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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 22, 2022 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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okay, beautiful images from out of this world, courtesy of nasa's newest telescope. on twitter, nasa directs us to view jupiter's auroras or northern lights which glow on both poles, as well as the red spot which appears right here because it is reflecting sunlight. that spot is big enough that it could swallow the earth. >> it looks fake. it looks like a painting. it is stunning. that is going to do it for us on this monday night. we hope to see [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon."
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tonight, join jimmy and his guests - mark wahlberg, billy porter musical guest ajr, and featuring the gendary roots crew >> questlove: 1690 >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh please welcome, everybody welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show," everyone you're here. so you made it thank you. thank you for watching at home [ cheers and applause i appreciate it.
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well, guys, some big business news today, jetblue announced they reached a deal to buy spirit airline. >> steve: oh >> jimmy: yes. jetblue and spirit it's the perfect marriage between broken tvs and broken planes it's unbelievable. [ laughter ] it's -- that's right spirit agreed to a deal with jetblue and cancelled their merger with frontier airlines. today, frontier was like, "well, it's spirit, how did we not see this cancellation coming?" [ laughter ] some news from washington, president biden is celebrating a huge win after senator joe manchin suddenly agreed to support his climate and economic bill, meaning it will now most likely pass [ cheers and applause this is -- this is a huge victory for biden. in fact, right after the announcement, his approval rating skyrocketed to 11%. [ light laughter ] >> steve: oh >> jimmy: switching gears. apparently, this year, hershey doesn't think they're going to be able to meet the demand for halloween.
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[ audience oohs on a related story, biden's approval rating just fell back under 10 [ laughter ] did you guys see this? in an effort to be more eco-friendly, coca-cola announced that sprite will no longer be sold in green bottles. most americans heard and were like, "damn, that was the only green thing in my diet." [ laughter ] that's right everyone had the same reaction they're like, "make the bottle whatever color you want. it's all going to be filled with vodka anyway, right?" [ laughter ] hey. >> steve: make a noise fill it up >> jimmy: that's right sprite's getting rid of the green bottles 'cause they're not environmentally friendly i guess that explains this new ad i saw watch this >> health ade kombucha is proud to announce our new all natural completely waste free bottle kevin's hands. yup, no bottle, no can just kevin find it and lap it up out of his hands like a dog that's how it works now. health ade kombucha.
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it's in kevin fans now ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: yeah well, get this, a new viral tiktok trend people are dropping jalapenos in their wine and calling it spicy rose >> tariq: come on. please that's not a new viral trend i've been drinking spicy rose for years. >> jimmy: really >> tariq: yeah, yeah, yeah but i like mine extra spicy. here let me show you how i do it. first, you take any glass of rose, any old glass of rose. then you simply add a few squirts of frank's red hot >> jimmy: oh, man. >> tariq: a little bit [ audience oohs >> jimmy: i don't know i don't know >> tariq: just a little bit. just a little something. then you've got to take a little bit of tabasco, right >> jimmy: yep. >> tariq: tabasco sauce. just a little bit. something light. then you need a little sriracha right? you've got to really hit it with that sriracha [ audience oohs >> jimmy: all right. yeah, yeah, yeah >> tariq: a little bit of sriracha right? a few red pepper flakes, right, for the rim.
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>> jimmy: yeah >> tariq: and then you garnish it with a carolina reaper. voila. [ audience oohs >> jimmy: wow. and you drink that >> tariq: hell yeah. cheers [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: how does it -- how does it taste? ♪ i will remember you ♪ ♪ will you remember me ♪ [ applause ] >> steve: oh, my gosh. >> jimmy: that's a shame >> steve: he loved his spicy rose >> jimmy: spicy personality. >> steve: he's very spicy. >> jimmy: yeah, moving on. [ laughter ] my favorite -- >> steve: he drank it again. >> jimmy: no, my favorite is that questlove can't laugh because he's got novocain on the side of his face [ laughter ] it's the funniest thing i've ever seen. hey, this is fun today is national water park day.
