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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 8, 2014 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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see the chance here of scattered showers through about 7:00 tomorrow morning. right now picking up on some of that activity. but then as we head through the afternoon tomorrow, here is what you can find, increased sunshine. temperatures in low 70s for san jose. then by saturday, mid 70s and on sunday, we expect to pop up into the 80s. by wednesday, of next week, we could have triple digit heat. and check it out, san francisco by sunday, low 70s. even beach weather expected throughout parts of next week. got a stacation next week, the beach. got to head there. >> tomorrow is friday. made it to the end of the week. >> bye-bye. >> good night. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- michael fassbaender, zoe saldana, fallonventions
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and featuring the legendary roots crew. and now, here's your host, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a hot crowd. welcome to the "tonight show" everybody. thank you for being here. welcome, welcome, welcome. it's gonna be a fun show. thank you for being here. here is what everyone's talking about. across the street is the nfl
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draft. [ cheers and applause ] right across the street. at radio city music hall. 32 players were drafted in the first round. actually 31, the jets got confused and took one of the rockettes. [ laughter ] but a good kicker though. amazing. 32 players drafted into the nfl. though i thought it was a a little weird when the team owners handed each of them a a rose. will you accept this rose? [ laughter ] welcome to the houston texans. did you hear? one of the prospects in this years nfl draft is a safety named ha ha clinton-dix. ♪ no i'm not kidding. that's the real -- i'm not -- that's not a joke, that's not a a joke. his name -- [ laughter ] stop laughing. it is not -- name -- his name is ha ha clinton-dix. [ laughter ]
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which incidentally is the title of the new "vanity fair" article by monica lewinsky. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: it is done. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. ha ha clinton-dix. of course that's just his nickname. his real name is tee hee clinton-penis. [ laughter ] >> steve: i heard that his jersey number was 69. [ laughter ] was he -- [ laughter ] is that someone's real laugh? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: is there a wild animal loose in the audience? [ laughter ] you hear it? everyone stop so we can hear her. [ laughter ]
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that's a great laugh. thank you, i love that laugh. [ cheers and applause ] that's a great laugh. with the draft happening right across the street the sidewalks outside were packed with football fans. so we sent our writer arthur down there to get some opinions on the draft. the only catch was they had to dance the entire time as they answered. we call it "questions and dancers." take a look. ♪ >> what is your team strategy going into the draft? >> so the packers always pick the best player available. [ laughter ] this year they will probably pick defense. >> you need someone like -- like amuro or maybe even ebron if we want to trade up. [ laughter ] >> i think really you should draft offensive line. and if offensive line doesn't really work. i think we should go get a a linebacker. >> i think the jets need a wide out. an outside line backer. cornerback obviously.
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>> but i think this year they gonna come through with strong picks and stop the world. >> hopefully the chiefs can trade back. they have the 23rd pick but they only have six in the whole draft. plus if they could get a wide receiver. i hope they get a skilled position player. maybe we can get a quarterback. we haven't drafted one in the first round since like 1985. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you for doing that, guys. and i love this city. it is the best city. i've never seen that -- i've never seen that dance. that was great. speaking of football our pals over at cbs this morning, we like that crew. they were talking about a a former army ranger whose just signed by the philadelphia eagles. [ applause ] and -- and anchor gale king, we love gale king. she didn't do too much to hide her feelings about this guy. watch. >> pretty tough. i mean, i didn't play football in a long time. >> he's huge.
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>> i like it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she was like i wish oprah would have put him under my seat. [ laughter ] wait till she hears about ha ha clinton-dix. >> steve: woah! >> jimmy: hey a little tv gossip here you guys. it's rumored that katie couric might return to the today show for a few months to fill in for savannah gurthie when she goes on maternity leave. because where else can you find another co-host said, al, natalie, lester, cameron, willie, carson, dillon, kathy lee and hoda. where else can you find someone to fill in? [ applause ] i also saw that nbc is paid over $7 billion to broadcast the olympics through 2032. wow. half of the 7 billion will be spent on advertising and the rest be spent on visine for bob costas. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: i felt so bad for
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him. oh my gosh. that's right, nbc won the broadcast rights for the olympics for the next 18 years. meanwhile cnn just won the broadcast rights to cover that missing plane for the next 18 years. [ laughter ] breaking news, it's still missing. uh, thought we saw it -- here's some political news. during his speech last night, president obama said it's important for democrats to win the midterm elections because the gop says no to everything. republican says no we -- good one. [ laughter ] you almost -- almost got us on that one. speaking of obama, a new report shows that the president has visited 45 states during his time in office. when he heard that, biden was like wow he's been to all of them? [ laughter ] go to bed. go to bed. past your bedtime buddy. well this is creating a lot of con-trov-er-si. [ laughter ] our show airs in england. [ laughter ] this is creating a lot of controversy.
