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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 15, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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scotts valley. his family believes that he actually stayed overnight and then wondered off around 6:00 or 7:00. they based this on the noise they heard from the family dog. earlier this week, he posted his youtube video to thank his friends for their love and support after his recent head injury. in it, he discusses how last weekend he was mountain biking on a train tressel above the san who a lorenzo river when he fell 50 feet into the sand below. hence the swollen left eye and pain and disorientation he has been suffering through all week. >> i'm having a lot of trouble with simal tasks. supposedly, it will get easier and easier until i'm fully recovered. at the moment, it feels like someone has dug fliers inpliers skull and they are trying to tear it open. all the muscles and my joints just kill with pain.
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>> reporter: the concern is that he wondered off and is lost and still disoriented, can't get back home. searchers have looked around the observation deck at the henry kyle state park and the hiking trails near uc santa cruz. those are locations abraham mentioned before he disappeared. you saw what he looked like. sizewise, around 6'1". 150 pounds. it is possible he is wearing rainbow colored running shoes and might have been carrying a large, black backpack. reporting live in scotts valley, bob redell. "today in the bay" new details about a south bay teacher accused of possessing a massive amount of child porn. p.e. teacher, nathaniel forstell tried to kill himself. he is now recovering.
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>> reporter: nathan forstell is here at valley medical center. he will be here for the next three days. he is going to be treated and then he will undergo a mentally valuation. police say he tried to suicide one day after he was arrested and accused of having a large amount of child pornography on his personal computer at his apartment in san jose. the 40-year-old p.e. teacher was arrested wer arrested wednesday and released. more than 1,000 images were found on his computer in his san jose apartment. when we tried to talk with him, paramedics and police rolled up and a woman made the emergency call. he is a p.e. teacher in monterrey county and once worked as a substitute. >> that's really scary for me, because my daughter comes to these schools here.
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i also have a son too. that's scary for me. >> reporter: the detectives say at this point, it appears he was viewing and sharing the photos online, not producing them himself. seaside police are expected to interview students there to see if any crime may have been committed while he was on the job. families in the union school district have been alerted to to what's going on. he worked there from 2008 to february of this year as a substitute. both districts say they are confident that no pornography was downloaded on school computers. reporting live in san jose, christie smith, "today in the bay." tomorrow marks one year since morgan hill teenager, sierra lamar, disappeared on her way to school. two separate events are set to be held in her honor. a balloon release at the sierra lamar search center on tilton road down in morgan hill. a fund-raiser at niles hall in
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fremont. anton garcia torres has been charged with kidnapping and killing the teenager but her body has not been found. we are set to talk with her mother coming up later in the show. the fate of city college of san francisco is now in the hands of the accreditation panel. today is the day all 14 accreditation deficiencies were supposed to be fixed. not all were but college administrators hope their recent report about how they are going about making those proposed changes will persuade the accrediting commission for junior colleges to try to keep that open. inspectors will now visit ccf earlier next month. the panel has 45 days to make a decision. we have in you video of pope francis at the start of his second full day of the leader of the catholic church. today, the pope addressing the cardinals that elected him at the clementine hall at the
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vatican. this morning, pope francis unsealing the papal apartment at the vatican. the apartment has been sealed since pope emeritus, benedict xvi stepped down retiring back on february 28th. the apartment consists of ten large rooms, a roof garden, a private sta private study and a library. >> time to go to ikea. >> can you imagine going to sleep knowing i'm the pope now? >> i cannot even conceptualize what that would be like. so much history made this week. we are going to call this goldilocks week, not too hot, not too cold but just right. just right coming from goldilocks herself. 57 degrees to start the day in fresno. i want to start with the state-wide temps. if you are headed into so cal, make sure you have your summer wardrobe ready to go. 68 in palm springs. temperatures here are going to be just perfect in the bay area. 46 right now in livermore.
