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tv   Today  NBC  December 11, 2017 7:00am-9:01am PST

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local update. >> see you at 11:00. have a great monday. breaking news from times square, a man setting off a dwoo is near a crowded bus terminal at the start of a busy morning commute. several people injured, a suspect in custody. we're on the scene live. breaking overnight, under siege. new evacuations ordered as one of the worst wildfires in california's history spreads and threatens even more homes. one day to go, the senate race in alabama too close to call. embattled candidate, roy moore, speaking out, about multiple allegations of inappropriate behavior. >> i did not date underaged women.
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i did not molest anyone. >> an accuser who claims they dated when she was 17, blasting him this morning. >> it's not appropriate. it's just creeper. and i did not have that sense at the time. >> president trump stepping up his support. >> hi. this is president donald trump. and i need alabama to go vote for roy moore. >> we're live with the very latest. all that, plus united, women who have accused president trump of sexual misconduct set to call for a congressional investigation today. the white house again denying the allegations, but u.n. ambassador nikki haley saying this about the accusers. >> they should be heard and they should be dealt with. a bullied boy's heartbreaking video goes viral. >> they call me ugly, they say i have no brains. >> and the golden globe nominations just announced with "the shape of water" and big little lies leading the way. complete coverage today, monday
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december 11th, 2017. and good morning, everybody. welcome to "today." 7:00 a.m. on the west coast on a busy monday morning. >> breaking news on both coasts including the california wildfires leading to new evacuations. >> lot more on that in a moment, but let's start with that explosion in manhattan. morgan radford is at the scene. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. a chaotic scene here in new york city just steps away from times square. you can see hundreds of police officers here behind me many with long gun and they're guarding the scene asking questions, questions of witness who is report hearing a loud bang, a loud explosion that sent them running in terror. this morning a suspect is in custody after an explosion near new york city's port authority bus terminal. >> and let's be also clear, this was an attempted terrorist attack. >> reporter: according to officials, the suspect was
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carrying a pipe bomb or some sort of explosive device. it detonated prematurely, injuring the suspect. the nypd reporting a total of four people suffered nonlife-threatening injuries. former nypd commissioner brill b bill bratton providing details. >> it is a man in his middle 20s probably, possibly from bangladesh, been in the country about seven years, who was supposedly was setting the device off in the name of isis. so definitely a terrorist attack. definitely intended. >> reporter: the explosion took place in middle of the morning rush hour. commuters began to flee after a loud muffled sound was heard at the subway station underneath.christina bethea was there. what was the first thing you heard? >> boom. boom! and then i just ran upstairs. >> reporter: officials received the first calls at around 7:19 a.m. nypd saying in a tweet they are responding to reports of an
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explosion of an unknown origin at 42nd street and 8th avenue. the subway lines underneath the terminal and the bus station were all evacuated. the crime scene and the investigation is still rapidly unfolding. investigators are trying to piece together more clues figuring out exactly who this suspect was and what his motive was. meanwhile, we're seeing a sea of thousands of commuters who are now having to get to their morning locations by foot because bus and train service has been suspended here in times square. savannah? >> morgan, thank you very much. breaking news on the california wildfires. overnight the so-called thomas fire, already the fifth large nest the state's history, growing even larger. nbc's kristen dahlgren has the latest. good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, hoda. yeah, the fire really flaring up this morning. take a look at the hillside behind me. we have a closer view and you can see those flames. the good news, if there is any right now, is that the smoke and
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those flames are going straight up. that means that we're not seeing a lot of wind, but officials really worried that any change in that and it could send those flames rushing down the hillside into these e populated areas. this is already of historic proportions, the fifth largest wildfire in california history. this morning california's coast in flames. santa barbara county full of thick, dry brush, fueling the inferno. >> this fire has intensified every single day. the first night, it burned five hours in less than three hours. it's continuing to do that. >> reporter: nearly 6,000 firefighters are battling the thomas fire, the region's largest blaze. on the ground, exhausted crews are working their seventh-day straight, helped by choppers in the air. all battling to contain this fire with erratic winds and embers. the firefighters gather here. one in the truck has been injured. they're trying to treat him.
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this is where they were trying to make a stand. >> three-quarters of a mile and just -- >> reporter: parts of beach towns and carpinteria and montecito under evacuation. the area home to celebrities like oprah winfrey and rob lowe. ellen deres who recently bought this beach estate said we had to evacuate our pets. i'm thankful to everyone in the community and all of the firefighters. farther south in san diego county, the lilac fire has destroyed 180 structures. at the san luis rey downs equine training center, tragedy. 46 horses perished in the flames. two trainers were burned trying to save them. including martin block, in critical condition with second-degree and third-degree burns over half her body. >> these individuals, the horses are their life. and they wanted to remain with their horses as long as they could.
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>> reporter: down in san diego, the evacuations have been lift sod conditions there are getting better. here at the thomas fire, though, officials tell me that it is just too hot up in those hills to get up to those flames right now. so they're running air operations, especially now with daylight. and they have their crews on the ground, strike teams ready to go if this comes into any neighborhoods. >> kristen dahlgren, thank you. also this morning the national conversation over sexual misconduct is focusing squarely on the white house. multiple women accusing president trump of inappropriate behavior are set to call far congressional investigation. here's nbc's senior national correspondent kate snow. >> reporter: this morning several women who have leveled sexual misconduct accusations against president trump in the past are speaking out. >> i thought it was a meet and greet, neitz to meet you. it was not. it was hi, looking me over like
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i was just a piece of meat. >> reporter: the women caulking to megan kelly ahead of a press conference in new york aimed at renewing attention to their claims in the context of the me, too movement. >> all of a sudden he's all over me, kissing and groping and groping and kissing. >> reporter: the president has repeatedly denied the allegations. so has the thaz white house. >> is the official position all of these women are lying? >> we of been clear on that from the beginning and the president has spoken on it. >> reporter: nikki haley said this. >> they should be heard and we should be dealt with. we heard from this prior to the elections and i think any woman who has felt violated or mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up. >> reporter: at least a dozen women have made accusations against president trump alleging he sexually harassed, groped, or assaulted them prior to his election in 2016. >> itch lost slim over this. >> he turned to me and embarrassed me and gave me a kiss on the lips. >> this is not acceptable behavior for anyone.
