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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  August 26, 2019 11:00pm-11:34pm PDT

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ort on both sides your sleep number setting. can it help us fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep us asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so you can really promise better sleep. not promise... prove. and now, all beds are on sale! save 50% on the 360 sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all beds. only for a limited time. right now at 11:00, mayor pete in the south bay. >> this is a place that is about the future. >> we go one-on-one with pete buttigieg, who says silicon valley is the key to winning the white house. freaking out, thought was going to die. >> a teenager bitten by a rattlesna rattlesnake. and kfog fans are confused.
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as the presidential candidates left town, one came into town. an exclusive interview with the political newcomer known as mayor pete, pete buttigieg. >> cheryl herd talked to him about the economy, immigration, and whether he thinks he can really win the white house. cheryl joins us from the mexican heritage plaza in san jose. cheryl? >> reporter: mayor pete was in full campaign mode. his appearance wasn't about raising a lot of money. it was about meeting his supporters. >> this place is about the future. i don't only mean the fact that there's technology here. >> reporter: pete buttigieg said his visit to san jose is about meeting with grass roots supporters and to talk about issues like immigration. >> people looking over their shoulder in fear of i.c.e.
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raids, are not met with security. >> reporter: he was in san jose, a place, he says, close to his heart. and tickets were affordable. $18 to $100 per penitentiarson. >> i have more military experience than anybody come into office since george h.w. bush. >> reporter: his preparation comes from being a midwestern mayor. he has a groundswell of supporters. >> we don't want to focus on getting rid of this president. but we want to focus on the people and their needs. >> we have to believe. >> reporter: do you think you can win? >> absolutely. i wouldn't be running if i didn't think so. we've beaten expectations by coming this far.
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>> reporter: after his san jose appeara buttigieg attended a second fund-raiser with investor avery thornton. he leaves the bay area tomorrow morning. i'm cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. we have you covered when it comes to the 2020 election. we made it schiimple for you. did he lose his job for failing a student? tonight, a teacher in contra costa county is fighting back. he's been teaching for 28 years. he's upset, and so are many parents that are angry. they want answers. terry mcsweeney is in concord with details. >> reporter: supporters say doug scott did nothing wrong, other than to get into an ego battle with the principal in pleasant hill.
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that's former science teacher, doug scott. >> he's still touching people's lives, going through this, is insane. >> he's an amazing teacher. an intelligent man. inspirational and passionate towards his students. >> reporter: just as the semester was about to begin, college park high school principal fired him and didn't give a reason. >> you have 15 minutes to get out of your room before you turn in your keys. >> reporter: scott says it may be revenge. scott had flunked a student last spring, but principal alvarez changed the grade to passing. the two locked horns. and that feud, according to some parents, resulted in scott's dismissal. >> he has been hounding me and hounding me. >> reporter: we contacted
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mr. alvarez who told us he had no comment and wished us luck. >> i would not be able to comment on anything at this point. it's a confidential personal matter. >> i'm not done. dr. martinez says he cannot comment, but likely, the teacher will be put on paid leave. families in the south bay looking for answers. their daughter was killed over the weekend when a suspected drunk driver crashed into her uber. it happened in santa clara. the suspect was in a bar in sunnyvale. he got in a stolen car and then, the crash happened.
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two died at the hospital. the other passenger andhe ride share driver suffered injuries, too. >> one person lost their life and two people's lives who won't be the same. >> police arrested this man, claudio perez of san jose. he is facing multiple charges. two men have been arrested for the reckless shooting in the middle of market street in san francisco. pd is still looking for a third man. three men running down the street, broad daylight, one of them firing a pistol into the crowd. miraculously no one was hurt. today, two men were arrested in oakland. officers seized a gun. as for the third man, police say he's a teenager and they know who he is. a lot of questions about a shooti shooting involving an off-duty police officer. that officer shot a man outside
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of his apartment complex. it happened on moser lane. thomas waylon, seen here, attacked the off-duty officer with a rock. the officer is not being identified. a livermore family pleaded after their daughter was sit crossing the street. tonight, they told city leaders that the intersection needs lighting or a traffic light to avoid another tragedy. >> until we have a change, we will not stop. she will not be a statistic in my book because i won't be at peace with that. >> livermore police tell us the last fatal accident was in 2008. east avenue is scheduled for an upgrade according to bike east bay, also pushing for change. a photographer on the peninsula is accused of sexually abusing kids.