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>> steve: hey! >> jimmy: yeah [ cheers and applause there are so many great water parks out there, i just saw this interesting promo to celebrate them take a look at this. >> happy national water park day. a day that honors our water parks, like blizzard beach, hurricane harbor, splashing safari, bacteria bay, rash rapids, e. coli creek, floating band aid bayou, covid cove, dippin' diarrhea, and hepatitis c, national water park day sponsored by penicillin. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: well, everyone's talking about this in just a few minutes, beyonce is releasing her new album "renaissance." [ cheers and applause which means tomorrow, all banks and government buildings will be closed. yeah [ laughter ] speaking of beyonce's new album, it was actually leaked yesterday in her fanbase, the beyhive is pretty upset about it >> steve: yes, we are. so rude. it really made my blood boil
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[ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you're in the beyhive? >> steve: uh, yeah remember since sasha fierce. [ laughter and applause what, you don't expect me to love music or appreciate a a queen wearing her crown? [ cheers ] >> jimmy: no, i just didn't know that we were both members [ cheers and applause well, this is cool mtv has added a category for "best metaverse performance" to the vmas yeah best metaverse performance there are so many great performers in the metaverse this year. so there's gonna be some competition. check out this concert post malone did in the metaverse. >> steve: oh ♪ >> hello i am going to do singing of my song now activate music ♪ let's have fun time tonight. baby you are my wife hello.
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[ quack thank you. i did the music. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: hey, i heard about a a man in florida who was arrested for a dui at walmart after he crashed a motorized scooter into the shelves [ laughter ] wait a second, walmart, drunk, scooter crash, arrested -- bingo! i got florida bingo! i got it, yeah [ cheers and applause ♪ and finally, fancy feast is opening up a pop-up restaurant in new york city that will serve cat food inspired dishes when you sit down, the waiter is like, "sparkling, still, or from the toilet? [ laughter ] we have a great show, everyone mark wahlberg is here. [ cheers and applause mark wahlberg. the very talented billy porter is on the show [ cheers and applause and we've got great music from ajr, tonight
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[ cheers and applause let's go right some "thank you notes. come on over let's go ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: guys, it's the end of the week that's usually when i catch up on some personal stuff you know, i check my inbox, i return some emails, and, of course, i send out thank you notes. [ cheers and applause and i was running a bit behind so i thought if you guys wouldn't mind, i would write out my weekly thank you notes right now. is that cool with you guys [ cheers and applause appreciate it. james, can i get some thank you note writing music, please ♪ he's in a good mood. >> steve: wow. he blinked ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, chipotle, for raising prices but if you really want to make more money, lower your prices and start charging for the bathroom [ laughter and applause >> steve: nice charging
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♪ >> jimmy: thank you, mike pence's new book, "so help me god," for sounding less like the title of a memoir and what more like what your dad screams eight minutes into every family road trip. [ cheers and applause ♪ thank you, climbing onto an inflatable pool float, for basically being an aquatic sobriety test. [ applause ] ♪ thank you, beyonce's new album release. [ cheers ] i'm excited, but is it okay to release something this fire during a heat wave [ cheers and applause >> steve: fire beyhive. oh, behave ♪
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>> jimmy: thank you, watching movies in the park, for being the best way not to hear a film and hurt your back [ applause ] ♪ thank you, guys who wear t-shirts in the pool for basically saying, "i don't want anyone to see my body, so instead i vacuum sealed my torso under one millimeter of wet translucent fabric." [ laughter and applause every curve. >> steve: vacuum sealed. yeah ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, great danes, for letting everyone know you have a big apartment. [ laughter and applause we get it. we get it. the dog is -- yeah we get it. you have a lot of space for the dog. ♪ thank you, billion dollar megamillions jackpot, for making everyone just a little bit nervous somebody they hate will win
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there you have it, everybody those are our thank you notes. we'll be right back with mark wahlberg. come on back [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: i'm drifting >> oh my god i haven't hit the cup yet. >> jimmy: i'm throwing two at a time now ♪ i got one.
11:47 pm
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11:48 pm
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large out-of-state corporations have set their sights on california. they've written prop 27, to allow online sports betting. they tell us it will fund programs for the homeless.
