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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  May 20, 2014 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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important that more lives will be saved but it's incredibly sad, the lives that are lost. >> route now at 11:00, taking a stand for pets. poe ten recally tainted treats are pulled from local store shelves. good evening. even thanks for being with us. >> petco is pulling all treats made in china by the end of this year. first nationwide chain of stores to make the move, fear the
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treats are sickening animals. it is something our investigative unit uncovered. since launching an investigation last year, there are nearly 5,000 reports of sick pets. 1,000 reports of dogs dying after eating treats from china. despite the investigation, fda says it still can't figure out why the pets are getting sick. live in union city, terry, shoppers were clamoring for this change. >> clamoring for a change and tonight they got it in spades. not only is petco pulling the chinese doggy treats from the shelves by the end of the year but now we found out that pet smart will follow suit. this is two years too late for rachel chambers of morgan hill to save her dog, cally. >> good girl. can you sit? >> rachel chambers love hes her family's four dogs, just as she loved cally, a shepherd mix that died a painful death after eating chinese made dog jerky two years ago this month. >> important that more lives are
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saved. but incredibly sad the lives that are lost during the two years they should have done something. >> the fda hasn't identified the exact ingredient that has sickened and sometimes killed animals but petco decided now is the time to act. >> we decided at this point we want to good ahead and make this move even though the evidence is tlnt. because it is the best thing for our pests. >> i asked why the company is waiting until december to remove items from petco's 1300 stores. >> to move through an entire chain and dramatically change in assortment, it is a big job. >> pet food express operates dozens of stores in california an pulled the same treats in question a year ago. >> petco is a very large company and large companies tend to act slowly. we have the luxury of being able to do what we feel is right and n a very expeditious manner. >> at morgan hill dog park, dog owners say they try to stay on top of everything their pets eat. >> if you have an animal, it's
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like having a child. know what you are buying. be prepared. >> we do research on the internet. regular vet checks. >> but for rachel chambers, no more treat for her beloved animals. >> sadly, all manufacturers have lost my trust at this point. there is nothing i would give to my dog short after carrot. >> chambers gives a lot of credit to social media for giving pressure to big stores and on the fda to do something for this problem. she deserves credit for being the face of the movement here in the bay area. live in union city, terry mcsweeney, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much, terry. an investigative unit has done a series of reports on tainted pet treats. if you want to know more about what we uncovered, good to our, site and click on the investigations tab. class will be back in session tomorrow morning at bryman college. dozens of students had been locked out without warning. they are sold the san jose
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vocational school will reopen tomorrow. an attorney for the school says financial troubles caused it to fall behind on its rent. yesterday santa clara sheriff deputies served evick noticed but today the school's president announced the dispute has been settled. >> now at 11:00, the search for a teenager who may have sexually assaulted three women. police say the attacks happened in concorde between north larwin and south larwin avenue. now in each case, police say the teenager approached the victims from behind, kbro groped them, then ran off pt here is a lock at the sketch. a his tannic or asian male in his early it late teens. >> bart reached an agreement with five men detained along with oscar grant. the night grant was shot and killed at fruitville station.
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they have settled with $175,000 each. as you may remember, grant was unarmed when he was shot and killed by former police officer in 2009. a bart officer was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. what we don't know yet what caused the fatal fall at a construction site in san mateo. cal osha says the worker fell around 15 feet and landed on his head. by the time help arrived the man had died. he was working at old bay meadows racetrack. the try point homes is the construction company running that. they are turning the track into condos and houses. >> eye-opening video, south bay arsonist caught on camera. investigators hope this video will bring him to justice. the homeowner gave him surveillance video. he says it is the third time his home has been attacked. can you see here someone
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spraying some sort of liquid on the car then lighting a match. both cars on this front drive way were destroyed. snrs we want to show you this now. just last week, same house, surveillance cameras showing vandals pouring paint on the cars right there in the drive way. the home owner who has kids within doesn't know why his home is being targeted. >> putting the pot debate on hold again. tonight, san jose city council delayed pot clubs. the city is considering putting the none number of stores to 20. dispensers are angry about the requirement to make them grow all of their medical marijuana at the dispensary where they sell it. the council will take it up again in a few weeks. pennsylvania now becomes the fourth state in two weeks to have its gay marriage ban struck down as unconstitutional.