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now, he's trying tget his bail reduced to get out of jail. he is being held on $5 million bail. the kids, the victims, range in age from 4 to 16. he is accused of committing the crimes when he took pictures for a menlo park swi tm. he was able to bond out after his first arrest and more victims came forward, so, police arrested him again. forget rock. it's talk. big changes coming to your radio. and not everyone likes the sound of it. after decades of the bay area airwaves, kfog is being replaced with knbr. and radio listeners are so loyal. this has a lot of them upset. >> a lot of love for kfog. and employees are stunned to learn their radio station will be taken off of the air on radio 6. and tonight, it was like saying
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good-bye to an old friend. kfog rocks the bay area for decades. >> kfog was like a big pair of arms around this huge community that was fanatically loyal. you can't buy that kind of brand loyalty. >> reporter: she connected with fog-heads for 34 years. hosting acoustic sunrise. hundreds of thousands attended kaboom, a music and fireworks show. but in 2016, management changed the station's tune, firing the hosts and switching formats. >> i don't think they understood what the bay area wants or doesn't want in a morning show or radio station. >> reporter: listeners are in for another switch. kfog will flip to knbr sports simulcast september 6th. employ
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employees who didn't want to talk on camera, were devastated. >> it make yours heart stop. >> reporter: chuy gomez knows the feeling. they cut his mic this month. >> it's definitely tough when you're taking the talent out of the area and funneling talent from out of the area that's from here and can connect with the people from here. >> reporter: fog-heads say it's like saying gob to a good friend. >> personality ies. >> with the call going, it's like the dream is over. >> reporter: in a statement, it says, it's never easy to say good-bye to a station. we would like to thank staff, listeners and advertisers for making kfog the legendary and beloved station. reporti ining live in san franc. >> it will be missed. chuy gomez had a lot more to
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say about the story. you can hear his take to what happens when you take off local talent. we posted the entire interview on our home page. the coast guard suspended a search for a missing boater in contra costa county. you can see the coast guard helicopter was part of the search team. two men were in an inflatable raft and it popped. the coast guard searched 500 square nautical miles. a scary moment for a costa contra teenager bitten by a rattlesnake. and diamond's not just a girl's best friend. what the men in the hot hats di get the diamonds. i'm jeff raineri.
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holding on to 76 in concord and why it feels humid in eight minutes.
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rattled but okay. an east bay teen has a painful story to tell after surviving a rattlesnake bite over the weekend. the teenager was bitten in an unliky location, not hiking but walking to a friend's house. jodi hernandez joins us from walnut creek where the teenager is urging others to be careful. >> reporter: 15-year-old cayden describes the sting of a rattlesnake bite. he and hitz buddies just finished playing football saturday night. they stopped to get water and a baby rattler buiit him at the
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entrance of the home. i was freaking out. and i thought, i'm going to die. >> reporter: the boys called 911, as his body started going numb. >> i had never felt that in my life before. >> reporter: tonight, he is feeling much better, after doctors gave him anti-venom medicati medication. >> in extreme cases, it can cause seizures and tremors. >> reporter: thankfully cayden got help quickly and is going home from the hospital today. he wants others to be on the locko lookout for rattlesnakes. >> i never would expect this to happen in my life. more critters to tell you about. a popular park in the cupertino
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hills has partially reopened. the trails were closed after a family of mountain lions were getting too close to hikers. today, rangers reopened eight miles of trails. rangers are reminding you to stay alert, pay attention. an inspired celebration in downtown san jose on the 100-year anniversary on the women's right to vote. the sea of white fabric, as people marched in the color of the early suffmovement. >> we're celebrating the suffrage movement from years ago. >> there were men involved, as well. these group of women issues are concerned about, pay equity, child care and early childhood education. a major project began near
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los gatos. a seven-mile stretch along highway 17, from los gatos to the summit. the idea to create an escape route in event of a fire, in terms of evacuations and to stop any potential fire from reaching 17. the project will take several months. and sections of the highway may have to be shut down while some of the work is done. not exactly what bay area travelers want to hear. sfo is going to close one of its busiest runways to do construction. they will be doing additional work. sfo telling travelers be prepared for lots of delays, more than 30 minute s. some airlines are allowing for changes. a jewelry heist worth millions of dollars at gunpoint in broad daylight. look at the video.
