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tv   Today  NBC  May 31, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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good morning. personal foul. los angeles clippers owner donald sterling file as $1 billion lawsuit against the nba claiming he was wrongly banned from the league after his racially charge rant went public. his wife agrees to a sale of the team. whatpens next? scavenger hunt ever, thousands taking part in the search for hidden cash. >> now i can by anything i want. >> what started off with one person is sparking generosity and good will around the world and the man behind it says wait, there is more ahead. and letter perfect. at the scripps national spelling bee. >> whatever. how ever you say it spell it.
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>> we'll talk to some of the young whiz kids how they tackle the words that have us on spell check, today saturday, may 31, 2014. >> from nbc news this is "today." with lester holt and erica hill. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning. welcome to "today" on a saturday morning. i'm lester holt. >> i'm erica hill along with mike bet is in for dylan. nice to have you with us. we're going to talk more spelling bee. i went on wednesday, saw some of the action before the finals and spent time with the kids and boy, did we get lucky. we hung out with one of the co-champions. and it also -- coincidentally. we got lucky. >> spell coincidentally.
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>> i couldn't spell at all. i thought i was good until i went up against these kids. they are way smarter than adult i met. >> look forward to that. >> we'll have that. >> in the meantime. >> in the meantime we begin with the top stories. the future of the los angeles clippers. that huge lawsuit filed by owner donald sterling could it now get in the way of a record deal reached by his wife to sell that team to the former ceo of microsoft. miguel almaguer has a look. >> reporter: the team set to be sold this morning donald sterling is suing the nba for more than $1 billion. the clippers' co-owner seeking damages for antitrust and other violations. the lawsuit making headlines just as the record-setting sale price for the clippers is too. >> pay approximately 662 million in capital gains taxes. >> reporter: a $2 billion agreement to sell the franchise to former ceo steve ballmer seen
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here during his microsoft days. the deal needs nba approval. i intend to do everything in my power to ensure that the clippers continue to win, and win big in los angeles. >> they have got a fresh new start under a guy who has deep pockets, who can treat his employees and his players in a first class fashion. >> the potential sale comes after donald sterling's racist comments, the nba banned him for life fined him $2.5 million and began to force him out of the league. with nba officials saying they resolved their dispute with the sterling family trust over ownership, donald sterling's estranged wife shelly says she acting as the sole trutee. i'm delighted we're sealing the team to steve who will be a terrific owner. the sterlings bought the team 33 years ago for $12.5 million. >> for this to be what people remember about you, great, you got $2 billion but you are a
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racist, that's not a trade i would make. >> with the stage set for new ownership this could be the fresh start and new leadership so many have been waiting for. for "today," miguel almaguer, nbc news, los angeles. >> there is no word yet on what this lawsuit means for the sale of the team because under the agreement that was reached between shelly sterling and the nba, the sterling trust agrees not to sue the league. it protected from others including donald sterling. >> to the future of the veterans affairs department now that the secretary stepped down. eric shinseki resigned on friday amid growing calls to leave. what happens to the v.a., and the country's veterans. kelly has been following this. good morning. >> good morning. this v.a. runner-up is really a first step to deal with what had been a growing political problem for the white house. even within the president's own party. what is unclear is how this change will actually root out misconduct and bureaucratic
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malaze inside v.a. hospitals. for president obama the pressure is still on. >> we don't have time for distractions. we need to fix the problem. >> late friday the white house released this photo marking the end of eric shinseki's four decades of public service. >> i want to reiterate he is a very good man. >> the former four-star general last public act was to express his regret over the v.a.'s systemic failures that left veterans waiting for care. >> i extend an apology to the people whom i care most deeply about, that's the veterans of this great country. >> veterans in phoenix where the scandal first broke say this change is a good first step. >> if we get some changes at the very top of the system, it's going to filter all the way down. >> they have to fix it from the inside. getting in the hospital is the problem. >> investigators found the v.a. staffers inks intentionally
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falsified appointment records under pressure from bosses to hide long waiting time a. wide spread deception. the president was told friday that improper scheduling has happened at 64% of v.a. hospitals. lawmakers say one top resignation is not enough. >> we need to get to the roots of this which is why we've got to have a criminal investigation of the v.a., people have to understand that they are going to be held accountable for the things that they do. >> short-term the president has deputy stlon gibson to take over. speaker john boehner says the president must fix the v.a. >> our veterans deserve better. we'll hold the president accountable until he makes things right. >> one of the steps is eliminate bonuses for senior administrators now considered one of the possible motives when there were links between getting those performance-based bonuses and some of the data that was manipulated inside hospitals that affected the wait times and the real lives of veterans.
