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tv   Today  NBC  March 9, 2013 2:05am-3:00am PST

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and puts them in the wine cellar and then opens the cheap wine. >> for when she has her favorite guests over. >> the question is she's upset about it, and she wanted to know what she should do about it. >> is it okay to say please serve this. phillip says no. >> it's not okay. >> you don't need to serve it, nor should guests expect you to. time to revise some steven stills greatest lyric. if you can't be with the wine you love, honey, love the wine you're with. easier said than done. order a vodka. i don't know. >> you're a guest in someone's home, and they're serving a meal with wine. if you bring a bottle of wine, it should be -- it's a present. whether it's dessert or wine or -- >> our friends know me well enough to know just open the dag gone thing. serve me. i've also -- it's not up to you. >> but how cranky is someone to be upset that they're not serving the wine they brought? >> pretty shallow. but obviously a lot of people are like that.
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people want what they want. >> i think there's probably a nice way to say i brought this. why don't we open this up and have it. >> i tried this great wine. it's brand new. i brought some over so we could all try it, but i want most of it. so they look at it and go that's the wine i had at your house last week. you're busted. you got to be honest and say i hate your cheap wine, but can i have -- >> no, you just drink it and say thank you. >> they're serving savignon blanc. you know me you know i love my wine. if it's savignon blanc or riesling, no. thank you very much. >> apparently the way one loads a dish washer -- it's a real point of contention in a marriage. almost half the couples argue about how to load the dish washer. >> we know this from the people named bosch. >> here's the first question. to prerinse or not to prerinse. just take the food after it's been scraped off the plates after it's been scraped off and
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stick it all in the dishwasher. >> some people don't even scrape. they just stick it in. >> with stuff on it? >> yes. i'm surprised you scrape. >> i rinse. i scrape and rinse. >> really? >> yes. >> and then how do you load it? do you load it knife down? this could be a problem in your marriage. if you were married, this could be an issue. i'm sorry. that didn't come off the way i meant. at all. if you were married, this could be an issue. >> you're saying it again. >> i'm sorry. >> you keep repeating. >> i like these forks. no, i love them. >> here's the thing, do you go fork prong down or prongs up? >> aren't they going to be cleaned either way? >> well, they're probably cleaner if they're up. >> why? >> but then you go and get them, and you can fork yourself. >> go fork yourself. that's funny. >> i do everything down. i don't know why. >> where do you put the glasses, top rack or bottom glass? >> always on the top rack. >> me too. do you put pots in? >> if they're dish washer safe. i rinse them and then put them in. here's how if your marriage will not be affected one way at all
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or another. live with a man like i do who does not load it or unload it. then you can deal with your other problems. the only time frank ever takes something out of -- every morning he wants his -- it's kind of sweet. we have a little yellow life is good yellow coffee cup. he will move everything in the house to try to find that cup. >> you know what, when you want to drink out of your cup -- >> the man doesn't want much in life anymore, but he wants his life is good yellow coffee cup in the morning. >> talking about good marriages, there happens to be a very good marriage. >> i didn't say it's good. >> there happens to be a very good marriage in our studio. >> there surely is. yes. >> one of our great workers on our show, britney, her grandparents are in the studio. how many years have you been married? >> 59. >> 59 years. >> 59 years. [ applause ] >> britney's grandparents are precious. >> 59 years. wow. >> i would love to ask you -- yep.
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>> that's as old as you are. >> yep. that's great. now we're even. >> sir, do you load or unload the dish washer? >> he does. he is nodding. >> do you do it in a way that pleases your wife? >> absolutely. >> she's not saying anything. >> well, we're glad you guys are here. >> apparently that can end marriages, which are probably going to end anyway, by the sounds of that. flying henry is growing up. >> do you remember? >> the sweetest thing. >> we had this woman on who took pictures of her baby. it looked as if her baby was suspended in the air. she did it through a lot of -- remember this? she like photoshopped out the person holding and did stuff like that. anyway, so now the baby -- >> isn't that awesome? >> adorable baby is all grown up and so -- >> mom did take a lot of heat for this. she thought she was abusing her child throwing him up in the air. not at all. >> the baby's two years old. there are some new shots compiled. it's a story book called "flying henry." she said she was going to do a book like this. look -- >> oh, look at that. >> oh, my god. the baby is airborne.
