathie lee and i are working together to help you, hoda. find love. >> it's out of love. >> alfonzo. >> hoda, he's smart. >> come on out. >> what is your favorite wine? >> it's a wine called chocolate block, and hoda, i think you and i should share a bottle of that. >> let me tell you who i've been thinking about. >> flow ride da! . ♪ could end up with you >> i don't know why we can't be together. we had a total connection, if you guys were here yesterday. >> you had a total connection. every time you're together, the sexual chemistry is through the roof. yeah, it was everywhere and it's continued to be. if you have any more thoughts on the subject -- >> no more thoughts.
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>> hoda could meet your uncle fred or your crazy cousin juju, you know. everyone's got a juju somewhere. whoever you think hoda should be with, we want to hear from you. >> please, let's move on to other topics. it is the weekend. and the question is how will you spend your time? there's a new book, it's called "the book of times" by lesley alderman. she's done her research on exactly how much time we spend on particular tasks over the weekend. here's what she found out. she interviewed a ton of people. >> you take this one. >> if you're having sex this week, it is likely this is what will happen. at 10:16 p.m. saturday night. that is the most popular time of the week. it could also happen -- >> is that a ticking clock? >> yes. at 9:00. or something annoying. >> that sounds like a really bad plumber working. it could also happen at 9:00 friday night or 9:30 sunday morning. >> i vote for sunday morning. >> in a minute or two, it could be any time you want.
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who says it happens then? >> this is what the survey showed. so you will spend 16 minutes -- please, could we stop the thing? >> don't say banging when you're talking about this subject. >> you'll probably spend 16 minutes on foreplay and 16 minutes trying to get to poughkeepsie. for a total of 32 minutes. >> you like to just get to poughkeepsie, though. >> yeah. well, you know, yeah. yeah. i like that. >> in fact, it's your favorite place in the world, isn't it, hoda woman? i say we do a remote from poughkeepsie. you even liked it so much in california. okay, let's see how you guys feel if we get to poughkeepsie. >> i think they'd like it a lot. >> it's time for your "friday funny." i can't wait. >> laughter, my gosh. >> that is enough. >> that's true.
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from facebook fan linnea. i hope that's right. a tour bus driver is driving with a busload of seniors down a highway. when he's tapped on his shoulder by a little old lady. she offers him a handful of peanuts. which he greatly munches up. after about 15 minutes as she taps him on his shoulder again and hands him another handful. she repeats this gesture, oh, five times more or so. when she's about to hand him another batch, he asked the little old lady, why don't you eat the peanuts yourself, ma'am? she said we can't chew them because we got no teeth, she replied. the puzzled driver asked, why do you buy them, then? the little old ladies, well, we just love the chocolate around them. >> eww. eww. that is nasty. sucked the chocolate right off. >> like you've never done it before. >> it's now time for "bobbie's buzz."
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>> what's going on, girl? >> i have a very cute dress. >> that is adorable. >> so fun for almost spring. i have fun stuff for your jewelry that's actually really smart. this is something i wish i would have invented called the care ring. you know how you're afraid of leaving your ring in the bathroom or sink. you just put this over your ring. they stretch. and so you can leave it by a sink or when you're traveling or if you work at a hospital or something, you don't want to leave your ring, really smart. >> okay. >> now, if you ever have a ring that kind of falls over your earring, the stud won't point straight, bling guard offers these fantastic stabilizers. you just poke the back through it and it sticks on the back. >> and faces it the direction you want. >> in the back, it will stabilize it so it points straight. >> that's probably not very expensive. >> also they have for your ring. and then i wanted to make these for y'all. look at this bracelet. >> oh, my gosh! >> this is pictures. and i picked some adorable pictures of hoda and kathie. they can make these and overnight them.
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they're only around $20. so cute. i have them for both of you. last but not least -- >> oh, my gosh! >> they do all different kinds. they're really cool. usually sometimes the picture jewelry looks a little -- >> this looks beautiful. >> but that's, like, chic. and last but not least, in honor of all of the drinking around here, i found that these are fantastic studs. and i have them in my ears. get a close-up. they're bottles of wine. being poured. >> oh, my god. >> do you see those? >> inspired by hoda last saturday night. >> how i do get tagged with the drinking problem? seriously. how did i get tagged? >> thank you. >> it's online and you can go to our website and figure out how to win it. >> thank you, sweetheart. >> sara. >> bottle of wine to a bottle of milk.
