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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 8, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PST

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reported smoke and flames reaching up to the second floor and even roof outside of the building. firefighters got here quickly. they were able to knock it down quickly and say the damage isn't as bad as they first thought. on our way out we ran into chez panisse workers that were actually on their way in. >> surprise and shock especially at 5:00 in the morning. >> i think i'm still in shock. >> we're still sort of trying to process. >> reporter: they say that they were actually trying to come into work this morning and walked right into this. now alice waters co-founded chez panisse in 1971. it became world famous for its organic local sustainable food and menus. firefighters say they still don't know exactly how it started whether it is suspicious, electrical or maybe if we even asked if someone was living there or trying to keep warm. they said at this point they
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still don't know but fire investigators on scene also say that it looks like the restaurant may be out of commission for a little while but certainly looks like something that can be fixed and they are hoping to see it up and running soon. that's what we have from here. investigators tell us they will be o scene for at least another hour. reporting live in berkeley, christie smith, "today in the bay." we also have another developing story. police in san francisco and oakland search for two men accused of pistol whipping a victim during a home invasion robbery. san francisco police say two men wearing dark clothing forced their way into a home on 23rd street in potrero hill. the suspects took the victim's iphone and took off. right now the suspects are still on the loose. this morning the chp still trying to figure out exactly why a person hit and killed on highway 237 was trying to cross
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that freeway in the first place. that person was hit and killed by a car trying to cross eastbound 237 near north 1st street in san jose about 8:45 last night. the chp says the driver of the car remained at the scene and called police. the driver says he didn't even see a car on the side of the road and that person was "apparently running across the lanes." happening now, more than 100 people living at a homeless encampment in san jose will soon be on the move. the city will start clearing out the camp located south of mineta airport in just a for you hours from now. bob redell joins us now with more on the encampment removal. >> reporter: you can see behind me one of the 100 people that live here on this ground on spring street starting to pack up. he'll wait until 9:00 to see what happens. 9:00 is when the city says
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they'll come in here and force people out. they did give them 72 hours notice to let them know this was going to be happening. the housing department with the city confirmed with us yesterday they would be doing this today. to give you a lay of the land, a large swath of land. it's undeveloped. between the airport and the rose garden on spring street so it's just a large area and within the past year there was a couple tents starting in january. the population exploded because the city shut down one encampment forcing a lot of people to migrate here. as you can imagine with that mean people out here there are concerns about sanitation. it is unsightly because it is not hidden in the brush and it's in the wide open and there's also concerns about potential increase in crime. >> i can sit here and call them bad names. i'm not going to do that. the police have been good. san jose police.
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we've not had any problems out here. crime hasn't gone up. usually by the time it gets past dark everyone goes in. i guess we're in our own little community. >> reporter: the police have told the mercury news they have not seen an uptick of crime with these people moving into this area, this patch of land. nonprofits reportedly have been out here to offer them help. as you can see scott daniel who we just heard from is packing up right now. i asked him why don't you go to a shelter. he said shelters are too rigid when it comes to rules. you don't have as much freedom and you can't bring all your stuff in there. you can see he's got a lot of items and if you want to go to a shelter you have to get rid of that and that's not what he wants to do. he says i'll get to a point it's too cold out here. he's almost 60 years old. he doesn't want to be uncomfortable trying to get to sleep. there are more than 50 homeless encampments here in the city of san jose. one reason why the city is
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focusing so hard on this one as you can see with sun coming up, it's in the wide open. it's an eyesore. it's not hidden in the bush like a lot of other ones. that's one reason they are focusing on this. at 9:00 they'll force people to move to another place. bob redell, "today in the bay." thank you, bob. it's 6:07 right now. we're checking things out weatherwise. time to bring in christina loren. the rain fading away. >> good morning to you. live picture here. this is san jose. we do have clouds. you'll see the clouds lingering over the local mountains throughout the day today. we will see quite a bit of sunshine. showers lingering for the time being. they are quickly clearing out of here. as we head through 9:00, we'll eliminate the chance for slight showers probably until noon today and then we might see a couple waves of moisture. you can see this area of low pressure headed to the south. it's spinning showers to the north. isolated showers in the forecast
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for today. overall winds will play more of a factor as that system heads out of here. you notice on the key where you start to get the pinks and purples and where colors start to pop, that's where we expect the highest wind gusts later on today in excess of 45 miles per hour. the heaviest time frame will be between 4:00 and 6:00 as you commute home. travel cautiously especially if you drive a high profile vehicle. highs today will be a little bit more comfortable. still on the cool side. upper 50s on the way inland. mid 50s bayside and at the coast. the 70s just 72 hours away. we'll get into that forecast coming up. weekend numbers ready to go in my next report. first, we want to take a look at that morning drive to see how showers are impacting motorists. >> with the wet roadways even though the rain has left the area, we do have wet roadways. watch the off-ramps. major freeway connector. maze looks fine. berkeley curve with taillights heading toward the right and bay bridge with the backup in the cash lanes starting to build mid parking lot.
