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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 430  NBC  March 27, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm PDT

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right now at 4:30, a man shot dead by police after breaking into a san jose home and holding a woman and her two children hostage.s'pw
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the family says he was a stranger. the new information we're learning from police this afternoon. good afternoon. i'm audrey asistio. welcome to nbc bay area news at 4:30. our ian cull spoke to police just a few hours ago and is going to join us with the latest in just a few minutes. also, are you ready for it? there is more rain2 bay area. meteorologist rob mayeda is tracking the radar as the storm moves in as people across the bay area of course are preparing for possible damage. plus, a devastating update after a woman and her twin sons were hit by a suspect during a police chase last week. the woman died at the scene, and we are learning that one of her sons died this afternoon. our jodi hernandez is at the hospital speaking with the family. and a sigh of relief coming from silicon valley bank deposit holders after news that the bank was bought came down overnight. our business and tech reporter scott budman is going to join us later in our show with what this
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means and if people should feel their money is actually safe. but first, let's talk about new details that are emerging about a deadly police shooting in san jose. the suspect is accused of breaking into a home last week, using a machete to hold a mother and her two children hostage. well, today police explained 3ñ the man's motives and what led them to shoot. ian cull joins us now. ian, my goodness, when i heard about this, such a horrifying situation for that family. what are you learning today? >> so we covered this last wednesday night, thursday during the day. and then today the police chief really laid out more about what happened. they also released some pictures of the scene and the weapons they say eliobert gonzalez-rocha was armed with, including a machete and a gun. rocha broke into an apartment last wednesday on boynton avenue in san jose. police say he took a mother and her two boys aged 8 and 17 into hostage. officers could see into a room
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in the back window and they say the mother placed the 7-year-old in the closet, and rocha was instructing her and her 18-year-old son to kneel and tie each other up. the police chief says when he raised the machete, officers broke the window and one officer shot rocha multiple times. he later died at the hospital. the chief's the officer's actions saved lives. >> to say i'm proud of the officers does not begin to describe what it feels like to lead our amazing men and women. the successful rescue of this policeman is a testament of the dedication of the men and women of the san jose police department. >> you know, ian, i think a question a lot of people have right now is why. why did he go into their homes? did police explain a motive at all? >> they did talk about that. the suspect was actually recently evicted from that apartment complex and may have broken into the wrong apartment, because the family says that they did not know rocha at all. our sister station telemundo spoke with the father of the family who didn't want to be
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identified. he says the suspect was angry and demanded to get the apartment manager, or he said something bad was going to happen. police say that he was asking to get his keys back. so it's believed he may have broken in thinking that that would be the apartment manager's place or not. they're not sure. and that's still part of their continuing investigation. we'll have more on the story coming up at 5:30. >> all right, ian, thank you for that. appreciate it. we are continuing to follow sad news out of tennessee today. three students and three adults were killed this morning when a 28-year-old now identified as national resident audrey hale opened fire at a school in nashville. police say hale identifies as transgender and entered the school through a side door, and began firing. about 15 minutes later, officers shot and killed hale. the victims have been identified as three 9-year-old students as well as three adults in their 60s. >> there were so many police,
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and then the ambulances started pulling away from the school. and that's when i heard there was a school shooting. >> at one point, she was student at that school. but unsure what year all of that. but that's what i've been told so far. >> and police say the suspect was armed with at least two assault-type rifles and a handgun. at this point it's not clear how the shooter was able to get into that school. california governor gavin newsom reacting on twitter today saying, quote, we call ourselves land of the free yet our kids and teachers are gunned down in school and forced to live in fear of being killed while being educated. this isn't going to stop until we come together to pass basic gun safety laws in our nation. well, the search is on tonight -- this afternoon, i should say, for a hit-and-run driver who killed a mother and hurt her 11-year-old daughter. police say it happened just before 7:00 last night on blossom hill road as the two were crossing the street inside
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the crosswalk at leigh avenue. police believe a woman who was driving a blue-green honda ran a red light and hit the mother and child. the family dog was also hit and killed. this afternoon police say they made a major break in this case. >> the vehicle that was utilized in this hit-and-run was located just out of san jose borders, has been recovered, and it's just moments away from discovering who the driver was. i take the opportunity to urge that person who knows very well what happened to come to the police department and turn themselves in. >> and we have just confirmed that the 45-year-old mother who was killed was limin cao. her daughter was walking a bike and wearing a helmet. she suffered minor injuries to her chin and ankle. marianne favro spoke with the young girl today and we'll have more on the story at 5:00 tonight. wind gusts up to 60 miles per hour are predicted along the coast for the storm that is approaching the bay area
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tonight. the san francisco authorities are going beyond the usual advisories about sandbags and storm drains because repairs are still being made at a number of places, including salesforce tower east after winds of up to 78 miles per hour you'll remember last tuesday blew out windows there, and at least three other high-rise towers. a total of six high-rises have been damaged by winds in the last two weeks. two people also died and a police officer was critically injured by falling trees and branches. and people who live in some high-rise towers in the city say they've been getting notices by building management to get ready for another windstorm. >> our building is mid-70s. and the earthquake and some other things. but we got some notices be sure to keep our windows closed and secure anything that's on our patio which would be pretty easy for things to blow off.5q >> the u.s. coast guard is also telling people to have boats and barges in bay area harbors to