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>> reporter: the president's own luld remarks about women caught on a hot mike in twooich. >> and when you're star, they will the you do it. you can do anything. >> whatever you want. >> grab them by the [ bleep ]. >> reporter: then candidate trump grilled at a debate just days after the "access hollywood" tape's release. >> are you saying that what you said on that bus 11 years ago, you did not actually kiss women without consent or grope women without consent? i have great respect for women. nobody has more respect for women than i do. >> reporter: at least three democratic snars e senators are suggesting mr. trump should are sign. >> we have the absurdity of a president of the united states who basically says on a tape that everybody in this country has seen his pride in a sense in assaulting women. and he has not apologized for that. and he has, you know, not offered his resignation. snur for >> reporter: for "today," kate snow, nbc news, new york. the special senate election in alabama with voters heading
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to the polls tomorrow, rye roye moore is speaking out about the allegation against him. nbc's gabe gutierrez is in birmingham this morning. gabe, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. potential voterings in alabama will begin hearing president trump's last-minute robocall endorsing roy moore, this as one of the women who says that she dated roy moore when she was 17 and he was 34 now says he's unfit for office. this morning, the race to the finish. the alabama wild special election is down to the wire. >> he is unfit for public service at the senate level of this nation. >> reporter: in her first broadcast interview since revealing to "the washington post" she and senate candidate roy moore dated when she was a teenager, debbie wesson gibson tells nbc news she thinks president trump's recent endorsement is misguided. >> there is a man who is willing to sell his soul for political gain. >> reporter: gibson says she met
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moore when he spoke at her high school in 1981, when she was 17, which is over the age of consent in alabama. she says the then-34-year-old moore dated her for 2 1/2 months. but in hindsight -- >> it's not appropriate. it's just creeper. and i did not have that sense at the time. >> reporter: she does not allege he assaulted her. she sz any kissing between the two was consensual. but she says moore lied when he said this. >> i do not know any of these women. >> reporter: she claims this his signature in her memory book and that he absolutely knows her. >> i would encourage people, however, to ask themselves, do you want a man who lies now? >> reporter: moore's campaign later clir clarified that he meant he didn't know the women that accused him of sexual assault including leigh corfman and 16-year-old e beverly young nelson. >> i did not date underage women. i did not molest anyone. >> reporter: today president trump is stepping up support of the former judge with this
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robocall. >> hi. this is president donald trump, and i need alabama to vote for roy moore. it is so important. >> reporter: even members of his own party are breaking ranks. >> i didn't vote for roy moore. i wouldn't vote for roy moore. i think the republican party can do better. >> reporter: moore's opponent, democrat doug jones, making a last-minute push for the african-american vote, campaigning with new jersey senator cory booker. >> there's only one candidate in this race who has an opportunity of reaching across the aisle and trying to be effective. that is not roy moore. >> reporter: to give you a sense of how untraditional the final stretch of this campaign has been, it's been almost a week since roy moore held a scheduled official public event. he has a scheduled rally tonight, however, with former white house chief strategist, steve bannon. >> gabe, thank you. let's turn to the nominees for 2018 golden globe awards. they were announced earlier this
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morning from the beverly hilton. joe fryer is with us live from los angeles to break it all down. good morning. >> hey, there, savanna. some of hollywood's biggest names are waking up to good news, hue jackson, reese witherspoon, nicole kidman among nominees along with newcomers. the movie race is wide open this year. only the tf tv side the globes are once again applauding fresh new shows but also on the list some familiar reboots, shows that originally debuted in the '90s. "the shape of water" a stunning sci-fi fairy tale that centering around a sea creature leads the field with seven nominations up for best drama, along with the coming of age romance "call me by your name," the world war ii movie, "dunkirk," three billboards, and "the post," which earned meryl streep her 31st globes nomination. >> do you have the papers? >> her competition in the dramatic actress category all previous nominees including jessica chastain and frances
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mcdorman. an early favorite for actor is gary oldman, who plays winston churchill in "darkest hour." his competition includes another first-time nominee, 21-year-old timothy shall may and tom hanks, denzel washington, and the retiring daniel day-lewis. the critically acclaimed "get out" is up for best picture on the comedy side facing off against "lady bird," the muse kwal "the greatest showman," "the disaster artist," and "i, tonya." she's played by margot robbie, who earned her first acting nomination. so did daniel caluya. emma stone, a winner last year, is up again for "battle of the sexes," also nominated christopher plumber, who replaced kevin spacey in "all the money in the world" shooting all of his scenes within the last month. >> bless bd the fruit.
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>> as for tv lots of love for popular dramas like ""the handmaid's tale,"" "stranger things "this is us" and "the clown" while reboots got a boost. will and grace once again is on the list with two nominations plus a nod for the return of the quirky drama, "twin peaks." on the tv side, "big little lies" scored the most nominations with six this year marks the 75th anniversary of the golden globes. the awards take place january 7th hosted by seth myers right mere here on nbc. >> joe, so in hollywood, what's the buzz on the snubs and the surprises? >> we talk about comedies, the big sick was shut out. i think that surprised a lot of people. it was well received. tv side hbo's "veep," which rakes in emmys every year, didn't get any nominations, not even for julia louis-dreyfus. i think there's surprise that kwl all the money in the world"
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where some of the key scenes were reshot in just the last three weeks scored three nominations including director, best actress, plus christopher plum whoeshgs replaced kevin spacey. the hollywood association got to screen that movie right before the deadline. >> they're about the only ones who have seen it. thanks very much. we turn to al for the first check of the west coast weather. high winds. >> and also very dry conditions. since october 1st, vegas has had no recordable rain. a tenth of an inch in l.a. two tenths in san diego. phoenix only 7 tenths of an inch. percentage-wise, los angeles getting only 5% of the rain it needs after all that vegetation has grown. zero per isn't in las vegas. that's why the fire danger is still up there because of the offshore winds that shift late thr afternoon. identical conditions expected again tomorrow from santa barbara all the way down south of san diego. the red-flag warnings, because
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of the winds, winds of 20 to 30 miles per hour, gusts of 45 miles per hour. and the minimum relative humidity about 5% to 10%. this is still a very dangerous situation that we're going to be watching. as far as the rest of our western weather, we're looking at 58 degrees, sunshine in denver axe beautiful day in phoenix. 77 degrees. los angeles, 81. 65 and partly sunny in san francisco. seattle looking at partly cloudy skies at 48 degrees. here's what we're looking at around the rest of the country. got a clipper coming across, bringing some snow throughout much of the great lakes, eventually the northeast and on into new england. pledge ti of sunshine through the gulf. sunny skies and elevated fire danger even in the midplains we'll be watching that.
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good monday morning, i'm meteorologist, kari hall. very chilly morning and this stubborn area of high pressure. that will not be moving over the next several days. after the chilly start that we will have, we will warm up quite a bit and quickly in san francisco today. expect a high of 66 degrees and still some 60s as we go through the rest of the week. inland areas, as warm as 70 degrees today and as we go through the week, still more of the dry weather. that's your latest weather. >> coming up, a story we'll be talking about all day. a brave young boy's emotional video about being bullied.
