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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 25, 2022 11:34pm-12:37am PDT

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lester holt wanted to find out if he has the right stuff to make it as an astronaut. going to the moon mission training. tying up for more space. jessica the member of the team coming up for the first mission since 1972. you know that. >> who wouldn't be? >> this is the best. >> it's really cool to see the spaceship ready to go on the launchpad. so many people will be heading there to see that it will be a huge event. that's enough for us here on this thursday night have a great friday. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> tariq: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the
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tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests - steve carell maya hawke giveon and featuring the legendary roots crew >> questlove: 1680 >> tariq: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. [ cheers and applause you look great you sound great, too welcome, everybody i love you enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself welcome, everybody welcome each and every one of
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you to the "tonight show," everybody. you're here. you made it. thank you for watching [ cheers and applause well, guys everyone is talking about this today, the january 6th committee held another hearing and people are calling it the most shocking piece of testimony ever given before congress. yep, committee's big witness was former trump aide cassidy hutchinson and she drops some major bombshells here she is talking about how trump reacted when his driver told him that he couldn't go to the capitol. >> the president said something to the effect of, "i'm the effing president, take me up to the capitol now. the president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. mr. trump then used his free hand to lunge towards bobby engel and when mr. ornato had recanted this story to me he had motioned for his clavicles. >> jimmy: immediately the agents were like, "who the hell let him out of his car seat? [ laughter ] i mean, how did he reach the steering wheel?" always good when you need another secret service to
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protect the secret service you know what i'm saying [ laughter ] a little later, hutchinson recalled how trump reacted after attorney general bill barr said that there was no evidence of election fraud. watch this >> i left the office and went down to the dining room. i first noticed there was ketchup dripping down the wall and there's a shattered porcelain plate on the floor the president was extremely angry at the attorney general's "a.p." interview and had thrown his lunch against the wall [ laughter ] >> jimmy: knowing trump, he probably finished his big mac first then threw the plate [ laughter ] "hold up i'm furious. [ laughter ] that's right two of trump's favorite things coming together, ketchup and walls. [ laughter ] it's amazing well it turn's out melania's christmas tree -- yeah, you just got it now. okay, sorry. [ laughter ] ♪ oh, wow. everyone is slowly getting it, good
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it turns out melania's christmas trees weren't red, they were just covered in heinz. [ laughter ] but it didn't stop there hutchinson also testified that trump not only knew that his protesters were armed, but actually didn't want them to go through mags which are devices that screen for weapons. check this out >> he wanted it full and he was angry that we weren't letting people through the mags with weapons. i overheard the president say something to the effect of, you know, "i don't effing care that they have weapons. they're not here to hurt me. take the effing mags away. let my people in they can march to the capitol from here. let the people in. take the effing mags away. >> jimmy: at that point, fox news was like, "we'll be back right after this quick two-hour commercial break." [ laughter ] well guys, switching gears i saw that the top accounting firm ernst & young has been fined $100 million for allowing it's employees to cheat on cpa exams. but we got a copy of one of the exams. i got to tell you, their answers are way off.
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i'll give you a few examples for instance, when asked, "what is an analyst? one accountant wrote, "another name for a proctologist. [ laughter ] next up, when asked "define a grantee," another accountant wrote "when grandma has that little tuft of hair under her chin." [ laughter ] up next is when asked to find the following cpa and w-2, one accountant put "those are the two robots in 'star wars.' [ laughter ] next up, when asked, "what is a red herring. one accountant wrote "prince harry's hairstyle. [ laughter ] when asked, "what's a recession? the same accountant wrote "prince william's hairstyle. [ audience oohs [ laughter ] they shouldn't cheat they shouldn't cheat on those things [ applause ] some business news, guys lowe's announced they are expanding into the metaverse to help people visualize their improvement projects it's a cool idea, but i think they might be going a little far. check out this ad i just saw
