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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 20, 2014 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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okay, the most famous cat in america. remember this hero cat who saved that wakers field boy there from a dog attack last week? tonight, the cat and her family were honored by the bakersfield blaze, a minor league team. a swarm of reporters and paparazzi, to watch tara, throw out the first pitch. >> yeah. >> we see the cat throw out the first pitch. how did she do? not bad considering she has paws. an she even got some marriage proposals there as well. >> she did bet ater chasing the dog, i think. that seems to be more her forte, no? >> remember our morning show starts at 4:30 a.m. >> bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- charlize theron, josh hartnett,
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musical guest, the roots. and now, here's your host, jimmy fallon! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about right there. [ cheers and applause ] hot crowd. welcome to "the tonight show," everybody. we got a big show tonight. [ cheers and applause ] big show tonight, we're giving out water bottles tonight. [ cheers ]
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very exciting. welcome. oh, i love you too. welcome to the show. thank you for being here, thank you for watching at home. here's what people are talking about. this is everywhere online today. a high school student in connecticut actually asked vice president joe biden to her prom. [ light laughter ] of course, he couldn't go. but he sent her a corsage and a a nice handwritten note instead. [ audience awws ] or as some bored guys in connecticut put it, "dude we totally catfished biden. [ laughter ] what do we do with this corsage? put it on your head. [ applause ] put it down your pants. let me take a picture." and yesterday president obama made an unscheduled stop at a a little league game while he was on his way to a a fund-raiser. 'cause there's nothing parents love more than their kids little league game getting even longer. [ laughter ] four hours. [ cheers and applause ] four hours on a monday night. thank you so much, president obama.
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well, this made me laugh. florida senator and potential presidential candidate marco rubio just gave an interview where he refused to reveal if he's ever smoked pot. [ laughter ] he said, he won't answer because it's a big deal if he says yes. and if he says no, people will think he's lying. [ laughter ] so, in other words, he definitely smoked pot. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] he's the weed dude, now. >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: he's mr. weed. >> steve: yeah, dr. weed. >> jimmy: his name is dr. weed now, yeah. [ light laughter ] it's the opposite, yeah. legalize it, buddy, you know. [ light laughter ] last night, oh, america's so happy. last night was the season premiere of "the bachelorette." that's right it's back. [ cheers and applause ] america's psyched. it is back. "the bachelorette" is here, yet again. with a lovely young woman named andi, choosing between 25 guys. two of the male contestants, andrew and patrick seemed like
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they were hitting it off. [ laughter ] check this out. >> i race cars on the weekend. >> obviously, i'm really into cars. i'm really into formula one. >> oh, me too. me too. >> really? you're into formula one? >> yeah, yeah. >> patrick and i actually get along pretty well. guy dresses well. very suave. [ laughter ] we actually have a lot in common. >> andrew and i are a little bit on a different level than some of the other guys. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: patrick, you're hitting on the wrong andy. [ laughter ] that's not the bachelorette. he's not the bachelorette. when the bachelorette came in, these guys are like, "ugh, what are you doing here? [ laughter ] that's disgusting." >> steve: formula one. >> jimmy: so, of course, last night was when the bachelorette meets all the guys. they get out of the limo and they run over and they have their schpeal. she meets all the guys for the first time. it seemed like she kept telling them all the same thing. watch. >> i'm a hugger, this is the first date i say you'll be able
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to hug. oh i do a hug. i'm a hugger. i'm andi. give me a hug. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] i want a hug. i'm a hugger. yeah. then a guy named craig showed up and turned the tables on her, watch. >> i'm craig. >> nice to meet you. >> and i'm a hugger. i'm really excited to get to know you and potentially fall in love with you. >> jimmy: next time she sees craig, she's gonna be like, "actually, i'm a hand shaker. [ laughter ] i'm a fist bumper. [ laughter ] i air five." check this out guys, burger king says it will change its slogan from have it your way to be your way. meanwhile, taco bell's slogan still is, someone's in here. [ laughter and applause ] that was a hit. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] i can see you lurking. give me five minutes! someone's in here!