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no metering lights just yet. we'll show you the area on the approach. incline shows slowing as we gather the crowd heading into san francisco no problems for the span. we are looking at west 24. as you get over toward college avenue, reports of a big rig with a trailer that opened up and some of the load fell out. seven to ten cars on the shoulder. an update and sounds like much of that is clearing. there's a lot of slowing because of the activity and again they do have to clear lanes from debris. cars on the shoulder. expect slowing. not affecting caldecott west of highway 13 outside of the caldecott on the oakland side. we're looking here toward the drive through the tri-valley and smooth flow for west 580 just building crowd from livermore over toward dublin interchange. earlier slowing we saw north through pleasanton cleared for 680. normal flow for a friday. if you are heading to sierra via 580. 80 and 50 are clear. no chain requirements. look at this video we just got in from the grapevine. this is from an unincorporated
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area. it's right there. landmark for people heading over. they have a mcdonald's and hotel. we are looking at the parking lot for the gas station they also have. look at the snow there. that closed the grapevine for traffic right now. you can get down to the l.a. area. use 101. i-5 is closed because of snow. new details just released by the vatican from rome. they are talking about a conclave to elect the next pope at a press conference just moments ago. the reverend telling reporters cardinals will be voting this afternoon on the start date of this conclave. he adds it is likely they will choose monday, tuesday or wednesday. cardinals have been meeting all week long to discuss the ongoing problems of the church and to also start discussions on who among them will be best suited to be the very next pope. also new this morning, the latest unemployment report shows
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some promise for the economy. unemployment dropped to 7.7%. lowest point in four years. employers added a whopping 236,000 jobs last month. that's actually the largest monthly increase since last november. the numbers do not take into account the jobs lost as a result of sequester cuts that kicked in on march 1st. economists gave us a good idea of where the economy could be headed. coming up at 6:30, a live report from washington, d.c. with a look at how these numbers could impact budget negotiations in congress. right now it's 6:11. a stanley clad ad targeted directly at tweens. we'll have the blog backlash over a lingerie's store. following in apple's footsteps. new this morning, how microsoft
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will expand its bay area footprint. that story just ahead. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter... because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. ♪ the one and only, cheerios yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen.
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back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible.
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a follow-up to a story we reported last month. the case of a missing san jose man now being investigated as a homicide as the man was found dead inside his own apartment. "today in the bay's" marla tellez is at the san jose police department. she joins us now with details. good morning. >> reporter: police here arrested one person but at this point they're not saying who this person is though one neighbor at the scene tells us it is the victim's girlfriend. 69-year-old stanley jacobson was reported missing just about three weeks ago. his friends worried after he did not show up to their daily lunch get together. just yesterday he was found stabbed to death inside his own
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apartment at the hill top manor senior apartment on ironwood drive near highway 87. neighbors say they are shocked by this. at the scene of the crime one neighbor tells us they saw jacobson's girlfriend regina butler being led away by officers in handcuffs. >> the person we have in custody will be interviewed and give a statement on what led up to this. what were the people that were with him doing? trying to exploit him financially? trying to target him? >> reporter: jacobson went missing in february and police were looking for his girlfriend in the first place. this morning we're working to confirm regina butler is in fact the person san jose police currently have in custody. the other unanswered question this morning is when was jacobson killed? officials say the medical examiner's office will be able to answer that question and one final thing to think about is that we're in the ninth week of 2013. this is san jose's eighth homicide of the year. live in san jose, marla tellez,
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"today in the bay." >> thanks, marla. 6:15 right now. time for a quick check of the day's top stories. firefighters say the popular chez panisse in berkeley will be closed for some time after a big-time fire breaks out at the building overnight. crews say that damage is extensive but most of it appears to be on the outside. the other good news, nobody was hurt. funeral services will be held today for late venezuelan president hugo chavez. the 58 year old died earlier this week from a heart attack after a long battle with cancer. his body will be permanently displayed in a glass tomb in a military museum. coastal towns bracing for large waves and a high tide. all that snow out there expected to pile up to a foot. 6:16 right now. it's known worldwide for putting lingerie on women and now victoria secret is targeting teenagers. the company's slogan for this year's pink line bright young