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>> at lowe's we know you live in the 21st century. that is why we are introduced lowe's metaverse so you could see how that paint looks before you buy it. in the metaverse, you can design a little avatar that looks just like you then teach how it how to eat, pay bills, find a job, exercise and start a family maybe one day your avatar sits down at a computer to check out the lowe's metaverse too and that's where the singularity begins lowe's, when your real life hits an all-time lowe's. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: hey, guys, listen to this according to a new report, the world's stress is at a record level right now. everyone's at record levels right now. what that means it is time for the "tonight show stress test. i will go first. i will check my own pulse. [ heartbeat it's pretty normal tariq, your turn [ fast heartbeat ] [ laughter ] wow, that sounds a little faster >> tariq: i had a stressful weekend. >> jimmy: all right, questlove, let's hear your pulse. >> questlove: sure ♪
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♪ i can feel it comin in the air tonight ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: might want to get that checked out [ light laughter ] some entertainment news, this is very exciting we're just a few days away from the premiere of "stranger things" season 4, volume 2 [ cheers and applause and that they just released another teaser take a look at this. >> on july 1st, the wait is over "stranger things 4", part 2, chapters 8 and 9, subsection c, stage 12, phase 14, boarding zone 7, 2 strange 2 thingious. [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: hey guys, i heard about a southwest airlines passenger who was caught air dropping an explicit photo of himself to everyone on his flight
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[ laughter ] but on southwest, that is just known as the in-flight entertainment. [ laughter ] even worse, he was in the upright and locked position. i don't even know that -- what does that mean what does that mean? [ laughter and applause exactly. guys, finally, it is tuesday it is time for "wetweet. here we go ♪ ♪ wetweet wetweet ♪ >> jimmy: welcome to "wetweet. this is where we, as a group, decide something that we should post on twitter. i'm gonna show you five different tweets we're all gonna vote on whether you like each one or not you have all voting clickers at your seats there you go yeah that looks organized [ laughter ] now look, you could vote for all of them. you can vote for none of them. whatever you want. and we're gonna see the results live roots, you have your clickers? questlove: i got it. >> jimmy: tariq, do you have your clicker >> tariq: i just entered all of my answers >> jimmy: no, no, no, no you have to wait -- you have to wait for the tweets, then you vote "yes" or "no. the green or red, thumbs up or thumbs down. >> tariq: okay, got it
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>> jimmy: yeah, yeah you're pretty good at this, though you're pretty good the last two you've gotten >> tariq: last two, i've been super on point yeah >> jimmy: yeah, all right. here we go all right, so whatever tweet gets most likes we're gonna tweet it out live so you could all like it and wetweet it [ laughter ] it's a shared experience are you guys ready to do this? [ cheers and applause here we go all right. our first tweet is "this might surprise you, but sometimes i heart when i only meant to thumbs up. ♪ >> tariq: coming in a little tepid there. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah i feel like everyone voted already and there's just a a nonreaction from the audience ♪ [ laughter ] i don't think this is fares well and this one is not going to do it but the votes are in let's see the results. [ drumroll ] eww. [ laughter ] [ sad tuba ] "this might blank you, but i only blank when i blank. [ laughter ] that might have been a better tweet.
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>> tariq: right. >> jimmy: yeah, g-rated right there, yeah. "sometimes i blank this when i blank. [ laughter ] this next one says, "coasters are a nice way to say 'this table can do everything except have anything put on it.'" [ laughter ] you could do whatever you want on this thing. just don't put anything on it. >> tariq: i like that one. >> jimmy: yeah, i feel like people kind of like it i think people are in kind of a generous mood too. that first one was a little knockout punch they're back up. they're ready to go. someone dropped his clicker. that was bad yeah, all right. [ light laughter ] all right. here we go let's see the results. [ drumroll ] oh, yeah [ cheers and applause ♪ coasters all right. the coasters ♪ roller coaster ♪ all right, how about this next one here it says, "sometimes i bring a dirty casserole dish to a potluck and say that everybody ate mine." [ laughter ] >> tariq: that's the one >> jimmy: it makes you feel good, too. yeah, yeah
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i have a good -- i have a good feeling about that what are we thinking you thinking it's 170, 180 >> tariq: i'm thinking at least 170. questlove: 160 >> jimmy: 160? questlove: 160 >> jimmy: i'm going to say 180 questlove: okay. >> tariq: wow. >> jimmy: let's see the results. [ drumroll ] whoa [ cheers and applause ♪ wow! that was almost a complete homerun. that one's gonna be the one. all right, here we go. this next one is pretty good too. it says, "elevators have a a 'door close' button but they should have a 'door close faster' button." >> tariq: yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that got a good -- from the audience, as well might be two of them we're tweeting out all right. let's see the results right here [ drumroll ] >> tariq: yes. >> jimmy: no, no, no no no not even close it is still casserole dish [ laughter ] this last one is, "i feel like the fundamentals of volleyball are teamwork and everyone pretending that the ball doesn't hurt your arms."