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[ laughter ] >> steve: gotta think outside the bun. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ho, hey! >> jimmy: leaking outside the bun. >> steve: there you go. [ laughter ] [ audience oohs ] >> jimmy: took it too far, mister. >> steve: too far. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they're not the only ones shaking things up though. yesterday mcdonald's introduced a new mascot for its happy meal named happy. [ light laughter ] take a look. [ laughter ] ba-da-ba-ba-ba. i'm scared of it. [ laughter ] do they even need a mascot for a happy meal? it comes with a free toy. are there any kids out there like, "oh, i'm not completely sold.
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i mean do they -- [ laughter ] is there a spokesman i can hear from to make sure that this is a happy meal?" it comes with a toy. take it. >> steve: there's a toy. it's fine. >> jimmy: well this is kinda cool. over the weekend, beyonce and jay z released a video for the upcoming tour together. when asked what they liked most about the video, they said, "we actually knew we were making this one." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] [ whiplash sound ] [ laughter ] can you press number three please? [ laughter ] i must have been -- abort. [ laughter ] stop at 16. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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crazy elevator. >> steve: love the elevator. >> jimmy: very hard to press those buttons. >> steve: yeah, you gotta press those buttons. gotta hit 'em all. >> jimmy: you gotta get a good pick, yeah. listen to this, in a new interview, kanye west revealed that his daughter north was conceived in florence. or as north calls that, "a pretty good name for a girl." [ laughter ] "let's stick with north, yeah, you're right. you see florences everywhere, yeah." this isn't good, i saw that cnn had to fire an editor after discovering that she actually plagiarized 50 stories. not good. cnn was like, "can you imagine somebody actually saw them? [ laughter ] we would be in trouble." actually, there's trouble over at fox news as well. i guess they were doing a story on some new words that were just added to the dictionary, and, well, take a look. >> 150 new words just added to the merriam webster dictionary. among them, selfie. >> jimmy: can we do a minute on how they spelled selfie?
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[ laughter ] sellout. selife? selife? new word. sellife. it looks like someone over at fox news is getting fried. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i don't know what to make of this. scientists in london say that they invented a process that can actually turn lights into matter, but warn people their results won't be visible to the human eye. [ laughter ] well in that case, i invented it too. [ laughter ] there it is. [ cheers and applause ] see it? i will sell it to you for 300 bit coins. [ light laughter ] [ whiplash noise ]
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finally, i heard that dairy queen is opening its first location in manhattan later this month. [ cheers and applause ] or as chris christie put it, "open up the bridge, here we go." we got a great show. give it up for the roots, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, everybody. welcome. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for being here. we got a big week ahead. tomorrow night, golden globe winner hugh jackman will be here. [ cheers and applause ] got some fun stuff planned with that guy. then thursday amanda seyfried is stopping by. [ cheers and applause ] i can't wait for this. will ferrell and chad smith of the red-hot chili peppers are going to battle it out in an epic drum battle right here in our studio. [ cheers and applause ] this thursday.
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it started with a reddit ama and chad smith accused will ferrell of being a a chad smith impersonater. and will denied it and said that he might actually be chad smith in real life. [ laughter ] this is the will farrell character. and it got very heated. they're going to settle it once and for all, for charity in a a huge drum battle on our show thursday night. [ cheers and applause ] you do not want to miss that. mean will -- looks so mean when he tries to be mean, that's his mean face. can we show that again? that's will trying to look mean. [ laughter ] chad looks so not worried. plus friday, seth mcfarlane, oh he's funny and rascal flatts are joining us. [ cheers and applause ] they've always been great to us. rascal flatts, they'll be here friday. but first, tonight, we have a a great, great show. she's a beatufiul, oscar winning actress with a a hilarious new movie "a million ways to die in the west." charlize theron is here. [ cheers and applause ]
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she's funny too. really funny. from the new hit show, oh my gosh, it's getting great reviews, good ratings, "penny dreadful," josh hartnett is dropping by. [ cheers and applause ] i'm gonna check that out. it looks good. and we have music from a band who currently has, i wanna say the number eight -- number seven album in the country, "the roots" our very own house band. [ cheers and applause ] "and then you shoot your cousin" right there. oh my goodness. pick it up, pick it up. the roots right there. congrats, guys. so happy for you, james, good to see you back. [ laughter ] guys the nhl playoffs are going on right now. thank you. the eastern confrence, we have the montreal canadiens, they're taking on our hometown new york rangers, okay. [ cheers and applause ] yeah.