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straight ahead. tis the season. we're sharing our holiday traditions and memories. and we bring you this morning's nominations for the 75th annual golden globe awards. first, how about your when you've crossed fruit of the loom off your list, you know your holiday shopping is complete. it's time to celebrate. [♪ ] [♪ ]
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and delivers fast, powerful cough relief for hours. (giggling) robitussin dm max. because it's never just a cough. robitussin dm max. when food is good and clean and real, it's ok to crave. and with panera catering, there's more to go around. panera. food as it should be. bellas, you are the i am inside of all of you. that's weird. one last show together. i love you awesome nerds. bye-bye bellas. [ grunts ] pitch perfect 3. rated pg-13. ♪ ♪ ♪
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to block the virus and protect healthy cells. abreva acts on it. so you can too. this morning )s attempted a very good monday morning to you. it is 7:26. i'm laura garcia. this morning's attempted terror attack in new york city left authorities on high alert and pair ra lizing the busiest transit route. bay area transit says there's no ramping up of security levels. we reached out to the major transit agencies. there's no plans to staff security at higher levels, the same for bart and muni. the agencies work together with police to present high levels of visibility and awareness. >> you are probably aware of the cold weather when you walk out the door. it hits you in the face. >> look at the numbers in the tri-valley. 35 degrees. we have a lot of 30s here, even
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into the peninsula and the east bay. as we are starting to feel milder temperatures, i guess a little in san francisco. it's still cold and below freezing in the north bay. as we get a look at the highs, it's going to warm up nicely this afternoon to the mid to upper 60s for much of the inland areas. san jose and morgan hill, low 70s. 74 degrees. san francisco, expect a high today of 66. let's get an update on how the roads are moving with mike. >> they are moving well. see the arrows westbound. 37 looks great. of course the back up at the bay bridge toll plaza, the metering lights are on. overall, a typical pattern. a flow heading through nimitz. 101 and 280, off where they split, that's a slower drive. we'll give you a live camera look and the red zone, because of the volume of traffic. slow as the sun comes up. that's great. coming down the peninsula, that will be sunrise in your eyes.
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be careful. back to you. >> thank you very much. back with another local update in a half hour. see you then. ♪
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♪ think of your fellow man, ♪ lend him a helping hand, ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ you'll see it's getting late, oh please don't hesitate...♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart... ♪ in your heart. (vo) going on now, our subaru share the love event will have donated over one hundred fifteen million dollars to those in need.
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♪ we're back. it's 7:30. it's monday morning the 11th of december, 2017. and christmas is now two weeks away. >> no, it's not. >> giddyup, everybody. it is a busy morning. let's get to the headlines. down to the wire. just one day to go until that closely-watched special election in alabama, president trump throws his support behind roy moore in robocalls across the state. >> i need alabama to vote for roy moore. it is so important. >> as moore and one of his accusers speak out. >> i did not date underaged women. >> he is unfit for public service at the senate level in this nation.
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no end in sight. >> this fire has intensified every, single day. >> out-of-control wildfires devastates california. the governor calling them the new normal. dozens of firefighters struggle to contain the flames. >> this is where they're trying to make a stand. search for a suspect. a string of highway shootings in detroit has people on high alert. officials say all of them are linked. >> i could see him shooting out of the passenger window. one sorry singer. the front man for popular rock group queens of the steone age, apologizes for kicking a female photographer in the head. >> i don't have any excuse for what i did. a high school runner helping a struggling woman finish the dallas marathon.
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>> i picked her up and was like, let's do this. >> today, monday, december 11th, 2017. >> doesn't that restore your faith in human nature? we begin this half hour with one of the most talked abo videos. a young boy from tennessee, opening up about the bullying he experienced in school. and the response has been nothing short of amazing. >> make fun of my nose. they call me ugly. they say i have no friends. >> reporter: this morning, there is growing support for young keaton jones. the boy, talking about being bullied at his tennessee school, in an emotional video that's quickly gone viral. >> why do they bully? why do they take innocent people and find it a way to be mean to them. not okay. >> reporter: millions of people sharing the video post by on.ton's mother, along with celebrities and politicians and athletes offering encouragement.
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millie bobby brown tweeting, i think you are so cool, keaton. i want to be your friend. some of the biggest names in pop newsic wei music, weighing in. justin bieber, saying this. >> you're inspiring so many people with your message and your authenticity and your realness. we're all rooting for you and cheering you on. >> reporter: "avengers" co-stars who play captain america and the hulk, say, stay strong, keaton. delaney walker inviting jones to a fgame. >> sorry that bullying is taking place at your school. hopefully this video and all of the tweets out there, make awareness to stop bullying. >> reporter: the emotional three, when keaton told her he was scared to go to lunch. >> what did they do at lunch?
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>> poured milk at me. >> reporter: he offers advice to others who may be getting bullied, too. >> people that are different don't need to be criticized about it. it's not their fault. if you are made fun of, don't let it bother you. >> that's one of the most heart wrenching videos. >> i'm so happy to see everybody surrounding him with love. but if you haven't seen the video, it's painful. it hurts. i think people should watch it because there's so many kids going through that. >> and how about that kid, still giving advice, at the end of his pain. i think we have dylan in the orange room. taking note of what's going on? >> they are. it's been amazing to see #standwithkeaton. keaton has gotten invites to concerts and sporting events. >> hey, keaton.
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it's haley here. i wanted to say, i think you are amazing. and what makes you so special is there is only one you. and i would love for you, keaton jones, to be my date to the "pitch perfect 3" premiere on tuesday. and if you want to go dme, so we can start planning your trip. hope to see you there. >> mark hamill tweets, don't waste time why a bully would be so mean. they hurt others because they don't like themselves. this billboard reading, thoughts and prayers, keaton jones, we love you. and this pic, with this writing, the only bullies allowed to interact with keaton. these two guys right here. keaton's mom responded, friends, overwhelmed is the understatement of the world. i'm humbled by the voice the my little boy has been given. but i think things will happen
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in the right time. the video that's been posted. it's been viewed 22 million times on facebook. it is amazing to see everyone rally around him. >> you imagine how nervous he might feel going back to school this morning. >> and all of the bullies, too. mr. roker? wow, december warmth? >> that's right. two-thirds of the country, looking at above normal temperatures. jet stream way up to the north in the western part of the u.s. denver will see a high near 60. wichita, 18 degrees warmer than normal. st. louis, 16 degrees above average. as this clipper comes across, it will draw in cooler canadian air. chicago, 14. atlanta will be 46. and by late week, we got some of the coldest air of the season. 30, d.c. 33 on wednesday. boston will be about 28 degrees
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by thursday. here in new york city, about 26 degrees. so, it's going to be a little on the chilly side, as we head toward good morning. i'm meteorologist, kari hall. it will be a chilly morning as you head out the door. look at the high temperatures for today. it's going to be really nice. with most of the bay area reaching the mid-60s. santa rosa, 67 degrees. 65 in concord. san jose, 71 degrees. 72 in morgan hill and half-moon bay, 74 degrees. we need rain. unfortunately, there is no rain in the seven day forecast and the temperatures stay very warm for the next several afternoons. >> get that weather anytime you need it. check out the weather channel on cable. weather anytime you need it. check out our pals at the weather channel. guys? what we love about the holidays, from our favorite presents to favorite foods. we're going to get in the spirit and share some of our fondest memories. and ahead on "pop start," no
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spoilers but the first reviews of the "star wars" movie. >> hold me, al. first, complete coverage of this morning's golden globe nominations. and how the culture and i'll tell the world, i'll sing a song it's a better place since you came along since you came along your touch is sunlight through the trees your kisses are the ocean breeze everything's alright when you're with me and i hold my favorite thing i hold the love that you bring but it feels like i've opened my eyes again
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and the colors are golden and bright again there's a song in my heart, i feel like i belong it's a better place since you came along now it just needs a tv! we can just order one on and pick it up in the store. easy! you got this? can you add a vacuum to that order? order online at and pick up in store. delicious recipes made holidwith nutella! the holidays never tasted this good. discover holiday recipes at feel the power of thenew power...smax. fight back theraflu's powerful new formula to defeat 7 cold and flu symptoms... fast. so you can play on. theraflu expressmax.
