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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 15, 2014 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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her family showed up at the shelter. the girl you see there, posted instagram photos for days trying to find her. today they thanked the officer for saving their little dog. definitely a charmed ending. >> look that picture. classic. >> from 680, back home tonight. >> have another protein bar. >> wasn't phased at all. >> her, jeff. >> have a great day tomorrow. >> bye-bye. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- jennifer lawrence, craig robinson,
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the cast of "a gentleman's guide to love and murder," and featuring the legendary roots crew. and now, here's your host, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, thank you very much! welcome! [ cheers and applause ] hot crowd right there! hot crowd! welcome to "the tonight show," everybody. welcome to "the tonight show." thank you for being here. you look good. you look great. welcome to the show. here's what people are talking about. of course the big story is this
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donald sterling mess. last night was part two of the anderson cooper interview with sterling. and during the interview sterling said that people think of him as an ogre or frankenstein. which isn't true because frankenstein and ogres are still allowed at nba basketball games. they're allowed to go. [ laughter ] sterling also talked to anderson cooper about has having a mistress. here he's what he had to say about it. >> when you're so old, you don't think it's wrong anymore if you have a little bit of fun. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: my grandpa says the same thing when he leaves the house with no pants on. we just let him do it. he earned it. [ laughter ] guys, summer is almost here. you guys excited about it? [ cheers and applause ] exactly! can't wait! finally! summer is almost here. and get this, a new survey found that 88% of people plan to take a summer vacation this year. [ scattered cheers ] so if you're a dad, the time to buy terrible shorts is now. [ laughter ] [ dad voice ] how do you like them? a little short, huh?
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let's go hang out in public all day long. [ laughter ] hey, this is cool. today all 11 current and former co-hosts of "the view" reunited to honor barbara walters before her final show tomorrow. yup, they all had really nice things to say about her. unfortunately, it was all at the same time -- [ muttering ] ah, forget it. good luck. [ light laughter ] more tv news. in a new interview "jeopardy" host alex trebek says he's not sure when he'll retire, but it will probably be on a whim. you know alex trebek is quitting when the clue for final jeopardy is "you can shove this job here." [ laughter and applause ] yeah. trebek said he's not sure when he's going to retire. but if you have seen recent episodes, you can tell he's getting closer to that age. check out some of the "jeopardy" categories. first there is "my good ear." [ laughter ] next we have "wednesday's pills." then there's "did someone say cardigans?" [ laughter ] after that it's "places my
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glasses could be." and finally, "words that end in mucil." [ laughter and applause ] you can tell. oh, man, the new godzilla movie opened worldwide today. everyone's excited about this. [ cheers and applause ] godzilla. in fact, this week, officials here in new york actually said the city could survive being attacked by godzilla. [ scattered cheers ] they were like, "look, if we can handle all the hosts of 'the view' in one place, godzilla should be no problem at all." [ applause ] >> steve: easy peasy. >> jimmy: yeah, they said new york city could survive a a godzilla attack. seriously? it takes like five cops to handle alec baldwin when he's riding his bike the wrong way. not sure about godzilla. [ laughter and applause ] actually, this is pretty scary. brazil said it will hand out 200 robocop style suits to the police officers who will be on duty during the world cup. or as the 201st cop in line put it, "crap." [ laughter ] check this out.
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nasa just released a really cool video that shows two stars colliding. not surprisingly it happened inside a hotel elevator. [ laughter ] yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: yeah, nasa. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this just seems weird. a smart phone company in china has trademarked the word groufie. you know what that means? groufie, it means group selfie. [ light laughter ] even the guy who coined the word staycation was like, "that's totes redonk." [ laughter ] hey, i thought this was pretty interesting. a new study found that chimps and humans share extremely similar personality traits. when asked about what they thought about that, chimps said, "i'm sorry i was texting." [ laughter ] just looking at a cool groufie. [ laughter ] oh, man, listen to this. in a new interview with "rolling stone" neil patrick harris said that
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he would never want to host a a late night talk show because he thinks it would be boring doing the same thing every day. [ audience [ audience aws ] ] if you want to see more of neal, you can check him out in that play where he says literally the exact same thing every day. [ laughter and applause ] this is a pretty crazy science story. there's a new study out that says that old mice injected with the blood of young mice actually become young again. have you heard about this, higgins? >> steve: heard about it? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: have you heard about this old mice/young mice thing? >> steve: heard about it? [ laughter ] i love it! >> jimmy: yeah. all right, good. very good. thank you, higgins. [ cheers and applause ] andy sampton, everybody.