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the change to bonuses is one concrete first step. >> kelly o'donnell, thank you. retired colonel jack jacobs is an nbc news affairs analyst and recipient of two purple hearts. good morning. great to see you. >> good morning, lester. >> this has been portrayed as shinseki falling on his sword. you two go way back. does it surprise you he would go so easily? >> i don't think he went easily. i know the president said that general shinseki offered his resignation that he said to the president i think that this is getting in the way of making things better. but my guess is that the conversation was completely different, and exactly the opposite, that the president called him and said you're getting in the way of making this better and i think you need to resign. i have known him for a long time. he doesn't go on his own. he'd stay on his post until he was thrown off. >> it could be argued he was a
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distraction, never the less he is out of the way. how does that change the fundamentals of fixing what's wrong? does it make things better? >> no. i think it's going to take a long time if ever to make the v.a. better. this is -- it's an interim guy and then they are going to get somebody permanent in there to replace shinseki and may even dip down and change lots of people in the chain of command. but at the end of the day, i think there is a fundamental flaw in how we deliver prompt first class medical care to veterans, the v.a. in my judgment is not the way to do it. you have a parallel system that doesn't do a very good job no matter who is in charge or indeed how much money you give it. it remains to be seen what the congress is going to do. for the moment they are only going to insist that the president do a better job. and the president's doing a better job getting new people in there is not really enough. i don't think that it's going to be easily fixed nor is it going
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to be fixed in a short period. >> shinseki's deputy gets the job for the time being, sloan gibson you go back to from west point and your days as an instructor. is it going to be difficult finding someone who will take this job under the current circumstances? someone need to come in and say i'll do it but i want this, this and this? >> yeah, i can't envision anybody who is thinking clearly about this whole thing just taking the job without making certain, certain requirements. first of all he has to have both authority and responsibility. it isn't enough to be in charge of the v.a. and be responsible for it, you also have to have the authority to hire people and fire people, to set your own bonuses if that's what you're going to do. general shinseki never had that. he had the authority but -- he had the responsibility but none of the authority. and indeed there should be a requirement that you can talk directly to congress and it should be a person who is comfortable doing that and has a
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great deal of close relationships in congress because of the end of the day it's congress who writes the checks. i don't think you're going to easily find somebody of real substance who is willing to go get tortured by the senate before taking a job where he doesn't have sufficient authority to get the job done. it will be interesting to see who is going to accept that job. >> we'll have to end our conversation there colonel jacobs from northern california. thanks very much. >> you're very welcome. and we want to get a look at the rest of the morning's overnight headlines. for that we turn it over to jena. >> good morning, there is a shake-up to tell you about this morning. president obama surprised reporters on friday showing up at the daily briefing to announce that his press secretary jay carney was resigning. more on what could be behind this move. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. in the surprise announcement president obama said 39-year-old principal deputy press secretary josh earnest will replace jay
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carney as press secretary, josh taking the reins at a critical time here as the administration tries to fix the widespread problems at the v.a. that you all were talking about. the job of press secretary is one of the most grueling at the white house, not really shocking after more than three years on the job carney is stepping down he says to spend more time with his family. the father of two has really overseen the response to some of the most difficult moments including the attacks on benghazi, the rocky roll-out of health and the v.a. scandal. for josh he is from kansas and has a close relationship with the president. this transition will happen in mid june i'm told. back to you. >> kristen welker, thank you. we're learning this morning that the santa barbara sheriff's department launched an internal investigation into the way deputies handled last week's shooting spree by elliott rodger. the the news comes a day after the department said deputies
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knew about disturbing youtube videos that he posted three weeks before the rampage but they did not watch them. the probe will also look into now authorities handled a welfare check back in april, rodger fatally stabbed three roommates, shot and killed three others before turning the gun on himself. some high schoolers in california are rallying behind a school security guard who was caught on surveillance video hitting a student in a wheelchair. the high schooler started a petition at oakland high in support of the security guard mitchell who was accused of punching and dumping a student out of his wheelchair. the student supporting him believed mitchell's claim that he was provoked when the student in the wheelchair spit in his face. the school says mitchell was arrested and fired immediately. he is facing felony assault charges. the man who attacked brad pitt on the red carpet has been ordered to stay away from the actor and hollywood red carpets events he pleaded no contest to
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battery on friday. two days after he jumped out of a fan area and hit pitt. he was sentenced to three years of probation and he must attend a year's worth of psychological counciling. if you spent the early part of your night knocking over trash cans and spooking neighbors where do you suppose you would spend the rest of the night? in jail? not quite. not when you're a black bear. a photographer in daytona beach snapped these pictures of a bear climbing into a hammock and taking a rest. >> someone's been sleeping in my bed. >> a little snooze. the photographer told our affiliate in orlando that the bear chills out for about 20 minutes, these are the facts, before heading back into the woods. >> no stop at the kitchen? >> no stop at the kitchen. i don't know if that was photo shopped. there was the story. >> the story about the walk-on roll. >> i enjoyed that. >> no one walks behind me. >> like that.
