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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 5, 2022 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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golden girls theme restaurant. and the reservations are going fast, like blanch. the restaurant looks like the set. it is making stops from san francisco spring of next year. and i will be there. >> you said thank you for being a friend. you didn't sing it though. >> ♪ thank you for being a friend stphepbd. >> thank friend ♪ >> thank you, thank you. >> we all love it too. >> [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon."
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tonight, join jimmy and his guests - michael cera keke palmer, comedian simon taylor, and featuring the legendary roots crew >> questlove: 1684 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, come on now. thank you very much, everybody thank you, please enjoy yourselves thank you. welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show," everybody.
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you're here. you made it. [ cheers and applause well, guys, let's get to some good news. today gas prices in the u.s. hit a two-month low coming in just under $4.50 [ cheers and applause that story again, gas prices are still high [ laughter ] yep, gas prices are on the way down this morning a white house aide said, "good news, mr. president. and biden was like, "is today april 1st? [ laughter ] of course, biden can't catch a a break. gas prices are finally down, but thanks to the heat, gatorade is now $7 a gallon. [ laughter ] i don't know if you've noticed but it is hot! it is hot. >> tariq: yeah, how hot is it? >> jimmy: not just here in the u.s., but there are record high temperatures all across the world. seriously, it's so hot, people on tiktok were slapping each other with tortillas just for the breeze [ laughter ] >> steve: oy >> jimmy: it's so hot right now, the fantasy suite on "the bachelorette" is just the back
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of an ice cream truck. hey! [ laughter ] >> steve: mr. softee >> jimmy: yeah [ laughter ] it is so hot, people are ordering chipotle just so the e. coli can give them the chills that's what i'm saying [ laughter ] people are doing this because that's how hot it is all across europe, the heat is brutal today actually was the hottest day in the history of the u.k. at 40 degrees celsius yeah americans heard that and were like, "yeah, we have no idea what that means. [ laughter ] "is that hot is that hot? yep. the heat has been breaking records around the world and we're all trying to beat the - [ lightning strike ] what -- what is that >> steve: yeah, it's in my contract [ laughter ] if it gets above 95, i get misted >> jimmy: oh, really >> steve: i don't want to call you a loser, but you should get a better agent [ thunder >> jimmy: wow. oh >> steve: now. [ cheers and applause
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>> jimmy: are you ready? does that feel good? does that feel good? >> steve: yeah, now, i'm cool. >> jimmy: yeah, you're definitely cool, buddy >> steve: ah, man. >> jimmy: you're definitely cool >> steve: i'm blind. >> jimmy: yeah [ laughter ] some tv news "the bachelorette" is in full swing, and if you -- [ cheers ] yeah oh, it's good. if you don't know, now you know this season there are not one, but two bachelorettes. [ audience oohs it might sound weird to date two girls at once. but remember, it is a show about dating 32 guys at once so just remember [ laughter ] so as of last night, they're down to 21 guys. yeah, and i gotta say, my favorite remaining contestants are jacob, james, jason, johnny and jordan [ laughter ] [ applause ] one more time. that's james, jacob, johnny, jason and jordan [ laughter ] again, that's jamie, jamie, jeremiah, jamarcus and jordan. [ laughter and applause and just so we're clear, that's jibbly, jabbly, jadabbly, babbably and jordan. and finally, one last time that's ja, jed, jer, juh and i forget this guy's name [ laughter and applause
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last night's episode was pretty dramatic in case you missed it, here's a re-enactment with actual words from the actual show starring me, tariq, and questlove. guys ♪ [ cheers and applause >> tariq: thanks, jimmy. i'll be playing chris. a contestant with nefarious intentions >> questlove: and i'll be playing quincey, who is about to confront chris. >> jimmy: i'll be playing jordan h [ laughter ] all right, let's get ready ♪ >> tariq: my personal perspective is that if you're in a situation where there's four people invited to this fantasy suite, and then the female in that situation has sex with someone else, then i
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wouldn't be interested in that person being the person i'm with >> jimmy: would you vocalize that to them before fantasy suites, or during fantasy suites, or after fantasy suites [ light laughter ] >> tariq: good question. well, it would be dependent on the situation. >> jimmy: well, you wouldn't know the situation >> tariq: listen listen >> jimmy: you wouldn't know the situation. >> tariq: gosh darn it i did not say that like, i did not -- >> jimmy: did he not did he not did he not did he not >> questlove: look >> jimmy: did he not >> questlove: look, look >> jimmy: did he not did he not did he not did he not [ laughter ] did he not did he not did he not [ laughter ] >> questlove: look, you're trying to control it, though >> tariq: look, i've let you speak. and i let him speak. >> questlove: i'm just saying, the way you're saying it is still rubbing us the wrong way
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[ laughter ]inbbg you wrong! >> jimmy: oh my gosh [ cheers and applause ♪ > jimmy: questlove and tariq, everyone [ cheers and applause thank you. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> questlove: oh, oh [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. switching gears -- switching gears, i read that - very nice. i read that over the next few months the toys "r" us -- toys "r" us will open inside every macy's store across the country. yeah [ cheers and applause yeah they've combined a department store with a toy store, or as i like to call it, a target. [ laughter ] well, get this apparently due to inflation, i don't know if you guys heard
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this consumers -- [ light laughter ] >> steve: i didn't hear it what is it >> jimmy: consumers are cutting back on chocolate purchases. >> steve: what >> jimmy: yeah well, i guess now that explains the new whitman sampler commercial i just saw. check this out >> at times like these, you need chocolate you can't resist which is why we're releasing our brand new whitman sampler, no bull[ bleep ] without all that unnecessary crap everyone hates. so say goodbye to cherry cordials that taste like fruit dipped in your grandmother's perfume. or coconut chews that leak out a weird milky goo. and let's be straight up no one likes nougat. whitman sampler, no bull[ bleep ]. you want bull[ bleep ], call russell stover [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: i mean that's just - can you believe i saw that >> steve: odd. indeed >> jimmy: hey, guys. i saw that today former new york city mayor bill de blasio dropped out of the race for congress. yeah [ applause ] the hardest part was breaking the news to his supporter. [ laughter ] did you guys see this? a man in wisconsin tried to use a brick to rob a kay jewelers.
