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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  August 7, 2019 11:00pm-11:33pm PDT

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parents are a mile from here. >> they say coming to the rodeo is and thankfully none of their family members were injured in the garlic festival shooting. >> we do know first hand thequence of of events. the first of many vigils. you can see this one at the walmart where 22 people were gunned down.
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beto o'rourke was among the people who gathered this evening. this evening president trump it hurling thesults at news coverage. he spent time visiting with first responders and local leaders. among his stops the emergency response center. he praised the first responders. >> they have done an incredible job, both places, just incredible. the enthuseiasm, love and respect. and republicans want to do it any of are protesters and the white house releasing these photos of a president visiting a hospital in dayton, ohio where nine people were killed. democratic congressman swalwell held a town hall to hear what his constituents have
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to say about mass shootsings, assault rifles. this is his area. how did he do? >> reporter: that's right eric swalwell was in friendly territory. but people are frustrated and they're tired of these mass shootings. they want arabic rr swalwell to do something about it. >> all of you on tv every night blanketing the air waves telling the people -- andlr >> reporter: you can feel ien at city hall. >> you have to get rid of the filibuster. emoctic ter: they spent about congressman swalwell how they feel about mass shootings and banning assault rifles. >> we have to look at what are the root causes off gun violence. >> reporter: and some saying should be a constitutional change to the right to bear
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arms. swalwell who recently decided not to run for president blames donald trump for the lack of of change. >> if he was serious about making us all safer, then call on the cong troosz call on background checks, have an assault rifle ban. i have introduced an assault rifle ban and buyback and i am going to tell my colleagues there are a lot of people who would like to see that. >> reporter: swalwell says he's in favor of ending the summer recess early. and head back to washington d.c. but that hasn't happened yet. instead he will stay with his constituents. there are many lay thoorz story. its e commerce headquarters are in the bay area. they want the store to stop sell guns.
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about two dozen employees walked off the job inb san bruno. they started a with moment of silence in honor of the victims off of the three recent mass shootings. they want them to know they're against walmart's policy of selling firearms. walmart saying it has no current plans to change its gun policy. fast-moving brush fire forced people from their homes in contra costra county. we can tell you the fire is with 100b% contained. broke out at noon and spread fast. >> >>ed started get pushed. >> reporter:ol]k seller's avenu between delta road and jan lane is still closed tonight. >> for the second time in a month a murder in liver more.
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30-year-old john is accused of killing a man in the parking lot off the liver more walmart. and just last month a 16-year-old boy in liver more was shot and killed outside the taco bell. that suspect is still on the loose. violent crime, as you might know, is rare inb liver more. keeping police on campus is cutting other vital resources. and the district is yes wlg a $14 million deficit and cut the budget for police officers in half. the schoolboard says it is a tough decision, especially with so many recent shootings. >> it is certainbly hard to which to grips with the fact that in communities around the country the latino community has been targeted and that's a hard file swallow sometimes but it is a reality we need face. >> reporter: the district will vote to make
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the budget cut tonight. we're back in 60 seconds. still ahead outside lands is going green. how the popular festival is about to make history. >> plus it can track your steps and you're happy but what if it could check early signs of dementia. >> check this out. rainfall in california in august. we'll detail the bay area's chance of showers coming up in eight minutes.
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new at 11:00 and only inb san francisco this week's outside lands green music festival is going green but we're talking about marijuana. >> reporter: raj, we can't smell it yet but for the first time
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folks heading to outside lands this weekend will be able to buy marijuana inside the venue legally. and of course the designated area will be called grasslands. is a first for a major u.s. music festival. set up fl outside lands is underway in golden gate park and it has a new green adition. for the first time grasslands will be selling marijuana products. >> grasslands has been a part of this event. previously it was displays and education and for the first time this year you'll be able to buy product and consume if you're over 21. >> reporter: the addition is months in the making. the they approved the permit tonight, a permit the san francisco office of cannibis had to sign off on. recand parks says grasslands with will be fence said off with tight security and id checks.
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concert goers say they approve of the tight security and believe selling state-regulated pot inside a venue where lots o keep people safe. >> a lot of times you'll have them sell it in outside lands and you don't know what it is. >> reporter: we're expecting to learn more about grasslands here tomorrow. that's when san francisco's police chief and mayor will be here tatt here. a warning keep an eye opyour laptop. this after they took them from two different starbucks in the city. police say they took the laptop and jumped in a get away car. and on monday same thing at the starbucks on metro center
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boulevard. daly city police on the lookout for a laptop thief and say this guy took the computer from a carl's jr. late last night at 11:00. san francisco's bringing in federal agents to clean up the tenderloin. the decision comes after the dea ree recently broke up an international drug pipeline they say was bringing heroin and cocaine right into the tenderloin. >> year investing a signint amount of man power. this is important to us doing as much quality good work in the tenderloin as we can because it's anb area that needs our help right now. >> reporter: and announcing the opening of three more pulic restrooms with 24-hour a day monitors in the tenderloin and the castro. renters and home owners whose
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kaenlt make their payments could get hundreds of millions of dollars in assistance. governor newsom wants to give 331 million bucks inb legal housing assistance. this was linked to the 2008 margage crisis. the court mandated they use that for house assistance and consumer consumer protection. the safety regulated tesla is embellishing the model three safety rating. national highway transportation safety association did dgiveb a car a safety rating. but says they went too far by say it's the safest car they've ever tasted. tesla says it is standing by its statement. san jose just got greener.