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>> really, we wish her all the best with that book. they're really precious. that's the wonder of childhood. >> so talking about kids, wondering why these bunnies are here. let's get rid of these. ♪ here comes peter cotton tail hopping down the bunny trail ♪ >> these are for autism speaks. a great charity. they've asked us to sign the bunny, and apparently they're going to be auctioned off on some sort of an auction. >> uh-huh. celebrity on-line auction, which is going -- it benefits autism speaks. a lot of other people have signed as well. >> we are not the only ones. >> it wouldn't bring much if it was just us. >> who wants this one? probably not even you in the studio. so you guys can go on-line to >> the kardashians signed them, blake lively, and sarah jessica parker, toby keith, tons of people. >> you can go on our website. all the money goes to autism speaks. which is a great organization. >> klgand
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that's where people can go. >> is it time for friday funny? >> i think it might be. >> this is sent in from facebook fan ryan dawn. the local newspaper was interviewing an 80-year-old woman because she had just gotten married for the fourth time. he asked her about her life, you know, what it felt like to be marrying again at 80 and then about her new husband's occupation. he's a funeral director, she answered. interesting, the newsman thought. he then asked her if she wouldn't mind telling him a little about her first three husbands, what they did for a living. she paused and needed time to reflect on all those years, and after a short time she answered proudly explaining that the first one she had been married to was a banker when she was in her 20s. then a circus performer, a ring master in her 40s, and then a preacher in her 60s, and now at 80 funeral director. he looked at her quite astonished and asked her why she married four men with such incredibly diverse careers. she smiled and explained, i married one for the money, two
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for the show, three to get ready now four to go. >> i love it. >> you know how hard it is to come up with clean jokes week after week? >> it's time for bobbie's buzz. >> hey. >> that was so cute. >> so today is international women's day, and in honor of that i want to spotlight some stylish finds that will empower women everywhere. these scarves are called fashion able. i love the name, and for $30 or $40 you'll get a scarf with the actual person that made the scarf giving you a handwritten note, and you can help fight poverty and give a woman -- help sustain their small business where they'll grow an economy, and these are prosperity candles, which are so great. they're beautiful, but check out this one. this looks like a regular beautiful candle, but there's a cup. cuff. so you can actually wear the jewelry. which i actually think this is quite cute. >> yes.
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>> last but not least shock latitude helps people build businesses everywhere from africa to india, el salvador and more. go on-line and find out where you can get all these items. >> doing all your good work, bobbie. >> it's important. happy international women's day. >> terrific. >> thank you, darling. it's also cabaret month here in new york city. the mayor has declared it cabaret month. >> they did. >> go see some "cabaret" if you're visiting new york. >> yesterday, you guys, we talked about tipping and what we thought was the right amount to tip, and, you know, our girl, sara, is on top of everything. >> we are hearing from you. >> what did people say about this, sara? >> for the most part people are saying we're not tipping enough. if you're not going at least 15% because the delivery people make so little. one person -- actually two people said they price it on gas. if gas is up, they tip more. i had never thought of that. >> very smart. >> if they're riding a bike, which they do a lot with the chinese food and thai food. in new york. >> some people said they started
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tipping better once their kids became waiters and waitresses. it really takes it home then. >> they're not paid much of an hourly wage. >> it's true. everything else is -- >> what else do you have? >> baby moment of our show right now. it is time for today's johnson's baby announcements when we celebrate new moms and their adorable new additions to their families. >> why do we have james bond music? >> first up this week is little michayl arc gregory of texas. she was born to michelle lot and -- mom and dad are feeling very blessed. that's a cute baby. next we have charles thomas mcewan in tacoma, washington. >> he has some attitude. >> ashley and tom, parents, say they enjoy every moment even when they're so tired in the middle of the night. our next cute little package is maisyn elias born in tupelo, mississippi, and she made her big debut a couple of weeks ago on february 25th. >> so cute.