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things is aimed directly at teenage girls. the line will feature lace undergaunde undergarments with words like call me and wild on the back. the company's cfo says all 15 and 16 year old girls want to be older and like girls in college. the pink line will help them do that. >> that's one of the stories that makes you say really? 6:17 right now. microsoft is expanding. the software giant opening a new store next month. this will be microsoft fifth store in the bay area. it will personalize a customer's new surface tablet or laptop. a grand opening is expected on april 25. >> see if you like this. facebook is hoping billions of users will like its new design. social media giant is updating the new look of the news feed. users will now be able to sort streams of photos and other materials into more organized
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sections. facebook ceo mark zuckerberg says the makeover will turn news feeds into a newspaper tailored to fit the needs of each user. business and tech reporter scott mcgrew is not with us today. >> he's too busy becoming a hipster at the south side southwest festival in austin, texas. >> he's always a hipster. >> it starts today bringing music, independent technology together over a five-day stretch. it started back in the late '90s and helped twitter get off the ground. it's also given others a big boost. >> when scott is a hipster, that means he's getting paid to get down there and party. >> he's investigating. >> 6:18 right now. christina loren is here to investigate the sky and let us know where the rain is going off to. >> doesn't take sherlock holmes to tell you it will be fantastic
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out there. 6:18. a great looking day shaping up. done with the rain. the heavy, steady rainfall taking a live look at oakland. beautiful start here. we have some stratus clouds overhead. there is fog setting in so travel cautiously there. this is the general sky over most of the bay area. cloud cover. little bit of blue to start the day. 6:19. daylight saving time begins through sunday morning. we won't be able to show you beautiful sunrises any longer as sun will not come up until 7:28. it will set at 7:13. that's the deal back here on monday. dark at this time. 46 in san jose to start the day. 43 for livermore. 46 degrees in gilroy. a live look at your satellite radar. you can see here most of that shower activity has cleared. we're not done just yet. let me show you what i'm talking about. this area of low pressure you see counterclockwise flow. mike showed you the grapevine
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shut down because of heavy snowfall. this is going to spin showers into the bay area as we head throughout the day. this digs south and showers come to the north. this is what we're talking about. let me show you clearly on future cast area of low pressure starts to move down the california coastline by 9:00 p.m. tonight we'll see shower activity up in the south bay. that will extend to the golden gate bridge. north bay should stay nice and dry. we stop the clock at 6:00 a.m. on saturday. the slow moving system starts to push along the baja peninsula and for us that means we'll get a nice dry break. high pressure able to build in and bring temperatures from 60s and upper 50s into the 70s. when you hit the 70s you will give the heater a break. we like saving money. as we head throughout the next couple days. 75 degrees by wednesday. we'll get more rain. we're not doing that bad when it comes to average snowfall so far. when it comes to next weekend and the following weekend, we
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should sit pretty with march. >> some folks are just sitting. they are pretty or whatever. it's early. we'll give them a break. here's the backup at the bay bridge toll plaza. we see the cash lanes catch up. it's opposite with typical pattern here. metering lights on. we'll look at the maps. the flow is starting to slow as the build goes up the incline. we'll look at another issue approaching the bay bridge. this is west 24 your commute direction. talked about earlier debris and a number of cars here on the shoulder after a big rig opened up the gates there. they have to clear that up. we'll have traffic breaks oning throu running from chp. you see slowing off highway 13 over in toward college avenue. if you are west of college avenue, the maze maintaining a lighter flow because of folks held up back here. that's causing backup out of the caldecott off the oakland side
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of the tunnel and also north 13 into the same area. expect this to build until chp finishes with this cleanup activity and paperwork there. we're tracking that. that's the big deal for the east bay. south bay and smooth drive northbound 101. we'll show you that coming up. i want to point out a couple things. live look at sunol shows you the fog is now starting to creep through the area. moisture in the air and in the ground and this is what you deal with south 680. parsley populated so cars are able to maintain a decent speed. fog just above roadway. you do have a good distance but lower the speeds just for safety sake. on the peninsula side we see effects of the rain on slicker roadways. 101 here with sheen north past university avenue. a light volume of traffic north and south between the city and palo alto but things are slick again. watch the off-ramps. be careful. we'll get that look i told you about south bay. that small section of 101 shows slowing right here north of 680/880 interchange. wet roads. no major concerns for the local highways other than the 24 area coming through oakland.