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andy stampton right there. famous actor. [ applause ] we love andy samberg. and this is just weird. during a meeting of the house judiciary committee, a florida congressman, joe garcia, was caught on cspan's cameras picking his ear. he's the guy on the right. watch what he does next. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i want to thank you and ranking members of congress for willingness to work to make progress on this issue. any of the book -- [ audience ohs ] >>teve: whoa! ew! ew! >> jimmy: wax on, wax ew. ew! >> ew! >> jimmy: that's so gross. [ laughter ] and finally, some more political news. yesterday, chris christie said that he thinks it would be fun to run against jeb bush for the republican presidential nomination. while jeb bush said it would be fun just to watch chris christie run. [ laughter and applause ] we have a great show. give it up for the roots, everybody, right there!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, welcome, everybody. my thanks again to andy samberg for helping out with the monologue earlier. andy's a good man. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] be sure to check him out this weekend. he hosts the season finale of "saturday night live." he's so excited. he's so excited to host. >> steve: he's a delight. >> jimmy: he's a great guy. man, i love that guy. it's been a great week so far. there's more ahead. tomorrow night, my good friend drew barrymore will be here. [ cheers and applause ] i'm name dropping. >> steve: yeah! >> jimmy: i'm name dropping, yeah. she's teaming up -- her and adam sandler are teaming up again in a movie called "blended." it's really, really funny. we're going to do a bit that's just silly. and also, giovanni ribisi is here. he's a great actor. thank you notes. [ cheers and applause ] and music from elbow. you don't want to miss it. it'll be good. that's tomorrow. but first we have a fantastic show tonight. this movie is going to be huge.
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and i'm pronouncing the "h" there. huge. >> steve: huge. >> jimmy: "x-men: days of future past" is the name of the movie. it's going to be giant. [ cheers ] the lovely, the talented, the gorgeous jennifer lawrence is here! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we love jennifer lawrence. jennifer and i are going to battle it out in a fun game of "box of lies" later in the show. plus this dude is just hilarious in everything he does. he's a talented guy, as well. and just so funny. movies, tv, standup, music. craig robinson is dropping by! >> steve: come on! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: also tonight -- it's just so great to be in this city. don't you love new york city so much? this is my favorite city in the whole wide world. well, great to be here because we get to have the talents of broadway right down the street from us. and it's great. if you haven't seen a broadway play, go check out any play. i think, you get tickets. but this show right here, tonight, "a gentleman's guide to love and murder." it's tonight. we're going to see it right here. [ applause ] they're nominated for 10 tonys. >> steve: 10 tonys. >> jimmy: 10 tony -- the most
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of any show out there right now on broadway. it got nominated for ten. and the story is about a a british commoner who realizes that he has a shot at becoming an earl. okay, so all you have to do is murder eight members of the wealthy family in order to get that title. >> steve: there you go. >> jimmy: that's a big hit show. and i'm so happy they're here. "a gentleman's guide to love and murder" tonight. [ cheers and applause ] at the end of the show. it's so good. it's so fun. you guys, a few months ago there was a bit of a feud, a a dust up, a kerfuffle, if you will, between red hot chili peppers drummer chad smith and a good friend of ours, will ferrell. it started when someone on reddit asked will about his resemblance to chad. apparently, they're celebrity doppelgangers. and can we see the side-by-side photo? [ laughter ] so anyway, will answered by saying that he is chad smith. [ laughter ] chad smith doesn't exist. he's just a will ferrell character. [ laughter and applause ] so anyway, chad then retaliated
