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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 22, 2014 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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county than any other county in the state. three years of research shows more winners of mega plilones, powerball, super lotto plus and fantasy five live or work or somehow come through and buy their tickets in the south bay. >> so we have no excuse for not getting our tickets here next time. >> if you don't bolivia in isn't a claire whra county, commute t your tickets. so people sneaking out early tomorrow. >> low 80s inland. for memorial day weekend, upper 80s to near 90. i think winning numbers are in the north bay. 93 degrees. not too hot, not too cool. just right. >> unofficial start to summer. have a great friday. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- amanda seyfried. will ferrell and chad smith.
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featuring the legendary roots crew. and now, here's your host -- jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much, everybody! welcome, welcome. thank you very much. thank you. hey! thank you very much. oh! that's good, buddy. oh! that's what i'm talk about right there. that's a hot crowd. amazing crowd. welcome, everybody. welcome. to the "tonight show." thank you for being here. thank you very much for being here, everybody, and thank you for watching at home. here's what people are talking
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about. i want to congratulate 32-year-old stephan jeffrey for winning season 13 of "american idol." [ cheers and applause ] also all of you clapping are liars because i made up that name. [ laughter ] not even the right age. the person who won. the real guy's name caleb johnson, 23-years-old. that's really his name. congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] caleb johnson. good for him. he's talented. here's some good news, you guys. the organizing committee for the 2016 olympics in rio just announced that 38% of the venues are completed. [ applause ] when asked if they'd be done in time for the summer games, rio said, "wait. summer games?" [ laughter ] "how are we going to do with those ski jumps? it's vertical soccer here and we're in the third --" listen
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to this. in a new interview, angelina jolie said she's considering running for office. [ audience oohs ] pretty serious. she spent all week shaking hands and taking babies -- kissing babies. sorry. [ laughter ] kissing babies. shaking hands. [ applause ] kissing them. and then she took them. did you hear -- you guys love "price is right"? [ cheers and applause ] i love "price is right." one of his "price is right" fans got angry at president obama yesterday because a speech he was interrupted the show. so, let me fill them in what you they missed. three people you don't know got called down and they were extremely happy about it. that's all you missed right there. "come on down!" [ applause ] one guy bid one dollar. >> steve: one guy. >> jimmy: the president -- >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: whatever. >> steve: come on down! check this out. a new study found that legalizing marijuana in colorado has created more than 10,000 jobs. [ cheers and applause ]
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and that's just selling lava lamps at spencer's gifts. [ laughter ] "i want a purple one and -- i want another purple one -- for if i lose that other purple one. here's some big international news. china and russia just signed an historic gas bill worth $400 billion. >> steve: you're saying they passed the gas bill. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] they passed the gas bill. it was a pretty big one. >> steve: you know what i heard? >> jimmy: what's up? >> steve: i heard russia denied it. [ laughter ] but, they definitely supplied it. that's what i heard. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: everyone knew they supplied it. >> steve: and they knew it. they knew it. >> jimmy: yeah. well, when people caught wind of it -- [ laughter ] they weren't pleased. >> steve: really? >> jimmy: but this is one of those gas bills that's going to linger. >> steve: you think so. >> jimmy: yeah.
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>> steve: those are the worst. you know what i heard? >> jimmy: what's up? >> steve: i heard when they were touring the factory -- >> jimmy: okay. >> steve: there was an explosion. they heard some sort of explosive sound. >> jimmy: how does that sound like? what does the explosive sound like? >> jimmy: something like -- something like that maybe. i don't know i wasn't there and i'm not an expert in explosions. >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: so, they looked over -- >> jimmy: mm-hmm. >> steve: and apparently in one of the pipes, there was a a crack. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and that's where -- that's where the gas was leaking out of. >> steve: yeah, broken -- some wind had come and broken in the gas -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: broke wind. it broke from the wind. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: and, yeah. i mean, this whole -- this whole gas bill thing stinks and -- [ laughter ] but, of course, russia said they don't mind because they say it's their own gas bill so -- >> steve: you're not pulling my leg, are you? you're not pulling my leg on that one, are you? >> jimmy: no, i'm not pulling your finger either. >> steve: oh! there you go. there you go! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's the "gas bill" bit. the gas bill bit of 2014. they'll be playing it in museums.