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we'll follow that. back to you guys. >> all right. thank you very much. 6:22. coming up, smooth moves at the age of just 6. we'll show you how a pint sized break dancing phenom is blowing away the competition. [ mom ] dear chex cereal, i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex.
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for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them, that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook.
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>> this is just awesome to watch. the question is do you think you can dance? this 6-year-old girl setting the bar very high. she's a member of a british break dancing troop. this young lady can do it all. 6 years old. mind-blowing that she knows how to work it like that. and the crowd goes bananas. she has all kinds of moves. at 6 years old, can't imagine what she'll be doing at 10. >> it is phenomenal. that's tough. >> i like to know who taught this -- how old -- >> how young did she start. look at her move. the crowd is going wild. pretty cool. what a talent. still ahead, a mecca for foodies goes up in flames this morning. we have the investigation into what caused chez panisse to catch fire overnight. we'll have details next.
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let's take you to a random luggage search leading to a major drug bust at oakland international. we have details of what the screening uncovered. a live look outside at the dumbarton bridge. don't always see that early in the morning. christina has a look at the forecast. mike keeping tabs on the morning commute. a lot of news ahead. stick around. 6:27. here you go little man. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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♪ the one and only, cheerios
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a fast moving fire moved through the heart of the slow food movement. we just got a look at the damage from a fire at the famous chez panisse and the co-founder alleys waters just arrived on the scene. charges dropped. the shocking reversal in the case against a teacher accused ofabusing autistic students. a live look at new york. it's international women's day
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as we hear the opening bell this morning. it is friday, march 8th. this is "today in the bay." 6:30 right now. good morning to one and all. i'm jon kelley. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. an update to breaking news we've been following in the east bay where an overnight fire damaged alice water's chez panisse restaurant in berkeley. she just arrived at the restaurant moments ago. she's getting a tour of the damage and finding out what's left of the famous eatery. firefighters crediting the a sprinkler that was in the area for keeping that fire contained to just the outside of the building. this is a live look at the scene right now. you see all of the firefighters at the scene. our own christie smith is also there this morning talking to investigators trying to actually talk to alice waters as well. a live report coming up in just
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about 15 minutes. new video this morning of what's left of a home near kelly park in san jose after an overnight fire there. nobody was inside when that fire started and crews arrived before 10:00 last night. flames from all corners of the property along with downed power lines. investigators at this hour still trying to find out if the lines sparked that blaze or if it fell as a result of the fire. also new this morning, the government just releasing the monthly jobs report giving us a better idea of where the economy is headed. tracie potts joins us live on capitol hill this morning. a surprise to many. good numbers. >> reporter: the numbers are improving. 7.7% is now where we stand in terms of an unemployment rate. it dropped a little bit more than experts thought it would. last month employers created 236,000 jobs in this country. that was a surprising number because with revisions it ended up being almost twice as many as january. january actually ended up being not as good of a month as they
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thought. december was better than they thought. one of the reasons these numbers were so good is because construction saw its best gains in six years bringing us to the best unemployment rate that we've seen in four years. >> we've all been talking about washington dealing with these massive budget cuts and jobs loss as a result there. they are not included in today's report. >> right. and so a month from now when we get the end of march report, we'll start to see some of that. we'll look back. we won't see jobs affected until april and that will come out in the may report. >> hopefully we see cooperation continue. president obama reaching out to republicans. we've seen that in the past few days. >> absolutely. and in fact he's going to be here on capitol hill next week. we saw him with paul ryan, the budget chair, yesterday at the white house. the big dinner he had with republicans last week. he'll be here on the hill next wednesday to talk to the gop
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conference. >> they'll like those numbers to turn around. thank you, tracie potts live from washington. this morning a richmond police sergeant under investigation accused of working with drug dealers in contra costa county. the contra costa times says sergeant michael wang took nearly $150,000 in bribes from a drug dealer and actually set up drug deals. a prosecution witness in a related drug conspiracy trial also accusing wang of tipping off a dealer to a gun sting that led to the shooting of a police informant. richmond police department says sergeant wang is on paid administrative leave during this investigation. prosecutors dropped all criminal charges against a redwood city school district teacher accused of abusing young autistic students. the contra costa times reports the san mateo district attorney's office found
