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tv   Early Today  NBC  August 12, 2022 4:00am-4:30am PDT

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♪ breaking overnight, unsealing the secrets of the mar-a-lago search warrant. former president trump saying he will not stand in the way of making the documents public. as we learn more details on what exactly the fbi was after. and just days after the search, a bold attacon the bureau in cincinnati a man armed with an ar-15 tries to break into a field office, sparking an hours-long standoff. that suspect's connection to the capitol riot. and just hours the house is expected to send the inflation reduction act to the president's desk what the $430 billion climate
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and healthcare bill will mean for you. the best part of waking up is about to get more expensive the trouble brewing for coffee lovers. showing a heart of gold after getting hit by a pitch we'll hear from the player who stole the show during the little league world series. "early today" starts right now good friday morning, i'm frances rivera. >> i'm phillip mena. we begin with breaking news. many new developments this morning in the fbi search of donald trump's mar-a-lago resort overnight, "the washington post" reporting that multiple people familiar with the investigation say the fbi agents searching the florida estate were looking for documents related to nuclear weapons. let's get right to nbc's jay gray who is in d.c jay, good morning. before we get to that report, there's been a new announcement from president trump >> reporter: yeah, phillip, francis, good morning to you just a few hours ago the former president trump posted on social media he does support the
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release of that information of the documents that are related to what he continues to call a break-in and raid of his florida home also saying that the warrant was drawn up by radical left democrats with a vested interest in attacking him that statement comes after a rare public statement from attorney general merrick garland who says he personally approved the search warrant and that he now wants it unsealed so the public can see it. as you pointed out, "the washington post" this morning is reporting federal agents were looking for nuclear documents at mar-a-lago >> we know that it was a significant part of what they wanted when they first went down, the former president gave them 15 boxes of material, there were top secret documents in those boxes. when they came back on monday, they got 12 more boxes this time they were looking for classified documents about nuclear weapons, but they found classified documents about other topics as well
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>> reporter: now nbc news hasn't confirmed the report, a trump spokesman did not respond for a request for comment. also indications there may be more documents at mar-a-lago that are considered highly classified look, one other note, the department of justice not seeking to release the affidavit in this case that would provide some insight into what the probable cause for a crime was that led to approval of the search warrant. >> all right, jay gray starting us off this morning. jay, thank you. >> thanks. anti-fbi rhetoric is ramping up after the raid on mar-a-lago. yesterday law enforcement shot and killed ricky walter schiffer after trying to breach a field office in cincinnati our stephanie gosk has the latest >> reporter: in ohio, a violent hours-long standoff is over after authorities cornered a man who tried to break into the fbi building in cincinnati >> he was at the scene. >> reporter: the man entered the
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visitor screening area of the fbi field office, wielding an ar-15-style rifle and a nail gun which he fired at people, according to two law enforcement sources. the suspect then fled in his car, speeding off on to the interstate at 9:37, state police tried to stop the car but couldn't, leading to a chase through country roads. >> subject is supposed to be armed with body armor. fired several shots at officers. >> reporter: the standoff in a corn field lasted for hours, with more reports of gunfire. >> once the vehicle came to a stop, gunfire was exchanged between officers on the scene and the suspect. >> reporter: residents were told to stay inside and the highway was shut down in both directions the suspect's motive is unknown, but the incident took place two days after federal agents searched donald trump's mar-a-lago estate. fbi director christopher wray was asked if he is worried the search could trigger retaliation against the fbi. >> any threats made against law enforcement including the men and women of the fbi as with any
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law enforcement agency are deplorable and dangerous >> reporter: some republicans responded to the search warrant with calls to take down the agency including one congressman who tweeted, we must destroy the fbi. while online some extremists made direct threats. meanwhile in ohio, relief that a dangerous confrontation is over. state police say no law enforcement were injured stephanie gosk, nbc news, cincinnati in just a few hours, the house is expected to pass the inflation reduction act. the $430 billion healthcare, tax and climate bill being touted by house speaker nancy pelosi as life changing. this as some small glimmers of hope that inflation may be beginning to cool off. nbc's susan mcginnis has more. >> reporter: after gas prices reached new highs almost daily for months, drivers finally seeing relief. >> i definitely notice it. because i pay attention every time i drive by. every single gas station i go by i look at the price.