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>> steve: future tron 2 2000 playing something from the year 2014. and then gas bill came out and then russians brought something and they broke some wind -- if you look forward, president kanye west spoke today. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and finally, here's the latest on our pal, toronto mayor rob ford. [ cheers and applause ] yeah. supposedly, he's in rehab but nobody really knows where he is. well, yesterday, this is true. a woman was charged with driving mayor ford's suv while impaired. some random woman was driving his suv. and she got pulled over. check out the story. >> it is mayor ford's black escalade impounded in an opp lot in bracebridge. now, the woman who was allegedly driving it yesterday afternoon was arrested and charged with impaired driving. and here we have a mug shot of the suspect. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: maybe it was a a neighbor. i don't know. we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's been a fantdic week so far and there's more ahead tomorrow night. in honor of the both fleet week and memorial day, our audience will be comprised entirely of the service men and women. and we're going to get a -- [ cheers and applause ] we're going to get a bunch of them involved in a fun game during the show. i can't wait for that one. plus, seth macfarlane, thandie newton and rascal flatts will all be here. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: rascal flatts. wow! >> jimmy: yeah. it's going to be good. but first, we have a great show tonight. from seth macfarlane's new comedy, "a million ways to die in the west", the lovely amanda seyfried is here. >> steve: oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: she's funny in the movie. >> steve: come on! >> jimmy: she's great. and the, it's just been, it's just been -- later on in the show after that, it's just been just a
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a long day for us here. very dramatic. a lot of chairs being thrown in the hallway. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: angry people -- >> steve: angry people yelling and screaming. >> jimmy: papers being ripped. thrown, torn -- >> steve: torn, thrown under. >> jimmy: paper being bent. bent paper clips. a lot of stuff. will ferrell and chad smith is the drummer, great drummer, of the red hot chill peppers. [ cheers and applause ] they're having a drum off tonight on the "tonight show." it's happening. >> steve: it's nuts. >> jimmy: i almost got sick right there. >> steve: yeah. 'cause it's nuts. >> jimmy: dude, i have butterflies in my stomach. i got so nervous, i almost got -- sick. >> steve: it's wild. yeah. i know. >> jimmy: in my mouth. >> steve: i don't blame you. in your mouth from the chyme from your stomach going up. >> jimmy: but what's going on with these two dudes? i mean, i know these people, separately. differently. and they're both nice human beings. together they're just like, oil and -- >> steve: oil and vinegar. >> jimmy: vinegar, like a good
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salad dressing. [ laughter ] for the past few months -- >> steve: no, i mean -- >> jimmy: for the past few months, these guys have been going back and forth. they're similar looking and they get mistaken for one another all the time and they're both sick of it. >> steve: yeah. they're done. >> jimmy: they're mad. they decided to do something about it so they're going to have a drum off. will ferrell -- >> steve: right. >> jimmy: and the drummer from the red hot chili peppers. chad smith. >> steve: chad smith. drumoff -- tonight -- this show -- for why? but they are, they actually are doing it for their favorite charities. will is which is -- giving it to kids who have cancer and they need money to go college. and -- chad has and that's -- getting instruments into the schools who can't really afford musical instruments but -- [ applause ] all that aside, it's ugly back there. >> steve: nuts! it's nuts! >> jimmy: it is ugly backstage and we're going to talk to will and chad about their rivalry and then, they're going to go to war. and you do not want to miss the dig drum off tonight. [ cheers and applause ] just know where your exits are.
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just know where your exits are exit in orderly fashion if something goes wrong. >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: i don't even know what to say. i almost got sick again. >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] silent energy in the room. >> jimmy: it's just that you can feel -- can you guys feel that crispy energy? >> steve: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] crackling. crackling. >> jimmy: crackling, yeah. it's crackling right there. and everybody's just going to sick and it's just going to be -- >> steve: so, you don't want to miss that. >> jimmy: you don't want to miss that. you what i was wondering, higgins? and you guys, too. you ever wonder what celebrities are the whispering to each other when on the red carpet? >> steve: yes. >> jimmy: or at press conferences. well, we have too and that's why we sent our entertainment correspondent from the uk. mr. peggy hess with this highly sensitive microphone to get to the bottom of it. that's right, it's time for "celebrity whispers." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> hello. i'm peggy hess and welcome to "celebrity whispers." [ laughter ] shh! hey, arnold. take a photo.