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by challenging will to a a drum-off. >> steve: ooh. >> jimmy: and not just any drum-off. the quote, greatest drum-off the world has ever seen. the only thing left for them to do is figure out when and where it will take place. well, ladies and gentlemen, i'm excited to announce that the will ferrell/chad smith drum-off will be held right here on "the tonight show," next thursday, may 22nd! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ one week from today! we're going to settle it once and for all. who's the better drummer, will ferrell or chad smith, the drummer for the red hot chili peppers? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: five two-two. >> jimmy: tune in. >> steve: we will see. >> jimmy: that's right. you guys, it's time for "tonight show" hashtags. here we go. ♪ hashtags hashtags ♪ >> jimmy: you guys are on twitter, right? [ cheers ] yeah, it's fun. well, we use twitter on our show every single week. so if you watch the show, you
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want to play along, we do this thing every wednesday where i send out a hashtag, and we ask you guys to tweet out things based on that topic. and so, since "neighbors" is the number one movie in the country right now, i went on twitter and started a hashtag called "my weird neighbor." and i asked you guys to tweet something funny, weird or embarrassing about your neighbor. i tweeted about my neighbor called my parents. it was like 2:00 in the morning, and i guess his wife was locked out of the house. she said, would you mind -- said to my dad -- climbing up the ladder and going to the second floor window and waking up my husband? because she's not answering the phone. so my dad got a ladder, 2:00 in the morning. climbed up to the second floor window of our neighbor's house. and the window was open. it was the summer. and my dad put his head in, he goes, "hey, ed?" [ laughter ] and my neighbor goes, "oh, hey jim." like it's normal. like my dad -- like it's "dawson's creek" and my dad goes through the window. [ cheers and applause ] hey, what's up? how you doing? no.
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anyways, we got thousands of tweets. in fact, within 15 minutes it was a trending topic in the united states. so thank you. we love you guys. [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much for doing that. it makes it so, so fun. tonight i thought i'd share some of my favorite "my weird neighbor" tweets from you guys. the first one is from @alexaleigh. she says, "i sing in my apartment all the time, and occasionally i hear my neighbor singing along with me." [ laughter ] yeah, that's a little bit too close. yeah. two part harmony. this one's from @bigjoeonthego. he says, "my neighbor used to steal my paper, read it, then knock on my door to distract me while his wife put the paper back." [ laughter ] saves 50 cents. this one is from @vanillathunda98. [ laughter ] >> steve: who was that again? >> jimmy: vanilla thunda. >> steve: thunda. 99? >> jimmy: 98. >> steve: not 97? >> jimmy: no, vintage. he says, "the name of my neighbor's wifi network is 'ice cream butt cheeks.'" [ laughter ] uh, yeah. won't be stealing that wifi. ice cream butt cheeks? this one is from
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@rhymeswithmeg. she says, "i had a neighbor who had a garage sale for three months straight because, quote, business was good." [ laughter ] still buying my garbage. >> steve: yeah, man. >> jimmy: this one's from @louismendoza14. he says, "my neighbor have a a santa figure that they leave up all year. on halloween they duct tape two gourds to his hands." [ laughter ] ho ho boo. [ dracula voice ] >> steve: boo, i'm santa claus. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this last one is from @desireestin. she says, "if we threw our frisbee or ball over the fence by accident, we would get it back with a note attached saying 'i hate kids.'" [ laughter and applause ] there you have it. those are our "tonight show" hashtags. to check out more of our favorites, go to submit yours by downloading our "tonight show" app, available on itunes and for android. stick around. we'll be right back with jennifer lawrence, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ get all your favorites all day, everyday.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is a a golden globe and academy award-winning actress. she's awesome. her new film "x-men: days of