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[ laughter ] ♪ i feel good about casserole dish questlove: casserole dish is the one. >> jimmy: all right. here we go everyone put your votes in let's see the results. [ drumroll ] oh, not bad. ♪ it looks like the winner is number three it's casserole dish. [ ding ding [ cheers and applause casserole dish casserole dish i'm going to post this during the commercial break if you see it on your feed, give it a like give it a wetweet and enjoy. we have a great show steve carell is on the show tonight. [ cheers and applause the one and only i love steve carell. maya hawke is on the show this evening. [ cheers and applause we love maya hawke giveon is here to talk and perform. [ cheers and applause what a show. stick around we'll be right back with "go on, git. [ cheers and applause ♪
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>> go on, git, true crime documentaries. where the mystery isn't solved at the end i just binged nine hour-long episodes and you're telling me you don't even have a guess as to who the killer is we'll now i'm just scared. flo, you're here. this pipe just burst on me. well, you bundled home and auto with progressive, so you have round-the-clock protection on all your stuff. like that cardboard tv. i told props to switch that out. okay, everyone, that's a wrap. [ bell rings ] wait, you faked this whole thing? i knew it was the quickest way to see you. i'm sorry, jon, but i'm already in love with insurance. you know that's weird, right? well, any weirder than faking a burst pipe? got a little carried away. yeah. alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice and long lasting gain scent beads.
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try spring daydream, part of our irresistible scent collection. ♪ (dance music) ♪ try spring daydream, (♪ ♪) (♪ ♪) pringles. get stuck in when you really need to sleep. you reach for the really good stuff. zzzquil ultra helps you sleep better and longer when you need it most. its non-habit forming and powered by the makers of nyquil. bubbles bubbles so many bubbles! as an expedia member you earn points on your travels,
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and that's on top of your airline miles. so you can go and see... or taste or do absolutely nothing with all those bubbles. without ever wondering if you're getting the most out of your trip. because you are.
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here at city of refuge, we house up to 26 families. we reduce homelessness, address mental health, provide spaces for addiction to be broken, create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours. saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee they get someone to partner in such a way to see transformation come to them. yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. what a show we have for you tonight. he returns to the role of gru in the new animated movie, "minions: the rise of gru," which i saw. it is the best one yet it is unbelievably funny it's in theaters everywhere this friday. steve carell is here [ cheers and applause he's the man plus, you know her from "stranger things." season 4, volume 2 premiers july 1st on netflix. maya hawke is here [ cheers and applause and, his debut album, "give or take," is out now. giveon is here [ cheers and applause we're gonna talk to him, and then he's performing later in the show
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we love giveon that's awesome it's out, his record's out guys, it can be hard to say goodbye, but sometimes you have to, and there are a few things i'd like to say goodbye to right now. it's time for "go on, git! [ cheers and applause ♪ go on git go on gi go on go on go on git ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: go on, git, paper straws i'll tip my hat to what you're doing for the environment, but you got a three sip maximum before you fold like wet origami. [ laughter and applause go on, git, paper straws for something you can't suck, you sure do suck [ cheers and applause [ spit, clang [ light laughter ] >> go on, git -- [ cheers and applause -- true crime documentaries -- [ light laughter ] -- where the mystery isn't solved at the end. [ light laughter ] i just binged nine hour-long episodes, and you're telling me you don't even have a guess as to who the killer is
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[ laughter and applause well now i'm just scared [ laughter ] 'cause now there's some crazy killer on the loose, and he knows that i know everything he did. [ laughter ] i'd be a dead man if it wasn't for my ring doorbell alarm [ light laughter ] now, go on, git. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: go on, git sorry. go on, git it was just going all the way down my throat, and it was - [ light laughter ] go on, git people who say every firework is their favorite. you do know how fireworks shows are structured, right? they get progressively better as the show goes on. they don't start with the best fireworks. that's like train opening their concert with "drops of jupiter," ain't gonna happen [ light laughter ] so go on, "ooh," and git,
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"ahh." [ cheers and applause >> go on, git, kidney bean-shaped swimming pools [ light laughter ] what, being a rectangle ain't good enough for you? [ light laughter ] a circle not cool enough no, you just get to have all the attention, don't you and by the way, the human kidney is an organ designed to create urine [ laughter ] and that is the last thing i want to be thinking about before cannonballing into the deep end [ light laughter ] so go on, git, kidney-shaped swimming pools [ cheers and applause unless you're in my neighbor's backyard, then i'm coming over [ laughter and applause [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: go on, git, screen doors with locks