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this week nintendo announced it will not allow same sex relationships in a new video game despite pressure from fans. and than mario and luigi said i guess we have to keep one this whole brother charade. [ laughter ] here we go. >> steve: it's a me, mario. [ mushroom sound ] >> jimmy: this is kind of hard to believe. i heard that cher recently teamed one with the wu tang clan for two of their new songs. yeah, and they gave her a cool wu tang name. ghost facelift. [ laughter ] ♪ and finally a town in texas just announced a controversial plan to recycle toilet water and use it for drinking water. [ audience ohs ] the dogs said how are you only thinking of this now? we have a great show. give it up for the roots, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: hello everybody. welcome. thank you for watching. i want to show you guys a a video. i know i'm one of those guys now. but this is a video of my baby. she's super cute. she's nine months old. and -- and we got her one of those jolly jumpers. do you know those things you put in the doorway? like a bungee cord you strap to your baby. you hang -- like a baby bungee. yeah and so we got one for her and she freaked out. she had the best time on it and she couldn't even understand it. and this is the video for her. [ laughter ] i mean, that's pretty hysterical right? she's just like -- she's just kicking around like crazy going crazy, going nuts. i thought that was superfun.
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i thought it was cute. and then -- so i talked to a a friend of mine and had him put tap shoes sound effects -- think it makes for a better video. [ tapping ] [ laughter ] my wife loves this one. [ cheers and applause ] i asked my wife -- can i show a a video of the baby? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: so cute. i love her. so we've had a fun week so far and there's more ahead tomorrow night. james mcavoy and amy schumer will be here. oh, we love those guys. plus "thank you notes," and a a performance from tune-yards. so you don't want to miss that. tune in tomorrow night. but first, we have a fantastic show. this guy's the best. great actor, nominated for -- how many? 300 awards last year. now he's in the giant new x-men movie. michael fassbender is here tonight.
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[ cheers and applause ] the ladies -- the ladies love him. >> steve: ladies love him. >> jimmy: ladies love him. >> steve: ll fasbender. >> jimmy: yep. and from the nbc mini series event "rosemary's baby," which is scary good. yeah yeah. zoe saldana is dropping by. we love zoe. [ cheers and applause ] dudes love zoe saldana. and also we are gonna feature some amazing kid inventors. they're like geniuses. they are coming on and then they are gonna just show how stupid i am in a segment we call "fallonventions." they're going to be here today. they're really cute. [ cheers and applause ] good idea. i like it. >> steve: good idea. >> jimmy: it's going to be fun. well today is thursday and that means it's time to count down the hottest songs in the country. so here we go. at number three we've got "problem" by ariana grande featuring iggy azalea. >> steve: love it. >> jimmy: how does that go. >> steve: it goes uhm bee -- love that song. >> jimmy: you just sang "don't worry be happy."
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>> steve: i love that song. i love that song. >> jimmy: number two we have "happy" by pharrell williams. that's a good tune. [ cheers ] >> steve: love it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and number one it's our buddy john legend with "all of me." number one song. >> steve: love it. [ cheers and applause ] those are the top three songs. so now let's take a look at the songs in the bottom of the charts. [ light laughter ] number 98 here's a song called "rock and roll all night" by the whisperettes. i've never heard of them. i think we have a clip. can we play it? ♪ i want to rock and roll all night and party every day ♪ >> shh. >> i'm sorry, my bad. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: number 99, we have "barbie girl" by vladimir putin 'cause that's -- [ laughter ] russin leader, vladimir putin. i didn't know he was making music. let's hear it. let's see it what it sounds like. ♪ i am barbie girl live in barbie world life in plastic it's fantastic ♪ ♪ you can brush my hair undress me everywhere come on barbie let's go party ♪
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♪ ha ha ha yeah >> jimmy: come on barbie let's go party. ha, ha, ha, yeah. and finally, at number 100, all the way at the bottom of the charts, here's "started from the bottom" by president barack obama. ♪ ♪ uh-oh there's a zombie on the track started from the bottom now i'm here ♪ ♪ got sasha and malia got the whole teams up in here ♪ ♪ started from the bottom now look at me, bitch i'm the [ bleep ] damn president ♪ [ laughter ] >> steve: wait, is that the clean version? >> jimmy: i don't what's going on with this. >> steve: you didn't play the clean version? >> jimmy: going through a a midlife crisis. i had no idea. i didn't know we had the clean version. >> steve: you don't have the clean version? >> jimmy: i don't know. but that's the songs right there. you guys, we're gonna come back with more "tonight show." we have "hashtags" when we come back. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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pepsi wild cherry. explosively cherry.