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make sure they're securely tied down. seven-foot swells in the bay last tuesday caused bay ferries to cancel service, and three large barges broke loose and crashed into a drawbridge in san francisco. you'll remember, we told you about that. it's not just san francisco. people all over the bay area are preparing for yet another storm coming in and the possible problems it could bring. so joining us now is nbc bay area's pete serrato. i know you're standing along a very populal7usñ street there t was heavily impacted during the last storm. i still see that red ñ>ks behind you saying "danger." a lot of trees came down in that area here in walnut creek. is the city nervous at this point that another storm is coming yet again? >> yeah, well, they're definitely prepared for it. residents are concerned about it. and we're standing along nacho valley boulevard. the sidewalk is still closed because a couple of weeks ago you had trees fall down blocking
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multiple lanes of traffic in this area. and i did get a chance to talk to the city. and they tell me that contractors that are needed remove those trees that you're looking at, well, they have a backlog of requests. that's why it's taking longer to remove these trees. usually it takes two to three days to remove it. as far as clearing up this specific area, that's still to be determined. >> i know you got a chance to speak with a woman who lives in concord who was trying to remove a tree inxñvu her area. and she was -- there was a close call for her as well, i understand, during the last storm. what is she telling you today? >> yeah, very close call for that woman. she was removing a redwood tree from her backyard. she says that a large branch from that tree fell into the fence. that prompted her to take action to remove that tree before tomorrow's storm. and she tells me her husband and kids lived inside. that was a close call. so she would rather be safe than sorry.
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that's why she was removing that tree this morning. >> rather be safe than sorry. pete, have you been able to speak with local officials at all? do they have any advice for all of us on how to stay prepared? because it seems like these forms are coming one after another. >> yeah, certainly feels like it's never ending. i just spoke with contra costa public works. they told me for folks to be aware of their surroundings and avoid travel if they can. >> all right. pete suratos, thank you so much for that. stay safe out there. okay. on a sunny day like today, time to enjoy it, right? you may want to enjoy a meal outside, of course. hundreds of people of san francisco restaurants have park lets for us to do just that. but they won't be around forever. we'll tell you about that in just a bit. rob made darks i'm looking at the view in san francisco. we needed this. >> we had 60s today.
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calm before the storm. pretty nice. we have increasing clouds. our first focus tonight will be the wind advisory starting in the north bay at 11:00 tonight. and then gusty wind and heavy rain. we've grown accustomed to this on tuesdays. another round coming in tomorrow morning. let's take a look at how things are shaping up. in terms of the wind advisory, it's the coastal areas, north bay hilltops, eventually san francisco down into the santa cruz mountains and east bay hills tomorrow morning. we will see gusts of 40 to 60 miles per hour. the peak of the winds, we're going to have tree issues and power issues likely midmorning tomorrow. you can see the time stamp. gusts around san francisco, 40 to 50 miles per hour. but improving conditions, at least in terms of the wind as we head towards tomorrow afternoon. those wind speeds will start to come down. so the peak impact of this incoming storm, the morning commute there on tuesday through about midday. rain starting to move south as we head towards the afternoon. and there is a chance, along with the cooler temperatures, we fct thunderstorms. so let's show you the timing now
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hour-by-hour in the storm. storm ranger already scanning a few showers in the north bay. look at the curls of the clouds offshore that is the rapidly deepening area of low pressure, which will drive the heavy rain at times and the gusty winds. and you're seeing it right there. 7:00 a.m. across the north bay to san francisco around 8:00 a.m. and the focus shifts to the central bay and south bay during the early afternoon. you see that bulls-eye right over the santa cruz mountains at 1:00 tomorrow afternoon. and that main rain line pushes out. but we're not done yet.4m as we can see scattered showers, a chance of some thunderstorms will be ongoing as we head into wednesday. and you'll see between tonight through wednesday, 5:00, those rain totals are going to add up. areas of red and purple showing you that rain potential of 2 to 4 inches in the wetter locations of the north bay mountains and santa cruz mountains by about wednesday evening. after that, we should catch a bit of a break. there are technically some rain chances ahead as we head towards the weekend that will be a storm not nearly as intense as what
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we're seeing rolling here. the seven-day forecast will provide a little break as get into thursday with a few more showers into next weekend. we'll have a closer look at the incoming storm of chief meteorologist jeff ranieri coming up today. back to you. >> rob, thank you. we're talking about a sunny day like today, you may want to enjoy a meal outside, right? hundreds of san francisco restaurants have parklets for doing just that, but they won't be around for that, unless owners meet an upcoming deadline. you remember parklets sprouted up out of necessity during the pandemic. but now a lot of restaurants want the keep them, of course. going forward, they will come at a price. san francisco shared space program is accepting applications through this friday, march 31st. business also have to pay $2,000 a year for parking spots that they want to keep as dining space. and there is a maximum of two spaces per business. >> the shared spaces program has helped retain and stabilize our small businesses and
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neighborhoods, and they've also allowed those folks to retain their employees and their jobs. >> get this. as of last week, the city had more than 700 parklet applications. almost 600 of them are renewals. the city is offering discount fees for smaller mom and pop businesses. all right. still ahead, we have the heartbreaking updates on that police chase in rodeo after a mother was killed when her 6-year-old son passed at the hospital today. we are going to hear from that family in just a few minutes. and silicon valleyy' taken over. but is your money safe? our business and tech reporter joins us next.