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future past" is in theaters everywhere on may 23rd. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome jennifer lawrence! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> i can't help it. >> jimmy: they love you. jennifer lawrence, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] they love you. i love you. hey what happened -- >> i want to cut to for bushy eyebrows. >> jimmy: yeah exactly. now what is going on what is -- >> well everybody's talking about how jennifer lawrence has grown her hair out a little bit. so i decided to. >> jimmy: show everybody -- >> grow my chin out a little bit hollywood style. >> jimmy: yeah yeah, just wearing extensions basically. >> yeah it's all fake. >> you jennifer you are a a little upset with me. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and i think i know why but not really, though. because -- >> 'cause we have different
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versions of the story. >> jimmy: i think i'm totally right about what happened. >> oh, really? >> jimmy: that's correct. >> well, i look forward to changing that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, we were at an event. and you had some scheme. you were being crazy. and you wanted to dance with jennifer lopez. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and you wanted me to go over and dance with her too. >> okay, we came up with idea together first of all. we both saw j. lo. and this is like 10 jell-o shots in. [ laughter ] and i've never done jell-o shots, i didn't go to college. >> jimmy: they were good right? >> yeah, they were great. >> jimmy: thank you. >> and so we were dancing and we see j. lo. and we're like -- [ drunk grumbling ] get j. lo to dance. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: kanye west was playing. >> and so we were -- i was like, what we'll do is we'll do a spin and then we'll go, "dance with us." like together. [ applause ] >> jimmy: we had a routine. we were both going to spin and then we were thinking about because j. lo was behind us. >> yeah. >> jimmy: she was over there but we were trying to work out the moves without showing her the moves. >> yeah. so we beth decided on a 360 and
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then we would hold our -- we couldn't because the audience is here. >> jimmy: so spin out this way. and then go like this. >> i don't know if you know a a lot about television. >> jimmy: thank you jennifer. [ laughter ] >> and then, "dance with us." >> jimmy: and then, no, but again. kanye west was on. very loud. >> i didn't know that kanye west was playing that night. how many jell-o shots did i have? >> jimmy: it was digital doberman pinschers barking. and that's what his concert was. [ laughter ] you wouldn't know it was kanye west but yeah, that was him. [ laughter ] so that was happening. and that was kanye. and then trying to work out the moves. and again there may or may not have been jell-o shots. >> and basically i do it. and then i go like this and i look and he's gone. [ laughter ] and it's just me looking at j. lo and going dance with -- [ laughter ] -- me. and she's just like, "no." no. [ laughter and applause ] because then she was just like, "i think i'm just going to observe." [ laughter ] you made me look like a freak in front of j. lo. do you know what that feels like? >> jimmy: oh, stop it.
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that's not what happened. >> god. >> jimmy: here's what happened. i know her manager. i know her manager, here we are, we're working on the -- the dogs are barking at me. and here's the plan. i turn around and as i'm spinning around i see her manager. and he goes to me, no. i turn the other way and you went, and i walked away. >> and you didn't grab me! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i was having a fun dance party. having a dance party. >> dance with us. >> jimmy: dance with us, yeah. >> well i wish her manager had warned me. >> jimmy: well you don't even know the manager. so j. lo, jennifer lopez if you're watching. we both did want to dance with you. >> just dance with us. >> jimmy: just dance with us. what's the big deal? right, come on, we're fun. [ goofy voices ] >> drink some jell-o shots. >> jimmy: grow some barking dogs and dance with us. i mean, what's the big deal? [ laughter ] >> i'll bring the dogs. you bring the jello-o shots. >> jimmy: i'll bring the dogs. let's make them angry.
