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tv   Today  NBC  May 20, 2014 7:00am-11:01am PDT

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test test test test test test good morning. near midair collision at one of the nation's busiest airports. two planes coming within just 400 feet of each other. >> okay, yeah, we're putting the nose down. he was real close. >> this morning the ntsb investigating what went wrong. supertuesday 2014. major races in six states today. does the tea party still wield power in the republican party? and democrat clay aiken joins us to speak out for the first time about his primary win and the tragic death of his opponent. under the microscope. this morning a judge outlines the details oscar pistorius's mental evaluation, causing another major delay at his murder trial.
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and rift over the riff. it's one of the most recognizable rock songs of all time, but did led zeppelin steal "stairway to heaven's" famous melody from another band? the case that's now heading to court today, tuesday, may 20th, 2014. >> from nbc news, this is "today," with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning. never has so much air guitar been played by so many dorks on one set. >> wow. possibly stolen merchandise. my entire high school prom was a fraud. >> by the way, this band spirit, way to get right on it. how many decades has it been? >> 1969 they toured together. it's crazy. >> we're going to have a little more on that coming up. also ahead, we're going to take an emotional trip back. it was one year ago today, we
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were all in moore, oklahoma, after that devastating ef-5 tornado. i recently went back to moore to find out how the people there are doing a year later, how the town is doing, and we'll take you there in just a little while. >> look forward to that, but we want to get to today's top story. the investigation into a frightening near-miss between two passenger planes at newark international airport. nbc's tom costello is on the story for us this morning. tom, good morning. what happened? >> hi, savannah. we've now learned that these two planes came within just 400 feet of each other. there were 161 people onboard a plane arriving from san francisco. 50 people onboard a plane, a regional jet coming in from memphis. they came very close to a midair collision in the skies over newark. it was a near-miss at newark's liberty airport late last month. united flight 1243, a 737 was cleared to land on a runway that intersected with another runway where an express jet regional
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plane was cleared to take off. >> okay, yeah, we're putting the nose down and he was real close. >> contact departure. >> he was real close. >> the planes lost what was visual separation, prompting the tower to order the larger plane to change its flight pattern. they came within just 400 feet of each other, just a little more than the length of a football field. >> this is a tower issue that they cut the landing and takeoff far too close. the pilots both behaved exactly as they were told. >> the preliminary report is assigning no blame yet. united airlines is cooperating with the investigations and both planes landed safely, no one was hurt, but it was a very close call indeed. back to you. >> tom costello in washington, thank you. we are learning more about a massive ground beef recall leading to illnesses in four states. this is the largest u.s. food recall in nearly two years. peter alexander has the latest. peter, good morning. >> matt, good morning to you. this is serious business we're talking about here. three people were actually hospitalized, and this morning,
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food safety inspectors have expanded their warning. they now believe this potentially contaminated beef was sent to distribution centers nationwide. with many restaurants preparing to cook up burgers this holiday weekend, health experts warn this e. coli outbreak is the strain that worries them most. >> it can release a toxin into the blood that attacks the kidneys, and frequently, it can cause life-threatening illnesses for young children. >> already at least 11 people have been sickened in four states, michigan, missouri, ohio, and massachusetts, forcing detroit's wolverine packing company to recall nearly two million pounds of ground beef sold to restaurants. the company says no product tested positive, but it was prudent to voluntarily recall its beef and it's redoubling its efforts to assure safety standards exceed customers' expectations. it's the same strain that hit jack in the box, sickening hundreds of customers and killing four children back in
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1993. the biggest concern, undercooked meat. health experts warn cooking a burger medium rare or medium may not be enough to kill off all the e. coli on the inside. >> unfortunately, hamburger is never considered really safe unless it's thoroughly cooked. it can be tough, almost like a hockey puck. >> a couple more details. this e. coli strain can take up to ten days to get people sick, so right now it's still unclear just how widespread the outbreak may be. again, though, experts say as a general rule, you want to err on the side of caution. when you're cooking your own burgers, make sure that that burger is well-done. >> all right, peter alexander in washington. thanks so much. meantime, it is primary day in six states across the country. voters casting ballots in several heated races that will show who really holds the cards in the republican party, among other things. chuck todd is nbc's political director and chief white house correspondent. chuck, good morning to you. >> well, good morning, savannah. it is the closest thing we have
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this year to a supertuesday. voters going to the poll to cast primary ballots. coast to coast, six states. most of that action, though, is on the gop side where the ongoing family feud between the tea party and the establishment wings of the gop festers. but unlike 2010 and 2012, it appears the establishment has the upper hand on the tea party, and nowhere is that more apparent than in kentucky. >> right here in kentucky, the biggest race in the country. >> in kentucky, the gop establishment is set to strike back against the tea party today. with senate republican leader mitch mcconnell expected to defeat matt bevin. >> bevin claimed he graduated from prestigious m.i.t. not true. >> mcconnell who has seen past senate colleagues brought down by the tea party has raged a ruthless cam page to undermine bevin's credibility. >> bevin's company got a taxpayer bailout. >> 30 years worth of name recognition.
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>> mcconnell nabbed the support of tea party darling and fellow kentucky senator rand paul. yet as tough as kentucky's been, it's even nastier and more personal in other gop primaries. oregon's senate race features establishment favorite monica wehby. her ex-boyfriend accused wehby of stalking him. that ex-boyfriend has since retracted the claim and is now helping her campaign. in mississippi, veteran republican senator thad cochran in the fight for his political life against chris mcdaniel has found his bedridden wife now part of the campaign. police say conservative blogger and avid mcdaniel supporters clayton thomas kelly entered a nursing home and photographed cochran's wife rose, who suffers from advanced dementia. police say kelly later posted that photo online. >> this would be one of the lowest blows ever in politics, if not the lowest.
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just reading about it makes you want to take a shower. >> so, what's the motivation of focusing on a woman who's been bedridden for 14 years? for weeks down in mississippi, a whisper campaign has been waged to imply that cochran hasn't been faithful or supportive of his bedridden wife. for the record, the mcdaniel campaign says it has nothing to do with the incident, but the cochran campaign believes otherwise. matt and savannah, it's pretty nasty out there. >> yeah, i was going to say politics still a nasty business. thank you very much. let's take a look at a major development at the trial of oscar pistorius. the judge laying out the specifics of the sprinter's psychiatric evaluation. "today" national investigative correspondent jeff rossen is here. he's got the latest on all this. good morning to you. >> hey, matt. good morning to you. all this breaking overnight and it could change the entire course of the case. oscar pistorius will report to a mental hospital next week. at issue here, did he know what
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he was doing when he shot and killed his girlfriend reeva steenkamp? can he be held responsible for it? this morning, the judge answering the big questions. where and when he'll be evaluated, and where the case goes from here. this is the first time we've seen oscar pistorius in nearly a week. the olympic track star rushing into court today. as the judge emerged to deliver her ruling. starting next monday, may 26th, pistorius will report here to a mental hospital in pretoria. a panel of experts will perform a full psychological evaluation for up to 30 days. pistorius will be analyzed here every weekday until 4:00 p.m. as an outpatient, he'll be allowed to sleep at home. >> inquire into whether the accused by reason of mental illness or mental defect was at the time of the commission of the offense criminally responsible for the offenses charged. >> at the heart of it, does oscar pistorius have g.a.d., general anxiety disorder, and did it play a role when he shot and killed the woman he claimed to love, reeva steenkamp,
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thinking she was an intruder. his defense psychiatrist says yes, maybe. from the trauma of losing his legs as a baby, troubled parents, and a fear of crime. >> he was aware that he was a public figure and believed that this made him at an increased risk of being attacked or burgled. >> if they agree, he could be acquitted. >> this is massive. if it is found that he had no criminal liability, he could either be admitted to a psychiatric institution or found not guilty and discharged. >> as you can tell, this is a critical moment in the trial, and the real risk for the prosecution, after all, it's the prosecutor who pushed for this mental testing. the panel of those experts may say pistorius doesn't have anxiety. he knew right from wrong and that would be a victory for the prosecutor, of course. but if they do find pistorius does have anxiety and he did know what he was doing, their
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entire case could fall apart. court resumes on june 30th with the results of that full psychological evaluation. it is looking more and more like a verdict this summer. maybe july or even august. >> all right. jeff rossen, thank you. natalie's here with a multi-billion-dollar crackdown on one of the world's biggest banks. >> this is a major victory for the justice department in an effort to stop wealthy americans from hiding their money in swiss bank accounts. credit suisse agreed to pay $2.6 billion in fines. that's something no other bank its size has done in years. officials say this investigation is far from over and to expect more penalties involving more banks. tensions are escalating once again between the u.s. and china. beijing says the united states is jeopardizing military ties by charging five chinese officers with cyber spying on american
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companies. beijing calls the indictments absurd and demands that they be withdrawn. it also accuses the u.s. of being the biggest violator of china's cyber security. china has summoned the u.s. ambassador and withdrawn from discussions on cyber security. it's a good thing it is not football season, because take a look. this massive three-foot sinkhole opened in the end zone of the football field at austin p. university in clarksville, tennessee. the sinkhole is the result of years of underground rain water eating away at limestone. workers hope to have the hole filled by the end of the week. a police officer's dashboard camera captures him jumping off the bridge to get out of a way of a crash. this happened just outside of houston. police say officer kenneth lewis was conducting a traffic stop when an alleged jump driver slammed into his cruiser. officer lewis jumped 30 feet off a bridge to get out of the way. he suffered a ruptured aorta and
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a fractured pelvis, but he is expected to recover, which is remarkable. >> wow. >> that's unbelievable video there. 7:13. let's get a check of the better from mr. roker. >> another beautiful, but frightening looking thunderstorm. this is near martin, nebraska, in southern nebraska. this is a low precipitation supercell with a shelf cloud. it is just really impressive. this is a time lapse, it's been sped up. but you can see all the lightning that generated out of this system. we may see more of these today as we go into the day today. we're looking at some heavier showers and thunderstorms making their way through the upper great lakes. we've got two areas of severe weather to look at. slight risk of severe weather. we're looking at large hail, possibly two inches in diameter, and then as you move to the east, later this evening into tonight, from central iowa all the way into central ohio, we're looking at the risk of strong storms and thunderstorms. indianapolis, right now cloudy skies, but by later this
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evening, some heavier showers and thunderstorms will develop. rainfall amounts generally about one to two inches. heaviest rain right along chicago, right into northern indiana, with upwards of two to three inches of rain. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. they keep us entertained. they keep us happy. keep them safe. the eight-passenger chevrolet traverse, with the highest possible overall vehicle score for safety. now get 0% financing for up to 60 months or $2,000 in total cash allowance on a 2014 traverse. nbc bay area mike are climate weather forecast is sponsored by yakult probiotic drink. good tuesday morning to you, i'm christina loren. waking up with showers on the radar this morning and as you
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make your way out the front door you can see most of the activity well to the south of the golden gate bridge and that is the case for today. as you head out and about this tuesday light mountain showers to kick off the day and isolated thunder over the hills and sunset at 6:09 and temperatures comfortable and low 70s coming your way p. >> all right, guys, thanks. back to politics and one of the most talked about races in the country. clay aiken, who you probably know as the former "american idol" contestant, narrowly defeated keith crisco in this month's democratic primary for north carolina's second congressional district. but this was a race that saw crisco die tragically before those results were finalized. clay aiken joins us exclusively, and good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i have to say, congratulations on your primary win, but it is a bit bittersweet, isn't it, with your opponent so suddenly dying before the results were known for sure. >> yeah, it's a difficult thing to -- for everyone to have to deal with. >> let's talk about this race.
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you're definitely facing an uphill battle. you're running as a democrat in a district that is largely republican. and you're running against an incumbent. so if you're going to win, you're going to need a big chunk of republican votes. why do you think you can get them? >> this district is about a third independent. and so it has swayed conservatively in the past. but also more historically, even more further back in the past, it's gone to a democrat. actually, even in 2008, when the rest of north carolina went for obama, this district went for mccain. >> it did, it did. but people are -- i think people are tired of partisan politics. you've got everyone who votes because people in the media talk about r and d. but people at home, they don't talk about party. they talk about the things that are important to them. >> let's talk about the other elephant in the room, which is, of course, your celebrity. a lot of people know you as the former "american idol" contestant.
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is this a blessing or a curse in your race? >> it's both. you know, you've got to get people to see me in a different light. getting the opportunity to talk to people about the issues that are affecting them and talk about how i want to help people, gets people to see me in a different light. it's a blessing in the fact that it gets me in the room, but i have to overcome the fact that people see me in one way and not the other. >> your opponent renee ellmers said apparently he's bored. do you have to fight to make the politicians take you seriously? >> of course. it's a mountain to climb, but we've had quite a bit of success in the past three months in climbing it and we'll continue to do that the next six. >> as you well know, ft. bragg is in your district. your brother served two tours of duty in iraq. i'm sure you're following what's happening at the scandal at the veteran's administration. do you think eric shinseki should resign? >> i think we have a lot of people who are making decisions without being in the room. i'm not going to be one of those folks who wasn't in the hearing and hasn't paid attention to those details and wasn't privy to that stuff and making decisions for that. but i will say we've got to do a
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better job of funding the v.a. we've got to do a better job of organizing the v.a. i think the v.a. should be possibly not in the health care business so much as in the veterans care business and taking care of the needs of veterans. the veterans unemployment rate is 11%, four points higher than the rest of the population. it's a very mismanaged organization. and we've got to do better job at cleaning it up. >> quickly, another issue. gay marriage, something that you've spoken out in favor of. you've been open about your own status and criticized north carolina's ban on gay marriage in the past. but for observers of your race, it seems you're down playing this in this particular campaign. is that a fair assessment? >> i don't know that we're necessarily particularly specifically down playing anything. we're up playing the things that are affecting people's lives. the fact that students are coming out of college with average of $29,000 worth of debt. the fact that the unemployment rate is not lowering, is not going down as fast as it could be. veterans affairs. education in general.
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we're talking about the things that are affecting people's lives and that's not necessarily one of them. >> by the way, what's tougher, politics or a nationally televised singing competition? >> politics. >> you answered that one quickly. thanks for being here. >> thank you very much. the world of music is getting tough now because there's a debate now and a lawsuit around one of the most iconic songs ever. tamron's got more on that. >> from "american idol" to rock idol. take a listen, guys. led zeppelin's "stairway to heaven," we're going to play it. listen here. okay. you got that? it's in your ears. the ear warm-up of the day. now listen to spirit's song "taurus." anything? come on, s.g. come on over here. take a listen to this, guys. spirit's song was released in 1968. led zeppelin's iconic hit 1970. the two bands actually toured together in '69, and now spirit
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has filed a lawsuit. they are gunning for zeppelin. zeppelin made over half a billion dollars on this song and what may be one of the most historic riffs of all time. this is coming at an interesting time, when zeppelin is preparing to rerelease a version of this song. this band spirit says that that was for them, that they were jacked for their riff and asking people what they think today. do you think led zeppelin's "stairway to heaven" is a rip-off of spirit's "taurus," yes or no? by the way, i never heard "stairway to heaven" until this morning. >> what? >> only the greatest rock song of all time. >> i feel like i can vote as an unbiased person. >> it's eight minutes long. keep listening. >> i don't know who's going to win the lawsuit, but in the battle over the better name, "stairway to heaven." it's not even close. >> but where were they all this time? >> everyone was about zodiac signs.
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>> it has come up in the past. >> it has. but 50 years later. i'm still reeling from tamron never having heard "stairway to heaven." we've got to talk. musical education coming up. coming up, a community that's still healing and rebuilding. we're going to head back to moore, oklahoma, a year after a devastating ef-5 tornado destroyed much of that city. and then, how did she survive? the woman who spent six days trapped in her wrecked car without food or water shares her remarkable story of survival. but first, this is "today" on nbc. is split in two.