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but read prop 27's fine print. 90% of profits go to out-of-state corporations, leaving almost nothing for the homeless. no real jobs are created here. but the promise between our state and our sovereign tribes would be broken forever. these out-of-state corporations don't care about california. but we do. stand with us. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our first guest is an oscar-nominated actor staring alongside kevin hart in the new comedy film, "me time," which premiers august 26th on netflix. please welcome mark wahlberg [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: that's exactly right mark
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mark wahlberg! >> hello, sir. >> jimmy: welcome. >> how are you, bud? >> jimmy: welcome back to the show thank you so much for coming on, bud. >> nice to see you thank you for having me. >> jimmy: i missed you the last couple times we talked was through zoom >> yeah, which is crazy. >> jimmy: yeah, and now we're here thank you for being here in person how are you? how's the family >> i'm good. everybody's good kids are good. they're all almost grown you know, we're about to have our own little empty nest. yeah >> jimmy: you are, really? >> well, not, yet but like my youngest is 12 >> jimmy: you've got some time >> it's right around the corner [ laughter ] it goes by fast. >> jimmy: that's got years you got years yet. >> she's already traveling the world jumping horses and doing her thing. >> jimmy: you sent me a photo. here, look at this how gorgeous come on, how cute is that? [audience aws >> of course, she picked the most expensive sport possible but -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did you try to talk her out of it or anything? >> no. she loves it and she takes so much pride in the little stuff she's at the barn everyday shoveling poop she's up before me >> jimmy: look at this shot. this is grace.
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look at this >> if you notice, she's looking at the photographer. she's not looking where she's supposed to be jumping [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she knows. she's like "insta, insta," yeah [ laughter ] and how are the boys >> boys are good i got them playing golf. >> jimmy: that's amazing >> and now, my wife can't tell me i can't go play [ laughter ] i just say i'm just going with the kids >> jimmy: it's daddy-son time. it's a boy's trip. >> we just went to england and ireland and played and hung out. >> jimmy: that must be amazing >> no, i didn't give them any guinness they're 16 and 14. >> jtion at all. [ laughter ] >> 16 and 13, almost 14. >> jimmy: yeah, i'm sure, 16, yeah are they good at golf? are they like their dad? >> they're better than me. they started young, so they're smart, you know. they like, well, actually they started on punishment, so they could only play golf, which was good and then they actually started to like it so now they're continuing to play >> jimmy: yeah, i think that's the way to do it why not, yeah. >> put them on lockdown and give them a club [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: i saw a photo, you and james caan together here at a golf tournament. and he just passed away. this is you, james caan and sylvester stallone at a charity. this is at an event. >> i believe it was at jimmy's event. yeah, he threw an event every year at el cab >> jimmy: what was he like what was james caan like >> the best. >> jimmy: just great >> the first time i worked with him, he goes, "you know i'm a dream to work with, right? [ laughter ] and then i literally called him "the dream" ever since >> jimmy: is that right? "you know, i'm a dream to work with." >> he's amazing. i got to spend some time with him not too long ago, actually we went to go and visit another friend i went to his house, hung out and then we realized we had another friend, who was a dear friend of ours who was not well so, we kind of put jimmy in the car and went to see him and we got to, yeah >> jimmy: he's a good guy, right? >> yeah. it just puts things into perspective. i mean, life goes by so short. so, everybody, people, friends, getting older, reach out to them tell them you love them. stay as close and connected as possible >> jimmy: we're going to miss james caan [ applause ] i want to talk about your new movie, "me time.
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because, you know, kevin hart, he's a pal of the show and i think you guys would be great together is this the first time you guys worked together? >> it is you know, we met long ago. and he was like, "i want to work with you. i want to work with you. so i like, "cool i can't wait." and then i'd like send him all these different ideas. he passed on everything i sent him. [ laughter ] and then, all of a sudden, he sends me a movie where i'm supporting him and then he's got me ass naked, excuse my language he's got me in daisy dukes on a boat i'm like, is this supposed to be funny, or are you just making fun of me [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think the first scene, you're naked in the first scene. >> yeah. in the very first scene in front of like, you know, a crew of 200 people, another hundred extras but i had sneakers on. >> jimmy: that counts. >> i had some travis scott's on >> jimmy: that counts as something. and i heard that you invited him to work out with you and he refused. kevin. >> oh, he never showed up. [ laughter ] he's so busy, he barely showed up to work i mean, i was just looking at our text chain earlier and it's like, "i'm on my way, buddy. "i'll be right there." "running five behind." "i'm five minutes behind." always -- yeah >> jimmy: he's doing something
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>> yeah, which is amazing. i mean, he really, kind of -- we started joking about it, about all the different things that we do outside of our primary business >> jimmy: kevin hart's the busiest man on earth >> yeah, but you know what -- what i loved about him, and i love about you, and i love about will ferrell, is that guys just generally, nice guys, who just genuinely like to make people laugh [ audience aws ] and when you get into the snapping and going back and forth with kevin, he'll start it he'll say something to insult you. but then he'll say something after when you come back at him to make you feel bad [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he'll say something real nice. >> he's really slick >> jimmy: he is a pro. >> he's finessed it. >> jimmy: can you tell me what the movie is about and who you play >> i play a guy named huck dembo, who is his best friend who has never quite grown up kev plays the stay at home dad who's wife is finally like, she's going on a job, she's taking the kids. so she's kind of encouraging him to go and have fun >> jimmy: yeah >> and i've never grown up i'm hanging around with, basically, teenagers or kids half my age. and i screw up his whole life. everything that he has that's safe and comfortable gets destroyed by my craziness.
