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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  February 3, 2023 11:34pm-12:37am PST

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about right now a live look at the san mateo bridge and it's foggy out there, a lot of traffic for this time of night. >> really dangerous, especially through parts of san jose where visibility is down to around a 0.1-mile, so be careful. heavier rain gets here tomorrow night and then we'll see a chance of some spotty thunderstorms sunday. we dry out by monday and also on tuesday. another storm coming our way. >> it seems like we've been through this before. >> oh, yes, we have. >> , jeff. thanks for joining us throughout the week and have a great weekend! >> stay safe. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heartd
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of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." jlo tonight, join jimmy and his guests - kit harington,to shinontajumes alwilliams and featviuring paul shaffer and the world's most dangerous band >> hey, am i in the right studio >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, come on! yes! yes! that's exactly what i'm talking about, right there come on now! ♪ oh, yes! pplause whoo what a night paul shaffer, right there,
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ladies and gentlemen welcome the most dangerous band [ cheers and applause >> jimmy fallon. >> jimmy: enjoy yourselves welcome everybody. welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show. [ cheers and applause you're here. this is "the tonight show. be honest, how many of you were clapping just to get the feeling back in your hands [ laughter ] this weekend, the northeast could be hit with the coldest weather in decades, with temperatures dropping as low as minus 40 degrees yeah it is so cold, president biden's burning classified documents just to stay warm. [ laughter ] ♪ it is so cold, tom brady came out of retirement just to huddle with the guys [ laughter ] ♪ you know what i mean it is so cold, everyone looks like they're in "avatar," everyone [ laughter ] ♪ it is -- [ laughter ] there's a few more of these.
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it is so cold, even prince william and harry's relationship feels warm. [ audience oohs ♪ [ cheers and applause i think there's two or three more >> steve: oh, what [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it is so -- do you understand how cold it is? >> how cold is it? >> jimmy: it is so cold, on spirit airlines, they made all the passengers roll up their window [ laughter ] ♪ i mean, it is freezing out there. >> steve: i didn't understand that until now >> jimmy: it is so cold, the empire state building is six inches shorter than normal [ laughter ] ♪ this is the final one right here >> steve: all right. >> jimmy: it is so cold -- it is so cold - >> steve: how cold is it >> jimmy: it is so cold, george santos claimed it was hot. [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause thanks
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meanwhile, a reporter in new jersey was asking people how they are dealing with the cold weather and one guy had a pretty unexpected response. watch this >> this weekend, the cold, how are you going to handle it what's the plan? >> i don't know. i work in a freezer, so it's not that big of a deal for me. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: looks more like he's been locked in a freezer [ laughter ] in new jersey, he's working in a freezer. that sounds like something the mob would say. "vinny oh, let's just say he's working in a freezer." [ laughter ] well, guys, everyone's talking about this u.s. officials spotted what they say is a massive chinese spy balloon flying over montana. yeah, the spying is scary, but the balloon part makes it kind of cute. [ laughter ] it's like putin saying, "i'm hiding in my underground bouncy house. [ laughter ] that's right, officials said the balloon was recently spotted flying over montana. but let's check in on the balloon right now. [ wind blowing ] oh, that's the
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spy balloon, there oh, hey, wait, oh. [ gunshot ] there you go that's it, right there "yellowstone." he takes care of it. [ cheers and applause well, switching gears, some entertainment news this sunday is the 65th annual grammy awards. [ cheers and applause 65 years the grammys are so old they're starting to not know the performers at the grammys. [ laughter ] "who's bad bunny?" [ laughter ] you can watch the grammys on cbs and paramount plus in other words, you'll be watching the grammys on cbs. [ laughter ] did you guys see this? tickets to beyonce's tour go on sale monday. and ticketmaster said that demand is already 800% higher than what's available. today, the ticketmaster ceo showed up to congress like, let's just get these hearings out of the way let's just do it [ laughter ]