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a very good tuesday morning to you. 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. police are looking for an arsonist caught on camera lighting a car on fire in a south bay driveway. two cars and part of a garage were damaged this morning in san jose. just about a block away from the east ridge mall. no one was hurt, though the cars are destroyed. the homeowner says this is not the first time he has been targeted. students of bryman college in san jose should find out this morning why their school was suddenly shut down in the middle of the day. bryman is a vocational college located in san jose near the campbell border. specializes in dental and medical fields. when students arrived to class
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yesterday they saw no trespassing signs on every single classroom and office door. one of the biggest tourist attractions in the bay area may be closed this summer. the mca will consider shutting down lombard streets for four weekends this summer to try to give neighbors a break from the congestion that comes with all those tourists trying to make their way down. all right, tourists, everybody here in the bay area looking forward to today's forecast. here's christina. >> good morning to you at home. we have showers i want to show you this before you make your way out the front door, you may have to use your windshield wipers for a few moments at time as you're making your way down the peninsula and the to the south bay. north of the golden gate bridge and good-looking day shaping up and clouds at the coastline and look at this, showers at this point in our live camera. you could see some thunderstorms here and isolated in nature over the local mountains east bay, south bay later today, temps in the 70s. here's mike with your drive. >> sun and some water on the
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windshield. keep those headlights on. over here the san mateo bridge moves smoothly westbound and slowly, as well. the commute kicking in and look at the hayward side it is jammed from san leandro past the dumbarton bridge and northbound recovering from a northbound and 880 at 92 and all lanes clear as you head through hayward. the earlier car fire has cleared, though, right around virginia. back to you. >> thanks a lot. thank you for joining us rbs as well. i'll be back with another local news update in half an hour. have a good one.
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7:30 on a tuesday morning, the 20th of may 2014. there is a beautiful sunrise in tulsa, oklahoma. good morning to you. good to have you along on a tuesday morning. we'll tell you what's happening in the headlines. the mental evaluation of oscar pistorius we now know will begin on monday. the judge said this morning that he will be observed as an outpatient. this will determine if he suffers an anxiety disorder and if that factors into the shooting of reeva steenkamp. the warning tied to a massive ground beef recall, nearly two million pounds, is being expanded. food safety inspectors now believe potentially that e. coli contaminated meat was sent to distributors nationwide. at least 11 people have been sickened in four different states. michigan, missouri, ohio, and
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massachusetts. and officials now expect to have the most destructive wildfire that is still burning near san diego to be fully under control by thursday. it erupted in san marcos six days ago, was fueled by high winds, and has already destroyed three dozen homes. coming up, the city that's rebuilding both physically and emotionally. we'll head back to moore, oklahoma, a year after that devastating ef-5 tornado touched down there. we were there the day after. we did the entire program from there. and tomorrow then, another iconic city that suffered for decades, detroit, michigan. the motor city, $19 billion in debt, an unemployment rate of 14%, about double the national average. 40% of street lights in that city don't even work. tomorrow we'll have an exclusive interview with jamie dimon, the ceo of jp morgan chase. he has a big announcement to share about that city. plus, why would oscar winner charlize theron have to beg for her latest movie role? we're going to ask her about that and more when she joins us.
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but we're going to begin this half-hour with a remarkable story of survival. we told you about it when she was first rescued. this is a 44-year-old mother who was trapped in her wrecked car for nearly a week. now, she's opening up for the first time about what happened and how she survived. here's nbc's miguel almaguer. >> i never, ever thought this was the end. >> reporter: this is what survival looks like for kristin hopkins. time with her parents and a future with her four children. >> they're my life. i am who i am because of my kids. >> reporter: last month, hopkins' car skidded off a colorado highway, going airborne for 120 feet, rolling another 200 feet, landing on its roof, pinned against the trees. >> i was upside down and i have no idea where i was. all i could see outside were the smashed windows and everything. >> reporter: drifting in and out of consciousness, bleeding from her neck, hopkins spent the next six days trying to get out of the twisted wreckage with two
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broken feet, no water, and little to eat. >> the only thing i had to eat was one packet of instant oatmeal. and i tried to eat some of that, and it was just so dry and i had no water or anything that it just didn't work. >> reporter: do you remember at any point thinking i won't make it out of here? >> i honestly was optimistic the entire time. it was always, okay, i'll be out of here tomorrow, or someone will see it today. >> reporter: looking for a way to signal for help, kristin found a sharpie and wrote messages on an umbrella. hurt and bleeding. need doctor. and can't get doors open. >> i stuck it out to hope somebody would stop. >> reporter: almost a week after the crash, someone did stop. >> i happened to look out the window at the right time at the right place. >> reporter: andy and hope lombard pulled over, climbed down the embankment and spotted hop kins in the mangled car. >> it's a miracle. >> what do you want to tell them? >> thank you for saving me.
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you know, they're my angels. >> reporter: rescue crews pulled hopkins out of the car, but doctors told her they couldn't save her feet. >> you're going to lose them. there's no way to save them. okay. well, i guess that's my life now. >> reporter: and what does it mean for you to be able to have survived this and for your family, to be able to see your children? >> my kids will have their mom, you know? they'll be able to grow up with a mom there all the time. >> reporter: for "today," miguel almaguer, nbc news, lakewood, colorado. >> incredible. oh, my goodness. >> and the fact that she kept her good spirits all that time. >> so positive the entire time. amazing. take a turn now, get a check of the weather from al. >> today's weather is brought to you by the new windows. one experience for everything in your life. >> well, we are still concerned about the fire danger in the southwest, as we continue to
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look, we've got red flag warnings for much of arizona on into new mexico, texas, and parts of oklahoma. here's the thing, jet stream way up to the north, and this ridge will be bringing the winds up from the south. this is very dry air. not a lot of moisture in this air. so here's what we've got. we've got an elevated fire danger today. amarillo, albuquerque, on into tucson. but we've got a critical fire danger stretching from amarillo into flag staff. single digit humidity. sustained winds of 30 miles per hour. warm to hot temperatures. for example, lubbock, texas, has since the first of the year only gotten about 9/10 of an inch of rain. that meanwhile, we are just days away from the unofficial kickoff of summer and we're tracking showers on the radar in the bay area mostly to the south of the golden gate bridge and we're not going to see any heavy rainfall, but isolated thunderstorms develop later today.
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your temperatures are going to be comfortable, 64 degrees. little muggy out there. 74 in san jose and getting into the end of week and all-important weekend. three-day weekend coming your way and temperatures not too hot and mid-80s in san jose. latest weather. >> all right, al, thank you. coming up on "trending," what happens when a gutsy teen invites the vice president to the prom? and up next, a year after a tornado ripped apart moore, oklahoma, is that city ready to handle this year's tornado season? we'll talk about that, but first, these messages. honestly, the off-season isn't really off for me. i've got a lot to do. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work!
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aww, you're no fun. enjoy bush's baked beans. still made from our secret family recipe. a dayou owe me this causetial for i clean your tushy.pirit. but i'll settle for a toddler yogurt facial any day. all done, mommy. hey, love that yogurt. it's good stuff. you uh, you got a little something... hmm, it happens. yogurt is number 14 of my 20. the new amex everyday credit card with no annual fee. still good. make 20 or more purchases in a monthly billing period, and earn 20% more rewards. it's membership that rewards you for the things you already buy, everyday. what's your 20? so do tire swings! this is our ocean spray cran-lemonade. it's good, old-fashioned lemonade. only better! whoa! [ splash! ] ocean spray cran-lemonade. a bold twist on an old favorite.
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♪ [ woman 1 ] radiant! [ woman 2 ] confident! ♪ [ woman 3 ] optimistic! [ woman 4 ] inspired! [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] spring is the time to make it happen with the new kellogg's special k simple 5 plan. no counting, no keeping track. just make five smart choices every day. and lose up to 5 pounds in 2 weeks. [ woman 6 ] fabulous! [ both laugh ] [ female announcer ] kellogg's special k. what will you gain when you lose? back at 7:40. exactly one year ago, all eyes were on a tiny town, moore, oklahoma, just outside of oklahoma city. it was ripped apart by a massive tornado. >> 39 minutes that ef-5 twister was on the ground. it left 17 miles of destruction in its wake.
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we did the show there the very next morning and saw the devastation firsthand. recently, i returned to moore to see how the city and its residents are doing today, and their overwhelming message is moore is back. >> there it is. it's right there. >> on may 20th, 2013, an ef-5 tornado tore through the city of moore, oklahoma, without mercy. over 1,000 homes destroyed. 24 people died that day. that is the moore medical center just behind us. you can see -- evidence of what happened here remains, but just one year later, moore is under construction. one year ago, i stood here on the corner of southwest sixth street and telephone road in an area that has been decimated by that tornado. this was a row of homes that were completely sheared from their foundation. across the street is where the moore medical center used to stand. it's an empty lot now, but on this one-year anniversary,
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they're breaking ground on a new facility that will open in the fall of 2016. rebuilding has begun here in moore, oklahoma, but with a very big difference. in the wake of this tornado, they have now adopted the toughest building regulations in the entire nation. last year, only 16% of homes here had shelters. today, demand for storm shelters has risen. with more than 2,000 built since the tornado. mayor glen lewis witnessed his city's rapid transformation. there are physical scars here still in this town. >> yes, sir. >> what about emotional scars? >> oh, quite. everywhere you go, you know, people ask you, are these families okay? and we have to say, yes, they're getting better, but they're not okay. >> i've heard that every time they test those sirens saturday at noon, there are people that get a jolt. >> i do, too. >> you still do? >> i still do. >> this is terrible. this school is completely gone.
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>> one of the most gut-wrenching images last year was the devastation at plaza towers elementary school. where seven children died. the images still haunt principal amy simpson. when you learn that seven had lost their lives, how do you get your arms around something like that? >> i don't think i ever will. we make a promise when those parents drop them off and we greet them at the door. at that moment, i felt like i didn't keep my promise. >> you know there was nothing you could do? >> i do know that. i do know that. it's still a burden that i'll carry with me. >> for the students who survived that day and their parents, the memories feel fresh. there were some students at your school who didn't survive. did you know them? >> yes. >> knew two of them. >> you knew two of them? how about you, xavier? >> i knew all of them.
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>> knew all of them? how often do you think about them? >> every day. >> there are bright spots, reminders that these kids are still kids. anybody think it might be better to move somewhere else? >> nope. this is home. >> right here. >> courtney, you want to move somewhere else? >> hollywood. [ laughter ] >> this fall, students will enter a new plaza towers. principal simpson and superintendent robert romines showed me around, including the new safe room. and one of the few things they salvaged from the old school, a mural of the school mascot. what do you want them to know about this place? >> this community is resilient, and we're not going anywhere. we're moving forward. and we've turned many corners over the last year, but we won't ever forget. >> that new school built on the same spot will open in august, just in time for the new school year. one year. and they're going to complete a
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new building. >> amazing. and to see them heal, so raw still. >> it really is. later on on this show, we're going to catch up with more of the survivors we first met a year ago. then, just a bit later on the show, some never-before-seen photos that reveal a new portrait of jfk jr.'s life, which, of course, we know was cut tragically short. and was "stairway to heaven," a song tamron's never heard, plagiarized? the lawsuit connected to one of the most iconic songs of all time, right after this.
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♪ ♪ ♪ you see the "mini" ion my chest? funny, yes? no. i'm huge. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child
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[ male announcer ] for five generations, with a name like smucker's, it has to be good.
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♪ ♪ we're back at 7:49 with this legal drama we've been talking about all morning. it's got to do with the classic "stairway to heaven." those chords were led zeppelin's ladder to musical immortality. "stairway to heaven," the classic rock band's most iconic song, which through the decades has netted over a half billion dollars. but now a band called spirit claims those notes are far too similar to an instrumental song of theirs named "taurus."
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and while you've probably never heard of spirit, led zeppelin definitely has. the two toured together throughout 1969, one year after taurus was released and one year before jimmy paige wrote "stairway" in all its eight-minute glory. members of spirit announced for the first time this weekend that they are pursuing legal action, adding this to a long list of music infringement lawsuits. like vanilla ice versus queen. and "blurred lines" versus the prince of soul, marvin gaye. >> these tend to capture the public fancy. what's so fascinating about this case, this is the ultimate rock song. and both for historical purposes and financial purposes, this is a pretty big deal. >> i'll say it's a big deal. >> sounds awful similar. >> we should go to tamron in the orange room. by the way, tamron, i've gotten
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so many tweets about you never hearing "stairway to heaven." someone tweeted this new young artist from jersey has a new album out called "born to run." check it out. this groovy band called the beatles have an album called "hard days night." >> here's the deal, ms. savannah guthrie. i have several tweets from viewers who also have never heard "stairway to heaven." but the point is, what does the survey say, if you think the songs are similar? 62% of you say no. >> wow. >> 38% say yes. and by the way, spirit says that they didn't sue for four decades because they didn't have the cash for a lawyer. rebel says similar sounds, but in no way exactly like "stairway to heaven," which is a far better song. i agree, rebel, having listened to it just earlier. and lisa points out this song has a similar song. "roar" by katy perry and "brave" by sarah yri sara bareilles sou
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same. this is roar. now take a listen to sara bareilles. what do you think? >> they both have drums. >> do they sound the same? >> can we put a final capper on this, tamron? because we've got brian layson, the guitarist for dierks bentley in our studio. brian's going to play the lick for us, the riff, whatever you want. but he's going to play the one from taurus. >> oh! brian! that definitely wasn't a rip-off. that was an original. >> ouch. >> poor brian, he probably hasn't played it since 1982. but good on you. coming up on "trending," reading between the lines. how to tell if someone is lying to you in an e-mail. plus, how to rev up your metabolism, get your body in a swimsuit in just 60 seconds. and oscar winner charlize
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theron is here to talk about her new movie and i don't like the look of this mob, lenny. a.m. crunchwraps over here. cinnabon delights over there! looks like a morning rave is about to go down. next thing you know they'll be twerking with their waffle tacos hanging out. we survived disco, now this. oh, yeah, that is definitely a rave... what's a rave? what's a twerk? [ male announcer ] the next generation of breakfast is here. the waffle taco, a.m. crunchwrap, and cinnabon delights,
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part of the all-new breakfast menu at taco bell. to you... they're more than just a pet so protect them, with k9 advantix ll it's broad spectrum protection kills fleas, ticks and mosquitoes too. k9 advantix ll for the love of dog i've been claritin clear for 7 days. woohoo! at the first sign of my allergies, my doctor recommended taking one claritin every day of my allergy season for continuous relief. 16 days! 26 days of continous relief. live claritin clear. every day. body language can tell you all sorts of things.
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good morning, everyone. 7:56. i'm scott mcgrew a memorial grew overnight at the scene of a deadly amtrak accident in san leandro. a train a student did not see coming. britany silva was wearing earbud headphones when she was hit and killed yesterday around dinnertime. witnesses told officers they did try to warn her the train was coming and did not see them. san jose city council will vote on whether to recommend preserving century 21 domes as a landmark. a city commission voted earlier this month to recommend landmark stats for the site. the national park service will look into the issue next month. the property owner shut down the dome theater in march to make way for a new development. let's check your weather this morning with christina. good morning. >> good morning to you, scott. good tuesday morning to you at home. something that you wouldn't normally associate with the final weeks of the month, but,
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hey, we are just days away from the official kickoff of summertime. unofficial. and as we head into the next couple days, we have these showers in the forecast. very unusual as we head through this afternoon we also have a very slight chance for some thunderstorms. you'll notice the clouds increasing at the immediate coastline and windy conditions developing there. we could see isolated thunderstorms later on today over the east bay and temperatures will end up below average sun sets tonight at 8:09 and low 70s coming your way and here's mike and your drive. >> your traffic tuesday is here. all over the place, this is the south bay, san jose north 101 we're dragging through this yauria and the same for most of your northbound routes on your map. 280 and 85 and 87 getting lighter flow and that's better because yesterday they had a really tough drive there. all the way over to mountain view and 880 slow from san leandro to fremont and northbound side recovering from earlier crashes and all around the approach to the bay bridge and slower drive. back to you. >> all right, mike, thank you
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much. more news coming up in half an hour.