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>> jimmy: he's just trying to get a little me time >> yes >> jimmy: and you destroy his life >> yes and it's quite fun and funny, because john hamburg, who's fantastic, he wrote and directed it. he's just done this great job of really kind of making it entertaining for both kids and adults like there's lots of great adult humor in there, but kids don't quite get it and then there's lots of great stuff for the kids as well >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip. here's mark wahlberg and kevin hart in "me time." take a look at this. >> wake up >> don't flick him you have to gently grasp cover his mouth and blow slow, steady breaths into his nostril. [ tires skidding ] >> we're here fools. >> wait! wait stop, stop i said, "don't." >> i got it. >> car car, car >> slow down [ horn honk >> oh, you got it from here? >> i got it. [ buzzer ] [ horn honking ] >> let's go, you idiot >> hold on, hold on.
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>> wait. >> god damnit. did you do this? >> no! [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: busted mark wahlberg, everybody "me time" premiers on netflix august 26th. mark and i are playing a fun game when we come back stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> i did that for her, because, i mean, she's j.lo i mean, come on. >> jimmy: yeah >> j.lo calls, you answer. >> jimmy: always >> and so, i called and we met and we hung out. and then she invited me to dinner afterwards. and ben was there. [ cheers ] and i was like, "oh, shoot, can we be friends? [ laughter ] and they said, "yes, we can be friends. so -- ic throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout]
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[acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] you know that show i was telling you about? yeah i was so close to the stage when i saw her and she... she pulled me in. wasn't expecting that. it was literally... literally the greatest thing i've ever seen... scene... it was such a scene, but i looked pretty hot... so hot. i mean the look on his face... face it! you really missed out on the best time... time of our lives. you really had to be there. when you're with amex, you always have a story to tell. it's never a question of if it's going to happen...
11:59 pm
it's when. ♪♪ get ready - our most popular battery is even more powerful. the stronger, lasts-longer energizer max.
12:00 am
(dad) we have to tell everyone that we just switched to verizon's newger, lasts-longer welcome unlimited plan, for just $30. (daughter) i've already told everyone! (nurse) wait... did you say verizon for just $30? (mom) it's their best unlimited price ever. (cool guy) $30...that's awesome. (dad) yeah, and it's from the most reliable 5g network in america. (woman) for $30 a line, i'm switching now. (mom) yeah, it's easy and you get $960 when you switch the whole family. (geek) wow... i've got to let my buddies know. (geek friend) we're already here! (vo) the network you want. the price you love. only from verizon.
12:01 am
californians have a choice between two initiatives on sports betting. prop 27 generates hundreds of millions every year to permanently fund getting people off the streets a prop 26? not a dime to solve homelessness prop 27 has strong protections to prevent minors from betting. prop 26? no protections for minors. prop 27 helps every tribe, including disadvantaged tribes. prop 26? nothing for disadvantaged tribes vote yes on 27.
