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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 15, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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>> announcer: from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." >> good wednesday morning to you. it's 4:30, i'm sam brock. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. strong winds over the bay area, winds causing some trouble last night, toppling a tree april parked car in san jose. it hamped at one of the ebay campuses. no one was hurt. live look at fremont. the wind still a factor in some parts of the bay area. on that note, let's check your microclimate forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> good morning. it's not just wind, you guys, we've got rain on the way as well. but we want it, we need it, it's coming in. this morning i can tell you we
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have strong wind. it's coming from the south. here's the deal with that, that is against our prevailing win direction. watch out. we could have battered limbs and brachbs. wind was strong overnight. watch out for debris over the course of the morning. a sneak peek of what's going on on your radar because we have activity in the north bay, but not much in the south bay. stick around, that's coming up. here's mike and your drive. >> from our live camera, we have a little bit of activity on the lens over the san mateo bridge. there you go on the hayward side. droplets, not a big concern, just three. damp roadways. the golden gate bridge. we see the sheen on the roadway. there's a mist in the area, not a lot of cars. we don't see the road weather index indicating wet roadways. we'll talk about slick conditions, but watch. mist enough to cause spinouts
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especially since we haven't had rain in a little while. so far, freeways clear in the peninsula. breaking news to get to. another u.s. health care worker tested positive for ebola. overnight, texas health presbyterian helicopter announced a health care reporting a five somewhere immediately isolated. test results came back showing the worker did have the wry russ. the worker was among those who took care of thomas duncan. the first health care worker to contract the virus, pham, is reportedly improving. doctors upgraded her condition to good. the 26-year-old nurse came down with a fever friday. she was one of 70 people to care for duncan. pham received a blood transfusion from dr. kent brantly. nurses think there's not being
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done to protect them. bob redell, the nurses union using its voice to fight back. >> reporter: national nurses united in the east bay, the nurses at the texas hospital did reach out to them to have them tell the world what they say is going on in dallas. during a news conference yesterday in oakland, the national nurses united union related stories on behalf of the nurses who wanted to remain anonymous, those at texas health presbyterian, the same hospital where two health care workers contracted the ebola virus, those nurses say that thomas duncan had been left out for several hours in the open, near other patients, before being put into isolation. when aused of not following protocol, nurses said there was not protocol. they say they didn't have proper
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clothing to deal with the contagious patient, they improvised leaving body parts exposed. that hospital released a statement that reads, quote, we have numerous measures in place to provide a safe working environment, including mandatory annual training and a 24/7 hot line and other mechanisms that allow for anonymous for, unquote. live here in the south bay, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> something to track, thank you very much. we are expecting a news conference out of dallas in the next half hour providing more details on the latest case of ebola. kris sanchez tracking all of than she'll have details at 5:00. also new this morning, police releasing a sketch of a possible serial flasher. this man flashed women near the pete's coffee shop on el el camino real. the man was in his car at the time officers think he may be the same man tied to one other flashing incident last week in palo alto. witnesses say the belmont
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flasher was driving a white newer model four-door bmw into new concerns in san francisco, bicyclists being attacked near popular landmarks. six attacks have happened in the panhandle near golden gate park in the past ten days. some cases, the cyclists were knocked to the ground, robbed of their bike, wallets and cell phones. police promised increases patrols with uniformed and under cover officers. police are looking at surveillance videos to track down the robbers. >> we do have leads. i can't share them because it is an active investigation. we do hope to bring these individuals into custody. >> police tell cyclists to ride in groups, if you see a group of men near a path ahead, turn around, go a different way. >> more details on california's efforts to create an earthquake early warning system.
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members of the u.s. geological survey will update on funding for the system. earlier in the week the usgs announced the bay area's over due for a big earthquake. experts expect the large earthquakes from three different faults, hayward rodgers creek in the next 30 years. if you see what looks look a ferry accident in the bay, don't be alarmed, it's just a deal. the fire department, u.s. coast gar guard, golden gate ferry are practicing water rescue. simulate slowly sinking with 40 voluntary victims in the water. the goal to get all rescuers on the same page when a real water disaster happens. menlo park fire district considering adding a drone to the team. the drone will give firefighters a bird's-eye view for emergencies and improve chances to save trapped victims.