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new power. still get a refreshing any size soft drink for just one dollar at mcdonald's? with the days getting shorter and your to-do list getting longer, you'll enjoy this ice-cold deliciousness more than ever. hurry over to mcdonald's. ♪ america's favorite cookie ♪ delicious chocolate candy ♪ oreo chocolate candy bars ♪ now also available in mint flavor ♪
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♪ find one of six color changing characters spoons inside specially marked boxes of big g cereals. it appears more training is in order. see star wars: the last jedi in theaters december 15th. now it just needs a tv! we can just order one on and pick it up in the store. easy! you got this? can you add a vacuum to that order? order online at and pick up in store. i met bruce i saw on his lapel (che's got a purple heart.e (bruce) we started talking about the service. i outrank him. (chris) [laughs] yeah. meals on wheels reaches so many people.
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it's impactful beyond anything i've ever done in my life. (bruce) the meals and his friendship really mean, means a lot to me. (vo) through the subaru share the love event, we've helped deliver over one-point- seven million meals to those in need. get a new subaru and we'll donate two hundred fifty dollars more. (chris and bruce) ♪ put a little love in your heart. ♪ welcome back, everybody. have you had your office holiday party yet? >> we did. it happened in the middle of the day. amid the wave of sexual misconduct scandals, a lot of companies are looking at the traditional end of year gathering. blake mccoy has that story.
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good morning. >> hoda and savannah, good morning. normally during a good economy, you see companies ramp up their holiday parties. not this year. in the post-weinstein era, companies are sending reminders of inappropriate behavior and cutting the alcohol. it's a new day for office holiday parties, in the wake of scandals rocking hollywood, media and politics. this behavior in the office -- >> here's santa. hey, little girl, what would you like for christmas? ooh. you've been a very naughty girl, i see. >> reporter: that's exactly what advertising firm fcb wants to avoid. sending a preparty memo to staff, outlining stupid fun for responsible fun. examples -- if we aren't in the office, do titles matter? yes. colleagues are colleagues and that doesn't change with geography. if i'm under the mistletoe, can
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i take advantage of the situation? if it takes greenery to get a kiss, you shouldn't be kissing. and if i ask someone, would you like a drink, is that okay? sure. that's thoughtful. come on, just have one more is not. >> i think the level of awareness of what's appropriate and what's not, as increased significantly. >> you can't a >> you can't act like a moron, even if it is an open bar. >> i think fun at the expense of other people, making someone feel uncomfortable, that's never been fun. >> fcb's party will still have booze, but a new survey finds the number of companies serving alcohol at holiday get togethers plummeting from 62% last year to 49% this year. >> they're recognizing the world's different and they have to make those changes just like everybody else. >> vox media is dropping its open bar. employees instead will get two free drink tickets. the company recently fired the editorial director after accusations of sexual harassment.
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at this gathering in new york last week, the drinks were being served with a shot of awareness. >> i've always been very honest and blunt and this year i find myself holding back a little bit. >> we all have in the back of our mind the issues that have been in the news, so everyone is just keeping it in the back of their head. >> reporter: and in addition to cutting back on the alcohol, other changes companies are making include the time and location of the parties, some are moving them on site and holding them earlier in the day. no company wants to be the next headline. holiday parties, they're taking a close look at, guys. >> makes sense. blake, thank you very much. just ahead, what one of the world's most famous supermodels says she is done doing. but, first, these messages. pampers is the first and only diaper
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coming up, who is in? who is out? we are going to have this morning's golden globe nominations. what is the best gift santa ever gave you? we will share our answers. favorite holiday
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happening now... some new york ci t good monday morning. right now at 7:56, we are seeing mostly cloudy skies in san francisco. we will have a filtered sunshine today along with some unhealthy air quality, especially in the north bay. it's a spare the alert day. that means limit your outdoor expose sure if you have breathing problems, smoke from the southern wildfires will create moderate air quality for the east bay and south bay. as we look at the high temperatures, it is going to warm up significantly from where we are now. a cold start, but the high in oakland and concord will be 65 and 66 in livermore. 71 in san jose, mid-70s for the coast near half-moon bay and san francisco. expecting a high of 66 degrees. as we go through the week, it stays dry. the temperatures pretty much staying the same. let's check in with mike for an update on the commute.
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>> overall, a few less cars. a tough drive in san jose and cupertino. the three left lanes, down to the two middle lanes now. a crash before highway 85. northbound 280 is jammed up. use stevens creek as an option. there's the rest of the silicon valley. northbound is the push. lighter than we typically see in hayward and union city. an earlier crash in san rafael. back to you. >> thank you very much, mike. happening now, new york city transit lines are expecting back ups not far from times square. the suspect brought in a pipe bomb through an underground passage way. it blew up prematurely. the suspect was the only one sent to the hospital. we are posting updates as we get them to twitter. bay area authorities are maintaining high profile along transit. no extra security measures in place. head to our home page to find
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out how they work together to respond. another update in a half hour. south bay. the danger some neighbors say - its expansion plan poses to kids. reaction from all sides... plus: will northern california finally see some rain? kari )s tracking the forecast. join us tomorrow from
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it's 8:00 on it's 8:00 on "today." speaking out, several women who accused president trump of sexual harassment set to hold a news conference today and call for a congressional investigation into his past behavior. the white house denying all allegations. u.n. ambassador nikki haley saying this about the accusers. >> they should be heard and dealt with. >> we're live at the white house. plus, golden opportunity. >> what is it you think we do for a living, kid? >> the golden globe nominations announced this morning with a lot of surprises. we'll break them all down. and home for the holidays. >> when i was young, we had a real tree. >> we're getting into the spirit
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of the season with a look at christmas past. to me, christmas is magical. decorating the tree, cooking up a feast and hoping for that special gift from santa. today, monday, december 11, 2017. >> who do you want to say hi to this morning? >> i want to say hi to all my friends and family in south carolina. >> we found twins on the plaza, who do you want to say hi to? >> my dad in nebraska. happy birthday, dad. >> how did you decide to celebrate your baby moon? >> on the "today" show. >> we have two mother/daughter trips. >> good morning, mississippi. >> what are you hear celebrating? >> my 60th birthday with my three daughters! >> how many times have you been to the plaza now? >> eight years in a row! >> those are good "today" fans. eight years in a row.