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>> ah, yes. i want to take a look at me picture. >> you mean a selfie? >> no like this. a "look at me" picture. >> that's a selfie arnold. >> it's a selfie? >> yeah, it's a selfie. >> ah! "look at me" picture! celebrity. [ cameras flashing ] >> whoa, whoa! >> yes! yes! >> there we go, guys! >> hey! you're a wearing a me costume. >> what? no, you're wearing a me costume. this is my look. >> not-ah. >> yes-huh. >> whisper. [ cameras flashing ] >> oh, yeah. this is -- >> george, what are you thinking about right now? >> chewbacca with princess leah boobs. [ laughter ] >> celebrity whisper. [ camera flashes ] >> hey, look! an airplane. >> where? oh, cool. wave at it. >> hi! >> stay there. i love those things. [ laughter ] >> celebritah! hey, you want to do a pop quiz? >> yes! >> just ask me a bunch of questions. >> okay, i will. >> paper boots, meatloaf, string cheese. >> oh! >> two plus four. >> six. >> weirdest dream you have ever had.
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>> being tickled by a rat in a a giant bowl of captain crunch. bam! >> nice. >> i'm peggy hetz. i'll see you next time on "celebrity whispers." [ cameras flashing ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: those are "celebrity whispers." stick around. we'll be right back with "tonight show hashtags." come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ avo: when cold refreshment calls... coors light answers. frost brewed coors light. the world's most refreshing beer.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back everybody. it is time for "tonight show" hashtags. here we go. ♪ ♪ hash tags hash tags ♪ >> jimmy: now you guys are on twitter, right? [ cheers ] it's fun, we're on twitter. we use twitter on our show every single week. so if you watch our show and you want to play along, we do this thing every wednesday where i send out a hashtag and we ask you guys to tweet out things based on that topic. so since it's prom season, i went on twitter and started a a hashtag called "prom fail." and asked you guys to tweet us something funny, weird or embarrassing that happened at prom. and we got thousands of tweets. in fact within 15 minutes it
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was a trending topic in the u.s. so thank you for those tweets. [ cheers and applause ] prom season. >> steve: prom! >> jimmy: did you go to prom? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: how was your prom? was it fun? >> steve: horrible. >> jimmy: no, god -- was it fun? >> steve: yeah it was great. >> jimmy: yeah, mine we thought it would be cool if we took a a u-haul to the prom. [ light laughter ] >> steve: sounds good on paper but then you do it and you do it -- >> jimmy: we were in the back of a truck going, "whoa! this is the worst idea we ever had." anyways, now i thought i'd share some of my favorite prom fail tweets from you guys. here we go. first one's from @jackjasonjames2, he says, "my mom volunteered to be a a chaperon. she stood near the dance floor all night and gave me thumbs up whenever we made eye contact." [ laughter ] >> steve: all right. >> jimmy: that's my casinova right there. ask her to dance. >> jimmy: chill out dude.
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>> jimmy: chill out dude. this one's from @whatthefelk. >> steve: wait, who? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she says, "my date and my mom went to greet each other, but turned the same way and kissed on the lips." [ laughter ] >> steve: for about 20 minutes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. and -- >> steve: did she give him a a thumbs up the whole time? >> jimmy: yeah, that's weird. it's gonna be an awkward limo ride there. this is from @mirandaniner. she says, "my date stormed out of the room when he wasn't elected prom king and yelled, 'it's all political!'" [ laughter ] i demand a recount. for i should be the prom king of the school. not terry. [ laughter ] i also want to be the queen as well. [ laughter ] rule the whole prom. now i'm off. get me my carriage. before it turns back into a a pumpkin. [ laughter ] i want to leave all you people. no slow dancing for me. no thank you. it's beneath me. i should be king of this whole situation.