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now, so anyways, last week i'm relaxing at home, drinking a a tall glass of buttermilk. [ light laughter ] >> steve: warm. >> jimmy: yeah, room temperature on three bean bags. >> steve: three bean bag chairs. >> jimmy: i'll spread out. i have upper calf problems. and minding my own business, when out of the blue, i get a a tweet from the montreal canadiens. they're tweeting me, yeah. and they say, "hey, fallon, want to make a bet?" i go, "okay, what's up?" they go, "if they beat the rangers, i have to wear a a montreal canadiens jersey during my monologue." when the rangers win, they'll make my picture their twitter account. their avatar will be my picture or something. so i go, "no." [ laughter ] who cares. i go, "no." i go, "i'll tell you what, when the rangers win, i want to take control of that photo of your avatar on twitter whatever their avatar is, and then also, i want your mascot, youppi.
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>> steve: oh, yeah, youppi. >> jimmy: that's their mascot. it's like -- is this him here? this is youppi. [ laughter ] yeah i want youppi involved. i said, "i want youppi to wear a rangers jersey and walk around in public in montreal. [ laughter ] post 10 pictures on twitter." [ cheers and applause ] anyway, they said yes. [ cheers ] so, it's going to go down. so anyways, guess what? the rangers are up two games to nothing. [ cheers and applause ] they're kicking butt. ♪ youppi, the rangers are coming for you, buddy! i'm coming for you. game three is thursday night in new york city. it's on! go rangers! [ cheers and applause ] right now it's time to take a a look at the stories making headlines today and weigh the good with the bad, it's time for "pros and cons." here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: tonight we'll be taking a look at the pros and cons of "the voice" season finale. the final show aired tonight. it's been a great season, but still, it's so hard to say goodbye -- ♪ to yesterday ba da ba ba ba ♪ [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: i loved it. >> jimmy: so let's take a look at the pros and cons of "the voice" season finale. here we go. pro, it's the biggest battle in music. con, that doesn't take place in a hotel elevator, that's true. [ laughter and applause ] that is true. >> steve: you never know. >> jimmy: pro, the show is filled with incredible highlights. con, mostly in adam levine's hair. [ laughter ] very interesting. [ cheers and applause ] that's really, yeah. pro, it's real, dude. >> steve: it's sun-in, i know. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: it's not sun-in, dude. [ laughter ]
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it started with millions of people, and now it's down to just three. con, i'm talking about "american idol's" ratings. oh, that's not fair. [ laughter ] that's not -- it's just a game. [ accent ] you don't know tony hollywood. all right. go to hollywood. who's next. anyone want to go to hollywood? [ laughter ] pro, hearing shakira say, "that was a great performance." con, hearing her hips saying, "she's lying, it sucked." [ laughter ] they don't lie. >> steve: they can't lie. >> jimmy: her hips don't lie. >> steve: they don't lie at all. pro, sitting in a chair and seeing everything start to spin. con, or as hoda and kathie lee call that, "working." [ laughter ] >> steve: that's there job. >> jimmy: that's their job as well. >> steve: that's what they do for a living. >> jimmy: yeah, on "the voice." pro, the voice has helped launch some of the biggest names in music. con, like adam levine, blake shelton, shakira, usher, cee lo and christina aguilera. [ cheers and applause ] great move for those guys. really good for -- really good. and finally, pro, finalist
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jake worthingon aspires to be the next garth brooks. con, adam levine aspires to be the next draco malfoy. [ laughter ] that's very interesting right there. that's all the "pros a cons." we'll be right back with charlize theron, everybody. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ cj what's with the line? must have got a whiff of my hair. it's head & shoulders with fresh scent technology. it keeps me 100% flake free,
