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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  May 27, 2014 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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. good evening, everyone. >> today, not just the quantity of with tho with thor, but the quality. you can literally see the difference. >> definitely, the santa clara valley water district is getting
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a lot of calls on this. many customers are seeing a filmy residue that water touches. this could be the new normal as we ride out the draught. >> this is a clean glass. horrifying. >> krista has noticed something very different lately when she runs through the dishwasher. almost everyone comes out with a filling. too embarrassing to serve to guests. she washes them by hand sometimes to make them look cleaner. >> you are not going to serve people wine in a filmy glass. >> the water district says the tro drought is to blame. especially on the west side of santa clara have to resort to ground water. otherwise known as hard water. in addition to the reservoirs to deliver to people's homes. >> ground water typically has more minerals than treated
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surface water p s. so what they are seeing is mineral deposits. primarily calcium and mag dalen oldendorff mag /* -- magnesium. >> water softers in are available it take the minerals out but can run from several hundred to a few thousand dollars. a small price to pay says rich stewart because water heaters and pipes could be ruined with build up from hard water. >> all of the fixtures, including your faucet are at risk and you get a shorter life out of them. >> $3,000. so i haven't done anything with that yet. >> the santa clara valley water district says thank goodness for ground water because there isn't else locally they can tap. nbc bay area news. >> thank you. new at 11:00, two suspicious fires in the south bay.
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arson invst gestigators are on case. foyer fighters put out one fire and as they were about to leave, they found another fire a few hundred feet away. investigators say the second fire burned down a homeless encampment but luckily not in was hurt. >> tomorrow morning classes resume at uc santa barbara. >> about 20,000 people turned out at university of california santa barbara today. university of california official student leaders and ministers. the father of one of the victims brought the crowd to its feet. >> a man who lost his son last friday night led the crowd in the chant of not one more. meaning, not one more death at the hand of a mad man with a
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gun. richard martinez, whose son christopher, was one of the six killed, hoped the message would go to washington where he wants confrence to pass gun control legislation. student body president spoke for the student. >> we find ourselves asking a lot of unanswered questions. we ask why. why has such a beautiful place and such beautiful people have been hurt in such a way. why here and why now. >> all of this made happen by the rampage of elliot rodger. killing six, wounding 13 before taking his own life. revenge on his feeling he he of being rejected. also an expression of gratitude. foot patrol. uc police officers. and sheriff deputies for acting
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quickly and courageously to protect our student and residents to prevent an even greater tragedy. >> we grief together today as a family, as the community of the university of california. and we will get through this together. >> and even after richard martinez left the podium, the crowd chanted together, not one more. >> [ chanting not one more ]. >> not one more. there will be more services throughout the week at uc santa barbara. and tomorrow night a memorial on the uc berkeley campus starting at 8:00. >> thank you, terry. that memorial continues to grow outside the apartment house where people say mass murderer stabbed his roommate to death.
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one of the victims from san jose left a pot of yellow roses and that card there which reads, quote, the sweetest son, grandson, the most loving brother. we love you forever. >> now san jose state has postponed a training exercise simulating a gunman on campus because of the shooting rampage. california university mandate was scheduled for this friday. staging a takeover by an active gunman would be too upsetting at this time. however, they say it is more important than ever and it will be rescheduled for sometime later this summer. >> if you want to see anything on the latest updates of the shooting, good to >> one neighborhood in mountain view is choosing it fight back against technology. they say a cell phone antenna a few blocks away is too loud and too dangerous. you see it here in this
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neighborhood. another complaint, the antenna is too close so the crowd, it can be switched on and off by anyone passing by. the council says they want it mo moved to another location. one couple found cans of gold in their yard. tonight they started cashing in their pressure. jean? >> reporter: the gold coins were made here at the u.s. mint and some were back here in display. kicking off the sale of what is expected to be a $10 million treasure. >> sold! >> call. >> reporter: california history a storied past is auctioned off for $15,000. the 1874 $20 gold coin is a piece of the saddle ridge, a couple out walking their dog last year, found more than 1400 gold coins buried it these old
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cans in gold country. the value, $10 million. >> one of the best coins ever found. >> joshua and hundreds of others had to see the pot of gold. >> i've never seen that many gold coins. at one time. >> the mystique in the value of it. >> overseeing the display, posing with a gold piece from 1866, valued at $1 million. the coin expert says most of the saddle ridge treasure was made in this building. >> 1874, 1930s, so most of these coins are dated that and they have the mint mark so they had to be struck right here. >> only one of the coins was auctioned off at old mint. the money is being donated to restaurant efforts. the rest are on sale on amazon,
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prices range from $2 a 00 to $1 million. kagen says most are in mint condition. >> the coins are in pristine condition because that's the way they came out of the bank. >> we may never know why someone buried to many coins in the hills. but can you bet people in gold country are looking for more. >> i wish i could say it was in my backyard, but it wasn't. >> kagen won't tell us about the couple who is cashing in. but before they found the coins, they were having financial trouble and were rid about losing the land. not any more. >> bottom line, regulations aren't working. aren't keeping those safe from dangers of fracking. >> we investigate the enforcement of california's historic fracking law. are regulators ignore is those rules. ? >> he he leaked mer can's
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intelligence secrets and is wanted for traezon. >> plus smaller than a smart car but a big impact. google's new prototype of the self-driving car. >> good evening. cool and windy across the bay area. we will talk about who has top wind gust and details of potential showers this weekend. details in just a few minutes.