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>> got to love them. >> welcome back to "today." nice to have you here on a monday morning. we have a breaking news in new york city, reports of an explosion in midtown manhattan near the port authority bus terminal. nbc's morgan radford is at the scene. morgan, good morning, what is the latest? >> reporter: savannah, good morning. it's a chaotic scene here in new york city just steps away from times square. but i want to show you here behind me where you can see the police carrying long guns, several fbi officials here, and they are collecting evidence and speaking to witnesses, many of whom reported hearing a loud bang that sent them running in terror during their morning commute. here's what we know so far. officials have confirmed that a pipe bomb exploded in an underground subway passage at 7:20 this morning. and that was actually captured on transit video. and in terms of the suspect, police have confirmed he was a 27-year-old bangladeshi native living in brooklyn. and they actually believe that that device that he was wearing
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on his body exploded prematurely. he's been taken to bellevue hospital here in new york with burns and lacerations on his hands and abdomen. and they said that he did pledge allegiance to isis in some form. in terms of those who were injured, we know four people have been taken to area hospitals with minor injuries and many of the injuries were consistent with being within the radius of an explosion. that means headaches and ringing ears. mayor bill de blasio as well as governor andrew cuomo did give a press con streference today. and this is what bill de blasio said many are trying to do to new yorkers, instill fear. back to you. and women who publicly accused president trump of sexual misconduct are coming together for the first time today to recount their experiences. and comments from the u.s. ambassador to the united nations are also drawing attention. nbc's kristen welker is at the white house with more on this. hey, kristen, good morning.
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>> reporter: hi, hoda. good morning to you. the #metoo movement is becoming a problem for the white house. three women have called for an investigation into president trump. this all happening during a news conference unfolding this morning. at least a dozen women made accusations against the president. they alleged that he harassed and sexually assaulted them prior to 2016. the allegations came to light after the "access hollywood" tape came to surface when mr. trump was caught on a hot mike making lewd comments about women. the president consistently denied all the accusations against him. the u.n. ambassador nikki haley seemed to break with the official line here when she said this about the president's accusers over the weekend. >> they should be heard and they should be dealt with. and i think we have heard from them prior to the election. and i think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up. >> reporter: white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders said the president addressed the
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accusations during the campaign. and the white house has no changes to his comments. now, for his part, president trump will try to keep the focus on tax reform today. hoda, savannah? >> kristen, thank you so much. 8:04. time for the morning boost. >> yay! all right, a couple years ago olympic gymnast simone biles tweeted in her next life she wanted to be an nfl cheerleader. biles was invited to join the houston texans in the game against the 49ers. turns out she took it seriously and worked out with them all week, but she was not just hanging out with the football players and cheerleaders at the game. check it out, she also met the houston rockets great, hakim a olajawon. you may remember this photo of simone biles.
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and then there's the 13-time all-star lebron james and simone miles. look at her with michael phelps. >> she really ran her a-game. not that it is surprising. >> she always does. she always does. >> glad she had fun. there's a lot more to coming, including food, fun and family. we'll share our favorite holiday traditions. and also ahead, we'll take you inside the world premier of "star wars: the last jedi." but first, this is what is coming up on "megyn kelly today." >> you could argue it was just a matter of time as the m#metoo r on. three of his accusers speak out in a megyn kelly exclusive at the top of the hour. all that plus the multitalented zendaya is here and we'll talk to her about her latest challenging role and her showmanship coming up after
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these messages. see ya. -take care. ♪ so probably take it at night. and if you have any questions, the instructions are here in spanish as you requested. gracias. ♪ at walgreens, how we care will change over time, but why we care remains the same treating everyone with the care and attention they deserve. walgreens. trusted since 1901.
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♪ cheerios can help lower cholesterol. ♪good goes around and around multi grain cheerios. five whole grains a hint of sweetness and a lot of good. ♪good goes around and around
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♪ so... you like it. little bit. nothing gets a reaction like a gift from kay jewelers. where everything is 25% off. save 25% off all rings, all necklaces, and all bracelets. that's 25% off everything! december 14th through 18th. at kay, the #1 jewelry store in america. dad? ♪ every kiss begins with kay welcome back, everybody. they say it is this most wonderful time of the year. but what do you love the most about the holidays? what do you love the most? >> it's the presents. just kidding. it's the family time. every family has special traditions. and of course, we want to share our fondest memories, too. ♪
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we lived in the desert. it wasn't like one of those cut down your christmas tree situations. we would go to the parking lot of a big box store. i would not say our christmas tree was one of those classy, elegant trees. >> we had a fake tree. just need some pine scent. >> we had a real tree. i was 8 or 9 and i had the mumps. and i couldn't get out of bed. and my dad moved the tree into my bedroom. and we had christmas morning in my bedroom. >> we left the tree up. it could have been february, i don't know. and someone would knock on the door. and my dad said, oh, my god, the tree. we ran and put it in a storage room. we're like, welcome, people. and i remember, the next year, we're like, time to decorate the tree. oh, look, it's already done.
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>> we have a turkey. we have a ham. black eyed peas and rice. mac and cheese. >> my mom's big go-to for the holidays was cornish hens. my mom would cook each one of us one. so, you would get your own cornish hen on the plate. >> stuffing, sweet potatoes. >> i like to have mexican food on christmas eve because i grew up in the southwest. and i think it's fun and festive. >> we make a salad, just to say you did. but nobody eats it. really. ♪ i think i was 7 years old. there was this race set called the motoriffic track. it was spectacular. it was spectacular. >> i wanted a trumpet. it was a plastic, no big deal. and i remember begging my parents for it for unknown reasons. i'm not musical. there's no skills.
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there's nothing about me that would make any sense to have this trumpet. >> i'll never forget, one year, the gift that every little girl wanted was underwoman underraoo. and we all got them. and posed for a picture that i have now burned. ♪ >> no. come on. come on. santa knows. oh, my gosh. i love you, santa. oh, my gosh. i remember this. >> wow. i didn't think they made these anymore. please tell me they're size large for me now. i'm not touching them if they're used. they're underwear. >> i'm reliving my childhood right now. oh, god. it's used.
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this is a "rossen reports" in the making. >> i think the tradition of family and being with people you care about and love is more important to people than it's ever been. >> to me, christmas is magical. there's no other time like it. and we lost my dad when i was a teenager. and christmas was his birthday. so, it already was a special time. it can mean the food that you make. or the decorating the christmas tree. or the gift you received that was so special. or most of all, the time you spent reflecting on what the holiday is really about. >> you're asking me about my christmases past. and i know they must have meant something. but not compared to now. like, i get to give haley christmas. christmas is a time that makes you realize, you have so much to be grateful for. and thankful for. and i'm thankful for her every day. but especially on christmas.
