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tv   Early Today  NBC  May 7, 2014 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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good wednesday morning. coming up on "early today," u.s. teams head to nigeria to help find hundreds of school girls kidnapped by terrorists as we hear from one of the girls who got away. a new white house report says the effects of climate change are already being felt in the u.s., and it warns of consequences if we don't act. plus, newly released video of the teen who stowed away on a hawaiian airlines flight. questions surround the whereabouts of toronto's crack-smoking mayor. and what would you do if you accidentally received a $350,000 military drone? it's wednesday, may 7th. "early today" starts right now.
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good morning. i'm frances rivera. it has been almost three weeks since hundreds of school girls were abducted by islamic terrorist necessary nigeria. now the united states is sending a team of technical experts to the country to help bring those girls home. there's been international uproar following last month's kidnapping. demonstrations continue to take place in cities across the globe. u.s. lawmakers brought attention to the situation, as well, with a moment of silence. at least two senators are asking the president to place boko haram on the international list of terror groups. nbc's ann curry has more. >> reporter: a first glimpse at one of the school girls who escaped, her face obscured to hide her identity. describing the night she and her classmates were kidnapped. we were sleeping at night. suddenly, there were soldiers who came in and asked us all to get ready because we would be attacked by boko haram that night. we were happy to be in safe hands. but they weren't safe.
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the soldiers who took them turned out to be the very militants they thought they were fleeing. the same militants who had terrorized nigerians for years, killing thousands. secretary of state kerry called nigeria's president to offer help in finding the girls. nigeria said yes. >> so what we've done is we have offered, and it's been accepted, help from our military and law enforcement officials, we're going to do everything we can to provide assistance to them. >> military, investigative and intelligence assistance and expertise in hostage negotiations. international response to the kidnapping was slow at first, but this map shows how word spread on social media. #bringbackourgirls exploding around the world over 12 days reaching a million so far. the story of nigeria's missing school girls at the mercy of ruthless terrorists has touched a nerve around the world. >> you don't have to be a mother to understand. the seriousness. it's painful, it's outrage.
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>> the terrorists are bent on ending western education in nigeria. their biggest weapon is fear. and it may be working. the girl who escaped when asked if she would go back to school said no, i cannot go back. i cannot. >> that was nbc's ann curry reporting. climate change matters. that is the message president obama is stressing following the new national climate assessment. the report draws a connection between human activities and the uptick in global temperatures over the last several decades. president obama is highlighting the need for quick action. >> we want to emphasize to the public, this is not some distant problem of the future. this is a problem affecting americans right now. whether it means increased flooding, greater vulnerability to drought, more severe wildfires, all these things are having an impact on americans as we speak. >> nbc's al roker was one of a handful of journalists who got to discuss the climate issue with the president.
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and you can see more of that interview coming up on "today." midterm primary results are in this morning for some major races. in north carolina, tom tillis claims victory in the republican senate primary over his tea party challengers. he will take on democratic senator kay hagen in the fall. also in the tar heel state, former "american idol" star clay aiken holds the lead in the democratic house primary, but the margin is just too narrow to declare victory just yet. and in ohio, republicans named house speaker john boehner their party's nominee. boehner defeated two tea party challengers. he is fighting for a 13th term in the house. well, the white house was briefly on lockdown yesterday. a suspicious car was caught trailing a motorcade carrying the first daughters. the driver made it past the pennsylvania avenue barricade and into a restricted area. it turns out the driver had a pass to the treasury department, but did not have security clearance at the white house checkpoint. he was taken into custody.