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six months after that law took effect is it being enforced a look at the numbers cause had more confusion than ever. steven? >> under the new law the state of california is supposed it make lots of data about fracking wells veil al to the public. to keep us all better informed. but six months since that law first took effect we discover id it's not quite working out that way. >> after first glance, st. andrews seems like any other apartments. >> the only difference between us is this wall. >> martin recently discovered a drilling operation was using hydrochloric acid to treat the well. >> absolutely we have a right to know what's going on in our
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backyard. >> only six months ago a new state law called sb-4 took effect which is supposed to require all gas to notify neighbors about fracking. sb-4 requires them to state which wells on their website within 60 days. >> we weren't informed there were chemicals on this particular location. >> an investigation has discovered just as much public confusion and uncertainty over what wells are being fracked as before sb4 took effect. we found wells like this one or this one. both located in kern county where fracking occurred. >> basically, communities across california are being kept in the dark. >> holland is an attorney p sent are for biological diversity. a group calling for a halt
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between all fracking operations in california. >> fracking is a dangerous practice and to not know where it's happening or how frequently, tts a huge concern. >> analyzing state, local and industry data comparing with the fracking website with the industry's voluntary website, frack focus. he found dozens of discrepan discrepancies. we verified and found 77 wells out of total of 116 that had been voluntarily published on the private site frack focus. all 77 of those wells as of may 20th had not yet been posted on this the state's website. we also found 62 wells where local air quality management records show hydrocloe caloric acid was used. as you see here, we mapped all of those wells on our, site. >> bottom line is these regulation he aren't working. aren't keeping communities safe from the danger of the fracking.
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>> i would say that they aren't properly informed as to where we're at. >> we're hitting all the marks. >> chief deputy director of california's department of conservation. >> when i see 77 more on frackfocus than on the current website, that's not through the intent or state dragging its feet or trying to be slow this this process? >> not at all. we are getting information they need to give us in addition. because there's additional information so we can link that up and post it on our site and we are given two weeks, 15 days to do that. >> it is still a new law. it doesn't happen overnight. >> mark leno co-sponsored sb4. >> are you happy with the results that so far very little has bun done for sb4? >> i'm concerned. it only reinforces why we should consider a moratorium until we gather the information in sb4. >> isn't that the point, for the public to see what is going on.
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>> it absolutely is the point. >> marshal insists it is complying with the law as it is currently written. >> again, we cannot impose some additional reporting requirement on operators -- >> an concern about our health and safety. >> don martin says he and his fellow residents say they wish they knew more about what was going on from behind that tarp. >> it absolutely nodes to be enforced. that's part of the problem. lack of enforcement. >> since we began our investigation, the state has updated its website but it still does not have the exact number of frack wells that are listed on the industry's frackfocus site. you can find all of it on our, site as well. senator leno says he will work to make sure that happens.
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i'm stephenstock, nbc bay area news. >> thank one stephen. national hero or traitor. only on nbc bay area, former nsa contractor edward snowden gives his first u.s. television interview. >> were you trained to me as a spy? it seems to me that spies look more like edward snowden and less like james bond these days. >> it is no secret that the u.s. gets more and better intelligence now days than they do out of people. i was trained as a spy in sort of the tradition yl sense. i worked overcover overseas. pretending to work in a job that i'm not. and even being assigned a name that was not mine. >> fascinating interview. brian williams talked to snowden in a hotel in moscow. you can watch the entire interview during our one-hour
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prime time special. it airs tomorrow night at 10:00 here on nbc bay area. >> too close for comfort. the video taken by a man with only minutes to try and escape. western north dakota. tornado touching down near watford city. reaching speeds of 120 miles per hour. this is the trailer park where the man lives. fortunately they were able to avoid harm. nine people were actually hurt. they today drive in toward the tornado to try to escape it. >> crazy. our chief meteorologist, locally not quite as serious as that of course. >> we have been tracking gusty wind for tonight. not strong enough to take down any kind of power outages. if you've been out driving around tonight, you certainly know what i'm talking about. especially through out east bay and peninsula. we look at top wind gust. half moon bay 32.