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there's a bonus in store! at the petsmart big brands bonus sale. save $8 on select nature's recipe® dry dog food and save $3 on select new nature's recipe® pure essentials™ dry dog food. only at petsmart®.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. it is time for "tonight show hashtags." here we go.
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♪ hashtags hashtags ♪ >> jimmy: you guys -- you guys are on twitter, right? [ cheers ] well, it's fun. we use twitter on our show every single week. so if you watch our show, and you want to play along, we do this thing every wednesday where i send out a hashtag. and we ask you guys to tweet out things based on that topic. so, since mother's day is this sunday, i went on the twitter and started a hashtag called "mom quotes." [ light laughter ] i asked you guys to tweet out something funny, weird or embarrassing that your mom has said. we got thousands and thousands of tweets. within 20 minutes, it was a a worldwide trending topic. [ cheers and applause ] for a long time. that's amazing. thank you so much for those tweets. gosh, we love our fans. we wouldn't be here without them. well, that's crazy. but now, i thought i'd share some of my favorite mom quotes tweets from you guys. here we go. this first tweet is from @elizh2o. she says, "my mom meant to say butt dial but instead she said grandma booty called me today."
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[ laughter ] no she didn't. no she didn't. >> steve: no. or did she? >> jimmy: i don't know. [ laughter ] this one's from @magistrack07. she says, "my mom once said to a drive-thru cashier you ever afraid someone will reach in there and getcha?" [ laughter ] i am now. call 911. i wasn't before. this one's from @brandonwinkler. he says, "after seeing instant replay during a football game, my mom said 'oh my gosh they did it again!'" [ laughter ] [ applause ] no. look how slow everyone's running. >> steve: they're so slow. it's like they're running in molasses. this one's from @paintedpisces. she says, "my mom tried to text ha ha ha and it autocorrected to kosha bum ba. now whenver she laughs she says kosha bum ba." [ laughter ] kosha bum ba. >> steve: kosha bum ba. >> jimmy: kosha bum ba.
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this one's from @jchamp721. he says, "my mom told my dad we can break in the new sheets in a group text message i was part of." [ audience oohs ] what? >> steve: maybe that was just a a booty call. >> jimmy: yeah, it was from grandma. [ laughter ] booty call. crazy grandma. this one's from @rogue1971. she says, "my mom once said 'that was funny, you should twerk about it.'" [ laughter ] >> steve: maybe. >> jimmy: maybe i'll get some retwerks. this is from @gtourres. she says, "my brothers and i asked my mom who our favorite kid was. she said i don't have one. you all equally annoy me." [ laughter ] you're all equally annoy --. thanks, mom. this one's from @samcuso. he says, "my mom told her friend my son doesn't have an iphone. he has one of those d-rods. she meant android." [ laughter ]
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d-rod? >> steve: they're like droid. >> jimmy: he's always on the d-rod. >> steve: he's always, 24/7. droid. >> jimmy: this last one's from @ceevaughnhake015. she says, "i heard my mom say 'i love you.' i replied 'i love you too.' she said 'i'm sorry, i was talking to the dog.'" [ laughter ] >> steve: oh! >> jimmy: there we have it, some "tonight show" hashtags. check out more of our favorites go to tonight or submit yours by downloading our "tonight show" app available on itunes and for android. stick around. be right back with michael fassbender, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ introducing new johnny appleseed hard apple cider. inspired by the man himself. a refreshingly sweet and intense hard cider with a crisp apple bite. best served on the rocks and among friends.