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pennsylvania now the 19th state to legalize guy marriage along with the district of columbia ha. several same-sex marriage bans have been struck down in other states but stalled by court appeals. victory at the alter doesn't mean the end of the fight for equal right. live in walnut creek with more on what's ahead, jean. >> same-sex couples here and all over the bay area are celebrating. they continue to fight for equality in other aspects of their lives. >> marriage equality supporters cheer in pennsylvania. the latest state to allow same-sex couples to say ado. >> i put stars on the ones that have. >> here in the bay area, this family is thrilled to fill in the 19th state on their marriage equality map. just one day after oregon got a star. >> even if there are 31 more state to go, still going by
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really quickly. >> we have a long way to go, but i'm nothing but encouraged. >> cheryl and her spouse, tracy, are legally married in california. but they know the fight for equal right is far from over in the united states and globally. >> 29 states where you can be fired for being gay or lesbian. >> groups like out and equal, workplace advocates, are leading the fight for change. working to get the employment nondiscrimination act passed to protect people in the united states an in our fwloglobal eco, the fight crosses borders. >> there are many branches and officer in other parts of the world, some places where it is not even safe to be hgbt. >> there are conversations about equality as bren brennan and keenan are ready to fill in the map, their parents are ready to bring attention. >> trans gender rights and creating safe schools for
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student. and hopefully we can use this awareness that has been raised an saying, i want you to think about this, too. >> activists say their fight will continue until all people are protected and safe. reporting live in walnut creek, nbc bay area news. >> jean, thank you. a world famous slice of san francisco is being closed, sort of. no driving on lombard street this summer. today the mta board of directors voted to close the world's most crooked street. closed every weekend between june 21 and july 13. cars will not be allowed on the curvy street from noon will 6:00 p.m. the closure will incloud the fourth of july which falls on a friday. however you will still be able to walk town lombard at all times. neighbors are fed up with the constant traffic and petitioned for a few breaks. >> it is very emotional for all of us as parents. >> like, oh, my god. that's the school my child's in. >> parents wanting to protect their kids. finding it nearly impossible to
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get safety information about day cares from the state. i'm steven stock. we investigate troubled decares and for the first time we make available safety inspection records that the state can't or won't put on-line. but we will do it tonight. >> they are not a figurement of your imagination. they are germs on a plane and they are scary. wait until you hear how long they can survive. >> and affecting your chances of getting pregnant. >> your memorial weekend is just around the corner. we have a heat up in the forecast. coming up, we will let you know who will hit 90 degrees. as temperatures surge this upcoming weekend.
