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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  March 23, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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supposed to be there helping them. trees continue to fall across the bay area causing danger and damage. what you should do to stay safe. for many people, the worse fears were confirmed. the body of beloved radio deejay jeffrey vandergrift has been discovered. >> it's sad that he is gone. but he made an impact and i want him to know that. >> fans are paying tribute tonight. the news at 6 starts right now. good evening and thanks for being with us. >> days after that deadly storm, there's still fallout all over the bay area and we are tracking it. sky rangerover nevada today, a land sky crumpled a section of the boulevard. it's the only public road into
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that park. you can see that. park rangers say access is going to be closed off for awhile. and in pajara, it's the first time since the levee broke and flooded the community. people spent the morning sweeping mud out of their living rooms. in oakland, crews are working as quickly as possible to clear downed trees. they've received more than 200 calls just since tuesday night. >> it is a problem. that's where we begin this evening. people who live in tree-lined neighborhoods are being told to stay on alert. here's jodi hernandez. >> reporter: there are scenes like this across the bay area. this tree fell on top of a house and a car. experts warn we could see more. >> we heard a loud bang and seen a flag and a wire fall down. >> reporter: john describes the scary sites and sounds outside his house when a tree came down
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taking out power lines right along with it. two days later, his neighborhood is still a mess. fallen trees continue to cause worries. >> after the storms, trees continue to fall even after the rain stopped. it's a little -- it's a little scary driving through the hills and just, you know, making sure to watch out. >> it was scary. it was out of -- it really was out of, like, a -- you know, you're in a disaster movie. >> reporter: andrew says he barely made it home from work navigating through downed trees and power lines. only to find a big cyprus tree had come crashing down on his own garage and his family's electric car. crews finally made it out today to clear out the mess. >> cars are still under there and we don't know what the damage is to our garage. we haven't been able to get through to our car. >> it's been a lot of trees falling, a lot have been coming down on houses, cars. we have one here down on a garage. we see it everywhere.
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>> tree specialist says crews are doing their best to respond to all the emergencies. he says trees are so weakened, he expects many more to come down and everyone needs to be cautious. >> if you see any leaning trees, those are not something you want to put your car under or car around. just try to be -- try to be more aware of what's going on. >> i don't go jogging with headphones on. i have my head on a swivel out here. >> kevin says he's listening for the crackling noises of unstable trees as he walking through his neighborhood. he and his dog already had a close call. >> it would have taken out your windshield and flattened your truck. it just missed us. >> this one is top heavy. we get a little bit nervous when it sways. and then our other neighbors, redwood is split. it tends to be dangerous. >> reporter: residents are crossing their fingers there isn't much more damage.
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many plan to remove problem trees as soon as they can. we want to show you the current pg&e outage map. we have a new update. it shows some 13,000 customers are in the dark. 6,000 of those outages in the eastbound, 5,000 on the peninsula. those were two of the hardest-hit areas yesterday. north bay fairing well. 154 customers in the dark there. a sobering reality in pajara. people were allowed back into their homes but all of their possessions either muddy or gone. the community feels abandoned by those who were supposed to help them. we're back in pajara 28 years after he reported on a similar emergency in the same spot. >> i was here in pajara back in 1994 when the levee first broke. the entire town flooded. many here are asking now why did it happen again and where is the state and federal help.
