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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 21, 2014 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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cup. she's 1 of 26 kids across the country selected by mcdonald's to escort a member of team usa soccer on to the field before world cup match. >> i didn't think we were going to win. >> do you still believe you've won? >> it's fun. >> i've always been envious of the kids i get to see that. how does this happen? for her to get a chance to do this, it's incredible. >> a soccer tradition. the players walk out with kids. and carmen and her dad will be in brazil for five days. >> way to go. >> does she get to text us? i'll give you suggestions. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- hugh jackman.
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jimmy page. musical guest, barry gibb. and featuring the legendary roots crew. and now, here's your host, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] yeah. oh, that's what i'm talking about right there. hot crowd. welcome to "the tonight show" everybody. we're here. it's going to be a fun show tonight. hugh jackman in the house tonight. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy page in the house tonight. >> steve: what! [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: and the one the only barry gibb in the house tonight. >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's a great show. >> steve: come on! >> jimmy: this is the show to be at. this is gonna be great. but first, here's what's people are talking about. this is a real shocker, you guys. i almost couldn't move this morning, i was so shocked about this. [ laughter ] you guys, olympic gold medal winning ice dancer meryl davis won "dancing with the stars" last night. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] she won the whole thing. >> steve: no! no! >> jimmy: when asked how she managed to edge out the competition, meryl was like, "prayers, luck and oh yeah, i'm a professional dancer. i won a gold medal for dancing, and --" that's right, gold medalist ice dancer meryl davis won "dancing with the stars." in other news, jeff gordon won "racing with the stars." [ laughter ]
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lebron james won "basketball with the stars" and tom bergeron won "hosting 'dancing with the stars' with the stars." so, congratulations to everybody. you're all winners. [ cheers and applause ] all winners. the other thing that's creating a lot of the con-traversy -- [ laughter ] our show airs in england. so i just wanted to give a a little shout out to -- a little con-traversy here. "wheel of fortune" host pat sajak, have you read this? he's in the news for tweeting that people who believe in global warming are "unpatriotic racists." [ laughter ] but considering he's been watching a wheel spin around for 30 years, i was pretty surprised it wasn't something crazier than that, like, "i'm gonna marry that wheel one day." actually, take a look at the full tweet. "i now believe that global warming alarmists are unpatriotic racists, knowingly misleading for their own ends." people were like, "okay pat,
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i'm gonna take a 'c,' an 'r,' an 'a,' a 'z' and a 'y' because you're crazy, pat!" take a little breather buddy. [ cheers and applause ] sit down. breathe it out. don't tweet it. yeah, i think pat is really riled up. i mean, take a look at this other tweet he sent out. he tweeted, "expiration dates on milk were created by communists. i'll drink my milk when i want to. #mooobitchgetouttheway." [ cheers and applause ] too much. unfollow. >> steve: what? >> jimmy: i started following after that one. hey guys, i heard that the hit movie "frozen" is now being turned into a new disney on ice show. [ cheers ] and as soon as they heard that, parents were like, "i'll get my wallet. all right, here we go. all right, two tickets. get daddy his flask. daddy's little special juice box." [ laughter ]
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that's right. "frozen" is being turned into a a disney on ice show, which is good because the montreal canadiens will be able to find jobs after this series with the rangers. [ cheers and applause ] you want to mess with me? you want to mess with me? step in the ring --rink. step in the rink. >> steve: the rink. >> jimmy: yeah, not the ring. you step in the rink with me. [ laughter ] >> steve: you would fight the hockey players? >> jimmy: no, i can't play hockey. i like montreal, but you know, they challenged me to this bet. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: they bet that the rangers are going lose. that's the new york rangers. i can't let that happen. >> steve: no. >> jimmy: so this thursday in new york, go rangers. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, this is cool. i saw that pope francis is going to bring a rabbi and a a muslim leader with him when he travels to the holy land this week. or as bartenders put it, we've been expecting you. [ laughter ] finally. the pope, a rabbi -- [ laughter ]