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did you see this but it did not go as planned take a look at this. [ laughter ] [ laughter ] [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: yeah after a few minutes even the security guard was like, "here, let me try." [ laughter ] finally, guys, it is tuesday and it is time for "wetweet. here we go [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ wetweet wetweet ♪ >> jimmy: welcome to "wetweet. this is where we as a group decide something that we should post on twitter. now, i'm going to show you five different tweets we're all going to vote on whether or not you like each one or not you all have voting clickers at your seats
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i can see the confusion right there. yeah just grab whatever the first one to grab it, that's yours you own it now now, you can vote for all of them, you can vote for none of them whatever you want. as long as you have fun. and we're gonna see the results live higgins, roots, do you guys have your clickers >> steve: got it hope i don't get shocked >> jimmy: all right. good, good whichever tweet gets the most likes, we will tweet it out on the show so that you can all like it and wetweet it [ laughter ] >> steve: ah >> jimmy: it's a shared experience okay, are you guys ready the first one here, this one i think is going to -- >> steve: do you like this one >> jimmy: i think this one's going to be the winner here we go "thinking about installing a a giant claw machine crane above my bed if i can't pick myself up in four tries, i'm sleeping in. [ laughter ] ♪ tepid response >> steve: yeah >> jimmy: tepid response i still have faith i think this is not going to work at all. ♪ >> steve: do you think it is going to be 101? >> jimmy: yeah, we're good i think we're good everyone made their choices. the cameras cut to everyone and their hands were silent. they were sitting there like - [ laughter ] they made their decision immediately.
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they are not on board. >> steve: right in the middle of that, they made it. >> jimmy: i think the audience does not enjoy this. let's see the results live on this one what is it yes or no? ♪ >> steve: oh >> jimmy: all right. not bad. that's pretty good >> steve: not bad. >> jimmy: that's about the reaction that's about the reaction. >> steve: yeah tepid. >> jimmy: yeah, tepid. this next one says, "hey, let's be real. what the hell is a scallop?" [ laughter ] ♪ what is it a clam a mussel does it grow on the side of boats? all right. cast your votes. i think this one's going to do pretty well. let's see the results. >> steve: whoa ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: what is it >> steve: 164! >> jimmy: i don't know what it is let's be real. okay, how about this next one? it's going to be good. here we go this one says, "shoutout to all the suitcases trying to get down to their carry-on weight. [ laughter ] ♪ that's pretty good people are discussing. you can like them all.
