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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  March 9, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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hard as does the fact that the one person who might know where she is isn't talking. he was arrested last may after investigators found sierra's dna in his red volkswagen jetta and his dna found on some of her clothing located near the home. garcia torres has yet to enter a pl plea. >> with what they have as far as evidence, as far as dna, it's obvious he has the answers as far as to her location. that's what is frustrating. >> reporter: the sheriff's department long ago classified the case as a homicide, but her parents want to believe she's still living and breathing. >> i know they got the suspect and they're pushing forward with that. but as a parent i'm not going to let go of the hope that she's still arrive. >> reporter: sierra's parents
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plan to release balloons before searchers launch another search in morgan hill, and then in the afternoon in fremont they'll host a fund-raiser. >> it will be a tough day. a sad day. >> reporter: they say they will work to keep the search center open as long as their daughter is missing. in morgan hill, kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. next saturday's balloon release is planned for 9:00 in the morning at burnett elementary school. the fremont fund-raiser is planned for 1:00 at niles hall in fremont. also in the east bay, sheriffs deputies are looking for a gunman in a deadly shooting near hayward. the shooting happened after midnight in a residential neighborhood near the intersection of princeton street and sunset boulevard, across from a high school. the victim was a man in his late 20s. investigators told nbc bay area news that they have not identified the man and are
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urging anyone with information on the gunman to call the alameda county sheriff's department. chp officers are investigating a hit and run in hayward that happened a few blocks from this morning's deadly shooting it happened near the corner of vallejo and sunset boulevard. a driver crashed into a parked car and fled the scene. there were conflicting reports about what happened next, but some say a child was in one of the cars and was injured. we'll have more information as soon as it becomes available. a man is under arrest after allegedly robbing a walmart and leading police on a chase through american canyon. police were called to the walmart on main street on the report that a man stole a tv at gun point. police chased him through a mobile home park. the suspect then crashed. he suffered serious injuries and was taken to jail.
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the conclave to elect the next pope will happen next week. the world awaits for white smoke to signal a decision. >> reporter: workers on top of the sistine chapel installing the most famous chimney in the world. when the next pope is chosen, white smoke will appear from it. the cardinals who will elect him appeared at the vatican this morning. a big job ahead of them. the faithful wondering if they already narrowed down their choices. >> the fact the cardinals have decided to go into the conclave early means, i think, they're getting kind of a consensus about who they might want. >> >> reporter: but a consensus may not be easy. >> they want jesus christ with an mba. a business management degree. you know, good luck trying to find someone who is holy, intelligent, and communicator
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and has management experience. >> reporter: many u.s. catholics in rome are hoping for an american pope. >> we are optimistic that cardinal bowlen will be our next pope. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: during the conclave the cardinals will live in basic accommodations inside the vatican. in recent history, conclaves have lasted no longer than five days, but in 1203 a decision took three years. while some think this could be a quick conclave, others believe the scandals of the past few years may cause the cardinals to take their time. >> it's crucial to have all the information so people vote for the right person. >> for thousands of years in this city romans gathered to debate questions of state. now the leaders of the catholic church are preparing to answer the most important question any
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cardinal can face -- who should be the next pope. one italian newspaper is suggesting that boston's cardinal sean o'malley is a strong candidate, but the view here is there are no frontrunners. back to you. coming up next, from newtown, connecticut to washington, d.c., we'll show you why people are bike riding to the nation's capital and what it had to do with gun control. and why the white house closed its doors to the public today. and tim lincecum has missed his last to trips to the mound. we'll tell you when he will return. >> and ahead a warm up that will place our temperatures perhaps closer to 80 degrees. a look at the seven-day forecast
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when we come back. mom, i invited justin over for lunch.