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this isn't good. kraft is recalling more than one million cases of cottage cheese because they weren't stored at the right temperature. when i heard that i was like, "isn't that how you make cottage cheese?" [ laughter ] i mean, i don't know. i don't know anything about cheese. this is a pretty interesting story here, a new survey found that half of americans can't swim. more than i would have guessed. hey kamal, can you swim? >> kamal: yeah, can you? >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] can you juggle? >> kamal: yeah, can you? >> jimmy: yeah. >> kamal: do you know tae kwon do? >> jimmy: yeah. do you? >> kamal: yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: do you speak german? >> kamal: ya, can you? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ya. >> kamal: can you walk? >> jimmy: of course i can walk. can you play the keyboard? >> kamal: no. [ laughter ] i never learned. [ sad keyboard music playing ]
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>> jimmy: kamal, you're playing your own sad music. you can play the keyboard. [ laughter ] >> kamal: all right. yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, that's right! kamal grey everyone, right there. good job, kamal. you can do it. [ applause ] well hey, this is very interesting here. researcher have found that eating two large meals helps you lose more weight than eating six small meals or as doctors put it, please just exercise. [ laughter ] stop making us do this. if you work out you're going lose -- i mean, don't buy anymore books. if you just work out. >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: that's how you'll lose weight. yeah, yeah, yeah. now, if i have a third and the rest of my plate is all walnuts and then i take a wilted lettuce leaf and i just take two licks every wednesday and then a little lemon juice that way it cuts the fat -- [ cheers and applause ]
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nothing works. i got the male spanx the other day. >> steve: how was it? i put it on. well, the fat's gotta go somewhere. >> steve: right. >> jimmy: it went up my neck i was like this, and it looked like i was hanging upside down. it was just an awful thing. [ laughter ] this is --listen to this, you guys. a new study found that germs on airplane armrests stay there for up to a week. that sounds like less of a a study and something i'd just say to get the armrest. [ laughter ] well, if you're not gonna take any chances, i will. [ laughter ] neck pillow, recline? and finally a russian businessman has been ordered to pay his wife $4.5 billion in what is being called the world's most expensive divorce. then donald sterling said, "stay tuned everybody." [ laughter ] we have a great show. give it up for the roots, right there. ♪ ♪ bring me down can't nothing bring me down my level's too high ♪ ♪ bring me down can't nothing bring me down yeah ♪
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♪ clap along if you feel like a room without a roof because i'm happy ♪ ♪ clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth because i'm happy ♪ ♪ clap along if you know what happiness is to you because i'm happy ♪ ♪ clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. that is the newly crowned winner of "the voice," josh kaufman sitting in with the roots tonight. [ cheers and applause ] you should be happy, buddy. congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: great job. josh will also be joining a a host of other "voice" contestants on the summer tour that begins june 21st in san antonio, texas. is that where it is? >> absolutely, yeah. >> jimmy: congratulations, buddy. that's such a great, great story. i knew from day one that he was going to win. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i knew it from day one. where'd you start?
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like, where'd you come from? where'd they find you? >> um, i just went to one of the open call auditions. i was in indianapolis, indiana. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: i love indianapolis! we were just there for the super bowl. we had the greatest time there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and you were singing in a bars -- >> yeah, bars and restaurants and coffee shops and whatever. >> jimmy: but you're gonna be on tour and going like, with thousands of people. i mean, people --i mean, you're famous. you did it. you won "the voice." >> it was amazing. >> jimmy: congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: you're really great. love that guy. josh kaufman. also behind josh is of course, the house band, the roots, ladies and gentlemen. there they are. there is their new album. [ cheers and applause ] that is their new album. "and then you shoot your cousin" is the name of the album. "and then you shoot your cousin." that is the name of the album. and currently they are not talking to their cousins. [ laughter ] but congratulations it was -- it's number eight on itunes now? >> tariq: yes. >> jimmy: number eight on itunes. the roots have a top ten record.