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no record and no easy access. that's the way it's been when it comes to sigh ofty information about local day care centers for kids. until now. >> tonight, we post some of those inspection documents on-line. the first time it's been done in california. invest gettive reporter stephen stock and our team have been working for months to make those records more easily available for parents. stephen joins us now. >> jessica, for the last six months, we teamed with the center for investigative reporting. first to expose this black hole in transparency and the accountability. now to put some of those records on-line. we started in napa county. because it's small. but we just posted hundreds of records for child care centers here in santa clara county as well. >> hello, i'm from nbc bay
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area -- no one at the day cares we visited wants to talk on camera about this. >> thousands of deficiencies cited by state inspectors. information not easily accessible to parents. information that could jeopardize children's safety. >> it's like, oh, my god, that's the school that my child's in. >> parents amanda and amber certainly want to talk about it now. >> it makes it very hard to trust anyone. >> the couple was shocked when parents and day care staff started complaining about conditions at decolores day care center in san jose. a day care center they were sending thur daughter, riley. >> these records show the day care had been cited and fined numerous times by state inspectors. seven different violations since last december. >> if we would have known some of these issues prior to putting
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riley in the school, we would have never done that. >> they aren't alone in not having easy access to these record. >> it absolutely shouldn't be this difficult. >> denise also pulled her kids out of decolores. >> this is horrifying. >> the inspect records need to be more available for parent to protect kids. >> if we can't protect our most vulnerable in our society, what what does it say about us as a society. >> for the last six months, nbc bay area teamed with center for investigative reporting to expose how little information is easily available. we hand-entered every inspection record from the last decade for the largest county in the bay area. 584 child care centers in santa clara county. and the smallest county. all 140 child care centers and family day care homes in napa county. those records which were luls public are now on our websites. >> we understand the frustration
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of not being able to get it. >> pat leery is in charge of decare inspections for the state. no one from her department would talk with us on camera about our new findings. in january, laurie admitted the state cannot track which are doing well or poorly. >> it doesn't allow an easy way to collect, sort and analyze data. >> so we did that, too. in santa clara county, we found hundreds of definishcies among day care centers. common among them, lack of supervision aplong children. children left alone or poor sanitation of food prep. other write-ups, a child left in the parking lot. a child pinched as punishment. staff threatening to call police if kid didn't nap. or a child with a peanut allergy with given a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, even though the teacher knew he was allergic. that happened at a day care with
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39 deficiencies over the last ten years and $2150 in fines. also among deficiencies, a background check on a staffer. too many adults watching too. children. the owner wouldn't talk to us in person but did e-mail, none of the violations were related to the quality of child care received and all violations have been cleared by the state. in napa county we crunched the numbers and found 1 different centers with 2 dozen or two violations each. including this one, children's cottage prekale and churn's cottage infant center under the same name. they have 194 deficiencies, many more inkwadequate supervision. like a child wandering away. on two occasions, children pulled down their pants, all touching each other genital
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areas, all without anyone noticing. this landed them on probation. children's cottage has been shut down outright. when we went to children's accountage we were told to turn off the camera. >> are you filming? >> we are now. >> can you stop? >> okay we will stop. >> later, owner/administrator ray welch says his attorney wouldn't let him talk on cam prp you about he said quote state licensing is doing their job and we are doing our job. no serious harm has come to a child. >> it shouldn't be this hard to get any information from the state of california. >> none of this sits well with parents like amanda and denise. >> it is not like i completely give over my parenting to the state of california. absolutely not. i'm a parent. i'm go toing to be active. but are you going it make it so difficult to lock at what is going on in these day cares an preschools?
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why is it so difficult in the state will hold a hearing on whether or not to shut down children's cottage beginning october 14th. meantime the day care remains open and children still remain in its care. we tried several times to get a comment from leaders at decolores but we never heard back from anyone. can you hear the full reply on our website. and some of these records are so troubling we can't talk about them on tv. if you're a parent, you will want to review tlhem. you can find all these record on our web sites, or caronline.ko >> if you have a tip for stephen stock, e-mail. >> time to find out what is coming up in the next couple of
