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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  June 28, 2018 11:00pm-11:33pm PDT

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we begin with breaking news. a fire that shut down a north bay freeway and has left a lot of people uneasy tonight. >> crews spent hours trying to contain that fire burning at th and they're still there tonight. nbc bay area's sergio quintana is live in benicia, keeping a close eye on this fire >>eporter: many of those crews are still here keeping an eye on some of those hot spots making sure they do not flare up again.
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let me show you the 780 which for quite a while this evening had been shut down. right now all lanes in both directions have now reopened. this is what it looked like on 780 a little more than an hour ago. traffic was squeezed down to one lane. fire trucks were still staged along the freeway making sure hot spots didn't flare up again. the fire had been burning for hours starting around 6:45, the height of the evening commute. thick smoke had been seen through the area. crews battled flames burning through plenty of dry grass. some homes were threatened near glen cove road in vallejo. this was a three-alarm fire prompting vallejo fire crews to call for support from neighboring fire departments. the chp shut down i-780 just after 7:00 p.m., and it remained closed for about two hours. that of course triggered a painfully slow drive on this freeway for evening commuters. now, i just checked with the vallejo fire department.
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there were no buildings damaged in this fire. also there were no injuries. there were, however, two vehicles that were damaged. fire inspectors are trying to determine if those vehicles may have actually started this fire. they're still trying to determine that. and at this point, all of the fire units that were brought in from neighboring departments as mutual support, they have all been released for the evening. reporting live in vallejo, sergio quintana, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, sergio. let's bring in meteorologist rob mayeda, who has been tracking the conditions. let's talk about the next couple of day. warm-up for sure and also very low humidity, which could be a problem. >> the combination of wind, hot temperatures, and very low humidity, as you mentioned, jessica. interesting to point out solano county, vallejo this hour, tomorrow night will be one area that will be under a red flag warning. to the north bay hilltops, sonoma, napa county, up towards lake county, temperatures soaring above 100 degrees and
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around this time tomorrow snuin saturday morning. levels. 10% and lower at times as we go into saturday. so temperatures certainly heating up, things drying out. bay area temperatures, most of our valleys will be climbing into 100 degree territory on saturday. even san francisco and oakland, temperatures soaring through the 80s. we'll have an hour by hour time line on those hot temperatures for your weekend plans coming up in 12 minutes. >> thank you, rob. now to a major development in a story we have been following for years. the family of an oakland teenager at the center of a debate over brain death says she died last week. doctors, though, have maintained that jahi mcmath died in 2013. nbc bay area's cheryl hurd joins us live from the details, including what jahi's mother says her last words were to her daughter. cheryl? >> reporter: well, you may remember this all started in december 2013 when jahi mcmath
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had her tonsles removed. then there were complications. a california coroner declared her brain dead but the family didn't agree with that and moved her to new jersey. tonight her mother is reacting to her death along with the family attorney. >> she passed away surrounded in love, and she passed away on her time and not on some doctor's time. >> reporter: attorney chris dolan speaking to us from the east coast confirming that jahi mcmath stopped breathing on june 22nd. >> jahi died in a hospital surrounded by her mother and stepfather following a brief illness. >> reporter: jahi, now almost five years older, passed away from excessive bleeding and liver failure following an a inl issue. it's been a long fight to keep her on life support. a she is not she is not deceased. >> reporter: jahi's mother has been stating her case since
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december 2013, when doctors at ucff benioff children's hospital declared her brain dead following an operation to remove her tonsils. over the years, her mother releasing video of jahi moving and pictures which show her maturing and looking nourished. tonight, jahi's mother released a statement saying, she told her daughter, if you are tired, girl, and you're worn out from all of the struggle, you want to be with god, i give you permission to go. her body gave out a few days later. cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. >> jahi will be taken home to oakland. funeral services are>t is a hoty shootings and starting tonight the chp and caltrans will be testing out new technologyo higy 4. in order to test it out, police need to fire weapons, so they're telling people living near
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highway 4 in puittsburg and antioch not to be alarmed. they're doing testing until 4:00 in the morning. it's part of the security network that will eventually include cameras and license plate readers. a brutal cold case is no longer cold tonight. solved after more than four decades. you're watching authorities take evidence from the suspect's home just a few hours ago. that suspect named steve crawford reportedly shot and killed himself while investigators were outside his san jose apartment. nbc bay area's robert handa broke the story of crawford's identity on twitter. he is live now outside the apartment complex. robert? epnally calmed down here at this apartment complex on camden avenue in san jose. we've been watching suspect's home because even though he's dead, they say there's still much that can be learne a 1974 cold case and maybe even other possible unsolved murders.
