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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 16, 2014 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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the tri-valley will be one of the warmest with 80 along the north bay at 81. but it gets even cooler as we head throughout sunday with 73 in the south bay. and we're looking at 77 in the north bay. and by the way, if you're headed to the bay to breakers on sunday, expect temperatures in the 60s. dress warm. >> yes. or at least just dress. >> i'm just saying. >> it's a big weekend for a lot of us. thanks for joining us here. it's friday night. enjoy your weekend. >> have a great time. bye-bye. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- drew barrymore giovanni ribisi
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musical guest elbow and featuring the legendary roots crew. and now, here's your host, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much. hey! oh, that's what i'm talking about right there. hot crowd. welcome to "the tonight show" everybody. thank you for being here. oh my goodness. [ cheers ] it's a big show tonight. we're going to have a lot of fun. yeah thank you for being here. guys here's what people are talking about.
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kim kardashian's wedding to kanye west is just a week away, guys. yeah and rumor has it that kim and kanye might be getting married in florence instead of paris. [ audience oohs ] or as bruce jenner's invite says, still paris. wait a second, i heard -- [ laughter ] of course the other big story is that a fight between jay-z and beyonce's sister, solange. [ laughter ] well the three of them released a statement together saying that everybody's apologized to each other and they have moved on as a united family. [ audience aws ] and if they're like my united family, they'll only bring up the incident every thanksgiving. [ laughter ] you want to take the stairs next time. [ applause ] that's right. beyonce, jay-z and solange have released a statement saying they've worked through what caused last week's elevator fight. and this interesting. that statement was just nominated for five grammys.
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[ laughter ] isn't that amazing? ♪ [ applause ] fantastic. [ laughter ] here's the latest on the donald sterling situation. sterling is now planning to sue the nba for banning him from the league. [ audience groans ] that's right. sterling is suing which is good because it's the only way he's ever going to see a court again. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: not allowed. [ cheers and applause ] not allowed. did you see this? long time lakers fan jack nicholson got a lot of attention last night when he spotted sitting court side at the clippers game. i guess the cameras caught him accidentally snubbing a young fan. check this out. >> laker loyalist jack nicholson courtside as well. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: can we see that again? yeah there. nope, later bulddy. [ laughter ] yeah, that kid was so upset, he cried all the way back to his
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courtside seats at an nba playoff game! [ laughter ] you rich brat, get out of here! [ applause ] >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: i wouldn't be that mad. stop bothering everybody. go set in your rich guy seats. [ laughter ] hey, this is cool. first lady michelle obama is inviting celebrities to the white house's first ever talent show next week. yeah people are pretty excited to perform. in fact, i heard biden's been practicing three new songs on his armpits. [ laughter ] you guys want to hear footloose? [ laughter ] [ farting footloose ] [ laughter ] [ farting noise ] [ laughter ] [ farting noise ] [ laughter ] [ farting noise ] [ laughter ] hey. thank you higgins. i appreciate that. steve higgins, a very talented man. [ cheers and applause ] a man of a thousand voices. listen to this guy.