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[ light laughter ] let me get this straight, you're supposed to protect my home [ light laughter ] so, if a burglar shows up, they're gonna be like, "they -- they - they -- they got a screen door, fellas pack it in!" you're absolutely impenetrable unless someone has the strength to press through a tea bag [ light laughter ] so, reach in, finger-flick that tiny little lock that doesn't do nothing, come on in, and then go git. [ laughter and applause >> go on, git -- [ laughter ] -- people asking me if i -- i can hardly talk, hold on [ laughter ] that's not chaw, it's just a a wad of napkins [ laughter ] go on, git, people asking me if i have plans for the fourth of july if'n i did, and if'n you were included, i'm pretty sure you'd know by now. [ laughter ] so, if i happen to see you at dave's barbecue, i'd say two things to you --
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"happy birthday, 'merica," and "go on, git. >> jimmy: yeah [ cheers and applause [ spit, clang [ spit, clang [ spit, clang [ light laughter ] [ spit, clang [ laughter ] >> jimmy: go on, git, "my money don't jiggle jiggle. you had your time, but guess what, your aunt done ruined it by posting about it on facebook [ laughter ] it's been real, but you've ticked your last tok so take a hike, "my money don't jiggle jiggle," and say hi to "cheugy" and "bing bong" on the way out. go on, sheesh! [ cheers and applause so hard to see 'em go, but i'm glad i got that all out of my system my thanks to steve carell. we'll be talking with him, after the break. [ cheers and applause ♪
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>> jimmy: volume 2 comes out july 1st >> yeah. >> jimmy: this friday. >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. now, what can you say about these episodes anything >> i know -- i know that i know what happens >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> but, can i -- i don't remember exactly [ laughter ] moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day, that's effective without topical steroids. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. plus, they felt fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with
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♪ but if you don't have the right auto insurance coverage, you could be left to pay for this... yourself. get allstate and be better protected from mayhem for a whole lot less.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our first guest is an oscar and emmy-nominated actor who returns to the role of gru in the new animated movie, "minions: the rise of gru," which is in theaters everywhere, this friday. everyone, please welcome steve carell
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[ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that's exactly right that is -- come on. steve carell >> wow >> jimmy: it's so good to see you, buddy >> i am really something >> jimmy: you really are something. [ light laughter ] thank you for doing "go on, git. i appreciate that. >> oh, my gosh, no problem >> jimmy: i love doing any sketch work with you any time we do a bit together it always makes laugh. >> that's -- those are our roots. >> jimmy: yeah that's right you started in second city - >> yeah. >> jimmy: doing sketch comedies any characters you remember doing over there >> a lot of forgettable things the one thing that - [ light laughter ] no, i mean, a lot of it's just very disposable. >> jimmy: yeah >> you know, you do it one night, and then you never see it again or you think about it, but it never comes back there was one character i was working on, and it was a guy who -- it was a poker scene, and i kept trying to get it into the show. it never went into a show.
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it was a poker scene, and the guy, and all of his friends, are talking about sex. and they're trying to regale each other with these, you know, these stories of sexual conquests. and my guy didn't have any sort of context you know, no frame of reference, and obviously was trying to lie. so that became "40-year-old virgin." >> jimmy: really >> that whole idea - yeah, judd apatow, after we did "anchorman," he came to me and said, "hey, would you like to, you know, get together do you have any ideas to pitch? and we got together, i pitched all of these other ideas, and just before i left, i said, "you know what there is one more. there was this thing that i was trying to get going at second city that never went anywhere. >> jimmy: no way >> he heard that, and he said, "that i could sell, like, immediately. and the next week he talked to an executive, sold it. we wrote it. it got green lit it was like -- it was -- yeah >> jimmy: the rest is history. from a character that never made it to stage at second city >> right yeah >> jimmy: i wanted to show you something. i found something funny on the internet this is going around people say -- they send me things all the time and say people look like me and all that stuff
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someone says you have a doppelganger out there and i don't know if you've ever seen this, but it's pretty good people say that you look like alice cooper [ laughter and applause not bad. >> yeah. ♪ yeah >> jimmy: it's kind of fantastic. >> i see it. >> jimmy: in that photo -- that's a perfect photo, right there, yeah. [ laughter ] have you ever met alice cooper >> i met alice cooper. i waited on him when i was working in chicago >> jimmy: did you really >> when i was waiting tables yeah, i was working at a a restaurant he came in and, he was, you know, he was alice cooper >> jimmy: yeah >> and couldn't have been nicer. sweetest guy but, i mean, he walks into a a room, and he's unmistakably alice cooper >> jimmy: yeah >> steven tyler is from an area that i live in in massachusetts, and he always dresses like steven tyler. he wears, like, you know, leopard skin pants, and he walks around these -- this little town outside of boston. and he goes into the dunkin' donuts, buys donuts for everybody. he's like, "ahh, donuts. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah and he's got - [ laughter ]