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santa clara county sheriff's investigators took care of unfinished business tonight, filling and removing large containers from steve crawford's apartment, potential evidence they came looking for this morning after determining the 72-year-old former security guard was the one who killed 19-year-old arlis perry in a brutal murder/rape inside a stanford church back in 1974. neighborhood david shelton was stunned. >> first thing i thought of was how did he make it so long. >> a little bit of background on the case. >> reporter: sheriff laurie smith said the case was solved through diligence and technology. >> our detectives continued to piece together additional information to this tragic puzzle, and we were able recently to link crawford's dna to the crime scene. >> i'm not totally surprised. >> reporter: crime author scott harold says whoever killed perry was bound to be an insider, and the security guard who claimed he found the body fit the bill. >> her body was laid out in a kind of ritual fashion that probably took the killer a half
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an hour to do. that's somebody who knows the rhythms of the church, knows that he will not be interrupted. >> reporter: the sheriff says investigators will continue sifting through crawford's belongings to check for more evidence as well as any link to other unsolved murders. but she said at least one cold case has been solved, though never resolved. >> a mother and father lost a daughter. a husband lost a wife. >> reporter: stanford university also released a statement thanking the investigators and the sheriff's department and saying it remains a heart-wrenching memory at the university. live in san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, robert. now to the latest in maryland where one newspaper is now tasked with reporting on a mass shooting among their own. that's the front page of tomorrow's "capital gazette." five people are dead, two others injured after a gunman opened fire at the "capital gazette" a. for answers is in custody, bute
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just beginning. >> reporter: tonight nbc news is reporting police are at the suspect's maryland home. 38-year-old jarrod ramos, hours after he allegedly opened fire inside a local annapolis newspaper. >> this person was prepared to shoot people. his intent was to cause harm. >> reporter: the suspect opened fire with a long gun, killing five. >> reporter: terrified reporters tweeted, begging for help. approximately 170 people were inside the building when he opened fire. >> it's scary, very scary. so i'm a little up about everything. >> reporter: the police aren't saying what the gunman's motivation is yet, but they say the "capital gazette" had received threats via social media as late as today. >> they're our friends. i mean we're grieving for these guys. >> reporter: police arrived within 60 seconds, one week after training for this exact scenario. they later found smoke grenades allegedly left behind by the
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gunman. tonight the victim's names were released, two women and three men, all employees of the "capital gazette." jennifer johnson, nbc news, annapolis, maryland. >> among the victims, robert high ason, his wife shared this picture with nbc news. she said her husband loved being a dad, an ed toitor who helped shape young talent, and that he loved to laugh. you are watching new surveillance video of the driver who crashed into a pedi cab in san francisco and then took off. the cab was carrying a canadian family on the embarcadero yesterday. the family of four were released from the hospital this mo cab d in the hospital. police released pictures and video of the gold four-door honda they're trying to track down. cyclists say this intersection has drawn concern before. the intersection now has accident markings from yesterday's crash. much more than fun and games.
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police have made an arrest in a series of bb gun shootings in the north bay. a 19-year-old and a 16-year-old are in custody. the string of shootings happened earlier this month in benicia and american canyon. in most of the cases, only cars were hit with bbs, but police say there was one instance where a person was hit and injured. investigators say the damage to the vehicles is more than $20,000. still ahead, president bill clinton in the south bay tonight. his advice for people frustrated with the current political climate. plus zeroing in on the soshs. just in tonight, what may be to blame for that e. coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce. our big warm-up gets started. around san jose, highs approaching the upper 80s, and for the tri-valley, numbin the starting tomorrow. 100 degree temperatures by the weekend. how long the heat will stick around as we come right back.
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tonight, former president bill clinton is in the south bay talking about his new book,
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which features a president. also talking about how that fictional president and lot can teach us a thing or two. nbc bay area's ian cull has the latest from san jose. >> reporter: to a crowd of about 2,000 people, president bill clinton and author james patterson talk of their new book "the president is missing." clinton says it shows the importance of building cybersecurity infrastructure. >> cybersecurity should be very high on our list of priorities because to do cyberattacks doesn't require a lot of money. it just requires that you be cleveporter: it's the a president has collaborated with an author on a fictional thriller like this. clinton also gave some insight presidency. >> and trying to understand bin laden, and i remember telling president george w. bush when he took office, i said, i know you think saddam hussein's your biggest problem. that's not right.