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the fcc just rolled out a new service -- i don't know if this is going to work, that let's people text 911 for help. [ light laughter ] because if there is anything people do well under pressure is texting. [ laughter ] there's a rubbery at my horse? [ laughter ] rubbery at my horse? that's right, people will be able to text 911. that way if you're driving and you see an accident you can cause another accident. [ laughter ] tweet. tweet me, tweet me. [ laughter ] this isn't good. the stadium that will host the opening match of the world cup still isn't ready yet. because there are problems with 20,000 seats. when asked what's wrong with the seats, officials said, "theres no stadium built around them." [ laughter ] the seats are fine. just nothing around them at all. i saw that new york mayor bill de blasio has declared today "barbara walter's day" in honor of her last day on "the view." [ audience aws ]
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while -- she's great. [ applause ] good for her. while whooppy goldberg's day is still 4/20. [ laughter ] do you like chipotle? >> steve: love it. >> jimmy: yeah, i love chipotle. [ screams and applause ] we love chipotle? well check this out. chipotle announced that it will start putting short stories on its bags and cups so that customers will have something to read while they eat. [ laughter ] yeah, they even say that they might put poetry on the cups and bags but they're still testing out the idea. but we actually got our hands on some of the possible poems. [ laughter ] yeah, yeah. we got them. and, i don't know. after reading them, i'm not sure it's a good idea. take a look. "i once spent the night in toledo, i ordered a chicken burrito. and then on a whim i went for a a swim. it greatly expanded my speedo." [ laughter and applause ] you see what i mean? that's the type of -- [ applause ] i'm not sure that's going to work if you're sitting there trying to eat a burrito. >> jimmy: let's take a look at
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another one here. "before prom i hit up chipotle, got tacos with much gucamole. and then at the dance, i looked at my pants and shimmied away very slowly." [ laughter ] >> steve: those all seem like limericks. >> jimmy: people don't want to read that when reading when they're eating. >> steve: yeah. they seem all on a theme. >> jimmy: what's that? i just hear that we have time for one more? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: what's that? [ speaker voice ] >> steve: probably have time for one more. >> jimmy: oh okay. [ laughter ] time for one more. "devoured a pork quesadilla and beef stuffed inside a tortilla. enjoyed it a lot but then i did not because i don't like diar --" all right, hey. [ laughter and applause ] we don't like that. [ cheers and applause ] hey, that's enough. rethink that idea. >> steve: yeah. equal themed limericks. >> jimmy: i thought this was a a sweet story here. three roommates have returned more than $40,000 that belonged to an elderly woman after they found the money in her old couch that they bought at a a thrift store. [ audience aws ] it got weird when the woman was like, "what happened to the weed?
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[ laughter ] "that's where i put my weed." [ laughter ] you guys may have heard about this. after the success of "the sound of music" last year, nbc just announced that they are planning to do more live musicals starting with "peter pan" and "the music man." >> tariq: i'm disappointed they're not doing a "tonight show" miracle. >> jimmy: me too. maybe next year. [ audience aws ] >> tariq: yeah. maybe next year, jimmy. [ light laughter ] ♪ ♪ i'm so sad i'm so sad don't know what i'm gonna do ♪ ♪ i'm so mad i feel had this isn't the show i want to do ♪ ♪ i want to sing i want to sing and show nbc what i can do ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ someday soon yes very soon like maybe now ♪ ♪ they'll see me sing they'll see me dance they'll see me spin like i'm from france ♪ [ french laugh ] ♪ [ french accent ] >> tariq: bonjour jimmy. >> jimmy: bonjour tariq. >> tariq: isn't paris great? >> jimmy: paris' the best! >> tariq: it's like a fantasy land. >> jimmy: where dreams come true. [ both laugh ] ♪ let's go to france and do the show we want to do ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: maybe next year. >> tariq: yeah maybe next year man. bonjour, bro. >> jimmy: yep. hey guys -- [ cheers and applause ] this is interesting. [ laughter ]
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that just happened by the way. [ laughter ] yeah, yeah, yeah, just making sure we're all on the same page. one of us was on key, right? [ light laughter ] i don't know what i was doing. this is interesting. a new report found that the average life expectancy for women in the u.s. is 81. while the average life expectancy for men is 76. or as both husbands and wives put it, "good." [ laughter and applause ] what? >> jimmy: and finally a texas woman in her 30s was arrested this week for pretented to be a a high school sophomore. [ light laughter ] her classmates were pretty upse with the situation. they were like, "you could have been getting us beer this whole time?" [ laughter ] we have a great show. give it up for the roots, right there everybody! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: hey everybody. we have a great show -- a great show tonight. she is a very funny and charming person and just -- we love her. she's in a very, very funny movie with adam sandler called "blended." next friday it comes out. our buddy drew barrymore is here! [ cheers and applause ] drew barrymore. >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: drew and i are going to play lip flip. it's a game called lip flip. you don't want to miss that. it's odd. also from the new comedy "a million ways to die in the west," giovanni ribisi is stopping by. [ cheers and applause ] that seth mcfarland movie. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: and we have great music from elbow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ lippy kid, you remember that song? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. lippy kids. well now they're back. they have a new song, elbow. yeah yeah. >> jimmy: hey guys, today's friday. it's usually when i catch up with some person stuff on fridays. check my inbox, return some emails and of course send out thank you notes.