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♪♪ alexex! mateo, hey y how's busisiness? alexex! great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. thatat's what u.u.s. bank isis. great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. and d you're grorowing in calififornia? great. y you know ththat n has s really wororked wonder. -yup, , socal, nororcal... -monteterey? -all d day. -a brancnch in ventutura? that's's for sure-e-ah. atms in n fresno? that's's for sure-e-ah. freses-yes. that's's for sure-e-ah. encinitatas? yes, indndeed-us. encinitatas? anaheim? encinitatas? big g time. encinitatas? more guauacamole? encinitatas? i'i'm on a rololl-ay. encinitatas? how about t you? i'm jujust visitining. u.s.s. bank. ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h retatail bankingng in calififornia by j j.d. po.
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ranked #1 1 in customomer satisfafaction h whenen a truck h hit my car,, the insusurance compmpany wawasn't fair.r. i didn't k know what my case wawas worth, soso i called d the barneses f. callll the barnenes firm now, anand let us h help you gegt the bebest result t possible. ♪ call one eight huhundred, eight mimillio♪ the family of the victims of a crash that happened during a police pursuit in rodeo last week is speaking out today. they delivered the sad news this afternoon that one of the twins injured in that crash has passed away. 6-year-old jamari humble was taken off life support at children's hospital in oakland
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today. his 31-year-old mother died at the scene. and now just one twin, 6-year-old jamani is left. >> every day he asking where is mom, where is mom? where is his brother? mom need help, mom car is broken. that's the memories that he has. mom, cars broken. and that he seen his brother bleeding out his mouth. that's what he remembers. >> so heartbreaking. family says the tragedy would have never happened if police hadn't chased the stolen car suspects through a residential neighborhood. they are demanding an end to police pursuit. our jodi hernandez spent her day at the hospital and we'll have a full story with the family coming up tonight. well, you may have heard there is a new owner. the recently collapsed silicon valley bank. the fdic says north carolina's first citizens bank and trust is taking over all 17 former svb
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branches immediately. customers are being told to keep using their current branches and they'll automatically become custom mothers of first citizens. scott, you've been staying on top of this. i think a lot of people are wondering, what does this mean for those kpoz depositors and all the customers? >> it's good news for deposits or the and customers. although their money has been backed by the federal government earlier, this means there is now a new at least owner for the bank, if they choose to bank with them. >> sure, going forward. also good news for silicon valley bank employees. remember, you just said 17 branches. they were all thinking what is in the future if this thing shuts down. will we have jobs? many do, and that's good news. >> good news. but i think a lot of people are still hesitant. a lot of people are like is my money safe? should they feel that their money is safe? >> they should. but you're absolutely right there. is the fundamentals of this, and
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then there is the fear. we saw starting on march 10th when this thing collapsed, the fear really took over and trumped the fundamentals. we had a run on the bank. we had panicked selling. people pulling their money out the way we haven't seen since 2008. there is still a lot of fear, understandably right now. and do you go into not only svb or first citizens, but any sort of medium or small-sized bank right now being concerned about its future and its strength and its ability to back up your money. that's very understandable. the current owners are saying we're taking care of this. we're backed by the federal government. your money is safe. but psychology is psychology. >> absolutely, scott. so what's the future looking like for the bank center? >> i think the future is looking a little better. this was a good move. and remember, the whole thing that collapsed started with stock prices falling. today first citizens comes in and takes over a collapsed bank. its stock went up by 50%. clearly, investors are saying this is where the action is right now, and this is a good move. it's more important we look
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ahead and say our venture capitalist, are start-ups going to put their money in this bank? they had a friend in svb. is first citizen going to be the same sort of support? we'll see. but four now their money and jobs are secure. >> appreciate it. you may have heard this too. disney i is goingng to start th first of three s scheduledd rou of layofffs this week. chief executive bob iger sent out a memo saying 7,000 jobs will be cut. he said disney is attempting to slash its costs after the stock valuation plummeted last year. the cuts are expecteted to fini aaround thee start o of summer. and we've been keeping track with all of the layoffs, as you know. for latest, head to tracker. well, it is the largest planned parenthood affiliate in the country, and today the south bay site just expanded its services for underserved