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it'll be fun on monday when the ceo's rocking back and forth mumbling, "you just broke my soul you just broke my soul." [ laughter ] well, get this, amazon said that some customers are able to get their delivery orders within hours yeah, it's crazy now when you drunk order stuff, it shows up, you're still drunk. [ laughter ] cool, i wanted this. [ laughter ] finally. and finally, a new $10 million sculpture was just unveiled in new york city. take a look at this thing. it doesn't look like a work of art. it looks like a chinese spy balloon going into starbucks [ laughter and applause we have a great show tonight give it up for paul shaffer and the world's most dangerous band [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause come on, now come on. >> and you know that >> jimmy: come on, now >> come on >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. paul shaffer, right there. [ cheers and applause the world's most dangerous
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band >> what a trip this is surreal to be here after all this time. >> jimmy: i'm so excited that you're here and thankful that you're here. but this is -- when was the first time this has been -- what? >> well, you know, this is such a coincidence that we're here tonight, because 41 years ago, this very week, was when david letterman came on the air, right here, right across the hall here at nbc - >> jimmy: is that right? >> -- with "the late show with david letterman. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> so, this is, like, our 41st anniversary that we're celebrating. and thanks to you, i have reunited the entire band from "the letterman show. we're all here >> jimmy: yes, that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause >> -- boys and girl and we're just having the time of our lives, thanks to you >> jimmy: when david letterman first started, he started as a a morning show, right? >> that's right, yes >> jimmy: and he asked you to be the musical director? >> i got the call from him to do "the morning show." it was right after "saturday night live." i had done the first five seasons of "saturday night
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live." >> jimmy: that's right >> and a little bit of performing and writing and then, right, i got a call. david letterman is going on the air at 10:00 in the morning, live and i -- i turned it down. i turned him down. >> jimmy: you turned it down >> i did >> jimmy: why? >> couldn't get up that early. [ laughter ] but no - >> jimmy: why yeah, of course. >> it just didn't seem -- i don't know you know, but luckily for me, when that show didn't happen they gave him another shot they gave him "the late show," the 12:30 spot >> jimmy: yeah and they called me again and this time, i had the sense enough to say yes. and you know, here we are 33 years later between the two networks [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: you know what -- i thought about you, and i was so happy when i used to do letterman -- first of all, i was a big fan. i watched the show i watched "late night" all the time and i love dave. letterman, he's a genius, so funny. but i remember when i did the show, i would be nervous to meet you because, yeah. i mean, i'm such a fan and i was like so nervous to be around you and meet you guys
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and watch you. but you not only changed the game and raised the bar of what a band can do on the show. obviously, doc severinsen. but then, you showed us how to do -- take it to a next level. and then i think you changed the face of comedy as well, if i may say. because you would laugh at a a joke -- you told me backstage, by the way, for the first two episodes they didn't turn your mic on >> well, that's another story. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but, when they turned your mic on and dave told a joke, and sometimes the audience wouldn't really laugh but you would go, ah [ laughter ] and that's when you knew it was funny. and comedy nerds around at home are going, "he's right, that was a funny joke, and the audience just didn't get it yet. and you guys went, ah. [ laughter ] >> i didn't know i had that much responsibility, but i'm thrilled to hear it though >> jimmy: no now, i think because of you, comedians everywhere, comedians i know, they all laugh like you. >> oh, is that right >> jimmy: every comedian -- tina fey laughs like you you see a funny joke, you go, ah that's you [ laughter ]
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they're doing you. that's paul shaffer, right there, ladies and gentlemen. i'm honored. honored. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy, i am humbled >> jimmy: the honor. beyond honored that you're here >> well, you know, remember all of us look to johnny carson as our model. and he used to have doc severinsen at band leader and ed on the panel to talk to and i used to say, "i'm a combination of doc and ed. in other words, i'm dead [ laughter ] basically, i'm dead. >> jimmy: that's exactly right, yeah >> but i'm alive tonight >> jimmy: come on. i'm happy you're here, bud [ cheers and applause ♪ what a show. what a show we have for you tonight. he stars in the new film, "baby ruby," which is in theaters and on demand now. kit harington is here, tonight [ cheers and applause plus, he just won a golden globe for his role on the hit series "abbott elementary," which airs wednesdays on abc tyler james williams is here, tonight too. [ cheers and applause