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i was just running behind. [ screams and applause ] just wondering if i could write out my weekly thank you notes right now. is that okay? james can i get some thank you note music writing please? ♪ is he asleep? >> steve: he's sleeping. [ laughter ] he's either dead or sleeping. [ laughter ] or no, he's dreaming. >> jimmy: oh, is he dreaming? >> steve: about chasing his own tail. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: james has a tail? >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] you didn't know that? >> jimmy: no i didn't know that at all. >> steve: he got it removed but it grew back. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you kentucky derby winner california chrome for reportedly having a cough just days before the preakness. hopefully it's nothing and you're just a little hoarse. [ laughter and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you beyonce for not getting involved when solange started attacking jay-z in an elevator and instead just moving to the left, to the
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left. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: oh! to the left. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you prom for allowing me to get rejected in much fancier clothes than normal. [ audience aw's ] [ sad music ] ♪ >> jimmy: here shelly, i got you some punch from the punch bowl. "i already had some punch you twerp." [ laughter ] >> steve: twerp off! >> jimmy: tough girls at my school. [ laughter ] ♪ thank you race car driver mario andretti for taking 102-year-old woman on a a 180 mile per hour drive for her birthday. which also explains why your left blinker was on the whole time. [ laughter ] i was wondering why -- oh now i get it. [ applause ]
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now i get it. >> steve: all right, yeah. left. to the left. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, pool chalk. for being something i pretend i know how to use when i want to look cool in a bar. [ squeaking chalk sounds ] [ laughter ] [ squeaking chalk sounds ] [ laughter ] [ squeaking chalk sounds ] [ laughter ] [ squeaking chalk sounds ] ♪ i want to rock right now i'm rob base and i came to get down ♪ >> jimmy: no, no. [ cheers and applause ] you go into rob base. you got to do it. ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you ampersand for being the keyboard version of a cat about to lick its butt. [ laughter ]
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>> steve: what? wait, what? >> jimmy: i don't know. i don't have a cat. is that what it looks like? [ laughter ] >> steve: keyboard -- what? >> jimmy: somebody who has cats wrote that. >> steve: i don't have cats. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you college graduation for being the proudest moment in a person's life and the most boring three hours of everyone else's. [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: andy aaronson, craig aaronson. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: my last name is jablimski. [ laughter ] ♪ thank you people who wear a a bracelet that says "what would jesus do?" for already doing something that jesus probably wouldn't do. [ laughter ] there you have it. those are my thank you notes. we'll be right back with
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drew barrymore! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ pepsi wild cherry. explosively cherry. our $3 six-inch select of may. load up this low-fat favorite with all the veggies you love like baby spinach and crisp cucumbers. even try it fresh toasted on flatbread and it's still surprisingly only $3. subway. eat fresh.
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[ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ you know, chin acne. number 1 of my 20 is for uh-huh. not to brag, but i have the chin of a teenager. here you go. dinges for everyone! when i get hangry anything within arm's reach could be part of my number 20. hm, this is potpourri. mmmm. the new amex everyday credit card, with no annual fee.
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it's not food. make 20 or more purchases in a monthly billing period, and earn 20% more rewards. and a coat. it's membership that rewards you for the things you already buy, everyday. what's your 20? owthat is smokin' hot! man this is hot! hey georgia, jack's new blazin' chicken sandwich has spicy crispy chicken, ghost pepper ranch sauce, and sliced jalapeños. that's hot! you better be holdin' a sandwich.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest tonight has starred opposite adam sandler in beloved romantic comedies like "the wedding singer" and "50 first dates," and next friday they have a brand new movie in theaters. next friday. it's called "blended." it's a very, very sweet, very, very funny, funny, funny movie. please welcome back to the show our pal drew barrymore. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh please. welcome back. you look gorgeous. >> oh thank you. >> jimmy: congratulations on everything. just -- was it three weeks ago? >> it was three weeks ago.