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pro-russian groups in eastern ukraine are planning to hold a vote to secede from ukraine. secretary of state john kerry dismissed the effort as bogus and contrived. >> we flatly reject this illegal effort to further divide ukra e ukraine. >> meanwhile, ukraine's presidential election is scheduled for may 25th. nbc's richard engel has more from kiev. >> reporter: it has been very volatile and violent here over the last several days with dozens killed. the ukrainian government is battling the pro-russian militias. the question is why? why have the militias set up checkpoints and taken over government buildings especially in eastern ukraine? many here say the goal is to sabotage presidential elections scheduled to take place on the 25th of this month. for the first time in a very long time, all of the candidates are pro-american, pro-european. there are no serious pro-russian capp
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candidates. and obviously, moscow does not want this vote to go forward. and to the militias, they're on the ground, setting up these checkpoints. they're making it impossible to hold an organized election. >> so we ask all the partners to send the international observers to ukraine to monitor the elections. >> reporter: and even if the election were to take place, it might be so violent, many people would say the election isn't legitimate. richard engel, nbc news, kiev. new video from a california teen's amazing stowaway journey has surfaced. security footage shows the 15-year-old emerging from the airliner wheel well on april 20th after a 5 1/2 hour flight to hawaii. despite experiencing low oxygen and freezing temperatures at 35,000 feet, look at this video here, he manages to walk from the aircraft seemingly unscathed. the teen told investigators he was trying to return to his native somalia to see his mother. he has since been returned to california and is in child protective custody. so it's one thing when you heard
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that story, it's unbelievable, even more so when you see it. >> to see him stumbling and waking up and not even knowing where he was. nbc meteorologist bill karins. what do we have in store for us? >> it's a nice day. >> good. >> in many areas of the west, one dry area and then wet weather returns in the northwest for your thursday. through the first week of may, as advertised, we're looking very dry throughout the desert southwest and california. it's really when the dry season begins. you don't expect a lot. but up in seattle, i mean, we're talking about over two inches of rain. typically you average two inches for the entire month. you're well ahead of schedule. and it continues the theme of a very wet spring. and the next storm is coming onto the screen there. and that's the one in store for thursday. you get a decent day today, and then that storm and that frontal system will try to move through thursday afternoon. areas like seattle and portland and will head out thursday night. as far as the forecast is going to go for the rainfall, we're dry today.
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then as we go into thursday, talking about the darker greens there, a possibility of a half inch, maybe up to an inch especially the higher terrain. your forecast as we go throughout this wednesday, we are looking at pretty nice conditions out there from san francisco southward. enjoy it. that's your national fo nevada yesterday, still bringing cooler conditions to areas like yuma. so as we go through the end of this week, it looks like the rain returns to the northwest. >> all right. it's fun after wednesday you can start looking ahead. focus on the weekend. >> i know, mother's day forecast isn't far away either. >> thank you. up next, toronto mayor rob ford is missing? plus, details on the $350,000 government drone that was mistakenly delivered to a college student. you're watching "early today." huh, 15 minutes could save you 15% or more
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welcome back. here's some stories we're following this morning. the first of eight acrobats involved in sunday's circus accident out of the hospital this morning. they were attempting what is known as a human chandelier. when equipment snapped, sending them plunging to the ground. the 23-year-old says she heard a huge crack before the fall. she also says she plans to return to the show. there is video showing the three men parachuting off the world trade center last year. it shows the lit streets of new york city at night, and it's an attempt to drive traffic to the trio's website which asks for money to help with legal fees. the men were in court yesterday facing charges including burglary and reckless endangerment. after making numerous headlines, people are now asking just where is toronto mayor rob ford? it looked like he was headed for rehab in chicago. though he reportedly never got off the plane. his brother says he is in rehab, but won't say where. a college student got an unexpected delivery this week
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when he accidentally received a package containing parts of the u.s. government drone. he uploaded these pictures to reddit which shows the $350,000 piece of equipment. that student is now in the process of returning that drone to the proper department. so next time you're outside, look up and wave because you're on tv. nasa is now streaming a live hd feed of the earth from cameras aboard the international space station. the feed is up on their website. although if you go check it out and want to see yourself, you might have to look really, really close to see yourself. you'll be itty bitty tiny. time to get down to business. seema, good morning. >> frances, stocks fell sharply tuesday closing at the lows of the session. today look for data out on productivity and labor costs. fed chair janet yellen is testifying before congress this morning about the economy. chinese internet giant alibaba filed for its much anticipated u.s. ipo in what could be the biggest tech
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offering ever. the company could be valued as much as $200 billion. alibaba powers 80% of all chinese e-commerce and makes more money than amazon and ebay combined. watch shares of disney. reporting positive earnings thanks to the blockbuster hit "frozen" which has grossed $1.2 billion worldwide. disney will expand the use of "frozen" characters at its theme parks and is developing a broadway show. back to you. >> oh, and forget the merchandise. it's all sold out. trust me, i know. just ahead, the latest in the nba conference semifinals. that and your sports headlines next. before using her new bank of america credit card, which rewards her for responsibly managing her card balance. before receiving $25 toward her balance each quarter for making more than her minimum payment on time each month. tracy got the bankamericard better balance rewards credit card, which fits nicely with everything else in life she has to balance.