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inconsistencies in witness statements and didn't have enough evidence to prosecute. she was accused of slapping and kicking two students at roosevelt elementary. she always maintained her innocence. she still face as civil lawsuit filed by the mother of one of the children that was allegedly abused. she was sued and several redwood city officials last june for more than $1 million in damage. new details this morning on the overnight arrest of a san francisco man busted for carrying hundreds of thousands of pot at the airport. 21-year-old tony wynn arrested following a random luggage search. tsa agents say he was carrying 67,000 pounds of pot. the plane was headed for charleston, south carolina. we're watching the weather this morning. at least meteorologist christina
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loren is for us. >> watching for us. >> we're watching friday. a nice forecast ahead. >> it doesn't matter what the weather is going to be like. it's friday. all across the bay area beautiful day shaping up. just want to show you how cool some of these live pictures are right now. this is san jose. the cloud cover right now lingering over the local mountains. that will be the case for today. a lot of sunshine. air quality has improved. the shower activity is clearing very quickly. we're looking good for a nice mild friday. winds will pick up and play a factor as the area of low pressure races out. unstabilized atmosphere out there. as we continue through the next couple days, we'll keep breezy to windy conditions. winds at the strongest today at 4:00 p.m. tie down any sort of loose objects. if you live along the coastline, you can see where red and orange is. that's why we'll see the highest wind gusts today. it will be gusty later on. 53 degrees at noon inland. 54 bayside. we'll hit close to 60 inland
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today. and heat of the day will come in at 3:00. that changes. we'll meet back here on monday. highs will come in closer to 4:00 as the sun won't even set until around 7:30 at night. we don't want you to forget about that time change. bleery eyed as we move into monday. what are you tracking now? >> wipe your eyes but looking here and clear your eyes because it's a clear bay bridge. that's great news close to the bay bridge coming down through berkeley or close to the maze. look at the map. i'll show you two reasons why this is light. it's friday. that's one of the reasons. two others. there's a crash westbound 80 in your commute direction coming through richmond around cutting boulevard and that is currently blocking at least one lane. a car spun around facing the wrong direction. an ambulance headed to the scene as well. we know one lane is blocked. this happened a short time ago. quite a spectacle as these people head toward the scene just before you get to the merge by the racetrack.
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we'll follow this. hopefully this will move to the shoulder quickly. there are injuries reported. over here west 24 the reason why folks are head up getting to the maze. this is west 24 around college avenue. it sounds like seven cars so far have been taken away from the scene. minor damage or maybe more but no injuries reported. we do have slowing now and we see build coming out of the caldecott tunnel for 24 and warren freeway toward the same interchange. that portion of oakland has the slowing. we look toward the south bay with smooth drive with just this bit of slowing here. we'll give you live looks outside to show you what's affecting your drive. san jose and wet roadways through the area. still an issue for your on and off-ramps. southbound showing typical friday later lighter build. highway 5 is closed and i'll show you why in the next report. you'll love what you see because you're not in it. 6:37 right now. still ahead, the body of hugo
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chavez on display in venezuela and into eternity. we'll tell you about the unusual way the country is preserving the former president's legacy. [ wind howling ] [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley...
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delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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this morning osama bin laden's son-in-law will appear in federal court in new york city. according to court documents, he is charged with conspiracy to
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kill americans including actions relateded to the september 11th attacks. nbc news reports that he spent most of the last decade locked up in iran before being arrested last week in jordan. an interesting and unusual move here. the body of the late hugo chavez will be on display permanently. venezuela's acting head of state says the former president's body will be displayed inside a glass tomb at a military museum near the presidential palace. the state funeral for chavez is today and global leaders will be in attendance. we also have new video of iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad arriving overnight in the capital . he was close to ahmadinejad and praised him for had his anti-west, anti-american stance. chavez died earlier this week reportedly from a heart attack. his death comes after a year's long battle with cancer. coming up, an east bay
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eatery named the best restaurant in america catches fire overnight. >> we'll tell you what's left of the world renowned restaurant as the smoke clears at chez panisse. we're getting a beautiful start to the day. new day begins over foster city. warmup on the way. your seven-day outlook is coming up next. great sunrise if you can see it. here's sunol. fog creeping up. weather affects the drive and two crashes in the east bay. we'll bring you that coming up. ♪ ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy.