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johnny appleseed is the refreshingly sweet and intense choice of those with a story to tell. so try a johnny appleseed hard cider tonight and let the stories flow. welcome to the toyota time sales event. we're looking for something safe with a really smooth ride. he's a very light sleeper. oh, the camry's safe and has a smooth, comfortable ride. oh, the camry's perfect. and you're in luck. it's toyota time. so it's a great time for a great deal. [ both ] yes! [ baby crying ] [ male announcer ] during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a 2014.5 camry. offer ends june 2nd. for more great deals, visit [ both sigh ] toyota. let's go places.
11:57 pm have to perform. you've got to build a crowd from nothing. find what gets them moving, and do it. my intel-powered tablet can respond immediately... so when i get my crowd... ...this funk machine won't let them down. ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the roots right there, ladies and gentlemen. oh, fantastic. they have a new album coming out, what is it may 19th? >> may 19th. >> jimmy: may 19th the new roots album is in stores. pick it up everybody. pre-order it, check it out. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest is a golden globe and academy award-nominated actor are whose movie "x-men: days of future past" is out in 3-d and theaters everywhere on may 23rd. ladies and gentlemen please welcome, michael fassbender. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: michael fassbender! you're busy, busy man. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you had a crazy year last -- congrats on everything. you were so evil in "12 years a
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a slave." and it was so amazing performance. but i know you and it's so not you. and i'm like wow. i don't know how you did that. you were unbelievable in that. >> thanks. i was just very, sort of, you know, pleased to be a part of it. i was just very honored to be part of solomon northup's story. so thank you. >> jimmy: any time off? any vacation? >> not a great deal. i managed to squeeze in about 10 days in peru. i went down to peru. >> jimmy: really? that's fun. >> yeah a friend of my mine is a professor in halifax. his semester ends around the same time i finished the film. so last year we went to argentina and that year we did peru and a sort of road trip. >> jimmy: that's fun. i know you like those roadtrips. do they speak english in peru? no. [ laughter ] >> i mean -- >> jimmy: i base my vacations around the language. [ laughter ] >> i know exactly what you mean. some of the spots like cusco are fairly, you know, tourist spots. the machu pichu trail and all of that. so some people speak english
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but looking for the more remote towns and then there is no english. >> how do you communicate? >> well, my friend speaks a bit of spanish. but i tend go down the sort of -- charade type mime scenario. [ laughter ] which i found has been pretty effective. i remember one time i was in brazil and i needed to get mosquito repellant. so i went to the desk and of course they didn't speak english, just portuguese. and my portuguese is abysmal. so i was like, buzz. [ spray sound ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, right here. we got that, yeah. [ laughter ] that's great. what if you got bit by a snake or something? venomous snake? >> then you just kiss your ass goodbye. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i was in france and i was looking for an adapter so i would plug something into the wall. and in france they just don't even fool around. they just don't want to help you if you don't know the language. >> they know how to speak
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english they just don't want to engage. >> jimmy: exactly yeah. [ laughter ] i went into the electronics store and knew that because there was electronics in the store. and i went into n there and i was like -- [ french accent ] do you have adapter? [ laughter ] >> i like the way you put on that -- >> jimmy: exactly. [ french accent ] adapter? plug, plug? and i was like this and like this. [ laughter ] >> they're like you need to get to the moulin rouge area. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and then finally when i was done i go -- i'm sweating from trying to explain. he goes -- [ french accent ] "ah, adapteur." [ laughter ] it's only that far off? give me a break. >> my sister is over there and she was looking for mcdonald's 'cause something close to there. and they were like - [ french accent ] ah no, no, no. and then after the fifth try someone was like -- [ french accent ] "ah, mac-donalde!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's what i'm saying! [ french accent ] eh big mac. royale with cheese. >> that's the other thing. ordering food when you're sort of in a country where they don't speak any english and you're looking and thinking what am i ordering? but it's easy.
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so what you do is go -- [ moo ] and they're like oh. and then you go - [ clucking ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, that's not right. that's not how you order food. that's not true. >> of course it's true. and this is fish. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's not fish at all. x-men movie. fantastic. "days of future past." congratulations, another great x-men movie. this one, it's killer, you guys have to see it. it's so good. this one, you play a younger version obviously of magneto and kind of team up with your older self, kind of. >> yeah, it's weird. >> jimmy: it's kind of a tricky plot to talk about. >> i didn't really, sort of, get to do a scene with ian mckellen. we flipped a coin, and james and patrick won the toss. so the two of them had a scene together. i didn't actually have a scene with ian. but we did get a chaance to meet in comicon. which was nice, 'cause i never got a chance to meet him. >> jimmy: and you are him. >> and i am him. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: very odd to meet yourself. >> weird yeah. >> jimmy: but it's so good.
