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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 28, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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and a good orange tuesday. i'm sam brock. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> whatever you do today, do not wear blue. whatever it is you're trying to pick out to wear today. we are going to see a 35 to 40 degree temperature spread today so you really want to dress for a nice, cool fall morning and then a beautiful afternoon. temperatures a little bit above averages as we get into about
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3:00. it's 49 degrees in san jose. we're not talking frost cold just yet, but we will be soon. the coldest air of the season so far on the way to the bay area. lots to go on in your forecast today. let's welcome in mike, looking good in orange. >> orange, reddish taillights across the san mateo bridge. we're looking for construction, that's about it. we look at our oakland camera and we see 880. we still have a couple of lanes blocked in either direction between marina and 238. typical road crews as well as around the rest of your bay. no big surprises just yet. we'll send it back to you. >> if you're keeping track at home, we are one win away, the giants that is. that is a live look at at&t park. giants are going to have to do what they did best, win on the road. they did it in 2010 in texas and
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accomplished the same feat in 2012 in detroit. >> now they're hoping to do it in kansas city. first pitch tonight at 5:07. jake peavy has been here before. he won the world series with the red sox just last year. >> looking for a little redemption right now is mr. peavy. most giants fans will not be able to make the trip to kansas city so the police department said it's ready, win or lose tonight. so are local businesses. >> more security, more bar tenders. being firm at the door. >> we plan like crazy for the worst and we hope for the best and we count on our fans to be class fans. >> no matter what happens, the police chief, who you just heard from, is asking for calm. he says troublemakers will make charges. after the giants world series
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victory in 2012, a video of a colorado man slamming a muni bus went viral. san jose students are remembering a fellow student, killed by a car in front of his fraternity house. they say he was kind hearted and genuine. he was hit and killed early sunday morning on south 10th street. the driver just took off. >> you heard the skid and then the thump. and it's like oh, my god. did he get hit? he goes no. i go open the door. he opened the door and said oh, my god, there's a kid in the
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street. >> the police arrested 22-year-old solomon fried on suspicion of his and run. >> a big rig hit and killed a boy who was in a bike lane. witnesses then flagged down the driver, who apparently didn't realize what had happened. investigators are trying to figure out if the driver may have been distracted. >> it is 4:34 on your tuesday. medical marijuana supporters pushing back against new rules for dispensaries in san jose. the city council will analyze an initiative today submitted by a group sensible san jose. the initiative would do away with distance requirements from
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school, day cares and community centers. the city council will discuss that new ordinance today. >> it is 4:34. city of santa clara signing a couple of deals today in hopes of making levi stadium safer. it's unclear how many officers and deputies the agreements would include or how much it would cost. >> people are still rebuilding after the napa earthquake. now they can get help from the federal government. yesterday emergency officials announced federal aid will be available to people whose homes were damaged in the august quake. president obama declared a major disaster last month authorizing funds for state and local governments to pay for repairs. >> local animal lovers can learn about preparing their pets for natural disaster.
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training will be offered to people for how to help animals in an emergency. it takes place at the east pay spca in dublin from 7 to 9 p.m. >> it's a good day to take your dog out for a stroll in the sunshine. >> when he says "take your animal out, " he's not talking about your husband. although i would like you to take the trash out this morning, if you're watching me, honey. the animals will responds a we see a few spots diving into the 30s this morning.
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but you don't really talk about frost formation until you dive into that 36 to 34 range, which we do have in our near future. but for today, beautiful, sunny afternoon, temperatures jumping above average. as we get into this evening, it is going to be milder, no fog in sight. if you want to watch the game from endoors, you don't need your a.c. and outdoors, gorgeous. the sports bars are going to be jam packed later on this evening. mike, what are we looking at right now? >> we're looking at a broken refrigerator at my house, oh, we have to do takeout. doing takeout watching the game tonight, crimea tear. just your road crews picking up.
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east wound, a little accident toward the altamont but that's cleared up. all around the bay including your north day -- also you know what, everything in this whole bay area is supporting the giants. we'll seasonnd it back to you. >> it is 4:38 on your tuesday. bart is looking for your import to ease overcrowding at its two busiest stations in san francisco. most riders use embarcadero and montefiore-einste montgomery stations. bart representatives will be at both stations this morning and tonight to get riders to fill out a simple survey. >> a latest step by amazon to
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take on netflix next. >> and students are calling on a university, asking them to remove bill maher as commencement speaker.