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it's time for "today's johnson's baby announcement." celebrating new moms everywhere and their adorable new additions to their family. first up is kayla a. durand of lafayette, indiana. she came into the world on january 18th to her proud parents. next the adorable savaglio twins, michael and nicholas were born in ohio on january 11th. believe it or not, mom and dad say they love getting up in the middle of the night for their feedings. >> give it time. >> our next baby of the week is kai aaron. he was born on january 5th to beaming parents steven and gina of bassett, virginia. and finally, we can't forget baby claire carmouche in texas, born january 11th. mom, mariana's birthday. what a perfect gift. congratulations to all of our babies. if you want a chance for your baby to anticipate on baby of the week, go to >> thank you very much.
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we want you to like us on facebook because we're close to having a lot of likes. >> how many? >> i don't know. go on -- we are wearing the big gloves, all right? >> i thought we accomplished this. come on. >> we did. we've got to do it again. we have our contestants. they've been chosen and they're ready to spin the wheel. >> we're going to find out what game we're going to play when we get our game on and the best in movies, hoda woman. >> yes. >> and other stuff. have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion.
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in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. [ female announcer ] a crunch of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit.
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[ crunch! ] diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. when it comes to relationships, we all want to believe our husbands or boyfriends would never lie to us. >> but, however, in certain situations, not telling women the truth may actually be a good thing if you want to keep the peace. dr. katherine berndorf is a contributing expert of "self" magazine and ian is a sex and relationship therapist. >> yeah, but have you ever seen anything that proves that? >> nothing. >> the man says he is.
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>> let's get out -- this is a very important subject because there are many times when men will lie to us. for instance, if we ask, you know -- >> how do i look? >> is there anything wrong with that, doctor? >> lying is complicated. it's not so black and white. and i think sometimes honesty is not the best policy. so when someone asks, how do i like, what are they really asking? it's like saying do you love me? do i look okay to you? of course you do. not you look not so great in that dress. >> i'd say do you really want to know? >> a great question. >> that's terrible. >> i think it's a good question. >> a terrible question. >> the whole thing about lying is not actually lying but avoiding situations where you have to tell the truth. >> what do you mean? >> exactly. i've been doing that for years. >> do i look fat? you look great. i love you -- oh, hold on. i've got to run. >> oh. >> that's so obvious, ian. i would know that there's an issue there. if someone did that to me. >> not particularly in that, but the outfit yesterday --
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>> no, in that, you do, i love that other blue you had on. you don't make the other person feel terrible. >> do you have to lie? isn't there a way -- >> you have to know your audience. i think you have to know your audience. does the person want to know the absolute truth? >> do most people want to be lied to? there's a psychological question for you. >> i think this is important especially among married couples. let's say frank asked you, what did you dream about last night? what if you had a steamy, hot dream about another man? would you say -- you know how jealous he can get -- why would you tell him? why wouldn't you just let that one go? >> i had an unbelievable dream last night. >> but you're not telling the whole truth. >> it would make the hair stand on your -- whatever hair left we have. >> i would say that's called truth dumping. >> oh, dump this, doctor. >> go ahead. >> i was going to say, that's something that's private. that's something that he doesn't need to know. >> exactly. >> why would you need to volunteer that information? >> i would never volunteer it.
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>> that's something that could also make your relationship, i think, sexier if you can start to show those thoughts and fantasies with each other. >> have you met frank? >> it can cut both ways. >> i think that might be generational. >> i think so, too. >> i think so. yeah, yeah, yeah. men were raised very differently. they're very territorial. >> what if your husband said to you something about honey, do you think our neighbor is handsome? and he happens to be very, very, very handsome. >> i would say i do. >> do you find him sexy? >> i'd say yeah, he's a sexy guy. >> why? >> i wouldn't say i want him because he's handsome and sexy. i'd say he is, he's a handsome and sexy guy. >> what if it was the other way and frank said are you attracted -- >> why me? >> because you're the perfect couple. >> we are not the perfect couple. >> what do you think? >> i think we want to protect each other's feelings. i think that's what you're getting at. >> i want an authentic relationship. >> let her finish. >> i don't know that authenticity means bold, brash honesty at all times. >> yeah. what does it mean? >> i think it means being thoughtful.