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he's got scarves and stuff >> but he's like the nicest guy. the same thing >> jimmy: yeah how do they do that? >> i think they own it i think you have to own. if you're alice cooper, you have to own being alice cooper >> jimmy: yeah 'cause that's -- >> you own being steven tyler. >> jimmy: that's who he is >> yeah. >> jimmy: anyone else famous that you waited on >> i've only -- you're the only other famous person i've ever met. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm so happy >> i waited on -- do you remember -- a lot of your audience won't know this reference, do you remember clara peller "where's the beef? >> jimmy: "where's the beef" lady >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, clara peller oh, my gosh, you waited on clara peller >> yeah. yeah and guess what she ordered >> jimmy: please don't say a a hamburger. >> a hamburger >> jimmy: wow. ♪ >> yeah. yeah and she had the biggest entourage i have ever seen [ laughter ] she had like 20 people >> jimmy: 20 people, yeah. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: i want to talk about "minions: rise of gru. this one -- i told you backstage, i really mean it, is i think this one is my favorite one. i love all of them, but this one's a fantastic movie. crushed in front of my kids. >> oh, good. >> jimmy: they loved it so much but i loved it as well
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do people come up to you, and ask you to do gru for, like, a a voicemail for their kids >> definitely for that i don't like to do it, like, especially around little kids, because to associate -- you don't want to associate me with that voice >> jimmy: they don't get it. >> it's a little -- little confusing. >> jimmy: they don't get it. >> a little, like, "what is this guy doing that's not - it's him." but friends, and i've done it for charities and stuff, to leave a voice message. and like this friend of mine, their son dylan, "oh, it's his birthday, could you leave a message as gru." "hi, dylan, i hope you have a terrible birthday. be a good kid and brush your teeth. [ laughter ] and i remember -- so the mom called me the day after and said, "you know what he looked at me after i played that message and said, 'mom, see, he's real.' >> jimmy: oh, see. come on. [ laughter ] >> like, that's the coolest thing. >> jimmy: in this one you play gru at like a 12-year-old or an 11-year-old. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and how do you find that voice the younger gru. >> oh, it was so, so difficult, jimmy. [ laughter ]
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like, how do i do this >> jimmy: yeah, how do you do - >> oh, go from this to this. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: there you go that's amazing do you mind leaving a word for my - >> thank you >> jimmy: can you leave a message for my -- my daughter's birthday is in september, as young gru. [ laughter ] no >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip. it is a great movie. here's steve carell in "minions: the rise of gru. take a look at this. >> oh, not now come on. ♪ [ shouting ] >> yeah, baby. ♪ i'll handle this
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hope you enjoy the rest of your short life ♪ >> please work come on, come on, come on. ♪ >> jimmy: that's right come on. steve carell, everybody [ cheers and applause "minions: the rise of gru" is in theaters this is friday maya hawke joins us, after the break. stick around thanks, as always. [ cheers and applause ♪ i'm lindsey vonn, and ever since i retired from skiing, i've had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. you know, insomnia. before i found quviviq, an fda-approved insomnia medication for adults. you would not believe the things i used to think about when i couldn't sleep. hey, linds. i need you to sign this business contract. all 114 pages. lindsey, lindsey!! hey, lindsey! it's workout time. hey, big man, we're in the middle of something here. yeah, it's called physical fitness. just a couple dozen more questions, lindsey. don't forget to pack your phone charger
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for tomorrow morning's flight. it's plugged in right over there. insomnia can impact both my days and my nights. that's why i take quviviq nightly. quviviq can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, and more sleep at night may mean feeling less tired during the day. quviviq works differently than medication you may have taken in the past. quviviq is thought to target one of the biological causes of insomnia. overactive wake signals. do not take quviviq if you have narcolepsy. don't drink alcohol while taking quviviq or drive or operate heavy machinery until you feel fully alert. quviviq may cause temporary inability to move or talk or hallucinations while falling asleep or waking up. quviviq may cause sleepiness during the day. quviviq may lead to doing activities while not fully awake that you don't remember the next day, like walking, driving and making or eating food. worsening depression including suicidal thoughts may occur. the most common side effects are headaches and sleepiness. it's quviviq. ask your doctor if it's right for you. ♪♪
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ "shake your thang" by salt n pepa (dog barking) we love our pets. but we don't always love their hair. which is why we made bounce pet hair and lint guard with three times the pet hair fighting ingredients. just one sheet helps remove pet hair from your clothes! looking good starts in the dryer with bounce pet. so with geico, we can easily bundle home and car insurance and save even more? yeah, home, car, motorcycle, all bundled together. just like that breakfast burrito. so, can i get chorizo? uh, yeah, uh, metaphorically, yeah. carnitas! just chicken — just give me a bunch of chicken. or bacon? oh wait, there isn't too much hot sauce, is there? i have a — sensitive palate. i actually like hot sauce. can i get chips? how 'bout guacamole? i don't really know what we're talking about anymore. burritos! insurance! (chuckling) ok. for bundling made easy, go to (vo) red lobster's seafood summerfest is fire!