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we just wanted you to dance with us. it's very simple. [ laughter ] what do you mean, you can't -- >> i don't ask for a lot. >> jimmy: you can't hear our voices over the music? we want you do dance with us. >> don't we seem like the kind of people you'd want to dance with? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: big deal. our mouths are small. okay. that's not going to effect our dancing. [ laughter ] i apologize for leaving you hanging like that. >> just our social life. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. exactly. i want to talk about this movie here. >> okay. >> jimmy: x-men. ooh-la-la. [ cheers ] this is crazy fun. [ applause ] what is this playboy magazine? >> what kind of porn are you looking at? [ laughter ] he's like this reminds me of porn. >> jimmy: no i didn't say that at all. a two blue boobs in everybody's face and i got to look out for the country here. >> it's irresistable. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this takes like 15 hours to get in this makeup, right? it's crazy. >> it used to take eight. which is lovely. now it only takes three. >> jimmy: that would drive me crazy. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what do you do for
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eight hours? you just have to sit there, right? >> well, i stood or i had to sit an a bicycle seat. which, every woman knows it is our dream come true. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but it ends up looking amazing. but then do you have to go home with the blue? >> yeah i go home with the paint. four months of my life i have to spend blue. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no. but i mean, sometimes over on "saturday night live," i would do something. and i'd have a wig on, and they'd pull it off and have like, wig glue. >> well i always had a little bit of blue somewhere. before, it was kind of -- everywhere. now it's just on my hands and ears so i have a bizarre fungus. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now this time you go back in time and meet up with the other you. it's like, a time-traveling x-men movie. >> right. >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip. it's gonna be a giant, giant film. here's "x-men: days of future past." [ laughter ] take a look. >> your men are not military. >> private outfit. >> these troops are going home. >> i don't believe you have jurisdiction in this matter.
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>> i'm afraid i do, son. ♪ [ grunts and shouts ] >> move out. >> where's eric. >> i'm on my own now. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's what i i'm talking about right there. stick around. jennifer lawrence and i are playing "box of lies" when we get back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ sometimes for small audiences. sometimes for a full house. we perform solos, improvs, even miracles.
12:00 am
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12:01 am
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just snap, lock, and go. when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! honestly, the off-season isn't i've got a lot to do. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back! i'm here with the lovely, the talented, the one and only jennifer lawrence. [ cheers and applause ] and we are about to play "box of lies." okay, now here is how it works. taking turns, jennifer and i are going to select a box and open it on our side of the table, out of the view of the other person and tell them what's in the box. you might be lying, you might be telling the truth. your opponent has to guess which one and say either "lie" or "truth." if you guess correctly you get a point. if you guess wrong, the other person gets a point. first person to two wins. jennifer, why don't you pick the first box. >> audience member: nine! >> woah. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm scared about that one. >> i have a feeling nine's going to be a bomb. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, don't open nine. okay good.
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>> nine! [ laughter ] that was crazy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now you can do your poker face when you're look at this. the acting starts now. >> a toaster oven. oh yeah. okay. >> okay. all right. >> so, inside my box -- is a very curious thing. [ laughter ] this is not the first time i've said that. >> jimmy: oh wait wait wait. [ laughter and applause ] >> oh i'm just kidding, god. >> jimmy: looks like we're looking in the mirror. >> i know. oh god. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: my face. >> when did i get so ugly? >> jimmy: my face, my beautiful face. [ laughter ] >> okay. it is -- a rubik's cube inside jell-o. [ laughter ] [ laughter and applause ]
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: you lie. >> i know truth. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: which one? [ crowd yelling ] >> nine! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yelling nine. we already did nine. ♪ hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm ♪ ♪ sound will just not tell you what it is like sound ♪ ♪ i'm going to make a sound like a drum sound so you don't know what it is ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ and you can't see it ha ha ha ♪ >> so it's something that makes noise? >> jimmy: maybe it is something that makes noise and maybe it
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isn't. [ laughter ] do you want to know what it is? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i'll tell you what it is. >> okay. hit me with it. come on. >> jimmy: did you ever hear of a boy band, called back street boys? >> yeah. oh my god. >> jimmy: this is an action figure of one of the the back street boys. >> oh you're just -- is that it? >> jimmy: and a -- no. in a coffee can. and also inside the box is a a bunch of hershey kisses. >> i feel like that's -- if it's not the truth, you're a a sociopath. [ laughter and applause ] if i'm gonna lose, i'm gonna made make you feel bad about it. >> jimmy: it is a lie. it's john stamos! ♪