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it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, the real jfk jr., 15 coming up, the real jfk jr., 15 years after his death, one of his closest friends shared never-before-seen images and personal stories. plus, charlize theron takes on the wild west. >> wow, you've never fired a gun before. >> the oscar winner on why she begged to be in her new movie and her new relationship that's making headlines. >> somebody call the po-po ♪ >> and one of the biggest names in country music. dierks bentley is here to rock the big apple with a live performance, today tuesday, may 20th, 2014. >> dierks bentley's number one fan from north dakota! >> good morning, from the class
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of 2014. >> hi, we're from south carolina and we went to give a shoutout to everyone back home. love you! >> here to be on the "today" show! >> 40 lordy, lisa's 40! [ cheers and applause ] >> good morning, everyone. welcome back to "today." it is the 20th of may, and a tuesday. >> it's a perfect day. look at it. perfect blue sky. nice crowd. got fleet week here in new york. members of the u.s. navy, the marine corps, the coast guard, we thank you for your service. and it's great to have you here on the plaza, folks. >> thank you. >> i just told them they looked cute. they laughed. i said you look tough and cute. they said it's okay to hear cute once in a while. >> didn't have them last year because of the sequester.
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the drama is building on "the voice." carson's going to take us behind the scenes as the top three now prepare for tonight's finale. and of course, you can catch it all right here on nbc. that is tonight, 9:00/8:00 central time, and the winner will be here tomorrow on "today" for a special live concert. >> sounds like a red eye in that winner's future. let's get a check of the morning's top stories. natalie's over at the news desk. >> good morning to you guys once again. good morning, everyone. the ntsb is investigating a near collision between two passenger jets at newark liberty airport in new jersey. the two planes with 211 people on board came within just 400 feet of each other. officials say a united 737 was cleared to land last month on a runway that intersected another one where a regional jet was taking off. the larger plane changed its flight pattern and the incident fortunately ended safely. los angeles police have arrested actor michael jace after his wife was found dead in their home. police arrived at the couple's
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home monday night and april jace was found dead inside. the 50-year-old actor plays a police officer in the tv series "the shield." the couple were married nine years and have children. there is new concern this morning about the recall of nearly two million pounds of ground beef. safety inspectors now say the meat from a detroit processing plant may have been sent to distribution centers for restaurants nationwide. on monday, the agriculture department said the beef was linked to an e. coli outbreak in at least four states. with memorial day approaching, the american red cross has a warning for families heading to the beach or swimming pool. nbc's kerry sanders is in ft. lauderdale at the international swimming hall of fame complex. kerry, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i'm here in the shallow end, but one of the tests that the red cross has to prove that people can swim is being able to tread water for at least a minute. well, according to new statistics released by the red cross, more than half of all americans either can't swim or
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swim so poorly they could drown. americans are getting ready to dive in. according to the red cross, eight out of ten people say they'll be vacationing at a beach, a pool, or a lake. swimming, sailing, or fishing. but more than half cannot swim well enough to save themselves if they get into trouble. >> most americans can't swim nearly as well as they believe they can. >> reporter: 80% of those surveyed say they can swim. but when the red cross asked about their ability, nearly half admitted they could not pass a basic swimming test. >> less than half of americans can actually do all of the five skills that could potentially save your life in the water. >> reporter: those swimming skills include floating or treading water for one minute. jumping into deep water and coming up for air. spinning around in the water and then finding a way out.
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getting out of a pool without a ladder. and swimming one pool length without stopping. and the numbers for kids are not encouraging. only four in ten parents say their kids have those basic swimming skills. how do you swim? >> like this. >> reporter: felipe is only 6 but already swims like a fish. his mom says she thinks teaching her children the basics is critical. >> basic water safety. it's like basic -- you know, like knowing how to cross the street. it should come natural. >> parents need to make sure first of all that they can swim, but also that their kids can swim and know how to be safe in the water as well. >> reporter: statistics show that ten people a day drown in the united states. the red cross says, as you head into this holiday weekend, maybe check to see if you might be a little overconfident, and if you are about your swimming skills, and you go to the pool and go somewhere say along a lake or a beach, make sure there's a lifeguard just in case.
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>> good reminder to all of us. kerry sanders in ft. lauderdale, thank you. triple crown contender california chrome left baltimore this morning for the road trip here to new york, where he'll compete in next month's belmont stakes. on monday, new york racing officials cleared california chrome and all other horses to use nasal strips at belmont. california chrome used the strips during his wins at the kentucky derby and preakness. and our friend and colleague tom brokaw received a rare honor monday night. the longtime nbc reporter and anchorman received a personal peabody award for his lifetime achievements. tom spoke of his battle against multi-myeloma, saying he is fortunate to have the medical treatment he needs and that life is going to be okay. looking good there. it's 8:06. let's get a check of the weather once again with al.3 f2 >> muy bien, y esta jovencita es you're 9 years old. what's your name? >> sophie. >> where are you from? >> new jersey.
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>> is that your brother poking his head over there? is he a good big brother? >> yeah. >> yeah, all right. at least for today. all right. happy birthday. let's check your weather, see what we've got for you today. our pick city of the day, chicago, chicago. nbc 5, 83 and some showers and thunderstorms today. but then, heading into the weekend looking pretty good with plenty of sunshine. afternoon temperatures, it is going to be toasty again today. central texas into oklahoma and nebraska, kansas, i should say. we're looking at cooler weather in southern california, thank goodness. do have a risk of strong storms from iowa all the way into ohio today. along the eastern seaboard, a spectacular day. slight risk of strong storms also from casper, wyoming, on into denver, col good morning to you. the time now, 8:07. taking a live look at your radar we've activated this morning. you can see just some light showers moving to the south. most of this activity is to the south of the golden gate bridge. as we head throughout the day today, we're going to see these light showers pass through.
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maybe some isolated thunderstorms later on, as we accumulate some significant daytime heating, we will be warm enough for that out in the east bay hills. 75 for the north bay today. 73 in the east bay. 72 for the south bay. and comfortable temperatures through the midweek, then we'll warm up into the weekend. hope you have a great day. >> all right, al, thank you very much. coming up next on "trending," sandra bullock's big surprise for a group of graduates, and what was the president doing at a little league game? and then a very personal look at the last months of jfk jr.'s life from one of his closest friends and confidants. and charlize theron on her new comedy and what she's revealing about her relationship with another oscar winner, sean penn, but first, these messages. what if you could shrink your pores just by washing your face?
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[ female announcer ] neutrogena® pore refining cleanser. alpha-hydroxy and exfoliating beads work to clean and tighten pores so they can look half their size. pores...shrink 'em down to size! [ female announcer ] pore refining cleanser. neutrogena®. introducing nespresso vertuoline. now coffee becomes an experience like nothing you've ever had before. [ penelope ] nespresso vertuoline. experience the revolution of coffee. [ penelope ] nespresso vertuoline. [ mathey can see the lightes. eof a single candle.. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you.
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-hit the beach in florida. -and a reunion in seattle. we can afford to take more trips this year. [man] when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. [woman] so we got our 4-star hotels... for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ needs long term relief. eucerin calming creme. it soothes dry, itchy skin with a triple-acting formula. no wonder calm, comfortable skin starts with eucerin. it's all your favorites and a whole lot more, like a 20-piece chicken mcnuggets -- just 5 bucks. more choices than ever before. that's the dollar menu and more. ♪
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welcome to the toyota time sales event. we're looking for something safe with a really smooth ride. he's a very light sleeper. oh, the camry's safe and has a smooth, comfortable ride. oh, the camry's perfect. and you're in luck. it's toyota time. so it's a great time for a great deal. [ both ] yes! [ baby crying ] [ male announcer ] during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a 2014.5 camry. offer ends june 2nd. for more great deals, visit [ both sigh ] toyota. let's go places. we're back now at 8:11 with what's trending today. let's start with a question for the group. you guys pretty good at telling when someone else is lying? >> no. >> sometimes. >> not really. >> you've all been taken?
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>> yes. >> all had sob stories? okay, we don't have time for them. what about in an e-mail or a text? here's the problem. without seeing body language or hearing the tone of the voice, it can be hard to tell if someone isn't telling the truth. in "the wall street journal" this morning, experts share ways to read between the lines of those e-mails and texts. here's some things to look out for. first, the person doesn't use personal pronouns, so instead of saying i and me, they keep themselves as a distance. maybe they add in unnecessary details to just muddy the story. experts say that's a clear indication of lying. and finally, they use qualifier statements, like "to be honest." they never are. and as far as i can remember. or i may not be completely right on this. those phrases signal discomfort with what they're saying. thus the truth. >> have you ever changed the subject? someone asks you a direct question in an e-mail you don't really want to answer, so you get on to something else. >> oh yeah, all the time.
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>> absolutely. >> pretend you never saw the question. >> battery died on the phone. >> exactly. meantime, a bold high school student from connecticut had a big dream for her prom. she wanted to go with what she called the most delightful man in america. who's that in her estimation? >> al roker. >> joe biden! joe biden. very close. she actually wrote a note to the v.p. asking him to be her date. she wasn't expecting a response, so she was shocked on the eve of her prom to get this, a handwritten note from biden himself. said he couldn't come because of his busy schedule, but he wrote to her saying i hope you will accept this corsage and enjoy your prom as much as i did mine. natalya did not go to the prom, but she got a good consolation prize and an invitation to visit the white house. >> she turned down that invitation, but sent him flowers. [ laughter ] >> wrist corsage. >> and she didn't know that it was really from biden. she called the florist and then his office and his secretary confirmed.
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she didn't believe it was real. >> oh, wow. >> amazing. great story. from the v.p. to the president, for some little league players in washington, the white house came to them. president obama made an announced visit to a game in washington where one player just happened to be the daughter of his press secretary jay carney. >> oh, my gosh. >> what's going on, people? had to bring your dad to the game, he was going to be late. >> and then the president played some catch with some of the players. probably just getting in a little practice, because later on this week he'll visit the baseball hall of fame in cooperstown, new york. looks like he had a good arm there. >> threw a couple brushback pitches. just as a warning. >> that's right. to little kids. nice. president obama isn't the only one surprising crowds. sandra bullock gave some high school students in new orleans a graduation to remember on monday. hidden in the crowd, she was welcomed onstage to deliver the graduation speech. sandra made it personal, sharing advice she gives to her 4-year-old son. >> we turn on the music really
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loud before we leave the house, and the rule is you have to dance a little bit before you step out in the world, because it changes the way you walk. it changes the way you walk out in the world. when someone who cares about you hugs you, hug them back with two arms. don't do the one-armed hug. when you hug with two arms, it allows you to lean on somebody and we always need someone to lean on. do not pick your nose in public. [ laughter ] >> sage advice. >> sandra adds you probably shouldn't do that in private either, and this isn't just any high school. she adopted the eastern charter high school after it was damaged by hurricane katrina. i know you interviewed her there in 2010. >> she cares so much about that school and the children at that school. so good for her. very nice. and that is what's trending today. we're back with some never-before-seen images of jfk jr. in just 30 seconds.
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we're back now with a new look at the man who was once the promising future of america's most legendary political dynasty. john f. kennedy jr. was killed in a plane crash nearly 15 years ago along with his wife carolyn and her sister lauren. in a moment we'll talk to one of kennedy's closest friends, but first a life with so much promise but was cut far too short. >> you may not be aware this morning that 38-year-old john f. kennedy jr., as close to a prince we have in this country, his wife and his sister-in-law are missing. >> the morning of july 17th,
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1999, america woke up to the shocking news that john f. kennedy jr., the handsome and charismatic son of president john f. kennedy, was missing and presumed dead in a plane crash off martha's vineyard. >> there seems to be no hope whatsoever that they could have survived that crash. >> soon the worst was confirmed. john f. kennedy jr. was gone, yet another life from a storied family that ended much too early. he was in the public spotlight from the day he was born. his life, a family scrapbook all of america shared. >> ladies and gentlemen, meet george. >> we cheered at his milestones. >> i don't think that i've seen as many of you in one place since they announced the results of my first bar exam. >> yet not long after he married new york beauty carolyn bissett, it was time to mourn a kennedy again. his uncle senator ted kennedy eulogized, "we dared to think this john kennedy would live to
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comb gray hair with his beloved carolyn by his side, but like his father, he had every gift but length of years." matt berman worked alongside john f. kennedy jr., creative director of "george" magazine. he's written a memoir called "jfk jr., george & me." matt, good morning. good to to see you. it's been almost 15 years since he passed away. why did you decide to write this now and why did you think i've got a story, i want the world to know about him? >> well, i've been working for 15 years on all sorts of other projects, and more magazines, dvertising. i've worked in europe and california and new york. i always go back in my head to this time when we did "george" because it was such a creative time, and we did so many creative things. i was working with this amazing person, this amazing boss. >> you really saw him up close, day-to-day for this final four years of his life. >> every day. >> what was he like to work for, and to work with? >> he was an amazing person to work with. he was so managing with humor all the time, kind of never lost
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his cool. was kind of just a real authentic person, like somebody who got to know everyone on the staff. treated everyone the same. in fact, treated everyone the same. if he met the president or the guy at the newsstand or anyone on the staff, it was always the same john. always this kind of super authentic person. i always look back and think how lucky i was. >> there are some interesting anecdotes. you talk about his impeccable manners, which you experienced one time when the two of you went to breakfast? >> well, that was typical john. and i always think of that. again, you meet so many people. and one day we were in los angeles and i think something happened, he said matt, go to the front desk, our car is all messed up, go see what's going on, so we ordered breakfast. i kind of ran up to the front desk. it took a long time and i came back downstairs and he was just sitting there like with his hands folded, with his oatmeal in front of him, and i was just always thinking, who does that?