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osama bin laden is. >> reporter: also discussing why we should read different news sources and listen to the other side. >> and it may be much more effective in defending my policies, i think, and on rare occasions deciding that, you know, maybe i wasn't all that right. and so i think we should all do that. i think it would be good for us. >> reporter: and the one thing people can do to make a change, go to the polls. >> as i always say. show up. show up. >> reporter: in san jose, ian cull, nbc bay area news. a formerig customs enforcement spokesman in san francisco is now on the record saying h tweet it in february fro mayor libby schaaf. jeff sessions claimed that tweet allowed 800 wanted criminals to -- in fact, the raid exceeded i.c.e. expectations with more than 200 arrests. >> what they publicly said was
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that she let people go. >> and that wasn't true? >> it wasn't true. i could not fathom staying at an organization that was okay with lying to the american public. i hate that. >> this man took a principled stand for the simple idea that our government should not tell lies. >> reporter: schwab says he continues to be harassed and intimidated by the trump administration. in fact, homeland security agents came knocking on his door right in the middle of the cbs interview. the man accused of robbing and assaulting an elderly woman in concord could now be facing murder charges. police say this man knocked 93-year-old ann marie peterson down as he stole her purse by the b of a at the sun valley mall last month. she suffered a broken hip as a result of the fall and has been hospitalized since, until yesterday when sadly she passed away. a popular water park in the east bay is set to reopen.
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blue goose park in brentwood has been given the all clear. a section of the park shut down monday amidst an inspection from the health department. four kids were vomiting and had diarrhea after playing in the water feature on june 11th. inspectors did discover some maintenance issues that have now been fixed. holding the line. atefigers are sayibo cal fire endedan fire is 50% contained. it has charred more than 13,000 acres, destroying 22 structures including several homes. let's bring in meteorologist rob mayeda. there is a concern, though, that the temperatures are going to get much hotter in that area, and there is going to be an upswing in the wind and low humidity. so that could pose a problem. >> yeah, getting that 50% containment dictated by the last two days of weather. the conditions we saw that fire started are going to be resetting right over lake county by this time tomorrow night into saturday. but right now, things are pretty calm as you can see. clear skies in san jose.
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62 degrees and a high of 77 earlier. dublin, 57 degrees. temperatures in the low 80s in parts of the tri-,vaeyou're looe low 90s. san fernando, f san francisco, wdshnally are an onshore breeze, but look at the 24-hour temperature change. high pressure is starting to build in taking that marine air, squishing it down closer to the sea level, and eventually you're going to see these temperatures by tomorrow afternoon as much as 10 to 15 degrees warmer in some of our valleys. the morning begins with a similar look. temperatures in the 50s except less low clouds. we saw a little hint of that this morning with some patchy low clouds. tomorrow mostly clear skies to start and our temperatures starting that three-day upward climb between now and sunday. mid-to-upper 80s around downtown san jose. low 90s south of downtown from the tri-valley up towards
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concord and antioch and brentwood and vallejo. you see basically areas east of 680 all into the 90s. peninsula numbers, mainly in the 70s and 80s. on the coast, h friday in the 60s. a look at san francisco now, climbing into the low 70s. around the north bay, highs mainly in the low 90s, mid-80s around mill valley. point reyes warming to 74 degrees. the temperature progression, starting to warm up for tomorrow. compare that to saturday's temperature trend. look at that. by noon, 90s inland, climbing above 100 degrees in a few spots. it's going to be warm and dry into saturday evening. as we go hour by hour, friday's outlook, now let's jump into saturday morning. by 10:00, look at that. mid-90s in napa at 10:00 a.m. on saturday. by 4:30, these areas in pink across the north bay and east bay above 100 degrees. upper 90s possible in san jose. even through 7:00, numbers still
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in the mid-90s inland. what will dictate the change in the weather will be during the day, saturday, north winds switching back to a late-day sea breeze as high pressure finally begins to weaken as we get into sunday. slight temperature drop on sunday. then hopefully much stronger sea breeze by monday. so high fire danger next couple of days. look at downtown san francisco. could see 80s on saturday while valleys now, we trending for saturday. sunday wileabl coolingnd as we monday and tuesday. >> rob, thank you very much. up next, so what's to blame? the source of that widespread outbreak of e. coli linked to romaine lettuce. tonight we know more. and we have jimmy. >> hey, guys, amy adams is my guest tonight. plus we have rob reiner, new music from backstreet boys. stay tuned. it's great. happening now on our website, the search is on for a
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hit-and-run driver in mountain view. a woman was crossing when she was hit by a car. the driver took off. when officers arrived, the woman was laying on the ground bleeding from her head. she was taken to the hospital. if you have any information on that accident, call mountain view p.d. we'll be right back with more news. kari gets us ready - track updates to the forecast overnight. plus: changes you need to hear if your summer trip is taking you overseas. what the t-s-a will start asking foreign airports to do. )today in the bay ) - 4:30 to . good morning, it )s 7:26...