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it happened in midtown manhattan. three armed men robbed avian jewelers. the suspects in the hats -- the crime captured on surveillance video. the men had employs lay down and tied them up. they stole about 4 million bucks worth of jewelry. tropical storm hurricadoria expected to become a hurricane. the storm could make landfall by wednesday, bringing strong winds and up to ten inches of rain. you'll recall, it was about two years ago, hurricane maria ravaged puerto rico. and puerto rico hasn't recovered from hurricane maria. >> some sections don't have electricity. >> the last thing they need.
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that storm will be near florida once we hit friday and saturday. i believe i will have time to take a look at that here in my weather forecast. the big weather headline, it's all about -- well. tropical moisture off to the south. this is the recommend naemnants. anything that gets close by, i'll let you know about it. once again, tomorrow, just look for a little bit of humidity, as we head through the afternoon and high clouds passing on through. to get you ready for tomorrow morning's commute, as you get the kids back off to school, want you to know, we have the fog moving back in on the bay. and a little drizzle near san francisco. be ready for that. 62 for the peninsula.
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tri-valley, 72. and the east bay, kind of a mixed picture here. the fog and drizzle in san francisco, and low clouds in the north bay. there's a fog through the afternoon. we get the sunshine returning. it will be a warm-to-hot day. we should stay out of the 100s in the south bay. 92 in san jose. 90 in cupertino. heat trapped in the inland valleys. the higher elevations do a better job of keeping the heat contained to walnut creek, pleasanton and livermore. the best spot to go if you're tired of the heat, half moon bay, 66 degrees. redwood city, 84. a little milder on embarcadero and the mission, with 70s. to the north, away from any
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ocean breeze, a lot better in mill valley. my extended forecast in san francisco. morning fog, and then a slight breeze. and inland, one more day of the hot weather. quite a bit of cooling coming. 97 for the average. 89 on wednesday. 80s through friday. we're going to back up this weekend. even into next labor day on monday, it doesn't look too hot. got your seven-day forecast in. looks like we have time left on the clock. let's take you to the tropics right now. we get you an update on dorian. moving over puerto rico, likely as a tropical storm. and the best estimate right now is close to the bahamas and southern florida by friday and
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saturday. likely a tropical storm. we could see it strengthen more. we will be monitoring this at we'll have links to everything happening with that storm as it continues to move through the waters there to the east. >> we hope the damage is mini l minimal. thank you, jeff. strap on your seat belt. this is the cockpit camera from the blue angels. look how close the wings are to each other. just inches away. fleet week, a few weeks from now. october 6th. up next, the pot brownies may be a little stronger than you think. the ingreed ingredients throwing off tests. and in brazil, firefighters are, woing to contain the fast-spreading fires in the amazon rain forest.
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the large plume of smoke show how big a challenge this is going to be. the rain forest is a primary source of renewing oxygen for the entire planet. and the climate patterns will be affected across the globe. we're back in a moment.