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and it's friday. >> steve: friday >> jimmy: today's friday, and that's usually when i catch up with some personal stuff i check my inbox i return some emails and, of course, send out thank you notes. [ cheers and applause and i was just running a bit behind so, i thought if you guys wouldn't mind, can i write out my weekly thank you notes right now for you? [ cheers and applause paul -- paul, could i get some thank you note writing music >> yes, here it is ♪ [ applause ] >> steve: so somber. >> jimmy: so fun >> steve: so somber. >> jimmy: this is so fun just seeing this and hearing this i'm having the greatest time right now. ♪ thank you, beyonce tour, for making my newest hobby refreshing ticketmaster. [ cheers and applause ♪ thank you, cocktail sauce, for being an overly elegant name for something that's 90% heinz [ cheers and applause cocktail sauce
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>> steve: ooh-la-la. mm, catsup ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, massive chinese spy balloon over montana. i can't wait to see you in this year's macy's thanksgiving day parade [ laughter and applause that's going to be - >> steve: hey! >> jimmy: coming down fifth -- ♪ thank you, snow mobiles, for looking like a transformer planking [ cheers and applause thank you, netflix cracking down on shared logins, for severing our last tie to our college roommate [ laughter and applause that's it. now we're done goodbye. out of my life >> steve: you're never going to see them again
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>> jimmy: out of my life ♪ thank you, puffy coats, for giving me full body abs. [ laughter and applause i've got a 20-pack >> steve: i've got a washing machine. >> jimmy: i've got a 25-pack ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, paul shaffer [ cheers and applause when people -- when people talk about legends on late night tv, you're number one on everyone's top ten list there you have it. [ cheers and applause those are our thank you notes. we'll be right back with more "tonight show," everybody. come on back [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: there's rumors out there that there's a -- there's a "game of thrones" spinoff that features your character, jon snow [ cheers and applause is it -- is it happening
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guys, big news today, our friends over at ford announced that they're partnering with oracle red bull racing to return to the formula 1 racing circuit. this is giant. [ cheers and applause this is massive. and just -- just thinking about it got my competitive juices flowing. so, with the help of ford, i decided to challenge one of the world's top formula 1 drivers to a race on a go-kart track [ laughter ] check it out [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: hey guys, i'm here at rpm raceway in new jersey, and i'm joined by the boss at ford, jim farley now jim, tonight, i'm going to be racing one of the top formula 1 drivers in the world, sergio "checo" perez >> huge. >> jimmy: i'm a little nervous but before we get into that, i want to talk about ford coming back into formula 1 racing >> we haven't been in formula 1 in 20 years, but -- and we're going back and racing's gotten huge formula 1's gotten huge in the u.s., and we want to use it to promote our electric vehicles, so it's -- it makes sense for us >> jimmy: and you've got a good team too >> well, we're going to join
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red bull like, they've been world champion for a couple times. and -- >> jimmy: you got red bull you got a good team. >> i'd -- oh, yeah it's perfect for us. >> jimmy: of course, you would do this. >> you know, 'cause some ceos are into golf or tennis. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah >> or yachting but i like racing. [ laughter ] yeah >> jimmy: yeah now jim, you were a racer yourself [ applause ] last year, i got to visit you in detroit >> yeah. >> jimmy: you took me out for a spin it was so much fun >> yeah. >> jimmy: i loved every single minute of it [ laughter ] i was, kind of, a natural is what i heard a lot of people saying - >> yeah, you were. totally. >> jimmy: -- as it was driving by >> yeah. >> jimmy: i handled it very well >> yeah. >> jimmy: racing is in my blood. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but tonight's serious. there's a lot at stake here. pride is on the line >> yes >> jimmy: so, you have agreed to help train to get me ready for the race >> i think you are, like, the ideal candidate to beat the best formula 1 drivers in the world. you're perfect >> jimmy: thank you. are we -- did we get that on tape >> yes >> jimmy: did we record it because that is -- finally someone's saying that. [ cheers and applause >> yeah. ♪ [ race car engine >> first thing we have to do, is visualize yourself behind the wheel. >> jimmy: okay >> so, close your eyes
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>> jimmy: yep. >> and then steer the wheel. that's it, yep so, you're racing right now. and then you're pressing the throttle press the throttle, press the throttle and then don't forget honking the horn you've got to honk the horn. yeah >> jimmy: this is going to help me win the race? >> no, actually it's for my tiktok ♪ [ cheers and applause [ race car engine >> jimmy: okay, jim, it's time to drive these things are electric. they've been hooked up to an f-150 lightning all day long >> so, that's means they're going to go really fast. so, let's go take a lap. >> jimmy: let's do it. ♪ ♪ you're right in front of me. ♪ dude, this thing is awesome. my gosh. woo! >> good job, jimmy >> jimmy: this is, like, real life hey -- oh, kart. oh, my gosh. [ tires screeching ] >> all right, jimmy, i think you're ready. it's time to suit up ♪ [ cheers and applause