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>> waits 20 minutes? >> it's amazing. so now you're sitting at a table with all sorts of people and you're thinking, god, you know, just always a reference for so many things. >> the two of you traveled around together quite a bit in connection with the magazine. and he was often trailed by paparazzi. >> yes. >> how did he handle that? what would he say under his breath? how did he feel about being the object of such attention? >> i mean, i think he was so used to it, he just kind of had a way with it all. i wouldn't say it didn't upset him, but he had a way to deal with it. one time we went to los angeles again, and we landed at l.a.x. and the stewardess or somebody from the ground control lady comes on and says, mr. kennedy, there's a huge scene at the gate. i don't know how this happened, your rental car is at the curb. so we walk up and there's like, you know, 80 people there shouting to him. and i watched him and it was interesting, he just got on one of those people movers and just looked down. i'm thinking, of course, he didn't want to give them any pictures. i don't know, he always had a
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way to handle something. >> you always knew carolyn, his wife, very well. a lot of people have this image of her because all they've really ever seen are the pictures and she looks so regal and cool and maybe even aloof, and your experience was the opposite. >> i understand why people said that because you see those pictures and it's kind of this ice princess. and you're like, what is she like? and it was always weird to me, is always weird to me because she was the opposite. it was this warm, funny, sarcastic, good friend. like you just jump in a cab, you'd be sitting with her, having a martini and she was fun and sensitive and got to know everybody. kind of like him. really a genuine, authentic person like him. >> it's hard to think about what might have been. but do you think he may have gotten into politics, gotten into the family business eventually? >> we'd always joke about it, because i always was thinking if he did that, what am i going to do? >> they don't need that at the white house. >> am i going to design road
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signs and money and dollar bills. it would always be a big joke. >> matt berman, thank you. it's a loving portrait of jfk jr. thanks for being here. we appreciate it. once again, it's called "jfk jr., george & me." here's matt. >> thank you very much. day two of our 60-second shape-up to get you ready for swimsuit season. "today" contributor and registered dietitian joy bauer is back along with "today's" jenna wolfe, who is also a personal trainer. good morning to both of you. >> good morning, matt. >> the deal is you're each going to get 60 seconds to give us valuable information. we're going to separate you. jenna, you're going to head over there. joy, you're going to come with me. you're talking about metabolism today. i think a lot of people think you're born with a certain metabolism and you can't change it. >> not true. there are certain strategies you're going to see that can help you to increase your calorie burn, which means increase your metabolism. >> so remember, 60 seconds. >> okay. >> we're going to put it up on the clock. joy bauer, ready, set, go. >> protein pack your meals. that's because we get an up tick in metabolism when we eat all food, but we get the greatest
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metabolic burn when we eat protein-rich foods from chicken to lentils. here are two quick tips. switch out traditional yogurt for greek yogurt. you get twice the protein. swap out white and brown rice for cooked quinoa, twice the protein. next, increase the heat of your food. add hot sauce and hot peppers because there's compound called capsaicin which increases the calorie burn slightly. >> 30 seconds. >> put it on popcorn, on hum -- on hummus, salads, scrambled eggs, and definitely embrace ginger and green tea. here's an amazing smoothie. it's on a little greek yogurt. green tea. mango chunks. ginger. i'm just going to roll it all up. and lastly, you want to laugh your butt off. and that's because when you have a bout of the giggles, you get an increase in metabolism 10 to
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20%. so hang out with hilarious friends and laugh. >> very good. one minute and three seconds. you owe me three seconds. >> all right. >> that was very well-done, joy. nice job. let us move over to our own jenna wolfe. you're going to give us some tips for a full-body workout. we're not going to do the workout in 60 seconds, but you're going to do the tips in 60 seconds. >> the key is just to be smart. know what you're going to do when you get to the gym so you're not one of those random people walking around looking for something to do. have a plan, go to the gym, get it done and leave. >> i've never seen you do anything in 60 seconds, so this is going to be amazing to me. >> and thank you. >> so jenna, ready, set, go. >> here we go. the key to a great workout is to be efficient. why do one exercise that works one muscle group when you can do one exercise that works multiple muscle groups at the same time. i found two power moves that do just that. >> ten seconds, i'm kidding. >> that's very funny. glad we planned this. the mountain climber, you're down in this position right here. target your shoulders, your tris, your chest, your core, your legs. you can add a cardio aspect by running. if that's too much, you can come
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up in this direction right here. if that's too much, just bring your knees up slowly. as long as your core is tight, you'll get a nice workout done. try doing that for a minute. my next move is a jack drop. i love this move. >> 20 seconds. >> you're going to do two jacks and then drop to the ground. and get up as quickly as possible. two jacks and drop to the ground. i don't care how fast you get up. going from a horizontal position to a vertical position is a plyometric move which works every muscle in your body. two power moves to help you be more efficient when you go to the gym. >> jenna wolfe, everybody. >> bam! >> nice job. way to go. when you said do the two jacks, drop to the ground, get up as quickly as you could, that would take me 60 seconds. just getting back up. >> well, that's why we slowed everything down a little bit. a little bit for you. >> if you do that, by the way, how long should you do that every day and how much do you wait in between exercises? >> if you can do a mountain climbers for a minute at a time and rest a little bit in between each, maybe you can add that to
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your running or whatnot. and then do about 20 of the jack drops. >> all right, jenna and joy, thanks. well, good morning, everyone. i'm scott mcgrew. investigators looking for an arson caught on camera lighting a south bay car on fire right in the driveway of a home. two cars and part of a garage damaged, early this morning at a home on san point drive in san jose, about a block away from east ridge mall. nobody was hurt, but the cars were destroyed. the homeowner says it isn't the first time he's been targeted. let's check your traffic this morning with mike. good morning. >> good morning, we'll take you right to the maps and show you how slow it is of recovery. the last couple of minutes have seen a dramatic change, a crash at 101 and montague have cleared from the roadway. a big bottleneck through the back of san jose. now it's just started to move and we're going from red to orange. that's great progress, west 237
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still slow all the way over into mountain view. a slower drive on your westbound bridges as well. the dunbarton and san mateo bridges because of that build for the commute. 880 still bottles up both directions between those bridges and also coming through san leandro and heading north through oakland. we'll give you a live look outside, but talk about the oakland area bogged down at 29th because of a new crash downtown, that's the latest slowdown towards the bay bridge toll plaza. >> more news in half an hour.
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we're back now at 8:30 on a tuesday morning, the 20th day of may, 2014. just a gorgeous day here in new york. and coming up in this half-hour, a little country music in new york city. dierks bentley is here. we'll have a live performance in our studio. also in our studio, one of our favorite actresses, charlize theron. why she says she begged for her
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role in seth macfarlane's western and we'll talk about the other exciting things going on in her life. but first, have you heard of "the double"? one of the most difficult feats in car racing. driving in the indy 500, and then flying to charlotte to race that night in the coca-cola 600. >> it's crazy. this guy right here kurt busch is going to try to do it sunday. he's with us here with his indycar teammate, marco andretti. good morning to both of you. so you have something like 25 wins in nascar, but you have not driven on the indycar circuit, is that right? why do you want to try it in this way? >> i've watched all the indycar guys try nascar for years and admired their challenge to try to do it. so for me, i'm going to the other side to try it out. >> i just want to mention you're here this morning, you're upright, you're okay. you crashed yesterday. >> it's part of auto racing. the chance to go up against the edge and i slipped over it and accidents happen. >> and the car caught fire. >> i'm going to go down in flames trying. i'm always a little tweaked.
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>> but you're used to that. >> so marco, you're third generation racing. what does kurt have that gives him the ability to do both of these? >> he's just a racer. it's the only way you can put it really. he just loves to drive. we love to drive as well, but what was it, 1,100 miles in one day? that's a lot. i definitely admire what he's trying to do. i mean, to not drive in indycar before and just jump in the indy 500 and qualify on the fourth row is pretty darn impressive. >> and that takes a lot of endurance. what are you doing to prepare for that? >> i've been working out hard. pushing me through the ropes. great teammates with andretti auto sport, to have the baseline of the car to drive at 230 miles an hour. >> we want to wish you both the best of luck. it's good to have you here. i'm glad you're all right after that mishap yesterday. marco, thank you. kurt, good luck. >> tune in. >> you can watch the nbc sports documentary "kurt busch: 36" on
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sunday, and on nbc sports network the following night at 11:00 in the evening. now let's get a check of the weather. >> quick look at what we've got the next couple of days. today a risk of strong storms stretching from ohio all the way back into iowa. wet weather into the rockies. look for beautiful weather up and down the east coast. gulf coast looking good as well. tomorrow, slight risk of strong storms moves into the upper ohio river valley. also into the central plains, wet weather into the rockies. again, southern tier states lo 8:33. good tuesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren, taking a live look at san francisco, overcast and breezy conditions. meanwhile, we are overcast here in san jose, and we still have some light, scattered showers rolling through the south bay. most of this activity is winding down, but you might have to use your windshield wipers for a few minutes this morning. otherwise, we're looking pretty good. area of low pressure could create enough instability for some thunderstorms later on. we'll hit the low 70s inland for today. back to the 80s by thursday.
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>> got all our friends from greer in central pennsylvania. and don't forget, any time you need that weather, go to weather channel on cable or online. guys? >> all right, al, thank you very much. as we mentioned, today marx one year since that tornado devastated the city of moore, oklahoma. and when we went back recently, we caught up with some of the survivors we first met in the immediate aftermath of that storm. the day after the tornado, major mark murdock of the moore fire department gave me a tour of the plaza towers elementary school. he was one of the first responders to arrive on that scene. >> and this went on all night. >> it's been a continuous effort ever since the storm hit. >> seeing it on tv, it's nothing like being here, smelling it, seeing it, feeling it, and being part of that. >> standing at the new plaza towers today, major murdock can't believe the change. >> to see the school being
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rebuilt, especially the progress where it's at at the moment is incredible. >> jeri bondy took shelter in the bathroom with her husband. she suffered cuts and bruises to her face and back. >> walls were hitting me. i was knocked on the floor. i looked around for my husband, i couldn't find him. >> just hours later, jeri was told that his body had been found. >> it's nice to see you. >> how are you? >> more importantly, how are you? >> i'm doing wonderful. >> yeah? >> today jeri is feeling better. she plans to move to nearby norman, but came back with me to the site of the home she once shared with her husband. >> one of the things i know you've done over this past year is you've taken up painting. >> i kind of did it as a tribute to my husband. it's a soul painting of my husband and i, will one day be back together. >> do they bring you comfort when you look at them? >> yeah, like when i fear storms, i just shut my eyes and
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i see this. >> fred galarza owned the liquor store attached to the town's 7-eleven where three people died. both buildings took direct hits from the tornado. it was his split-second decision to stay in his own store that saved his life. >> stuff fell on my legs. stuff was pinning my feet. i felt the sink finally fall and it hit my head and my shoulders. >> what was going through your mind at that point? >> that that might be it. that's what they're going to find me like that. >> matt, how you doing? >> all right, how are you? >> nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> fred and i stood on an empty slab that used to be his liquor store. >> you were buried here. >> i was buried right about here. >> do you have dreams about it? >> when the skies are kind of gray and the wind is blowing and everything happens to be just right, and i can actually feel a
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little bit of panic. >> what keeps you here? >> it's the people, really. it's really a nice place. it takes a strong character to actually say, you know what, this is it. i'm going to stay here. i'm going to make it. >> nice people. they really are. and they've come a long way emotion emotionally. still so much has to be done in terms of rebuilding moore, oklahoma. but they're on the right track. >> it's good to see you checking back in with them and knowing that they are doing better. coming up, we've got charlize theron in our studio. we're going to talk to her about her brand-new movie, it's a comedy. there are only a few clips we could show you on morning television, but we have found the ones. and we're going to have that. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we're back now with oscar winner charlize theron. she's taking a comedic turn in a
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brand-new movie, it's called "a million ways to die in the west," playing anna, a woman who gets the attention of seth macfarlane's character albert. take a look. >> wow. you look amazing. and maybe a little uncomfortable. >> i look like jane austen threw up all over me. >> you do not look like jane austen threw -- no, you look absolutely beautiful. you can breathe in that thing, right? >> there's nothing i like more than putting on some loose baggy clothes and just being able to relax. >> no, this is an end of the day outfit you have on. i'm very glad i remember the six items i somehow require to hold up my pants. >> oh yeah. >> i like your bustle, by the way. >> and stop. >> and commercial. charlize, nice to see you. >> i'm good. how are you? >> i'm doing well. thank you. i have these images of producers and directors lining up outside your house or apartment. >> that's creepy. >> at all hours of the day, begging you to be in movies. and yet everything i read about this one, you really wanted to be in this one. you almost begged to be in this one. why? >> yeah, i mean, i don't get a
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lot of -- i think just my career just started off in a very dramatic sense, and i'm not a very overly dramatic person. i'm a bit of a dork and everybody who knows me always is why don't you do comedy? you fall really well. so i don't know, there was something about this concept that was high, but it sounded grounded in some reality and working with seth -- >> did you know him before this? >> no, not at all. >> what was your first impression of him? >> he's just -- he's a real guy. he's not on, he's not trying to be funny. he just naturally is. but he was just very soft spoken and smart and articulate. >> i think comedy comes naturally to you. my only real test for that is i watched the episode of "between two ferns" about five times. you have great comic timing. do you want to do more comedies? >> yeah. look, i would like to do movies like this. i think humor is -- we all have
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our different sense of it, and it's subjective. you have to find the thing that you find funny and that maybe is harder than a drama. just kind of more of a general sense of what's dramatic. >> the producer did tell me it was rather tough finding a clip because there are some language issues. i'm thinking i'm not taking my 7-year-old to this? >> no. i wouldn't take -- no, not your 7-year-old. but, you know, the thing about this is yeah, there's some potty humor in it, but then there's also some -- i don't know, it feels like the humor is grounded in a narrative that is real. and at the end of the day, there's a beautiful love story here. >> all right. great transition. thank you for that segue. i want to talk to you about the "vogue" cover and you're talking out a little bit about your relationship with sean. but i don't want to ask the typical question. what i loved about it, the story is, you guys were friends for a long, long time. and i would bet there are millions of people watching this interview that have a dear
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friend and they've thought, they've thought what if? what if this crosses a line or goes in another direction. did you have worries about it? >> yeah. i mean, if you have that kind of a enduring friendship like we did, you value it and you don't want to just make an impulsive decision that can damage that. i think if you value your friendship, you always have to evaluate or re-evaluate your actions moving forward and how that can implement maybe something that changes it completely. >> do you think even if you cross over the line a little bit, you can ever go back to the kind of friendship you once had, if it doesn't work out? >> i don't know. i don't know. i'm so not an expert on this topic. i need people to tell me this stuff. i don't know. i just think you have to be -- you should have a conscious thought process behind it for sure. you can't just willy nilly it. >> one day on, one day off. one day on, one day off doesn't work? >> i can't do that. >> make the decision and stick with it. this movie, i can't wait to see.
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it's supposed to be very funny. and it's nice to see you in a comedy. >> thank you. >> i love it. all right, charlize theron. it's called "a million ways to die in the west." and by the way, we should tell you it's from our sister company universal pictures. it hits theaters on may 30th. up next, who will be crowned "the voice"? carson will preview tonight's finale, the season finale. but first, this is "today" on nbc. tillamook sharp cheddar is naturally-aged for nine months
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for that creamy delicious taste that makes even the most impatient, patient. dude! tillamook sharp cheddar, tastes better because it's made better.
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back at 8:46 with "the voice" on "today." the top three gave it their all in the final performances last night, so who will take home the coveted final tonight? here is carson. ♪ i will be right here waiting for you ♪ >> three unique artists representing different styles of music, ranging from miley cyrus to elvis, went for the win last night. ♪ i came in like a wrecking ball
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♪ >> there was pop vocalist christina grimmie. ♪ country folks can survive >> country singer jake worthington. and soul man josh kaufman singing for votes. each performed a song picked for them by fans. ♪ don't close your eyes >> one duet with their coaches. ♪ you're just somebody that i used to know ♪ >> and a solo performance they chose themselves. and once all the singing was done, the decision of who will be named the voice was handed over to america. >> she won. honestly, i urge you to vote for this girl regardless of the outcome, she won. already, i know she won. ♪ in love with you
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>> call for christina grimmie right now and you'll get a free toaster. >> by noon today, it will all be decided. >> he's been amazing. i'm very, very proud of him. >> i've met really great people. like her. shakira. holy crap. ♪ i will be right here waiting for you ♪ >> i love you. >> okay. >> for "today," carson daly, nbc news, los angeles. ♪ waiting for you >> never washing that cheek again. >> all very different performances. >> tough choice. >> you still have until noon eastern if you want to vote for your favorite artist. you can catch the season finale tonight at 9:00/8:00 eastern
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after a special reairing of monday's show. the winner will be here for a special live performance tomorrow on "today." coming up next, we have more music. country superstar dierks bentley live in studio 1a. and the fleet is in to cheer him on. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by twoesmt. >> we are back with one of the biggest names in country music. dierks bentley has 11 number one hits, has sold more than five million albums. his newest is called "riser." dierks, good morning to you. >> doing good, how are you doing? >> doing good. good morning to the band. >> the guys are here. >> this record has been called one of your most personal to date. a lot happened during the making of this record. >> it did. i knew i wanted to find the best songs, write the best songs. but my dad passed away. a lot of stuff started coming from that. towards the end of the process, my son knox was born. so kind of a grief to gratitude kind of thing that happened throughout the process of making the record. it's been a really special record and it's our fans are loving it and it's been a lot of fun this summer on tour playing these songs. >> you figure fans want good music, affordable ticket and a great parking lot scene? >> yeah, the parking lot scene.