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that's the benefit of responsibility. apply online or visit a bank of america near you. introducing nespresso vertuoline. now coffee becomes an experience like nothing you've ever had before. [ penelope ] nespresso vertuoline. experience the revolution of coffee. [ penelope ] nespresso vertuoline. say revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. flawless results. and unlike other fibers, you'll aonly know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel.
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this morning on "today," an exclusive look at chicago's newest sky high attraction. "today" takes you 1,000 feet up and gives you a unique perspective of the windy city, ahead on "today." time for your sports headlines. the nba conference semifinals. it is cruise control for san antonio as they easily crush portland. they score the first eight points and never look back. led by tony parker's 33 points. san antonio wins game one, 116-92. miami finally gets a win against brooklyn. lebron james and cast go on a 24-9 run in the third to blow the game open. they stay undefeated in the playoffs, beating the nets 107-86 in game one.
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and it's a triple, now he's coming to the plate. here is the throw. he scores. he is out at the plate! >> you're saying extra innings, extra innings. not so much. pittsburgh, they want a second look. upon further review, the call is overturned so the pirates win 2-1. it is the first replay challenge to result in a walk-off win. >> i wanna report there is a young lady in my friend's bed. he's not here. she went and laid in his bed and she's not leaving. we asked her to leave and told her he won't be here tonight. and she says she's not leaving until she sees him. >> that 911 call reportedly made by seattle seahawk ricardo lockette is the latest turn in the alleged sexual assault investigation connected to colin kaepernick and two nfl players. miami police released two calls, but still no arrest. and to the nhl ice. montreal takes a 2-1 series lead at home.
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they score the first three goals on their way to a 4-2 victory over boston. minnesota gets their first series win against chicago. in their 4-0 victory puts them one win shy of tying the series. and finally, in slovakia, a visiting soccer fan gets clocked, just clocked on the home team field there. yeah. and you know who handed the punishment? that is a fan of the home team. then he runs and then law enforcement, riot gear and all, chase after him. >> announcer: "early today" is brought to you by touch of gray mustache and beard. get the look you want. just ahead here, did you see it? a huge night of good-byes on "the voice." plus how jimmy fallon and friends are trying to put an end to this whole selfie craze. you're watching "early today." .
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93% of women saw noticeably improved skin. radiant. rejuvenated. revlon. and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says, "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft.
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let's get out the door on this wednesday. if you're up early, maybe doing? work, some errands or maybe exercising, we are going to look for a nice day today. as we go throughout the noon hour, things will warm up significantly. whatever clouds are out there early this morning, especially around seattle, should burn off. 65 for you today. this is a really nice day. very comfortable in the desert areas. you don't have many more of these days with highs in the 70s left. you know that. so appreciate it while it lasts. because even as we jump to tomorrow, temperatures rise about six degrees in the southwest. i mentioned that rain comes in during the afternoon tomorrow. it will be with us right through
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thursday night. then more showery weather towards friday. i mentioned the upcoming weekend and mother's day. if everything goes okay, we should clear it out and actually warm it up in the seattle and the northwest. so we've got our fingers crossed. >> yeah, for mom. i hope you've got your plans for your wife. >> yes. >> i put you on the spot, didn't i? >> i'm booked all day. >> gotcha. he's going to make his plans right now. "the voice," a triple elimination last night. they were eliminated when they failed to receive the instant save. all of the judges are still safe, but adam levine has a commanding lead with two singers. maybe it's the new blond. media billionaire and power rangers creator savan has offered to buy the embattled beverly hills hotel. after the owner of bruni enacted strict anti-gay laws from his home country.