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♪ all right, checo >> jim, how are you doing? >> ah, good to see you i mean, pretty -- pretty exciting to have one of the best formula 1 pilots in the history of the sport here in the united states. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: what's up, dudes what's up, checo >> nice suit >> jimmy: yeah, i was trying to do something a little more aerodynamic. [ light laughter ] i'm going to go get changed. [ race car engines ] [ applause ] >> okay, gentlemen, here to officiate the race is christian horner, the boss of the back-to-back world champions oracle red bull racing team. >> oh, thank you
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and now, look, guys, we want to have a good clean race keep it nice and clean out there. no bumping and no banging. but go out there, have some fun. and good luck. and may the best man win >> let's go and race >> jimmy: i heard you took a a dna test turns out you're 100% that bitch. [ laughter and applause [ audience oohs let's go [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: you don't want to mess with me, dude ♪ [ cheers and applause oh, my god, i got air in that one. [ racing engines ] slow down, chec. ♪ i'm in the lead. i'm in the lead. i'm in the lead. [ cheers and applause yes, yes
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whoa yes! [ cheers and applause whoo whoo jim, we did it whoo yeah we did it. we did it. yes, yes ♪ [ cheers and applause >> the winner. >> jimmy: champion [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to jim farley, christian horner, sergio "checo" perez, and all of our friends over at ford and red bull stick around we'll be right back with more "tonight show," everybody. come on. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ you know ♪ ♪ it's not the same you know
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12:00 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: our first guest is an emmy-nominated actor who stars in the new film, "baby ruby," which is in theaters and on demand now. everyone please welcome kit harington. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause >> jimmy: welcome, welcome look at that >> ah, it's brilliant. >> jimmy: come on, bud do you feel that love right there for kit harington. >> so much love. >> jimmy: yes. kit, last time you were here - first of all, welcome back to the show last time you were here, we did a bit called "kit harington straight up goes for it. >> yes >> jimmy: and were you -- you just sang "drops of jupiter" by train. that was the whole bit we asked probably 30 different celebrities to do this throughout our years being on the show, and everyone said "no. you -- [ light laughter ] you're the only one with the guts to do it. [ cheers and applause and i will never -- i will never forget that. and i just want to know, from this appearance, did you get any offers just tell us what's up [ light laughter ] >> um, worryingly few, actually >> jimmy: you didn't get
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anything >> not a single offer of anything musical, which was surprising to me actually. >> jimmy: yeah >> i got a few texts from friends and family >> jimmy: that's nice. >> yeah. they didn't know quite why i did it [ laughter ] >> jimmy: did they not they go -- but the best is i go to you, i go, "kit, do you want to do this bit?" and you go, "yeah, i don't really sing. i go, "that's the whole point of the --" >> yeah. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: that's exactly what we want. >> and then i got in here, and you're like, "no one -- we've been asking people to do this for years. no one's done it." and i was like, "what? >> jimmy: well, yeah, it - [ laughter ] i didn't want to tell you -- >> why am i doing it >> jimmy: i didn't want to tell you that then. i waited 'til you did the bit then i told you the truth. yeah, exactly, yeah. how's your son doing >> he's good he's two he's -- yeah, we think he's -- we think he might be quite smart. >> jimmy: ooh. [ light laughter ] >> which is -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, that's good. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's a good thing. >> well, it's surprising since we're both actors. [ light laughter ] like, we're like -- we're not sure where that's -- where -- quite where that's come from >> jimmy: you don't want him to be an actor? >> well -- like, he loves applause
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we like -- we, sort of -- every time he does something good, we give him applause, and we're worrying that's kind of pushing him towards acting [ light laughter ] we're a bit like, "you might be too smart for this." you know "go -- go save the world we're thick, we had no choice. >> jimmy: yeah [ laughter ] >> but, uh, he's really good he's about to get the shock of his life, which is that he's about to get a brother or sister [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: are you serious? congratulations. no way >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: pregnant >> yeah. yeah thank you. >> jimmy: that's fantastic >> yeah. >> jimmy: you got a new baby coming that's unbelievable. >> yeah. i know, i know yeah >> jimmy: are you excited? are you nervous? >> i'm so -- i'm terrified like, i -- [ laughter ] you know, and the first -- with the first baby, you're, like, walking on clouds and dancing through fields of daisies for nine months. >> jimmy: yeah >> well, the man is anyway [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah >> but this time you go, like -- the reality check comes much shorter you're like -- you get practical real quick >> jimmy: yeah, 'cause you know what you -- what's in store. >> yeah, two of them