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berkeley at 29 and mountain view at 28. stirring up the atmosphere so much that even though it is cooler onshore wind it is preventing any fog from developing. check out the clear skies right now. not too often at 11:19 this time of the year, you get fog free conditions. not only in north bay but golden gate. gusty at immediate coastline. you can see from the east bay checking back towards san francisco just a brilliant view for tonight. looks spectacular. tomorrow morning with skies this clear at this hour, mainly clear commute for us. that will help with a little bit of your commuting headache tomorrow. lock at temperatures, you can see we're generally running about 2 to 4 degrees cooler as compared to this time yesterday. that wind is doing what it is supposed to do in keeping temperatures down. wind is still pretty gusty. these are sustained winds from 10 to 25 miles per hour in san
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francisco. gusting in low 30s. tomorrow, yes, we will still have wind in the forecast. will have lots of sn sunshine but those cooler winds will keep us from getting too hot in the forecast. check it out, 80 degrees tomorrow tomorrow. similar 8 os. 74 in san mateo. throughout belmont, burling game, on to palo alto. one of the hottest and upper 70s to about 80. san francisco staying cool and 6 os with sunny skies. north bay east bay and tri valley. napa, which one of the highest last week. seems like 15 degree drop and temperatures, 83 for tomorrow. for fremont across the east bay, 78. then heading towards walnut creek, towards the east bay
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hills. heat trapped hills. as we mentioned, the wind is going to stay for tomorrow. we are sandwiched between two different storm systems. we have the hot area of high pressure off to the south. so that many keep wind in the forecast for tomorrow. then by thursday, tropical low pressure moving closer. crowds increase. fog grdly returning back to the coastline. check it out. by this weekend with that system. still lingering. about 20% chance of showers and nothing major. we got to put in the forecast though. we will likely, the best chance here, possibilities of drizzle at immediate coastline. we also have to watch out of what is now tropical storm amanda. some of that could head into southern california. for us, little bit of drizzle coming our way. >> thanks, jeff. >> still ahead, have you seen it? google's first driverless car. >> we're back in a moment. is there an elk in your bed?
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with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store.
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and right now, all beds are on sale. yep, all beds, starting at just $649.99. know better sleep with sleep number.
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hackers holding iphones
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hostage. smart phone users in australia say they are getting messages on their iphones demanding a $100 ransom. if they don't pay up, the phone is left unlocked and unuseable. the only fix, resetting the phone and losing all your information. hackers exploding the find my phone feature. apple so far has not commented. >> here is a look at the future. going el showing off the shelf-driving prototype. it is light on luxury. two seats with safety belts. stop and stop button and a screen showing the directions. >> check it out, old logue why on the top, new one on the bottom. if you can't spot the difference, don't werery. most people can't. the g and l have been moved ever so slightly. going el says it tweaked the
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logo to make sure it sounds the sharpest on any screen. sound like a publicity stunt to me. >> i deon't see a difference at all.
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all right. good evening. for the first time since 1989, both giants and a's enter the the day with the best record in the majors. giants and cubs game two before the game, charlie throwing out the first pitch on autism night. watch the big bear hug he gives sergio romo. 1-0 in the first. after buster posey sac flies. hunter pence scores. k kud cuddy gets him swinging. yesterday, oakland beat down. john jaso lightens up matt scherzer. a two-run blast to right. now top eight runners on corners for detroit.
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austin jackson, field are's choice. former athletic davis scores. tigers win 6-5. u.s. men's soccer team hosting, intent friendly at candlestick park. chris, denied. great clans. incredible save. keeping this one scoreless. 75th minute. michael bradley shot but scoring on the rebound, u.s. goes to win 2-0. 49ers started team activity without alex boone. he want new contract. and still has two years remaining on his current extension that he sign netd november of 2011 before he became a legitimate starter. finally, in the history of terrible awful embarrassing ceremonial first pitches, we might have an all new low. taking his game to citi field when he should have just left it in the club. after getting hammered on social
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media, 50 fired back on instagram writing i'm a husband letter, an blank ballplayer. more news after the break.
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gridlock. teacher layoffs. and a 60 billion dollar budget deficit. that's what john perez faced when he became speaker of the california assembly. so he partnered with governor brown to pass three balanced budgets, on time. for the first time in thirty years. today, the deficits are gone and we've invested an additional 2 billion dollars in education. now john perez is running for controller, to keep fighting for balanced budgets. democrat john perez for controller.
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are you ready for free money? today san francisco. a mad dash for cash. a millionaire who isn't revealing his identity, but is using the twitter, free cash. you have it find the cash. he is giving clues to where the cash is stashed. clues via his tweets.
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several envelopes were hidden at pier 3 9, lombard street, and the palace of fine arts. the anonymous donor claims he made a fortune of money flipping homes and want to give back to the community. it is not a charity. he said he is just doing it for fun. >> we will have to look around tomorrow. >> what about here at nbc. >> i was just thinking that. behind the giants weather monitor. >> thanks for joining us. >> see you tomorrow. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- seth rogen. matt bomer. music from coldplay.


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