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[ laughter ] there, i think i've said enough. enjoy the rest of the prom. goodbye everybody. [ cheers and applause ] i'll stay, all right. i'll stay. if you beg me. beg me. >> steve: boo! boo! >> jimmy: no, all right, i'll stay. this is from @mayou know whatamorian. he says, "i went to private school, we weren't allowed to dance because dancing is a, quote, 'vertical position with a horizontal desire.'" [ laughter ] >> steve: what? >> jimmy: take all the fun out of everything. >> steve: come on, man. >> jimmy: come on, you gotta call footloose, man. >> steve: man, let's do this, g. >> jimmy: this one's from @smithcommabeth. she says, "the place my date rented his tuxedo from forgot to include a cumberbund, so he picked me up wearing a tux with a heavyweight wrestling belt." [ laughter ] >> >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: oh yeah, we'll have a a great time. >> steve: gonna snap you open. [ laughter ] come on that's like a slim jim. you're with me, right? come one. judas priest. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this is from at @delish. she says, "i got stuck in the middle of a dance circle and i didn't know what to do, so i
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just sat down." [ laughter ] that makes me feel bad. like, even the people in the the circle are probably like, come on, this is weird." >> steve: i know, right? >> jimmy: you're weeding us out. yeah, you're weirding us out. >> steve: you paid for that. >> jimmy: this one's from @chriskanye98. he says, "i exchanged every last dollar i had for singles and made it rain at prom. i spent $113 and nobody remembered that it happened." oh. [ laughter ] >> steve: oh, hey, i'm done. >> jimmy: yeah, $113. >> steve: remember that? >> jimmy: no, i do not, i'm so sorry. but everyone remembers chris. last one here from @rameez, "i'm sorry," he says. "one year my mom came to take pictures of me but the camera on her phone was turned around so she took about 40 selfies." [ laughter ] i got it all laid out for you right -- those are our "tonight show" hashtags. to check out more of our favorites, go to or submit yours by downloading our "tonight show" app available on itunes and for android. stick around, we'll be right back with amanda seyfried
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everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ (vo) it's out there. it's that voice in your head, making sure you sleep through that yoga class. convincing you that one donut hole couldn't possibly lead to another. average. average blames the camera for those extra 10 pounds. ... and sets the treadmill on mosey... or stroll...or loiter. need an excuse? average has 'em all. skip the gym. it'll probably be too crowded anyway. average. yeah, take it easy there, fella. average...has memory issues... (man) i forgot to work out. i forgot to work out. (vo) ...and memory issues. (man) my workout. (vo) it's crowning acheivement? everyone gets a trophy.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is a a talented and beautiful actress. look at her right on the cover of this magazine. oh, my goodness. gorgeous. she stars in seth macfarlane's new comedy, a "a million ways to die in the west," which opens in theaters everywhere on may 30th. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome amanda seyfried. ♪
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>> jimmy: wow. look at how pretty. come on. look how pretty you look. hi. >> hey. >> jimmy: it's me. come on, isn't it cool to be on the cover of the magazine? >> yeah, it's awesome. >> jimmy: yeah, i know. if i looked like you, i'd be so psyched. [ light laughter ] >> really, thanks. >> jimmy: if that looked like me, i'd say -- >> no, listen. i think we feel the same way about each other. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you think i'm gorgeous? [ laughter ] >> i mean if i have to say it, yeah, i do. i think you're gorgeous. >> jimmy: thank you so much. you didn't have to. we got it on tape. right? perfect. [ light laughter ] thank you for being here. and i want to give a quick shoutout to your boyfriend, justin long. who is a good friend of ours. we love that guy. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and it was kind of fun to see him backstage. because we have chad and will arguing and hopefully coming to a peaceful end. >> oh, god. i really hope so. >> jimmy: the whole world does. [ light laughter ] >> i know. there's a lot going on. >> jimmy: and people are in
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drive-in theaters waiting to watch this drum off. and everyone is concerned and the president's interrupting "the price is right." everything's going on. and like -- they're going to have this drum off. >> they just have to put an end to it. they just have to put an end to it. >> jimmy: they have to put an end to it. yeah, and i think that tonight, we'll get to it. but, it's weird to see justin because justin looks like anthony kiedis from red hot chili peppers. >> yeah, he sure does. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is the weirdest things. he looks exactly like anthony kiedis. >> yeah, i know! sometimes i -- yes. >> jimmy: sometimes you what? [ laughter ] what? no, no, no, no. questlove, no, no, no. ♪ whoa, whoa. all right, nevermind. no one does anything. no one sometimes does anything. >> i call him justin all the time. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. absolutely. oh my god. basically they should start a a cover band. will and justin. >> yeah, you're right. they should. they would be really good. they would be doing bits all the time. they wouldn't be playing music. >> jimmy: yeah, they would love it. >> and god knows if they know how. it would be funny. >> jimmy: yeah i don't know if will knows how to play the drums at all. but we'll see.