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪ in the northeast, 26 people finished the first day of a bike ride from newtown, connecticut to washington, d.c. each bicyclist represents one of the victims from the elementary school shooting there last
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december. brian mooar has a look at what they're hoping to accomplish along the way. >> reporter: in newtown, connecticut, more than two dozen bicyclists are taking off on a 400-mile ride to washington. they're hoping to make a statement about gun violence. >> we want to be a town that rose from that tragedy, and moved forward and tried to make a difference. >> the deadly shooting spree last december at sandy hook elementary school brought newtown to the attention of the world. now some of these residents are hoping to put that notoriety to good use. these cyclists have a message for lawmakers. >> we are united with virginia tech w aurora, with columbine, tucson, and together we will fight for stronger laws to reduce gun violence. >> reporter: president obama is going to capitol hill this week to reach out to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. guns are a certain talking point. the issue has state legislatures across the nation debating what
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to do next. >> it is a fallacy to think passing this bill will increase public safety. >> reporter: even in places like colorado, south dakota and florida, where gun ownership is a way of life, there's no scrutiny. who can carry guns? what test will they have to pass to safeguard the public and second amendment rights at the same time? from newtown to washington, a journey these riders hope will make a difference. brian mooar, nbc news. two deadly attacks today during chuck hagel's first trip to afghanistan as defense secretary. a suicide bomber detonated a bomb on a bicycle, and another was deatonated near a checkpoin. hagel faced some tough questions
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from the troops about the transition in afghanistan. >> yes, danger, yes, uncertainty, yes, complicated challenges. but i think the way we always look at challenges is that we see through those challenges to find the opportunity. >> he also attended a briefing from the 101st airborne and awarded the purple heart to two soldiers. several bay area little leagues opened their season. and several celebrities were on hand to ring in the baseball season. we'll show you coming up. medications? i don't know. last immunization shots? really? honey, what's my blood pressure medicine called?
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the new bay bridge has reached another milestone. today crews poured concrete, a lot of concrete, to complete the final deck section of the eastern span. it took 136 trucks to deliver all the concrete needed. >> there is a bit of concrete work that still needs to happen after this for some of the hinges between major bridge sections as well as on-ramps and off-ramps. but this is really the last piece of bridge deck that needs to be created. today's job took nine hours. now the concrete needs to set and cure for the next few days. the bridge grand reopening is
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labor day weekend. >> the weather was perfect today for a lot of folks including little league teams. these teams got an early start today playing their first game of the season. we'll see them, i think. i hope. there they are. among the fans -- there they are. among the fans were some of the folks from the petaluma national team and you might remember they played in the little league world series last fall. >> it's their time to shine. this is the time where dreams are made. we work hard and we need them to work hard so they can get there. >> very cool. the event started with a parade and is ending right about now with a barbecue for the kids. >> perfect weather for baseball. not all little leagues opened today. some next week. some the next week. we'll get a hint about the weather pat everyone from rob. >> do you have someone playing little league? >> i do. >> he seems to know about the schedule there. i'm thinking --
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>> i do. >> what's up, rob? >> nice when you see baseball, little league or major league getting started, that means spring is around the corner. for the bay area you will think spring is arriving early. things will be really warming up in the next seven days. today nice. we did get close to 07 in fairfield and santa rosa earlier. upper 60s there, still a sea breeze on the coast and in san francisco. that's keeping the temperatures down around the inner bay. oakland to san francisco, feeling more of that ocean air conditioning as opposed to the drying effect of north winds like in fairfield and north valival i vallies. a slight breeze keeping the coast cool, the north bay has a chance of getting into the 70s. the most important thing tonight for the weather is the time change. spring forward begins tonight. 2:00 in the morning. if you don't want to wait until that time, as you go to bed
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tonight, clocks go forward one hour. that gives us the extra hour of daylight in the evening. i think you will appreciate it with the temperatures warming up. the evenings will be mrpleasant around the bay area. right now clear skies over much of the bay area. not much in the way of low clouds on the coast. high pressure builds in, skies clearing and drying after the week that brought two feet of snow. some of that rain and snow came through the bay area earlier this week. in the pacific, a pattern shift taking place. the water vapor satellite showing you the pineapple express, moving from hawaii up towards seattle, and atmospheric river aiming to the north. the high pressure is blocking that pattern, sending it up towards seattle. as this high moves over the west coast, this will lead to warming. we will get our temperatures up more tomorrow. i think the big warmup will be tuesday, wednesday and thursday. tri valley locations, areas
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south of san jose, you will see temperatures out of the 70s. wednesday afternoon we could get close to 80 in morgan hill and maybe around sunol and pleasanton. with high pressure around, not talking about storm systems, but a bit of a sea breeze tomorrow morning will bring patchy coastal clouds around the peninsula and coastline. as the winds turn offshore, middle part of the week, that's when temperatures vault up. for the morning, 30s and 40s outside. the sun will be rising a bit later in the school. as you take the kids to school, watch for the difference in the sunrise. you can see temperatures around tri valley, upper 60s to low 70s. in line with what we had today. still fairly cool for san francisco. 62. there you see the north winds, out in the north bay, those numbers in the low 70s.
