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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  May 29, 2014 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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but scary, nonetheless. the sky deck will stay open while crews replace the coating. in the meantime, they covered the cracking with a carpet. >> so they thought they were going to fall. but they were still taping. >> of course. if you fall, you want to tape if you good down. >> i still wouldn't trust it. see the carpet? no. >> thanks for joining us here at 11:00. hope you enjoy your friday. >> bye-bye. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- billy joel.
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chelsea clinton. and featuring the legendary roots crew. and now, here's your host, jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about, right there. [ cheers and applause ] hot crowd! welcome! welcome, everybody, to "the tonight show." thank you for being here. [ cheers and applause ] oh, i love you too. we're going to have fun tonight. it's going to be a big show tonight. billy joel is in the house. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: come on!
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>> jimmy: he's the best. let's talk about the news, though. what's happening now. obama is by himself right now, you guys. very lonely. i guess the first lady, michelle obama, and their daughters sasha and malia are visiting china for the next week. so the president actually said that the white house feels very lonely without them. [ audience awws ] then he said, "okay, i think they bought it. time for some march madness, baby! let's do it! picture in picture! i want to see all the games!" [ laughter ] you can kind of tell obama's lonely just by the tweets that he's been sending out. like last night he tweeted, "hey, michelle obama, having eight pancakes, you better stop me. #kindofwishyouwould. #realtalk. #lonelytalk." then an hour later he wrote, "laying on the floor in the oval office, oval is a funny word. oval, uval. #legalizeit." which is just -- [ cheers and applause ] i don't know. it's a weird one. here's another tweet. "somebody should start a a tinder, but just for friends. #notkidding. #idswiperight."
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[ laughter ] that's a good idea actually. then he tweeted, "just peed in all 35 bathrooms. #dehydrated." [ laughter ] starting to get weird there. and then finally he wrote, "just texted putin 'you up?' #desperate. #bestfrenemies." [ cheers and applause ] we're best frenemies, you guys. bffs, best frenemies forever. guys, it actually seems like everyone is betting right now. you've got march madness happening. in fact, i read that basketball fans are expected to bet $2.5 billion on it. of course, i don't plan to bet that much, because i've got a a ton of coin riding on billy dee williams winning "dancing with the stars." [ laughter ] there you go. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] >> jimmy: feel good about that guy. guys, my pal rob ford is back in the news. boy, this guy's so great for our monologues.
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he's just so great. i guess there's a new video of him at toronto city hall, and it looks like he might be working out, i guess. look at the video. this is great. that's him. yeah. [ laughter ] in fairness, he did think he was being chased by a dragon. so i mean, that's -- [ laughter ] you've got to give it to him there. check this out. starbucks is coming out with a a new tea inspired by oprah. in a related story, they're also coming out with a cup holder inspired by stedman. [ laughter ] want a sip? want a sip? >> steve: oh, no, you did not. >> jimmy: seems like they're always coming out with new apps for the iphone, but i'm not sure how useful some of them are. just heard about a new app that lets people in large cities reserve parking spots in advance. the way it works is you reserve the parking spot, then the other drivers don't care. [ laughter ] "oh, sorry, you reserved it? oh, excuse me.