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45 degrees in san mateo. take you into the east bay, temperatures here, nice and mild. you are at 46 degrees in livermore, 48 in danville to start. as we head throughout this friday, unseasonably warm conditions will persist. good air quality. we had improvement there overnight. comfy conditions. rain, cold on the way. we are looking pretty good for up to an inch of rain in the north bay, between tuesday and thursday. that's looking really good for us. temperatures today will be nice and mild. the breeze is going to pick it up between 4:00 and 6:00. not quite as much fog out there. a little bit of patchy fog at the coast. let's check the drive with mike. look over here toward fremont. a beautiful, clear drive. a clear flow of traffic. we see the same thing in the southbound direction. that's where the headlights were
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in the earlier camera shot. a little slowing expected around the funnel area. that's what we see. north, approaching out of mill pedis, two incidents reported. just north of the miniature golf course. east 580, the earlier significant alert. your commute is slowing a bit now. steadily slowing through livermore. no surprises for this friday. we are looking at highway 84 as well south on the couple pass. west as far as the flow of information. a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. the cash lanes are back up. the fast-track lane is not a problem. we will probably see some activity this morning. it may not happen for another 20-25 minutes. back to you. the time now is 6:09. coming up, flying away after trouble out at sea. we'll tell you what's next for
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passengers on board a ship stuck in port. new this morning, the president proposing more money for green energy but not very much. we'll take a look coming up in business news. >> a demolition derby of sorts at a home improvement store. take a look at the dramatic video. >> that is just bananas, like right out of a movie. a very calm scene, a calm and quiet, serene look live over san francisco. christina loren again telling us about a spectacular day right in the middle of where you want it. perfect. back in minutes.
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passengers on the carnival dream cruise ship headed home on airplanes instead of the ship. problems with the generator
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causing them to cut the cruise short. there were interruptions to elevators and rest rooms, never a good thing. carnival deciding to fly all 4300 passengers home just to be safe. guests are being compensated for the problem. the show must go on. today, it is. despite a stage collapsing. three people are in the hospital with injuries after massive led screen came crashing down at the ultramusic festival in miami. the crash took place while crews were trying to put some of the finishing touches on the stage. a shipyard worker in maine expected to plead guilty to setting the fire to the uss miami. casey james furry admits he set fire back in may while the nuclear submarine was in dry-dock at the port smith naval shipyard. the fire caused about $450 million in damage. furry, now facing up to 19 years in prison for the offense. 6:13.
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time for a quick check of the day's other top stories. the search resumes for a scotts valley man missing since wednesday. 20-year-old matt abraham posted this video on youtube just a day before he disappeared. detectives say they are concerned because he suffered a serious head injury last friday and may be disoriented. pope francis getting the other and meeting with the cardinals that elected him this morning. he is also expected to meet with his predecessor, pope emeritus, benedict xvi. president obama heading back to the bay area. his first visit since being reelected. the president expected to be in northern california april 3rd and 4th. expected to host a number of fundraising events while he is here. the president will also reveal new plans to make america energy independent today. the president says he would like to cut oil imports by half. one of the list of goals that he will spell out.
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mr. obama also asking for a tex credit system to push the trucking industry to adopt natural gas as a fuel instead of diesel and create the national energy trust, spending $2 billion in ten years on alternative energy raised from oil companies. $2 billion is not a lot of money in the grand scheme. the loan to solindra was a half million. companies like silver springs network out of redwood city, it went public this week. work with making energy more efficient. investors absolutely adore this space. while we are talking about energy, a new study by usc says hydraulic fracturing of the monterrey shale could add 14% to california's gdp and bring in 25 billion in taxes.
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the shale field spans from the south end of the bay through most of central california. a fellow from google was named popular science's one of the most five smartest people on the planet. he is going to be my guest. he runs the online college course udacity. he invented google glass and google street view and the google driverless car. driverless cars routinely running up and down highway 85. a person behind it just in case not actually driving. i asked him about the first tame he let the car take over in traffic. >> it was certainly a moment of hope. i would have called it faith-based driving. we made sure we tested it like crazy. >> this is a fascinating conversation with all kinds of different things because the guy does so many different things.
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it will run sunday morning after meet the press. >> he seems so animated and likeable. >> he is a stanford professor on top of that. a really great guy. >> very interesting. try to stump him. >> faith-based driving. that's great. keep hope alive on the rhodes. it is 6:17. christina loren telling us we don't need to hope, great weather coming our way. >> i have seen great faith on the road. people eating cereal while driving, texting. don't do that. it is illegal. it makes you worse when someone cuts you off and you notice they are on a cell phone. 48 degrees in sonoma. 48 degrees in napa and 48 in san francisco. temperatures are going to be comfortable throughout the day. make sure you are ready for the two different parts of the day. >> we are going to round out the day in the low to mid-70s. most of your winds coming out of the west at this point.