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you can like them all. you can dislike them all i'm liking that one as well. >> steve: i like that one. >> jimmy: i like that one, too let's see the results on that one. oh ♪ >> jimmy: so far no i like it. this one is fun. this one is real i like this one because it's real and it's fun. >> steve: have real fun? [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, here we go this one says, "you know you're about to have fun when you're carrying snacks to the couch using both arms and your chest. [ laughter ] ♪ ow >> steve: open that snacks >> jimmy: all right. let's see the results on this one. oh ♪ [ cheers and applause that's good and fun. it's real. that's a party right there that's a party we have the last one here. >> steve: oh, what >> jimmy: last one, yeah don't put away your clickers just yet >> steve: i threw mine away. >> jimmy: this last one says, "if i need to pee while i'm in
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a pool, i at least have the decency to step out and get in the jacuzzi. [ laughter ] ♪ >> steve: come on! >> jimmy: you can vote for it, you can not vote for it. i see a lot of head shaking, but you're laughing at it. this is a very difficult decision they're all winners. we're all winners here at "the tonight show." that's our slogan. let's see the results on this one. no ♪ the winner is -- the winner is, "you know you're about to have fun when you're carrying snacks to the couch using both arms and your chest. [ cheers and applause that's what i'm talking about! i'll post this during the commercial break it you see it on your feed, give it a like, give it a wetweet and enjoy. we have a great show some of my favorites tonight michael cera is here tonight [ cheers and applause michael cera keke palmer is on the show this evening! [ cheers and applause and we've got great stand-up from simon taylor. stick around when we come back, we're playing "password" with michael cera and keke palmer come on back [ cheers and applause
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♪ >> jimmy: tube >> is that helpful >> no, it's not. >> jimmy: tube it's so helpful, tube! [ laughter ] >> oh. snorkle? >> jimmy: ah [ cheers and applause ♪ [dog barks] [dog panting] [dogs barking] [dogs growling] [dogs whimpering] (vo) the subaru crosstrek. dog tested. dog approved. [dog barks]
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what do we want delivered every month? clumping litter? salmon pate? love that for me. just choose the frequency and ship it! i feel so accomplished. now you can pet me. great prices on everything pets want. chewy. (vo) red lobster's seafood summerfest is fire! turn up for the grilled lobster, shrimp and salmon trio ...and our hottest summer duo, steak and lobster! it's lit! don't miss red lobster's seafood summerfest. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with low prices and great deals, ♪ ♪ back to school's easy. that's totally target.
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with xfinity internet, you get advanced security that helps protect you at home and on the go. you feel so safe, it's as if... i don't know... evander holyfield has your back. i wouldn't click on that. hey, thanks! we got a muffin for ed! all right! you don't need those calories. can we at least split it? nope. advanced security that helps protect your devices in and out of the home. i mean, can i have a bite? only from xfinity. nah. unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything. ♪♪ i'm here for... your annual eye exam. because i'm having trouble... reading. exactly. they sort of make me feel... like i'm the most fabulous thing you've ever seen? exactly. i'll take 'em. ♪♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> tariq: welcome back to the "tonight show," everybody. i'm tariq trotter. and it's time to play "password! [ cheers and applause ♪ let's meet our contestants to my left, his movie "paws of fury: the legend of hank" is in theaters now it's michael cera! >> jimmy: oh no! [ cheers and applause oh ♪ >> tariq: now, michael michael, my apologies. your partner this evening -- >> jimmy: your apologies >> tariq: is the host of the nbc's "tonight show," and a grammy award-winning musician >> jimmy: that's right >> tariq: jimmy fallon, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪
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guys, your first opponent is the band leader for the legendary roots crew the greatest man in all of hip-hop history. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: it doesn't say that on the cue cards at all. >> tariq: say hello to questlove! ♪ >> jimmy: oh, that's right [ cheers and applause >> tariq: and his partner is the host of the new show on nbc, "password," which premiers august 9th at 10:00 p.m. after "america's got talent. it's keke palmer [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: i hope the rules are very simple. >> tariq: the rules of the game are very simple. [ light laughter ] i'll give each of you a password all right? and then you are to give a a one-word clue. that's one, one word only. >> jimmy: oh, man. [ laughter ] >> tariq: to get your partner to guess the password. the team with the most points first clue - >> oh, we have to win this quest. >> tariq: goes to -- >> no pressure >> tariq: jimmy and questlove. >> the password is - >> tariq: quest?