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it's fun, we have a clip. i want to show everyone a clip. michael fassbender, "x-men: days of future past." take a look at this. >> the treatment for my spine effects my dna. >> you'll sacrifice your power so you could walk? >> what do you know about it? >> i've lost my fair share. >> dry your eyes, eric. it doesn't justify what you've done. >> you have no idea what i've done. >> i know you took the things mean the most to me. >> well maybe you should have fought harder for them. >> if you want to fight, eric. >> i will give you a fight. >> let him come. >> you abandoned me. you took her away and you abandoned me! >> we were supposed to protect them! where were you charles? you abandoned us all. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: control your temper magneto. michael fassbender, "x-men: days of future past" is in
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theaters may 23rd. zoe saldana joins us next. come on back everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ amy: namaste, how may i enrich your day? jennie: we have a noon pedicure! amy: whoa whoa those pants?!... where did you get them... and can i try them on when your getting your toes done? jennie: i got them at old navy and... no. amy: this is a place of sharing and positivity and i'm hearing a lot of no right now so... jennie: they're actually on sale. the crops start at $19! amy: wow i'm getting a lot of spirit... from that price... jennie: are you ok?? amy: i'm going to let that price come up through my body... jennie: and the shorts are from 10. amy: take it! the spa is closed ladies!! look out! hey, what are you drinking? i'll take a redd's strawberry ale! what? redd's! i think he wants this. redd's strawberry ale. fresh like a strawberry. brewed like an ale.
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beer. dog. music. yikes. skip track, please. i'm hungry. impossible? maybe, but honeywell's latest innovation gives me hope. hello, thermostat? "hello. please say a command." i'm feeling hot. "changing set point to 68 degrees" the wi-fi thermostat that listens, learns, saves. from honeywell. you need a bunch of those to clean this mess. then i'll use a bunch of them. then how is that a bargain? [ sighs ] no, that's too many -- it's not gonna fit! whoa! cascade kitchen and math counselor. here's a solution. one pac of cascade complete cleans tough food better than six pacs of the bargain brand combined. so you can tackle tough messes the first time. that is more like it. how are you with taxes? [ laughs ] [ counselor ] and for even more cleaning power, try cascade platinum.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a great actress who you know from movies like "star trek" and "avatar." starting this sunday at 9pm, you can see her in the mini series event, "rosemary's baby" on nbc. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome zoe saldana! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: zoe. welcome, welcome to the show. you look gorgeous, as always. >> thank you, thank you for inviting me back. i had so much fun last time. and i think my aim got better. >> jimmy: yeah, you did. >> i was hoping that we were gonna play another game, and then we didn't. i'm like, i wanna just go throw something. >> jimmy: we can think of a
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a game now if you want to. [ laughter ] see who can get the sharpie in the cup. >> oh, it has water. wait, i don't want to wet my hair. hold on. >> jimmy: wet your hair? how hard are you gonna throw it? [ laughter ] underhand toss. underhand toss. >> why? >> jimmy: i don't know, you're gonna get my hair wet. [ laughter ] all right, ready? >> yeah. [ drumroll ] [ audience ohs ] >> jimmy: this is not a good game. [ laughter ] we'll play a different game next time. i'll work on it. >> at least mine touched the rim of the -- >> jimmy: oh, come on. that doesn't count for anything. still didn't go in. [ laughter ] hey, how's grandma? >> she's good. >> jimmy: last time you were here, yeah. grandma came with you. >> grandma says hi. >> jimmy: oh good, i love grandma. >> i was supposed to see her tonight for dinner, but i've been running around doing press for "rosemary's baby." so -- i just need to rest, so, i called her and she was pretty bummed. she was like, "oh, i went to the salon and i got my hair done." [ audience ohs ] so, she was bummed. >> jimmy: aww. well, she's a little bit of trouble, grandma. >> grandma is a character all on its own. last week we flew in, my sisters and i, because we have
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our production company. and we sold our first show to aol, and it's called "my hero." >> jimmy: cool. >> and we were having, like, a a dinner celebration. and, you know, the souvenirs were like these sunglasses. and she was going by every chair. >> jimmy: grandma. >> and shaking every box. and we were like "what are you doing?" and she's like, "well, i need sunglasses." grandma, that might be for the guest that's sitting next to you. "well, he's not here." [ laughter ] she literally left with like -- i think it was eight or nine boxes of sunglasses. i'm like "if you get caught, i'm not dealing with it." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: zoe saldana's grandma, smuggling -- >> and then she calls in the next day. well, listen, are you going to take it to the doctors so i can get my prescription on them? i'm the one who has to do it. prescription. >> jimmy: these illegal goods. smuggling them into like a lens crafters. [ laughter ] that's great. and you're close to your whole family. you and your sister started a a production company? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's so fun. what's the name of your company? >> sinistar. >> jimmy: sinistar. ah, very cool. and you're doing "rosemary's baby" as well. did you produce that? >> yes, we actually -- it is