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not much change into monday. few low 70s inland. tuesday, wednesday, thursday we will see temperatures climbing on up. livermore, mid 70s, maybe close do 80 in the warmest places. heading towards next weekend, cooling, some clouds, but really no sign of rain just yet. subpoena sunday sums it up, more sun, less sleep. >> less sleep? >> i know. >> i will be a little grumpy tomorrow. fair warning. >> as far as you're concerned, meteorological, spring has been here for a while. >> does seem that way. the blocking pattern from january has been holding strong. >> early spring. >> let's check in with mind mindi bach and trouble on the baseball situation. >> our neighbors north and south of the border are not getting along on the diamond. an epic brawl at the world baseball classic. and regulation was not enough to decide a winner between the
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snarks and blues. highlights from the tank.
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good saturday evening. i'm mindi bach. the sharks continue to struggle to find consistency. they finally snap their seven-game losing streak but are 4-3-1 of the last eight games, things are going well early today. the sharks hosting the blues in the western conference tilt. sharks up 2-1 on the power play in the second period. matt irwin will score on the
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slap shot that gives sharks a two-goal lead. now they lose it. they only have one goal lead in the third, when saboka gets his first career hat trick to tie it up. the starting goaltender is dong. in overtime, jackman's shot is deflected. the shanks fall at home in o.t., 4-3 the final. >> reporter: i'm fresh out of the sharks dressing room where it was a mixed bag of emotions. on one hand, san jose scored three goals in one game for the first time since february 5th. but on the other hand, if they let the blues score three unanswered and walk away with the two points in this game. >> no loss is easy. no loss is good. a 3-1 lead at home, playing a solid game. then to give it back to them, that's a tough pill to swallow. >> you're up 3-1 going into the third. it's time to step on their
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throat, game over, but it's a weird one there. second, weird third one. i think the o.t., we didn't contain sticks. they got a tip on it. it's one of those games where you let it slip. can't happen. >> you think about the mistakes you made. move on, get over it get better from it. that's something we want to do tomorrow. >> at hp pavilion, brody brazil, nbc bay area sports. tim lincecum threw 32 pitches in a simulated game this morning striking out 4 of the 7 hitters he lincecum is expected to return to the rotation on tuesday. you can see tim lincecum start tuesday night at 7:00 as the giants host the padres, that's in cactus league action. that game can be seen exclusively on comcast sports net bay area. how about the ninth inning of
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canada/mexico the world baseball classic. the pitcher plunked the batter. the benches clear between canada and mexico. these two teams go at it. the managers were ejected. canada won the game 10-3. even though canada was up 9-3 in the ninth inning, they bunted. mexico didn't like that. in the world baseball classic f you're in a tie with another team, it goes down to which team scores the most runs. mexico not happy that canada was adding on. >> i saw one of the coaches said no big deal, it's hockey night in canada. >> right. every night in canada, right? hockey on the baseball diamond. >> mindi, thanks a lot. when we come back, the white house closed for business. >> we'll let you know why the secret service says public tours will be suspended until further
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finally tonight, until further notice tours of the white house have been canceled. >> the obama administration announced earlier this week it would stop the tours because of federal spending cuts. today was the first day of that suspension. the administration said the secret service made the decision to stop weekly overtime cost. that has left tens of thousands of ticket holders out in the cold. the capitol is still open for tours. how much does that cost to run a week? >> around $75,000 per week. who knew. >> yeah. >> yeah. okay. >> no sequester on the weather. we have the warmup coming our way, which is looking at temperatures climb noogt miding
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70s in the middle of the week. >> thanks for watching nbc bay area news at 5:00. on this saturday night, inside the vatican. live from rome. tonight, a rare look inside the sistine chapel, where roman catholic cardinals are about to make history. endless winter as another big storm makes its way across the country. we'll tell you who is under a blizzard warning and where this storm is headed. higher learning. far from the battlefield, why unmanned drones are now being used on some college campuses and beyond. and fantastic voyage. a rare journey to the bottom of the earth. one of the most pristine places in the world. will antarctica survive as we know it?
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good evening. there is palpable anticipation here in rome that within days a new pope, a new leader of the catholic church, could emerge on a vatican balcony above st. peter's square. and now that we finally know the voting to choose a new pope will start here on tuesday, there has been a flurry of activity this weekend to ready the sistine chapel for the historic conclave. that includes things like making sure we will all be able to clearly see the smoke that will tell us a new pope has been chosen. it's not like vatican workers get a lot of practice at this. there have only been four papal conclaves held in the last 50 years. today our cameras got a look inside the famous chapel, in a way tourists never see it, as the mechanics of an ancient ritual, with profound implications, are put into place. anne thompson's here to tell us more about it. anne. >> good evening, lester. for these cardinal electors this is the most important decision of their lives. the church is shrinking here in europe but it's growing


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