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the city seened a deal to get with 100 mega watts of solar power all from solar farm inb fresno. >> it's the equivalent of talkingall moetal taking almost a million cars off the road. >> they insist it will cut greenhouse gas emissions by 400 tons and provide 46,000 homes with cleaner energy each year. that solar power is expected to start arriving in 2022. california still faces an above-normal chance for wild fires. says the most imporptant thinking to keep an eye on is wind and heat. this month the higher risk zones are in the inbland valleys and foothills and we saw a little bit of that today and into next
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week. >> going to ramp up quite a bit more across the bay area. the good news for the fire danger right now is the hottest air we'ver had over this past weekend is starting to move off towards the east. i want to start with the wider view because it's all about this system moving in, developing in the pacific to not only drop our temperatures and bring us the chance of rainfall in the next cup fl of days. get ready for that usual fog near the bay and the coast. this will start us 1/2 with 68 in the peninsula. your best commute is go poog be right here in the south bay, mostly sunny skies. t areas of fog you'll have to watch out for in the north bay, san francisco.
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i think this fog will push out of here through the afternoon. numbers dropping a couple more degrees in response to the system developing in the pacific. that means 77 in cupertino. overb to the east bay a nice day in liver more. 79 degrees in august. that's hard to come by. enjoy it, get outside. back by the bay the cooler breeze will have you at skangt oakland. 77 in palo alto. 71 in san mateo. the cool ocean breeze will have us at 60 in the outer sunset and right through wine country. look at this. 70s in mill valley. i think temperatures will stay just as can comfortable as this through saturday's forecast. year also going to mix in the possibility of a few showers.
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i think at this point the storm system we're following that's beginning to good d vep will eventually start to move to northern california. peal back the layers and look at how the rainfall is going to look. i think eureka is impressiveb for august. and regd 400ths of an inch. so it's not a big storm. readyon for a chance of spotty showers for the bay area. we should learn more information the next couple of days. but watch out saturday. we're warming up to low 70s. so on the mild side. inland valleys have you in the 80s all the way for the next three days. then it's hot as a lot of you head back to school. the kids taking a back to
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school, mid to upper 90s, moving on in. that shower chance is nothing big. just wanted to make sure you are aware it is my job after all. >> transparency. >> exactly. >> thanks, jeff. up next has it happened to anyone you know? the dpraul help after a growing number of people say they've ha. plus jimmy. >> do not change the channel. and "home alone" which debuted in 1990 and they made several sequels. the latest one will hit theaters in november. from the couldn't be prouders
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a worry tonight nfor parent not just for vaping but for seizures. they announced an investigation and received 35 reports related to vaping. in the last four months there have been 92 new additional reports. majority of users young adults. it's unclear whether the popular device caused the seizure. the faa is against strongly encouraging people to let them know the f theve had seizures. two companies conducted a joint study that looked at over 100 people and their device tablets. they found people with dementia sent fewer texts than healthy participants. 5:00 a.m., five day as week
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for three years and still ready. >> the former 49ers quarterback posting this video on twitter today. in 2017 he filed a grievance against the nfl accusing owner oz of colluding because of his high profile protest where he took a knee. he did settle with the nfl earlier this year. here's your buick sir. actually, that's my buick. your buick doesn't have a roof rack! this is my buick. how are we gonna fit in your mom's buick? easy. i like that new buick. -me too. i was actually talking about that buick. i knew that. -did you? buick's fresh new lineup is full of surprises.
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ugly today for the a's as well. at wrigley field always beautiful. ia ian hap hits a grand slam early in the game. the a's lose 10-1 your final. 8/7 they honored the late dwight clark who wore 87. it was quarters in training camp. former 49ers players were on hand to host families whose have been impathcted by the disease. head over to our youtube page to catch the full episode called "hero in the end zone. "we've also posted exclusbive interviews with former legends joe montana and jerry rice. here's one you guys will like. show me making it.
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pink snow, also water mel. snow. it only refers to the color. the pink is algae that lives in the snow at high elevations. when the sun comes out the algae uses a red pigment to protect itself. you can't eat yellow snow and now you super can't eat the pink
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snow. it could be the return of the grey wolf in california. these are the pups and their parents roaming around in june east of redding. the grey wolf became extinct in the 1920s. but they came back from oregon eight years ago -- i'm so distracted looking at them. apu. that is the name of california's only wolf pack. it's amazing and remarkable to think they're the only -- >> the last new pack. that's really nice. jeff's going to talk about what's happening tomorrow. it's like we're living in miami. 82 degrees. saturday a slight chance of showers. 207 inches.
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marine, napa, sonoma counties would have that better chance and we like the see all of you. the back of a tree trunk. redwood city we'll be out there handing out free ice cream. >> did you say free ice cream in redwood city? >> yes. >> you, you, and you. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from 30 rockefeller plaza here in new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." and now, here he is,


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