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>> first christmas with haley is going to be amazing. >> how about charley's second christmas. >> but he was two weeks old. they kind of know. >> and how sweet about your dad, by the way? i didn't know that. so moving. >> and the wonder woman underroos. >> i did open it. and she said, those are used. it's fun to talk about the holidays and holiday traditions. now, let's "trend." shall we? "the new york times" had a fun thing. a slide show titled stars that look nothing like their bio pic characters. great transformations. marco robbie as tonya harding in "i tonya." and daniel day-lewis, as abraham lincoln. that was incredible. we started to think, what about
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us? who w play us in a movie? who would play al? >> you know who i would pick for al? i would pick jordan peel. >> okay. yeah. >> with the glasses and stuff. >> what did you pick your yourself? >> i would have picked anthony anderson. >> i see that. >> good. >> you pick someone for dylan. >> dylan, i would go -- emma stone. >> oh. >> that's a good one. >> i'll take that. >> good call. >> it's just the way we part our hair. >> is this who you picked? >> this is my wishful thinking for myself. >> i buy it. >> is that charlize theron? >> yeah. can't you tell? >> you pick someone for me. >> i picked cate blanchett. i think the cheeks are similar. >> sandra bullock. the "trending" producers came up with that one.
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>> who wouldn't want that? for hoda, i picked -- wait for it. >> who? >> there we go. kathie lee. only because she did play you very well one year for hallow n halloween, did she not? >> she did. >> and i believe we have the image of that. or google it. >> this is who i picked. i picked anybody but keenan because when they -- >> keenan on on "snl." someone played kath and someone played me. that's my answer. anybody but keenan. i love keenan. >> it's fun to imagine. >> he played me once on "snl." >> that's fun. >> you know you made it when they make fun of you on "snl." what have you got on "pop start"? >> "star wars," because everybody is talk about it. saturday marked the premiere of "the last jedi."
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and the stars came out in full force. inspired was daisy ridley. they played tribute to carrie fisher with a princess leia-inspired updo. the night was dedicated to the actress, saying she was up there flipping me the bird. saying, don't you make this a solemn tribute. "star wars: the last jedi," hits theaters friday. now, adriana lima, is the victoria secret's angel giving up her wings? she said, a friend approached her, admitting she was unhappy with her own body. it made me think that every day in my life, i wake up thinking, how do i look? was i going to be accepted in my job? and that moment, i realize that the majority of women wake up every morning to fit in a stereotype that's not healthy. i decided to make that change. i will not take off my clothes
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anymore for an empty cause. she used #embraceyourself. we'll see. kristen bell. she stars in "frozen "" as anna. but her children are team elsa. check out the photo she shared on instagram. it's an anment with anna's head broken off. it will be titled, "my children keep me grounded." a "daly click"? >> it will be fun to have a workout buddy who can keep up. orla's dog joins her for an exercise. the dog isn't slacking, jumping just as high as her owner. this is the first exercise that he has learned. but they plan to teach him more. that would get me going to the gym. >> you think bosco can do that?
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>> bosco is about this high off the ground. let's get a check of the weather. maybe pepper could. >> she might. she likes to jump. we look at the week ahead. we have a clipper storm in the great lakes. high fire danger continues down through southern california, the southwest. as we move into the midweek fre period, the arctic express for the christmas season, will it make the polar express? sunshine and mild through the middle of the country. easing winds out west. hopefully the firefighters can get a break. as we get into friday, lake-effect snow continues. rain and snow in the northwestern plains. look for above-average that's what's going on around the country. here what's happening in your nick of the woods. >> good morning, i'm meteorologist kari hall. a live look outside at downtown san jose at christmas in the park. looks nice and quiet now. i'm sure it will be very busy this afternoon as temperatures warm up. san francisco will reach 66 degrees today. after this very cold start and over the next several days. highs stay in the 60s with more
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dry weather for the inland areas. up to 70 degrees today. and there's nothing but sunshine in the seven-day forecast. the weekend, cool mornings and warm afternoons. >> and that's your latest weather. ladies? >> al, thank you. there aren't many 21-year-olds that can be called triple threats. but this title fits zendaya. >> she got her big break on the disney channel in 2010. now, she is lining up alongside zac efron in the new movie musical, "the greatest showman." ♪ see you tonight you are the one i was meant to find ♪ >> zendaya, good morning. >> hi. >> zac was here last week. he hadn't seen the movie yet. i assume you have seen it. >> we finally -- the premiere was a couple days ago.
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he finally saw it. he was behind me. i didn't know. >> it must have been fun to be in an audience that is hearing the songs for the first time and seeing it. the movie is really magical. >> it was so much fun. i think, you know, a lot of the people who were there had also worked on the film. and i think everybody was, not just so proud, but excited. i think this is at least for me, i know i was crying and clapping. my row of family kept looking down at me. a little mad at them for making me cry. my older brother is like, come on, man. >> we're watching you fly through the air. is that something that came natural to you? or were you scared to death being up there? >> i never thought that i would be doing any type of acrobatic trapeze work in my life. i'm glad this job required me to do that. that's a skill i never would have tried. >> was it an option to have a
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stunt double? you decided to go in there and go for it and do these tricks, which i think is amazing. >> as much as we wanted to do, we could do. we wanted to do the best job. it was a lot of training and slamming into each other sometimes. a lot of not doing it right. at the end of the day, it turned out pretty great. >> and your character falls in love with zac efron's character. that had to be hard. it was an interracial couple back then and in some cases today, that was controversial, right? >> absolutely. it was forbidden love. something that was not supposed to happen. that's what's special about these two characters. the constant battle of mind and heart. you know? the message within our characters is always allowing your heart to speak louder. and i think, to us, was always so current and relevant. we live in a time when people fry to tell people who they're allowed to love. i think this is just a beautiful message about letting your heart speak and getting your happy ending. >> you've been busy. this, "the greatest showman."
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you were in a bruno mars video. and i think you must love bruno mars. you dressed up as him for lip-sync battle, did you not? >> you went all-out. >> anything you want. >> did you do "24 carat"? >> yeah. >> did you practice in the mere center. >> i think he had a swag. >> look at you. you do bruno better than bruno does bruno. >> i just felt connected naturally. like, i would have -- i would have moved like this had the song, had it not been bruno anyway. >> really? >> it fit that we moved to the song in the same way. >> what did he say when he saw that? >> i think he thought it was hilarious. he must have thought something out of that worked for a leading lady in "versace on the floor." >> this came before the video. this was an audition for the
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video. >> clearly. i don't know how me impersonating you ended up as girl in video. but, hey. >> christmas is knocking on the door. what do you and your family do for the holidays usually? >> it's really chill. because i'm working so much, it's nice to be with them. i don't care what we're doing, where we are. i want to be with my family and have some time off. turning off the phone. turning everything off and zoning in on my family. especially the little ones. i have so many little nieces and nephews. the holidays are for them. >> i can't imagine your nieces and nephews. they must be all around you. >> they don't care. auntie zay is old news. >> thank you for coming to see us. "the greatest showman" opens up on december 20th. >> thank you so much. just ahead, we're going to have coverage of this morning's golden globe nominations. don't be surprised if you hear that movie mentioned.