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why don't you start this off >> questlove: okay scuba. [ light laughter ] >> diver [ light laughter ] >> he nodded is that -- >> questlove: no, no i was just - >> that's not right? >> questlove: i was saying, "a nice guess." [ laughter ] >> okay. >> it was encouragement. it was encouragement >> jimmy: okay breathing. [ laughter ] >> questlove: wait, could you say that again >> tariq: no, no, no he can't he can't say it again. >> jimmy: you heard the first clue >> yeah. >> questlove: more words you're - >> no, no, no. that's true. okay, no there's a couple ways to go, but i'm going to say - gear >> tariq: sorry. >> jimmy: gear >> tariq: mmm. [ laughter ]
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>> questlove: okay >> tariq: wow! >> questlove: you heard all the clues, right >> jimmy: you thought it was gear >> questlove: goggles. >> tank. i feel like we're in it, michael. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: tube >> is that helpful >> no, it's not. >> jimmy: tube it's so helpful, tube. >> oh. snorkel? [ dinging [ screaming [ cheers and applause >> wait. >> tariq: i mean, like - [ laughter ] >> questlove: there is no music playing. ♪ >> tariq: look >> that was just the first round. >> jimmy: all right. that was the first round this is fun. we're warming up >> tariq: it's about time. >> jimmy: sorry, it could have been gear, though. the more i thought about it. >> wow >> jimmy: scuba gear >> i'm just -- yeah. >> jimmy: yeah >> have to work this out i have to work on that >> tariq: the next clue is going to go to michael >> now it's time for us to shine. >> tariq: and to keke. >> jimmy: keke's good. >> tariq: keke's good. [ laughter ] >> the password is -
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[ laughter ] >> okay. >> tariq: okay >> i go first? >> tariq: michael, you're up first. >> oh, yeah. >> oh, that's hard >> jimmy: come on, we got this, bud. partner, we got this bud we got the first one, we're going to get the second one. [ light laughter ] >> these are some hard ones. [ speaking forgien language [ laughter ] >> questlove: excellent. gesundheit okay [ laughter ] >> he said gesundheit. >> jimmy: kitchen? [ laughter ] >> you would never get this on the first clue >> so that was spanish >> questlove: okay yes. >> jimmy: oh you are unbelievable you are unbelievable >> so a dish >> questlove: oh god [ light laughter ] [ laughter ] dish >> you know. [ laughter ] it's the most popular. you got it
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>> questlove: no i got to respectfully pass [ laughter ] because -- >> not quite >> questlove: oh, yeah like he gonna get it go ahead okay, hit me, hit me >> i mean there's a good chance [ laughter ] >> respectfully pass >> jimmy: pass he didn't even guess >> he didn't even -- >> questlove: i don't even know if that's allowed. >> jimmy: i've never heard of anyone doing it. >> questlove: i'm a trendsetter. >> jimmy: all right. so - [ speaking forgien language dish >> oh, yeah, right >> jimmy: if you say one word. i might say the other word >> i don't know what that means, but - [ laughter ] >> i know what that means. >> jimmy: right. >> whole [ laughter ] >> questlove: no, that's a good one. [ applause ] >> jimmy: whole. >> questlove: don't be immature >> whole >> jimmy: the whole chimichanga? >> questlove: oh, my god [ screaming >> tariq: that's a saying? >> jimmy: but the whole -- >> questlove: no >> jimmy: but it's the whole -- oh i know what it is now.
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[ laughter ] >> he knows it now >> questlove: i still don't know it! >> you've got to get this. you got to >> questlove: well, depending on your word just say the word. say the word >> colada. colada >> questlove: pina [ audience ohs ] >> questlove: wait i -- >> jimmy: so good. enchilada! [ dinging [ cheers and applause ♪ the whole enchilada. >> enchilada was hard. >> whole was good. >> jimmy: oh, my god >> questlove: whole! w-h -- ah. >> jimmy: yeah, the whole chimichanga. [ laughter ] >> questlove: you threw me off i was thinking it was a beans reference with whole >> oh. okay, okay, okay >> jimmy: enchilada. >> we're in the game still >> jimmy: all right, here we go >> tariq: the final clue -- the final clue goes to michael and keke so - >> jimmy: here we go, this if for the whole chimichanga. >> the password is - >> questlove: oh, god. >> tariq: it's on you. >> okay. >> questlove: is there a theme with the game today? okay >> okay.
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>> jimmy: okay >> is it me? >> questlove: mm-hmm >> floss >> tariq: oh my goodness >> questlove: wait, what [ laughter ] wait, did she say a word >> tariq: watch again. [ laughter ] >> questlove: there was extra letters in there >> jimmy: what are you doing [ laughter ] >> questlove: take the bubble gum out. >> jimmy: what are you - >> floss [ laughter ] floss. >> questlove: floss? uh - toothpick? [ dinging [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: oh my goodness [ cheers and applause ♪ my thanks to keke palmer my partner michael cera. questlove, tariq trotter we are talking to michael cera after the break. stick around everybody floss. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> but the last thing to say about it is that's it's not like actually a check. it's a deposit slip. but that's only because -- [ laughter ] i talked to a guy and he said, "don't put -- they'll see your account number on tv
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don't do that. so this is largely symbolic. and, like, i'll venmo -- you know, we'll figure out flo, you're here. this pipe just burst on me. well, you bundled home and auto with progressive, so you have round-the-clock protection on all your stuff. like that cardboard tv. i told props to switch that out. okay, everyone, that's a wrap. [ bell rings ] wait, you faked this whole thing? i knew it was the quickest way to see you. i'm sorry, jon, but i'm already in love with insurance. you know that's weird, right? well, any weirder than faking a burst pipe? got a little carried away. yeah. cindy, do you think our crispy flavor will last forever? all we have is thin crust summer billy. but, i love you! no, you love the flavor of this thin crispy crust.
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i can't help it. peace out billy. it's a hot & ready thin crust summer at little caesars. pizza. pizza. kids don't always take the best care of school supplies. so save money shopping back to school on amazon. while they... 0oh... uh... figure their stuff out.