12:02 am
♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. we're hanging out with mark wahlberg, right here. [ cheers and applause ah, one of our favorites and we always like to do something fun when you're on the show you're a good sport. thank you for doing that since we're both competitive, i thought we could compete in a series of challenges challenges we can get done in just 30 seconds. it's time for "30 seconds to." here we go [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ 30 seconds to ♪ >> jimmy: so, we have 30 seconds to -- blank that's tps with as many green skittles as we can [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you. whoever gets the most, wins. just only green skittles i feel like you have more green in your bowl already this feels rigged to me [ laughter ] >> it's just a boston celtic thing. it looks that way, but it's not, really. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: yeah it's a boston thing. all right. we have 30 seconds on the clock. ready, set, go ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> oh, my god. this is not good >> jimmy: oh, no i put an orange one in there >> it's going like a - yeah, now you got to clean it out. >> jimmy: i messed up. i messed up. >> that's -- >> jimmy: yeah, that's -- that's where i -- quest, you're making me nervous. >> oh, no. >> jimmy: how many seconds oh i got a red one there. [ light laughter ] eight. >> audience: eight seven. six. five four three. two. one. [ buzzer ] [ cheers and applause >> i got a couple of others in there. >> jimmy: what do we -- how do we know? we have to count them out? >> i just figured if i went back and just started taking them out, you lost so much time, man. >> jimmy: oh, wait so, you already have all the colors so, i totally win. i got -- i win that one, right >> you got that one. >> jimmy: all right, i got that one. cool, cheers right? >> it looks like edamame >> jimmy: right? yeah, hang on. [ applause ] all right, who went -- wait,
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you're getting them out as you're pulling them out and counting them? all right, i have this many. one, two -- [ laughter ] yep. i got, like, 15 or something what do you got? >> i got more than 15. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you do oh, yeah you crushed me mark wahlberg wins that one. >> i -- i didn't have the right amount [ bell dinging ] [ cheers and applause ♪ no, you lied too >> jimmy: you win round one. >> you like to win and then say you lost >> jimmy: no -- yeah, exactly. >> i see the game. [ dropped cup [ audience oohs >> jimmy: all right, here we go for this next challenge -- for this next challenge, we'll have 30 seconds to see who can get the most ping pong balls into a red solo cup >> oh, gosh. [ audience oohs >> jimmy: i think -- i don't even know if i - >> beer pong >> jimmy: i don't even know if i can get one in >> i think you play this game for a living professional beer pong >> jimmy: actually, i am yeah, i get paid on the show to play beer pong [ laughter ] it's a great gig, man. it's a great gig all right, let's get 30 seconds on the clock >> for real, i don't think i'm going to make one. >> jimmy: all right, good luck here we go [ laughter ] go ♪ [ cheers and applause >> oh, [ bleep ], not even in the area i don't even have the right -- no, i'm not even close >> jimmy: i -- i -- now i'm drifting >> oh, my gosh i haven't hit the cup yet. >> jimmy: i'm throwing two at a time now
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[ laughter ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: i got one. i got one. [ laughter ] ♪ ♪ >> i got one in. >> jimmy: yeah, i got one too. oh, my gosh, two >> i got two ♪ >> jimmy: ooh. [ buzzer ] [ cheers and applause this is amaz -- >> i got a lot of rim. >> jimmy: amazing skill. yeah i got one. [ laughter ] >> oh, no, i got -- >> jimmy: how many did you get >> i got two >> jimmy: that's interesting, because i got three. [ cheers and applause ♪ [ bell dinging ] we had a good strategy there >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: all right, we're tied up we're tied up and we're down to the final challenge, okay? >> someone's going to have to pick up all the balls. >> jimmy: and this is the -- >> sorry about that. i apologize. >> jimmy: no, this is -- this is fun this is "the tonight show. it's what it should be ping pong balls everywhere [ laughter ] this final challenge, we have 30 seconds to stick as many post-it notes to our bodies as we can [ laughter ] >> oh, boy >> jimmy: whoever sticks the most post-it notes on their body wins. you ready for this >> they took your -- half your stack. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, yeah yeah, i do -- i feel like my
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stack is little, yeah. thanks appreciate it. thank you very much. okay, now i have more. now this feels weird [ laughter ] oh, you have some there. all right -- all right, ready for this can we do that is that okay all right, let's get 30 seconds on the clock [ drum roll on your mark get set. go [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ i went too thick i went too thick it's harder than you think [ cheers ] your -- it sticks to your face pretty well. >> you got to do multiple. ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: there you -- there you go >> oh, i'm losing. ♪ [ buzzer ] [ cheers and applause >> oh, i got -- >> jimmy: there's not even a a comparison >> i got -- >> jimmy: i think we all know who the winner is right there, the one and only [ bell dinging ] mark wahlberg, the champ [ cheers and applause
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guys, his movie, "me time," is available on netflix august 26th with kevin hart. billy porter joins us after the break. stick around, everybody. come on back [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ this is an official reminder from the ford motor company
12:08 am
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12:09 am
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♪ stack that cheddar, make it melt. ♪ ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq. ♪ cook it up, stretch it out. ♪ ♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado live in the golden state ♪ - bedtime!! - bedtime. ♪♪
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i love bedtime. the thin, sweet bite to end the night. oreo thins. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is a tony, grammy, and emmy-winning performer who just directed his first feature film called "anything's possible," which is streaming right now on prime video. please welcome billy porter! [ cheers and applause ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: you know how to do it you always know how to do it >> listen. i had to come for you, jimmy fallon >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. [ cheers ] >> well, no, i dress up. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: welcome back to the show you know, a lot has happened since you've been on the show last >> yes >> jimmy: yeah, and now you just became a two-time tony winner congratulations. ♪ [ cheers and applause >> two times >> jimmy: two times! >> "a strange loop." >> jimmy: a strange time >> "a strange loop" is one of the greatest musicals -- >> jimmy: yeah >> i've ever seen. make sure you get your tickets >> jimmy: go see "a strange loop." >> and go see it, yeah >> jimmy: how do you get involved with "a strange loop" >> the producer, barbara whitman, called me up. and she said she was looking for celebrity producers. and the story is about -- you know, it follows a queer -- >> jimmy: yeah >> man's story as he tries to, sort of, figure out his way as a writer, musical theater writer in show business.