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>> finally, landon wyatt moshier was brought into this world on january 25th by mom lauren in mexico, new york. definitely sleep when they sleep, mom says. a big congratulations to all of our babies, and if you want a chance for your baby to appear in our today's johnson's baby of the week, go to our website at >> we can let our producers know that i have a lovely lullaby album that we could use perhaps in one of these rather than james bond movie music? >> >> they know about that. >> coming up in a little while, we're going to talk about a lot of things, and one of the things is you are going to be in a movie -- >> oh, my gosh. >> -- with maria menounos. >> and daughter cassidy and christopher lloyd and a bunch of people that said yes to maria because she's our friend. >> that's what people do for maria. we're going to talk about that film also and her bohemian chic looks have made her one of hollywood's most stylish celebrities. >> mother, fashion designer and author nicole richie has transformed herself into a did you know the core of our health is truly on the inside.
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that's why i take new trubiotics. it's a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. one helps support digestive health, the other immune health. stay true to your health. new trubiotics. from the makers of one-a-day. its pretty new shape quickly fills a room with fragrance. and a room with fragrance... sets the stage for life. introducing the new candle from glade. sets the stage for life. have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before.
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when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. mother, fashion designer and author nicole richie has transformed herself into a modern day style icon with her effortless chic look.
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>> she's bringing her expertise to a second season of nbc's reality competition show that's called "fashion star." nicole is one of the celebrity mentors working with some of the featured designers. hey. >> hey. >> she's back with us. >> hi, nicole. >> for season two. >> yes. >> how are you? >> i'm excited. >> you are so -- >> you just put it together, sister. >> tell us what's going on here. >> what do you mean? i'm just wearing a fringe stella mccartney top. >> of course you are. >> i am. >> you're wearing the flapper era, fred astaire jacket. and leather for your kinky sex life and then animal skin. >> it's the morning and it's your kinky sex life. >> your take your kid to school look. >> yes, obviously. >> what's great about this show is when someone wins you wonder what happens to them. these people actually get to have their product in one of these stores like macy's. >> the grand prize is getting a collection in all three retailers, so it's such a big deal. it's something that i've never been able to do and neither has
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john or jess. >> it's unheard of in the industry. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> is your show cut throat and brutal and mean and nasty? >> not on my side. some of the designers don't get along, but that's not something -- we try to -- >> imagine that. big egos on designers. >> we try to stay out of it. i'm really nosey and i'm desperate for drama so i'm always like tell me tell me tell me. they're actually really professional with me. >> there are a lot of these fashion shows on tv, different types of fashion reality shows. how do you think this one stands out? >> i would imagine what's the most original about the show is that as you're watching the clothes walk down the runway, as the audience is, you are able to go on-line that night and order them on-line or buy them the very next day. it's watch now, wear now. >> at the store? >> at the store. >> that's pretty cool. >> that's just incredible. >> you are watching it on tv and say i want that, i want that, i want that, and you can get it the very next day. >> that's what our country is all about. instant gratification. where is mine? when do i get it? >> i want it now. you were just in paris, and you got to see some of the latest
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fashions. >> i just got back last night. >> how was that? >> oh, it was so much fun. i ended up turning it into a girls trip. >> of course, you did. >> so a bunch of my girlfriends went. we all shared a hotel room. a few of them were actually staying in apartments. they decided stay in the room with us. we got cots. it was just a big -- >> where are you going? >> that's my best friend who normally rocks a middle part. and i just wasn't having it. i changed her to a side part. for the night. it was the right thing to do. >> where does your sense of style come from? your dad? your mom? who gave you that? >> i don't know. when i -- i mean, when i was younger when my dad was on tour, his costume designer used to make me matching outfits from the excess fabric, and her name was edna. i fell in love with her. i was obsessed with shirley temple so everything was i want a poofy skirt. it was silly. then when i started figure skating, i started competitively figure skating when i was 8, and -- >> fashion is a big part of that.