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yeah. how about i reserve you the middle finger? [ laughter ] all right? are you kidding me over here?" i heard that charlie sheen recently spoke at career day at his daughter's elementary school. [ laughter ] it was really fun. charlie was like, "if you guys work really hard, you can do anything you want." and the teacher said, "mr. sheen, those are goldfish. the children are over here." he said, "oh, yeah. [ laughter ] duh. swimming." [ laughter ] this actually kind of scared me. this week, scientists revealed that a massive solar blast narrowly missed the earth back in 2012. or as the mayans put it, "almost told you so." [ laughter ] forget to carry the one. [ laughter ] i can't believe we came that close to being hit by a solar blast. when i heard that at first -- [ laughter ]
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as you may have heard this week, president obama imposed sanctions on several top russian and ukrainian officials. that may seem harsh, but it's not all bad. in a show of good faith, the u.s. also gave out awards to each of them. sort of like the ones in high school yearbooks. like most likely to succeed, class clown, stuff like that. with that in mind it's time for "tonight show superlatives." here we go. [ cheers and applause ] first, we have russian politician sergei aksyonov. he was voted most likely to own a pair of strangling gloves. [ laughter ] next we have ukrainian politician viktor medvedchuk. he was voted most likely to eat charcoal briquettes as a snack. [ laughter ] it make teeth stronger. [ laughter ] next up is russia's highest-ranked female politician, valentina matviyenko. she was voted most likely to consider a headlock foreplay. whatever that means. [ laughter ] here we go now. time to make love now. [ laughter ]
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next up is former president of ukraine viktor yanukovych. he was voted most likely to be extremely disappointed in his son weird al. [ laughter ] [ applause ] and finally, we have russian politician andrey klishas. he was voted russian rob ford. there you go, guys. there's the superlatives. we have a great show. the roots right there, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] it's going to be fun tonight. you guys won't even believe who we have tomorrow on the show. >> steve: who? >> jimmy: kevin bacon. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: what? >> jimmy: that's right. he's going to be here tomorrow night. we're going to do something fun with that. also, jeff musial is going to bring some of his animal friends. [ cheers and applause ] jeff musial. he's like -- who'd johnny have?
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like, joan embery? >> steve: yeah, joan embery. >> jimmy: he's our joan embery. >> steve: right. >> jimmy: except he's not good-looking. [ laughter ] he's not charming. >> steve: yeah. and he's not -- yeah. >> jimmy: he's not -- yeah, he's a scary man, and he brings scary animals. >> steve: and throws them at you. >> jimmy: yeah. he's a very rude person. he's coming on the show tomorrow night. [ laughter ] we might not have time for him. >> steve: really? you might have to bump him? >> jimmy: i just found out from the booth. >> steve: oh wait, there's no time? >> jimmy: we have no time for him tomorrow. [ light laughter ] >> steve: the commercials went long. >> jimmy: yeah. we have a great show tonight. gosh, i'm so excited. he's one of the best ever. he hasn't done a late night show for 13 years. hasn't performed on a late night show. but he chose our show. he's going to come on. he's going to perform. he's going to talk. billy joel is stopping by! [ cheers and applause ] legend! my man! and i couldn't be happier to have her here. she's doing great work around the world with the clinton foundation. chelsea clinton is here! [ cheers and applause ] it's going to be fun. guys, it's time for "tonight show" hashtags. here we go. ♪
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>> jimmy: you guys are on twitter, right? [ cheers and applause ] it's fun. well, we use twitter on our show every single week. so if you watch our show, and you want to play along, we do this thing every wednesday where i send out a hashtag and we ask you guys to tweet out things based on that topic. so, because today's the first day of march madness, i went on twitter and started a hashtag called "makes me mad." [ light laughter ] i asked you guys to tweet out something funny, weird or annoying that someone you know does that makes you mad. we got thousands of tweets. in fact, within 20 minutes, it was a worldwide trending topic. so thank you for those tweets. [ cheers and applause ] thank you guys. so now, i thought i'd share some of my favorite "makes me mad" tweets from you guys. this first one here is from @supermom9to5. she says, "when you ask someone how old their kid is and they say things like, 'oh, she's 24 months.' so your child is two?" [ laughter ] don't make me do the math. i get it. >> steve: he's 50 months. >> jimmy: he's 486 months. >> steve: he's 400 months old.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's 22. >> steve: yeah. he still lives at home. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: this one is from -- [ laughter ] >> steve: he has issues. [ laughter ] he tried to kill me with a a spoon. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we like to call him interesting. >> steve: yeah, don't come over if i'm not there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: don't come over. >> steve: he bit john pretty bad last night. >> jimmy: he's currently, he's chained to the radiator, and he's fine. [ laughter ] he believes he turns into a a wolf. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: i don't want to get into it. >> steve: i don't want to go down there. >> jimmy: i don't want to go down that road. it's a horrible, dark, dark road. [ laughter ] anyway. i've got to go. >> steve: i've got to go. >> jimmy: i gotta go. >> steve: no, i'm naked from the waist down. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: are you talking to a a sex line? [ laughter ] she's having a conversation with a sex line. >> steve: she gave too much information. >> jimmy: too much information. well, i guess she's paying for it, right? >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: or is she the one they're calling? [ laughter ] >> steve: she set up a business in their home.