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>> like a photo bomb. >> from here to there. >> it's just the news, right after all. so let's all have fun with it. >> spark it up a little bit for you. >> you know what's fun, the weather. >> the weather. >> mike bettis is in for dylan. hello again. >> good morning. weather is fun. we've got things to talk about for sure including storms that have popped up for us right through the middle of the country. a bit of a convoluted pattern but it's through tornado alley. where storms have fired. this will be the active spot today. so keep that in mind. maybe you travel around rapid city or denver, right off the front range, watch for storms to fire up, everything in red is where we could see hail. maybe an isolated tornado threat but a greater risk for tornados out on sunday, that will include omaha, wichita and the forecast across the country is going to produce pleasant conditions across the east. get in your hammock and enjoy the sunshine. in the 70s. . at's a >> good morning. 6:14 the time right now looking
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at palo alto and see that marin layer really thick this morning. this will burn off through the afternoon hours. by 11:00 start to see plenty of sunshine, south bay, peninsula, east bay and in san francisco right now, just shrouded with clouds. everybody, everywhere waking up to cloud cover this morning. this afternoon we are talking about plenty of sunshine and, in fact highs today will be very similar to where they were yesterday. 70s for inland valleys, cool at the coast with 60s warm in the north bay with 80s there. much. coming up next, a family feud over the the care ofly agendaary radio personality casey cason. first this is "today" on nbc.
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first, mike honda stubbornly refused all debates. now honda's slinging mud, launching false attacks. isn't it time to put the old politics aside? the chronicle endorses ro khanna, saying he "offers an upgrade in congress for silicon valley." and the mercury news says, "ro khanna is ready for the congress of tomorrow... ...while honda is a politician of the past." for our future: ro khanna. khanna: i'm ro khanna and i approve this message.
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>> new developments in the public battle over casey cason's medical care. pitting his wife and children against one another. the latest for us. >> good morning. casey cason's daughter carey was
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allowed to have her first visit with her dad in weeks. washington is where his wife jean moved the star. the judge hopes to have a final decision after a hearing next week as we learn more about casey kasem's failing health. he is one of the most iconic voices of all time. >> i'm casey kasem, these are the most popular songs. >> reporter: a washington state court must decide who will speak for casey kasem. jean, his wife of 35 years. >> my husband is an american treasure. he wanted to leave beautiful memories. that was all torn apart today. >> reporter: or his daughter carey who claims she and her siblings have been kept away. >> we are concerned about his health because we don't know what condition he is in. >> reporter: according to carey the 82-year-old is suffering from a form of dementia. in court carey claimed that
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kasem has infections he didn't have before being moved from california to washington state earlier this month. >> he didn't have bed sores, he didn't have a lung infection nor a bladder infection. >> reporter: the judge ordered carey would visit with her father an hour a day and could have casey examined by a new doctor. at the request of these lawyers the judge ordered no pictures of the ailing celebrity could be shared. even with family. jean kasem is an actress phone known for her role on "cheers." >> are you all right? >> i'm fine. and you? >> reporter: she says her husband is under proper medical care to see progressive doctors and get peace and quiet. the daughter liberty made this emotional plea. >> i'm not abusing my dad. i love my dad. i do. honestly. my mom and i we care for him. >> reporter: the judge will hear from both sides next friday but we might see everyone back in court before that.