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and i had seen it off broadway and never in a million years -- i thought it was brilliant never in a million years did i ever think it would make it to broadway because broadway didn't have things like that, so -- >> jimmy: yeah >> you know, it's such a gift and a blessing to see that kind of change and to see my own personal story >> jimmy: that story be told >> reflected -- yes, reflected back at me in a broadway musical. it's -- it's stunning. >> jimmy: it's good. it's stunning. but it's also funny too. >> yes >> jimmy: we've had them on the show the cast was just amazing. and when you see everyone get together, you go, "oh, my god. of course, this is the best. and then won best musical. >> it won best musical >> jimmy: congratulations. >> yes [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: go see it! go see it. we had -- we had our -- our pal, jane fonda, was on the show the other day >> oh. >> jimmy: and she -- she showed us a picture of this movie that she's working on >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: and it's her, rita moreno -- it is lily tomlin. it is sally field. >> it is sally field, yes. >> jimmy: and billy porter, and tom brady. >> yes >> jimmy: that's the ca -- >> yes, it is. >> jimmy: yes, dude.
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that is the cast [ laughter ] what can you tell us >> carrying some other people too. yes, it's -- it's called "'80 for brady," and it follows the 2016 super bowl, i think, where he came back you know, that's not my ministry [ laughter ] but i heard that they came back and won. and so, four -- four broads who are tom brady fans -- >> jimmy: yeah >> win tickets to the super bowl and they go to meet tom brady at the super bowl. and i play the choreographer/director of the halftime show. i mean, who else [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: wait, but at the halftime show, are you saying is there a jane fonda -- is there a -- not >> there -- there's a little bit of a moment. there's a little bit of a choreographic moment don't -- if you blink, you miss it, but it's fun >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah [ laughter ] i want to ask you about this because this is -- i was, kind of, exciting i like to be, kind of, a a matchmaker here on the show. i heard that -- >> oh. >> jimmy: you and j.lo are -
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you're on a mission to become best friends with j.lo [ laughter ] and i want to be -- i want to be able to -- i want to help this, push this forward. >> okay. >> jimmy: you want to be besties with j.lo. we all do. >> we can -- we can push it forward. i -- she called me she reached out to me to introduce her for her iheartradio. >> jimmy: oh, yeah she got honored. >> they were giving her a big award. they were honoring her >> jimmy: i actually saw this. >> yes >> jimmy: you did a great job. >> and so, you know, i did that for her because, i mean, she's j.lo i mean, come on. >> jimmy: yeah [ cheers and applause >> if j.lo calls, you answer >> jimmy: always >> and so, i called and we met and we hung out. and then she invited me to dinner afterwards. and ben was there. [ cheers ] and i was like, "oh, shoot, can we be friends? [ laughter ] and they said, "yes, we can be friends. so -- >> jimmy: any projects coming up with -- with jennifer >> not yet, but i'm trying >> jimmy: all right, here we go jennifer -- >> i'm trying, girl. >> jimmy: yeah >> you got that script, honey. read her after your honeymoon. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: after the honeymoon. you know, last time you were on
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the show, i believe we -- we debuted the cover of your memoir >> oh, yes >> jimmy: and it -- now it is out. and now -- >> it is out >> jimmy: people can -- [ cheers and applause people can read it your story's out it has so many stories in here >> yes, there are. there's a lot. >> jimmy: i -- i was going to ask you, how do you choose what gets in the book and what doesn't get into the book? >> well, i'm an overachiever >> jimmy: you are. >> and you know -- >> jimmy: that's how -- you have that in common with j.lo. >> yes, that's why we should be friends. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: exactly. >> and my editor -- you know, i was supposed to give, like, 75,000 words >> jimmy: yeah >> you know, true to form, i turned in about 137,000 words. >> jimmy: that's exactly right >> and so, they were like, "we're going to have to cut this down. so, legal came in and stepped in and that's how -- >> jimmy: they said -- >> we cut it down. some of the legal stuff, they were like, "okay, you can't say that." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "you can't -- >> "you can't say that you might get sued." i'm like, "well, it's the truth. they're like, "yes, it's your truth.