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>> you can be thoughtful without going out of your way to say that hunk next door, oh, my gosh. if he asks me a question, what is wrong with having an authentic relationship and i tell him the truth? >> i think in relationships everyone does have the right to a certain degree of privacy. but sometimes we don't know how to navigate those boundaries of privacy. so things that should actually be allowed to kept private suddenly become lies. and so i think it's really about respecting each other's privacy. >> and i think it almost becomes confessional. like you had this dream and you think, i have to tell. but it's to unburden yourself for having been unfaithful in your dream. >> why do you make this about me? and my dreams? >> because it's about you and your dreams. you had one of those dreams. >> no, i think the reason we're still married after almost 27 years is because we value one another enough to tell each other the truth. when we haven't told each other the truth, it has not ended well. if you know what i'm saying. to tell the truth is to respect one another. >> i think women also have a sixth sense.
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any time i've ever attempted to lie to my wife even about a little thing, i feel like i get busted and she knows anyway. >> thanks for the lively conversation. really good. you get to ask us anything you want. why did we ruin the last segment? >> almost anything. sorry. sara and our fans right after this. >> do we have any left? a pediatrician... yeah, that was a third degree booboo a housekeeper... a sanitation engineer... a housekeeper... good thing i had 5-hour energy to keep me going. what will you do with your next five hours? went home and fed her family. now she's helping her community. no wonder it's hard to focus on her own needs. but she's got one a day women's, a complete multivitamin with key nutrients women may need all in one pill.
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because our focus is you. i'm up next, but now i'm singing the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is!
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it is time for "3, 2, 1 live with sara haines." she's hanging with the crowd over at the nbc experience store. >> who do you have for us? >> first les from seattle. >> hi, guys. what do you enjoy doing most on your days off? >> it's really none of your business, les. go ahead, hoda. >> it depends. some weekends i'll end up going to d.c. to see my nieces and mom and my brother. when i'm here, hanging, friends, date, maybe movie, dinner, you know, nothing big. just chilling. >> simpler the better. >> what about you? >> same thing with me. i like family time. just knowing you have a day that
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you can make for yourself, whatever you want. i do like to go see a good movie, see some theater, a book i like or want to read that's nothing work related. it's just a book that's been calling to me and you can curl up with it. i love that. >> next up we've got gina from seattle. >> hey, girls. >> hey! >> what is your very favorite vacation spot? >> i'm a caribbean girl. i love -- i like it because it's a direct flight. you can get there quickly, puerto rico, places like that, and i just enjoy the beach. i could just chill with a book on the beach for a week, no sweat. >> for a vacation, my -- >> hello? >> vacation, i'm thinking about it, my favorite place in the entire world is italy. for a study trip, i love to go to the holy land. that's the most fascinating place on earth. but to just relax, italy. >> thank you. thanks, sara. coming up, advice for finding a contractor who will do the best job at a fair price. and from romantic love
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stories to an epic 3-d family film, what movies are worth watching this weekend? plus a light and healthy fish dinner from one of the country's top chefs. >> first your local news and weather.