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times were tough. he son's a lycanthropist. >> jimmy: yeah. this one's from @revolttubjay. he says, "my co-worker slurps his hot coffee then ' [ laughter ] that would bum me out. >> steve: yeah, it would. >> jimmy: ah. >> steve: oh, this is good. >> jimmy: this is real strong coffee. did i tell you about my son? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: i think my wife's doing a side business, too. i'll talk about it later. [ laughter ] he lives in the basement. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: he tried to eat my face once. [ laughter ] is that normal? you're not wearing any pants. >> steve: no, i'm not. >> jimmy: this one's from @jordanphilly. he says, "when my dad says words that start with 'wh' he emphasizes the h. the other day we were at the burger king drive-thru and he ordered a 'hwhopper.'" [ laughter ] >> steve: he's tom brokaw. >> jimmy: it's tom brokaw's son, yeah. [ as brokaw ] i'd like to order a "hwhopper," please.
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i don't see hwhat's wrong with that. [ laughter ] is this tom brokaw? >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: no, this is brian hwilliams. [ laughter ] this one's from @mervguzeljb. she says, "when i'm watching a a movie with my boyfriend --" no. sorry. she says, "when i'm watching a a movie with my boyfriend, he constantly says 'did you see that?'" [ laughter ] yeah, it's a movie. yeah, i saw it. [ laughter ] >> steve: did you see that? because we got monster cables. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, i'm not doing it. we got monster cable hooked up to the tv. >> steve: are you serious? >> jimmy: gold-plated. gorgeous monster cable. >> steve: are you serious? how much are they? >> jimmy: there's gold on it. >> steve: it's gold. solid gold. >> jimmy: priceless. >> steve: are you serious? >> jimmy: you call cash for gold. >> steve: yeah? >> jimmy: send them your monster cable. >> steve: yeah? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they'll give you more cash. they'll give you stacks of cash. >> steve: they'll give you like a cubic yard of cash. they'll give you enough cash to
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go buy more monster cable. >> steve: are you serious? >> jimmy: yeah. >> steve: it's like a a never-ending cycle. >> jimmy: it's like an investment in the future. >> steve: dvd. dvd, baby. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what? hey, call this 1-900 number. >> steve: yeah? >> jimmy: i'm a little bit crazy, man. drive you nuts. feels like a crazy -- is that like old-timey phone? >> steve: old-timey phone. [ laughter ] [ ring ] hello. >> steve: hello? is this the party line? >> jimmy: no. >> steve: you know there's a a party. i'm wearing a one-piece. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this one's from @rmharris3488. he says, "my six year-old son calls me by my first name instead of daddy. this morning he walked into the kitchen, said, 'what's for breakfast, ron?'" [ laughter ] that's pretty cute, man. >> steve: yeah. hey, ron. >> jimmy: he reminds me of you with james. we went to -- before we did this we did the thanksgiving day parade. remember that? we're sitting on the bus.