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[ cheers and applause ] download it everybody. go pick it out. buy it in stores. so happy, guys. so proud of you guys. it's been a great week so far. there's more ahead tomorrow night. amanda seyfried will be here from "a million ways to die in the west." [ cheers and applause ] then, i am so excited for this. will ferrell and chad smith of the red hot chili peppers are going to battle it out in an epic drum off right here in our studio. [ cheers and applause ] because they look alike, and will said in an interview that chad smith does not exist. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: and that he is a a will ferrell character that he made up. [ laughter ] and chad got mad and said, "i challenge you to an epic drum off." and it's gonna happen here tomorrow night. [ cheers and applause ] also tonight marks the start of fleet week here in new york city. [ cheers and applause ] if you see any people walking around, service men and women. this morning was the parade of ships coming up the hudson river. that was very cool to watch.
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so on friday, in honor of both fleet week and memorial day, our audience will be comprised entirely of service men and women and we're going the get bunch of them involved in a fun game during the show. it's gonna be awesome. also joining us friday, seth mcfarlane, sandy newton and rascal flatts are gonna be here. >> steve: what? whoa! >> jimmy: that's a good show. that's a hot show. speaking of hot shows, tonight -- i don't know, man, i was like, just say the man's name and people go crazy. >> steve: they go nuts. >> jimmy: people just go nuts. they start rioting around the city, they don't know what to do. he's giant movie star. >> steve: huge. >> jimmy: he's back with a new x-men movie out friday. hugh jackman is here. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: come on! >> jimmy: the roots go crazy every time i mention hugh jackman. they go nuts. they love hugh. [ cheers ] i've never seen them like that. i could be like, hey guys how you doing? yeah. hugh jackman.
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[ cheers ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm going to challenge you to a cooler scooter race tonight. yeah, it seems like something we should do. plus, this is almost too cool to believe. the founder of the led zeppelin, jimmy page is stopping by. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy page. the jimmy page. and one of my idols. oh my gosh. this guy is unbelievable. he is -- [ imitating barry gibb ] a greatest performer. [ laughter ] barry gibb is on the show tonight. [ cheers and applause ] barry mother-effing gibb. [ applause ] and we talked to him last time because we just made that sketch up. higgins and i read that sketch for "saturday night live." and higgins is the voiceover if you ever listen to that. "it's the barry gibb talk show." and we just made that up that he's violent.
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>> steve: yeah, he's not at all. >> jimmy: he's like -- >> steve: the nicest man in the world. >> jimmy: we totally made that up. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: and like, yeah, so now like people probably try start fights with him and stuff. [ laughter ] but he's the coolest, nicest guy in the world. anyways, he's playing with the roots tonight and his band as well. and they're going doing a a little jive talking. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: oh, snap! it's great! >> jimmy: it sounds so good, man. i just want it to happen immediately, it is so good. you guys, you know, there's a a lot of people out there who try to give you advice. but you have to be careful, because depending on the situation, what's good advice for some people might be bad advice for others. so with that in mind it's time for a segment we call "good advice, bad advice." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ good advice bad advice ♪ >> jimmy: okay, this first piece of advice is, "you can say that again." now, that's good advice if you are agreeing with someone. it's bad advice if you are donald sterling. yeah. don't say that again. >> steve: don't even say it once. >> jimmy: yeah don't even say it once.
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>> steve: don't. do not. >> jimmy: next we have "swing away." that's good advice if you are at home plate. bad advice if you are in an elevator with jay-z. [ laughter ] >> steve: don't do it. >> jimmy: just leave him alone, man. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: calm down. >> jimmy: next, we have "just do it." that's good advice if it comes from your coach. it's bad advice if it comes from the voices in your head. [ laughter ] >> steve: [ whispering ] just do it, do it. >> jimmy: here's -- >> steve: [ whispering ] just do it. [ laughter ] don't look at the cards, just do it. get up. get the pen. kill kamal, kill him. kill kamal. he'll never see it coming. [ laughter ] [ normal voice ] hey jimmy, jimmy. >> jimmy: what's up higgins. >> steve: how's it going, bud? >> jimmy: can i have your autograph? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: your weak.