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as a country fan, that's what you kind of go there for, to tailgate. might miss the first act. kind of slide in somewhere along the course of the show. but it's so fun, tailgating, seeing your friends, hanging out. it's what everyone does on the weekends. we get a chance to be the show, the entertainment. but a lot of times we'll take my jeep and see what they're doing. because they're having a lot more fun backstage than we are. >> speaking of fun, a great song coming up next. it's called "drunk on a plane." there's a story there. we'll let you sing it. >> this is how it goes. ♪ i took two weeks vacation for the honeymoon ♪ ♪ a couple tickets all inclusive down in cancun ♪ ♪ i couldn't get my money back
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so i'm in seat 7a ♪ ♪ i'm getting drunk on a plane i bet the fellow thought i was crazy ♪ ♪ i taped your picture to the seat right beside me ♪ ♪ now i've got empty bottles filling both arm trays ♪ ♪ i'm getting drunk on a plane ♪ tricks for everybody but the pilot ♪ ♪ it's a pilot got the 737 rocking like a g6 ♪ ♪ pouring whiskey got a little mie high attention ♪ ♪ it's mardi gras up in the clouds ♪ ♪ i'm up so high may never come down ♪ ♪ i'll try anything to drown out the pain ♪ ♪ they all know why i'm getting drunk on a plane ♪
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♪ we had this date marked on the calendar forever ♪ ♪ we took that limo ride to the airport forever ♪ ♪ feel like a plastic groom on the top of the cake ♪ ♪ so hey i'm getting drunk on a plane ♪ ♪ buying drinks for everybody but the pilot, it's a party ♪ ♪ got this 737 rocking like a g6 ♪ ♪ something sexy drinking whiskey ♪ ♪ told her about my condition got a little mile high flight attention ♪ ♪ it's mardi gras up in the clouds ♪ ♪ i'm up so high may never come down ♪ ♪ i'll try anything to drown out the pain ♪
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♪ y'all know why i'm getting drunk on a plane ♪ ♪ on my way home i'll bump that seat up to first class ♪ ♪ so i can drink that cheap champagne out of a real glass ♪ ♪ when we land i'll call her up and tell her kiss my ♪ ♪ 'cause hey i'm drunk on a plane ♪ ♪ buying drinks for everybody but the pilot it's a party ♪ ♪ got this 737 rocking like a g6 ♪ ♪ told her about my condition got a little mile high flight attention ♪ ♪ it's mardi gras up in the clouds ♪ ♪ i'm up so high i may never come down ♪
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♪ i'll try anythin to drown out the pain ♪ ♪ y'all know why i'm getting drunk on a plane ♪ ♪ i'm getting drunk on a plane ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> dierks bentley, thank you good morning, everyone. it's 8:56. i'm scott mcgrew. a young redwood city girl is going to make history when she tees off at the u.s. women's open next month. 11-year-old lucy lee is the youngest player ever to qualify for the prestigious tournament. she won an event in half moon bay over the weekend and that secured her spot. let's check your weather this morning with christina. >> hey, good morning to you, scott. good morning to you at home. i want to show you the radar
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picture at this point, because you can see quite a few lightning strikes along the spine of the sierra nevada. for us, we're just getting a little bit of light shower activity, but we could see isolated thunderstorms right here in the bay area, as we head throughout the second half of the day, best chance for the south bay and east bay hills. 72 in the south bay today. 64 for san francisco and 73 in the east bay. is split in two. you can either have high-end or low-price. or you can go to t.j.maxx and you can have it all for up to 50% off department store prices. t.j. maxx.
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from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist, and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and welcome to "today." it's tuesday morning, may 20th, 2014. i'm willie geist along with al roker, natalie morales, and tamron hall. another big crowd on a beautiful day here in new york city. could i give a big shout real quick to my man dierks bentley? >> incredible. i love them. >> dierks and i were in nashville around the same time. >> oh. >> and it's been so fun to watch his career explode, knowing him at that age. he's the man now. >> he's come so far. >> yeah. and here i am stuck with you. >> he's done pretty well. >> and he's so polite. like thank you so much.
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what a great guy. >> great guy. great family. and his new album is awesome. we play it all day in our apartment. >> and so cool. >> dierks is the best. so remember the story, we talked about this a couple weeks ago, the incredible survival story of the mom of four trapped upside down in her car for six days. no food, no water. the car went airborne for 120 feet. rolled another 200. landed on its roof and was pinned against some trees. for the first time this morning, kristin hopkins explained what happened after her car skidded off that colorado highway last month. here's how she described the ordeal to our miguel almaguer. >> i was upside down, and i have no idea where i was. all i could see outside where the smashed windows and everything. the only thing i had to eat was one packet of instant oatmeal, and i tried to eat some of that, and it was just so dry and i had no water or anything, that it just didn't work. >> do you remember at any point thinking i won't make it out of
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here? >> i honestly was optimistic the entire time. it was always, okay, i'll be out of here tomorrow, or someone will see it today. >> and what does it mean for you to be able to have survived this and for your family, to be able to see your children? >> my kids will have their mom. you know? they'll be able to grow up with a mom there all the time. >> wow. >> unbelievable. >> she drifted in and out of consciousness. she said she was bleeding from her neck. both of her feet were broken. kristin found a sharpie and wrote messages on an umbrella, like hurt and bleeding, need doctor, and can't get doors open. eventually somebody stopped. andy and home lombard spotted her. she described them as her angels. doctors sadly could not save her feet, but she'll take it. she gets to be with her four children. >> she's still the mom of her four kids. >> she'll spend the next two months or so in physical rehab at a hospital and then she'll get her prosthetic legs. i do feel like that's the strength of a mother, thinking about her children. i'm not leaving them. >> also the fact that she said
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she never once considered that she wasn't going to make it. she was very optimistic and positive. i think that's how you get through something like that. >> she's a special woman. >> she absolutely is. you get goosebumps when you hear her talk about it. it's amazing. something else that caught our eye today. you guys know how to swim? >> yes. >> your kids know how to swim? >> my little one is still petrified of the water. >> the red cross is out with a new report that says some 80% of people say they cannot swim, and about 50% can only do the five different skills that potentially could save your life. so those skills are, for example, floating or treading water. jumping into deep water. then coming up for air. spinning around in the water and finding a way out. getting out of a pool without a ladder, and swimming one pool length without stopping. now, according to the cdc, in 2012 about ten people drowned in the united states every day. two of which are children younger than the age of 14. this is the perfect time to have
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that conversation. if your kids don't know how to swim, if you don't know how to swim. i teamed up in the past with make a splash. cullen jones, the olympian, actually took me out in the water two years ago. i'm 43, could not swim. and i had a panic attack, complete panic attack in the water. tried it again a year later. and that was -- i accomplished it. my sister-in-law, who taught my three nieces and nephew how to swim at a young age, took me out and basically treated me like a 3-year-old and i learned to swim. >> it's hard. >> there was an incident that happened a couple of years ago where three kids drowned while their parents were on the shore watching, helplessly because they could not jump in to save them. so make a splash teamed up with the university and they found the number one reason people don't learn to swim, what do you think it is? >> embarrassment? >> i think not living near places where they can swim. >> and some people also think economics. it's actually when a parent can't swim, they're afraid to put their child in a position,
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what they see as danger. and your instinct as a parent is if i can't help my kid, why would i put that child in the situation? a lot of parents who didn't learn to swim don't teach their children to swim. >> you guys probably agree as a parent, that's among your top concerns. when they're little kids, keep them safe around the water. and i wanted to learn to swim as early as possible so god forbid something happens, they fall in there, they can at least tread water. >> even at that, they can't go by themselves. should always have a buddy, somebody swimming with them. >> you always have to be right there ready to jump in. >> but if the parent can't swim, they don't teach the kid and now you have this situation. so 80%, it's a perfect time to -- >> i think it's 80% say they can swim, but they don't have the skill. >> which is defined as really not being able to swim. if you can't hit those five marx, you can't save your life, you're just in the water then. >> exactly. a day like today -- >> perfect day. >> you think this is a perfect day. it's a bad day to get things done. >> really?
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that's a surprise. >> for folks like, say, in michigan and wisconsin where it's going to be a lousy day, kind of rainy, you're going to have a more productive day. new research from harvard shows do you that crumby weather makes you more productive at work. you're not thinking about getting outside. you're not daydreaming about what you could be doing. >> not taking walks. >> that's right. good weather wants us to think about or do fun things, but what you'd rather be doing and it distracts you from what you should be doing. >> interesting. >> that makes sense. >> when you think about it. >> when it's pouring rain, you're stuck indoors. >> i want to go to sleep. crumby weather makes me want to be in bed. >> i start cleaning and then i become obsessive. >> natalie gets weird. >> i'll invite natalie over. what are you doing this week? >> if it's pouring rain -- >> and i'm cooking a lot, too. >> so what do you do to get motivated? any tips when you're trying to get jump started? >> music.
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a little "stairway to heaven." >> don't go there. that story breaks my heart. >> you're upset about the "stairway to heaven"? >> it's not true. >> earlier, tamron admitted live -- >> along with hundreds of other people on twitter who have never heard led zeppelin "stairway to heaven." hundred thousands. millions. >> millions haven't heard it? i doubt that. >> i know the story. that's the part i don't want to hear. >> they said they stole it. >> you've never heard the song? >> this morning. >> first time? >> it's a piece of american culture. >> here's why. one brave woman tweeted me out and said the song is never played on the radio because it's too long. so there's no radio version of it. and one of my favorite movies of all time, it's not in that movie. >> there's a four and a half-minute version of it. versus the eight minute. >> i'm not talking to you right now. >> you grew up listening to more country music, soul. >> i grew up on country and soul. which is funny, also online, people were saying "stairway to heaven," you mean the ojays version? >> also neil sedaka.
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>> there was a slim pickens version? >> is there? >> i hope that story is not true. i want to believe that zeppelin wrote it. >> oh, they did. >> that's been years that they've talked about that. that's like a guitar chord. but the rest of the song is so original. >> you borrow. probably unintentionally. >> so the band spirit says their song "taurus," which was recorded in '69, is actually the zeppelin riff from "stairway to heaven," which was recorded in '70. they were on tour together. but why does it take you four decades to sue? >> they said they didn't have the money. >> that's what they said. do we believe that? >> have they seen a commercial where they say we will win money for you. you don't pay a dime unless we win money for you! that's what we do. have you been ripped off by a rock band, a classic rock band? have you had your riff stolen? you hire me! roker, roker & roker. we will get stuff for you. >> who are the other two rokers?
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>> i don't have any other rocker -- rokers. i just tell people because it sounds bigger. >> look out, zeppelin. they're coming for you. >> did captain and tenille rip you off? >> can we do another shameless plug? "good talk, dad," bill geist and willie geist released here yesterday. you guys had a great conversation here, talked about all the talks that you didn't have growing up. it made us all think about things that we heard from our own fathers, good advice or maybe didn't hear from our fathers. and so we wanted to bring some up. >> i always remember, talking about the birds and the bees, my dad taking my fishing. i was about 15 years old. and we're out in jamaica bay. and he says, so, you know, i think you're old enough now for this talk. you know, talking about, you know -- >> as he's reeling in the fish?
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>> ladies and relationships. and all i can think is, you know, if we leave now i can still catch "the flintstones." i don't remember a word he said. >> those are words no kid wants to hear from his father. right? it's time we had the talk. ah! >> and you know what that means. boys, it's different. i think moms have that talk with their boys maybe a little more easily. >> i don't want to hear it from mom either. >> i've talked to josh about certain things. >> have you? >> yeah, i think it's important. >> i think the perfect place -- we heard it in the schoolyard. >> exactly. >> no, you get misinformation. >> i'm joking. i joke. >> you should have the talk if you can, but it's not an easy thing to do. we actually wanted to hear your best, worst, or most awkward advice from your father. send us your stories to #goodtalkdad. >> my dad had a really sweet one. i was heartbroken. my boyfriend in high school had just broken up with me. and i remember him picking me up
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at the bus stop and i was crying big tears and he gave me a big hug and he said, you know, i'll always love you. and he said, in life, there's always going to be bumps in the road, but that's what's going to make you stronger. and it's like, who is that no good -- i'm going after him! he doesn't know a good thing when he has it. he didn't say the last part, but he did give me a big hug. >> my dad was that way professionally, too. we joke in this book that we don't have these big conversations, but professionally every once in a while, he'd send me a nice, short e-mail to keep going. i remember one line, he said nobody strenuously objects to beige. if you play it in the middle, you're never going to get anywhere. be yourself. >> beige is good. it's my favorite color. >> having a lawyer as a dad was really helpful. he was a bus driver. but i got some great advice from him. here's the deal. we are looking at some severe weather today. starting off in the rockies later this afternoon, cheyenne to denver. wet weather as you stretch back
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into the plains in the pacific northwest. large hail out of this thing. two inches in diameter or more. but where we're really looking at a big outbreak popping up today from omaha, chicago, on into indianapolis, we are looking at strong storms with large hail. again, you can see the clouds thickening up in indianapolis later today. isolated storms. some of them rather heavy at times. rainfall amounts generally about one to two inches 9:12. good tuesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. and we have kind of an interesting day weather wise. overcast right now, breezy at the coast. as we head throughout the day today, we'll see a mix of sun and clouds, kind of a subtropical feel out there, and we are counting on some isolated thunderstorms over the east bay hills in particular. as we get into this afternoon, we also have a chance for that over the south bay mountains as well. 64 degrees in san francisco. comfortable temperatures in the south bay. 72 degrees. we are going to warm you up as we get closer to the holiday weekend. hope you have a great day.
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>> and that's your latest weather. coming up next, one year after a powerful tornado devastated moore, oklahoma, a look at how that community is rebuilding and how you can keep your family safe when severe weather almond breeze almondmilk makes everything good even better... from the bowls of cereal you make... to all the delicious recipes you bake. because inside every carton is the goodness of blue diamond almonds. almond breeze. almondiciously good!
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kellogg's® cereal and milk. (cereal and milk)♪ it has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge. shouldn't breakfast always be k-e-double l-o-double good? a woman who loves to share her passions. grandma! mary has atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. that puts her at a greater risk of stroke. rome? sure! before xarelto®, mary took warfarin, which required monthly trips to get her blood tested. but that's history. back to the museum? not this time! now that her doctor switched her to once-a-day xarelto®, mary can leave those monthly trips behind. domestic flight? not today! like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce afib-related stroke risk. but xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require regular blood monitoring. so mary is free of that monitoring routine. for patients currently well managed on warfarin,
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there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. xarelto® is just one pill a day taken with the evening meal. spinach? grazie! plus, with no known dietary restrictions, mary can eat the healthy foods she likes. don't stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding, and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. switching to xarelto® was the right move for mary. ask your doctor about once-a-day xarelto®.
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no regular blood monitoring; no known dietary restrictions. for information and savings options download the xarelto® patient center app, call 1-888-xarelto, or visit it was exactly a year ago, may 20th, 2013, when a disastrous e-5 tornado with winds topping 200 miles an hour touched down in moore, oklahoma, destroying everything in its path, including the plaza towers elementary school. >> seven children from that school alone were among the 24 killed in the storm. residents were warned just 16 minutes before the twister struck, leaving them little time to protect themselves. one year ago today, a deadly tornado tore through the city of moore, oklahoma. taking with it the lives of 24 people, and more than 1,000 homes. >> i could just see everything
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was gone. >> the mile-wide path destroys homes, businesses and schools. >> i saw the houses and i just started crying so hard. >> although evidence of what happened here still remains, moore is determined to rebuild. in 2013, 16% of moore residents had below ground storm shelters. today, that number has risen to 24%. preparing themselves should the city face a future storm. whether it's tornados in the plains, hurricanes in the east or wildfires burning out west, you want to be ready when severe weather strikes. here with important information, kevin o'connor, host of "this old house." >> hi, kevin. >> being ready is the key. we can teach you how to build a strong house, but being prepared is the number one thing. a couple things to think about. awareness. know when a storm is coming. the american red cross has got two free apps for your cell phones. it will alert you to hurricanes and tornados. in the case of tornados, it will
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send out an active alert, whether you're watching the weather or not, so you'll know. think about a kit. you do not want to be shopping the day of the storm. so you've probably seen these items talked about before. water, nonperishable foods, flashlights. but a couple things you might not be thinking about, a box for your important documents, maybe your prescriptions. some things you can throw in there. weather-tight. use a zip log bag. and in this case, crank radio. batteries or crank. here's the important thing. flashlight, solar, but a way to actually power your phone. if the power goes out for three days, this is what's going to keep you in touch. >> you need to have a drill with your family on a regular basis. >> a kit and a plan. you and your kids and wife might be in different places. know where you're going to meet after the storm. know who you're going to call. if your kids can't reach you, who's the first person you want them to call? think about it before the storm arrives. >> important to practice that drill as well. important to do a survey of your property. look for trees that may be showing signs of age or wear and tear.