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out first project that we produced, and when they approached me to do the part, they actually said "if you guys want to produce it, you guys can jump along." and it was great. even though we were the last producers to jump on board, they really allowed us to incorporate a lot of our ideas. so we felt very relevant. >> jimmy: that's very cool. and you're close to your parents as well, right? >> very close with my parents. i'm always with them. which is why if i can't get to together with them, they understand. but my parents are like teenagers. they go out to dinner with you and you wine and you dine them. and then you want to put them in a taxi and they go "where are you going?" and i'm going to go dancing, i'm going to go hang out with you some young people. "aw, but we want to come!" and you're like, ugh. no, go home! you're old people. >> jimmy: yeah, do old people stuff. [ laughter ] my parents would get invites to parties at hh school that i didn't even know about. [ laughter ] they're like, "hey are you going to jared's?" and i didn't even know about it. "oh, yeah, he called earlier and invited us." [ laughter ] you invited my mom and dad to your party and not me? you can't go to this kid's
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party, you're on old person. >> and then what ends up happening is that you end up hanging out with your parents more than with your friends. because your parents happen to be fun. my parents are super fun. >> jimmy: my parents are super duper fun. let's talk "rosemary's baby." we're excited about this, 'cause nbc, the ads are everywhere. we did a bit on our show, pros and cons of the having a devil baby. i'll send it to you. >> when did you do this? >> jimmy: two days ago, right? >> why wasn't i invited? >> jimmy: no, no, no. it was just me by myself. >> oh, okay. but did you air it, did you put it on? you did it on your own? >> jimmy: yeah. you should watch our show, it's pretty good. [ laughter and applause ] doesn't matter. doesn't matter anymore. it doesn't matter anymore. >> i do watch your show. >> jimmy: i'm kidding. i'm joking, i'm joking. >> we like you. >> jimmy: i know, i know. i love you. i love you. but here's this. you got "rosemary's baby." for those who haven't seen the film, what is it about? >> i play a woman that delivers satan's child. >> jimmy: there you go. right there. that's it, yeah. [ laughter ]
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it's scary, you move into an apartment and you think your husband and his neighbors are satanic. >> yes, and they appear to be the most hospitable surrogate parents anybody can have as neighbors, and there is something very sinister and the more and more my character dives into the lives of these people. the darker it becomes, and then it's just too late for her to get out. >> jimmy: wow, i can't wait to see it. it's like a two night deal, right? >> yes. it airs sunday on mother's day. i mean -- >> jimmy: of course. [ laughter and applause ] genius. that is genius! >> nbc, it really is. >> jimmy: your mom's going to be like "see how hard?" "see how hard you were? yeah, you're a devil baby too." yeah. [ laughter ] >> sunday, and then it continues on thursday. >> jimmy: very, very cool. we have a clip. here is zoe saldana in "rosemary's baby." take a look at this >> why do you have such disparaging tone? are you jealous? >> would you stop with that. i am talking about the baby. >> i am, too, talking about the baby. >> oh, yeah? and you trust this doctor? >> yes, i trust him! >> you trust him after seeing him one time? even though dr. stapperstien, a a renowned obstetrician, who
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you have seen multiple times has given you a completely different diagnosis. >> i just want to get a second opinion. julie thinks it's a good idea. >> enough with what julie thinks. you don't trust her. you trust me. >> then why don't you understand when i'm talking to you. i'm sick all the time. i'm losing weight. it don't feel good. it wasn't like this before. >> yeah, well maybe it's not such a bad thing, considering. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the devil baby! it's a devil baby! you fool! [ laughter and applause ] you try, you try to explain. zoe saldana, part one of the mini-series event, "rosemary's baby" begins this sunday. sunday at 9:00 p.m. [ cheers and applause ] and part two airs thursday may 15th at 9:00 p.m here on nbc. we're going meet some kids after the break. stick around everybody! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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[ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ [ birds squawking ] my mom makes airplane engines that can talk. [ birds squawking ] ♪ my mom makes hospitals you can hold in your hand. ♪ my mom can print amazing things right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] my mom makes trains that are friends with trees. [ train whistle blows ] ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ my mom works at ge. when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions?