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the judge ruled that for the next week medical decisions had to come from a doctor. the problem is both sides have different doctors f. there are differing opinions bring it back to court. >> thanks. still to come on "today" the agony, the words most of us can't pronounce. it is what's it like for the kids competing in the spelling bee? behind the scenes. first these messages. ♪ [ female announcer ] unlike ordinary diapers pampers stay up to three times drier, so babies can sleep soundly all night. pampers. so babies can sleep soundly all night. new coppertone clearlysheer ugh sunscreens.. barely noticeable and face-friendly for beach,pool and sunny days. perfect, no matter what you're wearing. it's so on. coppertone clearlysheer. it's on. then you're what butterball g calls a turketarian.
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and their delicious every day selections are sure to satisfy.
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still ahead the scavenger hunt for cash that started in california, spreads across the country. have you found anybody? >> i need to look harder. angelina jolie and tom cruz. is either film worth seeing? we'll take a look at the movies coming to a theater near you after these messages. leslie,
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a regular guy who invented aros. a very smart air conditioner that learns your habits to save you money. this is ben kaufman, the ceo of quirky. he's rubbing garthen's regular-guy feet because garthen is far more important than ben. at quirky, real people invent all of our products. ben just runs the company. introducing aros from quirky and g.e. products invented by real people like you. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet?
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good morning. you're looking live out on this saturday, may 31st. at a view of san francisco from our sky cam in emeryville. good morning, i'm victory nguyen. meteorologist anthony slaughter has a look at your weekend forecast. >> good morning, vicki, glad to have you with us this morning. looking at fog in palo alto even as you saw in emeryville, everywhere you wake up clouds and fog and drizzle at the coastline and the temperatures are uniform really from about 50 in the north bay to 55 in san francisco and also in the south bay. notice later on today, we will see some sunshine. it's not going to be cloudy all day but until about 11:00 in san francisco those fog and drizzle areas will linger. 64 so it's mot going to warm a
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whole lot at the coast, south bay, to the 70s, east bay, livermore and north bay back into the 80s. we are talking about another warm day for today, even warmer tomorrow. full details on the full forecast coming up at 7:00 this morning. in the meantime back to you, vicki. >> thank you. a bizarre attack at an east bay school. a 9-year-old lured into the bathroom and beaten with a hammer. police say her attacker is the mother of another child at that same school. that mother is behind bars this morning. it happened yesterday morning at lafayette elementary school in oakland. a district spokeswoman says the girl was beaten during recess. when the girl's teacher notice she didn't return to class they called a security guard and searched for her. eventually they found the 9-year-old leaving the bathroom with the suspected attacker. that mother has a daughter in the second grade. the woman was arrested at the scene. police say the girl was taken to the hospital for nonlife threatening injuries.
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and coming up this morning on "today in the bay," efforting a higher voter turnout. what medical marijuana dispensaries are giving away for free for some voting in tuesday's election. plus that and your top stories coming up at 7:00.
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>> a little party never killed nobody. we're going to dance. ♪ a little party never killed nobody ♪ >> i'm in new york on the "today" show. ♪ >> we are back on this saturday morning, the last day of may, may 31st, 2014. and as we like to say around these parts it's never too early for a dance party. so any time you're in town, or if you would like to join us in your living room come on down, shake your groove thing. >> shake your groove thing. >> i was confused. then the thing, now --
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>> dating myself a little. we'll be out in a minute to say hi to everybody and you know, shake our groove thing. >> we have a lot coming up. first a check of the morning headlines. clippers co-owner donald sterling is suing the nba for $1 billion. the suit claimed numerous violations after sterling was banned from the nba. the $2 billion sale of his team is moving forward. eric shinseki resigned. he says he became too much of a distraction in the wake of the growing scandal over delayed care for millions of veterans. an internal investigation is under way at the santa barbara sheriff's department. the department is looking into how deputies handled last week's shooting spree. >> still to come in this half hour, you probably have seen that history-making tie at the scripps spelling bee.
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before the champs raised the trophy we spent time with them. >> also ahead we're going to look at some of the new movies to see if they are right for you this weekend or down the road. i realized i don't know when the last time i went to the movies and chilled out and lost my attention and sort of enjoyed. >> before your daughter was born. >> before my daughter was born. that's all i want to do is go to the movies. >> when she is 18. >> in about 20 years. >> you're fot going to have time to see. we begin with the next phase of that growing hidden cash movement that has people hunting for money. as the day goes on more people are joining this search. everyone hoping to get their hands on a little dough. now the person behind the twitter handle @hiddencash is promising bigger things ahead. >> reporter: all over los angeles friday night, more cash mobs. >> i'm missing the dodger game. hey. >> how much? >> $186.