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it's like they put you on a bus before you do the parade. we're sitting on the bus and we're hanging out. it's like 6:00 in the morning, and we get on and ronald mcdonald comes on our bus. and we're all freaking out. like dude, that's ronald mcdonald. i don't know about that. no one wants to talk to him, we're all just weird and we're like, this is so cool. and james comes on the bus last and he gets on the bus, he goes, "hey, guys." we go, "hey, james." he goes, "what's up, ron?" [ laughter ] he says what's up, ron. >> steve: what's up, ron. >> jimmy: like he knows ronald mcdonald. what's up, ron? that was so funny. this one's from @mo-snarf. she says, "my sister takes pills by putting them in her mouth and whipping her head back like she needs gravity to swallow." [ laughter ] [ gulping ] [ laughter ] [ fart noise ] >> steve: you got something on your eye. >> jimmy" this one's from @kirstenkorkis. she says, "my mom claims her fudge brownies are the best in the world. she makes them from
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betty crocker and follows all the instructions." [ laughter ] not your brownies, mom. >> steve: but they are good. >> jimmy: they are good. my mom did that too. what was it, for "food and wine" magazine or something? they asked me -- they said, "give me a recipe from your mother. we'll put it in the magazine." i go, "my mom will freak out." that's so cool. called my mom and go, "do you have any recipes you wanna -- we'll put it in the magazine. i'm doing an article for 'food and wine.'" she goes, "yeah, yeah. hold on, let me get it." so she calls back, she goes, "i got one. it's my cheesecake." okay great, perfect. she reads the recipe and i give it to them. they give it to like, their test kitchen or something. and they go to the test kitchen, they call me back, they go, "hey, we got your mom's recipe, we gave it to the test kitchen, they made it. fantastic. great recipe. can you ask her if she got it anywhere?" i go, "sure." i call mom, "hey, they wanna know, did you get the recipe from anybody?" mom goes, "oh, no. oh, hold on, let me check." she opens it up. i hear paper rustling in the back. she goes, "oh yeah, i got it from 'food and wine' magazine." [ laughter ]
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junior's cheesecake recipe. "food and wine" magazine. i couldn't hang up the phone faster. i was like, "oh, my god." >> steve: no, she didn't. >> jimmy: yeah. this last's one's fron @lisaseabolt. she says, "my husband asked me to run an errand and says, 'i'll babysit for you.' they're our kids." there you have it, those are our "tonight show" hashtags. [ cheers and applause ] to check out more of our favorites, go to, or submit yours by downloading our new "tonight show" app, available on itunes. we'll be right back with billy joel, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ awwww yeah.
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♪ everybody here got the lunchtime blues ♪ ♪ they need to be inspired something better than the rest. ♪ new lipton peach iced tea ♪ with that ham and cheese ♪ ♪ it tastes so sunshine-y [ carl ] ♪ drink it down and you'll believe ♪ ♪ the taste of peachiosity [ jim ] mmmmm. so, hot. whoo! mmmmm.
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that is hot! [ male announcer ] made with real cheese and premium cuts of meat. [ ding! ] ♪ hot pockets! (release of steam) (chug, chug of train on tracks) (bellow of fire from dragon) (background cheers from patrons on ride) (coaster rolling over tracks) the adventure you've been dreaming of... here. the wizarding world of harry potter, featuring the all new diagon alley and the hogwarts express. come and live it. (thunder crash) universal orlando resort.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest this evening has created some of the greatest songs in american music history. he's a long-time member of the rock and roll hall of fame, as well as a 2013 recipient of the kennedy center honor, which is gigantic. it's so cool. and now he's the first ever music franchise of madison square garden. [ cheers and applause ] it's the coolest thing. he's performing one show a a month in the world's most famous arena. and by the way, all of the shows are already sold out for the rest of 2014.
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this guy's unbelievable. please welcome one of the best, billy joel, everybody! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] we love you! welcome. oh, my gosh. how are you going to top that? you just leave. [ cheers ] >> thanks, man. >> jimmy: always great to see you. you're such a great new yorker. thank you so much for coming by our show and giving us your blessing. i really -- we're all excited here. >> you're doing a great job, man. doing a great job. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i appreciate that. thank you. so much stuff to talk about. so much stuff to get into. i want to talk about you.