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that means the onshore flow is fully in effect. weak disturbance will come through. gusts up to 35-40 miles an hour from time to time. that goes for the higher elevations as well. keep that in mind. overall, really comfortable, 75, santa teresa, 68 in gilroy. temperatures will maintain the next couple of days. beautiful weather all weekend long. if you wanted to stay indoors, we're going to have that giants game for you. you'll be able to watch the boys in action starting at 3:00 p.m. right here. monday into tuesday, the rain arrives. we are expecting pretty good shower activity on wednesday. that is the washout day. by thursday, we'll clear you out and pick up an inch of rain up in the north bay before all is
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said and done. it is 6:18 now. let's check the drive. good morning, mike. good morning, christina. you see st. patrick's day. that parade is on sunday. keep it in mind, disrupting traffic for both cities, saturday for san francisco, sunday for dublin. west of highway 4 is disrupting the traffic flow from lone tree way over towards leverage. even on a friday, the red zone. smooth but slower over the antioch bridge. there is a little slowing up the incline. the eastbound side was slowing a bit. that has cleared upcoming out of san francisco. no incidents there. we'll look over towards the east freeway. judging by the volume of traffic, we should probably see the lights turned on any minute. there is a good steady pretty heavy flow for friday heading to this area. the san mateo bridge moves very
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slowly. no slowing for 880. across the flat section, the high-rise, coming off the peninsula. 101 and 280 along the peninsula. 101 in the south bay, nice drive as well. 101 northbound at the 680-82 interchange, you see cars starting to build. the kren source not playing a big factor. not slowing down at all here or 87. the rest of your northbound routes are really good. a nice, easy, light friday gradual build. back to you. thank you very much. is 6:20 right now. coming up, a kmart commercial shoot shut down after a shark dies on set. plus, a path of destrix at a home improvement store. we'll show you what is slamming into these structures next right now, a live look at fremont as traffic starts to pick up on both directions right there. mike inouye will be along to fill you in on the rhodes. christina loren telling you about a nice day.
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it is 6:20.
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welcome back on a feel good friday morning. how about that shot. a cool haze. a decent start today. comfortable temperatures all day long. hopefully, you will enjoy your friday. 6:23. >> kmart is in hot water with animal activists after putting a shark in pool at ter after filming a commercial. a five-foot long white tipped sharp died after being put in an
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above-ground pool. he was injected with adrenaline and given oxygen after it showed signs of stress. it was taken out of the pool and taken to a nearby aquatic center where it later died. pita is demanding that kmart stop using wild animals in its ads a wild alcohol-fueled drive in utah ends with a man in handcuf handcuffs and a parking lot completely destroyed. you have to see it. the driver plowing right through a row of sheds on display at a home depot. from there, he spins out of control into a parking lot nearby and up on the store's front lawn. finally, he finds a strange parking lot on top of the tree. police had to use a taser to subdue this guy. they found five firearms inside of his truck. the man admitted, yes, he was drunk. >> 6:24 right now. i want to check the forecast of meteorologist, christina loren. a nice one ahead.
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>> you can make plans to do just about anything this week. skiing, snowboarding, great conditions up in tahoe. beautiful beach weather this weekend and even inland activities. like the dublin festivities. 46 in livermore, 47, san jose, 48, san francisco. headed towards 70 degrees at 1:00 p.m. in san jose. we are going to round out the day in the mid-70s. it is one of those days you want to dress for the two different parts. a sweater to start. lots of weather, unsettled weather, rain, cold. we'll find out when that comes into the mix. first, we want to check your drive. we are looking over here toward the bay bridge where the metering lights are turned on. 6:25. quickly going back to the end of the parking lot. holding off before you get to the 880 crossing. slow as well as you are coming in through oakland and in towards the maze much the map will show you basically the same thing. speeds many could go down into
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the upper 50s as you are heading through berkeley and emeryville. dublin, pleasanton and 84 as you are heading down through livermore, standard. the parade in dublin is saturday. as christina said, it is the fun run on sunday. both will be traffic concerns. back to you. >> a must-win for the united states if they want to advance to the semifinals at the world baseball classic. yesterday, team usa losing to the dominican republic 3-1. today, if they beat puerto reco, they will stay alive and move on. 6:26. still ahead, an audience with the pope. we are loo i have in vatican city as pope francis starts his second full day on the job. a painful day ahead for a grieving south bay family. we speak exclusively to sierra
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lamar's mother nearly a year to the day her daughter disappeared. taking a live look outside at the bay bridge. certainly, seeing traffic pick up on this friday morning. full forecast. continued looks at that morning commute and all your day's news coming up. 6:27 right now.