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>> spring is the perfect time to do it. get the limbs off the ground. don't let them become flying on thes. when the storm is upon you, secure things like patio furniture, the tables inside and such. >> you hear the tornado warning. now you have to take cover. >> it's coming quickly. so you just want to get safe. if you have a basement or a storm cellar, go there. if you don't, be on the first floor. an interior room, preferably without windows. if you happen to be in your car, you don't want to be there, but if no choice, but the seat belt on, get below the window, try to cover up your face. >> if you're along the east coast or the gulf coast, hurricanes approaching, you've got to take care of your windows. >> we want to protect the windows because we don't want them to be penetrated, we don't want wind getting through there. if you're going to cover them with plywood, cut it so it is a size inside of the actually jams and the trim on the outside. >> the time to do this is now. >> do it now. get this, 5/8 inch or thicker, cut it to size and secure it not
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necessarily with screws, but something like a barrel vault. this is going to be coming on and off. so you want to protect it. >> keep it around every hurricane season. >> and in tornado alley and hurricanes, they're making these newer windows that are a little bit more impact-proof. >> this is an active system. you have to do something. this is a passive system. this is impact resistant glass. it has got two pieces of glass. and the membrane in the middle. so are you ready for this? we are hitting the inside of the window just for demonstration and safety sake. but -- look at that. that window glass is broken. but the membrane between there is not. no penetration. no driving wind. no driving water. >> how much more do those cost than regular windows? >> this window is $400. about twice the price. >> but they pay for itself. >> absolutely. >> all right, kevin, thank you so much. still to come this morning, while we're talking about being prepared, if you got stuck in an elevator, would you know what to do? more of our series "what's if" right after this.
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hey, razor. check this out. listen up, thunder dragons, it's time to get a hotel. we can save big on killer hotels with priceline express deals. somewhere with a fitness center? hey you know what man, these guys aint no dragons. they're cool. these deals are legit. yeah, we're cool. she's cool. we're cool. i'm cool. hey, isn't that razor's old lady? not anymore. priceline savings without the bidding. oh john don't wallow john iin ice cream.s over. i'm not wallowing in ice cream. it's the new dannon oikos greek frozen yogurt. half the fat of regular ice cream. it's so irresistibly thick and creamy! didn't expect you to be enjoying yourself so soon! couldn't resist, mmm! it's such a good source of protein too! no, i'm talking about this john, already?! that was mine. hi mom. hi sweety. try the new dannon oikos greek frozen yogurt.
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♪ dannon. but what about here? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® visibly even daily moisturizer. in 4 weeks, you'll see more even skin tone. even from here. [ female announcer ] neutrogena®. this is martin. he likes to put but not veggie kebabs. he also likes "that's what she said" jokes. martin: that's what she said! you may not like what martin likes, and that's ok. a.1. for almost everything. almost. because we believe in building something... something to better someone. to better you. to better america. ♪ oral-b. made in the usa.
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♪ they keep us entertained. they keep us happy. keep them safe. the eight-passenger chevrolet traverse, with the highest possible overall vehicle score for safety. now get 0% financing for up to 60 months or $2,000 in total cash allowance on a 2014 traverse. new details this morning about a near collision between two passenger jets in new jersey. the two planes with a total of 211 people onboard came just within 400 feet of each other. officials say a united 737 was cleared to land in newark last month while a regional jet was taking off. the larger plane changed its flight pattern and the incident
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fortunately ended safely. researchers are launching a huge study to find out whether using mobile phones might affect children's brain development. the study will focus on cognitive functions such as memory and attention, which continue to develop into adolescence. and while there is no evidence that radio waves from mobile phones affect health, most scientific research has focused on adults and not children. a new report on pregnancy and pollution contains a specific warning for women. researchers found that women exposed to high levels of air pollution during their second trimester run the greatest risk of having a child who develops asthma. health experts say it is still important to avoid pollution throughout the entire pregnancy. and it is always good to use your head, but not necessarily your face. take a look at what happened at an indians-tigers game when outfielder asdrubal cabrera tosses a ball into the crowd and one enthusiastic fan goes for the catch, but then takes it square in the face instead.
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tough to do with all those fans watching. i'm sure more of a bruised ego than anything else. we're back after your local news. activia tummies, happy people when you feel good inside. you live life with a smile. but when you feel bloated, with discomfort, gas, not to mention the rumbling... you feel totally knocked out. eat activia. twice a day for four weeks. it could help you get back to feeling like yourself again. activia may reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. and when your tummy is smiling, it shows. activia, feeling good starts from the inside. ♪ dannon.
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a very good morning to you. 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. investigators are looking for an arsonist caught on camera, lighting a car on fire in a south bay driveway. two cars and part of a garage were damaged early this morning at a home on san point drive in san jose. just about a block away from the east ridge mall. no one was hurt, though the cars are destroyed. the homeowner says this is not the first time he's been targeted. students of bryman college in san jose should find out this morning why their school was suddenly shut down in the middle of the day. bryman is a vocational college located on win chester boulevard in san jose near the campbell border. its specialties lies in medical and dental fields and tuition costs thousands of dollars. when students arrived to class, they saw no trespassing signs on
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any every single classroom and door. one of the biggest attractions in the bay area may be closed this summer. the municipal transportation agency will consider shutting down lumberg streets for several weeks to give residents a break from all those tourists winding down the hill. plp blp the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard from the makers of frontline® plus it's the only chew that kills both fleas and american dog ticks. vets recommend it, and dogs, well they're begging for it.
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nexgard is for dogs only and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline® plus. welcome back now. the time is 9:28. take a look at this. hundreds of lightning strikes along the spine of the sierra nevada over the past four hours. as we head throughout the day today, we are not going to see that many strikes here in the bay area, but we are fair game for a couple of isolated lightning strikes, even cloud-to-ground as we get into this afternoon. unstable air mass overhead, showers this afternoon. they're starting to deteriorate, but we'll bring in another round for rain. you can see some of those clouds building. what do you have for today? >> we have clouds over here, the
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high-rise, but it's not moving very smoothly. low speed across the high-rise, flat section as well. we did hear about a new span across the stall earlier. the dumbarton bridge to the south, a good alternate for you. we see 880 start to ease. the northbound through san jose still slow, north 101 and 280, the worst as you're approaching 880 or 17. the smooth drive through the bay bridge toll plaza. we do have a lane starting to break up at the toll plaza. the fastrak has an advantage. >> thanks a lot. thank you for joining us. another local news update coming up in half an hour. have a great tuesday morning.
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welcome back to "today." it's tuesday morning, may 20th, 2014. a little shakira coming in. a good-looking day in new york city. i'm willie along with al, natalie, and tamron. jimmy fallon has done it again. last night on "the tonight show" -- should we even explain this? >> ebony and ivory in a whole new way. >> terry crews, jimmy fallon. >> it's mesmerizing. ♪ ebony and ivory ♪ ♪ live together in perfect harmony ♪ ♪ side by side oh, my god ♪ ♪ hold on
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why don't we ♪ ♪ ebony and ivory living in perfect harmony ♪ ♪ ebony ivory ♪ ♪ perfect harmony >> can you tell which is the real body? which is the cut-and-paste job? >> i was going to say, has he been working out? >> by the way, terry crews, a good voice. >> i wonder how much he spends in oil. >> i was wondering, too, how much oil did it take for that segment? >> my gosh. >> they called that a nip sync. >> there's a name for it? >> it was introduced by higgins as the nip sync. >> is that jimmy fallon's body? >> do you think so? really? >> he's barely moving his head just to make sure it stays on perfectly. >> whose body is that? >> i don't know. >> i was going to say, if we can
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get his number, do you want to call? >> we can call over and find out. >> i'm sure jimmy fallon's like i need that body double everywhere i go. >> oh, man. he's doing it every night. incredible. >> very few people know, willie geist. >> we have our own -- >> nothing's happening. >> are you twitching? >> i think it's called the pec pop of love. the pec pop of love. dwayne johnson. can i do that? what do you think? really? come on. that is not happening. all right, for today -- >> wrong sound effect. as you make your way into the rockies, slight risk of strong storms. also back through the ohio river valley, back into the plains. sunshine, gorgeous day along the east coast. some fog down through the gulf coast. tomorrow, that risk moves to the east, so from central illinois all the way to western p.a. look for strong storms. also back through the central
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plains and the eastern rockies, we're looking at 9:32. good tuesday morning to you, bay area. i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a live look at the south bay, where the clouds are thickening up over our local mountains. we actually have the chance for some thunderstorms today. best chance will be over the east bay hills. also, we do stand a chance of that over the north bay mountains and the south bay mountains as we get into this afternoon. 12:00 to 5:00 is the time frame for that. we're going to climb by almost 10 degrees between today and tomorrow. and then we're back into the 80s for san jose for thursday into friday. >> and that's your latest weather. all right, al, thanks a lot. now to our series "what happens if" and what would you do if you suddenly got stuck in the elevator? >> if you've seen the movie "you've got mail," you may have wondered if there's any truth to this. take a look. >> what is going on? >> could be stuck. >> ugh. >> jump in the air.
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>> what? >> we jump. the elevator thinks no one is here and it opens. >> one, two, three, jump. >> so that doesn't work? >> no, it did not work. to get the elevator moving. but here to tell us what will work for us and other personal safety situations is richard gayle, deputy chief of the newark fire department. good morning, good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> we thought that worked, jumping on the elevator. >> seems like fun, but that's not going to work at all. some things you can do if you're in an elevator, try pressing the buttons one by one. sometimes the elevator could get a mixed signal, a wrong signal and stop for some reason. try pressing the buttons one by one. that could interrupt that signal. maybe you'll get lucky. if not, if the elevator is there for a minute or two, you may be stuck. the important thing to do if you are stuck is not to panic.
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there's plenty of things you can do if you are on an elevator. you want to be able to think clearly and figure out a way out. >> so if the buttons don't work, when should i start thinking we have a problem here and how long does it take guys like you to respond to something like that? >> well, you could figure on being in the elevator for about 30 minutes before somebody's going to get out. it's not going to be a quick ordeal. if you need a light source, if there's a problem with the power, use your cell phone, light up the panel. what you're looking for is either a call button or a hand set. this will connect you directly to either maintenance or security. and they'll be able to get you out. if that doesn't work, and you have cell service, call 911. call the fire department. they'll send somebody. >> bottom line, call for help after you try the button trick. what if you get stuck in the bathroom and can't get yourself out? >> if you're stuck in a bathroom -- believe it or not -- >> draw yourself a bath in here. >> believe it or not, the fire department does get calls for this sometimes. if you're stuck in a bathroom, it's a pretty odd situation, but it could be something simple. could be something a little more
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tricky. it could be something just as simple as the door expanded in the frame due to humidity. you want to grab that doorknob, give it a good yank and hopefully you'll get out. if you pull the doorknob off in the process, you're in trouble. that's where you've got to get the paper towel, write s.o.s. on it. >> does the old credit card trick work? >> it can work. because it's an interior lock, so it's not a bolt lock. wouldn't work with a bolt lock or something like that. but an interior door, could definitely work. if you don't have access to a credit card, you could use a file. slam that right between the jam and the door and hopefully you could get the door open. >> pretty good. >> if you have help from the outside, maybe they can manipulate the lock. unlock from the outside. if there's a hole in the knob, use a wire hanger or paper clip or something like that. >> don't try to break it down. >> this one scares the heck out of parents everywhere. accidental poison exposure. they get something from under the sink, they eat it. what's my first move? >> there's about 90,000 kids a year that go to the emergency
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room for accidental poisoning, so it's a significant number. first of all, prevention goes a long way. make sure your pills are covered with child proof caps. make sure your detergents are up high, out of sight or locked in a cabinet. but if you do suspect your child ate something or ingested some kind of poison, get them away from the poison, wash their hands, try to get them to spit out anything that may be remaining in their mouth. and if your child is either convulsing or vomiting or not breathing, call 911 right away, try to get medical help as fast as you can. if not, call poison control. that's your best resource, poison control hotline. >> if the child is not vomiting, do you induce vomiting? >> no. as a matter of fact, it's very rare. you could do more damage inducing vomiting than the poison can cause. >> so call for help. >> all right, richard, thank you, great advice this morning. we're going to be stuck on the elevator, we'll know how to get out of there. we're tackling a few what if questions when it comes to everyday situations.
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>> and coming up next, the three-day holiday weekend is upon us. we've got some last-minute deals you can book right now for a great price. there's still time. but first, hi, jan! hi, jan! welcome to the toyota time sales event. we're looking for something safe with a really smooth ride. he's a very light sleeper. oh, the camry's safe and has a smooth, comfortable ride. oh, the camry's perfect. and you're in luck. it's toyota time. so it's a great time for a great deal. [ both ] yes! [ baby crying ] [ male announcer ] during toyota time, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a 2014.5 camry. offer ends june 2nd. for more great deals, visit [ both sigh ] toyota. let's go places. they weren't looking at me. ♪ i can't believe i still have acne at my age. i feel like it's my acne they see...not me. [ female announcer ] acne is a medical condition that can happen at any age. fortunately, a dermatologist can prescribe aczone® (dapsone) gel...
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fda approved for the topical treatment of acne, and proven in clinical studies with people 12 years and older. talk to your doctor about any medical conditions you have, including g6pd deficiency, and any medications you are using. use of benzoyl peroxide with aczone® gel may cause your skin to temporarily turn yellow or orange at the site of application. the most common side effects with aczone® gel are dryness, redness, oiliness and peeling of treated skin. looked great. [ female announcer ] ask about a free sample size of aczone® gel. aczone® gel. see a dermatologist and see for yourself. aczone® gel. what does that first spoonful taste likok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. you know, chin acne. number 1 of my 20 is for uh-huh. not to brag, but i have the chin of a teenager.
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here you go. dinges for everyone! when i get hangry anything within arm's reach could be part of my number 20. hm, this is potpourri. mmmm. the new amex everyday credit card, with no annual fee. it's not food. make 20 or more purchases in a monthly billing period, and earn 20% more rewards. and a coat. it's membership that rewards you for the things you already buy, everyday. what's your 20? birdhouse plans. nacho pans. glass on floors. daily chores. for the little mishaps you feel use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. use with band-aid brand bandages.
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♪'cause in a sky full of stars, ♪ i think i saw you. ♪ ♪ it's such a heavenly view. there's only one place to get more coldplay. if protein shake means dancing around with a turkey burger. if you think it's time we consider a new national bird. then you're what butterball calls a turketarian
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and their delicious every day selections are sure to satisfy. butterball. the choice of turketarians. so are you thinking about still trying to get away this weekend for memorial day? good news. not too late to get a good dioguardi. >> jackie has some vacation destinations that will not bust your budget. good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> so there's still time. washington, d.c. what are we doing there? >> the mayflower renaissance hotel, they have rooms from $179 a night. this is a really interesting proper if i. the location is key. you're going to be five blocks from the white house, one mile from the national mall. they'll have a national memorial day parade on monday. >> let's head over to new england. kennebunkport, maine. >> this is a lovely property on
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ocean drive. they have a beautiful lawn where you can kick back in the adirondack schar. that's $199 per might. and mill falls. you're there to go canoeing, standup paddle boarding and more. a great deal. >> these are before the summer prices. >> it's good to go to new england now before the peek of t -- peak of the season. >> let's move west to the u.p. of michigan and lake superior. >> this is a chance to explore a more quiet, rustic part of the country. we really love the landmark inn. this is $139 per night for memorial day. you can't beat that. this is another one of the historic hotels of america. really interesting property. 62 antique-filled rooms looking out on to lake superior. marquette is lined with bike paths. >> next we're going to go to the southwest. you like the fairmont scottsdale princess. >> yes, beautiful arizona sunshine. it's the one-stop shopping of
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resorts. they have four restaurants, five swimming pools, two golf courses, beautiful rooms that are done in earth tones. and it's $149 a night for memorial day. >> how is airfare these days? >> airfare -- i mean, it's good, but you need to book it soon. >> and los angeles. how do you do los angeles on the cheap? >> so $199 a night to stay at graphton on sunset. be in l.a., take advantage of the sunset. they have zebra pattern bedspreads and a beautiful salt water pool. >> jackie gifford with memorial day weekend ideas. thanks, jackie. >> thank you. coming up, hot tamales in the kitchen. natalie is spicing things up the kitchen. natalie is s[ julie ]ings up the wrinkle cream graveyard. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available.