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we're back with more of "today" on this friday. and we're kicking off a new series called "reel moms" where we talk about the best films to catch this weekend, whether you're renting one for the kids or getting a baby-sitter for tonight. >> today's movie critics are mother of two jessica shaw who's also the senior writer for "entertainment weekly" and a contributor to the magazine's family entertainment site. >> tim stack must be so upset you're here. and robin is a lifestyle expert and brand-new mom of a 3-month-old baby girl. and finally comedienne and mother of two jane condon. >> careful. >> she's funny already. >> hi, guys. it's interesting to hear your takes. we often hear from movie critics. now we get a nice little mix. the first one is "jack the giant
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slayer," the 3-d action film out in films. a lot of special effects. what do you think? >> this is hollywood's latest take. we've seen snow white and alice in wonderland. this of course jack and the bean stalk. i think it's good. it's rated pg-13. there's definitely some violence. >> a lot, actually. >> robin, do you think kids would like it, or is it too scary? >> a bit scary. my baby's quite small. but i think my husband would have liked it. maybe it's like a dude and boy movie. >> how old is your husband? >> quite young. >> the special effects are pretty remarkable. >> i think this is a totally fabulous movie. there was one woman at the screening screaming who just went this is awesome! >> was she drunk? >> it was the director's mother. >> exactly. >> all right. so 3-d film "escape from planet earth" in theaters. >> is that like the old "escape from planet earth" or new one?
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. it's a new one. >> an alien animated adventure. one brother is stuck in area 61. to me this is like mediocre animation. it's the kind of movie that as a parent you bring your kid and think, huh, what am i making for dinner tonight? >> not for very young kids. >> do you guys think it's for parents? >> it has a huge all-star cast. i actually waited to see who was in it. i think jessica alba and george lopez. maybe sarah jessica parker. >> during a movie for kids, i sit there and think, guess who's that voice? sofia vergara "modern family." >> she was hilarious. >> va, va, va voom alien. >> let's talk "safe haven." my mom just saw this nicholas sparks movie. loved it. >> it's about love, right?
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love. >> you're right. you're right. >> nicholas sparks, it has everything -- i mean, this is josh duhamel. julianne hough. >> it's cheesy, romantic. there's a canoe ride, a kiss in the rain. this is predictable, but it's doing great because people love predictability. >> how is julianne hough as an actress? >> i didn't think they had like amazing chemistry. i feel like "the notebook" is the one everyone holds nicholas sparks to. but you know what? it was fun. i'm a new mom. i was happy to get out for two hours. >> and he's easy on the eyes. >> she's a beautiful girl. kind of a date movie. >> did you really think it was good acting? >> yes. >> i'm a comedienne. we're not expected to act. >> i heard that julianne hough, you don't think she's in peril at all. >> from her past, right? that's one of the things -- >> whatever happens, there's a little scary tension near the end. i want to say, don't worry,
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she's dating ryan seacrest. >> she's going to be all right. >> for rent, "hotel transylvania." that's out there for rent. everyone loved that movie, right? >> it's cute. >> adam sandler, did it make you wonder, where is he? >> he plays dracula. he runs a hotel for the frankensteins and the mummies. >> they've got to stay someplace, too. >> monsters to get away from humans. and it's super, super cute. >> he has a party for his daughter, mavis, who is 118. and the human boyfriend who's trying to pretend he's a vampire. >> sofia vergara is not in this? >> there's a movie that she missed. >> now "argo" is going to be out for rent. which it kind of cool. did you guys all love it? >> sure. best picture. >> i want to put in a vote for "silver linings." >> me, too. >> because ten years ago, you couldn't do a movie about mental illness. so god bless you, david russell.
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>> they did it brilliantly. it was about real people. who happened to be bipolar. >> it's not coming out, though, this weekend. you know that. >> "argo" is super great. it just got best picture at the oscars. it's just such a fun movie to watch. the premise is amazing already. they had to pretend a movie to go into iran. it's done really well. >> the gentleman it's about is saying very little of it is true. >> this is interesting. >> i actually looked it up. i saw president carter basically said the same thing. it's really not true. >> it's a great movie, but it's not true. to history. >> thanks, ladies. getting what you want when you want it, hoda. from your contractor. >> sounds interesting. right after this. [ coughs ] [ angry gibberish ] [ justin ] mulligan sir. mulligan. take a mulligan. i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] truth is, a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't?