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still no closure one year after a morgan hills teenager disappeared. what sierra lamar's mother is saying about her search for answers. another busy day from vatican city in rome. the pope has some public prayers. the new video of the new pope overnight as he begins his second day leading the catholic church at the vatican. >> where will the markets lead us this morning? you hear the opening bell already on sunday.
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you made it to friday so far. one day at a time. march 15th. this is "today in the bay." this is "today in the bay." it is 6:30 on a friday morning. happy to have you. i'm jon kelley. >> i'm laura garcia cannon. new this morning, pope francis is meeting with the cardinals that elected him as the leader of the catholic church. "today in the bay," tracie potts, with new details an new video. good morning, everybody. a press briefing going on where the vatican is defending pope francis against those critics that say he didn't do enough in argentina to protect kidnapings over many years. the vatican saying those criticisms are filled with lies. none of that came up when the pope met with cardinals. he greeted them one by one after a brief address where he told
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the princes of the church to stay encouraged and to get more young people involved in the church. also, this morning, the pope got his first look at his new room, the papal apartment, which has been closed, locked, since pope benedict stepped down. he is not going to be able to move in yet for a few more days. just beginning of what will be a brand new reign here at the vatican. pope francis now at the helm. lots of challenges ahead for the church. the church looking to him for answers. laura? >> thank you very much, tracy. live from vatican city. >> a south bay family right now bracing for a heartbreaking milestone in the disappearance of their teenage daughter. tomorrow, marking one year since sierra lamar vanished on her way to school in morgan hill. a suspect is behind bars charged with her kidnapping and her killing. but unfortunately, her body has never been found.
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today, her mother is speaking out. live in fremont with the interview you will only see right here on nbc bay area. good morning, marla. >> john, good morning. i have sierra's mother standing right here next to us. marlene lamar with us this morning. thank you so much for speaking out and coming here to meet us today. >> you're welcome. i appreciate that you guys came down here this early in the morning. >> reporter: absolutely. it is so hard to believe that a year has gone by. what does tomorrow signify for you, what does it mean for you? >> it's been a long journey. the pain and anguish is indescribable. it has been frustrating, because it has gone on this long without the person of interest entering a plea. it has been from us sfrating frustrating for us as a plea. >> reporter: you are frustrated
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with the system? >> i don't understand how the legal system could allow this to happen to a victim's family for this long. >> reporter: one year ago today, march 15th, you had your daughter at home. how are you coping with this day to day? >> well, tomorrow is the date she was abducted and it's been a long time but as a parent, you are reliving the whole experience. >> reporter: what do you want people to know about your daughter? >> she has a good soul. she is an amazing young woman that any parent would be proud of. she didn't deserve this. she wasn't prepared for something like this to happen. this is also one of the reasons why we have this fundraising event on saturday in fremont. she was born and raised here. we want to increase the
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awareness that anything is possible. this could happen to any child. we want people to still know that out there and we're going to have printathons, activities. hopefully, this witness thing, being there and stepping forward as a community will let people know that they are not alone, which has really helped to sustain us as a family. i go to the center. it continues to be open on saturdays every weekend. re searches that are viable that are being combed over. the volunteers that come, it is hard not to embrace them, because of their tenacity. they feel a sense of empowerment when they come. when i feel really weak, they help to restore my strength.