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>> i would design all of my costumes with her. you know, it was just something that i was always loving doing. >> how are your two little ones, by the way? >> they're on tour. >> they are. they are on tour. they're on tour with their dad while i'm here working. for the first time really away, away from them. >> oh, how old are they again? >> harlow is 5 and sparrow is 3 1/2. >> they're icons too. >> nicole, thanks. thanks again. congratulations on the beginning of the new season. you can catch "fashion star" tonight 8:00, 7:00 central on nbc. >> sara is lining up some fans across the street, maybe one or two, that can ask us anything they want. all right. >> first, these messages. chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance.
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geico, see how much you could save. [ crisp crunches ] whoo-hoo-hoo! guess it was. [ male announcer ] pringles, bursting with more flavor.
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back now with three, two, one live with sara haynes who is hanging out with the crowd at the nbc experience store. >> hope we have good folks for us, sara. >> we have miranda from utah with a movie question. >> hi, kathie lee and hoda. >> hey.
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>> if a movie was going to be made about your life, who would you want to play you? >> oh, lord. that has never entered my mind. ever. at all. >> well, i would play me. who better? i would want to play me at 20, though, and that couldn't happen, so oh, i don't know. >> who would you pick? >> i don't know. >> i don't know either. gosh -- >> i don't know. >> we should think about that and get back to you. >> we're going to ponder it. >> yeah. >> okay. next up -- by the way, cassidy should play you. that was -- >> oh. >> okay. >> that's a good one. >> we have lexy from michigan. >> hi. i have a question for kathie and hoda. if you were on a deserted island what beauty product would you just have to have? >> i want katie to take this. katie -- >> what beauty product. >> katie. >> would you like to be me right now? >> i think it's adorablea hodaba. i really do.
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i can't live without face cream. i use lamere face cream. i know it's expensive but at my age it's worth it. and lip gloss, i put it all over my lips, too. >> i feel like i'm naked if i don't have it on or i do perfume because i like to smell good even alone on an island. >> if you look like crap? >> yes. >> all right. >> we appreciate it. >> we're getting your weekend party started with a grownup game night. and maria menounos is going to tell us about her new movie. we are back with more of
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"today" on this try day friday, and maria menounos is usually the host of "extra" but today
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she's here after having a baby [ laughter ] >> serial buddies is a movie about how an accidental encounter between two serial killers leads them to join forces and head out for a road trip. take a look. >> i'm katilyn. you guys are here to see lisa? >> lisa and i are engaged. actually, we're engaged to be engaged. >> gary and lisa weren't engaged. they didn't even know each other. see, it was all part of the animal plan. find a dead sorority girl, meet up with her grieving sisters, tell them you were her boyfriend so they'll feel sorry enough to go out with you. >> that is sick. >> it's sick. >> maria is here with the brainchild of her sick, long-time boyfriend, the director, kevin, whom we love. he is over there. we never get to see him. we'll have to look at him in a minute. >> oh. >> there he is. hey, kev. >> hi, kathie, hoda.
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>> maria wears so many hats, but when we were in central connecticut shooting this, if there was something askew, she got out of her actress role and in an instant got a ladder, fixed it, and said okay, go again. you were just everywhere on that. and catering. >> yes. you know all about that, kathie lee. this is what you do. this is what we do. it was a labor of love, and i told all of the actors that came on board i said, listen, this is going to be hard, and we're going to need all hands on deck. kevin and i always say we run our lives and our business like bill belichick. everyone plays lots of positions. even bess baer now a big star was helping p.a. and wrapping out equipment. all my actors did. >> how did you learn the skill set? we know you know how to be on camera, but how did you learn all that other stuff that you needed for this role? >> kevin, i mean, i have been making movies with him since i was 19, and so you learn by experience. >> you too, baby. >> we also hear that there are a couple of other people in this movie. >> yes. >> kathie lee and cassidy.