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>> jimmy: here's another one here, "break a leg." that's good advice if you're saying it to an actor. that's bad advice if vladimir putin is saying to it one of his bodyguards. [ laughter ] [ imitating putin ] maybe break arm too, he , he, he. [ laughter ] next up there, "nothing lasts forever." that's very true. that's good advice if you are writing a eulogy. that's bad advice if you're writing your wedding vows. [ laughter ] you generally don't do that. that's not good advice. >> steve: hey man, we gave it a a shot. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: not yet. >> steve: do you have a light? >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: yeah. >> so anyway i'm getting married right now, man. >> jimmy: you should try to get back to the alter. >> ahh, we'll try. >> jimmy: hey, man, i just lit that for you, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's an e cigarette. [ laughter ] you don't have to light those. that's melted plastic. like, don't inhale that stuff.
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next we have "let it flow." that is good advice if you're freestyle rapping. bad advice if you're having trouble finding a restroom. next we have "when one door closes another door opens." that's good advice if you just lost your job. bad advice if that job was locksmith. yeah, get a different line of work. it's not working. here's one i always hear. "it is what it is." that's good advice to say after a tough break. bad advice if you say it after sex. [ laughter ] hey man. [ laughter ] it is what is, there's nothing i can do. >> steve: we got married right? nothing lasts forever. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the e-pipe. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah.
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and finally we have the "let the cat of the bag." that's good advice if you're telling someone a secret. that's great advice if you've been keeping a cat in a bag. [ laughter ] that's "good advice, bad advice." we'll be back with more of "the tonight show," everybody. it's fun. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi everybody. i'm gary frick, i used to be on the show back when i was a a puppy. there i am. and now i live with my owner jimmy fallon and when i'm a a good dog he gives me a treat. but not -- not just any treat. [ laughter ] he gives me -- when i'm a good dog he gives me purina beggin' party poppers. there it is right there. now here's how it works.
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you just take a treat. right here. you press down. i can do this without even looking, that's how good it is. you press it down on this rubber pig nose here. where is it? there it is. you press it down on the pig nose and then watch it pop. [ laughter ] there you go. see how much fun it is. check out all these flavors you got here. let's see. you got bacon, you got monterey jack, you got cheddar cheese. i don't even need my glasses. i got lasik a couple years ago. so if you want your dog to be a a party animal -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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if you want your dog to be a a party animal, like me. that's what i'm talking about. you get some beggin' party poppers right there. beggin' party poppers, let the fun fly. we'll be right back with more of "the tonight show" everybody. [ cheers and applause ] gary. my heavens, it's beggin'! never mind, it's beggin'. it's flying beggin'! (vo) introducing beggin' party poppers, new bacon-y wrapped, cheesy bites that you launch from a rubber pig's nose. fun for you and your best friend. it's beggin'!!! mmm, i love you, i love beggin'. i love you, i love poppers, i love you.. (vo) new party poppers, only from beggin'. so at devry university and our keller graduate school. we make this commitment. our fixed tuition promise. lock-in your tuition rate through graduation.