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>> jimmy: you had a little baby. >> i had a baby. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yay. look at you here on the cover of this. "redbook" looking beautiful. looking beautiful. [ cheers and applause ] sassy. i said what? [ cheers and applause ] all over everything. oh my god. and you're finally on instagram. >> yes. >> jimmy: which i think is great. >> well you know how like, lame i am with social media. >> jimmy: you never got into it. >> i never did. i'm like awkward. but then i found out about instagram, which is so sad because it's been around for a a long time. >> jimmy: no, but still now it's just all the kinks are out. >> and then you can do a a picture instead of trying to be witty. i feel like it would be like drunk texting someone to tweet. like, i would literally spend my entire life going, "what did i say?" >> jimmy: oh my god! i can't believe i tweeted that! how do i delete that? >> what did i just say. >> jimmy: no, but isn't this great -- >> on instagram i don't feel that way. i'm like, "let it speak for
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itself." >> jimmy: i don't have to say anything. because you are a "new york times" best-selling author, hello. [ cheers and applause ] with your photographs. >> see i'm better with pictures. >> jimmy: yeah, you're great with photos and pictures. >> i like taking photographs. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i don't wanna say anything. >> jimmy: it's a lot of food photographs. which i love. that's my favorite. >> well i basically just like ate my way through my second pregnancy. >> jimmy: yeah, you tweeted your meal at a chinese restaurant and then you also tweeted out this, and this is dessert. this is after you ate your meal. [ laughter ] >> that was 100% -- >> jimmy: you had more food, yeah. >> i had pan fried noodles as dessert. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i love that so much. >> because you can do that when you're pregnant. >> jimmy: but you have some nice sweet photos too. i love -- there's you and little olive on mother's day on the beach. and look how pretty. come on. [ audience awws ] that's so cute. >> i mean -- >> jimmy: she's an adorable kid. oh my god. >> oh, god, and i showed you the video. she just learned -- i've been like, working with her on it. and she just learned to say, "i love you. [ audience awws ] i love you."
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>> jimmy: it's so cute. i love you. i love you. >> i blub you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh it's so cute. literally fun. >> i was like oh! >> jimmy: are you so emotional now you have the two kids now? >> oh my god. speaking of eating i went to dinner by myself for the first time. >> jimmy: oh, that's fun. >> a couple nights ago, i arrived in new york and i was eating and i started crying during my meal, because i was so happy and like, i missed my family, so i was a bit sad, but i was also like, "this is a a cool like, moment where i'm just alone, i'm an independent woman," and i started crying. and the waitress was like -- but then i started laughing then because it was so ridiculous. and the waitress walks by and she goes, "are you okay? [ laughter ] is everything all right?" >> jimmy: can we get you a a table in the back? >> and i was like, "i'm just happy." [ laughter ] this is the best steak i ever had. >> jimmy: well, i was watching "blended." and you know, with your movies when you and adam get together it's funny, but then there's these touching moments where you're trying not to get welled up. you're like, "i can't believe i'm crying, and you know, you
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and adam." adam sandler, who i know as being, you know, the jokey aroundest and the funniest goofball ever. and i'm crying when he's just being emotional. i'm like, i don't know why i lose it. >> i think adam and i like, have always tried to do movies that balance like men and women. like, you know, you go on date night, because most of our films came out on valentine's day, and so you're like, you want the dudes to be happy but you want the ladies to be happy too. so we've always like -- and this one i felt like was an interesting strategy of like, i was laughing and crying a lot. like it's very, it's very -- it gets you. >> jimmy: yeah. >> like, it's about two people who really just -- they are attracted to. they meet, it's a disaster. and then they become attracted to each other through each other's like, parenting styles. which is not -- >> jimmy: yeah, he has three girls and you have two boys. >> yeah, when you're young you're not like, "ooh i bet they could really pick that kid up on time from school." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> and it's not like doing
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jello shots like, "i love him!" and it's like, and then all of a sudden you become a parent and you're like, "no i want accountability and these kids start like, thriving from each other, being in each other's lives and the kids are all right and people are getting what they want. and it's like, oh it's different type of love story. and it's very romantic. >> jimmy: yeah, the girls need a little mom love and the boys needle a little, i mean, father figure. >> they could use a little male influence. >> jimmy: yeah, it works perfectly. it's really, really funny. >> it's very funny, but it will surprise you. >> jimmy: adam sandler, who we love so much, guess what? i have a surprise for you. >> i love him. >> jimmy: he is on the phone with us right now. and he wants to interview. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, from hollywood, california, mr. adam sandler. hey adam, are you there? can you hear me? [ cheers and applause ] >> how you doing, jimmy? how's it going? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: adam? adam, i wish you were here with us. >> drew: yeah. >> i am not with you. [ laughter ] [ gibberish ]
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i am in hollywood, california. >> jimmy: okay. adam? do you have any questions for drew? >> drew, what was your favorite sex scene to shoot with me as a a person? [ laughter ] >> drew: well, i would have to say i love when you sing to me in movies. ♪ oh drew barrymore you can't love her more ♪ [ laughter ] yes. drew, who is the sexiest person that you've ever worked with whose names rhymes with radam mandler? [ laughter ] >> drew: is it adam sandler? >> jimmy: oh, hey! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] hey man. >> how you doing? >> jimmy: i'm doing good. hey man.