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days. jeff? >> we've been tracking the storm system across california for the past 24 hours. producing snow. anywhere from 1 to 4 inches. a few showers across the bay area. but that will continue to head off towards the south tomorrow. we think when that happens, it take the chance of any kind of isolated thunderstorm activity and move it on. we have a much better day through out wednesday. we have to look outside. can you see everyone dealing with cloud cover here across the bay. in the north bay with 55 degrees. 57 in san jose. some of the thickest low clouds throughout parts of the peninsula, east bay and san francis francisco. can you see in san francisco, a temperature of 58 and check it out. look how gray the sky is right now. wind out of the west at 16 miles per hour. this is likely what you're going to face as we head into tomorrow morning. also areas of drizzle, expected right up against the immediate coastline and for anyone traveling in and throughout san francisco. so take to you the futurecast to
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show you just how widespread the cloud cover will be. as we start off into the morning hours, what you see through out 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 in the morning, prime communing time. also for the peninsula, in the south bay, by the afternoon hours, a much sunnier day coming our way here from the sin tiint valleys to the bay. if you are heading there, it is cool and foggy wind with great conditions expected. let's get you to the forecast as we head throughout that wednesday. half way through the work week. temperatures going to cooperate. we'll be right where we should be for this time of the year. across san jose. 76 degrees for your high. 77 in morgan hill. 71 in san mateo. palo alto a lot warmer with 77 degrees. a warmer wind for them. but in san francisco again, locked into the 60s. take you to north bay, east bay
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and tri valley, napa, 77 for your high. sausalito, 69. in the sun feels like 70. for the tri valley, one of the warmest, pleasanton at 78 degrees. sunday, upper 80s in south bay. above average temperatures there. also for the peninsula, mid to upper 8 os through sunday. starting to get cooling in here by monday. even when that happens, not extremely cold. check it out. out of the north bay, east bay and tri valley for three-day weekend for a lot of you. looks like north bay has the warmest average with temperatures that likely could sore up to 90 degrees. i don't know about you guys, but i think i will head up toward napa sunday. >> in the nba convertible. >> show me where the keys are first. >> still ahead, the hero cat who fought off a dog takes on
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baseball. we have video too. >> hey, everyone in the bay area, we are playing she raids with charleze theron, plus the roots. new album. we're on next. ♪ ♪ [ barks ] whoo! mmm! ♪ ♪ oh, yeah [ whistling ] [ male announcer ] discover your new orleans. start exploring at [ woman ] and i love new orleans!
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levels. when the woman alone had high cholesterol pregnancy took longer. however when the man had higher levels, it didn't affect the time of getting pregnant. >> pack wipes the next time you tang a flight. certain bacteria can linger up a week. researchers tested for e.coli and mrsa, bacteria resistant to many antibiotics. they tested arm rests, tray
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tables an seat pock nets front of of you. mrsa germs live for up to a week e.coli lifted on the arm rest. airlines say they disinfect every night and before departure. your your hands often. >> i wipe down the tray. >> i bet you do. moments of certainty.
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when you know, you know. the all-new volvo v60 sportswagon. the s60 sedan
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and the xc60 crossover. test drive one today. model year end sales event. the s60 with 0.9% apr and up to $2500 in allowances.
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good evening. i'm geraud in the comcast sports studios. he would rather deal with expectations than have pressure in a when building situation. with that said, when asked if they are a championship team, he replied, this is a really good team. so the br is set for the first-year coach is well prepared. for the moment to take over in the side lines in the nba. >> i'm coming in here knowing this is a good team. this was already a good team. and they've done a great job. mark, the front office, the last couple of years, what they've been able to build is impressive and i'm just trying to continue
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the progress and keep that going. >> on to baseball, giant and rockies and what else but another wild finish at coors field. straight to the ninth. tyler at the ditch. brandon hit on the mound. shot to left. another few base knocks produces a 4-3 giant lead. two outs, runners on corners. nolan are a nado. 0 for 14. rocked to the romo pitch. a double off the top of the wall. at tropicana field, coco crisp, and that ball is trouble. 2-0 oakland. bottom third now, bases loaded for tampa. but drew induces of 6-4-3 double
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play. getting out of the inning with no damage. manning challenges the call at first but it is upheld. finally, new arena for the kings passes tonight. set to open for the 2016 season. more news coming up after the break. is there an elk in your bed?
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with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. and right now all beds are on sale. yep, all beds, starting at just $649.99 know better sleep with sleep number.
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okay, the most famous cat in america. remember this hero cat who saved that wakers field boy there from
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a dog attack last week? tonight, the cat and her family were honored by the bakersfield blaze, a minor league team. a swarm of reporters and paparazzi, to watch tara, throw out the first pitch. >> yeah. >> we see the cat throw out the first pitch. how did she do? not bad considering she has paws. an she even got some marriage proposals there as well. >> she did bet ater chasing the dog, i think. that seems to be more her forte, no? >> remember our morning show starts at 4:30 a.m. >> bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- charlize theron, josh hartnett, musical guest, the roots.


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