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>> jimmy: yeah, and -- and what does your son think about the new baby >> he's -- i'm not sure he's quite conceptually understood it just yet. he -- like we -- we're trying to get him ready for it. we point to rose's tummy and we say, "mummy's baby mummy's baby." >> jimmy: that's right >> and he points at his tummy and goes, "my baby." and we go -- [ laughter ] not quite sure that's -- that's -- yeah "well, you'll -- you'll know soon enough. >> jimmy: yeah i saw that you -- you recently attended the "game of thrones" convention -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: -- in los angeles. [ cheers ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's a -- [ cheers and applause what is that like for you to go to those things? >> it was like -- it was a bit like going back in time, you know i know it's only been four years or something, but it feels longer and i've -- i went -- i went to it and it's nice seeing the fans and it's kind of amazing that that show has still got such a a fanbase and it's continuing on in its own way. >> jimmy: well, there -- i mean, there's rumors out there that there's a -- there's a "game of thrones" spinoff that features your character, jon snow [ cheers and applause
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is it -- is it happening >> well, i don't know. do you -- do you want to have it >> jimmy: yeah yeah yeah, i do want to have it [ laughter ] i do want it i think people would love it >> yeah. >> jimmy: i'd love to see you as jon snow. >> yeah. i -- i can't say anything on that but, i don't know, man, like, i -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: well, you -- what would stop you from doing it >> i don't know. >> jimmy: don't you -- do you miss it at all? >> i walk down the street and, you know, i get recognized a a little less nowadays and -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> and it, kind of, hurts my ego, you know? [ laughter ] i'm pretty close to, like, putting on some furs, but -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so, it would -- so, what would it take for you to do this spinoff series would it take -- do you want us to ignore you? >> yeah, i think, like -- if this -- i've got tally in my head of how few photos i get asked for in a day >> jimmy: uh-huh >> and when it gets below a certain number, i think i'll do the spinoff, yeah [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, so fans of
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kit harington, do not ask him for a photo for the next -- [ laughter ] if you do it for the next two days, by monday we could have an answer and we could see a a "game of thrones" spinoff right now with jon snow. [ cheers and applause all right, we'll do this together we'll do it together let's talk about your new movie, "baby ruby. congrats on this you play a new dad in this film, which by the way, it is -- it's a thriller. it's scary >> yeah, it's a kind of thriller it's a horror thriller comedy thing. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, kind of. >> you're allowed to laugh in it >> jimmy: you're allowed to laugh a little bit, yeah >> it's -- it's funny. it's -- so, it's kind of -- it follows -- it's about postpartum psychosis and about the lack of care that you might -- mothers get after birth. and it has important messages, but it's really -- it's really not about me [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah no, not about you. >> to put my ego aside >> jimmy: yeah, yeahni it's n jot about yloou for this one, yeah. i want to show everyone a clip here's kit harington in "baby ruby."pove ta tke a look inat this.a n e.ej
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deesju na cuqueruey?e cu r ni jlo >> you're still wearing your apron? >> yeah. well, your message said you s ci in danger so i came as ie rrn fast as i could. and she's okaysh f so, no more sneaking around whmeere you don't belong stay here. i'm going to go upstairs and get cleaned upghimnun te rst>>seit you'ren gonna stacoy right he!y and then when i come back down, we can talk, okay?es d cid.m?pacobr yoegu gonna bees okay? dnaen enal yesnt sure dmi >> good. >> jimmy: whoa [ cheers and applause come on! kit harington, everyone. "baby ruby" is in theaters and on demand now. [ cheers and applause we'll be right back with tyler james williams stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪
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in two flavors that go great with my tiny tacos. hey, gwen. wanna be our college intern? new red bull infusions at jack in the box. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. [ cheers and applause our next guest just won a golden globe for his role in the hit series "abbott elementary," which airs wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. on abc please welcome tyler james williams [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: now, that's what i'm talking about there. welcome.