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we'll find out tonight. >> i don't know. hey, "mean girls." >> yes. >> jimmy: 10th anniversary? [ cheers and applause ] >> 10 year anniversary. >> jimmy: it's been 10 years already. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's bonkers. >> yeah. i checked my retweets sometimes. just because it's like getting a like. >> jimmy: yeah, it's very exciting. >> and i usually only get like 50 to 100. which is good i guess. but when i tweeted, "wednesdays we wear pink," i got like 18,000 retweets. >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah, how crazy is that? i didn't realize -- i mean, tina fey is obviously a genius. but man, this has really gone into history. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she's okay. [ laughter ] >> i guess that maybe that was her best. >> jimmy: well, "update" was probably her best. [ laughter ] but let's not harp on that. no it is -- you have a giant fan base. >> incredible. >> jimmy: "mean girls" was everywhere. i remember like, "we wear pink" and stuff like that. [ laughter ] that's what they say, right? >> yeah, exactly, yeah. >> jimmy: and everyone was taking photos of them wearing pink. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. [ light laughter ] it was a big story. >> you didn't wear pink on that wednesday. >> jimmy: i wear pink every wednesday. that's a rule. i tell tina. she tells me what to do.
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but i was doing a little research on you. and i know in the movie "mean girls" you're really into the weather. >> yeah. >> jimmy: right. >> she can tell the weather by feeling herself up. >> jimmy: yeah. that's a good way to put it. thank you. i try to go around it the other way. but in real life, you wanted to be a meteorologist. >> i did. i really did. i didn't realize you had to be smart. >> jimmy: oh, come on! so about the time "twister" came out with helen hunt, my idol. i would dress up in these like little khaki shorts and this wife beater and go outside and like, try to figure out what was happening with the clouds. >> jimmy: like look for a a twister. where were you? >> i was in pennsylvania. but i had this big weather binder and i was obsessed with the weather. >> jimmy: what is a weather binder? >> it's just a collection of the printed out articles about weather. >> jimmy: oh, my lord. [ light laughter ] you might need to see a a therapist. al roker doesn't even have this type of stuff. [ laughter ] >> you don't know that. i mean, some kids do drugs, i printed out information about
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cumulus clouds and anvils and stuff. >> jimmy: i don't know what's worse. >> jimmy: let's talk about this funny movie. "a million ways to die in the west." >> jimmy: and liam neeson is in it as well. >> as an irish cowboy. >> jimmy: an irish cowboy. it's silly, it's super fun. >> it's goofy! >> jimmy: we have a clip. here's amanda seyfried in a "a million ways to die in the west." take a look at this. >> here you go. you can buy your girlfriend a a brain. >> excuse me? >> you're an idiot. you have the nicest guy in the world throwing himself at your feet and here you are with this complete ass -- >> who i go out with is my own business. so why don't you mind your own, bitch? >> how can you be so blind with eyes that big. >> they're not that big. >> come on, they're practically chinese. >> god, i love you. >> jimmy: it's just a hundred jokes a minute in that movie. amanda seyfried. "a million ways to die in the west" is in theaters may 30th. will ferrell and chad smith next for their much anticipated
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drum off. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] the power of this sport is when speed meets harmony. only verizon unites the two by providing in-car cameras that live stream each race. even though there's only room for one in the cockpit, a driver is never alone. because through our technology, every fan can see what drivers see. so with the indycar 14 app, you join the race at 200 miles per hour. verizon and indycar. driving technology. so at devry university and our keller graduate school. we make this commitment. our fixed tuition promise. lock-in your tuition rate through graduation. even if tuition increases, ...your rate won't. learn more at i've been claritin clear for 6 amazdays. at the first sign of my allergies, my doctor recommended taking one claritin
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everyone. my next two guests have been in a little bit of a feud lately. but tonight, they are going to settle it once and for all with an epic drumoff. then we'll finally know who's the better drummer. [ light laughter ] will ferrell -- [ cheers and applause ] -- or chad smith, the drummer of the red hot chili peppers. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen please welcome will ferrell and chad smith. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: chad, will. [ laughter ] i've heard -- [ cheers and applause ] i know that you guys kind of look alike. i did not know that you dress similar. you dress alike as well. i'm honored to be hosting this, hopefully this end to this epic battle. i mean you guys are upset and i just -- [ laughter ] you're almost too angry to talk. and i understand. [ laughter ] can i just set the stage? [ laughter ] can i just set the stage -- [ cheers and applause ] i want to set the stage.