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and smells better than ever. i know, i'm running out of things to have signed. head & shoulders. you can't ignore the power of the whiff. doesn't really look like burger. man 2: grilled beef patty? that's burger-esque. man 1: yeah, but the flour tortilla is, like, quesadilla-y. man 2: it's both, okay? you happy? man 1: dude, it's four bucks. i am definitely happy. [ding] waitress: welcome to denny's. what are you guys having? uhhhh.... i'll have a redd's apple ale. make it two. redd's apple ale. crisp like an apple. brewed like an ale.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an academy award winning actress, who's new film "a million ways to die in the west." very funny. opens in theaters everywhere on may 30th. look at her here, right here on the cover of "vogue." ooh-la-la. [ cheers ] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome charlize theron. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: charlize. >> hello. >> jimmy: charlize theron, welcome to our show. and i'm happy i got your name correct. >> no, not just correct, it's
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music to my ears. so beautiful. >> jimmy: everyone says theron. >> they screw it up. >> jimmy: yeah, it's not theron. >> no. >> jimmy: if it was theron, we would've done a sketch called game of theron. [ laughter ] no we're gonna have to settle for the theronbracovich or something -- well, have to figure out something. people have a hard name, everybody has a hard time. i was talking to liam neeson the other day. oh, charlize theron -- are you saying theron or theron? no i'm saying i'm correct and he liked scooted out of here. >> and you corrected him? >> jimmy: yeah, i told him, i said it was theron. >> yeah, no i almost wanted to make like audio voice tape of how to pronounce my name -- >> jimmy: you should do a a youtube video, like here's how to pronounce my name. >> but i need you to do it, because you do it almost better than me. >> jimmy: oh, really? i can definitely do this for you. >> okay, great. >> jimmy: i was screaming your name, because i was watching "saturday night live" from my home. i was relaxing, tall glass of butter milk. i won't get into it. and i'm watching "saturday
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night live." man oh, man you were amazing. you're just a great -- your timing is fantastic. and you didn't care, you put on crazy wigs and looked -- how fun are you? >> thank you, i had so much fun, that cast and that crew, so just everybody - - >> jimmy: they're so talented. >> yeah and so incredibly -- >> jimmy: you used to be on the cast. >> i am too old. [ laughter ] >> what are you talking about? you should be -- >> they are like marathon runners. i finished that show -- >> jimmy: marathon? >> marathon runners. >> jimmy: marathon runners. >> marathon runners. >> jimmy: you don't know how to pronounce marathon? embarrassing, it's not like your last name. everything can't be theron. >> run a marathon, you guys. [ applause ] is that a wheat than, i'm going to have a wheat than. i'm gonna eat one of those. it's a marathon. >> they are like comedian athletes. there just -- stamina and how they do it, i'm so impressed, i really am. >> jimmy: you hit it out of the park, it was great. it was fun. >> i slept for like a week after that. >> jimmy: it's exhausting, right? >> yeah, it' -- really it's crazy. >> jimmy: well see -- since seeing you last time, separately of course, we both had children.
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>> yes. >> jimmy: congratulations. >> congratulations. >> jimmy: thank you very much. how old? you have a little boy? a little boy, how old is he? >> he's two and a half. >> jimmy: two and a half, oh, my gosh. such a cute age. >> yeah, he's really sweet. he's really starting to put sentences together. and he's really -- he's at that age now where he can tell you what he likes, what he doesn't like. you know before, you were just kind of guessing. >> jimmy: yeah, i don't know anything -- my baby goes ooh, ah. and i'm like -- i have no idea what she's talking about. >> and then one day she's going to be like no! >> jimmy: yeah, no, i'm afraid of that. but does he have a favorite dog, a spiderman or something? >> he does. ironically, i think it started with this whole "frozen" phenomenon, he's really into princesses now. and he -- he -- and i know this is not just my son, so you can all act really cool about it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i know the story all too well. >> yes, but he -- he and he's got a real love. somebody bought him a a tinkerbell doll, and he really loves his tinkerbell doll. sometimes tinker bell has to