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[ applause ] a little lie. just tweaked the lie a little bit. it's rockin' jesse from full house, dude. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. your up. [ audience shouting ] >> you people are crazy. i can't hear you. >> jimmy: all right, so basically whoever wins this, wins the whole deal. >> yeah, i believe this is what they call a tie breaker. [ goofy voice ] >> jimmy: let's dance. just dance and get it over with. [ laughter ] >> why doesn't anybody ever want to dance with us. >> jimmy: i just don't understand. we're good dancers. >> we're very good dancers. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we're very good dancers. [ laughter ] >> every time we go to coachella, nobody wants to dance with us. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i go to coachella and i'm like, "oh my gosh fire. dance with us." and they say no. jennifer, what is -- [ laughter ]
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we could just dance with each other. >> never. >> jimmy: you want to dance -- you want people to dance with us together. >> never, no. >> jimmy: i'm carl sagan's son. [ laughter ] sorry, it sounds like carl sagan. >> it is a miniature horse on a a bed of the flintstone vitamins -- well yeah, flintstones. >> jimmy: you smelled it and you can smell that it's a a flintstone vitamins? [ laughter ] >> yes. >> jimmy: miniature horse on a -- that's not what anybody does with their face at all. stop it, you're trying to distract me. [ laughter ] >> that's what somebody does when they're telling the truth. >> jimmy: no it's not! [ laughter ] wait a second so wait. you're trying to do that. miniature horse on top of flintstone vitamins. you smelled it, which means to me that it's not flintstone vitamins it's something else but it still could be a a miniature horse so i'm going to say -- you lie! >> oh my god! you're right.
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♪ >> jimmy: i'm so happy, i won! [ cheers and applause ] i'm a champion! muah muah muah. i love you all! jennifer lawrence everybody. "x-men: days of future past" is in theaters o may 23rd. we'll be right back with more of the tonight show! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] that's a man interviewing for a job. no. not that one. that one. the one who seems like he's already got the job 'cause he studied all the right courses from the get-go. and that's an accountant, a mom, a university of phoenix scholarship recipient, who used our unique --scratch that-- awesome career-planning tool. and that's a student, working late, with a day job, taking courses aligned with the industry he's aiming to be in. ready to build an education around the career that you want? let's get to work.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know our next guest from his nine seasons of on "the office." wow, nine seasons. as well as movies like "pineapple express" and "this is the end." later this year he'll debut his very own show. right here on nbc entitled, "mr. robinson." please welcome mr. craig robinson everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ craig robinson there, oh my goodness. [ cheers and applause ] craig, nice to see you my friend. >> it's great to see you. great to be here. >> jimmy: yeah, thank you for being here and congrats on the new show. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: "mr. robinson." >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: we had -- nbc had a a thing called up fronts where it's basically you go in front of, i guess, media buyers or advertisers -- >> advertisers, yeah. >> jimmy: -- and you tell them the new lineup of shows are and so you are one of the new shows and everyone loved it. congrats and that's all good stuff. do you have fun at the up fronts? you had fun -- you post like a a thousand photos. >> it's a lot of photos. yeah, but -- it's good time. >> jimmy: do you have a go to face when photos are getting taken of you? >> i have a blue steel. yes. >> jimmy: what is it? what is it? >> well -- i always kind of duck my head down. you know, because you don't want them to see the fat. and you know? and then you go down and then
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you look up, this way. >> jimmy: like that? >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is pretty natural and cool. i mean -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: people just tuning in now these two cool dudes just talking and having a good time. >> hanging out. >> jimmy: still being cool. >> yeah. >> jimmy: moving your mouth a a little bit. and you turn, it's like robert de niro. [ laughter ] >> yeah. [ overlapping de niro impressisons ] >> jimmy: there he is. [ cheers and applause ] -- i saw you playing with your band nasty delicious. you were the house band for the american comedy awards. >> yes. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: you were great on that. did you like doing that gig? >> yeah i'm the questlove of the american comedy awards. sup twin? [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: i don't know, man. here is your band nasty delicious right there. >> yeah we did our thing. it was -- it was a lot of fun. it was -- you know -- i was nervous leading up to it. but they always lift me up. >> jimmy: well, you know the roots a little bit. right? you did a movie with tariq. >> i did a movie with tariq called "get on up." >> jimmy: james brown story right? >> james brown story. >> jimmy: you played maceo? >> yeah. >> jimmy: wow. >> i wish we had a saxophone. >> jimmy: yeah. go for it. can you? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no. but here you are. you and tariq -- tariq right there in the scene. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and how's tariq to work with? >> tariq -- he's awesome. he's a professional. you know he did his thing came out and kicked it. showed his acting chops. improv and stuff. and it felt like he didn't like us though. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what? >> who are you talking about? >> well, tell me i'm lying. at night we'd be like -- tariq -- we'd be rehearsing all day saxophone, whatever. be like, tariq we're going to have dinner.