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let's watch a tiny clip. >> cassidy was hired. i just happened to be there. >> i'm here today as a paid spokesperson for now, you all know that jared was recently abducted, and i think it is our duty to do everything we can to help him. can anyone here tell me why? >> because with all great power comes great responsibility. >> no. because it's a terrific tool for networking. >> okay. >> that's awful. you ambushed me. >> cassidy was great. >> we cast cassidy. i remember you guys were here at the "today" show that week. cast cassidy. you come to set to drop her off and bring her, and kevin was, like, go ask kathie if she'll be in the movie. i'm not asking her. it's her day off. cassidy overheard and said, mom, have you to do it, and we all
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pressured her, and, of course, here we are. >> we had a good time. we really did. >> where can people see it? >> we did this amazing thing with amc theaters. it's going to be in amc theaters all over the country starting tonight. >> oh, okay. >> we're excited. we're going to be doing little screenings with people in new york tonight, boston tomorrow, and then in l.a. with cassidy on sunday. we're excited. >> it's a ridiculous movie. it's so ridiculous, and people are loving it. it's getting all these crazy reviews like it's "napoleon dynomite." you're going what? >> don't say anymore. who else would make the first serial killer buddy film. >> they're loveable guys, and you are a big, big, big thing. in times square, the billboard. >> i got to tell you, i looked up and saw that huge billboard of you, and i just thought, you know what, you're hitting on all cylinders. you have the "extra" thing going and you have this movie coming out. it seems like your life is kind of snapping into focus. >> we're having an amazing time at "extra." mario and i are having so much fun. we had challenge month last month.
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he beat me but he cheated a couple of times. >> welcome to my world. love you. call me for any of your movies. >> yes. >> good luck, maria. >> this woman is amazing. wait until you see her in this movie. >> the fur literally flies. right? >> coming up next saving time around the house with the newest, hottest products. these are great ones from lou manfredini. >> right after this. a new city to we pick but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ its pretty new shape quickly fills a room with fragrance. and a room with fragrance... sets the stage for life.
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introducing the new candle from glade. diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. so you can do more. ♪ ♪ only degree has motionsense activated by your movement, the more you move the more it protects. ♪ do more. ♪ degree. it won't let you down.
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on today's home the latest and greatest gadgets from the international home and house wears show. >> who better to show them off than "today" contributor and host of the syndicated show "house smarts." we love this guy. who is it, hoda? >> lou manfredini. >> we love to yell your name. >> thank you. thank you. you're leaning on the new way we're going to heat our homes in cold spaces. that is the crane portable heater, and notice it looks like a little fireplace. >> that's adorable looking. >> on the front. it's $89. high style. it really kicks out the warmth. you were talking about warming up your place out in l.a.
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>> in l.a. i did. i got the ones you told me to. >> they have come to style. this one over here is called the comfort furnace by the living well company. look at the beautiful designs. infra-red. very similar to the one you use to put heat out into the space. >> i love it. >> then this is by -- it's a frigidaire valencia. it looks like a fireplace, and it gives off heat. i have the heat off now, but it kicks off heat from the bottom and the top. it's absolutely gorgeous. >> that's just electrical? that's all you need? >> you plug it in with a regular cord. >> it's not a fire hazard? >> no, because it's not a real fire, hodie. >> but it has a lot of heat. freak. >> i like when you call her hodie. >> it's better than kodaba. >> you know the oreck vacuum cleaner. this is a combination. it's called the versavac. it's your standard vacuum cleaner that you would use to vacuum your rug. okay? but the big trend right now is steaming floors. it comes with a pad, and what
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you do is you take the unit. >> watch. watch. >> clicks on. you turn it on steam. it takes about a minute. i've had this one warming up. pull the trigger, and now you vacuum first. you steam your floors. super clean. $199. >> genious. >> unbelievable. with the pad included? >> correct. >> stop it. >> this is invented by a guy in minnesota. >> i can't wait. >> this is called the pooch power shovel. it wasut together -- it's basically a vacuum cleaner for dog waste. >> oh, my gosh, i have to have this. >> what you do is you have a bag that goes inside it. you don't have to touch. clicks in, and you pull the trigger. you come over and do a little -- >> oh. >> oh, it's going to go right in. that's weird. you know what's going to happen, lou. sometimes the logs are bigger. >> no, no, no. good for a dog up to 80 pounds, and then -- >> this is perfect. >> this one is when you walk your dog because nobody wants to walk with the bag full of the poopy, so this -- it opens up like this. this is a prototype.