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even if tuition increases, ...your rate won't. learn more at [ doorbell rings ] stall them. [ imitates monkey ] stop stalling. cascade platinum fights cloudy residue 3x better than the competing gel and helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. cascade platinum. layer upon layer of bacteria, so destroy these layers with listerine®. its unique formula penetrates these layers deeper than any other mouthwash. for a cleaner, healthier mouth, #1 dentist recommended listerine®. power to your mouth™. where you can explore super destinations and do everything under the sun. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. save up to 25% and earn bonus points when you book at
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an academy award nominated actor whose new film "x- men: days of future past" is in 3d in theaters everywhere on friday. ladies and gentlemen, welcome wolverine himself, hugh jackman. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: that's the way to do it my friends. hugh jackman. that's the way to do it. [ cheers and applause ] wooo, come on. that's the way to do it. >> i'm in training. >> jimmy: can i just ask why -- >> i'm in training. >> jimmy: you're in training for what? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: i don't know what that is, yeah. i don't know what we just did but it was great. >> i'm training for the tony awards. i'm hosting the tony awards. >> jimmy: that's right. [ cheers and applause ] yep. >> and -- >> jimmy: june 8th. >> june 8th, very good. >> jimmy: there's these tony awards. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i cannot wait. >> it will all make sense on the night. all of that will make sense. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah -- no that won't make sense. >> good luck to you by the way. hosting "tonight show" with the stars. you're going to go on that right? >> jimmy: yeah i'm going to go on hosting "the tonight show" with the stars. i can't wait. i think i have a pretty good edge but i don't know. hopefully i win. >> good luck with that mate. >> jimmy: that was great. i'm out of breath. >> see and i'm not.
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>> jimmy: that is the difference between us. [ laughter ] i'm so out of shape. here you have the tony's -- i would say tony's are a big deal to me, especially a host. out of all the award show i love that because people actually perform what they are nominated for. >> it's like you get the greatest hits of the broadway. you know like, 12 pieces from the best show on broadway there live. so if you can't get to every show which is pretty much everyone, even if you live here, just watch the tony awards. >> jimmy: those are all on there and it's like but the singing and dancing -- it's like the academy awards. i love that too. but, the tony's are like you're nominated. go show us what you're nominated for. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: whoa, you put me on the spot -- >> exactly. >> jimmy: but like -- i don't know. >> you hosted the emmys, didn't you? >> jimmy: i did. >> cause glenn -- glenn weiss who's the producer said you're the best. he said you're the best guy, not the best host but he said you're the best guy. [ laughter ] no. you are the best guy. >> jimmy: best guy. yeah yeah. he's a -- >> did you have a good time? >> jimmy: i had a great time hosting that. well now i'm hosting for a a living. [ laughter ] i like it that much i decided
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to make it my whole career. >> you're doing a great job of it. >> jimmy: thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] look at this. you can sing and dance and you're ripped. you're a ripped action star right there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: hugh jackman, ripped. [ cheers ] this is the way to do it. >> the photographers here straighten your arm. why because, oh we'll get the tricep and i feel really stupid and then that's the photo. look at that. >> jimmy: you really -- >> no one stands like that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's how people stand when they're in a fight. come at me like you're going to get in a fight with me. >> hey how's it going mate? hey man, how are you? >> jimmy: what's up? [ laughter ] >> sorry man. >> jimmy: we cool? >> i wasn't looking at your girlfriend. >> jimmy: everything cool? >> i really wasn't look at your girlfriend. >> jimmy: everything cool here? is it all under control? [ laughter ] >> you looked ripped man. you look a lot bigger. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you very much. wow. thank you very much. but you think this is -- no this is so funny because with" men's health" -- i love "men's health." i was on the cover of "men's health" before "the tonight show." here's my cover.
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and this is real. [ laughter ] look at that. i'm like clapping. [ applause ] i'm like shaking hands with an invisible man. yours says -- yours says, "hugh jackman, ripped." my says, "burn fat." [ laughter ] come on! [ applause ] >> i bet -- i bet yours sold more mate. yours sold more. >> jimmy: yeah, i don't think so. but man oh man you're ripped. last time you were here, you were eating like 12 chicken breasts, boiled chicken breasts and like veggies back in the dressing room. >> thank you for that by the way. >> jimmy: no problem. i got the george foreman grill. and -- no but -- and then you tweeted this picture of you working out. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i mean look at this. wait. >> yeah. yeah, no it was ridiculous. >> jimmy: i mean that is insane and also insane is the little toes sneakers you have on. [ laughter ] they don't seem safe to me. why would you -- are those your workout shoes? >> when i'm doing dead lifts. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so i don't slip on the floor, the whole thing.