12:02 am
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switch it up, and get the all new google pixel 6a.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our first guest is a a very talented actor. he voices a character in the new movie, "paws of fury: the legend of hank," which is in theaters right now everyone please welcome michael cera [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. it is great to see you, buddy, and thank you for playing password
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>> so much fun >> jimmy: i appreciate that. it's been a while since you -- since you've been on the show. >> i know, yeah, it's a long time >> jimmy: i missed ya. yeah, we always have a good time >> great to be here, yeah. >> jimmy: thank you for -- >> you know, i've been watching the show i love the show, and i - >> jimmy: appreciate that. >> so tonight -- i kinda haven't been here in a long time, and i just wanted to show you my appreciation. so i brought a gift. >> jimmy: you don't have to do that >> no, but i thought it's kind of like a gesture, so -- [ audience aws ] because i watch the show, and i love everything you do i love all the taped segments, and the live segments like what you did tonight, so i thought i would just present the show -- this is for the show, it's not for you personally [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: okay >> for the production, but it's a check for, you know, $1,400 and a little more -- $1,433 [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. this is -- >> and so i -- if i need to explain, maybe just the amount >> jimmy: this is $1,433, you -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: to "the tonight show." >> yeah. >> jimmy: to "the jimmy fallon show," actually. [ light laughter ] >> oh, yeah, well you can -- we can change that, but, uh - >> jimmy: that's very sweet of you. this is -- >> i just -- i thought - >> jimmy: why that amount? >> i was talking to my business accountant he said this is kind of what i can afford right now
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[ laughter ] but, the other - >> jimmy: great. >> well, and i thought when you're expecting nothing, it's kinda like - >> jimmy: wow. >> i mean, obviously it's all relative, you know >> jimmy: no, this is a -- [ light laughter ] >> some people might donate more, but -- >> jimmy: $1,433 >> the thing is you're going to get hammered on taxes when you take this, so like, it's gonna end up being, kinda like $750 - >> jimmy: yeah >> -- that you net and that's why i aimed it for this -- for this figure. >> jimmy: this is unbelievable [ light laughter ] this is so -- so thoughtful. i think you might be the first person ever -- >> well, that's what i thought >> jimmy: -- to donate money to "the tonight show. >> you know, it's a nice thing to do. [ laughter ] you can use it for the production costs, which is what -- it's written here, "for production." >> jimmy: yes, "for production." this is so sweet of you. >> rent some nice costumes, or something, and do, like, a a funny sketch i don't know >> jimmy: i don't know what to do with this but we're going to dos something with it. >> you can frame it, if you want, put it in your office. but the thing is this is worth so much more than $1,433, because, if you have, like, someone like mark cuban on the show, which i'm sure you've had. >> jimmy: yeah >> you know, mark cuban, has like, $2 billion, i believe. >> jimmy: yeah, that's correct >> and so, you know -- >> jimmy: he's watching. >> a million dollars is like, a thousand dollars, you know, for you and me, to mark -- i mean, i don't know -- how much money do you have [ laughter ] i mean, but for me, like, you know - that -- like, he has so much, and he'll see this and he'll
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see, like, the, you know -- you'll put this on youtube, and like, he'll see the comments everyone will be like "wow, michael's a fantastic guy. >> jimmy: yeah >> and he'll be like - [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: "well, i want to be a fantastic guy. >> "i want to do it," and he'll bring you -- >> jimmy: mark cuban - >> who knows what kind of check he'll cut? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: this is smart. that is so smart >> well, the last thing to say about it, is that it's not, like, actually a check, it's a a deposit slip but that's only because -- [ laughter ] -- i talked to a guy, and he said, "don't put it -- they'll will see your account number on tv don't do that. so this is largely symbolic. and like, i'll venmo - [ light laughter ] i'll -- you know, we'll figure it out later [ laughter ] >> jimmy: whatever >> we'll figure it out later >> jimmy: this is a symbolic gift >> well, that's what it -- when they did big checks, it's not a real check >> jimmy: yeah yeah, a real check - >> it's a symbol >> jimmy: so it's similar to a a giant cardboard check. >> just my way of showing love >> jimmy: i appreciate it. >> and that's how i show love. so, if it's not good enough, then whatever. >> jimmy: no no, of course. [ laughter ] oh, my gosh, nothing but love. michael cera - [ applause ] thank you very much. thank you very much. [ laughter ] >> you want me to hold it too? >> jimmy: yeah, you hold it there. ♪ [ applause ]
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>> jimmy: hey, i -- i know, i just want to say congratulations. the last time -- since i've seen you, you've become a dad. >> yes >> jimmy: how's fatherhood congratulations, buddy [ cheers and applause you're an amazing dad. are you loving it? how old is the baby? >> he's 11 months old. >> jimmy: wow. >> he's almost one >> jimmy: yeah -- saying words >> no, he kind of, like, grasps at making sounds like, he has said dada, but i kinda don't have, like, enough points on the -- on the graph yet to know if he actually knows what he's saying when he says, or if he's just making sounds >> jimmy: doesn't matter it counts. >> but it feels good [ laughter ] >> jimmy: if it sounds like "dada," just have it be dada >> yeah, it's so sweet, yeah and i, just -- i love him. >> jimmy: oh, it's - >> and i know i'll be watching this someday, and just be so proud of me, how -- how well i did tonight and everything [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he will. he will see the love it's just -- that's symbolic, you know [ laughter ] >> i love him. >> jimmy: how much love -- >> i love you son. >> jimmy: now, i want to talk about this -- this movie, 'cause this is for children. >> yes >> jimmy: this is "paws of