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how potent is your pot? scientists say one ingredient is making it hard to answer that question. we're talking about chocolate. the amount of thc is printed on the label of products. a researcher out of oakland believes that thc clings to the fat in chocolate that makes it difficult to measure. if you buy some pot brownies and they pack extra punch, you'll know why. what's on tap in san francisco? water, lots of it. the money coming from the city soda tax.
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22 new drinking stations will be added in schools. and 14 in taps and parks. you can see how many taps there are. the red dots, schools and the blue dots, public places. how about this, a state-of-the-art waterfront chase center. it looks gorgeous. the new home for the warriors is ready for business. you want to look inside? the team showing off the inside of the completed arena today. no more renderings. it's modern and high-tech, as promised. it's full of bay area fare. there's plush suites and outside looks spectacular. warriors ceo rick welts is anxious for opening night. one thing they wouldn't show us
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was the player locker rooms and lounges. we could go in there but you couldn't take photos. the warriors did bring in a piece of their past. part of the old floor from the oracle irearena hangs on the wa. the first major event, not the warriors. metallica and the san francisco symphony. >> it will be a hot ticket. back in a moment with the giants and the a's. stay with us. my experience with usaa has been excellent.
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they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today.
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well well well, what have we ♪here? a magical place...that's lookin' to get scared! with bats...and ghouls...and cars in disguise. i've cast quite a spell now... you won't believe your eyes! the spell is cast. halloween time is back with spook-tacular experiences in disneyland and disney california adventure parks!...
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okay. don't count them out just yet. the giants in the playoff hunt. >> they're hanging around like an unpaid bill. they began the day four games out of the wild card spot. at china basin tonight, a few blocks from chase center, sign him up. he's ready to go. giants or warriors. giants and diamondbacks, bottom of the sixth inning. avalino singles up the middle. his first major rbi. that's as close as they would get. escobar with a bases-loaded single. diamondbacks win this game, 6-4. the a's in kansas city tonight, against the royals.
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what's kansas city known for? >> city of mofountains. >> marcus semien, a career-high seven rbis. a bases loaded triple and then this, a three-run homer. a's win 19-4. that's a season high, four runs ashg as well. >> city of fountains. >> back with more in a moment. here's one you guys will like. show me making it. oh! i got one. the best of amy poehler. amy, maybe we could use the voice remote to search for something that you're not in. show me parks and rec. from netflix to prime video to live tv, xfinity lets you find your favorites with the emmy award-winning x1 voice remote. show me the best of amy poehler, again. this time around... now that's simple, easy, awesome. experience the entertainment you love on x1. access netflix, prime video, youtube and more, all with the sound of your voice. click, call or visit a store today.
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oops, that cheeky little thing got away from me. my bad. geico. it's easy to manage your policy whenever, wherever. can i trouble you for another marshmallow? sleep number 360 smart sale of the year on the can it help keep us asleep? yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 24 months on all beds. only for a limited time.
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finally tonight, if you're looking for something to put on your bucket list, this is it, if you can do it. this is tennessee smokey mountain. the longest suspension bridge in north america. look at that. 680 feet. and right in the middle, glass. 150 feet in the air. >> scared to go across it. >> in flip-flops. >> there's about 1 million pounds of concrete holding it. >> oh, my. >> he popped the question. >> look at that. >> ooh. >> would you do it? >> yeah. that would be fun.
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the gatlin bridge? >> i'm down. >> i'm surprised they let people cross that without anchoring them in. >> and that lady had on flip-flops. what are we looking like tomorrow morning? >> it will be mild. we have 70s to start. fog at the coastline and drizzle, as well. up to the hot 97 inland. we cool off wednesday, thursday and friday. we have humidity moving in and high clouds from tropical moisture off to the south. you said, the humidity, good for the skin and bad for the hair. >> your hair looks good. >> i like it. >> doing good. >> have a good day tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from 30 rockefeller plaza here in new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon."


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