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but yeah. >> jimmy: there's no -- >> you need a safe shoe when you're dead lifting like that. if it lands you on you're not walking again. >> jimmy: your look how skinny your legs are too. >> yeah right. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i mean look again. i don't think you're looking close enough. look how skinny your legs are. it's amazing when you lift that much weight. [ applause ] >> you have no idea. all my mates at home are laughing so -- they call me sticks. they really did. >> jimmy: in real life? >> yeah. no in real life for about 12 years. sticks. >> jimmy: really? they don't even -- skinny legs. yeah but it's good. >> jimmy: and now you're wolverine. >> and now i'm wolverine. >> jimmy: exactly. that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] now are you currently filming now? are you currently filming now, another x-men? >> no we finished that. we're not still filming. it comes out tomorrow so. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's really fresh. a very topical film. and this one is here. everyone's in this one. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you go to the past but you are in the past and the future. >> yeah.
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so in the future mutants are on the edge of the extinction. the only way to fix this is to go back in the past to change events so the future will never happen in that way. so i'm the character who goes back in time and i land back this 1973 in my younger body. so my mind travels back. it's the ultimate fantasy isn't it. >> jimmy: it's really, really fun. >> it's really great. >> jimmy: amazing effects. >> time period, huge cast, funny, keep going. >> jimmy: yeah, it's huge, funny, smart, charming. >> nudity, what else? >> jimmy: nudity. >> lots of it. >> jimmy: yeah lots of it. [ laughter ] >> the roots. >> jimmy: cartoon songs. "let it go." >> you sing "let it go" in the movie. >> jimmy: a lot of that. half an hour of you singing "let it go" with other x-men. [ laughter ] >> will ferrell. >> jimmy: will ferrell he comes in. more cowbell for him and it makes the whole thing worth it. i want to show a clip here. here is hugh jackman in "x-men: days of future past." check it out. >> i'd like the professor. >> no professor here. >> you're pretty strong for a a scrawny kid. are you sure there is not a a little beast in ya?
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come on beasty. >> i said the school is closed you need to leave. >> not until i see the professor. >> there is no professor here. i told you that. >> look kid. you and i are going to be good friends. [ groaning ] you just don't know it yet. professor? professor? [ yelling ] [ roaring ] >> jimmy: yeah! that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] you know how to do it. you know how to make good movies buddy. hey can i challenge you because every time we're here i challenge you to something fun and you always say yes without even knowing what it is. >> yes. no. yes. >> jimmy: i want to challenge you to a cooler scooter race. >> awesome. really? >> jimmy: yeah. cooler scooter. >> that is awesome. >> jimmy: we've made coolers into electric scooters. [ cheers ] hugh jackman and are i having a
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a cooler scoot race after the break. come on back. it's good. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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[ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪
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a.m. crunchwraps over here. cinnabon delights over there! looks like a morning rave is about to go down. next thing you know they'll be twerking with their waffle tacos hanging out. we survived disco, now this. oh, yeah, that is definitely a rave... what's a rave? what's a twerk? [ male announcer ] the next generation of breakfast is here. the waffle taco, a.m. crunchwrap, and cinnabon delights, part of the all-new breakfast menu at taco bell. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hey, everybody! we're back with hugh jackman. he stars in "x-men: days of future past" which opens in theaters everywhere this friday. [ cheers and applause ] this friday -- this friday also marks the start of memorial day weekend.