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fury: the legend of hank." >> yes >> jimmy: do you like doing animated films >> it's great, it's great. it's actually, you know, like really hard work like, you kind of feel physically exhausted after it. more so than, you know, being on set for like a 12 hour day even >> jimmy: really >> because they just kind of - well, especially this one -- i'm playing a dog, hank. and -- like, from the title. "legend of hank. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah you are hank >> i am hank >> jimmy: yeah, that's so -- you're speaking into a a microphone >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: and you're exhausted by it. >> well, okay. [ laughter ] not the whole thing. but like, sometimes they say - you know, there's like action sequences in this movie. they go, "okay, now we just need you -- michael, we need like, a bank of exertion noises or, like, doggie panting." and -- so you just stand there at the mic for half an hour going -- [ grunting ] and you're doing it for a half hour [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay >> and by the end of it, you're like, "guys, i -- we need to stop." like - [ laughter ] "i can't --" >> jimmy: "i'm gonna pass out. >> you're hyperventilating >> jimmy: this is "paws of fury: the legend of hank." i want to show everyone a clip here's michael cera, check it out. >> what's that >> the blindfold is to help you focus.
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>> uh. >> now listen. tell me what you hear. >> i hear you talking and moving >> good. >> i hear a bird [ birdsong ] >> that's it >> i smell flowers, actually >> dogs have a keen sense of smell, and excellent hearing >> i hear a dragon fly [ buzzing i smell wood burning smell tea brewing. hey, are you making nachos 'cause someone just cut the cheese >> lesson over well done. >> jimmy: yeah, it is well done [ cheers and applause that's how you do it, right there. michael cera, everybody. i love having you on [ cheers and applause "paws of fury: the legend of hank" is in theaters now we'll be right back with keke palmer, everyone. stick around [ cheers and applause ♪ so we need something super disctintive. dad's work, meet daughter's playtime. wait 'till you hear this— thankfully, meta portal helps reduce background noise.
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wealthy casino tribes who want all the money for themselves support small tribes, address homelessness. vote yes on 27. ♪ do you want some more? wait till you see me on the downhill. see you at home. enjoy advanced safety at the lexus golden opportunity sales event.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is an emmy winning actress, who stars in the new jordan peele film "nope," which is in theaters and imax this friday she's also the host of "password," which premiers tuesday, august 9th, at 10:00 p.m. right here on nbc after "america's got talent. everyone, please welcome keke palmer! [ cheers and applause ♪ >> why do we always start dancing? >> jimmy: why? we have to start dancing 'cause - >> we do >> jimmy: i gotta say, we did "password" together, and it was the most fun i ever had. >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: i loved working with you so much. august 9th - >> august 9th. >> jimmy: tuesday nights, in three weeks from now just set your dvrs, watch it with everyone. it's a good -- we had so much fun.
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we had great celebs come on. >> oh yes, meghan trainor -- >> jimmy: meghan trainor was good she was -- >> she was a lot of fun. >> jimmy: she was a little rusty at first >> yeah, yeah, she was like -- but then she got into it, and we were like, "okay, miss girl." >> jimmy: yeah, then she started crushing it, yeah. it's just -- martin short made me laugh >> oh, my gosh, he was making me laugh the entire time he's so funny. >> jimmy: ridiculous he came out. jon hamm, i think is the first -- >> oh, jon hamm, yeah, he's so cool >> jimmy: yeah and he's like, yeah, he's in the biggest movie ever it's like no big deal. uh, speaking of being in the biggest movie. i want to talk about "nope." >> ooh >> jimmy: yeah i mean, that's what i'm -- i want to talk about, [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm so excited. >> jimmy: it's out >> i know. i know >> jimmy: it's a big deal. this friday -- imax, everything you crush it when you -- when you do all the - did you know jordan peele before you did this movie? >> so i did a "key and peele" sketch with him when i was 17. um, and then i -- yeah, we didn't -- we never did anything else after that. and then i - >> jimmy: what sketch was it do i remember it >> so i played malia obama's translator remember he used to do the translator - >> jimmy: oh, the angry translator >> yeah, so i was angry. i was like, "no. real sassy malia obama ready to get up out [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's funny >> but, yeah, that was, you know, that was quick, and it was funny. it was so nice
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and that was kind of like, the first time i had really been like, "okay, i'm doing comedy. like, i had done sitcoms before >> jimmy: yeah >> but i was like, "okay, i'm into sketch. so i really -- i do owe it to jordan to get me in there, 'cause now i do it all the time >> jimmy: yeah, and you, by the way, you do so much stuff. you're a great follow on the socials, by the way, i will say. >> aw, thanks. >> jimmy: i saw you did something recent with vice president kamala harris. >> oh, yes [ cheers and applause the v.p. >> jimmy: wait now, do you get -- do you get nervous when you --? this was a -- this was a couple weeks ago. >> i mean, it is nerve-wracking but just because i want to make sure, that, you know, "okay, i'm doing my best. you know what i mean the secret service was there, i was like, "how y'all doin'?" >> jimmy: yeah [ laughter ] >> i wanted to make sure that i was like, "i'm professional. yeah, i'm not gonna hurt the v.p. >> jimmy: no, you're very professional, yeah [ laughter ] but you made her laugh by doing an impression of her >> oh, my gosh her meme is my favorite -- "we did it, joe. [ laughter ] "-- the president of the united states of america." [ laughter ] i love it! i had to tell her, because i'm like, "girl! that meme -- 'we did it, joe.'" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: speaking of -- speaking of vice presidents, by the way.