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take a trip just to like give the other toys a chance. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly, yeah, exactly. >> tinkerbell goes to africa a a lot. [ laughter ] momma, where's tinkerbell? she had to go to africa for this week. >> jimmy: i love it when you go on vacation to africa once you're like -- hey guess what, we're going to africa he's like, no! [ light laughter ] what ever happened to tinkerbell? >> but then, you know, every once in a while he gets -- tinkerbell comes back, and we were doing press actually in los angeles and he came out to visit me, i brought him with me in the morning, we were in the elevator and he has his tinkerbell. he's been through it, you know, a couple of hair washes and some crayons and the dress doesn't exist any more. so she's -- >> jimmy: a couple bath times? >> exactly. and there was a woman and her friend, i think they were from italy or something. they were speaking italian, and they were babbling away in italian. [speaking italian] and he just -- literally without skipping a beat, he went tinkerbell. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: he speaks italian. he's genius. >> i heard barbie. >> jimmy: it's not barbie, it's tinkerbell. he's like bruno from "dancing with the stars." it's not barbie, it's tinkerbell, what's awrong with you. you not a barbie. you cry around the castle. >> pretty much. pretty much. he took that very seriously. >> jimmy: that's hilarious. >> there's a huge difference. >> jimmy: there's a giant difference. hello one lives in a a dreamhouse, one flies around one. [ light laughter ] "a million ways to die in the west." you're in this movie, seth macfarlane. gosh he's briliant, huh? verry funny guy. >> yeah, he is. >> jimmy: he can do a lot of things. he's talented. >> yeah. >> jimmy: "family guy," "ted." i love "ted," that was a a hilarious movie. and then and now this his new film -- >> jimmy: the movie takes place in the west. you want to tell everyone what it's about. >> well, it's -- really about two people meeting under very bizarre circumstances. and between there's a little comedy in there. >> jimmy: there's a lot of
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comedy. you, liam neeson. sarah silverman's really funny. giovanni ribisi -- >> everybody, great cast. >> jimmy: well shot and well done. we have a clip here. it's charlize theron with seth macfarlane in "a million ways to die in the west." take a look. >> that's them. pretend you just said something funny. [ laughter ] >> oh, my god, you are so hilarious. where do you come up -- no you pretend i said something funny. >> stop, stop, just introduce me. >> introduce me. oh, hi. >> hey. >> foy and louise, right? >> that's right. >> this is anna she's -- >> i'm his girlfriend. >> she's my girlfriend. the's the new g.f. big time. >> it's sexual activity. >> all the time. i live inside her, so if you want to send me a letter, you got to address it in care of her vagina. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> yep. >> jimmy: yeah, bad liar. oh, my gosh.
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well, every time we have you on, i do something with you. i sent you -- you won an academy award. i love to test your acting skills. so i was wondering tonight if you would like to play charades with me. >> you are apparently also testing my speaking skills and pronunciation skills so let's go for it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, you want to do it right now? charlize theron and i are playing charades after the break, come on back. ♪ (vo) it's out there. it's that voice in your head, making sure you sleep through that yoga class. convincing you that one donut hole couldn't possibly lead to another. average. average blames the camera for those extra 10 pounds. ... and sets the treadmill on mosey... or stroll...or loiter. need an excuse? average has 'em all.
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skip the gym. it'll probably be too crowded anyway. average. yeah, take it easy there, fella. average...has memory issues... (man) i forgot to work out. i forgot to work out. (vo) ...and memory issues. (man) my workout. (vo) it's crowning acheivement? everyone gets a trophy. (trophy) average is good. (boy) average is good. (vo) no. average is average. you can beat it. and it starts at gnc.
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i've been claritin clear for 7 days. woohoo! at the first sign of my allergies, my doctor recommended taking one claritin every day of my allergy season for continuous relief. 16 days! 26 days of continous relief. live claritin clear. every day.