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butler was set to play the surfer bode originally portrayed by patrick swayze in the '90s classic. in celebration of mother's day, "working mother" magazine has compiled a list of the 50 most powerful am months of 2014. celebrity moms on the list include christina aguilera, salma hayek, kerry washington, tina fey and of course beyonce. >> no angelina jolie? she's probably number one. last night on "the tonight show," seth rogen and zac efron stopped by to put an end to this whole selfie trend once and for all. >> one more time. >> i've been taking them, like, all day. >> ready? >> go. >> your turn. >> totally. >> together? >> yeah. >> okay.
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>> i love it. >> that's the end to the selfie. >> i would think so. that is the reality for so many people with the exception of you, bill karins. >> never taken a selfie. >> not even with your kids? >> i keep myself out of the picture. i don't like being in the spotlight. wrong industry. >> yes. the weatherman is on tv every morning. all right. buddhist monks, they conducted a touching tribute in honor of the two-year anniversary of beastie boys adam yauch's death. set to the scene of beastie boys favorite. i breakdancing monks performed amazing tricks. yauch was a practicing buddhist. i'm frances rivera and this is "early today." we hope it's just your first stop of the day here on nbc. have a good one.
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hi. i just finished an energy audit of this building and started my own dog walking business. what did you do to deserve that thin mints flavor coffee-mate? it's only one of the most delicious girl scout cookie flavors ever. i changed the printer ink. really? it's actually tricky. you're lucky i like your tie. enjoy our caramel and coconut girl scout cookies flavor. now available in powder. nestle. good food, good life. . colorburst matte and lacquer balms
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leading the news in "the washington post," air force to award space fence contract to track orbital debris. lockheed martin and raytheon are the two front-runners to develop a system that will track the maximum amount of items floating around in orbit. and in "usa today," deuce! roger federer's wife gives birth to a second set of twins. he and his wife welcomed baby boys last night. they already have 4-year-old twin girls. and some other stories we're following this morning. we're getting an unprecedented look at the vatican's efforts to find and punish priests responsible for molestation and abuse. a u.n. committee hearing has revealed after 3,400 reported cases over the past decade, 848 priests have been defrocked, and
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2,500 have been hit with penalties. the family of the teenager who killed four people in a drunk driving wreck will have to pay out $2 million to the family of a boy he paralyzed. that's according to court documents. the case got national attention after prosecutors argued the teenager's irresponsibility was the fault of his wealthy parents. and as the price of flying goes up, more people are hitting the roads to cover the costs including these guys. a gaggle of geese. police shut down an interstate near chicago today to help guide seven canada geese as they made their way along the shoulder. they weren't meeting the minimum speed requirement, so they politely honked and got off at the next exit. >> i can understand and relate to if there was just one of the parents there, but having both parents, you'd think they'd have a little better judgment. i mean, i understand as a dad, i make some mistakes when i'm by myself. >> you're just happy to be waddling along, you know. they're, like, hey.
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there's a little highway, an interstate. let's go check that out. >> i can't believe they all made it. >> adventurous spirit. now for a look ahead and a look back. president obama travs to arkansas to tour communities devastated by recent tornadoes. 16 people were killed when twisters tore through the central part of the state at the end of april. the president will meet with families as well as first responders and recovery workers. and on this day in 1975, president gerald ford formally declared an end to the vietnam era. in ho chi minh city, formerly saig saigon, the viet kong celebrated its takeover. >> saigon is the symbol of victory won by these people, but many analysts believe that despite their joy at winning the war, they will not be unified with the south for some time to come. north vietnam, despite the may day firecrackers and dragons is a tightly regimented society. it will take some time to bring the easygoing southerners up to the regimented standards of the north. >> i'm frances rivera.
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thanks so much for watching "early today." have a great wednesday. let's face it, most people don't know how to choose a new dentist. that's where we come in. we've helped over 8 million people find the right dentist,
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and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ ♪ good morning everyone. >> lots to get to this morning let's check in and say good morning to christina. wednesday you made it to the middle of the week. we have significant changes coming your way including showers in the forecast. for today a picture perfect day across the bay area. we lost a lot of that wind overnight. also a heat wave just around the corner.


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