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tyler james -- do i call you tyler james or tyler >> tyler is fine my mother loves the james. >> jimmy: she does >> she put it in -- she wants the whole full name in there >> jimmy: yeah, it was great to see your mom backstage >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: and your dad >> yeah. >> jimmy: they -- they're very supportive parents >> very. i mean, in order to be a child actor, you need really supportive parents you can't get to the jobs by yourself >> jimmy: that's true, yeah. [ light laughter ] you got to get an experience with one of your idols at the golden globes. you won a golden globe, first of all congratulations. [ cheers and applause you won a golden globe >> i know. >> jimmy: for the rest of your life, you have that. >> it's still setting in >> jimmy: for the rest of your life, that's part of your intro. >> yeah. >> jimmy: golden globe winner. >> i'm going to have them do that at, like, dinner reservations [ laughter ] >> jimmy: everything, yeah, you gotta do it. >> everything you have to say it >> jimmy: so, you're -- you're in the room -- >> i'm in the room - >> jimmy: well, actually before the room >> i'm at the carpet, right? and they stop me from going on the carpet and someone's cutting line, and i'm, you know, i'm about -- my ego's about to go off. >> jimmy: yeah >> but then it's eddie murphy, and i'm like, "well, yeah that makes sense. [ light laughter ] "that makes, yes, let him go." and we have a brief moment on
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the carpet someone says, "can you guys take a photo together? and i'm like, "that's completely up to eddie murphy. [ light laughter ] that's -- he gets to decide that >> jimmy: yeah. >> and he was fine with it and it -- that could've -- the night could've ended for me right there. i would have been done at that i had a photo with eddie murphy it's going to go on my mother's wall i think it's already up there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's already on mom's wall >> that was it it's already on mom's wall >> jimmy: you never met eddie murphy >> i had seen him in passing i just really wasn't aware that he knew who i was, to be completely honest with you >> jimmy: really >> i really -- i just -- i don't know you don't imagine somebody like eddie murphy watching anything that you would do. you win -- and you didn't even know this is even -- >> i had no idea. >> jimmy: you win, you did your speech, you did the whole thing, you just, what you just kind of zone out and you leave? >> okay, so when you get up there and you win, what no one tells you is that the lights are really bright. >> jimmy: yeah, please tell me what it's like [ laughter ] i guess i'll -- i guess i'll never experience it. i guess i'll never experience - [ light laughter ] please tell me when you win an award what's it like [ laughter ] >> it's coming jimmy >> jimmy: no, it's not
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>> it's gonna happen i believe in you >> jimmy: you were great yeah, thank you. so you were up there. >> i'm up there. lights are really bright, right? so, i can't really see anything and i don't know how people talk through that award wrap it up thing 'cause it starts blinking immediately. >> jimmy: it's distracting, yeah >> it's really red and it's anxiety inducing, so i'm just trying to get off stage as fast as i can and it wasn't until i got back to my seat that there was a bunch of text messages of people saying "eddie stood for you. and i was like, "what does that mean?" like what -- and they sent me the photo. >> jimmy: look at this. >> and i'm still trying to process this >> jimmy: eddie murphy gave you a standing ovation [ audience aws ] [ applause ] come on. come on, that's -- that's what i'm talking about. >> i still don't -- it still hasn't set in. like, i'm looking at that. and i'm like, "wow, jerrod really must have done something great. [ laughter ] that couldn't have been -- >> jimmy: that -- that was for you. >> that couldn't have been for me and i -- so i spent the next three or four days after the globes trying to get in contact with eddie murphy to say, "hey, i didn't see you i'm so sorry but, you mean, like, the world