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kellogg's® cereal and milk. (cereal and milk)♪ to happen. it has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge. shouldn't breakfast always be k-e-double l-o-double good? cozy or cool? or "woof"? everything exactly the way you want is...until boom, its bedtime. your mattress it's a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed, designed to let couples sleep together in individualized comfort. he's the softy: his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock at 60. and snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. hurry in for memorial day weekend savings. all beds are on sale, starting at just $649.99. know better sleep with sleep number. now to our special series "today's home cooking." it's natalie's turn to tell us about the neighborhood restaurant that makes her feel
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right at home. >> if you're ever in hoboken, new jersey, you have to visit me and i'm going to take you to my favorite place. zafada. it has tons of mouth-watering dishes created by the chef. here's a look at why i love it so much. the restaurant i chose is zaffra. it's right in hoboken, new jersey. it's what sold me on living there. it had this great latin caribbean south american meals and i just fell in love with this place. it has such authentic character, such authentic spices and flavors. and it reminded me of going to my grandmother's house. so it felt like home. the hospital is right across the street from zaffra, and after giving birth to my son josh, i remember wanting some really good food. and i sent my husband across the street, i'm like bring me some black beans and rice. we'll sneak it into the hospital. the chef, she's a legend. she's even cooked for president
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obama. she makes this incredible tamale. i guess it's like a corn tamale. wonderful filling inside. it's delicious, it's so good. these are the tamales that i was talking about. so you open them up, right? >> it is a party feast. >> so we're having our little tamale party. >> we have all this different toppings. which really go well -- they're very savory and they have a lot of spice. >> delicious. >> ideal for the sweetness, ideal counterpart for the sweetness of the corn. it works really well. >> these are cuban tamales, so what's the difference between cuban and mexican tamales? >> cuban tamales for the most part are made with fresh corn. fresh corn tamales everywhere in america, but we're more familiar with the mexican tamales that are made with the dried corn that has been treated with lime.
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>> you're going to show me how to make that. keep loading up on those toppings. >> let's move. >> so you're going to show us how to -- you made the fresh corn here. >> the most important thing besides the cooking sauce is the corn massa. so in this case, we're using fresh corn. what i like to do is to grate the corn. i'm using the wrong side of the grater. you want the small side. see how fine this is. so you grate it. in some cases you need to break this to make it easier. and we have it here. we have about seven cups. the cooking sauce, all the ingredients are here. i start with a little bacon, render with olive oil. this is safrito. onions, garlic, tomatoes. this is ready to go. >> all the ingredients on our website. >> they're all here. what i do is add the corn. >> right.
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>> stir. now, you need to thicken this with a little bit of the corn meal. >> like a polenta? >> like a polenta. fine texture. because american corn tends to be very watery and sweet. so you need to really compensate for that. so essentially, all you need to do, once this is done, you cook it down to the consistency of a very thick polenta. >> so it's a paste. >> and then i'm going to show you a method that is foolproof. >> put that down, willie. you have to get to work. >> i was told there would just be eating. >> this is what i call the canoe wrapping method. so you have two leaves. choose something like this that is very broad. you overlap it by about two inches. or you can start the opposite way. i would do it this way. >> a little bit of a puzzle.
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>> about a third cup of the massa right here. not too much towards the edge, but that's fine. >> it doesn't have to be perfect. >> no, it doesn't. >> it will work out. >> so you need to do this. >> you following? you fold the inner one. >> you bring the edge towards the massa. you do the same with the edge opposite to you. you bring the tape over the seam. move a little bit here and do exactly the same right here. so you have a package right here. >> it's like a little present. >> a little present. if you want to be cute, you can do a little -- get a piece of husk and do this. >> how do you cook them? >> we need to steam them. >> okay. >> what we have already prepared here -- in the steamer. >> in the steamer. ready to go. >> look at how it looks. and it smells so good. >> this is what it looks like. >> and actually, we -- this is
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not a steamer, but it looks fantastic and it's what we just ate. >> the more reason i love zaffra. you have to go in hoboken. her book is like the bible of latin american cooking, which we love so much. this is "today" on nbc.
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tamale time. >> wait a minute. >> you have to try. >> oh, my. >> we have some other hot tamales. we have charlize theron and amy brenneman, dierks bentley. how to lose a dress size b
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well, good morning, everyone. 9:56. i'm scott mcgrew. a memorial grew overnight at the scene of a deadly amtrak train accident in san leandro. 17-year-old brittany silva was wearing ear bud-style headphones
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when she was hit and killed by that train in spring lake drive yesterday about dinnertime. witnesses told officers they tried to warn her a train was coming, but she did not see or hear them. san jose city council will vote today on whether to recommend preserving the century 21 domes as a historical landmark. a city commission voted earlier this month to recommend landmark status. the national park service will look at the issue next month. the property owner shut the dome down in march to make way for new development. and we'll take a look at weather with christina, good morning. >> good morning, scott. taking a live look here at the weather over san jose. actually, pretty active for today. we've got a chance for some thunderstorms. best chance for the south bay and the east bay hills as we get into this afternoon. 61 degrees for san francisco. kind of a cool day shaping up. you're only going to climb from 61 to 64. 71 in the south bay. comfortable conditions today in the east bay. but, yeah, we will be counting on some isolated thunderstorm
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activity later on today. stick with us, we'll keep you updated. temperatures in the 80s by the mid-section of the week. >> looking over here to the bay bridge toll plaza, where it's actually looking pretty pleasant. the metering lights are still on. we do have backup in those cash lanes, but a little bit lighter -- but a lot lighter than a half an hour ago. look at the approach, the east shore freeway, the maze, west 580, moving slowly through oakland without much drama. still southbound, which is slow west towards the peninsula, san mateo, your worst sticking point for the peninsula. the westbound route continues with an easier drive, still slow past the airport for 101 and into mountain view off of 237, scott. back to you. >> mike, thank. another local news update for you coming in half an hour if.
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the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard from the makers of frontline® plus it's the only chew that kills both fleas and american dog ticks. vets recommend it, and dogs, well they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline® plus.
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. >> narrator: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> am i live? >> hello, everybody. it's boozeday tuesday. a beautiful may 20. and guess what else it is? >> what. >> cher's 68th birthday today. we love our cher. that picture was taken at her concert and she said that famous saying that said hey, i'm 68 years old, what is your grandma doing tonight? >> well, we don't have cher with us, but we do have oscar winner
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charlize theron. great actress. plus amy breneman. two movies coming out that could into the be more different and i loved them both. >> and dierks bentley will be singing a song for us. >> and matthew will answer all your relationship questions. but first, breaking news. >> breaking news yesterday. >> california chrome, our favorite horse in the world, gets to run with his breathe right nasal strip. that was decided pie tby the po that be. he always ran with the nasal strip and there was a question about whether he could wear it during the belmont stakes. and the answer is yes, he can. so excited. i hope he wins. >> been a long time. 30 plus years. it will be good for the sport obviously. okay. sandra bullock, whom we all adore, surprised the seniors at warren eastern high school, they
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got a big surprise at their graduation. it was her. >> and she gave shall advice, she told the graduates advice that she tells her 4-year-old son, louis. take a look. >> in the morning, we turn on the music really, really loud before we leave the house. and the rule is you have to dance a little bit before you step out in the world because it changes the way you you walk. do not pick your nose in public. when someone who cares about you hugs you, hug them back with two arms. don't do the one arm hug. because when you hug with two arms, it allows you to lean on somebody and we always need someone to lean on. and if someone doesn't want to play with you, it's okay. it's okay. you know, not everyone is going to love us. go find somebody who does want to play with you and who appreciates what you have to offer. >> awesome advice. >> genius. >> she adopted that boy after katrina. she's like such a great person. she adopted her child from
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there, she has a home there. new orleans is the hip and happening place. >> and she donated millions after katrina. anytime there is a huge -- she's got a lot. that's right. but she can spend it anyway she wants. she's earned that. but she makes the world a better place and we love her. >> this is funny. godzilla is number one. so jimmy kimmel likes to have fun with folks on the street. he sent out a page reporter to ask people if they thought hollywood was wrong to make a film about the true story of a giant lizard that killed more than 100,000 people in tokyo in 1954. the true story. this is the reaction they got. >> do you think it's wrong of hollywood to glamorize this event for entertainment value? >> i think it is. i mean if it affects the people that were affected and then there's people who passed away during that time, so they're glamour rising their death. >> uhh -- is godzilla real?
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>> yeah. >> oh,. then i guess so because like if he hurt a lot of people, like why would he want to do that, why would they want to make it seem like real and stuff. and like nice. >> are you you worried about a godzilla attack? >> aren't they extinct? >> do you support the bill before congress that would allocate $600 million to equip the u.s. navy with anti-reptile c cape act capabilities? >> yes. anything we can do to protect our nation we have to do. >> do you feel like a godzilla attack again is a real possibility? >> ask the man upstairs. >> did they include anybody that said you are you kare you kiddi? >> they cut that out. >> what fascinates me is the fact that people whenned to, they have to sign a release. you can't just -- in the news,
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you don't have to. but for entertainment shows, you have to sign a release to be on television. >> and i think they're pleasers. they're like, yes, that was terrible, right? that was awful when he ate those people this tokyo. so "the voice" was on last night and tonight it's down to three people. team blake's 17-year-old, jake, team usher's josh, and team chris tee that. let's see and guess who will win. ♪ whatever it takes are or how my heart breaks, i will be right here waiting for you ♪ ♪ now i'm back and ooh will, baby, here i am, signed sealed, delivered, i'm yours ♪ ♪ i can't help falling in love
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with you ♪ >> she did elvis last night. elvis. okay. so those are the people. jake, josh or christina. we are going to -- >> oh, are we? >> write our vote down. i don't want you to see how my pen is moving. >> it's the search for the "voice," not the person who will have -- >> don't try to qualifier answer. just pick who's going to win. don't look at how my hand's moving. >> i don't cheat. >> fold it. i don't want to see it. put it inside. >> mine is the one that is folded fastly. and of course, guard it with your life. >> sleep with that.
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>> stuffing it with team josh. >> leave the humor to us, all right? >> nice try. anyway, the finale is tonight. and the winner of "the voice" will be with us tomorrow. i think that it was fascinating because you could tell how christina was trying really hard, she was giving it everything she had. and does the country vote win? because the country folks will come out and vote. or is it going to be josh. i don't know. i don't know. >> they're all great. >> dictionary had now added 150 new words. >> it's the webster's dictionary. >> here they are. here are some of the new ones. selfie, hashtag, spoiler alert, auto tune, hot spot, baby bump. >> i would think some would have already been in. crowd funding.
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>> that's when you raise money online. >> catfish. this is a person who sets up a false personal profile on a social networking site for fraudulent or deceptive purposes. >> yes. anyway, enjoy the new words. we want to give a shout out to auction winners who paid money to come see us. they're there room to read. ladies, thank you for coming. >> and we need a shout out, if you have a long distance dad, this father's day we want to celebrate great dads whose jobs take them away from their home. >> military dad or truck driver, any dad who spends a lot of time away from home, we want to know about him. so give us yurl all your detail. >> we'll have a perform so give us yurl all your detail. >> we'll have a perform afternoonserks a woman who loveto share her passions. grandma! mary has atrial fibrillation,
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charlize theron is one of hollywood's most coveted actresses known for her dramatic roles in movies like monster and snow white and the huntsman. >> turns out she's also very funny and is in the comedy a million ways to die in the west. >> take a look. >> wow. you look amazing. and maybe a little uncomfortable. >> i look like jane austin threw
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up all over me. >> you do not holook like jane no, you look beautiful. you can breathe in that thing, right? >> nothing i like more than being able to relax. >> no, this is an end of the workday outfit you have on. i'm very gladded i remembered the six items required to hold up my pants. >> oh, yeah. and she's with us today. we're so happy you dropped by to see us. i saw this movie last migh nigh. i knew it would ee ebe crazy bee it's seth mcfarlane and it was all those things indeed, but i was stunned at how funny you are. and the relationship between you and seth, it's a love story. who knew in the old west. but set in contemporary dialogue, so it's already hysterichi hysteric
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hysterical. did you have a good time making this? >> i did. the concept was high, but the story was really grounded in a beautiful reality. and there was something about -- before i even read the script, i was told classic old west with a beautiful landscape and let's talk about woody allen. >> you you do a lot of comedies, but this one is raunchier, funnier. did you just crack up on the set? >> he is one of the most funniest people i've been around. so all the laughing that i do as the character anna, that's all sincerely there. he just made me laugh every single day. so we had to put it in the story. >> i was thinking when i watched the movie how adorable your laughter is and how real. and when i read my notes this morning, that's what seth said.
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she's the best laffer in the world. sarah silverman -- >> oh, my gosh. she does not disappoint. the whole cast is great. >> when we look at you, there is something we say every time we see -- there is one tv commerci commercial, it's the perfume commercial. every time we see it we say the same thing, that -- what do you say every time? >> all these magazines always say sexiest woman alive. we think you're the sexiest woman alive. >> we say the same thing. was that fun to shoot that little thing? >> yeah. i've been working with them now for i want to say ten years. they have been so loyal. and i feel like i've kind of grown up as a woman with them. and so now when we do it, it's just like second skin now. but it's been fun because they treat them like little movies.
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>> they're shot beautifully. so what is next for yoyou? >> kron. i'm hoping to shoot a film in south africa in august. hopefully that will happen. >> isn't it wonderful that we're not going to ask you about your personal life with sean penn? is that like -- >> do you want to be my favorite people? >> yes. we are determined to be that. >> well, you have just succeeded. >> yes! >> honestly, i thought -- my daughter said to me, mom, you're not going to like this movie, it's too raunchy for you. >> how old is your daughter? >> she's 20 and loves this kind of stuff. my son, too. but i think this movie is hysterical. >> he's a very good writer with narratives, so the story really pulls you in and you emotionally tap in. it's not just joke after joke after joke. >> and he wears like four hats. the producer, the writer and leading man. it's great to see you.
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>> thanks for coming to see us. we appreciate it. a million ways to die in the west hits theaters on may 30. >> amy breneman takes on a role that is close to home. >> she'll tell us all about it that is close to home. >> she'll tell us all about it i'll just press this, and you'll save on both. ding! ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, llllet's get ready to bundlllllle... [ holding final syllable ] oh, yeah, sorry! let's get ready to bundle and save. now, that's progressive. oh, i think i broke my spleen! home insurance provided and serviced by third party insurers.
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l'oreal has. introducing silky sheer sunscreen -- just for faces. the ultra-light texture is delicate on skin but tough on premature aging. protect your skin. protect your beauty. [ male announcer ] new l'oreal silky sheer sunscreen. protect your skin. protect your beauty. socan go a long way. rt that's why there's resolve stain remover. it's designed to remove lots of messes on lots of fabrics. resolve. for stains on your carpet and even those above it.