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[ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ angry gibberish ] [ fake coughs ] sorry that was my fault sir. [ male announcer ] alka seltzer plus severe sinus. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is! [ male announcer ] try alka seltzer plus severe sinus day and night for complete relief from your worst sinus symptoms. and sure enough, we're family. but you're not even shredded. you're...crunchy?! that happens sometimes. [ female announcer ] a crunch of whole grain fiber that helps keep you full. new frosted mini-wheats crunch. it's a big breakfast... [ crunch! ] new a little biscuit. [ crunch! ] so if ydead battery,t tire, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah,
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can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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on "today's home," one of the hardest parts of being a
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homeowner is finding a contractor who will give you a good price and get the job done the way you want it. >> so if you're planning on doing a little remodeling, how can you avoid getting ripped off and find someone you can trust? kevin o'connor is the host of "this old house" and a contributor for "this old house" magazine. nice to see you. >> nice to see you guys. thank you for having me. >> are you irish? >> just a bit. >> just a wee bit. >> just a wee bit. >> so finding the right contractor is not an easy thing to do. >> no. >> what's the best way to go about that? >> so word of mouth i think is one of the best ways to go. ask your neighbors or services out there like angie's list. they're all based on word of mouth. >> i see angie's list all the time on commercials. that's a really good way to go? >> that's based on people giving their reviews. >> you can't buy those. >> you've got to earn them. >> your doctor gives you a specialist's name. so ask contractors. ask your friends. people have good ideas. >> you've got to have good plans. >> you've got to have good plans. >> what do you have? >> these are plans for you guys. here's one for each of you. >> i have a couple written up.
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>> you guys know what a contractor napkin is, all right? >> if you don't need a blueprint. >> get a real plan. a real plan is going to do a lot of things for you, okay? it's going to tell you how much square footage you're dealing with, it's going to tell you about the materials. materials can be 44% of the total price. with a real plan, you've made hard decisions and your contractor and you are talking the same language. >> okay. >> let's talk about materials. >> let's. >> i want white subway tiles in my house. you see these? >> yep. >> you like them? >> yeah, they're in the right spot. i do. >> $3.25 a square foot. now, these right here, these are made by machine. these are made by hand. $14 a square foot. four times the cost. >> and you can't really tell, the naked eye. >> here they are next to each other. we have the machine, the hand. >> we have them next to each other. you can't tell. but when you say white subway tile -- >> they might go for the price. >> you want to make sure you're talking about the same thing. >> what is the markup? how much do they pocket, your contractor? >> 15% to 20% of the margins,
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typically for a good contractor doing a great job. >> so that adds up. >> you talk about thousands of dollars difference in price. >> couldn't you say to them, give me a laundry list. show me what i can get for this. the cheap end and the high end. >> you should sit there and tell them what you want. i want hardwood floors in the kitchen. hardwood floors means different things to different people. this is southern yellow pine here. this is unfinished. and this is going to be a couple bucks per square foot. but this is prefinished right here. so the difference is once this goes in, you still have to sand it, stain it. >> right. >> so now we're talking about -- >> a lot of labor. >> a lot of labor, right? we're going to nail this down. so there's actually engineered flooring that doesn't need to be nailed down. >> this is such a turn-on for hoda. >> that was hot. >> come on. >> do it again. >> oh, my gosh. >> come on. >> go. oh, wow! wow! that was, like, the best. >> now, you're not done yet
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because that needs to be finished. >> no, i'm done. >> you want to keep my hammer? keep my hammer. all right. anyway. materials make a big difference, but labor makes a big difference. >> it all adds up. >> work out the details. >> that's important. >> final tip. >> what? what is it? >> do some of the grunt work yourself, right? so keep your sanity. >> that's not going to work with you, hoda. >> no. >> keep the dirt on the dirty side where the construction's going on. keep the clean side -- put up a zip wall. something like this. >> i've never seen one of these. in all these years i've been doing this stuff. >> you can seal it down. >> that's great. can i ask a question, though? if the contractor tells you you're going to be done in three weeks and you're on to the fourth week, do you have any recourse? what can you do except say how much longer is this going to take? >> it depends on the contractor. here's the tip. you always want to feel like you want to penalize a guy for going too long. consider putting a bonus or incentive to finish on time or before time. it may cost you a little extra money, but you're going to get it done. >> and you'll lose out on a lot of headaches. >> give them respect. they're probably coaching your kids on the local soccer team.