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new details tonight about that romaine lettuce e. coli outbreak. dirty water may have been the source. the outbreak surfaced back in april. 200 people in 36 states were sickened. five people died. the cdc says the bacteria was found in an irrigation canal in
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the yuma, arizona, area. it's unclear, though, how it got into the canal. it was the nation's largest e. coli food poisoning in more than a decade. it is going to cost you more money up front to get behind the wheel of tesla's new model 3 electric car. after initially asking would be buyers to put down a $1,000 deposit, the company is now e-mailing customers asking for an additional $2,500 to fulfill cific delivery date yet, but tesla says it could happen soon. maybe two to four months. so do you want to know who wants your business? now you can find out who is behind ads you see on social media. facebook and twitter launched tools to help you better recognize ads. the new feature will allow you to see who's paying for the ad and why the company may have targeted you. on facebook, all you have to do is click on a button in the upper right hand corner called info and ads. twitter has an ads transparency center. facebook, as you know, came under fire for the spread of false information during the 2016 presidential election.
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still ahead, fresh off the nba finals, there is another win for steph curry tonight. we'll show you.
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♪ south l.a. is very medically underserved. when the old hospital closed people in the community lived with untreated health problems for years. so, with the county's help we built a new hospital from the ground up and having citi as an early investor worked as a signal to others to invest. with citi's he and we were able to purchase an mri machine. we've made it possible for the people who live here to lead healthier lives and that's invaluable. ♪
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okay. despite my dress, tomorrow is
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orange friday. >> the giants play the diamondbacks right here on nb e. i've been saving my orange tie just for that. the game starts at 6:30. today the giants going for the sweep of the rockies. bottom of the eighth. with the bases loaded, alan hanson doubles to the corner. but the rockies answer in the top of ninth. home run with a two-run home run. the rockies rally to beat 9-8. now, the a's going for the sweep in detroit. khris davis breaks up a 2-2 tie with an rbi sing the in the third. the a's add another run in the fourth. the a's sweep the tigers. 4-2 is your final score. >> if the think the copa mundial has been exciting so far, just wait because saturday the knockout matches begin. gabriel sotelo from our sister station telemundo 48 joins us with the world cup update. >> today the last four matches of group stage were played, and
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48 games and 112 goals later, we're down to 16 teams. the big draw today, the game between england and belgium. the lone goal was scored in the second half. with that win for the second straight copa scored their goa. the player tried getting into celebration mode but it went terribly wrong. the good thing is that he's owning it on twitter, posting it and saying this. fort nite celebrations so overrated. i had to create something new. you don't want to be that player who hurt himself celebrating a goal and missed the rest of the copa mundial. >> cut the guy a break. the season may be over, but
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steph curry still making headlines. we're going to show you next.
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at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet,
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we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. the ws keep on rolling in for stephen curry.
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the warriors superstar has another one. right now his jersey is the best-selling one in the league. the nba announced today the number 30 jersey sales beat out lebron james between april and june. it is thethat stephas popularity charts in the spring. >> good for steph. that's exciting. >> i hope that means something to him. you know, in addition to the nba titl titles. >> and the millions and all the recognition. >> the letter from the nba saying, here's your jersey sales. that goes in the file fold somewhere. speaking of sports, giants baseball tomorrow will phoenix, arizona. to get you in the spirit here at nbc bay area -- >> won't it be the same temperature here? >> glend dale, phoenix, arizona temperatures coming to the bay area saturday. tomorrow, inland spots in the low 90s. saturday, some valley temperatures. i just checked. phoenix will be 105 on saturday. >> whoa. >> antioch and concord may also
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be 105 on sunday. thank you very much. >> that's going to do it for us. we hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- amy adams, rob reiner,


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