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♪it's so good to see you, got me dancing right out of my shoes.♪ ♪don't need a reason, all i really need is you.♪ ♪just for the fun of it, delicious crisp taste of it.♪ ♪just for the love of it. ♪just for the feel of it. ♪just for the taste of it, diet coke.♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back,
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everybody. she's in the new film "a million ways to die in the west," i'm about to take on charlize theron and my main man steve higgins, right here, in a a game of charades. but first, i need a partner. so, from the hit showtime series -- >> steve: what? >> jimmy: -- "penny dreadful," please welcome josh hartnett right now. let's do it. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> we're going to kill it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> we're going to do it. >> jimmy: we're going to go for it. josh hartnett in the house. yeah, that's what i'm talking about? don't be too friendly. don't be too friendly. now, you all know how to play charades. each player gets a turn giving silent clues to their teammates. 45 seconds on the clock per turn. the first 2 rounds are worth 1 point each. charlize, you can go first. and then we're going to have a a showdown at the end. yeah, and it's going to be fun. >> wait, i have to go first how? >> jimmy: yeah, higgins you seat there. >> i answer? >> no, no, you go up there -- >> steve: you have one of those. >> jimmy: thank you, higgins. can i give you a butter milk or anything? >> steve: you have a warm butter milk? do you have a warm butter milk?
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>> jimmy: yeah, of course. >> i grab this? >> jimmy: yeah -- you can't put it back. >> steve: then you read it. and then you read it. >> i can't read. >> jimmy: can't read it, you have charades. but you can say -- >> do i put it in here? >> jimmy: you can say what subject. >> steve: like it's a movie or tv show or something. >> tv show. >> for gorgeousness, apparently. >> steve: three words, first word. cut, fall, dead, death, death, death, sad, kill, punch. murder, murderer. murder. "murder she wrote." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] yeah. boom. angela lansbury. because we buried you. >> jimmy: that's enough. you got the clue. >> steve: you're dead. give it up. give up. >> jimmy: no more trivia about it. >> all right, jimmy. >> jimmy: are you ready for this buddy? we're here. >> i'm getting ready. >> jimmy: we're here, buddy. we can do this. what nombre? >> jimmy: six. >> steve: 11. >> jimmy: one man yells six. >> steve: 11. >> jimmy: stop. there is no 11. oh, no.
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>> steve: pass. [ cheers ] >> good luck. good luck. >> jimmy: okay. >> okay. don't -- two words. second word. oh, dancing. oh, "dirty dancing." what? okay, first word. quiet dancing. don't look at me i'm a spy, i'm dancing. what's really -- dancing in the dark. i don't know. i don't know. "dirty dancing." what is it? help me. come on. [ cheers ] it's about dancing. it's about dancing. come on. >> jimmy: oh no, i can't think about -- >> something. something. >> sounds like, salute. salute dancing. >> jimmy: no, no. >> military dancing. spy, first word starts with -- dig. no, course, cook the butter. [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: so close. >> secret dancer? >> jimmy: secret dancer is not
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it. >> steve: was it private dancer? >> jimmy: thank you, higgins, it's private dancer. >> steve: i'm a private dancer. >> oh, you were trying to do your privates. >> jimmy: i was going to point at my privates. [ laughter ] >> you couldn't have done that. >> jimmy: i know. everyone's too young. i remember that. >> beautiful dick dancer would have -- >> steve: eight. >> jimmy: eight. >> steve: i hope i don't eight it. >> jimmy: eat it. oh, my goodness. stop it. you're just stalling. here's a clue. oh my god, that you can't read. ready? >> yes. >> jimmy: don't guess. >> it's a song, two words. >> jimmy: private dancer. [ laughter ] >> second word, pony. pony horse. horse. horse -- what's this? "wild horses." ♪ >> jimmy: showdown? >> jimmy: it's a show down,
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right now. ♪ >> okay, so this is kind of for all the marbles. >> jimmy: that's not how that song goes at all. >> if we get this, we can only tie it. >> jimmy: no, we can do this. we're going to do this. >> what number? >> jimmy: we're going to get this. we're going to get this one. >> quiet. >> jimmy: all right, here we go. >> don't blow it. >> jimmy: we can do it, buddy. come on josh, we can do this. >> thanks for the support, charlize. >> steve: this is a charade. >> okay. okay. movie. one word. >> oh. >> jimmy: "titanic." [ laughter ] "godzilla." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: committing to the role. you got it. now it's a showdown. whoever wins this, the last one is worth ten points. [ laughter ] >> and whoever wins this wins the whole thing. so now charlize, you and josh are up here. >> oh, okay. all right. >> jimmy: you both act out the same clue. i guess josh. hig-bones, you guess charlize. >> we act out the same -- okay. pick it, pick it, pick it. [ cheers ] okay, everybody shut up. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. you can't say that.