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how were you on the phone? [ cheers and applause ] how were you on the phone? >> i was on the phone. >> jimmy: how were you on the phone at the same time? >> i was -- >> jimmy: adam, hang up the phone now. >> that hurt my feelings. i don't speak like that. >> jimmy: adam, that's what you do. >> i take lessons to learn how to speak better. [ laughter ] and just hurt my feelers, man. >> jimmy: i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. you know i adore you. so i just -- would you like to maybe set up this clip of "blended?" could you set this up? >> yes. [ laughter ] in this clip, ooh day oh -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: here you guys. check it out. it's a clip from "blended" right here. here you go. ♪ ♪ i'm every woman it's all in me i can read your thoughts right now every thought from a to z ♪ ♪ i'll make love to you
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like you want me to and i'll hold you tight ♪ ♪ it's the end of the world as we know it it's the end ♪ ♪ i kissed a girl and i liked it the taste of her cherry chapstick ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: drew barrymore and adam sandler! go see "blended" in theaters may 23rd. more "tonight show" after the break with drew. stick around everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i don't like the look of this mob, lenny.
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a.m. crunchwraps over here. cinnabon delights over there! looks like a morning rave is about to go down. next thing you know they'll be twerking with their waffle tacos hanging out. we survived disco, now this. oh, yeah, that is definitely a rave... what's a rave? what's a twerk? [ male announcer ] the next generation of breakfast is here.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: we're back with my pal drew barrymore right here. she stars opposite adam sandler in a great new movie called "blended." it is in theaters everywhere next friday. thank you for being here this is fun. >> i love being here. are you kidding? >> jimmy: this is fun. >> audience: i love you drew! >> i love you guys! [ cheers and applause ] i was like, aggressive. i was like, "i love you!" >> jimmy: yeah, calm down. yeah. >> but i do. i love being here. and i love being interviewed by jimmy. >> jimmy: yeah? aw. >> and you know, i think you're doing a great job. and sometimes -- [ cheers and applause ] the best job. but sometimes i have to admit. i, like, i would also like the interview me. >> jimmy: i know what you're talking about. we have a way to make this happen. >> how? >> jimmy: it's time for a lip flip. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ it's a lip flip when you flip your lip it's a lip flip yeah ♪
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>> hey everyone, it's me jimmy fallon. you know me. i'm all about the yankees and the mets. [ laughter ] yo, yo, yo, yo, pepsi! [ laughter ] la, la, la, la -- pizza, pizza, pizza. sometimes i just say zaaa. [ laughter ] but, you know i'm just a a regular new yorker who likes to laugh. [ laughs ] [ laughter ] [ manic gibberish ] ah, anyway. enough about me. hey drew, what's going on with you? [ goofy voice ]
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>> jimmy: well, hello. i'm in a new movie with adam sandler. and he's like a precious flower and i you know what i really, really, really, really, really into right now? licking tree frogs. [ laughter ] i love licking tree frogs. i go down the street like, "tree frog tree frog tree frog tree frog." oy yoy yoy, oh so fun. let me show you how it'ts it. [ gibberish ] oh yeahh. >> you know, i think that everybody wants to hear you sing a song. right? [ cheers and applause ] i mean, everybody wants to hear drew sing.