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turn up for the grilled lobster, shrimp and salmon trio ...and our hottest summer duo, steak and lobster! it's lit! don't miss red lobster's seafood summerfest. i will do great things today. i will do... ...great things today! ♪ i did it! ♪ great things today! [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] ♪ [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout] [acoustic soul music throughout]
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here at city of refuge, we house up to 26 families. we reduce homelessness, address mental health, provide spaces for addiction to be broken, create spaces of healing and restoration. for the first time ever, prop 27 will provide permanent funding for organizations like ours. saying yes to prop 27 means more people get the assistance that they nee they get someone to partner in such a way to see transformation come to them. yes on prop 27, because there's no place like home.
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is a talented actor who you know from "stranger things. volume 1 of season 4 is streaming now on netflix volume 2 premiers july 1st everyone, please welcome maya hawke [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause ♪
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: maya hawke >> oh! [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that's maya hawke, right here welcome to "the tonight show." >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: i'm very happy you're here >> me too. >> jimmy: yeah >> yeah. >> jimmy: i -- you know, i -- i'm so excited that you're here, because i will tell you this, i -- i held you as a a baby >> you -- you held me? >> jimmy: yeah, i held you >> as a baby >> jimmy: as a baby, i held you like this. >> crazy >> jimmy: and then i met you with your parents -- uma thurman, ethan hawke - >> yeah, those are them. >> jimmy: -- are your parents. yeah, and i -- [ light laughter ] and i held you -- i think it was in rhinebeck, at someone's house, and i was holding you - i think my mother even held you, as well >> wow, see, that's just so crazy. it's like, i feel like most people coming here on the first time, and they get to, like, tell you their life story. but like - >> jimmy: i raised you >> yeah. [ laughter ] you raised me, yeah. >> jimmy: just to watch your career get -- just rise, right now. it's just awesome, congratulations on everything. i'm so proud of you. >> aw, thank you so much >> jimmy: you put the work in, bud. >> thank you so much i mean, i don't know about
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that >> jimmy: yeah, you did. >> but um, no, i mean, it's -- it's so awesome. i was -- i called my mom to ask for advice today about coming in to talk to you. >> jimmy: yeah >> because that's what i do, i get to ask for advice. it's a big luxury of mine. >> jimmy: yeah >> and we just got into talking about, um, like the supreme court ruling >> jimmy: yeah >> and -- and this essay that my mom wrote, like, a couple of months ago when they were putting these further restrictions on abortion access, and it was sort of preceding this whole thing and my mom wrote this really beautiful essay about, uh, her abortion that she got when she was really young, and about how if she hadn't have had it, she wouldn't have become the person that she'd become, and i wouldn't exist, and how both of my parents lives would've been totally derailed if she hadn't had access to safe and legal healthcare -- fundamental healthcare and i -- of course, like wealthy people will always be able to get abortions. but so many people, because of this ruling this, like, week will not only not be able to pursue their dreams, but actually lose their lives, and be unsafe, and um, i just wanted to say that, like, you know, [ bleep ] the supreme court.
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>> jimmy: yeah, okay, yeah [ cheers and applause ♪ you can say that you can absolutely say that. >> yeah, but we're going to keep fighting this i can say [ bleep ] the supreme court? >> jimmy: yeah, but -- >> oh, [ bleep ] the supreme court. [ cheers ] yeah, rock on. and we're gonna keep - but we're gonna keep fighting, and we're gonna win, like our grandmothers did so - >> jimmy: yeah >> i think that's good >> jimmy: good i'm happy you said that message. [ cheers and applause i appreciate you >> thank you >> jimmy: thank you for saying that thank you for saying that message. thank you. >> thank you >> jimmy: you're a great actor, and i talk to your -- i think it was your dad? or your mom. last time they were on, and i was talking about how proud they were. oh, it was your dad. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: dad saw you perform. >> oh. oh, as a backup singer for my brother? >> jimmy: yes. >> yeah, that was his favorite moment >> jimmy: he got weepy [ light laughter ] he got weepy but you have a song that's released right now, out at midnight, tonight. >> yeah! >> jimmy: congratulations. it's out >> thank you >> jimmy: you can -- [ cheers and applause now, i'm gonna -- hopefully -- "therese," i think is how it's pronounced >> yeah.