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>> reporter: what began as a scavenger hunt. >> my god. >> reporter: may now be a movement. >> i recognized the parking lot. i started looking and then found it in a bush. >> >> reporter: the original @hiddencash handle has exploded, roughly 1700 new followers per hour. to more than 350 thoutz. and now the anonymous donor behind the account is reflecting on what caused his idea that started nine days ago in san francisco, to spread around the world. there really is no agenda he writes on line, not political, not business, not religious, other than bringing people together in a positive way. >> it's people are helping each other talking to each other. >> reporter: like he wanted copy cats are following. >> taken off more than we expected it to. it's great to see the happiness on people's faces. >> reporter: to raleigh, north carolina. >> if it weren't for people in
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community i wouldn't be where i'm at. >> reporter: to tampa. >> i opened it and saw a 20. y reel realize there are three. >> reporter: lucky winners posting selfies on facebook and twitter. the frenzy drawing such huge crowds the hunt's creator is offering a word of caution. please walk and drive safely. a young woman ran in front of my car a few days ago. for now the drops will continue while he plans what he calls a big announcement soon. >> guys, so excited and happy. >> reporter: too often bad news travels fast. this time good news spread faster. for "today," gabe gutierrez, nbc news. so if you are in california you may want to head to the beach this morning if you can. here is a heads up on the latest clue from @hiddencash. it says getting ready for tomorrow at the beef, 36 of these stuffed with cash will be buried in the sand while you
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sleep. >> we're saying beach in los angeles. like a taxi in new york. a lot of beaches. >> how is no one seeing or spotted anyone hiding this cash? >> i guess that would be a bigger needle in a bigger hay stack. we'll tackle that next. mike is out with a final check of the weather. hey, mike. >> good morning to you. enjoying a beautiful day in new york city. fine folks from ohio joining us today. i've got to say it. o.h. i knew it was going to happen. let's show you weather in ohio and the rest of the country. very pleasant. across the south rain there and flooding will be a huge concern for us through the weekend. from houston to new orleans back into north florida and severe weather could be likely across the northern plains through the weekend including places like the twin cities and sioux falls, but enjoy the weather in the northeast, gorgeous, blazing hot in the southwest with temperatures in the triple digits. good morning.
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6:35 the time. still very foggy and cloudy even in san francisco. a look at the bay bridge and see limited visibility as the morning hours are kicking off with lots of fog, not only in san francisco but everywhere, even down to the east bay and south bay looking at cloudy skies. you know what after about 11:00 today we will see sunshine everywhere, even at the coastline. temperatures today only in the 60s in san francisco, 64 there, 83 meanwhile over toward the tri-valley, north bay will see warm temperatures as well close to 80. lots of birthdays today. happy birthday to you. back inside to lester. >> mike, thanks. mariah carey is giving us a glimpse into her life as she opens up her home to our nbc cameras for an hour-long "dateline" special. here is matt lauer with a preview. ♪ >> mariah carey, the singer, the songwriter, the producer, is doing something she's never done before.
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a one of a kind concert at her los angeles home. we take you inside and inside her life. and a worldwide exclusive home video personally produced by mariah, the mom. mariah carey at home in concert. >> me, i am mariah. the elusive chanteuse. >> we sat down in a recording studio. >> every time a song comes out. >> people expect it to be number one. >> mariah carey song. she's the hit maker. and this bet are be another one and how do you deal with that pressure? >> i feel like the pressure of that and the ups and downs like i feel much more empowered now than i did back in the day because i feel like i was always insecure as a child, i didn't have like the world's easiest upbringing, your life may not look like it was difficult but
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you may have had your own insecurities but that doesn't mean they didn't occur. ♪ ♪ >> you can watch the full special mariah carey at home in concert on a special "dateline" at 8:00, 7:00 central on nkz. up next your movie ticket from "maleficent" and the edge of tomorrow, which one is right for you. first these messages. it's great on strawberries, apples...
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bananas... rice cakes... raspberries... toast! [ kelly ] jif hazelnut spread makes anything your new favorite thing. spoons! which is why this choosy mom chooses jif. spoons!