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community. planned parenthood held a ribbon cutting ceremony the celebrate a first of its kind collaboration first of its kind collaboration between planned é"jp'd medical diagnostics company bud. the goal is to boost health equity by providing better, easier access for tests for sexually transmitted infections and provide results more quickly. >> we were excited. it's important for our community expanding health equity and health access, which is something we should all be incredibly proud of. >> this particular location serves nearly 300,000 people every year. 65% of those patients live below the federal poverty level. all right. let's head over to our anchor december now where janelle wang is working on the 5:00 newscast. >> nice to see you. happy monday. >> happy monday. >> we are talking about a lot of stuff, including international news. the u.s. and the country of mexico, they make a deal on stopping the war on drugs. the u.s. fighting a growing
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fentanyl crisis that appears to be taking young lives daily. raw materials, they often come from across the border from mexico. and mexico says it will try and go after these drug dealers trying to sell the synthetic opioid. what the country is asking for in return, though. and runway construction at sfo is happening over the next two months. what's being done and if it will impact you the next time you fly. all those stories and more coming up at 5:00. >> thank you so much. and let's take a live look from oracle park now. as the giants prepare to take on the a's and say goodbye to a fan favorite. hoy sergio romo is saying goodbye in the bay.
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welcome back. this afternoon the oakland zoo community is mourning the loss of one of its elephants. 46-year-old lisa was put down yesterday after years of health issues. lisa was an african elephant. came to the zoo back in 1979. and she has been enjoyed by
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generations of zoo workers, veterinarians, and zoo visitors, of course. despite putting lisa on a cutting edge therapy for her health issues, she kept getting worse the past few years. zoo officials say she has won a big place in a lot of people's hearts, and lisa's memory will be cherished by many. 49ers quarterback brock purdy still has to recover from elbow surgery. but once he does, it looks like he's got the keys to the franchise. there have been some debate of course over whether purdy or former first round draft pick trey lance should be qb 1 for the team. john lynch seems to put that debate to rest today. in an interview at the nfl owners meetings, lynch said that brock -- has probably earned that right to be the guy. and that if they were to line up, brock would probably take the first snap. 49ers are hoping purdy will get healthy in time to do just that. he is expected to take about six
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months to recover from surgery. let's talk about baseball now. san francisco giants' final exhibition game is tonight, and it will likely have a lot more emotional impact for giants fans than your average preseason outing. game is supposed to be a tune-up before the regular season kicks off on thursday. but it's also the last appearance for a giants legend. sergio romo signed a minor league deal with the team this off-season so he could retire a giant. he is going to pitch one last time tonight in the orange and black. romo won three world series championships with the team, was an all-star in 2013. and above all else, he is beloved by bay area fans. all right. thank you so much for joining us at 4:30. janelle is
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right now at 5:00, tragedy in the south bay. a mother on a walk with her
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daughter is killed by a hit-and-run driver. while the family grieves, police locate an important piece of evidence that they search for the driver. another nice day today after a glorious weekend. but we're hours away from a big change. the timeline for the next powerful storm. that's set to bring more rain and gusty winds. and we continue to learn new details about a deadly mass shooting in nashville that left three elementary school students and three staff members dead. the news at 5:00 starts right now. good monday, everyone. thanks for joining me. i'm janelle wang. the search is on right now in the south bay for a hit-and-run driver. police say that driver killed a mother and injured her daughter last night in san jose. but today a break in the case. nbc bay area's marianne favro is live in san jose with the developments and more on what happened last night. marianne?
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>> reporter: the mother and daughter were working in this crosswalk on leigh avenue and blossom hill road last night when they were hit bay car. i just spoke with the 11-year-old girl. she tells me she is devastated that her mother was killed, and she also showed me her injuries to both her chin and her ankle. she says she was walking her bike at the time and wearing a helmet. and she believes that that bike helmet may have prevented her from being more seriously hurt. today there are flowers where a 45-year-old los gatos mom was killed on blossom hill road. the coroner's office has identified her as limin cao. she was walking her dog and her 11-year-old daughter was pushing her bike across the crosswalk on blossom hill road, just before 7:00 last night. and a blue-green honda sedan hit them. police believes the driver ran a red light. >> walking in the crosswalk, had the legal right of way. they were doing exactly the right thing. the dr


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