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it's going to be out in just a little bit. >> stop it again. >> crazy. this is so -- >> and you carry it? how do you get the bag out? >> it opens up. okay. you don't have to touch any of this. here's the bag. >> where? >> right there, hoda. >> any of the stuff gets pulled into the bag you throw it away. it's scented because you're going to take it into the house and forget to empty the bag. >> i am definitely getting a dog now. >> $99, $59. >> cody and cassidy, mother's day. mother's day presents. >> the window. i'm moving along. this is cool technology. it's the wind box. >> what do you do? >> this is to clean your window. you turn it on. it sucks onto the window, so you have a big picture window. blue light goes on. hit it. >> no, you don't. >> it's a robot for your window? >> you put a little spray on a microfiber pad that's on there. >> how does it know where to go? >> it maps out with a laser. >> is it clean? >> it stops because there was something to clean? >> it does. imagine if you have a big
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picture window. >> boy, lou, you have outdone yourself today. >> look at these great pvc benches that hold up to 600 pounds. they look so beautiful, and then i want to have a picnic. >> no, you didn't. >> you did. stop it. he did. >> $100 a piece. $100 a piece. made in america. they make them in denver, colorado. >> the day is over. >> what else? >> this i love these. these are jimmy hooks. they use the same technology that you would put the screen saver on your smartphone. they stick to any washable, scrubbable surface. this is a three-pound bag they use here at the studio to hang stuff on. it will hold up to five pounds. look at the shovel. no damage to the wall. you can reuse them on kitchen cabinets, on any washable, scrubbable surface. jimmy hooks. they're awesome. >> bring it home, baby. >> for the trash these are trash bags made by a woman owned company here in new york. they're recyclable bags. they're sturdy and strong. this is called the trash crusher with a k.
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you use half the amount of garbage inside. you put it inside there, and you push down, crush -- >> i love it when you do that. >> thank you. >> now you use half the amount of bag. >> because you keep smooshing it. >> half the trips to the dump, and you use less bags, and if you use the recyclable bags, you're helping the environment. >> the greatest ever. let's hear it, everybody. for lou manfredini. >> invite your friends over because we are throwing game night. >> it's fun friday night trends catching on in lots of homes right after this. >> am i a person? >> no. good morning. i'm meteorologist crystal egger with the weather channel and your forecast as we move forward into the weekend here. this is winter storm tritan as it comes acog the rockies. it's spread snow up into the high plains. chance for a small area of ice
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also especially in the south dakota and up through parts of minnesota. safe travels today. especially when you get up into this wintery weather over the mountain passes. ahead of it it's going to be mild enough for all rain. that takes us even into places like chicago on sunday. no snow this time around. it's going to be a rain event. look how mild the temperatures are. 74 in dallas, 75 in houston, chance for isolated severe storms in these areas. then all snow and cold on the back side. temperatures in southern california slowly warming back into the 60s. and as we move forward into sunday, we'll see the storm push a little bit farther east. only 30 in minneapolis, we're looking at rain and 48 in chicago. and by monday starting off another work week here, louisville in the rain this time around. all across the ohio valley. and temperatures slowing climbing even into the northeast after a very mild weather weekend for the southeast. tuesday rainshowers lingering with isolated thunderstorms. but again it's not snow. we're not going to have another big saturn like we just saw here
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last week. 36 degrees in minneapolis, 43 in chicago. and by the middle of the week starts to quiet down. a few lake effects snowshowers east of the lakes. the west looking pretty good with the exception of seattle where we may get a little more rain with temps in the 50s. and on thursday we're looking at some snowshowers for the western lakes. look at 70 there in atlanta. it's feel like spring. 77 in dallas. and warming all the way back up to 60 in denver. any snow on the ground is going to melt pretty quickly. remember you can get the latest forecast weekday mornings. wake up with al and stephanie on the weather channel, 5:30 a.m. [ male announcer ] this is mike.