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a few years ago you did this thing for -- i think it's a "vanity fair" thing. a lie detector test. >> oh! >> jimmy: and they showed you a photo of vice president dick cheney. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: and you did not recognize him. and your reaction became an instant meme [ laughter ] we have a clip of this >> yes >> jimmy: let's take a look. >> who the hell is - ooh, y'all are really testing me on some stuff that i -- i hate to say it, i hope i don't sound ridiculous - i don't know who this man is [ laughter ] i mean, he could be walking down the street, i wouldn't -- i wouldn't know a thing. sorry to this man. [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: "sorry to this man," was everywhere >> yeah, that -- i don't know what is going on the internet is so funny interesting to me. because how would i -- i had no idea -- i really was just sorry to the man because i knew that -- that i didn't know something. you know what i mean and that - >> jimmy: do people say that to you on the street? >> all the time. that was like -- i had a hit movie in theaters. [ laughter ] that was like -- i was in
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"jaws" when that came out. >> jimmy: -- when that came out. >> crazy >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah "sorry to that man." >> "sorry to this man," you know [ laughter ] crazy. >> jimmy: i mean, "nope" is, i think, going to be one of the biggest movies out there i cannot wait for this i don't know anything about it i'm scared is it gonna scare me am i scared? >> so there's a lot going on you're definitely gonna have some spooky vibes. bu horrors of the world >> jimmy: yep. >> so i think you'll really relate to it a lot of things about, you know, a spectacle, exploitation, our obsession with attention it's a lot of different stuff, a lot of nuggets that you're gonna keep pulling back. >> jimmy: i think this is the year of keke palmer, by the way. i'm just gonna say it right now. >> aw. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: you are unbelievable >> aw, stop. >> jimmy: and well deserved. you work your butt off you're so good i wanna show everyone a clip here's my favorite keke palmer in "nope." >> ooh >> jimmy: take a look. >> set it up, the right way. man, i'm talking rich and famous for life. how are you doing? you look pretty. it's like she got a big house. >> how >> "how" what?
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how we put it out? >> mm. >> but that's what i'm saying. we don't just go for the quick cash, okay we go to a credible platform to feed the story >> what's that, like "oprah" >> yeah. like "oprah," for example. after that, everybody want in. >> but i'm saying, there's plenty of videos of -- i saw one the other day, that wasn't on "oprah." >> i didn't say "oprah," you said "oprah. you love "oprah. like, all i'm saying is all that -- online is fake low quantity ain't nobody going to get what we gonna get >> what we gonna get >> the shot. >> what shot >> the shot. the money shot undeniable singular the "oprah" shot >> the "oprah" shot? >> jimmy: that's right you gotta get the "oprah" shot [ cheers and applause keke palmer, everybody "nope" is in theaters and imax this friday. catch "password," august 9th at 10:00 p.m., on nbc after "america's got talent. we'll be right back with standup from simon taylor. come on back [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. [power-drill noises]
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hey, what does this button do? no, don't! the fastest internet on the largest gig speed network. only from xfinity. ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at large out-of-state corporations have set now you know. their sights on california. they've written prop 27, to allow online sports betting. they tell us it will fund programs for the homeless. but read prop 27's fine print. 90% of profits go to out-of-state corporations, leaving almost nothing for the homeless. no real jobs are created here. but the promise between our state
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and our sovereign tribes would be broken forever. these out-of-state corporations don't care about california. but we do. stand with us. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: our next guest will be touring australia this september with his new show "epic. making his american television debut please welcome the very funny simon taylor [ cheers and applause ♪ >> hello this is fun. the last fun thing i did before i came to america was i played monopoly with my parents [ light laughter ] they play monopoly by the modern rules do you know the modern rules of monopoly that's when my parents start with all the property and i just wait for them to die. [ laughter ] because they're boomers. they're so condescending
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they're like, well, if you want to get into the housing market, millennials, maybe you should stop eating all that avocado on toast. [ laughter ] how dare you let's do the math for the boomers. okay, $25 a pop for smashed avocado, eggs, coffee, you do that four times a month. that's $100 a month. $1,200 a year. so, if i want to put a deposit on a house in an inner city suburb, i have to stop eating avacado toast for 20 to 30,000 years [ laughter and applause there's no way for the market in my generation they don't cater options to millenials there is no actionier going, "all right ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the auction just for the under 35 here today just for the millennials here in the beautiful suburb of outer, outer manhattan kansas, we're in kansas. [ laughter ] should have just said that we are starting the bidding on this beautiful two by five inch studio apartment