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the camera feeds video to fire cameras and smartphones and available on youtube if approved. it will be mounted on the battalion chief's car. >> that's right, giants playoff fever. live look at at&t park. the calm before the raucous. the team's walk-off win in extra innings. game four, 5:0 7. >> if you want to see it again, check the tape. bottom of the tenth, blanco lays down a bunt, no out. the cardinal pitcher blows the throw to first. there's crawford cruising in for the game-winning run. score, 5-4. >> tonight for the giants ryan vogelsong hoping for another strong showing from the starter, who has won seven straight playoff appearances, coming into tonight's game. >> christina did provide fair
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warning to players yesterday the winds were -- >> they talked about them, too. >> you saw it happen in real time, knocked down, violent almost winds out there at at&t park. >> yeah, it cool when you can predict that and actually watch it play out. those boys know our field and so i think that really helped them that home-field advantage. i think it will tonight. i have to it'll you as we get into tonight, wind direction will shift and that will likely impact the game. we'll take a close look at that analysis coming up. good morning. rain on the radar. and that is the great news. as we kick off wednesday morning, we want to help you get over the hump so you can get closer to the weekend. as we head through the next five to seven days, we have at least a 10% 0 to 20% rain chance across the board. a whole new pattern, mike's eyes widened a bit. rain on the radar. this could make for a tough
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commute. let's get details from him right now. good morning. >> good morning. looking here, you know, it's widening, we're waking up right now, westbound 580, a blurry view. mist in the air, drizzle on the roadways. look at your maps, slowing through this area as you're approaching that 580 interchange with 680, dublin interchange, no big surprises for traffic flow. east bound 24 earlier crash looks like it's causinging ing slowdown. toward highway 13 around the connector, but the connector itself sounds like it's open, we head east 580, coolidge, countercommute, earlier crash on the shoulder. the car may have gone into the ditch. there may be an issue with traction around the bay. hearing about smaller crashes. a new one here, southbound 880, in towards union city, reports of a new crash, single vehicle overturned, off of its wheels. we'll check on that as well.
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back to you. >> campbell police officer's quick thinking turned into a rescue. a u.s. helicopter pulled injured 28-year-old melissa vazquez off of mount hamilton. she drove her car into a ravine monday. on star alerted police but they didn't tell them the proper location. the police officer turned to the find my phone app to find the woman's ipad but the problem he didn't have the password. >> trying to make an educated guess, just throwing stuff and third try, i was able to get in. >> wow, that's amazing. that information led crews to vazquez and her car 500 feet down a steep ravine. she was seriously injured but alive and is recovering at regional medical center. >> amazing.
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that officer's intuition probably saved the woman's life. 4:40 now on wednesday morning. well-known bay area newspaper releasing its final issue today. what caused the paper to shut down, coming up. >> we continue to follow developments in hong kong. protesters and police in riot gear clashing overnight. dozens arrested, and a number of others hurt. details next. amazing rescue caught on camera. people ban together on a beach to save a struggling swimmer. >>
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"today in the bay." >> 4:44 now. wednesday morning. after 50 year of offering san francisco with an alternative news source, the san francisco bay guardian is shutting down. the weekly newspaper will release its final issue today. the publisher decided to shut down the paper because of financial issues but the guardian founded in 1966. >> sad commentary there on the state of newspapers. new recall on toyota, 1.7
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million cars. the recall will address three separate defectings one could cause a problem with the brakes. recalled cars here include more than a dozen lexus models. toyota says it's not aware of crashes or injuries connected to the defects. intel expected to see a boost after a good earnings report. good morning. >> good morning. futures are low, and that's after a flat day for the markets, the dow in the red. nasdaq snapped a three-day losing streak. investors are may react to good earns from intel, as well as csx. today numbers from bank of america, american express, ebay, netflix and data on retail sales and inflation. dow falling but the nasdaq
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rising 14. keep the pepto-bismol handy, macy's opening stores 6:00 a.m. to lure holiday shoppers. the season can account for 40% of retailers' annual sales. macy says workers can get paid more for working thanksgiving and taking black friday off. >> hopefully not too much anxiety with the shopping season. >> how many mondays until christmas? >> too few. 4:46 on wednesday. changes in the weather. we've started to experience some of that yesterday. let's check in with christina loren. >> definitely going to impact your drive. just depends where you're waking up. i can tell you right now in the south bay, not a lot of impact. but it has been breezy overnight. watch out for debris on the roadway. temperatures are starting out mild. we're in the 60s, a cool day. factor in that breeze, continue for most of the day.
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you want to keep in mind, i have to tell you it's going to be chilly, feeling like fall. great day to make a roast, maybe a stew, maybe soup. sounding pretty good. i want to show you where showers are. mostly up in the north bay from sewn nom sonoma soundty. moisture over 101, that could make for difficult driving conditions. mike and i all -- both of us watching that for you. we've got to include sam and lawy laura. showers for ted, just the first part. the rain will finish up rapidly before we get into the midsection of your day. and by tonight, temperatures get cold. i think we'll see coldest temperatures that we've had over the past four months when we meet back here tomorrow with a clear sky to start. 73 for the north bay. 73 in the south bay. 70 on the peninsula.