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>> jimmy: no. everyone wants to hear you sing a song, by yourself of course. [ laughter ] no no no. by yourself. you sing a -- >> well, okay. let's sing that song "you're the one that i want" from "grease." ♪ i got chills they're multiplying ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ and i'm losing control because the power ♪ ♪ you're denying
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is electrifying electrifying ♪ you're the one that i want you are the one i want you hoo hoo ♪ ♪ you're the one that i want you are the one i want you hoo hoo ♪ ♪ you're the one that i want you are the one i want you hoo hoo ♪ ♪ one i need oh yes indeed ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to drew barrymore. go see "blended" in theaters may 23rd. giovanni ribisi joins us next after the break. stick around y'all! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ passion...
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a great actor you know from such films as "saving private ryan," "avatar," and "ted." you can see him in the new movie "a million ways to die in the west," it's very funny. is in theaters may 30th. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, giovanni ribisi. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> how's it going? >> jimmy: giovanni. everyone will say -- [ italian accent ] giovanni ribisi. >> giovanni ribisi. my first name is actually antonino. antonino giovanni ribisi. >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> call me vonnie or something. >> jimmy: like vonnie. every time you come on i always want to grill you about tech stuff because i know you're a a great actor. everyone knows you are a great actor. but you're also into tech and technology. >> yeah, a little bit. >> jimmy: did you make movies into the 3-d? you had your own 3-d shop? >> yeah, it was a visual effects company. and i moved on from that since then. but still definitely passionate about technology. >> jimmy: anything you can tell me about that i don't know about that yet? >> i love "ted talks." those are really amazing. something i saw recently. >> jimmy: do you know those things on the internet you get them? [ cheers and applause ] make you feel like you did
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nothing with your life? yeah, they're great. [ light laughter ] this kid's like 19 years old and saving the world. oh my god. i just did three adam sandler impressions. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what did you see? >> there's a camera. visual things. cameras and things like that of the future. there is a camera that does -- that films things at a trillion frames per second. it will film the speed of light. and there are a bunch of other things. >> jimmy: what does it mean? what does it mean? >> this is actually boring compared to the adam sandler. >> jimmy: no, no, no, no, but what does that mean the speed of light? >> you can see -- you can actually see the speed of light moving and what you can do with time and space and all that. with cameras like these will sort of like blow you mind. yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: legalize it, dude. legalize it. all right, good. what's it called so i can check that out. >> the camera. >> jimmy: yeah. >> no i don't remember. i just saw it on the "ted talks."
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[ laughter ] it's a trillion frames per second. >> jimmy: how do i know you didn't just make that up? >> go check it out, google. >> jimmy: i heard that. i know you are into tech and i follow you on twitter you don't tweet anymore. >> yeah, that is a funny thing. i went to cuba recently. i just got back about a week and a half ago. >> jimmy: how did you get to cuba? >> yeah, well i was doing a a movie. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: totally illegal. [ light laughter ] nobody's watching. no big deal. >> dominican republic, dude. >> jimmy: how did you get to cuba? i thought we weren't allowed to go to cuba? >> yeah, i guess the production company got a license. they have a deal. it took a long time. >> yeah, i think the first three weeks you get there and it's a culture shock. you know, it is completely different. you take things for granted. the internet, iphones and things like that. >> jimmy: the internet was -- doesn't really. >> yeah, well i mean it does. but there was like in a hotel room it was i think 500 rooms on one dial up connection. so you would go and check your e-mail and then wake up the next morning or three days later and then get them and then respond. >> jimmy: yeah.
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all right fine. >> jimmy: so you go around and instead of sending out instagram you actually show people the food on your plate. >> yeah, sure, yeah. >> jimmy: look at this. five followers. [ laughter ] >> my five followers. >> jimmy: this is fred. this is john. >> following me around. >> jimmy: following me all around cuba. [ applause ] >> that's fantastic. >> jimmy: this movie, seth macfarlane is one of the funniest dudes ever. i'm mean "family guy" obviously. "ted," the movie about the teddy bear not the "ted talks." >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so you were in "ted." >> yeah i was. >> jimmy: you did some good dance moves in there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i gotta say, that was some pretty -- pretty sharp dance moves. i liked it a lot. >> it was sort of an afterthought. we were just on set, and i walked up to seth and i was like, "i just want to dance, man." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i was born to dance. >> and then he was like, "great." and then it turned into this thing and now it's going to be on the tombstone. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's a gif of you moving your hips around. but, this one is "a million ways to die in the west."