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mike's being healthy and chewing like a man. with one a day vitacraves for men. it's a gummy multivitamin with more b vitamins, which help convert food to energy, and help mike do manly things, like wrestle bears and take out the garbage. one a day vitacraves for men.
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if you are planning get together with your friends this weekend, but are too tired to deal with an elaborate night out or you don't want to pay for a baby-sitter, why not invite everybody over for game night? >> that's right. board games are not just for kids anymore. here with some fun party ideas
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is meredith sinclair, contributor to" >> hello. >> hello. >> it's time for the grown-ups to play too, right? we make play time for our kids all the time. it's our turn. . you said you threw one of these the other day and everyone loved it? >> loved it and it was simple. >> how many people did you have? don't make it too big. >> you can -- it's nice to have an even number, but if you don't, then you can have, like, two different groups. >> what are we starting with? >> the key is simplicity. i say do your e-invite digitally. this is all from e-vite. they have them ready to go. you can go on-line and make your invitation. done. >> got it. moving down. >> then you need to set the stage simply. we just took the game theme, and we used these boards as chargers. we put some little sugar cube dice on there. >> very cute. >> appetizers, people want to bring things. let them. these are all recipes from one of my new favorite sites.
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blt bites, cheesy olives which are really fun. >> i love popcorn. >> this is gourmet popcorn from amish country popcorn. my favorite. rainbow mix. all different kinds with their little ballpark salt. fantastic. people love popcorn. then we made the lady luck drink. you must try. >> okay. >> and it's prosecco and really fun, little berries. quick quick, really simple. you can make a lot of this way ahead. >> it's good. >> is this a twister? >> it's a twister. >> yes, that's your table top. done. >> so cute. >> i loved that when i was a kid. >> i bet you did. >> of course, i did. >> here are -- >> moving along. here's some really fun games. i discovered it at a toy fair. catch phrase. huge digital. it's electronic and it's sort of like hot potato and you're congestion things as you go. catch phrase is different. you are guessing, like, could be, like, sand castle, and you can't do any actions but you pass it along to your teammates. >> that's fun one. >> this is all about celebrities. their attributes. it's cards where you try and guess the celebrity, and then
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pop trivia, bring it from the college campuses to your home. it's a trivia game. but we want to try a couple of these games. and this is one of my new favorites. headbandz. put a head band on, and i'm going to give you cards to stick in the front. it has to be like this. okay. don't look at your card. this one is for kathie, and this is for -- don't look. >> mine doesn't fit. >> you'll ask am i questions to kathie. you can ask am i questions. >> what am i doing? >> am i a food? >> no. >> am i a food? am i a thing? >> yes. >> am i -- >> more of a food. >> am i a female? >> no, you're not male or female. you're a thing. >> am i something that you use every day? >> me, i do. >> it depends. >> probably on booze day. >> am i a wine? >> no. >> getting warmer.
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>> am i champagne? >> even better. >> am i a wine glass? >> no. >> am i -- >> time is up. i'm sorry. >> you are a -- >> a beer? >> martini. >> oh, i'm not. >> what are you? >> i have no idea. can you wear it all day. i bet you right now, "dateline" hoda, wear it all day. >> i'm a hat. >> even better. >> you're a pickle. >> you're a pickle. >> wear that all day long. >> it's time. >> thank god there's popcorn. >> that was fun. >> where are we going, kathie? >> i don't know. we're heading to my favorite country, wine country. >> yes. napa valley in today's kitchen, but, first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there.