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can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! as a teacher i'm always or planning for the month. so, like the 5th of each month, ya know, i know like clockwork which day i get paid. every dollar we have right now, we need. with american express serve you have a full service prepaid account that helps you handle your money simply and affordably. all for just $1 a month. backed by the 24/7 service of american express. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. get started with an american express serve account today. without standard leather. you are feeling exhilarated with front-wheel drive.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. [ laughter ] hey if you do guys love seeing new inventions and you love brilliant kids then you're really going to love this. that's right it. it's time for another round of ge's fallonventions. here we go. ♪ >> steve: welcome to ge's fallonventions. jimmy fallon's night of inventions. >> jimmy: now i love
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inventions. and i'm fine with kids. [ laughter ] so i got together with ge and we found some of the best and brightest kids out there. i think you're going to be amazed at what we came up. so let's meet our first inventor. first up is jessica. jessica, come on over. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] hi. how are you, pal? >> i'm great. >> jimmy: jessica, how old are you? >> i am 10 years old. >> jimmy: 10 years old? oh my gosh. that's so awesome. now you're 10 years old and you just came up an idea, an invention. >> yeah. >> jimmy: this one's called the -- what's it called? the ez-moo milk dispenser. >> yes. >> jimmy: alright. do you want to explain what this thing is and how did you come up with the idea? >> so the ez-moo milk dispenser is just a milk dispenser that makes getting milk a lot easier and without the mess. >> jimmy: i'm sorry. easier --what are you talking about? how is it a mess? [ laughter ] do you just throw it around your house? or this is for people that -- how did you come up with this?
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>> so i was just trying to pour myself a glass of milk one day and i missed the glass cause the jug was too full. >> jimmy: she's live on a a houseboast you guys. [ laughter ] it's very -- they don't understand. [ laughter ] don't make a little mad face at me. [ laughter ] i saw what you did. all right, so yeah. so it is heavey for a kid. you don't want to spill the thing. so what do we do here? how do we do this? >> so you just put the special nozzle on the milk carton. and then just flip it over and put it on the base. >> jimmy: hey. [ audience ohs ] >> and that's as complicated as it gets. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] thank you. [ cheers and applause ] is that all right? yeah. even i can do it. yeah thanks. appreciate it. you just do this guy. and there you go. [ cheers and applause ]
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look at that. i love that. that's a great invention. see that higgns? that's pretty cool. >> steve: hey jim? >> jimmy: what's up? >> steve: they also make one for margaritas. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] >> jimmy: don't listen to him. don't even talk to him. all right. okay, good. do you know what i want to do? i want to show you one of my inventions cause this is good. but this is great. they're called leg packs. [ laughter ] it's a backpack for your leg. [ laughter ] you're like walking to the store. like what's going on down? just got my litle backpack leg pack on. that's cool. you know and they have different -- you can put whatever you want in them. whatever you want to put in them, you know, like -- you can put extra bags for when you're shopping. [ laughter ] you know like that? you want to go shopping. you can bring a bag. >> never know when you'll need an extra bag. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: get out of here. [ cheers and applause ] let's bring him in.
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meet the next inventor. get over here buddy. how you doing pal? ♪ [ cheers and applause ] how you doing buddy? come on over. what's your full name? >> suman mulumudi. >> jimmy: alright and how old are you? >> 15 from seattle washington. >> jimmy: hey, from seattle washington. 15 years old. [ cheers ] and this invention is called the steth io. it's unbelievable. i can't even believe that i -- you're 15 years old, your brain works this great. do you want to tell everyone what it is? how did you come up with this idea? >> yeah definitely. so the idea -- have two doctors as parents and they talk about heart sounds a a lot. >> jimmy: oh they're heart doctors? >> one of them, yeah. they're cardiologists. so -- >> jimmy: that's what i meant. [ laughter ] >> yeah. so i hear a lot about heart sounds. and i said digital stethoscope. that's the next step. so over my summer vacation, i set out to see if i could create a digital stethoscope and came out with steth io. >> jimmy: i think this is seriously going to be amazing. a giant invention. now what do you do?