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>> don't let one bad experience with one contractor ruin it for everybody. >> i work with them. they're good guys. >> thanks, honey. thanks for coming. we are heading into the kitchen for an easy friday fish dinner. >> when we come back. taking a look at your seven-day forecast. of course we're dealing with the cold temperatures in the south. we're talking about snowflakes in places like atlanta, georgia and also in parts of tennessee even getting down to the northern parts of alabama. now, our temperatures staying very chilly as we head into today. we're talking about 42 degrees as a high in atlanta, 51 in new orleans, 64 in orlando. and those cold temperatures are going to stay with us right through the weekend. also keeping an eye on the next system coming in from the northwest making its way across places like billings, montana going to see some wintery weather. and it's heading on into the center of the country. showers in orlando and a little bit of snow in the interior
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portions of the northeast with the the temperatures not budging down in the south. we're talking about 36 grows in orlando, 54 new orleans, 68 in dallas, just 39 in louisville. as we head into monday, now that system making its way out just looking at a little bit of snow there in the northern reaches of new england staying in the 40s along the east coast. here comes our next system delivering snow to places like billings, montana and minneapolis and heading on over to the midwest. as we head into tuesday now the system coming into the center of the country here. rain forces south louisville, kentucky as the temperatures start to rebound and warm up there in the southeast. staying in the 40s there in places like boston. by wednesday that system pressing towards the east coast. and this could be the next big snowmaker that we watch in parts of the mid-atlantic and possibly the northeast. by thursday the country clearing out looking pretty good except as we head over to the west here where we have a system coming on in and a little bit of snow and rain mixed in places like salt lake city. we get to friday we're looking pretty good along the east
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coast. 40s in new york city, 45 degrees back to normal in orlando. 78 degrees. and this system delivering some rain and snow to the four corners. all the details for yu on the weather channel 5:30 to 7:00 a.m., wake up with al. what did i do with my last fii was a dietician..... a housekeeper... a pediatrician... yeah, that was a third degree booboo a housekeeper... a sanitation engineer... a housekeeper... good thing i had 5-hour energy to keep me going. what will you do with your next five hours? but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit
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in "today's kitchen," we're cooking up a light and healthy weekend meal, baked cod with veggies. >> the executive chef of oceana here in new york. let's cut to the chase. we're going to make this dish because it pairs well with chardonnay. >> hey. >> a great chardonnay from christian moreau in france. >> you have a great restaurant, we should point out. it's a great spot. >> fantastic. >> tell us how we're making this. >> we're going to be doing baked alaskan cod. we've seasoned our fish with a little salt and pepper. >> okay. >> and if you had like to go ahead. >> yes, i would like to go
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ahead. what do you want me to do? >> carrots. >> okay. >> potatoes. >> and our green and red peppers. >> bell peppers. >> dump it in. >> allegedly a lot of people like. >> a lot of people do. >> a little garlic and basil and parsley. >> okay. >> a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. >> that's hoda's favorite kind. >> and by drizzle, glug, glug. a couple of glugs. >> tell me when. >> that's good right there. we're going to add a little salt and pepper to that. and then we cover it with foil. and we bake it at 350 degrees. for ten minutes. >> what are you doing? >> yeah, why are you here, ben? >> okay, you bake it like that. >> after ten minutes, the vegetables are about halfway cooked. we take our fish. and we arrange them on top of the vegetables. put the aluminum foil back on. >> can i ask you something, please? we hear so much about cape cod cod. what's the difference with alaskan cod? >> alaskan cod is sustainable. it's a great managed fishery and there's a plentiful amount.
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the cape cod cod right now, there's been a dramatic decrease in the amount you can catch. >> i didn't realize that. >> this is a great alternative. >> it tastes similar. >> it tastes just the same. and if you don't have cod, you could use halibut or hake or black sea bass. it would be perfect with this dish as well. >> you cover it up. >> we cover it with the foil. then we're going to finish baking it for about eight more minutes. and then you get the juices from the vegetables, the juices from the fish, all kind of married together. >> unbelievably healthy, obviously. >> very healthy. a little bit of extra virgin olive oil. and then here's our finished dish. >> i want to make sure this cod tastes like the cod i'm used to. >> it's delicious. big, plump, tasty. >> it's great. it's firm, flavorful, real meaty. >> is this one of the recipes in your restaurant? >> this is going to be in my cookbook coming out next year called "school of fish." >> how clever are you? >> how cute is ben? >> thank you, ben. thanks so much.