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with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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breaking news to tell you about right now in oakland where opd and other agencies are going out on a widespread warrant sweep this morning. we're told this is a violent crime crackdown. we're sending a crew right now to oakland to gather more
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information on this situation. we expect a press conference to happen sometime later this morning. we'll of course bring you that as well. another update to breaking news we've been following all morning long for you. overnight fire at the world famous chez panisse restaurant in berkeley. co-founder alice waters just arrived on the scene within the last half hour or so. christie smith joins us live with details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, laura. that's right. chez panisse co-founder alice waters got here maybe 15, 20 minutes ago. she was briefed by berkeley firefighters outside of the restaurant and then they took her inside but before that happened she got a hug from the general manager of the restaurant who has been on scene all morning long. waters started the restaurant in 1971. her organic sustainable food became world famous. the start of california cuisine. a deputy fire chief showed us the damage and he says a sprinkler inside made all of the difference perhaps stopped the building from burning down.
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it's an all wood building. the fire started outside of that building about 3:00 in the morning. single alarm fire. firefighters found smoke and flames at the rear and front and side of the building outside. damage they say spread inside. they knocked it down quickly. the big question is how bad is the damage and what's the future of the restaurant? >> i would say the future of the restaurant is pretty good. the damage on the interior is very limited. i don't really even see much in the -- i don't really see much smoke damage which is one of our larger problems and that sprinkler head kept it from extending into the building so it limited the impact on the interior of the restaurant. >> reporter: we asked him if he thought it might be suspicious because it appears it started outside of the building and he said he didn't have that answer yet. could be electrical. they don't know. inspectors are here looking into that. back here live at some of the
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workers at the world famous restaurant have started to gather telling us that they are in shock as well waiting for an update. as soon as we get more information, we'll let you know. at this point telling us that the damage is bad but perhaps not as bad as firefighters initially thought. reporting live, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> thank you very much. it's 6:47 right now. here to help enhance our feel-good friday is ms. christina loren telling us about a nice looking weekend. >> it's always nicer when you know you can make any sort of plans that you want, right? >> it's going to be a good one. >> the weather will not limit you by any means this weekend. you can hit tahoe. you can hit the beach. it will be comfortable. 70s by sunday. 6:47 now. this is san jose. clouds lingering over the local mountains. the western facing slopes. we have fog to show you out in sunol. we don't have widespread fog but you'll find pockets in the east bay. you can see here not really impacting your drive. we'll check on that with mike. he's standing by. i want to point out visibility right now.
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three miles in livermore. that's the only place that seems to be dropping off for the time being. let's talk about what's to come. radar right now mostly dry. that will continue to be the case throughout the day today. we're going to see showers move back up to the north as we head throughout the day today. as this area of low pressure digs to the south, it's driving showers to the north. let's talk about what we're expecting. take it to future cast. you see that area of low pressure starts to dip south. by 9:00 p.m. tonight into about 11:00 we'll see activity especially in the south bay. you can see that here on your future cast. by tomorrow morning we'll clear you out just in time for the weekend. a beautiful day shaping up. warmer on sunday than saturday if you want to make outdoor plans. today warmer than yesterday by two to three degrees. you notice the difference. more sunshine on the way. 60 in livermore. 57 in san jose. 59 degrees for los gatos. look at that sunday. 70 degrees. don't forget to set the clock forward one hour. mid 70s by wednesday of next week. let's talk to mike about your drive. >> i'm tracking a crash over on
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the east shore freeway. looks like our chopper is over the scene. i just saw them pull a large suv off from the center divide area and move it over to the shoulder with a tow truck and full traffic break for a couple minutes. right now we're looking at west 80. that's the commute direction coming down through richmond approaching that racetrack. chopper has a tight shot here. you do see chp is there and they moved one of the cars from the area. there's another car there. one of the emergency vehicles and flares. when two vehicles clear we'll have all of the lanes cleared right now. that's the reason why we have all of this jam. look at that. a few more vehicles as the shot widens out. we'll show you the map in your commute coming down out . slow toward the scene of the crash here before folks merge off the richmond bridge. okay from the north bay but approaching the racetrack there is slowing before the merge. here's the racetrack farther to the west on the freeway. over here west 24 that earlier crash and big backup cleared