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just clip this on top of your iphone or whatever? >> yeah it's quite simple. so i got a smart phone here. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and -- >> jimmy: is it a bluetooth thing or something? >> no, actually it's pretty cool. when you put the diaphragm on it. >> jimmy: this is cool to some old people. i mean we think that's cool. >> noc man. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah, thanks. >> when you got the diaphragm, when you put it on the chest, the heart sounds are brought through an audio wave guide or sound tunnel if you will up to the microphone of the smartphone. >> jimmy: genius. gosh. could it work with me? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i have a heart. this is good. let me plug it in here. so everyone can hear my heart beat. but this is good because like sometimes your heart might fluctuate and then you show up at the doctor's office and he's like everything's fine. >> exactly. having a monitor at home. >> jimmy: so this would be proof like i wasn't lying see doctor. >> your own cardiologist. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly yeah. all right let's go. [ heart beat ] wow.
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>> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: does that sound right? >> sounds good to me. >> jimmy: maybe i'm a devil baby. i don't know. does that sound like everything working okay? can i hear it back? >> yeah. and you can also visualize them as well. >> jimmy: look at this thing. unbelievable. quest, give me a beat to this. ♪ pretty good, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's pretty fun. that's awesome. hey that's a great invention. i got an invention to show you. because that is cool and everything. but this thing is awesome. [ laughter ] i saw this the other day. it was pretty fun. you strap them on. right? and then what happens is in the middle of the night, right? >> yeah definitely. >> jimmy: got to get up and go to the bathroom -- well one day you will. [ light laughter ] and then middle of the night you get up and like i got to go to the bathroom. this is crazy. it's so dark. headlights for your shoes.
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[ laughter ] yeah. can we dim the lights a little bit? ♪ [ cheers ] whatever. all right, good. lights up. and then your invention might help people but you can't see in the dark with this thing. get out of here. hey. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] that's really cool. all right. our last kid invention -- [ laughter ] perfect for the middle of the night. last kid inventor -- [ laughter ] i want that heart thing now i'm out of breath. yeah. here is braeden everybody. come on in here buddy. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] how you doing buddy? >> good. >> jimmy: yeah? >> yep. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: braeden, how old are you pal? >> 10. >> jimmy: oh yeah? where you from? >> brunswick, indiana. >> jimmy: hey cool. well welcome to the show and what did you invent for us? not for us, for everybody? >> i made the pizza decrustfier. >> jimmy: the pizza decrustfier. self explanatory, i'm assuming. and how does it work? >> it decrusts your pizza. >> jimmy: i know. [ laughter ] how does it work is what i said. i didn't say what does it do. got a cardiologist. i got you buddy. so what do you do here? >> you lift the lid and put a a pizza under and you would try to center it. >> jimmy: okay. i'm just kidding. [ laughter ] thank you for not reacting or helping me. [ laughter ] you kind of laughed at me. you put the pizza on there and then you, you put this thing down. >> yeah.
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put it down and then need to press on it. [ laughter ] i need help. >> jimmy: you punch it? you got to really get in there and everything. get it down there. got to squash it down. everyone will be doing this. [ laughter ] you want to get the crust off. get that crust off right here. sit on it. [ cheers and applause ] you hop up and down on it. there you go. thank you, buddy. simple to use. [ laughter ] open it up and the pizza is gone. there is nothing. m♪ no pizza. oh hey. oh, i see what you did. so you also made slices. and look at this. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ that's pretty cool, man. that's really awesome. i like that. so you can have bread sticks on the side. [ laughter ] you're a genius pal. all the inventors, why don't you come back over here. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] you guys, congratulations.
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thank you for these great inventions. i have one more thing i want to show you. ge wants young minds to dream big to make the impossible possible. so they're giving each of you $5,000 to help further your education. [ cheers and applause ] thanks, buddy. there you go buddy. $5,000. there you go. it's a giant check. $5,000. take it. do you want this one? [ laughter ] my thanks to jessica, suman and braeden and our friends at ge. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: my thanks to michael fassbender, zoe saldana, ge, and all of our young inventors. and the roots. stay tuned for late night -- [ laughter ] did you fall down? [ laughter ] trying to get more money for her invention. you faked that. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thanks for watching. have a great night. hope to see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- jon hamm,


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