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two students are still in critical condition and two others were killed in the
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rampage before fryberg turned the gun on himself. investigators say he arranged to meet with the five victims before the shooting. >> marcello marquez has been deported from the u.s. twice. officials say he's a convicted drug dealer. he and his wife are in custody following friday's crime spree. this began when a sacramento deputy was shot in the heads as he checked out a suspicious car in a parking lot and he then led the police on a six-hour car chase. >> with widespread fears of ebola, the big concern is how to treat health care workers coming
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home from west africa. nurse casey hickox was released yesterday. she was immediately isolated when she returned from west africa despite having no fever or symptoms. >> what happened with nurse hickox was unacceptable and was unfair to her and disrespectful to a hero. that was not the first way to do it. >> my first job is to protect the health and safety of the residents of new jersey and so for me it was not a difficult decision and still is not. >> the unrest in hong kong continues. those protests started a month ago after the chinese government thought it would screen candidates for the upcoming democratic elections. hong kong officials have offered to meet with protesters on democratic reforms if they end their demonstrations. >> $6,000 off. ford is slashing the price of
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its focus. morgan brennan live at cnbc headquarters with details. good morning, morgan. >> good morning, laura. futures are pointing higher this mornings a investors are keeping a close eye. amazon keeps betting on and investing in content. the company is buying online comedy service rooftop comedy. and ford will cut the focus by $6,000 and that's in addition to the $4,000 it already slashed off the vehicle. they say gas prices dropping make it more difficult, they
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say, to sell electric cars. >> lava has been oozing downward since the volcano earlier this summer. >> and things pretty nice, especially for a tuesday morning. >> not too much to complain about. the hits keep on rolling, so to speak. >> ooh, i like how you bring in the hits. we sure want to see the hits on the giants' side tonight. good morning, san francisco. city hall is lit up in the orange. it is beautiful out there. really good looking forecast coming for today. we're starting with one of the coldest mornings we had in weeks. it is in fact the coldest morning of the season so far.
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i'm watching woodside. you're down to 43 degrees on the peninsula this morning, expecting to fall into the upper 30s. if it happens, it will be the coldest with even colder air on the way with our next storm system. so let's dive into your forecast for today. before we hit the cold air, we actually have a warming trend. temperatures will warm up by 3 to 5 degrees as winds start to drop offshore. rain sis on the way for the halloween, a lot more than we first expected. it's good news for the drought, not for your festivities. our rain arriving thursday night into friday morning. so when we meet back here on halloween morning, looks like we're going to have a little bit of rain up in the north bay. we continue that futurecast.
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we're going to hit that atmospheric river, which could be a half an inch of rain in the south bay but look at the timing here, 5:00. by 7:00 the heavier stuff starts to clear out. overnight it all clears out of here and you can head outdoors on saturday. a good looking weekend coming your way, including an extra hour of sleep. i'll let you know how much in my next report. some cities over an inch of rain. right now back to you, sam and laura. >> right now christina giveth, not take it away. >> some students at u.c. berkeley are trying to get a big name uninvited from speaking at commencement. they noticed bill maher would be the graduation commencement speaker. but because of remarks he made about islam, some people are trying to get him removed.
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an online petition already has more than 2,000 signatures. >> a chp plefr stumbled upon thousands of dollars in the street. >> the officer doesn't want to be identified. she was off duty when she saw two bank bags in the middle of the road full of money. she immediately took it to police. she said her kids wanted to know why she didn't keep it. i said them what integrity is and they said it's doing the right thing even when you don't want to. i said that's right. >> still wondering how the bags got out in the middle of the
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street. >> jake peavy loses the spotlight to his kids. how they ratted him out coming up next. >> and you're traveling across the span just fine. a couple issues in the east bay coming up.
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she said trick or treat 41 times, collected 27 chocolate pumpkins, and for children in need, 40 days of clean water and one little thing, called hope. create an orange box online. go to
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we do have an issue reporteds a we look at our map. it is north 13 where the arrow is, rights a you report 24, reports of a mattress that fell off a truck. it's in lanes now. a mini traffic going on for a short period of time. we'll give you an update if we get one.
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highway 34 in hillcrest, seems like it's slower in both direction, a little curiosity heading to antioch in both directions. over on the right side, you see slowing sensors. typical pattern building out of the altamont. we have the typical volume start to increase a bit. road crews continue their work. here in fremont, coming into this area, southbound 880 moves nicely past the truck scales. yesterday a very tough drive for this portion of 880. so far very clear. there were a series of crashes
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at about the 5:00 and 6:00 hours where we had a big slowdown here. there's the san mateo bridge. no delays across san mateo or the dumbarton bridges. an easy flow of traffic here. and in the city, there's nothing unexpected. we have overnight road crews. >> 4:56 right now. the giants just -- i think we might have mentioned it. we are live in kansas city coming up next. >> we're live and we're excited. >> plus raising the minimum wage. the south bay city that could approve that pay hike today.
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flashing lights across the bridge. we'll give you an update on a crash in antioch coming up. >> and the city by the bay all lit up with a distinctly orange hu hue this morning. we know why. it's tuesday, october 28th and
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this is "today in the bay." >> good morning. thank you very much for joining us. i'm sam brock. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. giants certainly anxious this morning. they know this time tomorrow their team could be world champions, our team. we have a look at kauffman stadium in kansas city coming up. game five starts at 5:07 tonight. they took off yesterday getting a good night's rest before the big game. >> eating big bowls of pasta ma maybe. who know what is they're doing. janelle, do you feel the wind in the air or is that just the air in kansas city? >> we had barbecue last night and we saw some of the members of the giants team so hopefully they had a hearty rest.


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