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are you getting your own channel on sirius? >> yes. there's going to be a a billy joel channel. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is just incredible. march 26th -- march 26th you're getting your own channel on sirius. this is for three months. and what are you going to do on the channel? >> i have no idea. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's the best. >> they wanted me to have a a channel. and they said, "you want your own channel?" i said, "okay." now what am i going to do? >> jimmy: are you going to host something and play your own music? >> i guess they want me to program some music that i like to listen to and talk about, you know, what we like to listen to on the road or what we do. i don't know. i guess i'm going to wing it. >> jimmy: you can do your dj voice. "hey, it's billy joel." >> "billy joel spinning the hit songs." >> jimmy: top 40. there's this radio station out in the hamptons by sag harbor -- >> wlng. >> jimmy: wlng. plays oldies all the time, doo-wop. i was always -- i was always wanting to just crash that radio station, go in and just co-host with the guy. >> they've got the echo on the
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mic. >> jimmy: fantastic. >> hi, hi, hi, hi. >> jimmy: it's a great radio station. but you're out there, right. >> yeah. >> jimmy: would you ever want to crash the station with me? >> absolutely. we've got to go at night. when they least expect it. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. all right, look out. wlng, look out. we're going to be crashing that station. billy joel and i. this summer. [ applause ] this summer. we're coming up to you guys. that would be fun. we can play our songs, whatever. i'll just come on the billy joel channel, too. on sirius. >> okay. maybe we can do it at the radio station we were just talking about crashing too. >> jimmy: part of the -- see? already i'm helping you -- >> it's sag harbor. i mean i live near there. >> jimmy: yeah and we love oldies and doo-wop and all that stuff. >> yes, we do. >> jimmy: do you remember at the garden i came to see you -- you were probably -- people probably come up to you all the time, "do you remember me? i visited you at the garden. i saw you that one time in atlanta. i was the one waving." [ laughter ] >> i used to try to be nice and make believe like, "oh, yeah, yeah." and i really didn't know who they were. and now i'm at the point i'm just like, "no. i don't remember you at all." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you got to be honest, yeah.
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i came to the garden. i was lucky enough to see your show and then i came backstage with my father. >> i remember that. >> jimmy: you do? >> yeah. [ laughter ] i do. >> jimmy: come on. >> no, i do remember that because he knew oldies and you knew the oldies. >> jimmy: yeah. we were singing doo wop. >> we were singing doo wop. >> jimmy: we just started singing doo-wop. and then we sang for like 20 minutes or something like that. and we delayed your concert. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it was like dude -- they were like billy, you were supposed to be on stage five minutes ago. i'm like, "oh my gosh." >> your dad kept coming up with these good ones and you kept coming up with these good titles. so we just kept going and going. i was supposed to go on. they're banging on the door. later, later. we just kept singing. >> jimmy: yeah. we just kept singing. you ended up going on late. now tomorrow night you'll be at the garden again. >> tomorrow night another garden show. >> jimmy: how fun is -- this is unbelievable. you have the greatest band. it's so fun. but you do once a month at the garden. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you just play whatever you want. all your hits. what do you do? >> we mix it up. i don't ever want to do the same show twice. we're bringing in more obscure songs. but were doing enough of the
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hits, songs that people know. and stuff that we like to do. we're mixing it up all the time. >> jimmy: and you just feel comfortable at the garden. that's like your home? >> it's a great place. it's the best audience. it's new york. it's crazy. you know, the room rocks when the audience starts stomping. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> the building is built on springs. madison square garden is on springs. so when you're on stage and by the end of the show the crowd is rocking. the stage goes up and down like an earthquake. >> jimmy: no. >> i swear. >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> seriously. >> jimmy: earthquake, i would have this reaction. [ laughter ] there you go. that guy. see that guy? [ applause ] ktla, they were having an earthquake. i'll tell you all about it. i'm gonna tell you about this guy here. look at this. "matter of trust" is here. this comes out may 20th. it's also on blu-ray. dvd. but this is -- such a big deal. i remember, you were like the first rock and roll show to ever go to russia. >> yeah. we went there when they were the soviet union back in '87. and they had never seen like a a rock and roll show. they'd had bands with like a
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a polish p.a. system. but we brought, you know, the same stuff we use at the garden. staging lights, sound system. and they were a little bit freaked out when we first started. oh. they'd never heard anything like that. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, they were applauding the equipment, actually. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no. i think it was you, too. >> well, it was a combination. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. but you also got to walk around and meet everybody and the culture and really soak it in. >> it was great. it was a great trip. for us right then and there. and the cold war kind of ended everywhere we went they loved america, they love americans, they love rock and roll, they love blue jeans, they love everything we do. and i said, "that's it, we're not going to fight with these people." the crowd went crazy. i trashed the piano. they trashed the chairs. it was a real -- >> jimmy: it was a fun party. well, with everything that's going on in the ukraine right now, maybe we'll have to send you back. let's send billy joel back to make peace. we've got to do what we've got to do. [ cheers and applause ] sorry, you've got to do it for the country. you've got to do it billy. will you do a fun little doo-woppy fun thing when we come back? do you mind? we'll play with something different? >> okay. >> jimmy: all right, good.