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she's played a cop on nypd blood, a judge a juon judging a and now amy breneman is getting
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a less on that in education both on and off screen. >> in the new wonderful film, i loved it, words and pictures, amy play as school board member who has to reprimand a teacher. take a look. >> he'll meet with the board next month. >> jesus christ. >> what happened to you, jack? you came here full of literary awards and full of promise. you turned the classes on their heads. >> there's a back story there. something untoward was going on. >> this is different than what we've seen of you. is this woman angry at him? >> she's disappointed for sure. and clive plays this have a ordinary character who is brilliant and an alcoholic. so basically it's that feeling that we all have when we're watching somebody brilliant deal
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with sub bastance abuse. like just get it together. but, yes, he has a little dirt on me. i'm his boss and yet i'm afraid of him, as well. >> it's so nice to have a romantic comedy coming out. there haven't been very many good ones lately. >> it reminds me of dead poets society. it's set in a prep school so there is a reason to have beautiful language and nobody better to deliver it than clive. so language based, but not in a ooity-toity way. >> and a beautiful rivalry. like what is more important, is it words or is it pictures. i thought that was very interesting premise. >> and inspiring the kids. and there are amazing young actors that you just feel -- what is wonderful, too, is that
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clive and juliet really wiare exciting actors for these young people to be away. so the whole reality thing. >> and speaking of reality, we'll put you to work this morning. words and pictures. nothing to do with the movie. >> nothing at all. so you'll pull something out of the hat. >> this seemed like such a good idea at the time. >> don't tell us what it is, but we can almost -- >> did you see it? >> no, no. >> please look. >> okay. so i'm going to do this. and all right -- >> is this like pictionary? >> yes. >> what is the topic? >> an expression. >> okay. happy. >> what? cheese? >> cheese? >> cheese wheel. >> what is that? >> bowling.
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>> wow. >> it's a good thing you're a good actress. >> a spill. >> spill the beans. [ ding ] >> that looked like a cheesecake. >> that was the worst. we're not playing anymore. >> cheese wheel? >> you're coming up in this hbo show, you don't say a word. >> correct. >> so it's all in your face. >> right. >> she's taken a vow of -- >> i've taken a vow of silence. my character can speak, but i don't. >> is that the first time you've approach that had kind of a role? >> yeah. >> we'll do it real quick and see
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des despondent. est ecstatic. wow. the movie is adoral. it will be in select theater this is friday. it's a lovely movie. >> thank you so much. matthew will be back after your local news. turkey, cold turkey. if protein shake means dancing around with a turkey burger. if you think it's time we consider a new national bird. then you're what butterball calls a turketarian and their delicious every day selections are sure to satisfy. butterball. the choice of turketarians.
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the mustard seed that makes french's yellow mustard. 100% natural from me to you. with 40% more free, there's more to love. french's. naturally amazing. unwrap your paradise. soft, sweet coconut covered in rich, creamy chocolate. almond joy and mounds. unwrap paradise. good morning, everyone. 10:26. i'm scott mcgrew. investigators looking for an arsonist caught on camera, lighting a car on fire in a south bay driveway. two cars and part of a garage were damaged earlier this morning at a home on san point drive in san jose, about a block
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away from the east ridge mall. nobody hurt, though the cars are destroyed. the homeowner says this is not the first time he has been targeted. we'll take a look at weather and traffic, coming up after the break.
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welcome back now. meteorologist christina loren tracking some showers, just days before we kick off, unofficially, the start of summertime, as we head throughout the day today, we'll continue to see this light activity. some isolated thunderstorms right here in the bay area. fair game for that this afternoon, the warming begins as we head through tomorrow.
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and then we have a fantastic-looking, i mean, fantastic-looking holiday weekend. we'll take you to that forecast coming up today at 11:00. right now, let's check your drive and say good morning to mike inouye. >> speaking of that upcoming holiday weekend for many, we're looking at a different flow of traffic this traffic tuesday. look at oakland, 880 looking much better over the last half hour. we had a late start to the traffic commute here, and then it kind of let up a little bit early. we look at the maps and see the maps moving nicely through oakland. the metering lights are still on, but the cash lanes are the only ones with the big backup. although slowing southbound through san mateo, for 101 southbound, the northbound, not a problem. the latest crash at 92 has cleared from the roadway. a little slowing as well through fremont, southbound 880 through dakota. through mission boulevard and el viso. the last sticking points for that. >> a lot more about that arson fire and a situation at bryman
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college coming up in the newscast in a half an hour at 11:00. see you then. we're back with more and it's time for another view. we answer all your questions about dating an relid relations. >> and there is no one better than matthew. you're a love strategist. >> especially fresh back from bora-bora. >> i go a mice lobsts nice lobs. >> this question from someone named bee. my husband and i have been married for over 20 years. certain members of his family have become increasingly rude and disrespectful. i try to defend myself. he's asked me what he's supposed to say to them. i say tell them don't talk to my
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wife that way, but he never does. i don't know what else to do. >> perhaps he secretly agrees with some of the stuff they say. you know, sometimes when we don't mention -- sometimes if we really feel like someone's wrong, very often we'll rush to the defense. but what we didn't know and where we don't get the whole story is what conversations is he having with his family when she's not around. what does he tell them. very often with our loved ones, i think one of the sad things about relationships is we tell the ones we love all of the worst parts of our partner and we never really talk about the best parts. so we he said end up talking to when we complain and they get a skewed perception of who our partner really is. that's not to say that he's in the right for not defending her. there are two things going on here. one, i think she needs to get him to open up and say are there any points that your family mentioned that you agree with. but at the same time, she needs to make sure that the respect
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boundaries are respected. he needs to know that part of respecting your partner is sticking up for them. if she does it in an understanding way and shez i know your family so i know this creates awkward situation for you, that's a much nicer place for him to act from. but at the same time, he has two parties which he has to defend. >> rock and a hard place. >> our next question is from allison. and i think she's on skype. >> hi, allison. >> there she is. >> what is your question for matthew, sweetie? >> i went out with someone for a couple of dates and he ended up telling me that he's damaged from his last relationship and not ready for another one. so i was just wondering if there's anything i can do to help him. >> what do you think? >> my problem with this -- and it was allison? allison, my problem with this is that ultimately when a guy says that he's damaged from his last relationship, too many times
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it's an excuse not a real thing. it's a way of saying i don't want another relationship, but rather than look like a selfish person when is just trying to have his cake it, i want to look like i'm damaged and somehow need to be sympathized with. >> i'm wounded. >> he's a wounded puppy. do you really position ithink i job to help him out of that place? >> no, just wondering if i should just walk away or what i should do. >> you shouldn't just walk away, but say if you have stuff going on from your past relationship, that's something you need to deal with. i'll respect it, but at the same time, you need to respect me. see, part of a new relationship is respecting the new partner. if he's a man, he'll look out for you as well and protect you at the same time as trying to protect himself. >> but you've only had a couple of dates, right? >> he has said that he doesn't want to hurt me, so i don't know if that means anything. >> it means he doesn't want to engage in anything that could be difficult or complicated for
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him. >> and by the way, allison seems like such a sweet girl. >> yeah, you wait for somebody who deserves you. >> look at that smile. >> god bless. matthe matthew, thank you. and if you want to submit a question, hit the connect button. direrks bentley has a song close to his heart. >> and they wanted to get back close to his heart. >>as a mother of two, it'sback really hard to work at home. when i really need to get stuff done, i hide in the laundry room. no one ever goes in there. a lawyer that's a monkey? hahahaha. also, the dryer sheets reeeally help my writing. writing supplies. oh. number 7 of my 20. the new amex everyday credit card with no annual fee. thank you. make 20 or more purchases in a monthly billing period, and earn 20% more rewards. it's membership that rewards you for the things you already buy, everyday. what's your 20?
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i'm a messy person. i don't like cleaning. i love my son, but he never cleans up. always leaves a trail of crumbs behind. you're going to have a problem with getting a wife. uh, yeah, i guess. [ laughs ] this is ridiculous. christopher glenn! [ doorbell rings ] what is that? swiffer sweep & trap. i think i can use this. it picks up everything. i like this. that's a lot of dirt. it's that easy! good job chris! i think a woman will probably come your way. [ both laugh ] i think a woman will probably come your way. what does that first spoonful taste likok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal.
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[ male announcer ] for fine thin hair a transformation awaits. l'oreal presents volume filler shampoo. our first haircare with filloxane to actually increase the diameter of your hair. with l'oreal volume filler hair's instantly thicker. feels like 2 times more hair. a transformation that lasts -- wash after wash. more than beautiful -- extraordinary. [ male announcer ] new volume filler. from l'oreal advanced haircare. the science behind extraordinary hair. and you're worth it. the science behind extraordinary hair. ♪ ♪ all the goodness of milk, all the deliciousness of hershey's syrup.
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do you remember when you andno, actually i don't.un? whatevs. 33 points. wait, what? canonball! ♪ i don't care that you're a vampire. i love you. ahhhh! shhh. in a world that revolves around your kids, how about a little something for you? oscar mayer selects, made with 100% angus beef and no artificial preservatives. it's grown up food. it's oscar mayer.
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we're back with the finale of our series drop a dress size. for the last five weeks, madeline has worked with two very motivated ladies to lose weight and get healthy. >> one big motivation, they both wanted to fit back into their favorite dresses again. beverly is a mom of three and was sick and tired of wearing her sweatpants away toround tow.
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>> and lou an was ready to stop yo-yo dieting. >> it is time to reveal how they did.n was ready to stop yo-yo dieting. >> it is time to reveal how they did. drum roll, please. one, two, three. let it go. >> yes! >> wow, ladies. >> you look awesome. >> unbelievable. >> how much weight did each of the ladies lose? >> 16 pounds. >> i lost 11. >> amazing. >> fantastic. >> how does it feel to be back in your favorite dresses? >> that is like two dress sizes. and yours was one or more? >> one. >> do you feel very different? >> very different. >> are you proud of your girls? >> they have done an amazing job. because they took what they were normally doing and tweaked to make it work with them. so no special wthings to eat or
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ways to move. and things they can't sustain. because the same habits are for when they can keep it off, as well. >> you you look so terrific. are your families excited for you? >> very excited. >> and they're all here. they're bubbling over with excitement. >> it's great to see everybody. will you show us some of the tips? >> take a look at some of the things that they themselves discovered would work. start with beverly. >> well, my first tip is when you go to restaurants, i usually give myself carte blanche. i'm going to get the calories anyway, i'll have what i want to eat. this time around, i went and i didn't have the bread, i didn't have the dessert, but i got nice chicken sensible entree, and i had my salad yes, sdressing on side. i enjoyed myself. and also i learned to incorporate eating with getting
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exercise. so i have an activity band that tracks my steps and sleep patterns. i told my husband we have a sitter, after we get out of here, we'll go home and walk to subway. so what's what we do. we go home and walk. 15 minutes driving. an hour ten minutes walking. >> good for your marriage, too. >> my activity band clocked in six nd you burned it off. >> and these are my infamous sweatpants. >> tell us what you did. >> i have a food journal. it makes me very comfortable. i'm the only person who would know whatcomfortable. i'm the only person who would know what will says. but i didn't cheat. sunday night i went to see reba mcentire and i had half a glass of wine and i put two ounces down on my food journal. >> she's fantastic. >> but the food journals keep me accountable. >> what about the meals?
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>> there is something i found that was really helpful. i had a very big glass of water before i sat down to eat. and then i would use a smaller plate because it makes it look look i have a lot more food. >> and you did some working out obviously. >> yeah, i did. i have some foot problems, plantar fascitis, so it's a determent for me to exercise. so i did my squats with my arm weights and i walked. >> hats off to madeline, too. such a motivation. >> but i'll tell you, instead of crying poor me, it's not what they couldn't do, it's what they could do and making the changes that will last a lifetime. >> you guy, congratulations. you've inspired your families and all the people out there. you've inspired your families and all the people out there. coming up, oh john don't wallow john iin ice cream.s over. i'm not wallowing in ice cream. it's the new dannon oikos greek frozen yogurt.
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half the fat of regular ice cream. it's so irresistibly thick and creamy! didn't expect you to be enjoying yourself so soon! couldn't resist, mmm! it's such a good source of protein too! no, i'm talking about this john, already?! that was mine. hi mom. hi sweety. try the new dannon oikos greek frozen yogurt. ♪ dannon. resolve works on over 20 who would have that many stains? wahhh (screaming) new resolve max power has specially designed scrub numbs to lift out more than 20 stains. trust resolve. forget stains the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious.
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if you're trying to figure out what to buy at your drug store, we're about to make your life easier. >> 6,000 beauty professionals sorted through more than 700 products for the 2014 cosmetic executive women beauty awards. >> here with a few of the winners is jen fallick. >> 6,000 people who are in the beauty industry eating, sleeping, and breathing beauty every day. and this is voted on by people in the industry to help consumer cut through the clutter. >> and no motivation other than that. >> exactly. so many people involved. and so many people trying to help the consumers find the best stuff. >> let's start with skin care. >> so anti-aging, this is really cool from yes to grapefruit,
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brightening facial towelette. it's great for your skin. and this is a new category in beauty, this is also in the anti-aging category, will this miracle blur. it helps give an air brush effect to the skin. you put it on before your makeup. i use to spot treat little areas after my makeup is on to give a really great finish. >> very pretty what you've got. >> thank you. >> what is going on -- oh, josie maran, i like her. >> this is the moist which auri choice. it's ar xwchltgan oil.
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you can use is on your face, your skin. it's amazing. >> that is very light oil. >> and this is at target, so a good price point. it's a browbronzer and blush in. the beauty industry love this is product. and this won in the eye treatment category. what is unique about this product, it's for your eye area and your lashes. so when you apply it, it help wills to enhance your lashes and makes the whole eye area more youthful. and this in the makeup category and most buzzed about category, a new award this year. loreal, voluminous butterfly mascara. because of the angle, you get the butter tli a eerfly and win.
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i use this every day. and next up, this is in the lipstick category from fresh, everyone loves the sugar lip treatment. the newest is cherry. it looks good on everybody. this is a beautiful one. >> it looks red, but it's not. >> it's a new soft red. spf 15. works on all skin tones. then in the hair category, this is in hair color from color wow, this is a root touch jump. >> i just use eye shadow. but wow. >> this is great because you have the precision brush. it gets right in there. no reason to go to the salon. >> and the last thing as we close out. >> this is a big star. also in the hair category. every person i talk to that has everything to do with hair has told me you have to buy this product. it's like a skin serum but for your scalp. you massage is into the scalp and it will help your hair get
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smoother, stronger, thicker. >> smells good. >> thanks. don't go anywhere. dierks bentley sings his latest. >> but first, this is came oig on nbc.
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tomorrow the newest winner of "the voice" stops by. plus heather graham. >> but right now a great treat, dierks bentley with the song riser. his most personal today. it's a tribute to his father who passed away two years ago.
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♪ ♪ it's just an old beat up truck, some say that i should trade up, now that i got some jangle in my pocket ♪ ♪ my dad and me, we drove around to tennessee and she's still here and now she's gone, so i hold on ♪ it's just an old beat up box, it's rusty strings across the top, it probably don't look like much to you ♪ these dents and scratches in the wood, that's what makes it sound so good, to me it's better than brand new ♪ ♪ you see this here flat top guitar, has had my back in a million bars, singing every
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country song so i hold on ♪ ♪ to the things i believe in my faith, your love, your freedom ♪ ♪ to the things i can count on to keep me going strong ♪ ♪ yeah i hold on ♪ taking a look at you right now, there ain't never been no doubt without you i'd be nothing ♪ ♪ so if you ever worry about me walking out you let me tell you something ♪ ♪ i hold on, i hold on, can you
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hear me baby, i hold on ♪ ♪ to the things i believe in, my faith your love our freedom ♪ ♪ to the things i can count on and keep me going strong, to the things i believe in ♪ ♪ my faith your love our freedom, to the things i can count on to keep me going strong yeah, i hold on ♪ ♪ yeah, i hold on and on and on and on and on ♪
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right now at 11:00, police on the hunt for an arsonist caught in the act and the san jose homeowner says this is not the first time he's been targeted. plus, an actor best-known for playing a cop on tv is arrested for murder. and we are just days away from the unofficial start to summer. we are tracking late spring showers. in the meantime, meteorologist christina loren shows us where they are and when they'll hit. good tuesday morning to you. thank you so much for joining us at 11:00. i'm peggy bunker. >> and i'm scott mcgrew. we begin with new details on a south bay vocational school that suddenly closed its doors. dozens of students showed up to


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