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after a check of local news and weather. i )m ...
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thousands of oakland workers this morning .. are 8:26. good morning, everyone. thousands of oakland workers this morning starting the second week of a strike that's hitting the heart of city services and it's happening even as new efforts ramp up to end this walk-out. workers first walked off the job last tuesday. some res keidents it's already impacting services like trash pickup. starting today, a mediator is being brought in to try to help both sides reach a deal. the city is at odds with the union over wage increases and the use of part-time workers. let's check in with mike who's got some trouble in san mateo. >> a big slowdown over here on 101 through the peninsula. a couple of other issues to point out as well. overall, lighter traffic just getting kicked in for the peninsula, jamming up, south of 92, in towards redwood city.
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all cheered to the shoulder. all cleared to the shoulder. now you see some recovery both just south of 92. northbound 280, the crash cleared around 85. that's great news. but still jammed up as you head north from 280, 880 and 17, the whole interchange. overall, the south bay looking lighter than you often see. we're looking at a slow drive northbound 280 off southbound 680. east bay looking really good. that's good stuff. a live look, show you the bay bridge has a backup. >> we'll have another local news update coming in a half an hour. ♪
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[vo] the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event.
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♪ we're back, now. 8:30 on a monday morning. december 11th, 2017. two weeks until christmas. we want to remind you that our annual toy drive is up and running this morning. the lovely zendaya is here, doing the honors. collecting donations from our crowd. >> thank you for the help. >> she has a big bag of toys. if you go to we'll
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tell you how to donate a toy. one of our favorite things we do all year long. we have a huge, bustling crowd. hold on. love the quad cities. all right. we have a special group of young kids that we actually brought on the inside here. hi, guys. what's this group called? >> this is a group of kids from florida. they're first through sixth graders. they do extraordinary work. they like to help people in need. they do a lot of natural disaster relief. they fed thousands of people after fires, floods. and now, they decided they wanted to make the world feel better with a giant hug. they're here in new york to give everybody a hug. >> we have a big hug group. you want to give our group a hug? our group will give your group a hug. get in here. >> it's a good way to stay warm, too. >> okay. this is awesome. >> you guys are good huggers. >> you're never leaving. >> we needed that. >> thank you.
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>> thank you so much. >> thanks, huggers. >> it was nice and warm, too. >> come back. just ahead, an early start to the day in hollywood, as the nominations for this year's golden globes are revealed. we'll break down the surprises, snubs and everything between. first, megyn has a big, big, big show today. >> you knew it would come to this eventually, right? the #metoo movement and some of the donald trump accusers would say, what about us? the three of them will join us in an exclusive. and dr. oz is here to talk about holiday heart attacks. it's something that rises every year, during this time of year. >> stress and everything. >> and the stress around the holidays. real tips to help protect your family. those two things plus a little extra. and our merry month of megyn. >> didn't you see i rode the train? >> i saw that. >> that was for you, my friend. >> megyn, thank you so much. let's pause and get a che
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"today's weather is brought to you by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. >> we have some nice folks here. what's your names? >> melinda. >> and -- >> erin. >> where are you from? >> chicago. all right. having a good time here? >> great time. >> thanks for donating and thanks for being here. >> hi, ev. >> who do you want to say hi to. >> evelyn, alexandra, and nicole. >> have you seen this, hoda? >> what's your name? >> astarasma. from chicago. >> you did this of blake and hoda. >> i love you, honey. >> that's fantastic. >> my. that is beautiful. >> merry christmas to you, too. >> let's see what's going on. if you're in the christmas spirit as far as your weather is concerned today. advisories in the pacific northwest.
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gusty winds in the southwest. southern california. not good news for the firefighters there. elevated fire danger in the midsection of the country, as well. for tomorrow, heavy snow in northern new england. bitter cold in the upper great lakes. that air stagnation advisory continues out west. and danger continues through the southwes that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good monday morning. i'm meteorologist kari hall. it's a cold start, but it will be another very pleasant afternoon. san francisco will reach into the mid-60s. and that's the kind of weather we'll see all week long, even into the weekend. unfortunately, there's no rain in this forecast. and for the inland valleys. up to 70 degrees today. we'll also be hitting the 70s for the end of the week. the weekend nice and pleasant. but expect more cool mornings and some very warm afternoons. >> don't forget. to get that weather anytime you need it, check out our friends at the weather channel on cable. when we come back, we're live with this morning's
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nominations for the 75th golden globe awards. first this, is "today" on nbc. b live with this morning's nominations for the 75th golden globe awards. first this, is "today" on nbc.
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welcome back, everybody. this is a big, big morning. the nominees for the 75th annual golden globe nominees are announced. let's bring in imbd's dave carter. our sherpa on things like this. >> happy to be. let's remember the foreign press does tv and film categories. there were a lot of happy nominations in the tv categories. we love "big little lies." that did stream lly -- extremel well. six nominations. as well as cast members, nicole kidman, laura dern -- >> incredible. >> amazing. and "will and grace," a show we love.
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was nominated for best comedy and eric mccormack for best actor. that show has -- has had 30 nominations. it never won a golden globe. >> you're kidding me. >> i'm wondering if this could be the year they break that curse. >> it's nice to hear a network show. and "which is us" with sterling kmt brown and chrissy metz nominated. it will make a great night with the tv and movie stars nomina nominated. >> look at his face. >> let's look at how the nominations played out this morning at the beverly hilton in hollywood. >> welcome to the nomination announcements for the 75th annual golden globe awards. with us this morning, are kristen bell, garrett hedlund, alfre woodward and sharon stone.
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kristen, please get us started. >> best performance by an actress in a television series, drama. caitriona balfe, "outlander." claire foy, "the crown." maggie gyllenhaal, "the deuce." katherine lankford, "13 reasons why." and elisabeth moss, "the handmaid's tale." sure. best performance by an actor in a motion picture, musical or comedy. steve carell, "battle of the sexes." ansel elgort, "baby driver." james franco, "the disaster artist." hugh jackman, "the greatest showman." daniel kaluuya, "get out." yep. best performance by an actor in a supporting role in any motion picture.
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willem dafoe, "the florida project." army hammer, "call me by your name." christopher plummer, "all the money in the world." and sam rockwell, "three billboards outside ebbing, missouri." >> best television series, drama. "the crown," netflix. "game of thrones," hbo. "the handmaid's tale," hulu. "stranger things" netflix. "this is us," nbc. best performance by an actress in a supporting role in any motion picture.
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mary j. blige, "mud down." hong chau, "downsizing." allison janney, laurie metcalf, "lady bird." octavia spencer, "the shape of water." best original song, motion picture. "home" "ferdinand." music by nick jonas, justin tranter. lyrics by nick jonas and justin tranter. "mighty driver," "mud bound." the music by raphael saadiq. lyrics by mary j. blige. "remember me," "cocoa." music and lyrics by kristen anderson lopez and robert lopez. "the star," "the star." music and lyrics by mariah carey. "this is me," "the greatest showman." music and lyrics by beng pasik
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and justin paul. [ applause ] >> best performance by an actor in a television series drama. jason bateman, "ozark." sterling k. brown, "this is us." freddie highmore, "the good doctor." bob odenkirk, "better call saul." leesburg -- liev schreiber, "lee donovan." best motion picture, music or comedy. "the disaster artist." "get out." "the greatest showman." "i, tonya." "lady bird."