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billy joel and i are going to sing a little something after the break. come back, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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with that fresh-from-the-farm, sweet vidalia onion taste takes you straight to your summer happy place. [ man ] whoo-hoo-hoo! ♪ [ male announcer ] hey, it looks like someone ordered right. tangy barbecue sauce and sweet vidalia onions. in season now. taste of summer entrees now start at just $9.99. another fresh reason to see you tomorrow. at applebee's. and see you late night for half-price apps. [ woman ] the technology in these pads... best creation ever! [ female announcer ] always infinity. the only pad made th flexfoam, not fluff. so thin, yet it absorbs 10 times its weight. infinity. clean. dry. fresh. always. infinity. ♪it's so good to see you, got me dancing right out of my shoes.♪ ♪don't need a reason, all i really need is you.♪ ♪just for the fun of it, delicious crisp taste of it.♪ ♪just for the love of it.
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♪just for the feel of it. ♪just for the taste of it, diet coke.♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] jimmy: welcome back, everyone. we're here with the one and only billy joel right now! [ cheers and applause ] one of my favorites. you're the best. uh, you're one of my all-time favorites. i'm just -- even to get to talk to you i get a little nervous. but to sing with you is the craziest thing, so i came up with an idea where maybe i could sing with you. if you want to do this. >> sure, yeah. >> jimmy: okay, good. so this is what -- i have this ipad app.
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okay? it's called a looper. and what it does is it loops your voice. i was thinking maybe if we did this if we do it right we could be a two-man doo-wop group. >> yeah? >> jimmy: yeah. so i hooked these microphones up into it. so what, like, we can do like kind of an easy one. let's do "the lion sleeps tonight?" >> okay. >> jimmy: let's do "the lion sleeps tonight." >> what key? d? >> jimmy: yeah. >> d? >> jimmy: okay. i'll start off first. ready? here we go. wait till it comes around. ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway
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awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway awimbaway ♪ ♪ in the jungle the mighty jungle
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the lion sleeps tonight ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ in the jungle the quiet jungle the lion sleeps tonight ♪ ♪ eee eee eee wee amum maway ♪ eee eee eee wee amum maway ♪ ♪ near the village the peaceful village the lion sleeps tonight ♪ ♪ near the village the quiet village the lion sleeps tonight ♪ ♪ hey, hey wee wee amum maway wee wee amum maway ♪ ♪ hush my darling don't fear my darling
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the lion sleeps tonight ♪ ♪ hush my darling don't fear my darling the lion sleeps tonight ♪ ♪ wee wee wee amum maway wee wee amum maway wee wee amum maway wee wee amum maway ♪ >> jimmy: that's it right there! [ cheers and applause ] billy joel! you are the greatest! billy joel! we'll be right back with chelsea clinton, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is the vice chair of the clinton foundation, and this weekend she'll host the clinton global initiative university at arizona state university. please welcome chelsea clinton, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me, jimmy. >> jimmy: big billy joel fan? >> huge billy joel fan. >> jimmy: right? who isn't, right? yeah. how big a -- >> even more after that doo-wop than i was before. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: really? that was -- yeah. i struggled a little bit with some of those high notes. >> i didn't notice. and he had the high notes. >> jimmy: i know, he's unbelievable. he's like -- i'm going like "in the village," i couldn't do it. and he's doing it like it's nothing. oh, my gosh. it's so fun. i still have it out ready to
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go. >> i hope you have it always. >> jimmy: yeah, good. i'm just going to always leave it on a loop. it's gonna be my ringtone. [ laughter ] so excited. now, you live in new york. i run into you at different events, stuff like that. can you go out anywhere? or are you just too recognizable? do people go "oh, my gosh, chelsea clinton?" >> i love living in new york city. um, i walk my dog every morning. i ride the subway. >> jimmy: don't people recognize you? >> people recognize me. most people are really nice. sometimes people just say "hi, chelsea." sometimes people come up and ask me questions about health care or something else. >> jimmy: it happens to me all the time. [ laughter ] >> i mean, you're now an authority since you had the first lady on. >> jimmy: yeah. i totally know, exactly. yeah. >> so, i hope you direct everyone to >> jimmy: i told everyone to go there. >> awesome. >> jimmy: don't ask me those questions, yeah. go to >> great. thank you. >> jimmy: yeah, no problem. >> to the authority. >> jimmy: yeah. actually, when i ran into you we were at a charity event for victims of hurricane sandy and we were backstage just talking about stuff. you turned me on to this korean restaurant. do you remember this? >> i do remember this. >> jimmy: what was the name of