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[ laughter ] for under 35, starting the bidding today at a job who's got a job? [ laughter and applause does anyone under 35 got a job can i see a job? i need a full-time job not working part-time in a cafe, sir. i can see the tattoos. [ laughter ] i'm looking for savings now? does anyone got savings? anyone under 35 got savings? no spent it all fixing broken phone screen last year [ laughter ] i'm looking for rich parents now. can i see rich parents going once, going twice, going three times, sold to the foreign investor." [ laughter ] it's the best we can hope for. [ cheers and applause you clap, but i'm sad. [ laughter ] i live with my wonderful partner lucy and living together puts a a relationship to the test for example, lucy was in bed one night eating cookies because she'd given up [ laughter ] and she had crumbs all down her front. and she's like, babe, i can't move i don't want to get crumbs in the bed. so i, vacuumed my girlfriend
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[ laughter ] and now we're married so it all worked out [ cheers and applause [ laughter ] i don't deserve that she proposed to me, which was pretty cool. any ladies here propose to the men? give us a yeah that's emasculating. okay [ laughter ] it was amazing right she got down in the middle of the street, right. everybody was walking by and she said "simon, will you marry me?" and everyone walking by stopped, they started to applauding and cheering, which made it so hard to say no. [ laughter ] and my instinct was like, "no, no, i was going to get around to it. i'm transferring money between accounts give me time." [ laughter ] but as i saw the tears of joy welling in her eyes, i realized in that instant, just how much money i was going to save. [ laughter ] and i said "yes," right? weddings are expensive, man. millennials now are sponseoring their weddings and putting it on social media just to make some money back, right which i think so tacky and wish i had done it.
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[ laughter ] i would have had a commercial break during the ceremony if i could have like, "i simon, take you lucy, to be my lawful wedded wife. but now, a quick word from our sponsor. [ laughter ] going through a divorce can be tough. [ laughter ] that's why gibson and powder divorce lawyers are here to help use the promo code 'til' death do us part.' [ applause ] another awkward thing that happened between lucy and i. was one night we're at the laptop and i said, "hey, i'm going to order some food for delivery." and in front of lucy, i opened what's called an incognito tab some people know what i'm talking about. [ light laughter ] some people are lost for those who don't know, an incognito tab is a tab you can open in your browser that doesn't save what you search to your history so you can look up anything you want, sir, and your partner wouldn't know. you're welcome [ laughter ] some people knew what it was so they giggled
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some people didn't know what an incognito tab was, so they're quiet. but some people knew what it was but stayed quiet because they were thinking, don't give away my secret, man. [ laughter ] that's my special time so in front of lucy, i opened an incognito tab accidentally, just like out of habit, because i do it so much. you know what i'm talking about, dude. [ laughter ] and she said why did you open an incognito tab for food? and i'm like, "uh, i just don't want people knowing what food i get delivered. she's like, "what food do you get delivered? and i panicked and said, "interracial." [ laughter ] fusion, i meant, fusion! my name is simon taylor. thank you so much! [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: simon taylor [ cheers and applause simon taylor he'll be touring australia this september. we'll be right back, everybody come on back [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: thank you again, simon taylor thank you for being here tonight. >> i appreciate you. thank you so much. my in-laws flew in from kentucky just to see this. >> jimmy: really >> yeah. so, i'm so grateful. i've been married a couple of months and i got so many points out of getting them into the show now >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. >> so i don't even need to get them a christmas present now [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: no, this is all good simon taylor my thanks to michael cera, keke palmer, simon taylor, once again. [ cheers and applause and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania
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thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. goodnight, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- jon hamm author and comedian julio torres a performance from broadway's "six: the musical, featuring the 8g band with ulf mickael wahlgren ♪ [ cheers and applause and now, seth meyers >> seth: good evening, i'm seth meyers. this is "late night. how's everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause good to hear in that case, let's get to the news president biden spoke from the white house on tuesday and asked when the country will be ready to stand up to the gun lobby


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