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everybody's meeting in the lobby at 8:00 p.m. he would never go. he would always like -- he would always like give these noncommittal answers and he'd dissappear. >> jimmy: so what he say? so we meeting at 8:00 p.m. right? oh 8:00 p.m.? yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, 8:00 p.m., all right. yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i thought toy said 8:00 p.m. okay. cool. >> and so are you coming tariq? he's like "are you coming?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he turned the table? >> yeah. it was like, listen we've got to make reservations. let me know if you're coming. ha ha ha, yeah. [ laughter ] got you dog. >> jimmy: that doesn't sound you like, man. hey craig, i hate to put you on the spot like this but every time you come, we love it because you're so musically talented. and the band's not with you, but do you mind playing little something for us. a little song or -- [ cheers and applause ] i know you play the piano. a talented -- [ talking over each other ] >> all right. >> jimmy: craig robinson, thank you for doing this, buddy. appreciate it.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> all right. i need a little audience participation. ♪ [ clapping ] ♪ [ clapping ] ♪ [ clapping ] >> it's stomp your feet you mother [bleep]. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey. >> yeah? what happened? >> jimmy: turn it down man. [ laughter ] >> sorry, jimmy. ♪ come on, clap your hands everybody, come on. clap your hands everybody. come on. tonight. here we go. come on. have some fun tonight. happy.
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uh. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> that's it, that's it. yes you can go ahead. you can clap. [ cheers and applause ] >> this one is for the ladies. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ first i was afraid i was petrified kept thinking i could never ♪ ♪ live without you by my side and then you spent so many nights ♪ ♪ thinking how you did me wrong and i grew strong and i learned how to get along ♪ ♪ and so you're back from outer space i just walked in to find you here with that sad ♪ ♪ look upon your face i should have changed those stupid locks ♪ ♪ if i'd have known for just one second ♪
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>> fellows, sing this part. fellows, go. ♪ take your panties off take your panties off take your panties off take your panties off ♪ ♪ i should've warned you that i'd take your panties off ♪ ♪ you think i'ma crumble you think i'm gonna lay down and die i, i will survive ♪ ♪ oh as long as i can masterbate i know i'ma be all right i got all my -- ♪ >> jimmy: that's not the right words. that's it. that's not the right words. >> oh hold up. you know what, i noticed that, um, some of you still aren't singing. [ laughter ] and i don't know -- ♪ i don't know who you think you're [bleep] with, but i know how to get everybody singing, especially, all the white
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people. [ laughter ] ♪ one two ready and -- ♪ sweet dreams are made of these who am i to disagree ♪ ♪ i traveled the world and the seven seas everybody's looking for something ♪ ♪ and say ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ hold your hold your head up. you say moving on. hold your head up moving on. keep your head up. come on, come on. hold your head up. come on. >> okay, okay stop. you guys are jamming. i don't know what the hell is going on over here. [ cheers and applause ] make some noise. come here. make some noise. see that side? [ cheers and applause ] ♪ whoo.