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some comto make theirtificial yogurt sweeter. but here at chobani, we think mother nature is sweet enough. introducing chobani simply 100. with crest 3d white luxe toothpaste. only crest 3d white has whitelock technology. it removes stains within the microfine lines of your teeth... and locks out future stains. crest 3d white luxe toothpaste. life opens up with a whiter smile. crest 3d white luxe toothpaste. so, if you're what ysleeping in your is youcontact lenses, ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable they're approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. ask your doctor about safety information as serious eye problems may occur. visit for a free one-month trial.
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back on a saturday morning with our weekend movie ticket. this week we're checking out a scary fairy tale and old western comedy and adecrease a little filled action flick. >> we'll speak our panel. a preview of what's hitting the theaters. >> i, too, shall be stoic. >> after a 4-year absence from the big screen angelina jolie is back starring in "maleficent" the story of disney's villain. >> the sun sets on her 16th birthday. >> a look at what turned
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"maleficent" into an evil woman looking for revenge. and a family guy creator seth macfarlane is at it again. this time on the big screen. >> welcome back to our awesome town. >> he wrote, directed and produced and stars in the comedy "a million ways to die in the west." >> the american west is a terrible place in time. everything that's not you wants to kill you. angry drunk people, hungry animals, the doctor. >> she had a splinter. >> along side are cherise therrien. from the wild west to the wild world of tomorrow, tom cruise's latest flick edge of tomorrow hits theaters on june 6. the movie takes place in the near future, one in which an alien race invaded earth. >> you know what's happening. >> reporter: with the help of emily blunt how to survive the same day over and over. >> come find me when you wake
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up. >> for "today," nbc news, new york. >> comedian actress keisha zoler, "access hollywood's" critic scott mens and suzanne are going to take us through the movies to see which is right for you. good morning. nice to have you. >> good morning. >> so let's start out with "maleficent." am i saying that correctly? a lot of people are looking at this wondering is it appropriate for kids. you have kids. it's rated pg. who is it appropriate for? >> not for kids 10 and under to be honest unless you want to bring them and they will be scared and quiet for two hours. >> then nightmares. >> then they have nightmares. angelina jolie's performance is spectacular. see it for the makeup. hands down. >> and scott, first time as we said seeing her in four years since her cancer scare.
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>> she plays someone evil, wearing black, red lipstick, talk about the role she was born to play. otherwise the story was weak. i didn't care about the other characters. not appropriate for children under the age of 10. and the special effects were overbearing and so was the musical score. felt i was being beaten over the head. >> the makeup. great. >> makeup and the popcorn. let's move on to "a million ways to die in the west" from our sister company universal pictures. did seth macfarlane get this right? >> i think he did. comedy fans see it. i think it's so funny. charlize theron is beautiful and funny in this. i think she surprised me because she is charming. i think i would say about 800,000 ways to lie. if you love seth macfarlane, you
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like how he hosted the oscar you'll love it. >> if you don't and think he is raunchy and off color. >> you might want to stay home. you are getting seth macfarlane and it's a version of his blazing saddles. >> a comedic genius. i love him. everything about seth macfarlane. >> the blazing saddles section? >> i buy it but i'm a family guy fan so yes, this movie is vulgar, be ready, because there's a lot of cursing, a lot of swearing, things going on. >> keep the kids home. >> i love him. i know scott does not agree with me. >> i'm pleading the fifth. >> this last one, edge of tomorrow, with tom cruise, who we haven't seen in a while getting major butz. >> now we're talking. "edge of tomorrow" is a great movie way better than i expe expected. this is a pulse pounding action packed sci-fi spectacular.
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and it's very smart, it's clever. fun. >> who is it for? >> everyone. this is what a summer block buster is all about. it's a lot funnier than you would expect a movie like this to be. tom cruise makes great movies. >> did you say funny? >> there is a lot of humor. tom cruise makes great movies. emily blunt in her first action role. this is a block buster with brains and you'll want to see it over and over. >> love your enthusiasm. >> always nice to have you in. appreciate you being here. let's send it over to jenna with the plaza fan of the day. >> i'm here with joan from lomira, wisconsin, first time in new york. good packer fan. take it away. >> still to come on the "today" show spelling your hearts out. erica goes behind the scenes at the national spelling bee.