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>> jimmy: but it's spelled t-h-e-r-e-s-e. >> yeah, it has two little guys on it too -- little french guys >> jimmy: yes. therese. >> therese >> jimmy: therese. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and you have an album -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: -- coming out. i'm gonna -- >> i've never seen that. >> jimmy: i know, i'm about to show you for the first time. this is your real -- this is your vinyl >> we got it made especially for you, an early release. oh, it's so cool it's see-through >> jimmy: oh, yeah it's pretty good >> oh, look at that. i can see you through it [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: is that rad? is that the coolest? >> that's so rad >> jimmy: "moss. "moss" is the name of the album. >> so be careful, i'm -- >> jimmy: yeah, be careful, yeah, of course. >> but that's the first time i've -- that's the first one we got it pressed for you. >> jimmy: you -- you -- this is it >> yeah. >> are you excited >> yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, all right, good [ light laughter ] when does this come out? do we know >> uh, it comes out in september. >> jimmy: september. >> yeah, back-to-school record is kind of the premise >> jimmy: oh, i love it. it's a back-to-school record called "moss." it's maya hawke. i want to talk to you about "stranger things." >> i -- that's what i want to talk about >> jimmy: volume 2 comes out july 1st >> yeah. >> jimmy: this friday. >> yeah! >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. now, what can you say about these episodes anything -- no spoilers, right
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>> well, the things is, we filmed them a long time ago now. it takes a long time to -- put it together. >> jimmy: sure >> and so, i know, i know that i know what happens -- >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> but can i tell -- i don't remember exactly [ laughter ] i -- i haven't seen them yet, and i don't remember exactly but that's why i'm excited, 'cause i'm so excited to just see how it all wraps up. >> jimmy: all right, so get ready, july 1st. this is volume 2, season 4 i want to show everyone a clip here's maya hawke in season 4 of "stranger things," take a a look ♪ >> and then, vickie laughed. and it wasn't like a cheap, fake laugh either. it was, like, it was a real, genuine laugh. >> of course she laughed, robin. it's my muppet joke. it's hilarious >> my point is, that vickie laughed, and everything was just, like, it was perfect >> but >> but i'm having this problem, where it's like, i should stop talking. i have said everything i need to say but then i guess i get nervous, and the words, they just, they just keep spilling out and it's like my -- my brain is moving faster than my mouth, or, or rather, my mouth is moving faster than my brain, and it's like i'm digging this hole for myself, and i want to stop digging, and i'm trying to stop digging, but i can't, and i'm doing it right now, aren't i?
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>> yeah, you are >> jimmy: yeah, that's how you do it. [ cheers and applause maya hawke, everybody! season 4, volume 2 of "stranger things" premiers july 1st on netflix. and maya's new album, "moss," is out september 23rd. you can preorder it now. giveon joins us after the break. stick around maya hawke maya hawke [ cheers and applause ♪
12:20 am
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12:23 am
♪dance! by christian a medice & elisha noll♪ ♪are you ready?♪ make mornings smoother ♪♪ ♪let's go♪ ♪♪ ♪ahh yeah♪ ♪♪ ♪step to rhythm like♪ ♪you're going out tonight♪ ♪dance get with the groove and♪ ♪dance get up and move let's♪ ♪dance kick off your shoes and♪ ♪show me how you♪ ♪dance♪ ♪♪ ♪dance♪ ♪♪ ♪dance♪ get a free storage upgrade and case with s pen when you pre-order at at&t. ♪dance! by christian a medice & elisha noll♪ ♪are you ready?♪ ♪♪ ♪let's go♪ ♪♪ ♪ahh yeah♪ ♪♪ ♪step to rhythm like♪ ♪you're going out tonight♪ ♪dance get with the groove and♪ ♪dance get up and move let's♪
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♪dance kick off your shoes and♪ ♪show me how you♪ ♪dance♪ ♪♪ ♪dance♪ ♪♪ ♪dance♪ get a free storage upgrade and case with s pen when you pre-order. ♪dance♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our next guest is a multi-platinum grammy nominated artist whose debut album "give or take" is out right now. please, welcome giveon
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: oh, it is so good to see you. congrats the album is finally out "give or take. >> finally, yes. >> jimmy: finally out. last time we saw each other, we had a good hang. >> yes so, jimmy and i actually seen each other at the past met gala >> jimmy: we were talking about you got this album coming out. obviously, we know you have your first number one with justin beiber, "peaches. >> yeah. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: were you -- did that - >> that was pretty crazy because not too long ago i just was a server at a restaurant bubba gump shrimp company. >> jimmy: yeah, bubba gump shrimp company you've got to start somewhere.