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♪ what you say bitch? take your panties off. >> jimmy: craig robinson. look for his new show "mr. robinson" later this year on nbc. the cast of "a gentleman's guide to love and murder" perform next. come on back everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ male announcer ] if your kitchen could study you, what would it learn? what improvements would it make? at ge, you've inspired us to reimagine the kitchen. with innovations like the first dishwasher featuring 102 spray jets. the kitchen is now thinking -- more like you. and...stop.
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no? nothing? [ male announcer ] ge. reimagining home. no? nothing? like in our sinks... our hands... excuse me... sorry! ...on our tables... oh! ...and in here. and since we expect our phones to be with us wherever we go, shouldn't they be water resistant? i am so sorry... it's totally fine, see... 424... uh, 216... yeah, we think so too.
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get $50 off the samsung gear 2 or gear 2 neo with a samsung galaxy s5 purchase. [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. presenting the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪ inspired by the man himself. appleseed hard apple cider. starting at $29,900. a refreshingly sweet and intense hard cider with a crisp apple bite. best served on the rocks and among friends. johnny appleseed is the refreshingly sweet and intense choice of those with a story to tell.
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so try a johnny appleseed hard cider tonight and let the stories flow.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now here to perform "i don't understand the poor" are jefferson mays, bryce pinkham, and the cast and orchestra of broadway's hilarious new musical comedy "a gentleman's guide to love and murder." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> well i say you there, hands off that sword. put down that book. ♪ isn't it enough we let you look well i hate to dash your futile little hopes ♪ ♪ but you pay your sixpence
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and stay behind the ropes i cringe when every cobbler or butcher, or farmer ♪ ♪ comes touching my banisters banging my armor they finger ev'ry finial ♪ ♪ they poke your corner stone who'd want to be reminded of what they'll never own ♪ ♪ though my politics are purely democratical well i find the species frankly, problematical ♪ ♪ i don't understand the poor no i don't understand the poor ♪ ♪ the lives they lead of want and need well i should think it would be a bore ♪ ♪ well it seems to be nothing but stubbornness oh, what's all the suffering for ♪ ♪ to be so debased is in terrible taste i don't understand the poor to be so debased ♪
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♪ is in terrible taste, i don't understand the poor i don't understand the poor ♪ ♪ and they're constantly turning out more ev'ry festering slum in christendom ♪ ♪ is disgorging its young by the score i suppose there are some with ambition ♪ ♪ say, the pickpocket beggar, or whore from what i can tell they do quite well ♪ ♪ they're rising above and it's work they love but i don't understand the poor ♪ ♪ they're rising above and it's work they love but i don't understand the poor ♪ ♪ where's the dignity where's the dignity where's the pride where's the pride ♪ ♪ the ignominity ignominity putting the lame and the halt aside ♪ ♪ why accept charity i am perplexed by their attitude ♪ ♪ i contend we extend them too much latitude my tenants have no excuse ♪ ♪ at christmas i give them a goose where's the integrity where's the gratitude ♪ ♪ i don't understand the poor how i long for the days of yore ♪ ♪ when nary a vassal stepped into your castle they knew not to
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darken your door ♪ ♪ now they barge in ev'ry tuesday with a sickening thickening roar ♪ ♪ why clatter and trample set an example we teach them to read but do they succeed ♪ ♪ when they're hungry and frail we feed them in jail we send them off to war ♪ ♪ i don't understand i'm not being grand i don't understand the poor i don't understand ♪ ♪ i'm not being grand i don't understand they're a pox on the land ♪ ♪ i don't understand the poor really i don't ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey. fantastic. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> jimmy: "a gentleman's guide to love and murder" is now playing at the walter kerr theater. go to we'll be right back. fantastic. great job everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ oww, that is hot.
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that is smokin' hot! man this is hot! hey georgia, jack's new blazin' chicken sandwich has spicy crispy chicken, ghost pepper ranch sauce, and sliced jalapeños. that's hot! you better be holdin' a sandwich.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh! my thanks to jennifer lawrence, craig robinson, the cast of "a gentleman's guide to love and murder"! and the roots right there, ladies and gentlemen! stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. buh-bye! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- maya rudolph, lake bell,


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