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ready? you pick number one. >> but who am i doing this for? >> you're doing it for me. josh is doing it for jimmy. >> more than anything, we're doing it for nell. >> steve and the children. >> jimmy: and the children. >> steve: because the children are our future. >> jimmy: thank you, higgins. >> steve: if you teach them well. >> jimmy: all right. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> at the same time? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: yes. >> okay. >> jimmy: all ready? here we go. >> steve: tv show. >> jimmy: tv show. >> steve: two words. >> jimmy: three words. car -- >> steve: king, queen, king. >> jimmy: "game of thrones." >> steve: oh! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "game of thrones." >> steve: "game of thrones." >> jimmy: "game of thrones." oh my god. our thanks to steve higgins, josh hartnett, charlize theron, "a million ways to die in the west" is out may 30th. josh and i are going to talk after the break. stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: you know our next guest from his work in such films as "pearl harbor" and "black hawk down." also he is a charades champion. [ light laughter ] you can currently see him in the hit series "penny dreadful" airing sundays at 10:00 p.m. on showtime. please welcome josh hartnett, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome to the show, buddy. >> i thought i was just here for the charades. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. thank you for playing charades. >> i was psyched. we killed them. >> jimmy: we killed them. that last ten point round was fantastic. >> 11-2. that's not even close. >> jimmy: 11-2, not even close. thank you for doing that. i appreciate it. i have got to say, because -- gosh, you know i've been a fan. i met you years ago. i had been a fan of you. and then you did "black hawk down," "pearl harbor" -- these giant, giant, tent pole movies. and then you moved home to minnesota. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you just said, "oh,
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i'm just going to move home." >> i did. >> jimmy: and you lived there for 18 months. i mean, was it weird moving home? >> it was a little weird at first. because you know, i mean, i was doing these big movies, and then decided to go home and see my high school friends. and it was sort of a a different -- obviously, people were treating me a little bit differently when we went out in public, but -- >> jimmy: what make you do you do that? >> to be around people that i knew really well when the whole world was kind of coming in and trying to figure out what i was all about. i just felt like i wanted to be around people who knew me. >> jimmy: yeah. so, you went home and saw your high school buddies? >> just went fishing for about a year and a half. minnesota is known for its fishing. >> jimmy: and you just hung out in the same area that you hung out when you were a kid growing up? >> partially. yeah, i wrote a script in that time too. sitting on a very important shelf somewhere at dreamworks. >> jimmy: yeah, somewhere. yeah, yeah. but you got to see mom? >> yeah, a little, you know, home cooked meal never hurt anybody. >> jimmy: did she treat it like you were back in school? >> i was like about four years from when i graduated high
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school to when i finished doing "black hawk down." and that was about the time that we met. and then all of my other friends were graduating from university. and so it was kind of like coming home after school and wondering, "okay, what next," in a way. everybody's looking for their first jobs. and i'd already -- [ whispering ] conquered the box office. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. so, mr. big shot comes home. >> yeah. >> jimmy: exactly, right. but then i heard this, and i don't know if it's true or not. did you date your high school girlfriend for a little bit? >> i did, yeah. >> jimmy: again? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. we got back together for quiet a while. >> jimmy: you need to tell me about this! this is fantastic! this is -- hopefully -- is this a script? that's a script! >> my current girlfriend is going to watch this. >> jimmy: no, your current girlfriend is the best. she is the greatest. i love her so much. but, everyone starts somewhere, and -- [ laughter ] no, but i'm sorry. i'm going to get you in trouble. >> yeah! >> jimmy: don't you think that is a good idea for a script? guy, big movie star, comes home to his hometown and -- >> you with drew barrymore. [ cheers and applause ] perfect cast. >> jimmy: i can totally do this. >> you could. >> jimmy: if only my acting were good, i could totally do this.