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>> reporter: the average now below $4 a gallon for the first time since march but filling up is still far more costly than this time last year. >> well, yeah. prices are up everywhere >> reporter: the stories the same at the grocery store, food prizes rising unappetizing 13.1% last month. >> everything is way above what i paid a year ago. >> reporter: the housing market is slowing as mortgage rates rise the hot labor market also cooling, more folks applying for unemployment benefits. there are promising signs on the inflation front. prices at both the consumer and producer level beginning to back off. >> the news is getting better. we're not anywhere close to where we want to be, but we're going in the right direction. >> reporter: still, 8.5% inflation far from the sweet spot the federal reserve is aiming for, just 2%. leading to predictions it will hike interest rates again next month. >> we need to pass the inflation act right away. >> reporter: president biden
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claiming $430 billion climate and healthcare bill will lower prices and encouraging congress to pass it. >> that's the most consequential thing congress can do to keep our progress -- >> reporter: experts predict it won't lower prices in the short run. as americans struggle and wait >> when ever this movie is over, i'll be happy. >> reporter: susan mcginnis, nbc news, washington ♪ breaking this morning. actress ann heche is not expected to survive. that's according to her rep. the emmy award winning actress suffered catastrophic brain injury after crashing her car into a los angeles home a week ago. heche is being kept on life support to see if any of her organs are viable for donation yesterday investigators revealed the presence of drugs in her system heche rose to fame in the '90s starring alongside actors like harrison ford, robert de niro and dennis hoffmann. her family says she'll be remembered fer her courageous honesty. now to the devastating wild fires across europe.
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thousands of people forced to evacuate while on going heat waves and drought are threatening several countries. nbc's matt bradley has more. >> reporter: wild fires raging across europe. germany, portugal and france among some of the countries seeing the most devastation from historic fires this summer southwestern france, video shows the sky tinted with the fiery red. as wild fires burn through the region and across the country, including a monster wild fire near the city of bordeaux known for its wine, being fought by more than 1,000 firefighters [speaking foreign language >> reporter: officials say nine aircraft and two helicopters have been deployed as well so far, more than 10,000 people have been evacuated, at least 17
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homes destroyed and a major highway closed [speaking foreign language the country caught in its worst scenario, unprecedented drought met with historic heat wave. the fourth one this summer alone. temperatures breaking 100 degrees. more than 6,200 hectares burned in this region in the latest wild fire. the region known for its pine forests was already ravaged by flames last month. 39,000 people were forced to evacuate now farmers and fishermen are facing a tough reality, rivers running dry, experts calling this the worst drought in 500 years. thousands of dead fish lay on top of old river beds. [speaking foreign language >> reporter: crops are drying up and livestock is suffering from the heat and lack of grass
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[speaking foreign language the fires and the drought continue matt bradley, nbc news >> let's bring in nbc's meteorologist bill karins. bill, it's been a brutal summer for europe >> yeah. they had historic july heat wave, but the drought has been going on and on and on so about 47% of the european union is under drought conditions right now united kingdom you probably heard how hot it is this week, once gwen in the midst of another heat wave. they had 10 to 20% of normal rain fall, where a lot of the pictures of the fires were in france the driest july ever recorded for that ino start aug. you know, this is a visiblt loo. it should look a lot more green than that. so that's just one of the stories from france. you can see how it looks right now. looks like desert-type conditions the heat is on
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it's already hot in europe today 92 in london tomorrow 93. brutal hot and dry summer continues. for us, not a lot going on in the lower 48 travel looks great be prered for paana sweatshirt this morning in areas of great lakes and new england dare i say that? the weekend forecast looks pretty nice, too, guys those details are still to come. >> we'll talk to you then, bill. thanks. under the lights and in front of the corn the field of dreams hosted second major league baseball game there is ken griffey jr. and his dad, senior there. the cubs and the reds in iowa. the cubbies were also greeted by the voice of their late, great
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broa three -- ♪ take me out to the ball game ♪ ♪ take me out to the crowd ♪ >> hologram of harry carey singing "take me out to the ball game" during the seventh inning stretch. as for the game, chicago they had four runs on the board by then they would hold on to win the game, 4-2. we're back in one minute with the ex-cop who is tied for the longest sentence in the capitol riot. ahead, a little covid relief the new guidelines affecting millions of americans. it supports your health, starting with your digestive system. metamucil's plant-based fiber forms a gel to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down, helps lower cholesterol and promotes healthy blood sugar levels. while its collagen peptides help support your joint structures. so, start feeling lighter and more energetic by taking metamucil every day. try metamucil fiber gummies