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i can feel the heat coming off your bodies, the anger and the pent-up rage and confusion. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> he's an imposter. >> jimmy: all right, chad let's not -- let's not start off like this. i mean, this is -- here's what happened. [ laughter ] >> wait who are you talking to? will or chad? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: talking to will. >> yeah. >> jimmy: no, will. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this whole thing started, you were on a reddit ama -- february 4th, someone mentioned that you look like chad smith of the red hot chili peppers. >> i had heard that. >> jimmy: yeah. and you responded by saying, "no. i am chad smith." >> that is true. >> it's not true. because he's not me. [ light laughter ]
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>> jimmy: but you said it was a a character that you --that will ferrell created called chad smith. >> correct. >> i was so pissed. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what did you do, do you remember where you were when you heard that name? >> yeah, i was jamming. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: you were jamming. >> i was jamming with the chili peppers. >> jimmy: jamming within the chili peppers. >> yeah. at our jam house. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. how many jam houses do you guys have? >> in america? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, in america. >> four. >> jimmy: yeah, four. so you're at jam house number -- >> three. >> jimmy: three. and you see this thing online. >> i go through the roof. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i'm like, flea -- >> jimmy: you talked to flea first. >> yeah, i go, "flea, this is bull. i'm tired of this." >> jimmy: you're tired of this crap. >> i'm tired of being --not getting enough respect as chad smith.
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>> seems like he's a little angry, but, yeah. >> jimmy: chad? >> i'll be honest. a i'm a little high right now. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: chad. we'll bleep all this out. chad -- >> my chad smith go juice right here. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what is in the chad smith go juice? what's that made of? can you tell? >> it's a chemical compound that we make up at the jam house number two. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: more of a chemical compound. >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right. understood. i don't wanna get -- chad, how long have you been playing drums? >> i've been playing since i was eight. >> jimmy: do you remember where you were? >> yeah. in my house. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what room? >> in my bedroom. >> jimmy: you were in the bedroom. you had a drum set there? >> yeah, a little kmart drum set. >> jimmy: aw. and you just started jamming out? >> yeah, i just started jamming out. i knew i had a gift. >> jimmy: yeah. i mean, most likely -- yeah.
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and will, how long have you been playing the drums? >> i do not play the drums. >> jimmy: okay now look -- [ laughter ] chad, what do the bandmates think about this? >> you know, they want me to tear this guy a new one. and they're like, "enough is enough. it's affecting our shows." it's affecting the comradery in the band. >> jimmy: why? >> they said, "we're starting to get brainwashed. we look back we think that's will ferrell playing drums." >> jimmy: the band actually thinks they're playing with will ferrell. >> exactly. >> jimmy: the weirdest thing. this is the weirdest thing. but you're raising money for charity with this drumoff. >> yeah. >> jimmy: will, your charity is and chad yours is >> yeah. >> jimmy: at least there is some light at the end -- >> we take instruments away from children. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: how is that a good --
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>> we take them to a junkyard and we destroy them in front of the children. >> jimmy: just show them -- really? >> no. >> jimmy: will, he doesn't know what he's talking about. that can't be what that's raising money for. little kids rock. i think you're giving -- >> it's my charity, chad smith. [ laughter ] that's me. >> jimmy: chad, you're really coming off as a mean dude, man. i thought it was a different charity where you actually give instruments to schools. >> it started out that way. [ laughter ] >> but cancer for college, that's a great charity. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it is. it started with my good friend. i've had great success and it's a small charity. but it's grassroots and it's great. >> jimmy: little kids rock -- >> no, little kids rock, i mean they shouldn't take instruments from kids. >> jimmy: they shouldn't. >> what's wrong -- why would you do that? >> but we do and we got a lot of support. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you got a lot of
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support. >> who's supporting that? >> jimmy: yeah, well, it doesn't matter. >> you seem surprised. >> jimmy: guys look, enough small talk. i mean, i think you can feel the crispiness in the air. the energy that's here. you know what the audience wants. you know what i want. [ cheers and applause ] you know what america wants. >> yeah. >> jimmy: time to find out once and for all who's the better drummer, will ferrell or the drummer from the red hot chili peppers, chad smith. you guys ready to do this? >> we are. [ cheers and applause ] and we were tricking you that whole time. this is chad smith and i'm will ferrell. >> jimmy: you got to be kidding me. >> yeah. just so we know who's really doing the drumming. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't know what that means. let's bring out the drums right here. let's see what we have to deal with. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: all right.