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very quickly because of a lighter friday volume of traffic. so now you have a little slowing through the caldecott. no more problems approaching college avenue. we had earlier debris and cars on the shoulder. all clear now. let's look at 880 for oakland. i saw a traffic break there northbound side had traffic jammed up past the coliseum. traveled north. a stall just over the high street high-rise and traffic moving smoothly into downtown once again. this is fine. i showed you sunol where there is fog and wet roadways around our area. look at this video from grapevine. this is from knbc. video from gorman, it's a town along the area at i-5 where folks stop. there's two restaurants and small hotel and gas station and snow. that's why they closed i-5 to thruway traffic. heading to the southland, you can't use i-5 to get there. use 101. we're talking about the sierra. the snow has not required chains for interstate 80 or 50 toward
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sierra but 88 toward kirkwood you have chain requirements. looking at gorman. this is why i-5 is closed between northern california and southland. >> spanning the globe to get us extra video. thanks a lot. the city of san jose will soon start clearing out a homeless encampment. this one is located near the mineta international airport. that's where bob redell is live with the camp and details on the pending removal. good morning, bob. >> reporter: good morning. it should took place two hours from now. the city of san jose will come in around 9:00 this morning to ask people to leave. this large swath of city land is on spring street between the airport and the rose garden. you can see there's one couple there that are already starting to pack up. we spoke to him earlier. he says he'll wait to see what happens. he's hoping maybe they get an extra day or so here but the city has not indicated that will happen. the reason why the city is targeting this area as we pull out and show you to the left is
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that it is in the open. it's not like the tents are hidden by brush or anything like that. it's very unsightly and there is a lot of people here within the past couple of months maybe roughly a hundred people have started camping here because another encampment was shut down so they migrated over here. that's one reason the city wants to remove this. they are concerned about sanitation even though that man we spoke to say people here do a good job cleaning up after themselves. there's concern about sanitation and the city is concerned about a potential increase in crime. >> they've got a job to do. i mean, you know, i can sit here and call them bad names. i'm not going to. the police have been good. the san jose police we've not had any problems out here. crime hasn't gone up. usually by the time it gets past dark, everybody goes in. i guess we're in our own little communities. >> reporter: the city has given
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these people 72 hours notice. nonprofits have also been out here offering a hand, temporary housing, that sort of thing. we asked scott who you see there why don't you go into a shelter. he says it's too rigid in terms of rules and you can't bring everything in there. they have a lot of belongings. they would only be able to bring a little bit of that. he said he would definitely consider it if push comes to shove and the weather gets much worse, he'll go to a shelter but they rather have freedom of living under the stars is what he said. the city of san jose saying they'll shut down this homeless encampment large area of land here on spring street between heading and taylor. they'll start doing that in about two hours from now. reporting live here in san jose, bob redell, "today in the bay." a developing story we're following as police in san francisco and oakland search for two men accused of pistol whipping a victim during a home invasion robbery. san francisco police say two men wearing dark clothing forced their way into a home on 23rd
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street. suspects took the victim's iphone and then took off. police tracked the car across the bay bridge but lost sight of it in oakland. right now the suspects are still on the loose. what started as a missing persons case is now a homicide investigation. this morning san jose police trying to figure out how a missing elderly san jose man ended up dead in his own apartment. the 69 year old was found stabbed to death inside the hill top manor senior apartments on ironwood drive. this morning police say they do have someone in custody related to the death of stanley jacobson but they are not saying who it is or how this person might be related to the killing. just a few weeks ago when jacobson was first reported missing, police were reportedly looking for regina butler. neighbors say butler was jacobson's girlfriend. one neighbor says he saw butler being led away by officers in
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handcuffs. police say jacobson's family found his body yesterday morning on the floor of his apartment. but just how long his body was there is still in question. they are trying to answer that now. >> what were the people that were with him doing, trying to exploit him financially, trying to target him? obviously the person we have in custody will be interviewed and give a statement on what led up to this. >> this killing for the record marks san jose's eighth homicide of the year. 6:55. the alleged drunk driver accused of killing a san francisco teen as she was crossing a street will be back in court today. police say that he was just above the legal blood alcohol limit when he fatally struck a  17 year old on saturday night. they say that brewer was speeding when he hit the girl. no skid marks indicating he tried to stop. he's expected to enter plea today and faces up to ten years in prison. a police officer pleading not guilty to sexually