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okay, we're ready to have a lot more fun when we get our game on. >> but first, this is "today" on nbc. that's really good, ben. [♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day. [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health
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all right. we have reached the part of the show where we get to play a game. it's called "get your game on" with two lucky contestants who were plucked off the plaza earlier. >> that's right. sara's going to introduce us to our players.
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tell us what we're playing. >> we've got brian and jill. and we are playing a game called "phone it in," which is one of my favorites. each of you is matched with your contestant. the contestant needs to call someone using this script. you're going to fill in the blanks. and whoever's the most convincing caller wins. >> yeah, but this is complicated in a way. we didn't realize it. because they happen tore married, which we didn't know when we picked them. they were on opposite ends. they were in marital cahoots. >> we're going to have hoda go first. 30 seconds on the clock. >> okay. >> and go. >> amy, hey, i need your help. i'm at the kathie lee and hoda show. i just ran into the cafe. i need a huge favor. can you please bring me some gloves by 3:00 p.m.? the airplane says so. >> the pilot. >> the airplane. >> the pilot says so. i need gloves. my hands are freezing. can you please bring me some? >> i'm on the next flight out. >> i'm serious.
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you'd better get here fast. >> i'm are upping as fast as my legs will carry me. >> you're running. >> i'm running right now. >> i need them by 3:00. >> by 3:00, that might be a little rough. >> disappointing on levels that i -- >> it's going to get better now because brian's caller, i think, is his mother. >> okay. >> okay. so kathie lee, are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> 30 seconds on the clock. >> mom, hey, it's brian. i need -- i need -- be quiet for a second. i need your help. i'm at the kathie lee and hoda show. i just ran into -- matt lauer. brad pitt. i need a huge favor. can you bring me a phone by 3:00 p.m. today? i need a phone by 3:00 p.m. today. the bus says so. >> the bus driver. >> the bus driver says so.
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>> i can't get there by 3:00. it's past 3:00. no, it's not. >> no, i really need -- i need a phone by 3:00. >> i'm not going to get there by 3:00. where are you at? >> i'm in new york city. i'm at the kathie lee and hoda show. >> wow. >> okay. but how many i going to get there? >> that's for you to figure out. take a bus. the bus driver says he will come and get you. >> i wouldn't get there by 3:00. >> she wouldn't get there by 3:00. >> brad pitt said he would come and get you. >> okay. he can come and get me. >> i think we have a winner. >> and i think it is jill. >> let's give them both one. they're married. >> coming up next, we have lots of stars.
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we have chelsea handler, nicole richie, ricky schroeder and lil' jon. >> fashion for spring which they tell us is right around the corner and hollywood buzz. >> have a great weekend. bye, everybody. tlc was gigantic. >> i didn't realize we made history. jeff: holding the music industry hostage. >> never giving up. i lost my balance, my sound. jeff: then ethan zohn surviving the biggest battle of his life. >> i just wanted to live for another day. [ applause ] jeff: hello, hello! roll it! [ cbs television distribution ] jeff: all right. a little about me. i'm recently married. i worked with my wife on this show. and i'm learning how to be a dad
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to two amazing kids in a blended family. i'm hosting a talk show 'cause there's a lot to talk about. this is the adventure. [ applause ] welcome. thank you. have a seat. thanks for the nice welcome. two survivors here today. one, we have t-boz from the famed girl group tlc. gigantic. [ applause ] that's the best selling american girl group ever. and her story about sickle cell anemia, a brain tumor, everything that went on with the members of tlc, it's a fascinating story. and she's still singing. plus, another survivor that i have a very close connection to, ethan zohn. if you're a "survivor" fan, he won back in "survivor africa." and started this great grass roots soccer campaign with his money, then he was diagnosed with cancer. he's one of the coolest guys i


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