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>> oh, come on, jimmy. jimmy held me up through "snl." like, i was so terrified. i was shaking like a leaf the whole time. >> jimmy: you were not shaking like a leaf. >> yeah, i was. >> jimmy: here is me and you hosting "snl." we were dressed as 'n sync in the new "star wars" movie. i was justin timberlake. you were j.c. as i believe. >> i was j.c. >> jimmy: i remember practicing dancing with you. and we were like, "dude, we're awful." >> it was so topical at the time, wasn't it? >> jimmy: it was a rumor 'n sync was going to be in the new "star wars." they were characters, and that was a big rumor. >> so who is going to be in the new one? they're doing another one now. it's going to be cyclical. >> jimmy: it's one direction. [ laughter ] harry styles is the new luke skywalker. >> totally. >> jimmy: i've read all the blogs. i have got to say, "penny dreadful," this thing looks frightening to me, and scary. and it is a little scary and frightening, but it's set in victorian england or -- what is it about? did you tell anyone? >> i could tell you -- but don't tell anyone else. >> jimmy: it's just between me and you, buddy. yeah, yeah. >> so it is set in 1 1891 in london, as you said. and it involves a lot of characters from classic horror literature. and it sort of, kind of,
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supposes that they all live in the same place at the same time, as real people. frankenstein's there. dracula is there. dorian gray is there. and i play this american character who is very mysterious. you don't know why he's there or why he sticks around when all of these sort of supernatural, scary things start happening. and that's why you have to watch the show, to find out. >> jimmy: all right, there you go. gosh, it's a big hit. so congratulations. showtime is like freaking out about it. it's great. we have a clip. here's josh hartnett in "penny dreadful." take a look. >> it's not her. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: what was that? "penny dreadful" sundays at 10:00 p.m. on showtime. the roots perform next, everybody. come back for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ souders ] photography... ♪'s about capturing the moment. ♪ it's holding your breath... [ elephants grunting ] ...until something takes it out of you. ♪ it's performance without hesitation. which is exactly what you get... [ camera shutter clicks ] ...with a tablet powered by intel. ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back,
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everyone. well, we are so lucky to have them here every night, and we are thrilled to celebrate the release of their new album, "and then you shoot your cousin." performing the song "never" with a little help from dj a-trak and the metropolis ensemble. please welcome "the roots." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ street dreams close your eyes say goodbye to my memory street dreams ♪ ♪ this is the moment the moment that feels like forever ♪
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♪ this is the end the where i began and it feels like forever ♪ ♪ they say time flies down from the sky it says never ♪ ♪ i look down all i see is never and all i know is all i know ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ i was born faceless in the oasis folks disappear here and leave no traces ♪ ♪ no family ties, no laces less than a full deck no aces waiting on superman ♪ ♪ losing all patience getting wasted on an everyday basis i'm stuck here ♪ ♪ can't take a vacation now listen this thing's -- this is reality, man ♪ ♪ ain't no surprise i've been bangin' without any man what is this gotta be brave ♪ ♪ went into the night i'm gonna go quietly man life is a bitch and then you live ♪ ♪ until one day by death you're found i try to keep both of my feet on the ground ♪ ♪ but i know my head is surrounded by clouds spiraling down destined to drown ♪ ♪ forever is just a collection of nouns off on my own nowhere is my home ♪ ♪ approaching infinity's fork in the road when i was young ♪ ♪ something i often was told it's not a bargain if it costs you your soul costs you your pride ♪ ♪ caution aside i'm gone with the wind along for the ride i wish i could rest ♪ ♪ and open my eyes but time ain't finna to fly down from the sky a place where ♪ ♪ the lonely love not another soul's there only us ♪ ♪ street dreams
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close your eyes say goodbye to my memory street dreams ♪ ♪ this is the moment the moment that feels like forever ♪ ♪ this is the end to where i began and it feels like forever they say time flies ♪ ♪ down from the sky and says never i look down all i see is never ♪ ♪ and all i know is all i know i woke up with a tear drop all i know is all i know ♪ ♪ i woke up with a tear drop all i know is all i know it's all i know
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all i know ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's so good, buddy. oh, my gosh! the roots right there! [ cheers and applause ] dj a-trak, the metropolis ensemble. "and then you shoot your cousin" is in stores now. we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to charlize theron, josh hartnett! and the roots once again! [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with
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seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. buh-bye, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- james mcavoy. wendi mclendon-covey.


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