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>> you are a strong woman. there is no arguing that. now, you mentioned the two they are going to start off at the scepter with the balloon release. >> that's going to be in morgan hill. that will be around 9:00 and mark class will be present as well to do the press release. >> reporter: you said the searches continue every single saturday. you think she is still out there? >> there hasn't been anything it indicate -- her body hasn't been found. as far as i'm concerned, i, as a parent, i'm not giving up. there is no real resolution at this point. we don't have answers. to help me cope with that, i feel that the center being open we will hopefully find answers, people will come forward and give tips and that will continue
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so that her plight continues as far as being able to locate her. >> marlene lamar, we appreciate you so much for coming out here. our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. for now, live in fremont. marla tallez, "today in the bay." >> they continue to have those searches every saturday. they continue to see people come out. >> i can't imagine her heartbreak. good weather on tap for this weekend. we want to switch gears and check the forecast. >> big prayers going out to the lamar family. 46 in livermore. 47, san jose. 43 degrees in gilroy. we have a good-looking day shaping up. unseasonably warm. a little bit cooler on sunday. as we head throughout next week, the return to winterlike conditions. 50s and 60s and rain on the way. we're going to talk about when that comes into play, what it means for your city in particular. 74, inland. bayside, 70 degrees.
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68 at your coast. your seven-day outlook. mike is here to help you out that front door. you need to worry about a little extra slowing. today at the bridge, we don't often see the lights on. >> here is the backup basically to the end of the parking lot, holding pretty steady. everything is on pace to slow you a bit as you are getting to the bay bridge. maybe a 5 to 10-minute delay. hayward, tonight at 8:00 like bob told you yesterday, they are doing that hayward loop through the shopping area, a six bok area, mission jackson, they funnel over between "a" and "d" many practice this weekend. it will be in effect on mondays. we will get a look toward the south bay where 101 shows a nice
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flow. swquatters living in squalo with a toddler in to you. the worst case of squatting investigators have ever seen.
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>> is this morning, southern california, the body of a moving executive was found.
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he was killed. investigators found a car belonging to fox movie executive, gavin smith inside a storage locker. it belongs to james kreech, serving an eight-year sentence. the "l.a. times" reporting smith met kreech's wife while in rehab. investigators say it doesn't appear the killing is tied to a drug deal. a 3-year-old is now in protective custody after being found living in a home filled with trash, used needles and piles of human waste in modesto. two adults are now under arrest. officers say they were squatters who moved into a home on west union avenue after the owner died. they are now charged with child endangerment and the house is now boarded up. 6:41. a desperate act nearly turns deadly for a south area bay
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substitute teacher. we will tell you about the horrifying allegations that led him to try and take his own life. >>a court-martial years before his rampage. what we learned about why he was allowed to go free. >> a bad jet that will help you save gas and tell you how much it costs to go to work. we'll take a look coming up. 6:42. beautiful start to the day. the new day begins in san jose. mostly cloudy. rain on the way. not for a while. we'll time it out for you coming up next. >> look the a 880.
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at 6:44, new details about a
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former soldier that killed two santa cruz police officers. an army spokesman said there was not enough evidence to prosecute jeremy goulet on two rape charges he faced in 2006, while serving in the military. the army says prosecutors dropped the rape case after fingerprints and dna did not point to goulet. he shot and killed two officers and was shot and killed in a shootout with police that very same day. more details about a confrontation ending in an arrest in san francisco. a patrol cab was rammed. a suspect stole the cab after the taxi cab driver got out after an argument. they arrested that suspect near fort mason. canine units joining the search for a missing south bay
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man with a pretty serious head injury. he was last seen at his home in scotts valley on wednesday night. bob redell joins us live at the fire station where search teams will be meeting up before heading out and looking for him. bob, good morning. >> good morning to you, jon. the search and rescuers will meet at the fire department for a briefing. 20-year-old matthew abraham of scotts val limit ley. he posted his individuvideo. he fell from a train tressel that he had been mountain biking over in henry kyle state park. the sand cushioned some of his fall and perhaps saved his life. he did suffer a serious head injury. you can see the swollen left eye. he has been disoriented. part of his memory is shot.
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he likens it to having someone twist his brain with pliers. >> i don't really remember much of friday or any of last week, really. i was out for about 24 hours, probably. i'm starting to recover slowly. >> abraham was last seen wednesday night around 9:00 at his home on dobby lane in scotts valley. his family thinks he might have been there overnight and wondered off around 6:00 or 7:00 monday morning. they base this on the fact they heard noise from the family dog. they have looked around the observation deck at henry kyle state park and the hiking trails near uc santa cruz, since they were locations abraham spoke about before his disappearance. physically, he is around 6'1", 150 pounds. he might be wearing rainbow-colored running shoes, possibly carrying a large, black backpack. reporting live in scotts valley, bob redell in the bay.