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>> for the first time since they had to run from floodwaters 13 days ago, families in pajara were allowed to return home today. they spent their morning sweeping mud out of their living rooms and dragging mattresses out of their homes. the task was heartbreaking for many in this small farming town. margarita says she's filled with sadness. >> there's a lot of pain in this community. >> reporter: the river flowed into the town when the local levee broke. first responders had to rescue residents. today a line of cars waited to get back into town after the evacuation order was lifted. but they're coming back to this. mud-filled homes, cars abandoned in the emergency now useless. flood victims lined up to get
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cleaning supplies, first aid kits and bottled water, all from the red cross and monterey county. the sewage system isn't working and families are told not to drink the tap water. what you won't see is a center where people can apply for state and federal help. those agencies have yet to put boots on the ground and that angers the victims. fighting back tears, margarita says they feel abandoned. perhaps because they're a poor brown farm-working community. >> i'm asking our state and federal government, don't leave this community behind. >> reporter: the county supervisor says he's on the phone daily trying to get that help. fema has said it's waiting for the state to make the request. the state says it's still assessing. today the supervisor went so far as to suggest that if this was the wine country or any other affluent community, that state and federal help out of already
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arrived. >> i think for poor farm worker communities, like latino communities like pajara, they want the same respect and focus from our state and federal agencies. they were deemed essential workers during the pandemic, working to feed the nation while the entire country shut down. many here are asking why their recovery is not seen as essential now. >> it's the news that jeffrey vandergrift had been dreading. it's confirmed that a body recovered off pier 39 yesterday is that of the popular radio personality known as jv. he's been a staple of morning radio for decades. he was last seen february 23rd. a week after he was reported missing, his wife and fellow radio host issued a social media message saying that they got
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information that led him to believe that he would not be returning. the fans have been paying tribute to him in san francisco. many say they grew up listening to his dog house morning radio show. >> there's people that experienced it for more than 20. but he made an impact on me and so i'm going to -- i respect him and he's a huge memory of san francisco for me. >> there's been an outpouring of support for his co-workers and family. many tweeting their condolences. if you or someone you know is at risk and struggling, there's always help available 24/7. you can call that number on the screen, 988. you can chat with a counselor online at suicide prevention new details on that deadly police shooting in san jose. it happened in a neighborhood near the winchester mystery house. police closed off an avenue for hours. officers say a man with a
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machete and a gun broke into a townhome and took a mother and two children hostage. police are offering few details beyond that saying at some point during the negotiations, the suspect was shot by an officer and died at a hospital. none of the hostages were physically hurt. >> it's a traumatic experience for everybody involved. not just the family, but the officers as well. and as we progress with the investigation, we'll share more facts about that. >> investigators aren't saying if the suspect knew the family he was holding captive. the police chief will give a detailed timeline next week. the muslim community celebrates the first full day of ramadan, a center is on edge. they've been dealing with repeated burglaries and it's hoping that a public plea will lead to a break in the case. they've had four break-ins in the past six months. the center has been working with
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police since september but decided to make its concerns public at the city council meeting on tuesday. operation manager said the robberies are weighing heavily on the congregation. >> we have to be -- be intelligent. this is a muslim community. we don't want to play with these feelings, maybe they feel it's something related because of the ethnicity or something. >> police have shared this surveillance video of the alleged suspect on their facebook page. if you have any information to help with the case, check it out there, you can contact walnut creek pd. could this happen? could they ban tiktok? tiktok boasts a million users who call themselves fans, but tiktok faced a much chillier reception today looking into accusations that the popular app is a spy tool collecting critical data for the chinese government. here's scott budman. >> our witnesses today is
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mr. chew. chief executive officer of tiktok. >> reporter: with that, the ceo of the world's hottest company took the stand in front of congress trying to convince lawmakers the personal information of tiktok's 150 million american users is not being gathered by the chinese government. >> the bottom line is this, american data stored on american soil by an american company overseen by american personnel. >> but tiktok's owner bytedance is a chinese company. and representatives from both sides of the aisle not to mention groups like moms against tiktok, are united in calls to pan the app. >> tiktok is designed to attract our impressionable youth and groomers know this. >> there are security concerns about whether the data that people share in their tiktok videos can actually be acquired
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by the chinese government. >> those concerns have led to fears among tiktok users and creators that their platform may soon go away completely. >> tiktok has given the opportunity to showcase my talents. >> reporter: 25 states already restrict the use of tiktok on government devices. >> many misconceptions about a company and i'm proud to come here and represent them. >> reporter: tiktok has announced plans to store data on servers owned by oracle, a u.s. company, but that plan has not yet been approved. scott budman, nbc bay area news. a senate committee is calling on the ceos of failed banks to testify. it sent a letter today to the former leaders of silicon valley bank and signature bank. this effort is part of a larger investigation into the failures of these banks. the committee wants to know more about what it calls negligent business practices.
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especially why so many of their depositors had no insurance. the letters did not include a specific date for the ceos to appear. fighting to unionize. starbucks workers hit the streets in san francisco today. the message that they have for the company's new ceo. and the latest storm damage the african savannah aviary at the oakland zoo. the operation that's happening tonight to recapture the birds that flew the coop. we do have some sunshine to look forward. plus, it is going to get cold. but how cold. the full forecast coming up. stay with us. right now what happened when a southwest airlines pilot became incapacitated midflight? we'll tell you who stepped in. we're on a nato warship on a hunt for russian subs when we joy viewers in the west on nightly news.