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i love that you did that and you weren't just a server, by the way, giveon >> oh, wow so, since he's telling all of my business. [ laughter ] i was a server, but also, every once in a while, i would have to get inside of a shrimp suit [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it made you who you are today. come on. >> it definitely did make me who i am actually, i have to get inside of shrimp suit and put the head on the shrimp. the shrimp shoes and like, wave everyone in to try to convince them to come eat there. >> jimmy: can you say anyhting as a shrimp. >> in the shrimp suit you can't speak, right [ laughter ] because shrimp can't talk, but i'm like, "shrimp don't have shoes or legs either." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but i asked you, i go, "do you mind -- there has to be a photo of you as the shrimp." >> i tried to burn, delete, destroy, every single picture of me as a shrimp, but somehow you guys got a picture
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>> jimmy: that's giveon, right here, ladies and gentlemen ♪ >> that's how you know it is me i'm just - >> jimmy: you're just doing that oh, my gosh. but then i was talking to you, because i didn't want to embarrass you, but i was talking to you backstage about this, you go -- you told me about one time, did you meet sza? >> so my third interview for the restaurant, yes. third. i don't know why bubba gump requires three interviews for some reason. [ laughter ] so my third interview -- >> jimmy: you almost made it we don't know if you're shrimp material >> i'm just like, what so i'm walking into the third interview, and i just see sza walking, and like i ambush her, like, "hi. [ laughter ] just rambling out the words. i don't even remember everything that i said, but then i said too much but she was extremely nice but i got the job, though. >> jimmy: let's talk about "give or take. here we go it is two years in the making,
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at least >> so yeah, two years in the making >> jimmy: wow. that is got to feel good to be out. >> it is a sigh of relief, but now i think the work kind of starts now i would hate to just drop it and then just abandon everything >> jimmy: no which song are you doing tonight? >> so, tonight, i'm performing my new song "lie again." >> jimmy: "lie again." you know, we saw you the other night, i was watching the bet awards on sunday >> oh, god, you've seen it >> jimmy: i noticed you had an issue, or something like that. >> i had a technical difficulty for sure >> jimmy: --with your performance. and later you tweeted that bet sabotaged your mic and then we heard that you were joking and i just thought maybe if you want to right now -- to whatever camera you want to, would you like to, giveon, explain yourself >> is this the same mic? i don't know if i trust the mic. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you could trust us please explain >> i was joking, bet did not sabotage me.
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>> jimmy: okay, they didn't sabotage you at all. >> no, not at all. i'm positive bet supports me, and would never purposely alter my voice >> jimmy: that sounds great. well, thank you for clearing it up >> no, of course anyway - ♪ i'm happy to be here ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ so happy to be here ♪ and i know i could trust you guys >> jimmy: giveon, everyone we would never - we would never - giveon, "give or take" is available now. he's performing for us after the break. stick around [ cheers and applause ♪
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what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27? 26? not one dime to get people off the streets and into housing 27 generates hundreds of million to help solve homelessness. the choice is clear yes on prop 27.
12:31 am
it's time for the biggest sale of the year, on the sleep number 360 smart bed. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because proven quality sleep the choice is clear is vital to our health and wellness, only the sleep number 360 smart bed keeps you cool, then senses and effortlessly adjusts for your best sleep. and tells you exactly how well you slept. your sleepiq score. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes more restful sleep per night. so, you can be your best for yourself and those you care about most. don't miss our weekend special. all smart beds are on sale. save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. ends monday. ♪ go on and check my drip. ♪ ♪ take a bite. feelin fit. ♪ ♪ we're breaking the mold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ shining like gold. ♪ ♪ estado dorado. ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado live in the golden state ♪
12:32 am
what's the difference between prop 26 and prop 27? 26 is a money grab that doesn't guarantee a cent for non-gaming tribes. 27 requires 15% of all state revenues go to non-gaming tribes. the choice is clear. yes, on 27.
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♪ >> jimmy: performing "lie again" from his debut album "give or take", once again, giveon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ too honest to m this time, it's okay to lie to my face ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yea
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don't want you to say it just let me think it ♪ ♪ only been me, yea yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ lie so sweet until believe that it's only been me to touch you ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ i pretend no one ha had you like i did i don't need the truth, baby so lie, lie again ♪ ♪ no one has had you like i did i don't need the truth, baby, n yeah ♪ ♪ wish i never asked it
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now i'm in my head i wonder who had thi yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ am i insecure cause it's too muc hat? to think you've done this before ♪ ♪ don't tell me, babe i've heard enoug i told you i don't wan the truth, so just ♪ ♪ lie so swee until i believ that it's only been me to touch you, ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ i pretend no one has had you like i did ♪ ♪ i don't need the trut baby i don't need the trut so lie lie again ♪ ♪ no one has had yo like i did i don't need the truth baby, no ♪ ♪ oh-oh-oh-oh
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yeah no no no e ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh come on giveon "give or take" is out now. that is how do you it right there. [ cheers and applause my thanks to steve carell, maya hawke, and giveon once again! [ cheers and applause and the roots from philadelphia, pennsylvania thank you for watching, stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." good night, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- andrew garfield. star of broadway's "how i learned to drive," actress mary-louise parker an all-new "closer look. featuring the 8g band with fred eltringham. ♪ [ cheers and applause and now, seth meyers >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night. we hope you're all doing well tonight. and now, we're going to get to the news president biden hosted the first movie screening of his presidency tonight at the white house. and according to jill, his last.


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