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time to check the forecast. meteorologist, christina loren, just about perfect. >> get the kid outdoors this weekend. that's the good news. you can open up the windows in your home. good air quality. winds are going to pick up. that will get that air moving. temperatures just about perfect, right at room temperature. most bay area cities. 48 degrees in concord. 46 to start the day in livermore. you are at 46 in san mateo. we talk about room temperature, between 72 and 75 degrees. that's where we are headed this afternoon. the only caveat is breezy to windy conditions, picking up right across the coastline. higher elevations as we head throughout the second half today and tomorrow. high and mid-level clouds streaming on shore throughout the day. if you want to hit the st. patrick's day festival in dublin, more sub shine sunshine on saturday and sunday. mike is dancing a jig.
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he is actually pretty talented there. let's talk about what's happening. friday, the green and while gala at 6:00 p.m. saturday, the main event will take place, the parade at 9:30. on saturday and sunday, festival dublin civic center plaza between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. all kinds of things for the kids to do and maybe a leprechaun citing. i have never seen mike inouye jump as high as five minutes ago. the things you miss behind the scenes. monday to tuesday, things change. rain moves in. we are talking about a pretty substantial amount we needed at this point. maybe an inch of rain on the way to the north bay between tuesday and thursday. 6:49. speaking of which, right over to mike inouye. >> you know, we should charge subscription service for folks between the cut-ins. we are looking over here toward the westbound, upper deck of the bay bridge. there is slowing up the incline.
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things are easing off there. as we look at the bay bridge, toll plaza, metering lights are still on. coming off of the 880 overcrossing. now, we will go over here and look at the maps. the smooth drive was like, catch my breath. we have a slower southbound direction out of oakland and counsel towards hayward. things are looking real good here. that reminder, that hayward loop going into effect tonight right around downtown. we should expect slowing. just over the weekend. a stall over the dunbarton bridge has cleared. no big problems here. a look at sinol as well. around the bend and up the hill, no problems. smooth drive, guys.
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it is 6:51. a south bay family is bracing for a heartbreaking milestone in the disappearance of their teenage daughter. one year since she vanished on the way to school in morgan hill. a suspect is behind bars charged with her kidnapping and killing. her body has never been found. today, her body is speaking out. live in fremont with an interview. heartbreaking, marla. >> reporter: it is so sad and so hard to talk to marlene lamar. we just had the honor to speak to her. she reminds us it has been a year since her 15-year-old disappeared. there are still those weekly searches. there will be one tomorrow marking that one-year since she
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disappeared. marlene tells us sierra has a good soul. she didn't deserve any of this. 364 days later shall she is keeping hope alive. there are two events planned for earea. a balloon release that happened shortly before 9:00. this is in morgan hill on tilton road. the search for sierra will happen after that. then, in the afternoon, another event, a fund-raiser for sierra in fremont where she was born and raised at niles hall on niles boulevard from 1:00 tofy. live music, raffle and plenty of kids activities. a great family affair. the money raised will support the search for sierra the man was arrested charged with her killing. her body has yet to be found.