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starbucks workers are flighting back against poor treatment of prounion workers. they're urging the companies's new ceo to take a welcoming approach to the grassroots organization matter. many starbucks workers have been pushing to unionize. but currently the movement has to go store by store. starbucks says we encourage workers to live up to their obligations by responding to our proposed sessions and meetings and meeting us in person to move the bargaining process forward. weather problems at the oakland zoo again affecting more than just the guests this time. the recent storms have caused a lot of problems for the zoo. giant sinkhole forced the park to close for 35 days at the beginning of the year and even the animals aren't safe from
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nature's wrath. not only did it damage the exhibit, it spooked six of the birds who flew the coop. janelle wang talked with the zoo ceo to find out more to try to get the birds back. >> we have people out 24 hours a day. they've got spotting scopes, they're tracking the birds. >> now, those efforts have paid off. according to the zoo, all the sparrows have been returned. the vulture is sitting in a nearby tree. the staff is waiting for the return of some birds as well. our ongoing coverage now of our climate in crisis and its impact on ocean kelp forests. the forest is seeing unprecedented decline. they say it's all due to an historic ocean heat wave that happened from 2014 until 2016. researchers looked at the impact of that heat wave. they're findings which were
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established today found that the heat caused the forest to decline by 80%. that's because the kelp grows better in cooler water. scientists found that similar forests grew back. >> the weather extremes which we have seen right here. at this point, the stretch of dry weather will be a welcome site and it's going to be here through the weekend. that's the good news. but it is going to get cold tonight. i want to make sure that you're prepared. right now in san francisco, we have this beautiful view, of course, a couple of dark clouds. that system is still working it's way out. you can see it right here on satellite radar. but we had another system to our north, that one is bringing in
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scattered shower activity through parts of northern california and there's still some snow coming down right now in the sierra. travel there might be difficult. it's also a little breezy as we settle into this dry pattern. we're going to see the cold front, so notice if i put the sometime stamp forward, we're talking 18, 20, potentially even 30s, especially into tomorrow around the coastline, san francisco, santa rosa, around half moon bay as well. let's talk about the frost advisory, in through napa and fairfield as well, there will be a frost advisory. that goes into effect starting at 4:00 a.m. and it does look like we're going to see this place all the way through sunday. for now, it's only the northbound. it wouldn't surprise me if the rest of the bay area began to fall into that category on saturday and sunday as we see those clear nights but also clear nights are going to bring clear days. let's talk about the weekend ahead. things are going to dry out. our temperatures are going to remain comfortable.
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daytime highs will be in the 50s and 60s for tomorrow as well. a new storm is already lining up out in the pacific. right now it looks like it's going to move in starting on monday into the coastline first before coming widespread by tuesday. here is the thing. it does look like another dynamic setup. what this means is, this could develop very quickly and intensify. that means it's going to be another wind event. as far as how strong these winds can get and the exact timing and rainfall totals, we'll know more as we inch closer. a lot of the systems, we can tell when they're making their arrival, but they've been intensifying within a matter of hours once they arrive. we're going to monitor that closely. we will be on the look out and prepare for that. the good thing is, we dry out behind that system again but your seven-day forecast, it's going to be beautiful.
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notice the 30s, that will be the story for the weekend before we inch closer towards that next storm system heading into monday and tuesday, and, yes, more sierra snow on top of an already 200% snow back for next week. >> more snow is coming? >> yeah, a lot more snow. >> thanks. up next, she's making delicious meals while pushing for change. how an east bay restauranteur is helping revolutionize employee safety. stay with us.
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you didn't chohoose cat allergies. your hairline. or that ththing where e your knee e just gives out t for no reaeason. but.t... you can chchoose your doctotor who willll care forr all ththe things you didndn't choose.e. kaisiser permanenente for alall that is s you.