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to me. so, i'm just now processing the globes, because i spent so much time trying to process that. >> jimmy: yeah, well - [ light laughter ] eddie usually watches the show so eddie, you did a good thing right here this guy loves you. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: tyler, you're so great. "abbott elementary." >> thank you >> jimmy: the funniest show on tv it's so great. >> thank you. >> jimmy: quinta brunson, genius it's so good [ cheers and applause >> the best. >> jimmy: great show >> the absolute best. >> jimmy: it is a great, great, funny show 100% on rotten tomatoes. you crush it you're so good, you're so funny on that. >> thank you >> jimmy: it just got announced, it just got picked up for a third season. >> season three. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: are you -- do you get different reactions from people on the street now that you're on this hit show >> so, now it's really fun to watch and try to see what people know me from based on their reactions. >> jimmy: give me an example >> okay, so, like, the face always starts the same, right? it's always a -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay >> if it's "everybody hates chris" because i'm like everybody's cousin, it's - [ laughter ]
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you know that's the -- so, i'm like, "yeah. yeah, from that. >> jimmy: yeah. that's right. >> if -- i did a show called "the walking dead" for a while [ cheers ] if it's that, it'll be - 'cause they just saw me die, and then - >> jimmy: yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, okay [ laughter ] >> like, it's okay, y'all. i get it >> jimmy: that's the reaction. >> the new one is fun. >> jimmy: ooh? >> it's -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh >> it's "oh, you've been seeing me on 'abbott. you think i'm sexy thank you." >> jimmy: yeah that's what i'm talking about. e ceersda and applaemuse thatsi's exactlymi righto,adem i imwant to show everyoni e a cd here idos tyler ja mes willia ms in next weeo k's episod de of to"abbott elndementary." take a look at this. >> gregory, so how is your relasch going with your student's parenttoowal!a di e >> worst possible way to pghhran that former student's parent and it's going well. it's me and amber's first valentine's day so i want to get it righticeso aminor as'b! bought three gifts and i'm still trying to decide which two to send back >> oh. >> ooh, nail biter.ghimn well, i do fancy myself quite the gift giver so, if you need help -meio >>y j, va nt>> hello, evsteryoneto
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my lon so, i found this valentine in my mailboxto sent fromow, quote se!cret admirer." ees canddoy heart with my name on it is this from one of you guys [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: tyler james williams "abbott elementary" airs wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. on abc more "tonight show" after the break. stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause stick around, everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ ghthere's a imdifferent nway to treat hiv. it's every-other-month, injectable cabenuva. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by my healthcare provider, every other month. it's one less thing to think about while traveling. hiv pills aren't on my mind. a quick change in my plans is no big deal. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or taking certain medicines,
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show everybody hey, paul, it's grammy weekend >> it sure is grammy weekend >> it's a big deal it's a big -- what is your -- what is your pick for song of the year >> you know, there's so many great songs. first of all, beyonce did one of the best records of all time >> jimmy: yeah, they did [ cheers and applause beyonce's good sure >> i'm gonna let you finish. >> jimmy: you think it's beyonce? ah, yeah, that was a good one. >> taylor swift, you know. >> jimmy: yeah [ cheers and applause could be that. yeah >> and i mean, it could be - bonnie -- even bonnie raitt -- >> jimmy: yeah, she has a great one too, yeah. [ applause ] >> jimmy: mine is -- mine is "as it was," harry styles. >> harry styles. [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: that's my -- harry styles, "as it was," all the way. that is the song of the year for me >> that is amazing well, what is it that makes it song of the year why do you love it >> jimmy: it has a bit of everything that i love in it it has -- it's almost like it's filled with influences from all my favorite artists. like, let -- i'll show you what