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assaulting six women while on duty in west sacramento. sergio alvarez accused of using his position to stop women late at night or early in the morning while on patrol. alvarez right now being held on more than $29 million bail. he is due back in court later this month. social media is helping a bay area bar track down a burglary suspect and put him behind bars. the tavern posted this surveillance video on their facebook page showing a man who allegedly made off with $11,000 worth of audio visual equipment. the post prompted 3,600 shares and 280,000 views. some users identified the man as 22-year-old troy spencer smith of santa rosa. smith is now in jail charged with burglary and grand theft. a new plan to ban gun shows is being introduced this
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morning. a senator has drafted a bill that would allow local control over those gun shows. the county would have to pass a resolution before a gun show could be held at a place like the cal palace. this is just the latest attempt to stop gun shows at the cal palace. if you recall back in 2009, then governor arnold schwarzenegger vetoed such a ban. a daly city school district looking for donations to fund condoms for students. the jefferson union high school district wants to be able to give condoms to students who have taken a class in health education. students would have to talk to a counselor before getting one. san francisco's unified school district offers a similar program to students as do some high schools in redwood city and contra costa county. a start day for all electronic tolling on the golden gate bridge is now set. we have a live look at the bridge right now this morning. fog out there. but this will start this new cashless system on march 27th. that means that all remaining toll takers wil be laid off.
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the bridge will be the first in california and third in the entire country to feature a cashless toll plaza. drivers will be able to use fastrak to pay the toll and if you don't have fastrak, security cameras will photograph your license plate and a bill will be sent to the address registered to that plate. drivers then have three weeks to pay those tolls before they are fined. 6:58. new this morning, the latest unemployment report shows some promise for the economy. unemployment dropped to 7.7%. the lowest point in four years. employers also added a whopping 236,000 jobs last month. that's actually the largest monthly increase since last november. the numbers do not take into account the jobs lost as a result of the sequester cuts that kicked in on march 1st. economists say it gave us a good idea of where the economy could be headed. >> at this rate we'll take all of the positive we can get from that economy. it's a beautiful thing. positivity weatherwise. meteorologist christina loren
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take us away for the final look. >> soak up vitamin d. sunshine returns today. a live look at sfo. we have no flight delays here but plenty of flight delays along coastal new england. check ahead trying to head to new york. it's a getaway friday. temperatures are going to be mild for us. upper 50s inland. 56 bayside. at the coast around 55 degrees. much warmer weekend ahead. if you missed your seven-day outlook, no worries. we'll have it throughout the "today" show. >> our chopper showed all lanes cleared west 80 at cutting. all of this backup should clear quickly because of the light volume of traffic. west 80 very slow right now down toward cutting. no effect as folks come off the bridge and we'll look at the bay bridge toll plaza which is clear. sunol, it's not. we'll send you back with a foggy shot. back to you guys. >> they start to clear the way to select the next pope. big announcement about the next step to elect a pope this morning. the vatican says a conclave likely will begin early next week.
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cardinals expected to take a vote on that today to decide the start date. >> we'll see you monday. morning. good morning. breaking news. a strong nor'easter raging this morning. heavy snow and powerful waves stretching from new jersey to maine and al is tracking it all. all eyes on the vatican. the college of cardinals set to vote in a matter of hours on a start date for the conclave. we will be there live. and the morning after justin bieber tweets a photo of himself from a london hospital overnight, just hours after collapsing during a concert. the story behind the super star's health scare today, friday, march 8th, 2013. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer
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and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning, everyone. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. i'm savannah guthrie. >> and i'm lester holt in for matt this morning. >> before you go any further, we have important news. lester told me about 30 seconds ago it is his birthday today. >> it is my birthday. >> thank you for telling me so late so i didn't have to get a present and cake and all that stuff. >> matt new and took the day off in honor of my birthday. i was touched. >> i like how you like to celebrate your birthday by getting up at 3:00 in the morning. >> i am not a big birthday person. i actually got up and forget it was my birthday. did not think about it until about a half hour into the day. >> that's a sign of old age, right? . i've noticed it. >> thank you. it's nice if i hadn't spent it at work, what a better place to spend it. >> we have a lot going on on this important day. >> news out of the vatican, keep standing by, waiting for word cardinals have been meeting, they should decide soon on when th w


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