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what is it about and who do you play? >> it is about a million ways to die in the west. the movie takes place in 1882. and albert -- seth macfarlane, plays the character by the name of the albert. i play edward his best friend. i'm a virgin in the story. >> jimmy: sure. >> and my girlfriend played by -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: in the story. >> sarah silverman is my girlfriend, or fiancé. she's a prostitute. yeah. >> jimmy: and you're a virgin. >> and she's amazing. she's incredible actor. >> jimmy: and charlize theron, you have in here. >> yeah. >> jimmy: liam neeson is in the movie. >> yeah, exactly. the chemistry -- i saw the movie for the first time last night. it was really good. it was incredible. you're laughing but it's also got an emotional heart. and it's one of those things you're really proud of. it is a classic. >> jimmy: every time is see the trailer it always makes me laugh. i want to show a clip. here is giovanni ribisi in "a
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million ways to die in the west." take a look at this. >> okay, here we go. >> are you excited? >> this is my first vagina. >> you've never seen one? >> no, i feel like i should have a piece of cake or something. [ laughter ] >> okay, you ready? >> yeah. okay i'm going close the bible now. >> eddie, it's supposed to be like that. >> it is? >> it's gonna feel good. >> i'm really glad i didn't have that piece of cake. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: giovanni ribisi. "a million ways to die in the west" is in theaters may 30th. elbow performs next. come on back everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ the amount of stress when you're supporting yourself. i just want to make financial decisions knowing what i have and what is going to be there. with american express serve you have a full service prepaid account
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest hit number one on the british charts with their latest album, "the takeoff and landing of everything." they're here tonight to perform a song from it called "new york morning." please welcome, elbow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ the first to put a simple truth in words binds the world in a feeling all familiar ♪ ♪ cause everybody owns the great ideas
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and it feels like there's a big one round the corner ♪ ♪ antenna up and out into new york somewhere in all that talk is all the answers ♪ ♪ and oh my giddy aunt new york can talk it's the modern rome and folk are nice to yoko ♪ ♪ every bone of rivet steel each cornerstone and angle jenga juts and rusted water tower pillar postage signs ♪ ♪ every painted line and battered laddered building in this town ♪ ♪ sings a life of great endeavor and the best that man can be ♪ ♪ me i see a city and i hear
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a million voices planning welding wearing their fingers to the nub ♪ ♪ reaching down into the ground stretching up into the sky ♪ ♪ why because they can they did and do so you and i could live together ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ oh my god new york can talk somewhere in all that talk is all the answers ♪
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♪ everybody owns the great ideas and it feels like there's a big one round the corner ♪ ♪ oh my god new york can talk somewhere in all that talk is all the answers ♪ ♪ everybody owns the great ideas and it feels like there's a big one round the corner ♪ ♪ the desire in the patchwork symphony the desire like a distant storm ♪ ♪ for love did it call for me and it feels like there's a big one
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round the corner ♪ ♪ the way the day begins decides the shade of everything ♪ ♪ but the way it ends depends on if you're home ♪ ♪ for every soul a pillow at a window please in the modern rome where folk are nice to yoko ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: as always, another great performance. powerful performance. awesome. powerful band. elbow, right there. "the takeoff and landing of everything" is in stores now. see them live saturday in toronto and monday in chicago. we'll be right back everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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man: you know, it's funny, this baja quesadilla burger doesn't really look like burger. man 2: grilled beef patty? that's burger-esque. man 1: yeah, but the flour tortilla is, like, quesadilla-y. man 2: it's both, okay? you happy? man 1: dude, it's four bucks. i am definitely happy. [ding] waitress: welcome to denny's.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to drew barrymore, adam sandler, giovanni ribisi! [ cheers and applause ] elbow! [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there, ladies and gentlemen. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great weekend. hope to see you next week. bye-bye. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- sofia vergara. natalie dormer.


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