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we've got rain in the forecast as we head throughout the next five to seven days. i want to show you futurecast. stick around. back to you, sam and laura. >> thank you. 4:57. u.s. government found new charges against he libyan militant accused on the attack on the u.s. consulate in bengha benghazi. investigators say he was the ring leader in the 2012 attack that killed four americans including u.s. ambassador christopher stevens. stevens was the bay area native two graduated from uc berkeley. his lawyer says prosecutors have not presented evidence tying his client to the attack. happening now, sentencing phase of oscar pistorius' trial in its third day. pistorius convicted of culpable homicide for his role in killing his girlfriend. he could be sentenced up to 15 years or walk out of court a
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free man. the parents of steenkamp issued a statement, saying they will not pursue a civil claim and also give back the monthly payment pistorius gave them since march of last year. revelations were made during yesterday's hearing. the sentencing phase could take several days. new violence in hong kong, the worst since demonstrations began two weeks ago. hundreds of police officers pushed back the crowds of demonstrators overnight. 45 people arrested and 4 officers injured. the demonstration began after leaders said they would have final say on which leaders would be on the ballot. 4:49 on your pence. amazing beach rescue caught on camera. people in oregon formed a human chain to bring a struggling swimmer to shore. the woman and seven other people were stranded on rocks. five people waited for coast
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guard to rescue but three others tried to swim to shore. the woman got separated from two others and that's when the crowd stepped in. that the woman was taken to the hospital but expected to be okay. >> smart, quick, thinking. >> there's a tendency not to get involved. >> collaborative effort. 4:50. you don't know until you try, how a tweet is letting one royal fan go to the game for free, next. live look at palo alto. smooth, easy drive. even the ikea parking lot is dry. where roads aren't dry.
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>> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." >> welcome back. 4:53 on your wednesday. a live pic of san francisco from the san bruno mountain there as you wake up, many of us he begrudgingly. >> come on, sam. >> the cowboys are no longer america's team. >> according to the annual poll, the denver broncos are the team people in america are most closely following. the cowboys held that spot for the past six years. they drop to fourth. >> you have broncos, the giants, green bay packers, there's the cowboys and the pittsburg steelers. >> looking for the 49ers they come in seventh, one spot behind the seattle seahawks. what? what?
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the raiders are down to 18. >> remember, popular doesn't equate to good. >> true. >> a fan pulled out all of the stops to see the playoffs. >> nicholas really wanted to take his girlfriend to the game but didn't have the cash. he did, however, have a twitter account. he tweeted brandon finnegan and asked for tickets. he came through with the tickets to the game. he offered to buy tasty barbecue in return. he repliereplied, i'll gladly g you don't have to pay. >> one win away from the world series. they beat the roya. >> a check of the roadways with mike inouye. doesn't lose any road predicts. >> don't skip barbecue. i'll take you guys, i go, too.
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golden gate bridge, a slick look at the roadways. sheen on there. maybe mist and drizzle, where you're driving. that will mean slick off-ramp we haven't seen in quite some time. traffic and weather testimonies tide together, green block there, damp, wet roads possible through the north bay. most of that activity up there but we have mist in many spots around the bay. eastbound 24 eastbound 580, two crashes, highway 13 looks like slowing cleared up they may have cleared lanes there. car off of the roadway in the ditch on the side. no major injuries for either of those. a quick look at san mateo bridge crossing the bay, we did have water on the lens, it made its way to the bottom, a clearer view of the roadway. you can see a sheen, but nothing dramatic. >> quite the effect. >> 4:55. did police do enough? concerns after a woman shot and killed less than an hour after
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police left her home. >> plus, preparing for the next big one. new efforts to warn people about an earthquake before it happens. >> breaking news. live look at dallas this morning where we are waiting for word on the second health care worker to contract ebola. they are setting up for a news conference about to happen. details coming up.
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breaking news, second health care worker who helped treat the patient in dallas is the latest confirmed case of ebola. researchers say, there is no doubt about it, the next big earthquake is coming. today, they're helping the bay area prepare for the worst. >> good wednesday morning to you. tracking rain on the radar this morning. also, we have breezy to windy conditions. we'll let you know how long it's going to last and how much we picked up in moments. >> slicker roads, flashing lights as well approaching the bay bridge. slowdowns, we talk about that coming up. a live look outside at the trans-america building in san francisco. no rain there yet. but christina tracking the laft developments. october 15th, wednesday, you're watching "today in the bay." >> announcer: from nbc bay area,
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this is "today in the bay." >> very good wednesday morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm sam brock. do not be surprised if you see some sprinkles on your way to work. several storm systems making their way through bay area. we turn it over to christina loren with your microclimate forecast. >> we're not talking about heavy periods of rain this morning, sam and laura, but something you want to keep in mind before you make your way out that front door. all things in perspective, get that mind-set ready to go, showers, slick conditions and heavy mist and drizzle up in the north bay where we've had that drizzle all night. now the heavier rain starting to move. all of this pressing over 101. we'll check your drive with mike momentarily. chekt impa check the. packs. our pattern has changed. rain chances every day throughout the next seven. we'll have details on that in moments, back to you. we have breaking news coming out of texas this


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