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the place? >> kum gang san. >> jimmy: kum gang san, yeah. i went there. i went there with my wife. i don't know if i'll be allowed back. it's the best food. >> what did you do? >> jimmy: well, it's not -- my wife. she did it. [ laughter ] i swear. >> the mother of your child. >> jimmy: yeah, the mother of my child. exactly right. >> you just outed her. >> i know, but we were trying -- we were trying to have a baby. we were really in baby mode. my wife loves babies. there was this really cute korean baby at the next table. really cute. he had like a little ski hat on. he had -- maybe seven months old. squishy cute face like this. [ light laughter ] cute lips. like so adorable. and my wife was talking to the baby going "hi, hi." and the baby was talking back to my wife going, "ya. goo, goo, ga." [ light laughter ] >> as babies do. >> jimmy: you know, whatever. they were having a conversation and the parents go "you can hold her if you want to." so my wife's like, "oh, i'd love to." she grabs the baby, holds the baby and talking to the baby. it's really cute baby. he's going like "ya, you" -- she's talking to him. she goes, "oh, he's so cute," and kisses the baby on the mouth. i go, "nancy, what are you doing? you can't kiss a stranger's baby. what is wrong with you?"
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>> she was inspired in the moment. >> jimmy: she couldn't help it. but now we have the baby. i'm like, "what would i do if somebody kiss my baby on the mouth?" "get off my baby." i don't know if we're allowed back in the restaurant. i think we're in trouble. but, it was the coolest place ever. now i want to know about you. what's going on now with the clinton global initiative university? >> that's this weekend. >> jimmy: yep. >> at arizona state. it's our seventh clinton global initiative university. cgiu. we call it for -- >> jimmy: cgiu, okay. >> shorthand. >> jimmy: yeah, it's much easier to say. yeah. >> so in the last six years we've had more than 5,500 students come from more than 800 universities across every state. 130 countries. and these are students who aren't just aspiring change makers. they're already change makers on their campuses, in their communities, making a a difference across the world. >> jimmy: how fun. >> it is a lot of fun. so they come together and they make specific commitments to action. either to scale what they're already doing or to tackle a a new problem. and we've had students do everything, committing to using soccer to teach local kids about hiv/aids, what it is, what it isn't. >> jimmy: how would you do that? >> so we help kids really
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understand how to translate their ideas into actions. so how do they take something that is ephemeral and make a a real business plan? >> jimmy: yeah. >> either to start an ngo or start a social business. sometimes it's about designing a product. we had a few students from harvard a couple years ago design a soccer ball they called "sock it" that as kids kicked it around it generated and stored electricity that then the kids could use later to power their lights to do their homework at night. >> jimmy: really? i have an invention. >> i'm ready. >> jimmy: i want ocean spray to make -- you know cranberry sauce? it into little singles, like kraft singles. then you could put it on sandwiches after thanksgiving. yeah, like you put like turkey sandwiches. [ cheers ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: cranberry singles. >> so my husband, probably next to korean barbecue, his favorite food is everything the day after thanksgiving. >> jimmy: yeah. >> he thinks thanksgiving tastes better the day after thanksgiving. >> jimmy: he'd love my idea. it's a million-dollar idea. >> he would love your idea. that's not -- probably multi-million dollar idea. that's really not what we mean by commitment to action. >> jimmy: at all. [ laughter ]
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>> not at all. >> jimmy: interesting. so i would not be invited to the college? i would flunk the university? >> no, we would just try to help you figure out how that same kind of impetus to have individual packages maybe could be used for global health or kind of economic empowerment. >> jimmy: it's just, it makes for a really delicious sandwich. [ laughter ] it's a different college we have to start. >> you need both. >> jimmy: this is the eighth year you're doing this? >> it is the seventh year we're doing this. >> jimmy: the seventh year you're doing this. you must see some amazing stuff. >> we see lots of amazing stuff. >> jimmy: i mean, a soccer ball that creates electricity? >> it's amazing. we had a student named ashiki gogo, a few years ago commit to make an app to enable people in the developing world to tell whether or not a drug they were considering buying was counterfeit or not. about 25% of the drugs in the developing world are counterfeit. they kill about 700,000 people every year. and now this product has rolled out. he committed to build it. he built it. and they now have had more than 5 million people use it to verify drug purchases. >> jimmy: really? tariq does that job too on the weekends. [ laughter ] good weed or not.