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and what's more american than beating an australian in a good old fashioned cooler scooter race. >> that's it! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: no. >> bring it. >> jimmy: no. if you don't know what a cooler scooter is, it's a beer cooler that is attached to the scooter. it's basically, it's going to be the transportation of the future, you guys. [ laughter ] we'll all be driving them in five years. here's how it's going to work. the race will be one lap. we're going to go out these doors into is hallway, make a a left turn, go around the keg in the elevator bank and you'll continue through "the tonight show" memorial day parade -- which includes such obstacles as a baton twirler -- [ laughter ] an old man contemplating crossing the street -- a little boy who's eaten too much candy and his tummy hurts -- he might be very sick. you have to go in between two frat brothers in lawn chairs -- >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: high fiving and you'll pass a dad flipping burgers on a grill and a few more other surprises. finally, you'll come back to
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the backstage area and into the studio. first one to cross the finish line is the winner in the memorial day cooler scooter championship. it's so worth it. [ laughter and applause ] of course, since safety -- since safety is sexy we'll be wearing these beer helmets complete with ice cold beers. hey, roots. can we have a little cooler scooter race music? higgins, you want to get us started? >> steve: all right. gentlemen, ready? >> ready! >> steve: set. go! >> oh! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey old man. [ laughter ] >> oh, no! no! oh! yeah! scoreboard! yeah! ha! >> jimmy: ah! [ cheers ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: hugh jackman right there! "x-men: days of future past" is in theaters friday. we'll be right back with jimmy page. ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: we're joined right now by a rock n' roll icon and legendary studio producer. he founded a band called led zeppelin and has spent the past -- [ cheers and applause ] -- few years remastering their entire catalog. the first reissues, led zeppelin one, two, and three will be released on june 3rd. please welcome to our show, jimmy page! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: whoo! jimmy page, welcome to the show! come on! >> yes, it's a pleasure. >> jimmy: you're the coolest jimmy now on "late night", officially. [ laughter ] thank you so much for being here, buddy. you were telling me backstage that you get to see the show in england. >> yes, i -- we do get it. >> jimmy: i didn't know that we could be seen in england. >> yeah. >> jimmy: this is fantastic for me. >> late night. late night. >> jimmy: it's very -- absolutely. yeah. i will -- thank you for being here. >> yes. it's probably a day or so behind, you know? >> jimmy: yeah. so you won't see you for a a couple days. by the way, my first led zeppelin album i got, i found in the woods. [ laughter ] and i think -- i think that's how a lot of kids, when i grew up, delivered led zeppelin albums. like a little fairy or something would come and appear and go, "ahh. there's your led zeppelin album." you found it and you didn't tell anyone. but this guy, i mean this is just --
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look at this. [ applause ] that's the first one. it's all remastered on this thing. you've taken on the giant, giant task of remastering all of this thing. first of all, why would you do this? this is a big job. >> well, it's, it's -- yeah, i know it is, but what it, what it entails, it's -- it was remastering the catalog. when these things were originally done, they were done for vinyl. and then, they were remastered about 20 years ago for cd market. but now, there's a re-emerging vinyl market, cds, there's -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> digital online. so, the whole lot of all of these original albums has been remastered for all of those different media if you like. but at the same time, i thought, "well, other people have done this. other people have remastered their catalog, so let's see what we can do to make it, like, really special. >> jimmy: so, then you decided to take this thing on. so any vinyl -- freaks should be psyched up or led zeppelin freaks because this is the stuff that you found in the vaults which is -- where are the vaults? >> okay. >> jimmy: i say "the vaults"
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but what -- i don't know -- was it under the ocean somewhere? [ laughs ] >> under -- >> jimmy: what do i have to take, a submarine to get the led zeppelin vaults? >> well, you almost need -- you need to time travel to get back into there. >> jimmy: yeah. it's under one of the pyramids. that's where they have them all. >> yeah, what it was -- you know, i was a producer of the band, so i was actually in the studio more times than the rest of the guys. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i used to take back reference mixes and -- that's it. you know? it started to build up and i -- i took good care of all this stuff and -- >> jimmy: you actually -- >> i just thought it would work well to have a companion disc that reflected what was going on with the discs that everybody knows so that it gives you, like, a little window into it. a little doorway so you get, like, an extra dimension of what was going on in those times. >> jimmy: i got to say it's pretty wild and it's really in depth, and you actually went to some crazy led zeppelin fans. you found them, like, online. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and you said to them, "have you ever heard of these tracks" or am i just -- i mean, are these been released or am i making this up?