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>> time for today's "kitchen." what is cookin? we are taking a trip to where else, wine country. >> the flavors are fresh and it's simple, and it doesn't have to be intimidating to make a sophisticated meal. >> restaurant, chef joel gamron has lavender rubbed -- >> hey, nice to see you again. lavender rubbed -- >> who would have thunk it? >> did you smell it? you love it. >> i love lavender. i'm not sure i like it on a flank steak. >> you'll love it. a little wine. cheers. >> cheers. >> all right. so, hoda -- >> go. talk to me. >> i want these herbs in here. we have some lavender. >> muddle it. >> all of it? >> pound the heck out of it. i have rosemary, lavender and
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herbs deprovence. do you know what it is? >> what is it? >> it's herbs from provence, and it has lavender. amazing. >> unbelievable. >> we rub this all over here. >> rub it, baby. >> rub it. >> god yes. so that gets rubbed in. leave it out for 30 minutes until room temp. throw it on the grill. >> just slap it down, the frank. >> two minutes both sides. >> that's it? >> two minutes both sides. that's it. >> wow. >> throw it in the oven for 400 degrees for about eight minutes. >> really get it sizzling. let it rest. how do you know when the steak is done? >> i don't know. you're the expert. >> here's what you do. take your ring finger and put it to your thumb. feel right in here. feel this bad boy right here. feel that. >> feel like that. it's perfect. >> right. that's the indicator, right? absolutely. >> i'm going to cook flank steak all the time now that i know. >> it's rested. see these little lines? you want to cut against them. >> against them. not with them.
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that perfect little rosy thing. >> perfect little -- >> you notice? >> i like the crunchy stuff. >> i want to try it. >> this one is for you. i need one. a sliver. all right? >> lavender. >> a little lemon on top. that's it. >> subtle, that's it. >> mmm! >> that's a flank steak. we got a little flat bread. if you are in wine country, you kind of need to have a little something to go with that. i'm throwing a little thyme over this. >> of course, you are. >> it has beautiful olives, goat cheese, oranges. >> simple. >> raspberry tart thing. >> that look sexy or what? >> yes, it does. >> it's spelling out juice. it's a blackberry open-faced balsamic rustic start. get in there. get in there. >> thank you very much. coming up next week celebrity looks for less. how to find the perfect pair of jeans. >> are you talking? >> also, jillian michaels going to be here. i do it all. >> i'm trying. >> spring break get-aways. we're all about the irish for st. patrick's day. >> she is still talking. >> have a great weekend. >> nice of you to join me. bye, everybody. love you.
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small town farm girl can become a star. >> it's pretty unbelievable. jeff: just one of the gang. gangster squad. working with a list. did you flirt with ryan goessling. then walking the walk with hollywood's elite. >> celebrities are great on their own, but allow them to be what they are. jeff: plus an ambush update. [ applause ] hello, hello! roll it! [ cbs television distribution ] jeff: all right. a little about me. i'm recently married. i work with my wife on this show. and i'm learning how to be a dad to two amazing kids in a blended family. i'm hosting a talk show 'cause
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there's a lot to talk about. this is the adventure. . hello. welcome to the show. have a seat. thank you very much. coming off of award season. our guests know what it's like to walk the red carpet. we have chris gaida. he's known as the celebrity whisperer. he escorts a-listers on their big night. i want to understand what that really means 'cause it's a very fascinating world. one lisa ling should explore on "our america." also, haley is a small town farm girl, recently in gangster squad, now co-starring in a new nic at night show. plus, our own arm candy. can we get a shot of pete. pete. we put pete on a date. there he is. we're gonna hear about how that date went. they went over p


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