6:23 pm
♪♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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tech layoffs are impacting the job listing platform. the company says it plans to lay off 15% of its employees. that's more than 2,000 people. the ceo has managed to avoid layoffs but that the downward revenue trends were undeniable. he cited a postpandemic cooldown on the job market as a major issue. cuts are expected to come from nearly every level of the company. walmart announcing today it's cutting hundreds of jobs across the country. the cuts will focus on five centers that focus on e-commerce orders. one of those is in chino, california in san bernardino county. inflation continues to fuel that drop in customer spending. as we celebrate international women's month, we want to highlight the work of an
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oakland restaurateur. she's diversifying the industry and helping revolutionize employee safety. the restaurant is called homeroom. it's in oakland. it's known for its wide variety of mac and cheese recipes. the owner has made it her mission to employee mostly women and hire people of color for leadership positions. she created a color-coded manual to protect her staff members against harassment by customers. that happens. yellow means her employees are getting a bad feeling, orange means inappropriate comments have been made by customers prompting a manager to step in, and red signals the customer has crossed the line and is asked to leave. >> if we're able to change this, it would actually be a sea change in terms of harassment in american society. >> and it is a problem for many restaurants. the method has been adopted actually now by the equal
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employment opportunity commission. the eeoc and is being used at various restaurants and bars nation. up next, the size of a skyscraper. when you could catch a glimpse of an asteroid. let's take a look inside 30 rock. lester holt is preparing for nightly news. you can see the control room right there. one of the stop stories, the dentist accused of murder. how he poisoned his wife. le when i was his age, we had to be inside to watch live sports. but with xfinity, we get the fastest mobile service and can stream down the street or around the block! hey, can you be leless sister, more car? all right, let's get this over with. swititch to xfininity mobile and d save big o on the neww sasamsung galalaxy s23 sere. i shouould get paiaid more f for this. you get t paid when n you wi. from xfifinity. homeme of t the 10g netetwork.
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i'm karen.n. i'm m living witith hiv and i'i'm on cabenenuva. for r adults who arare undetectctable, i'm m living witith hiv and i'i'm on cabenenuva. cabenuvava isis the only y complete,, lolong-acting g hiv treatmtmt you can n get every y other m. itit's two injnjections from a heaealthcare prprovid. lolong-acting g hiv treatmtmt you can n get every y other m. i i really likike the e flexibi. and fofor me, i i really likike the e flexibi. it's's one less s thing to t k about whwhile traveleling. don'n't receceive cabenunua if youou're a allergic it's's one less s thing to t k about whwhile traveleling. to itsts ingredienents of you u taking cerertain medicic, it's's one less s thing to t k about whwhile traveleling. whwhich may ininteract with c cabenuva. it's's one less s thing to t k about whwhile traveleling. seriouous side effffects ince allelergic reactctions postst-injectionon reactio,
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liver prproblems, and depresession. allelergic reactctions postst-injectionon reactio, if y you have a a rash and or allelergic reactction sympto, stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. tellll your doctctor if you e liver prproblems stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. or menental healthth conce, and if y you are preregnan, stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. breaeastfeeding,g, or consisidering preregnanc. stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. some of f the most c common e effects s include stop cababenuva and d get medidical help r right a. injectction-site r reactio, fefever, and t tiredness.. if y you switch h to caben, attend a all treatmtment appoinintmen. if y you switch h to caben, ready to t treat your r hiv in a a differentnt way? if y you switch h to caben, ask k your doctotor about every-otheher-month cacabenu. if y you switch h to caben, withth every-othther-month cabenuva,, i'm good t to go. withth every-othther-month cabenuva,,
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sunny this weekend. do you have any big plans? >> i'm going to watch an asteroid. >> an asteroid will be zooming past earth. astronomers discovered it in february. it's going to be visible saturday. mark it down. if you have a telescope, you might be able to catch a glimpse. it's a big moment because the asteroid only passes earth every ten years. we've been talking so much about the fallen trees and landslides. why exactly is all of this happening and are there signs you should look out for in your neighborhood? also, maybe the most famous houseboat in marin county is sinking. we'll show you what's happening to the taj mahal. that's coming up. up next, on patrol with nato.
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an explosive look at what's being protected under the water. lester holt joins us from new york next. tonight, tiktok on the hot seat before congress as momentum grows in washington to ban the popular app. tiktok's ceo grilled by lawmakers about national security concerns and its ties to china. what he says tiktok is doing to protect data on its 150 million american users, and the scathing questions from both sides of the aisle. also tonight, the 17-year-old suspect in a denver school shooting found dead. new details about his past trouble with the law. facing trial. the unprecedented ruling in michigan today for of an admitted school shooter. the cross-country storm on the move after rare tornadoes hit california. al roker is here with the latest. another mystery


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