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i don't think this has been released. >> well, it was more a a question, i'll be really honest with you here. it was a question if some of that stuff had come out across the years. not what i had at home but -- certain material from the studio had leaked out. come out on bootleg. so, when i started to listen to all of this analog tape, and comes as -- to do this, i just really wanted to make sure that the material that i had hadn't come out on bootleg. >> jimmy: right, and -- >> so -- >> jimmy: it hadn't. >> i had to check with certain people who were in the know, you know? >> jimmy: yeah. >> it hadn't. >> jimmy: well, i'm so excited. it's about to come out. is it june 3rd? you guys, led zeppelin fans, get ready for this. [ cheers and applause ] first three -- reissues are out june 3rd. oh, my god. jimmy page right there! you're, like, the coolest ever. come back whenever you want to. >> i'd love to. >> jimmy: i love you so much. please. more of "the tonight show" after the break. stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a music legend who is on road for a rare u.s. tour. that visits jones beach right here in new york on friday. this tour is getting rave reviews. if you want to go see barry gibb, do it. it is off the chain. off the gold chain. [ laughter ]
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performing the classic "jive talkin" with a little help from the roots, please welcome barry gibb. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ it's just your jive talkin you're telling me lies yeah jive talkin ♪ ♪ you wear a disguise jive talkin so misunderstood yeah ♪ ♪ jive talkin you really no good oh my child ♪ ♪ you'll never know just what you mean to me oh my child ♪ ♪ you got so much you're gonna take away my energy ♪ ♪ with all your jive talkin you're telling me lies yeah ♪ ♪ good lovin still gets in my eyes
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nobody believes what you say ♪ ♪ it's just your jive talkin that gets in the way ♪ ♪ do do do do do do ♪ ♪ do do do do do do ♪ ♪ do do do do do do ♪ ♪ do do do do do do ♪ ♪ oh my love you're so good treating me so cruel ♪ ♪ there you go with your fancy lies leavin me lookin like a dumbstruck fool ♪ ♪ with all your jive talkin you're telling me lies yeah ♪ ♪ jive talkin you wear a disguise jive talkin so misunderstood yeah ♪ ♪ jive talkin you just ain't no good love talkin
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is all very fine yeah ♪ ♪ jive talkin just isn't a crime and if there's somebody you'll love till you die ♪ ♪ then all that jive talkin just gets in your eyes ♪ ♪ do do do do do do ♪ ♪ do do do do do do ♪ ♪ do do do do do do ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> come on! ♪ jive talkin good lovin nobody believes what you say it's just your jive talkin that gets in the way ♪
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♪ la la la love talkin is all very fine yeah ♪ ♪ jive talkin just isn't a crime and if there's somebody you'll love till you die ♪ ♪ then all that jive talkin just gets in your eye yeah yeah ♪ ♪ jive talkin jive talkin jive talkin ♪ ♪ jive talkin jive talkin jive talkin jive talkin ♪ ♪ do do do do do do ♪ ♪ do do do do do do ♪ ♪ do do do
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do do do ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my goodness! oh, my goodness. barry gibb. good to see you, barry. barry gibb. go see him live friday, jones beach, right here in new york. we'll be right back. that's the way to do it. that's the way you do it, right there. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: my thanks to hugh jackman, jimmy page, josh kaufman, barry gibb right here, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right over there, ladies and gents. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. hope to see you tomorrow. buh-bye, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- jennifer lawrence, alan cumming,


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