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made with a prebiotic, plant-based fiber blend that helps promote digestive health. why woolite? because its specially formulated to protect your clothing from damage in the wash. like fading, stretching and pilling. woolite has a first of its kind formula that keeps today's fabrics looking like new. woolite damage and darks defense. febreze unstopables touch fabric spray. t just shake and spray...s looking like new. to unlock touch-activated scent technology... hours—or even days—later... enjoy bursts of freshness with every touch. for long-lasting freshness... grab febreze touch. leading the news, former virginia police officer gets a hefty conviction for his role in the january 6th attack thomas robertson was sentenced to more than seven years in prison he is the second capitol rioter to be convicted by a jury and was given the same sentence as guy reffitt the first riot
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defendant. he was found guilty on all six counts during the trial, his former colleague testified he put himself at the center of the riot, carrying a stick as he confronted officers at the capitol. just days before nearly 50 million children return to the classroom, the cdc is loosening its covid safety guidelines mitt no longer recommendations people quarantine after being exposed regardless of their vaccination status except in certain settings including homeless shelters, jails and nursing homes. it rejsds getting tested on day five and wearing a mask. they eliminated the recommendation to test children to stay in school after an exposure the guidelines for masking indoors in areas of high transmission, however, have not changed. this as the u.s. continues to see more than 100,000 cases per day, which many experts estimate is a vast undercount since at-home tests don't get reported to health authorities. still to come, from being a star on the screen to getting his own star on hollywood
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we are starting your friday morning with some star gazing. comedian keenen thompson honored with his very own star on the hollywood walk of fame he has been making audiences laugh for years from nickelodeon to his stay as the longest running cast member on "snl. and diane keaton was commemorated for 60-year long career her hand and footprints permanently cemented at the chinese theater in hollywood keenen's work in beloved classics like annie hall and something has to give has earned her an oscar and two golden globes. the best part of waking up is getting more expensive. two thirds of americans start their day with a cup of coffee, but these soaring prices are delivering a big jolt. here is sam brock.
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>> reporter: whether you like it hot, iced or even frozen, enjoying a cup of coffee is how millions of americans start their day. but even though so many have a whole lot of love for the bean -- it's becoming increasingly costly to get that morning caffeine rush. >> the price of everything is going up i normally drink coffee at home. unless special occasions >> reporter: in north dallas, britney willis is a franchise owner of a pj's coffee of new orleans, everything from cooking oil to cups now costs more, pushing coffee prices up, too. >> inflation is really challenging. i've been very hesitant to increase my prices but you get to a point as a business owner where you have to say, am i looking to sustain and survive so i can continue to offer this product >> reporter: the national coffee association reports about two thirds of americans drink a cup of joe everyday, the highest figure in decades. but many average joes do appear to be adjusting to new circumstances. >> coffee now is not something
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everyday going out it's more of a treat. >> reporter: here is why it's now more than $4 for a regular coffee, 9% higher than this time last year. for a specialty cup, that's more than $5, up 7% according to industry data. which means troubles brewing for budgets. necessities like food and gasoline have already eaten into discretionary spending starbucks ce june. >> it's hard to be optimistic unless there is a plan to get inflation under control. >> reporter: while the inflation rate is slowing, slightly, high prices are still a major issue for everyday consumers the cost of food at home, up 1.3% in july coffee nearly tripled that figure in the same month businesses like britney's hoping high prices don't grind away demand. >> coffee as a whole continues to grow and we are seeing sales increase as a result what's better than a warm or cold cup of coffee
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>> thanks for that report. up next, bill has your weekend forecast. plus, how the nba is honoring the legacy of the great bill russell ith nature's bounty. from the first-ever triple action sleep supplement. to daily digestive support. to more wellness solutions every day. get more with nature's bounty. why woolite? because its specially formulated to protect your clothing from damage in the wash. like fading, stretching and pilling. woolite has a first of its kind formula that keeps today's fabrics looking like new. woolite damage and darks defense. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .5% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkle results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin.