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and that's will. okay. very good. holy mackerel. [ cheers ] does that seem about right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: seem about right? [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right, guys. you know the rules. this is a traditional drumoff. [ laughter ] >> this is a traditional drumoff? this is a traditional drumoff? >> jimmy: tonight we're going to go by traditional rules. [ laughter ] this is a traditional drumoff. you each get four solos. whoever whacks, smacks and slaps the skins the best wins. so without further ado, let the drumoff begin. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> ladies first. >> take notes, chadwick!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] and that's how it's done. >> all right. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] take that, funny man! >> looks like baby learned how to pway the dwums! [ laughter ] but can baby do this? ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] that just blew my mind. >> jimmy: you blew your mind? >> i just blew my mind. >> jimmy: all right. [ light laughter ] [ cheers ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> come on. let's see what you got. what do you got? what do you got? >> that was cute. do you play for the lukewarm chili peppers? [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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roll the credits! >> jimmy: roll the credits. >> roll the credits. stop the show. roll the credits. >> okay. >> go to commercial. [ laughter ] might want to go to commercial. >> jimmy: chad. all right. chad, do you have a response? >> roll the credits. [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> eat it! [ light laughter ] >> it's okay. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> oh, come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ all our times have come here but now they're gone ♪ ♪ seasons don't fear the reaper nor do the wind the sun or the rain ♪ ♪ we can be like they are come on baby ♪ ♪ don't fear the reaper baby take my hand ♪ ♪ don't fear the reaper we can learn to fly ♪ ♪ don't fear the reaper baby i'm your man ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, gentlemen! congratulations to will ferrell, the winner of the 2014 golden cowbell drumoff. >> yeah. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: my thanks to chad smith and the red hot chili peppers. stick around, the chili peppers are performing next live! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ souders ] photography... ♪'s about capturing the moment. ♪ it's holding your breath... [ elephants grunting ] ...until something takes it out of you. ♪ it's performance without hesitation. which is exactly what you get... [ camera shutter clicks ] ...with a tablet powered by intel. ♪
12:24 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome back everyone. well, we couldn't let them leave without one more song. so -- [ cheers and applause ] performing a little funkadelic along side the roots once again the red hot chili peppers. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ even if you don't dig it don't mean it's not the thing or thing to do it could be just for you ♪ ♪ even if you don't feel it right now don't mean someday it'll turn you out ♪ ♪ you'll be out of sight you really shouldn't ought to fight it ♪ ♪ the music is designed to do no harm it's just for you with just a little ♪ ♪ bit of effort i can and well, we might just turn you on ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ people what you doing standing on the verge of gettin' it on really gettin' it on ♪ ♪ people what you doing standing on the verge of gettin' it on really gettin' it on ♪ ♪ people what you doing standing on the verge of gettin' it on really gettin' it on ♪ ♪ questlove what you doing standing on the verge of gettin' it on really gettin' it on ♪
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♪ there's a song out tonight y'all come on there's a song out tonight oh, my soul is out tonight ♪ ♪ there's a song out tonight y'all, come on ♪ ♪ there's a song out tonight oh, my soul is out tonight ♪ ♪ there's a song out tonight y'all, come on ♪ ♪ ashley what you doing standing on the verge of gettin' it on really gettin' it on ♪ ♪ chad smith what you doing what you doing standing on the verge of gettin' it on ♪ ♪ really gettin' it on j.j. what you doing standing on the verge of gettin' it on ♪ ♪ really gettin' it on people what you doing standing on the verge of gettin' it on ♪
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♪ really gettin' it on will farrell what you doing standing on the verge ♪ ♪ of gettin' it on really gettin' it on ♪ ♪ jimmy what you doing people ♪ ♪ ♪ >> it's nothing but a jam y'all. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: the red hot chili peppers. the roots. we'll be right back everybody. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ [ grunts ] what? you expect me to stay up there all day?
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12:34 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to amanda seyfried, will ferrell, chad smith, red hot chili peppers and the roots. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. hope to see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- hugh jackman kevin nealon


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