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>> jimmy: yeah yeah, yeah, yeah [ laughter ] but there's some -- there's some unbelievable stories in here >> thank you i -- >> jimmy: and it must feel good right now. >> i'm really proud of it. i am go buy it -- >> jimmy: yeah, go check it out. >> so we can get on "the new york times" bestseller list [ cheers and applause i'm very proud of the work >> jimmy: and now you've directed your very first feature film >> yes >> jimmy: "anything's possible." >> yes >> jimmy: on -- yeah, prime video right now. [ cheers and applause "anything's possible." congratulations. >> thank you >> jimmy: busy, busy, busy >> thank you >> jimmy: how would we set this up how would you set this film up for everyone >> okay. so, "anything's possible" is a a rom-com, coming-of-age tale in the spirit of old john hughes movies but the cast is populated with what the world looks like today. our lead, our heroine is a a black trans girl who's a a senior in high school. she gets a boyfriend she gets into college. it's about trans joy it's about celebration [ cheers ] >> jimmy: yeah >> it's about celebrating the joy. [ cheers and applause
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and it's pretty magical. >> jimmy: yeah, it is. not only did you -- you're getting great reviews, congratulations. >> thank you >> jimmy: but also, the soundtrack -- >> yes >> jimmy: has all original music. >> yes >> jimmy: and a lot of it -- you -- >> we did. i -- i executive produced the album with justin tranter on my label, republic records, where i'm, actually having my own music come out very soon, you know, later in the fall.pop," so get ready. >> jimmy: adult pop? >> i'm coming! i'm coming >> jimmy: in the fall? >> and so, it's coming out but this is, sort of, a precursor to that. i have five brand new songs that i wrote with justin tranter and his camp. and we curated the album it's about 90%, i would say, queer artists. >> jimmy: yeah good for you >> and it's great. so, go listen to the album i'm trying to bring back the days when the album was associated with the movie. remember y'all remember "waiting to exhale"? and, you know -- >> jimmy: yeah >> "the preacher's wife" and
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"the body guard," and stuff. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah i do yeah >> there was "soundtrack." >> jimmy: yeah, "soundtrack" is good >> honey, the "soundtrack" of your life. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: i -- i don't want to make any predictions or say anything, but already you've won -- you won the emmy, the grammy >> yes >> jimmy: and the tony >> yes >> jimmy: the two tonys. >> yes, two-time tonys >> jimmy: this -- i'm just saying you directed a great film. you did a great soundtrack you sing on this i'm just saying, i'm ready for an egot with two ts. >> listen. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: an "egotts." an egotts. >> from your lips -- >> jimmy: with two ts. >> with -- from your lips to the ends when it's two "t's," honey. >> jimmy: two "t's." "egotts. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip. this is "anything's possible," directed by billy porter take a look. ♪ >> we could live our own life right now or do what people expect of us and spend the rest of our life wondering what if. ♪ [ light laughter ]
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yes. ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, i love that. i love -- i love movies like that i love it. >> joy it's about joy, y'all. >> jimmy: i love joy speaking of joy -- >> yes >> jimmy: the cast -- i've read some articles. the cast have said that you're so fun to work with on set and they said that in almost every situation, you can make any situation into some musical moment >> yes >> jimmy: and it reminds you of a song or you'll start singing and you've just made it so loose and fun. and so, i thought, we -- >> oh, lord. >> jimmy: we always -- we always have a spare mic -- >> oh, lord. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: just in case is there -- is there a song -- what are you thinking? what are you feeling what would you like to express and tell -- >> well, it's funny you should ask. [ laughter ] ♪ i love it so much her and i am telling you [ cheers and applause
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i'm not going away ♪ ♪ i'm staying i'm stayin and you and you and yo you're gonna love me ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ hey you're gonna love me ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: yes! are you kidding me?! oh, my goodness! look at that look at that look at that, buddy! you're a hit come on. look at that standing ovation [ talking over each other >> thank you >> jimmy: we always -- we love