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best performance by an actor in a motion picture drama. timothy shallmay, "call me by your name." daniel day-lewis, "phantom thread." tom hanks, "the post." gary oldman, "darkest hour." denzel washington, "roman j. israel esquire." best performance by an actress in a motion picture. musical or comedy. judi dench, "victoria and abdul." helen mirren, "the leisure seeker. "margot robbie, "i tonya." i'm sorry. saoirse ronan, "lady bird." emma stone, "battle of the
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sexes." >> best performance by an actress in a motion picture, drama. jessica chastain, "molly's game." sally hawkins, "the shape of water." frances mcdormand, " three billboards outside ebbing, missouri." meryl streep, "the post." michelle williams, "all the money in the world." best director, motion picture. guillermo del toro, "the shape of water." martin mcdonagh, "three billboards outside ebbing, missouri." christopher nolan, "dunkirk." ridley scott, "all the money in the world." steven spielberg, "the post."
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best motion picture, drama. "call me by your name." "dunkirk." "the post." "the shape of water." "three billboards outside ebbing, missouri." [ applause ] >> congratulations to all our nominees. please join us for hollywood's party of the year on sunday, january 7th, for the 75th annual golden globe awards, hosted by seth meyers, live on nbc. >> all right. there we have it. the nominees have been announ d announced. i love watching it with dave. he just exclaims. what did you just hear? >> i'm so melodramatic. i'm like a golden globe movie here. there were surprises. along with the movies we expected to hear. "the post," "the shape of water." "three billboards."
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there's a movie "all the money in the world." it hasn't come out yet. and it was the one that kevin spacey was in. he was taken off of the movie after the sexual assault allegations. and christopher plummer replaced him. and they filmed the scenes about two weeks ago. >> and he got nominated? >> that means they were able to finish the movie in time to show the hollywood press. >> what else got you scribbling faster this morning? >> there were a few. i didn't expect helen mirren to get nominated for "the leisure seeker." a lot of surprises. best actor in a comedy, ansel elgort for "baby driver" that came out earlier. that did well critically, but i didn't think that was going to make it in. it's nice to see them reach back earlier in the year and not only do the movies that are coming out right now. >> "lady bird" is something we're hearing a lot of buzz about. >> that's the movie to beat in the comedy category. that's written and directed by
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greta. and saoirse ronan, had a little trouble with her name. she's a terrific young actress, who has been nominate twice for an oscar. at age 23, about to get their third. >> i don't see a lot of the big studio -- they seem indy, off the beaten path movies. >> that's true. that's why it's nice to see "greatest showman" for best picture and best actor because it is a big spectacle kind of film. i was happy to see that got in there in the big categories. >> dave, you're awesome. it's fun to watch with him. you can watch the golden globes live with seth meyers, sunday, january 7th. >> it will be here before we know it. coming up next, a modern update for a christmas classic. why model trains are more popular than ever. this is "today" on nbc. classic. classic. wh myod
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we're back, with a new iconic christmas present with a throwback. >> we're talking about toy trains. for generations, they brought joy to kids and parent ace lis . now, the classic is generating a new generation of fans. for more than 100 years, toy trains have been as much a part of the holidays as candy canes and resolutions. at the start of the century, the first electric train was for use in hardware and department store windows, like this macy's in new york city. weaving the iconic brand in the fabric of america. >> get your boy a train that's built for the way young boys play. >> reporter: with endorsements from johnny cash. and roles in "a holiday affair," to "risky business." john de santos received his first train when he was just 2 years old.
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today, his 6,000 pieces of locomotives, cars and accessories, sit on two miles of shelving. it's the only comprehensive and complete collection of standard gauge trains made in 1906 and 1939. >> in the world. >> for people that grew up with toy trains, there is the interest. beyond that, there is the fun of playing with the next generation and the generation after that. ♪ >> reporter: at lionel's headquarters in north carolina, there's the old and then there's the new. technology and licensing that the company's president says has been a game-changer in turning the classic current. >> we believe that the kids enjoy playing with the products much more when they're able to do it in the way they want to do it. >> reporter: trading in the train's transformer for bluetooth apps that control everything from speed to steel. making them wireless, portable
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and high-tech. while these aren't the only toys to get an update, everything from legos to wooden letters have gone digital. this has created a bond for de santos and his grandsons. >> what could be better than having a hobby that i'm enjoying myself and my grandsons enjoy doing with me. >> for generations to come. so, al has taken the control. >> this is wild. it used to be connected to the thing. now -- >> what can you do with that thing? >> oh, yeah. >> make it go faster. >> here she comes around the mountain. >> remember gomez adams on "the adams family." >> did you have a train? >> yes. >> i love this train. >> i was going to go off the track. off the rails. >> we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc.
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all right, kids. there's more coming up after this in our fourth hour? >> what? >> we have the fonz. henry winkler is here. and dawn went to jingle ball. and she is going to give us an update. >> that's good. megyn kelly, big show coming up, after a check of your local news, weather and these messages. >> excellent. i )m - -...
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this morning )s attempted terror attacin 8:56. good morning. this morning's attempted terror attack in new york city has left authorities there on high alert. as for bay area transit agencies this morning, so far, no serious ramping up of security staffing. but bay area law enforcement agencies do plan to have a higher visible presence. along the busiest transit routes. a little earlier, we reached out to major transit agencies. right now, cal train telling us
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there's no plans to staff security at higher levels. happening now, our pete talking with local agencies. he's going to have a live report coming up in our midday newscast. as for the suspect, he was the only one sent to the hospital after authorities say his pipe bomb exploded prematurely. we're learn morgue about who he is and what authorities say happen. we're posting updates as they come in on twitter. that's where you will find updates on the labor talks in oakland as well. today, a mediator is brought in to try to end that six-day on old strike involving service workers. and of course we'll have another local weather update coming for you in half an hour. we'll see you at 11:00 with everything that happened in new york today. south bay.
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the danger some neighbors say - its expansion plan poses to kids. reaction from all sides... plus: will northern california finally see some rain? kari )s tracking the forecast. join us tomorrow from
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good morning, everyone. i'm megyn kelly. we have a big show for you this morning. in moments i will be joined by three of the women accusing president trump of sexual misconduct, speaking out together for the first time, together right here on camera. first, there is breaking news in new york city this an explosion at the very busy port authority bus terminal in midtown. reportedly the result of a pipe bomb. a single suspect is now in custody. we're told that he is also the only reported injury. we're still looking into the facts here. but this is the time of year when this city is extremely crowded and everyone is on alert. the saying here in new york and elsewhere, if you see something, say somein


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