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i mean can you give me a beat >> sure. ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, that's it. that's it. the beginning is kind of like -- it's kind of like bowie. has a bowie flow to it it's like -- ♪ holdin' me back ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ gravity's holdin' me back said the man from spac with a lightning bol on his face ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: and then it starts to really -- it starts to take off with the lyrics there a little bit. now it kind of -- it sounds like bob dylan-like, like very, very poetic kind of -- it's like -- ♪ answer the phone ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ harry you're no good alon why are you sittin' at hom on the floor ♪ ♪ what kind of pill are you on ♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: you know but then -- but then it's got this, like rapid-fire bridge at the end that goes really fast that i love. it's like riffing. it's almost like a little adam sandler at one point. it's like -- ♪
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[ unintelligible adam sandler noises ] [ laughter and applause >> jimmy: it's kind of like that it also could be kind of mick jagger-y too. 'cause there's like -- it's almost like -- ♪ go home get ahead light speed internet ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ i don't wanna talk abou i don't wanna talk about don't wanna talk not the same as it was ♪ >> jimmy: but then - ♪ then there's the chorus. there's that chorus that just -- that sticks in your head, you know ♪ and you start thinking to yourself, is it the same as it was? [ light laughter ] you know ♪ it's very springsteen almost ♪ you know [ cheers and applause "how you doing tonight?" [ cheers and applause "hey, any harry fans out there today? [ cheers and applause "not that many not that many. you know when i was growing up on the boardwalk --" [ laughter ] "-- in jersey. you know, we didn't have social media.
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you know, we didn't have twitter. ♪ [ cheers ] "no. we didn't have tiktok. ♪ "no, no. we didn't have instagram." ♪ [ cheers ] "no, we didn't have instagram, no no, we had -- we had instant grandma. [ laughter ] "it was an old lady. she would stand by the factory we'd walk up to her and we'd describe different things that we -- like a sunset or various brunch items that we had we'd tell her to - and she would say she didn't have that type of brunch when she was little, you know or sunsets but that's what it was like. i'd say, 'mary, is that the same as it was?' [ light laughter ] ♪ "i said, 'is that the same as it was?' [ cheers ] ♪ "is that the same as it was? one two three four!"
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♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ you know it's not the sam you know ♪ you know it's not the same a you know ♪ ♪ you kno it's not the same as you know ♪ you know it's not the ♪ >> jimmy: catch me come on! [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: oh, yeah hey, watch out ♪ oh, hey, come on be careful ♪ you kno you know it's not the same you know you know it's not the same ♪ >> jimmy: ow, ow ♪ you know ♪ >> jimmy: oh my, ow, let go! ♪ you know it's --♪ >> jimmy: that's my wig. ♪ you know ♪ ow oh my. ♪ you kno you know it's not the same
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as it was ♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. good luck to all the nominees. we'll be right back with more "tonight show," everybody. [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ you know it's not the sam you knowgh you know it's not the same you know ♪ t my
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(vo) at wells fargo, direct deposits come up to two days early with early pay day. what if everything came two days early? (hero) have a good weekend! alright now... have a good weekend. (co-worker) but it's wednesday... (co-worker 2) see you monday! (co-worker 3) am i missing something? (hero) it's the weekend baby... see you later. (vo) like getting things two days early? when it comes to payday, you can with wells fargo. (co-worker 4) what are you doing this weekend?
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> jimmy: my thanks to kit harington, tyler james williams, paul shaffer and the world's most dangerous band! thank you for watching stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers. goodnight, everybody
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[ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ♪ nh er >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight --lath kenan thompson star of broadway "chicago: the musical," actress jinkx monsoon. an all new "closer look, featuring the 8g band with daniel fang. ♪ [ cheers and applause and now, seth meyers >> seth: good evening, i'm seth meyers. and this "late night." we hope you're doing well tonight. and now if you don't mind, we're going to get to the news president biden on tuesday


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