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still, her mother is keeping hope alive. his next court date is happening in about two weeks from now on april 4th. we're live in fremont. marla tallez, "today in the bay." >> marla, thank you very much. 6:53 right now. a man is dead after a shooting at the richmond b.a.r.t. station this morning. police still serving for the person that pulled that trigger. police say one or two men ran away after shooting a man in his 30s near the entrance of mcdonald and 19th street. fortunately, nobody else was injured. service today is not impacted by this investigation. no word on a motive. new details about a south bay substitute teacher accused of possessing important. christie smith is live where the teacher is now on psychiatric hold this morning. kr is sti. >> reporter: nathan forstell will be here for at least three
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days. he is expected to survive. police say he tried to commit suicide by overdosing just one day after he was arrested on s suspicion of having 1,000 images of child pornography. he once worked as a substitute and in seaside as a p.e. teacher, where he was arrested on wednesday. we went to his apartment in san jose after his release. the paramedics and police officer rolled up after he tried to kill himself. a woman inside, apparently the one who called police, all very disturbing for people that live in the same apartment complex. >> i was really shocked. there are a lot of kids around here. a lot of the kids used to come and play with him. >> reporter: it appears he was viewing and sharing the photos
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online but not the one procues do you going them. they have also alerted parents as well. both districts say they are very confident none of their computers were used in any of this. that this happened with forstell's only personal computer. a former san francisco crime lab technician accused of steaming cocaine is now expected to change her plea today. debra maddon expected to plead guilty. she has already gone to trial twice on charges of obtaining cocaine from the lab by means of fraught or deception. both times it ended in hung jerrys. her arrest in 2010 forced the district attorney to drop hundreds of criminal cases. sap jose police are getting several dozen new officers. they are graduating 43 new
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officers. the first since 2009. the graduation ceremony will take place at parkside hall at 1:00 this afternoon. it turns out the state furlough program designed to save money is backfiring in the long-term. a new report shows that california will owe $1 billion more to many state workers when they retire or quit. that money is from vacation time that went unused while those workers were being forced to take unpaid days off. that money will eat into $5 billion in savings between 2009 and july of this year. >> john scott mccrew has a bad jet that will save you gas. >> by changing the way you drive. >> it is behavior modification. this is called the automatic. this plugs into your obd plug in
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your car. the part near your left knee. you have seen mechanics use it. some insurance companies offer save driving that plug in there. it monitors not just your car's health but its gaes mileage and how hard you brake or accelerate. it sends all that information to your smart phone. it knows how much you pay for gasoline. it can tell you your trip to work costs you 17 cents or the trip to the mall costs a quarter. it will give you a score on your phone as well. the less heartbreaking, the fast starts. if you forget where you park, the phone and the device know. these come out in may. they will be about $70. amazon, that sort of thing. i imagine all cars will talk to
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iphones and see this is how you are doing or your iphone is doing. >> a two-inch square, amazing. >> christina loren, a lot of info coming behind her. these are the numbers you want to see. 74, inland. bayside, 70 degrees. at the coast, a comfortable 68 degrees. beautiful conditions persist all weekend long. we meet back here monday into tuesday. we will be talking about a return of the rain. we need it. let's check on the drive. it's 6:58. good morning. >> we are looking at a build for the south bay. here, no the so bad. the map shows you, it is slow but only down to the upper 50s as you are coming north of 680 and up toward the airport. 85 shows some slowing. 87, can't forget that coming into downtown. more slowing for the dunbarton
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prinl bridge. >> pope francis meeting with the cardinals that elected him this week. he is meeting this morning. he is also expected to meet with his predecessor. that, of course, being pope emeritus, benedict xvi. president obama is heading back to the bay area. his first visit since being reelected. the president is expected to be in northern california april 3rd and 4th. he is expecting a host a number of fundraising events while here. >> the search resuming for a scotts valley man missing since wentz, 20-year-old matt abraham posting this youtube video a day before he disappeared. detectives say they are very concerned because he did suffer a serious head injury last friday and he may be disoriented. >> that is what is happening "today in the bay." we'll be back at 7:25 with a live local news update. thank you for joining us this morning. >> looks like it is going to be a beautiful st. patrick's weekend. go out and enjoy yourself. we will see you monday.
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have a good one! good morning. breaking news. new problems this morning for carnival cruise lines as yet another ship, a third, experiences mechanical trouble overnight, this, a day after thousands of passengers on the carnival "dream" are told they'll be flying ho after power problems on that ship. change of heart, ohio senator rob portman, a leading figure in the republican party reveals he now supports same-sex marriage, after his own son tells him he's gay, a reversal that's bound to be a topic of conversation at a meeting today of the nation's top conservatives. and getting to work, newly elected pope francis addresses his cardinals this morning after a brief stumble, as he begins to outline his vision for the future of the catholic church. "today," friday, march 15th, 2013. captions paid for by nbc-universal television
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and good morning. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> good morning, everyone. i'm savannah guthrie. thousands of passengers on those carnival cruise ships this morning are being told their vacations will now come to this unexpected end. >> we should start by saying that at the moment this does not appear to be as dire as the situation we saw on another carnival cruise liner last month. "the legend" is having technical difficulties affecting its speed and overnight it's being directed back to port. that less than 24 hours after a generator problem halted "the dream's" trip in the caribbean and again not as serious as what we saw with all those stranded passengers last month. we're going to get a live report on that straight ahead. just as facebook exec sheryl sandberg has been getting headlines saying women should be


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