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>> we can connect you. >> jimmy: oh, this stuff is real. yeah, yeah. this is good -- this is good stuff. [ laughter ] >> no. not when it's -- >> jimmy: again, we can't go to the college. think about it. you're doing awfully good stuff. since you were a kid you've been in politics. has anyone ever asked you if you're going to run for office? >> very few days go by when people don't ask me that question. one of my earliest childhood memories is being on the campaign trail with my dad in arkansas and being 3 years old and waving a flag because i thought that was my job. right, i was three, i was going to look like super patriotic. >> jimmy: yeah, cute. >> not sure of what was happening. i'm sure your daughter will -- i don't know what the equivalent is for you. but, she'll be doing that. >> jimmy: holding up dvds of johnny carson or something? i have no idea. [ laughter ] >> yeah, all right. you'll figure it out. or she'll figure it out. d i have this vivid memory of a woman coming up to me and saying, "so are you going to grow up and be the governor of arkansas one day?" and i remember saying "i'm three." >> jimmy: that's a perfect answer to that woman. "yeah, i'm i'm 3 years old." but still -- and then you're on the ballot.
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congratulations. [ light laughter ] >> well, no. >> jimmy: chelsea clinton, everybody. for more information on the clinton global initiative university, check out billy joel performs next, everybody. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ telephone ringing ]
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome back, everyone. oh, get ready. performing his classic "you may be right," once again, billy joel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ friday night i crashed your party saturday i said i'm sorry ♪ ♪ sunday came and trashed me out again i was only having fun wasn't hurting anyone ♪ ♪ and we all enjoyed the weekend for a change ♪ ♪ i've been stranded in the combat zone i walked through bedford stuy alone ♪ ♪ even rode my motorcycle in the rain
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and you told me not to drive ♪ ♪ but i made it home alive so you said that only proves that i'm insane ♪ ♪ you may be right i may be crazy but it just may be a ♪ ♪ lunatic you're looking for turn out the light don't try to save me you may be wrong ♪ ♪ for all i know but you may be right ♪ ♪ remember how i found you there alone in your electric chair i told you dirty ♪ ♪ jokes until you smiled you were lonely for a man ♪
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♪ i said take me as i am 'cause you might enjoy some madness for awhile ♪ ♪ now think of all the years you tried to find someone to satisfy you i might be as crazy ♪ ♪ as you say if i'm crazy then it's true that it's all because of you ♪ ♪ and you wouldn't want me any other way you may be right ♪ ♪ i may be crazy but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for it's too late to fight ♪ ♪ it's too late to change me you may be wrong
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for all i know ♪ ♪ but you may be right ♪ ♪ you may be right ♪ i may be crazy but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for turn out the light ♪ ♪ don't try to save me you may be wrong for all i know but you may be right ♪ ♪ you may be wrong but you may be right
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you may be wrong but you may be right ♪ ♪ you may be wrong but you may be right you may be wrong but you may be right ♪ ♪ you may be wrong but you may be right you may be wrong but you may be right ♪ ♪ you may be wrong but you may be right you may be wrong but you may be right ♪ ♪ you may be wrong but you may be right you may be wrong but you may be right ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: billy joel! oh, billy joel! see him live tomorrow at madison square garden right here in new york! look for "a matter of trust -- the bridge to russia" in stores may 20th. we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to billy joel! chelsea clinton! and the roots right there, ladies and gentlemen! [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. hope to see you tomorrow. buh-bye! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- jon hamm, larry king,


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