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"anything's possible." that's amazing streaming now, "anything's possible," on prime video. more "tonight show" after the break, everybody ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪dance! by christian a medice & elisha noll♪ ♪are you ready?♪ ♪♪ ♪let's go♪ ♪♪ ♪ahh yeah♪ ♪♪ ♪step to rhythm like♪ ♪you're going out tonight♪ ♪dance get with the groove and♪ ♪dance get up and move let's♪ ♪dance kick off your shoes and♪ ♪show me how you♪ ♪dance♪ ♪♪ ♪dance♪ ♪♪ ♪dance♪ get a free storage upgrade and case with s pen when you pre-order. ♪dance♪ (vo) red lobster's seafood summerfest is fire! turn up for the grilled lobster, shrimp and salmon trio
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12:25 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guests just wrapped up a sold out tour and are debuting their new single with us tonight. [ cheers and applause performing "i won't," please
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welcome ajr! [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ put your hands up 'cause i won't raise a glass up 'cause i won't ♪ ♪ get your ass up 'cause i won't i must've missed the hyp but maybe that's ♪ ♪ the way i fee hello, how you doin' am i talkin' too fas i'm runnin' on adrenaline ♪ ♪ and one-hour naps 'cause i do what you tell me to and do it to death ♪ ♪ do it death acapulco tel avi or maybe japan and pretty people yell ♪ ♪ at me to follow the dance so i do what you tell me to and do it to deat but i can't do this again ♪ ♪ put your hands up 'cause i won't right on tim raise a glass up ♪ ♪ 'cause i won' my, oh, my get your ass u 'cause i won't i won't ♪ ♪ i must've missed the hype but maybe that's the way i feel put your hands up ♪ ♪ 'cause i won' right on tim i'm not here 'cause you say so ♪
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♪ my, oh, m get your ass u 'cause i won't i won't i must've missed the hype ♪ ♪ but maybe that' the way i feel that's the way i fee i don't, i don't, i don't ♪ ♪ i don't got a body like i see in the press so i got too depressed and put some press in my chest ♪ ♪ and now i look impressive with a couple of pec just like my friends so welcome back ♪ ♪ and take a breath you've come to lif you're bored to deat so welcome back ♪ ♪ and take a breath you've come to lif but i digres put your hands up ♪ ♪ 'cause i won' right on tim raise a glass up 'cause i won't ♪ ♪ my, oh, m get your ass u 'cause i won't i won't i must've missed the hype ♪ ♪ but maybe that' the way i feel put your hands u 'cause i won't ♪ ♪ right on time i'm not here 'cause you say s my, oh, my ♪ ♪ get your ass up 'cause i won't i won't i must've missed the hyp but maybe that's ♪ ♪ the way i fee that's the way i feel ♪
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♪ ♪ so welcome back and take a breat you've come to lif you're bored to death ♪ ♪ so welcome back and take a breat you come to life you're bored to death ♪ ♪ so welcome back acapulco tel avi or maybe japan and pretty people yell ♪ ♪ at me to follow the dance so i do what you tell me to and do it to deat but i can't do this again ♪ ♪ put your hands up cause i won' right on tim raise a glass up ♪ ♪ 'cause i won' my, oh, my get your ass u 'cause i won't i won't ♪ ♪ i must've missed the hype but maybe that's the way i feel put your hands up ♪ ♪ 'cause i won' right on tim i'm not here 'cause you say so ♪ ♪ my, oh, m get your ass u 'cause i won't i won't i must've missed the hype ♪ ♪ but maybe that' the way i feel that's the way i feel ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: come on! that's the how you do it
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the giants, ajr! [ cheers and applause "i won't" is out now we'll be right back everybody. godzilla [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to mark wahlberg, billy porter, ajr once again [ cheers and applause
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that's how you do it and of course the roots from philadelphia, pennsylvania [ cheers and applause thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. goodnight, everybody [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- matthew broderick. author of "sicker in the head," writer and director judd apatow. star of "winning time: the rise of the lakers dynasty," actor quincy isaiah. featuring the 8g band with johnny rabb. ♪ [ cheers and applause and now, seth meyers >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night. we hope you're doing well tonight. and now we're going to get to the news former president barack obama today visited the white house. and out of habit, jeanine pirro


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