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whoa... ...which leaves you feeling... ahhhhhhh listerine. feel the whoa! ♪ welcome back to "early today. as we head towards your weekend forecast, obviously today not many problems at any airports. hopefully we won't have a weekend like last weekend where we had so many delays and cancel cancellations. looks like we have afternoon storms along the gulf coast. that could ruin your beach plans late in the day. morning and late afternoon looks fine looks gorgeous, as nice as it gets to be outside the middle of august from north carolina, south carolina, north wards up into new england looks pretty good, too much of the ohio valley. by the time we get to sunday, few showers and storms we'll be watching again in florida and the texas coast. but besides the staying hot the middle of the country, guys, this is about as good as it gets for an august weekend. >> nice, loving all of that on your map thank you, bill.
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the little leaguer with the big heart. the ararnghetwmi display on the mound coming up. digestive system. it's pretty calm in here with align probiotic. you see... your gut has good and bad bacteria. and when you get off balance, you may feel it. the bloating, the gas - but align helps me trust my gut again. plus, its recommended by doctors nearly 2x more than any other probiotic brand. just one a day naturally helps promote a balanced gut. and soothe occasional bloating gas and discomfort. to an align gut. just one a day naturally helps promote a balanced gut. why woolite? because its specially formulated to protect your clothing from damage in the wash. like fading, stretching and pilling. woolite has a first of its kind formula that keeps today's fabrics looking like new. woolite damage and darks defense. does your plug-in fade too fast? try febreze fade defy plug. that keeps today's fabrics looking like new. it has built-in technology to digitally control how much scent is released to smell first day fresh for 50 days.
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la la la la la. that young baseball player who went viral for his display of sportsmanship is back leaguer with a big heart. >> reporter: isaiah is trying to soak in all that has transpired playing at the little league southwest regional playoff against texas east in waco the game coming to a halt. after pitcher shelton threw a pitch that hit isaiah in the head. >> at first i was really scared when i got hit.
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>> reporter: the compassion began when a coach from the opposing team came to check on the hurt little leaguer, who crumpled to the ground after a banal to the head. when isaiah got up, he walked to the first base and then the moment that captivated hearts around the world >> i see caden getting emotional. and so, i tossed my helmet to the side i was trying to go spread jesus' love and do what he would do in that situation and go and try to comfort him and tell him that i was okay and that he knew i was just making sure that he knew that i would be okay moving forward. >> reporter: an act of sportsmanship will go down as one of the most inspiring in the little league's history. >> i was proud of myself after replaying it and stuff to have the courage to go out there and -- who knows he could have saw me as trying to fight him or throw r being like that, i guess.
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>> reporter: he's been interviewed more than 20 times, but the most rewarding part has been seeing his actions inspire others >> it's my understanding that you always wanted to make it to the top ten of "sportscenter." >> yeah. >> last night, i don't know if you had a chance to watch -- >> i didn't watch. >> you were king of the center. >> really? >> reporter: how do you feel about that >> i'm very excited. i am just getting this news. i had no idea. so, i am just getting that news. lot of excitement in me. >> and our thanks to janet for that report. yeah, this kid has been everywhere ever since. >> yeah. from the pitcher's perspective, it is scary to think he let it go it was out of control. you don't know what's going to happen when that ball hits he had to have felt good to know that everything will be all right. a massive tribute was announced by the nba of one of its biggest stars. bill russell's number 6 jersey will be retired league wide. this is a first for the nba. commissioner adam silver said that russell's on court success
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and off the court activism deserved to be honored this way. players who currently wear number 6 are grandfathered into the rule the nba is also planning to place a patch commemorating russell on every player's jersey this season. >> the way it should be. >> that's right. thanks for watchin
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but i do want to share, you do know that the mental health of children and children of color in particular are really increasing. >> right now at 4:30, focusing on mental health, as students continue to head back to school. we're breaking down some of the struggles they're facing and the simple steps you can take to help them get off to a good start. vice president kamala harris making her bay area rounds. the message she is sending on reproductive rights and the leaders she's set to meet with today. also, the weekend is just about here. meteorologist kari hall is looking ahead, tracking your weekend forecast. mike has gas prices in case you want toet


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