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is younger looking skin. ♪ is younger looking skin. this season, we're taking blet's mix.ckyard. let's match. and let's grab these guys. add this guy. and this cool new thing. save all these guys. and then, let's mix it up. let's turn the space we always had, into the space we always wanted. let's do this. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. kill weeds and keep them dead. free refill of purchase of roundup or roundup extended control. ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. so, if you're what ysleeping in your is youcontact lenses, ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable they're approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. ask your doctor about safety information as serious eye problems may occur.
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visit for a free one-month trial. we're back with a look at bright young minds. >> for the first time in 52 years two spellers were co-champions. before the intense competition got under way, i had a chance to spend time with some of the kids, that was an education in itself. >> abolition. >> correct. >> in a world of spell check and auto correct, these kids are proof the letters still matter. >> v-i-n-e.
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>> correct. >> mastering the art of spelling isn't easy. >> erica, your word is -- >> even for a seasoned speller like this year's bee cochampion. >> i got up to the microphone i try to remember the words. >> the scripps national spelling bee has become a main event. 281 spellers representing every state and eight countries took the stage this year. but didn't start out that way. the first bee back in 1925 had just nine spellers. >> pull it right down. >> 8-year-old was the youngest. >> what does it mean? >> a fortress. >> can you use it 18 sentence? >> there was a high in japan. >> beyond the glory of the tight tl co-winners of this year's bee
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each took home $30,000 in cash, a $2500 u.s. savings bond and a deluxe edition of the encyclopedia britainica. >> one of the prices is a set of encyclopedias. when i was growing up that was a big deal. now a days you do research in different ways so what would you do with that set? >> hmm. there are a lot of things i could do with that. i could use them as paper weights. >> that creativity can tum in come in handy with these words. >> may i have the definition. >> champions have been made with the likes of croissant, knaidel. >> stichomythia. >> how ever you say it spell it. >> reaction always honest. but as five-time contestant and
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co-champ sriram will tell you there is more to the bee than winning. >> i want to win but also simultaneously have fun. >> mission accomplished. d-o-n-e done. >> all of the kids worked so hard. they study so much. they are special. we'll be back in a moment. first this is "today" on nbc.
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first, mike honda stubbornly refused all debates. now honda's slinging mud,
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launching false attacks. isn't it time to put the old politics aside? the chronicle endorses ro khanna, saying he "offers an upgrade in congress for silicon valley." and the mercury news says, "ro khanna is ready for the congress of tomorrow... ...while honda is a politician of the past." for our future: ro khanna. khanna: i'm ro khanna and i approve this message. that does it for us on a saturday morning. >> we'll see you tomorrow. i'll see you back tonight for "nbc nightly news." have a great day everybody. bye-bye. ill do it better than h. [ afi ] i do not like sweeping! it's a little frustrating. [ zach ] i can't help out as much as i used to. do you need help? [ doorbell rings ] let's open it up. it's a swiffer sweeper. swiffer dusters. it can extend so i don't have to get on the step stool. ♪ it's like a dirt magnet -- just like my kids. [ afi ] this is a danger zone. voilà.
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i am the queen of clean! [ zach ] yeah, this definitely beats hanging out on a step ladder. [ laughs ] good jump, baby! [ zach ] yeah, this definitely beats hanging out on a step ladder. [ laughs ] this is martin. he likes to put but not veggie kebabs. he also likes "that's what she said" jokes. martin: that's what she said! you may not like what martin likes, and that's ok. a.1. for almost everything. almost. ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tempted ♪ ♪ by the chocolate all around ♪ turn around brian! ♪ this bar has protein oh yeah!♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one. ♪ this bar has protein oh yeah!♪ choosing is half the fun.. because there's a little something delicious... for everyone. hershey's miniatures, choose your own delicious.
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good morning. i'm vicky nguyen. coming up next on "today in the bay," a 9-year-old girl beaten with a hammer. what led to the violent attack in the school bathroom and how the attacker was allowed on campus. buds for ballots. marijuana used to get voters to the polls. mark zuckerberg and his wife commit millions to bay area schools. why some worry that money won't lead to meaningful results.
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so say hello to ocean spray 100% juice. and goodbye to added sugar. i thought we weren't adding any sugar. oh. okay, nobody use these cranberries over here.
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from nbc bay area this is "today in the bay." good morning. we want to show you a live look outside there. this is downtown san jose near bird and carlos and the ribbon cutting just happened moments ago outside of this orchard supply hardware. the grand reopening. this was first started here in san jose back in 1946. it underwent major renovations recently and this morning mayor chuck


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